CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY SAN LUIS OBISPO Su m m e r M ustang JULY 6,1995 VOLUME UX, No. 137 THURSDAY Vice President Koob picked Collectin' Spinnin' Tops to head-up his alma mater; to bid farewell next month By Mldiosl Koufmos torate, also in chemistry, from Sum m a Staff Writer the University of Kansas. Kouu was chair of the Cal Poly will lose one of its chemistry department at NDSU senior administrators to the for six years and chair of the ^ r V I University of Northern Iowa physics department there before next month. he was promoted to vice presi­ Senior Vice President and dent^______Vice President for Academic Af­ fairs Robert D. Koob will return Koob was selected for the to his alma mater on August 15, after being selected as UNI’s position for his excellence in ¿ ^ ^ «Í' next president. ^ V I ' Koob was selected for the leadership and communication position by the Iowa State Board of Regents for his excellence in abilities. leadership and his communica­ V 1 tion abilities, according to In a written statement. Presi­ m ^ / S . I Regents President Marvin dent Baker commented on Koob’s Pomerantz. service record at Cal Poly. Before coming to Cal Poly in “Bob’s great energy, intel­ 1990, Koob, 53, was vice presi­ ligence and skill have been of dent of academic affairs at North enormous benefit to Cal Poly," V ** *♦ ■ Dakota State University (NDSU) the statement said. "He has in Fargo, N.D. from 1985-90. He provided strong academic leader­ served as the university’s inter­ ship and helped the university im president for a year of that move forword under the most dif­ period. ± ficult circumstances.” According to a UNI press According to Daniel Howard- Environmental horticulture and science department professor Dan Lassansice discusses the history of the top as he release, Koob was selected as one Greene, executive assistamt to displays one from his collection / Photo by Lawrence Rodenborn of four flnalists in a pool of 92 the president, an interim vice nominees and applicants. He will president will be named in the be replacing Constantine W. near future. Howard-Greene Curtis,- who became president of could not specify further. Clemson University in South Selection of a permanent re­ A PROFESSOR’S TOYS Carolina on June 1. placement for Koob will be sub­ Koob graduated from UNI ject to a formal search process Tops as props professor shares his interest for toys with his studentswith a bachelor’s degree in but no date has been set for this chemistry. He earned his doc- either. By Midioel Kaufman Malaysia and Jakarta. senior , "Somedays he will bring Summet Stoff Writer Lassanske, an avid gardener in toys to use in his lecture. through both instruction and Somehow he ties everything Students without new photo IDs Cal Poly professors make im> together and makes his class pressive achievements outside more interesting.” of the classroom. Some teach "It's the people yoi meet along Lassanske said his reasons find trouble at the Rec Center English in far away nations, for collecting are many, but ex­ By Oistla Brotiy According to Marcy Maloney, some go on sabbatical and then the way that makes this type of plained that sharing his hobby Sum m « Staff Writer assistant director of Rec Sports, there’s Dan Lassanske. activity specioL" is the most important. Student Life and Activities ex­ Lassanske, environmental The veteran professor takes After saying smile nearly tended its hours for the first few horticulture and science depart­ an annual summer trip to the Don Lassanske 14,000 times, employees of Stu­ weeks of the quarter, and they ment professor, said he has East Coast to meet with other dent Life and Activities may are allowing students who were been collecting rare children’s Col Poly professor collectors. ^ enrolled during any quarter last toys for 25 years, making him have thought they were almost Al out his travels he said, done with the new campus iden­ year to get their ID photos taken one of the largest collectors on practice at home, sees toy col­ *It’s the people you meet along tification card process; but the during summer quarter. the West Coast. lecting as an escape. the way that makes this type of new cards created some unex­ "We called all the students His hobby began as a child “It’s just a diversion. My wife activity special.” pected problems. back who had the problem, but and flourished into a 9,000 and I use collecting as a source He also takes great joy in Since the campus began according to Student Life and Ac­ piece collection, which he enjoys of therapy,” he said. recognizing only the new IDs tivities only a few have gone to sharing with the public. One of Lassanske’s former sharing his collectibles with June 9, some students without get their new IDs,” she said. Most of the pieces were made students said the professor’s children in hospitals during the them have had a problem trying Another campus facility in the 19th century with some lectures are enhanced by his holidays, he said. to use the Rec Center. These stu­ developed a different solution to dating as far back as the 1700s. use of toys as learning tools. Growing up in Ibxas, his dents needed new IDs to get past handle the transition between The collection includes items “He is quite unique.” Said favorite toy as a young boy was the turnstiles at the entrance, old and new cards. from exotic lands such as Brian Milligan, a horticulture See TOYS page 8 but because they are not enrolled According to Sharon in summer school they could not Andresen, circulation supervisor get new cards. at Kennedy Library, the library’s SLO County judge arrested and charged forA joint DUI effort between Rec assistant dean made the decision Sports staff and Student Life and to honor the old IDs through Activities staff quickly brought June 30, since many students By Ryilsr M. Beery ing, Henn said. and slight weaving, pulled the Summer Staff Writer The prosecutor relayed this driver (Dufly)-over for suspected about a solution. See IDs page 8 information to a CHP officer who drunk driving. A San Luis Obispo Coimty Su­ had pulled over another driver The arresting officer said he INSIDE TODAY'S SUMMER MUSTANG perior Court Judge who is usual­ for speeding, Henn said. administered several fleld ly responsible for presiding over "Citizens will call on a cellular sobriety testa, including standing drunk driving cases, was ar­ phone or stop by a phone or call on one foot and counting back­ CRL POLV rested and charged with driving box to report suspicious drivers,” wards, and determined Duffy E l A Cai Poly professor snags under the influence of alcohol on Henn said. "People call all the may have been operating a E l ^ award all the way June 24. time.” vehicle while under the influence Judge Michael L. Dufly was Henn said an officer will at­ of alcohol. from Great Britain arrested and charged with DUI, tempt to locate the reported Dufly was administered two according to Ron Henn, a San vehicle, observe the driver’s ac­ breath testa at county jail which (IIIIS Luis Obispo County CHP public tions until he sees probable registered 0.08 percent and 0.07 111 "Apollo 13" is a July hit that affairs officer. cause to pull the driver over, percent. The minimum blood-al­ r-. According to the CHP, a wit­ such as weaving, speeding or cohol level in California for an MlLfTWY EOtfATiCW E J will leave you walking proud ness spotted Duffy on Highway driving below the speed limit, adult to be considered legally 101 and reported him for driving and then perform fleld sobriety drunk is 0.08. sporadically. tests. "No breath tests given in the Readi Us Spbiioii CRAf>HIC ARTS, 22Ó CAL PCXY the arresting of­ fleld can be used as evidence,” The witness, a Santa Barbara p S Randy Halstead says itsSa n Luis O b is p o , C A 9 3 ^ 7 Henn said. "The risk of con­ County prosecutor, was driving ficer located the white car, ob­ ■ 1 time to end gender Advertising: 7S6-1143 north on Highway 101 when he served the driver’s actions and tamination is too high.” Editorloi: 756-1796 observed a white convertible the car’s reactions for a short Henn said the CHP is re- segregation swerving on the road and speed­ while, and due to excessive speed See JUDGE page 8 Fox: 756-6784 SUMMER MUSTAKir.


Israel to leave West Bank Politics sway interest rates? Budget late; state still paying ly Dianno C d u i By Martin Outtingor By Doug W illi A^ociated Pies Associated Press Aaociated Press JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel confirmed new details Wednesday of an emerging breakthrough on expanding WASHING'TON (AP) — Federal Reserve policy­ SACRAMENTO (AP) — State operations continued Palestinian self-rule, but it also added a warning: attacks makers, who staunchly guard their independence, aren’t despite the lack of spending authority as Gov. Pete Wil­ on Israelis by militants opposed to the peace process likely to talk openly about politics during their delibera­ son and legislative leaders reported progress Wednesday must stop. tions this week. But with ChairmEm Alan Greenspan’s in their efforts to break a budget impasse. Foreign Minister Shimon Peres delivered the warning term up next year, the question of whether to cut interest After a 1 V2-hour private meeting with the Democratic with the announcement that Israel’s,withdrawal from the rates won’t be the only matter on their minds. and Republican leaders of the state Senate and Assemb­ West Bank will expand with phased troop pullouts from Fed officials convened closed-door discussionsly, WilsonWednes­ predicted that they would agree on a new four towns before Palestinian elections this year. day with pressure growing to cut rates to guEO'anteespending that plan for the state’s 1995-96 fiscal year before “I think that the Palestinians who enter the cities un­ the current period of economic weakness doesthe not Legislature’s turn scheduled summer recess on July 14. derstand very well that if there will be terrorism, every­ into a recession. Major issues dividing Democrats and Republicans in­ thing that was agreed upon will not stand the test of Some private economists argue that the upcoming cluding Democratic proposals to cut the state prison reality,” Peres told reporters. presidential election and Greenspan’s desire to be reap­ budget, GOP proposals to cut deeper into welfare grants, Scores of Israelis have been killed in attacks in the 14 pointed for a third four-year term as chairman next Wilson’s proposaJ for a taix cut and a new division of months since Palestinian self-rule was established in the March could well influence the deliberations. state-local responsibilities for welfare and other shared Gaza Strip and the West Bank area of Jericho under the “Greenspan certainly doesn’t want to create a reces­ programs. first stage of a September 1993 Israel-PLO accord. sion in an election year when he might be reappointed,” 'The state has been operating without the spending The West Bank pullout is far more complicated than said Sung Won Sohn, chief economist at Norwest Corp. in authority of a budget bill since the new fiscal year began the first stage because 135,000 Jewish settlers live Minneapolis. last Saturday. But there has been no disruption of ser­ throughout the territory — compared to 5,000 in Gaza Whatever the Fed decides is likely to be an extremely vices or payments, since most state employees were paid and none in Jericho. close call. Private economists have been vacillating be­ last Friday and many other payments are authorized by Nonetheless, Peres and Arafat set July 25 as a target tween predictions of an immediate rate cut and a belief court orders. that the central bank will prefer to wait until its August date for signing an agreement on a troop withdrawal. Wilson and leaders of both parties were cautiously op­ meeting because of mixed signals in recent economic Israeli Foreign Ministry director Uri Savir and Pales­ timistic about resolving the budget impasse after their reports. tinian Economics Minister Ahmed Qureia met Wednes­ meeting Wednesday. day in Jerusalem to begin working out final details of the “It could go either way. The Fed is divided and the accord. economic data is confusing,” said Allen Sinai, chief “I think there is a will to get it done," said Assembly Clinton administration officials said the agreement economist at Lehman Brothers Global Economics. Speaker Doris Allen, R-Cypress, adding that no agree­ ment was reached Wednesday on any of the big items probably would be signed in Washington. A final decision If the Fed does opt for an immediate rate cut, the an­ depends on the outcome of the negotiations, said State that have been stalling agreement on the $56 billion an­ nouncement should come Thursday afternoon, at the nual budget. Department spokesman Nicholas Bums. close of the second day of deliberations by the Federal Peres said Israel plans a phased pullout from parts of Open Market Committee. 'The committee is a 12-member “'There is not just a willingness, but an eagerness,” the West Bank over two years, starting with four towns panel of Fed governors and central bank presidents who added Wilson, whose campaign for the Republican — Nablus, Jenin, Qalqilya and 'Tulkarm — before Pales­ meet eight times a year to decide the course of interest nomination for president has been hampered by the tinian elections are held late this year. rates. budget impasse. “I think there will be a product that will A Palestinian official, speaking on condition of allow the Legislature to recess on time (July 14),” Wilson anonymity, said the initial pullout would begin four The stock market staged a strong rally Wednesday on added. weeks after the agreement is signed and end at least 25 hopes that the Fed will announce a rate cut. The Dow days before the voting. Jones industrial average jumped 30.08 to a record Wilson and legislative leaders planned to reconvene During the elections, arrangements would be made in 4,615.23, the first time the blue-chip gauge closed above their private budget negotiations 'Thursday afternoon, the three other large West Bank towns — Ramallah, 4,600. The bond market also staged a more modest rally after hearing reports from two special legislative task Bethlehem and Hebron — so that Israeli troops won’t be with demand for the 30-year 'Treasury bond pushing its forces created to work on the prisons budget and financ­ present when Palestinians go to the polls, Peres said._____ yield down to 6.60 percent. ing of shared state-local programs.

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I Summet Staff Writer Although there are “No kept working, publishing and ac­ among loved ones Trespassing” signs at those Entrances to Madonna Moun­ Cal Poly can add another cumulating knowledge, the main entrances, he said they haven’t By Anh Bui tain are restricted from public professor to the long list of those force that drives that kind of ac- access because people failed to who have received high praise tivity," Field said. ______AÚaiated Pies respect Alex Madonna’s land and recently. that of his neighbors, Madoraia "A lot of people come down Cal Poly graphic communica­ "It is quite a distinguishing LOS ANGELES (AP) — said. tions professor Gary Field has Actress Eva Gabor, youngest of honor for a colleague in our The Tassajara and La the mountain and use earned one of the highest the celebrated Gabor sisters best Entrada Street entrances to the photographic imaging scientist department to receive.” known for her role as a socialite popular hiking trails on the people's lawns as a bath­ awards from the Council of the stuck on a farm on television’s Patrick Munroe “Green Acres,” died 'Tuesday. She mountain were fenced off with Royal Photographic Society of was 74. additional barbed wire. “No room or let their dogs on Great Britain. Cal Poly professor trespassing" signs are now dis­ Less than 30 scientists Miss Gabor died from played at both entrances. II worldwide have received this it. As a professional engineer of respiratory distress and other in­ “A lot of people come down the Alex Madonne honor, which is to be considered fections, said Ron Wise, a the imaging sciences, Field does mountain and use people’s lawns as one of the highest qualified spokesman for Cedars-Sinai research on what constitutes the as a bathroom and let their dogs bothered any one who is ignoring professionals by the council, ac­ Medical Center. quality in images such as on it, or they use their water,” the signs and walking on the cording to a press release. photographs, video and pictorial She entered the hospital on Madonna said. “There have been property. According to graphic com­ displays. June 21 after falling and break­ people who have cut the wire Despite the warnings, the munications professor Patrick “Quality is based on the usual ing her hip. She was also found fences and who have left the mountain remains a popular Munroe, “It is quite a distin­ perception, details the human to be suffering from pneumonia, gates open. recreational spot for many guishing honor for a colleague in eye dissolves,” Field said. Wise said. “It’s a big hassle when the cat­ people. our department, who has labored This is Field’s second distinc- tle get out and get mixed up be­ “It’s a great place to get away for a number of years in the Several family members were tion from The Royal cause of the gates being left for some exercise and nice views. area, to receive.” at Miss Gabor’s bedside when Photographic Society of Great open,” he said. I like how it’s in such a con­ This award credits Field for she died. Wise said. Britain. In 1987 Field received According to Madonna a num­ venient location for a great hike,” over 24 years of research and his first fellowship in the area of 'The Hungarian-bom Eva — ber of wire fences have been cut, said human development senior publication in the department of education for writing and lectur­ pronounced AY va; sisters Zsa because “it’s more than just a Christina Fahlen. color and image-quality analysis. Scientists who give a sig­ ing. Zsa and Magda; and their prank, it takes some strength to People who wish to visit the mother, Jolie, all emigrated to get those wires off.” mountain can still obtain access nificant contribution to The society was established in knowledge are reviewed by a -1853 and it publishes profes­ the United States in the 1930s Madonna said he feels people at other places. Madonna recom­ and ‘40s. By the 1950s, the fami­ want to overtake the mountain. mended people park at Laguna panel of judges from the society sional journals, holds exhibi­ who then review previous work tions, sponsors scientific sym­ ly, especially Eva and Zsa Zsa, “I like people to enjoy the Lake Park, where there are had achieved worldwide and decide on that basis, Munroe posia, and promotes excellence in mountain, but it has gotten so restrooms and parking, to enter celebrity. bad that we had to do something the mountain. said. all aspects of the imaging arts “I’ve been doing research for and sciences. “'There are four women in our family, and we’re all doing well ...,” Miss Gabor said in a 1961 Study finds most lactose intolerant people can still drinkAssociated Pressmilk interview. daily “We worked very hard, but we were By Dolisi 0. Hasty author. cause intestinal misery for d’Hebron in Barcelona, Spain. also very lucky.” Associated Piess Those who blame milk for these people. But many claim A built-in backup system their digestive ills are likely tiny amounts cause problems. helps the body deal with BOSTON (AP) — Can a They say they cannot even modest amounts of milk Frederick von Anhalt, Zsa Zsa to be surprised and dubious. Gabor’s husband, described his single glass of milk cause gas, About one-()uarter of people ut milk on cereal or in cof- sugar, even when there is no cramps and bloating? Mil­ F.:ee. enzyme to help out. sister-in-law as a “brilliant, in the United States, and fabulous woman.” lions of Americans think so, three-quarters worldwide, are When lactose is not broken but a new study of lactose in­ “Lactose intolerance is an down during digestion, it pas­ lactose intolerant. 'They lack example of an intestinal ail­ “She didn’t deserve that sick­ tolerance concludes they’re an enzyme that allows them ses into the large intestine. ness and she didn’t deserve to wrong. to digest lactose, the sugar in ment that may be blamed for There, bacteria ferment the abdominal symptoms that die,” he said. “She was the most ‘The final result is, there is milk. sugar, producing fatty acids either are normal sensations wonderful woman I have ever virtually nobody out there and hydrogen gas. known. She was always sweet, who cannot tolerate a glass of Drinking large amounts of or have other causes ” wrote The gas is quickly con­ kind to everybody, always friend­ milk, such as a liter at one Dr. Juan-R. Malagelada of sumed Dy bacteria or ab­ milk a day,” said Dr. Michael ly, never a bad word.” D. Levitt, the study’s senior sitting, will almost certainly Hospital General Vail sorbed into the bloodstream.

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Jason D. Plemons Burning American Idghts This is the time of year when America swells up with patriotic pride. We have all come down Gender separation should be consistent... or not at all from the rush of watching the country celebrate another emniversary with spectacular, or not so spectacular, fireworks displays. We have all By began to recover from stuffing our faces with hamburgers and hot dogs. Our sunburns are beginning to peel, and we are back at work, Randy Halstead school, or both. So what better time to address an issue that is I just read that female-only math classes are get­ see in the morning is eight men sitting on open toilets one of the most fiery around? I’m talking about discussing the most effective way to fold the toilet flag desecration. ting great reviews all over the country. The House of Representatives recently passed My question is: Where are sill the outraged paper. their version of a fiag desecration amendment feminists on this one? Why does it seem that the same If military institutions such as the Citadel were to people who deplore segregation of the sexes in, say, with an overwhelming 312-120 final vote, 24 adhere to this concept of being totally -blind, there the military academies have no problem with men more than the two-thirds majority needed. The would be no way to justify separate bathrooms and being excluded from fitness centers, math classes and Senate will soon pick up the debate where it is showers. Aside from the obvious external differences, colleges? reportedly going to be a closer battle. studies have suggested that men £md women handle Some in the Democratic party are threatening Whenever there are reports of women being kept stress differently, approach problems differently, and out of male institutions, there is always the required to kill the amendment, while those in the generally react to most situations differently. Republican party are using it as part of their quote by Gloria Steinem, Patricia Ireland or someone campaign for the White House in 1996. else representing the National Organization for Now, am I saying that men and women are not The proposed amendment would allow each Women (NOW) condemning such practices. However, equal? No. Are the differences so great that we have state to write its own flag-protection laws and when men are not allowed into a place traditionally no hope of ever being able to relate to each other? No. overturn the landmark Supreme Court ruling in reserved for women, all we hear from NOW are the Do I ask too many questions? Probably. Texas v. Johnson that upheld flag burning as a sweet sounds of silence. If the women of Mills College think their campus is type of free speech. Does anyone remember the controversy surroxmd- This, in itself, is appalling. I could never un­ ing that happy little feminist breeding ground called safer without men, so be it. (Although, it is located Mills College? When financial considerations forced near a part of Oakland where you can hear gunfire al­ derstand, nor can I still, why the Republicans al­ the administration to begin admitting men, feminists ways seem so bent on curtailing our freedom of most every night. Oh well, that’s probably men shoot­ speech. It’s strange because this arg^ument comes were outraged. ing those guns, anyway.) Students were in tears threatening hunger strikes from a group of individuals who argue that If women feel more secure working-out with only and boycotts if men were let in; in short, they were government is too strong and it needs to be other women, fine. Heck, it may do some good to have using all the tactics usually reserved for protesting reduced from our lives. male-only gyms too. Just think of the doctor bills we segregation — not defending it. But go ahead and ask Why is it always the Republicans who favor would save by not getting muscle strains from tr^ng those same women if militEiry academies should be al­ such heinous acts of self indulgence? It seems to impress the ladies and keeping every major muscle lowed to keep out women and you’ll see a 180-degree the only time they use this is when they want to group flexed for the entire time we’re at the gym. stir the patriotic hearts of America, never mind shift in attitude. Suddenly, segregation is bad! the minds. My problem with the feminist position, as 1 have If ^rls do better in math classes without boys there heard it articulated, is that segregation is only wrong A constitutional amendment to curtail free intimidating, oppressing, or whatever-ing them, that’s vmless it benefits women. fine too. But don’t dare try to justify these examples speech? That doesn’t make much sense to me. There have been protests recently about golf cour­ Why don’t they just strike the entire First then turn around with righteous anger and denounce ses that have wanted to remain exclusively male. One the institutions that exclude women. Amendment? Fm sure that would make critics of of the arguments for continued exclusion of females is the media ecstatic. that they slow down play. Now seeing that my golfing I always thought the Bill of Rights was experience is limited to the miniature variety, I adopted to limit governmental power and not wouldn’t know. I do know, however, that the speed eu*- make it subject to majority vote. There is a gument was dismissed as sexist. reason we have these measures instilled in the But what are the arguments in support of female- Le h e r s P o l ic y fabric of our nation — to protect us from mob only fitness centers? Women want to feel safe to rule. The Bill of Rights is supposed to protect all workout without all the men ogling them. Wait a symbols, not just those sanctioned by the govern­ Mustang Daily welcomes letters and convnentaries from minute ladies. Isn’t there a sexist assumption hidden ment. in that argument? Do all men ogle? students, staff, and other community nwnbers. Letters If you feel that a piece of cloth, or nylon, often I believe that segregation of the sexes is just fine if should be typed, double spaced and under 250 words. made in Taiwan, is worth the price of freedom, it serves a purpose. I have no patience for hypocrites Commentaries should be typed, double spaced, and about you’re sadly mistaken. who pick and choose the segregation they see fit to 750 words And before anyone tries to play that condemn or condone on grounds of whether it benefits patriotism card against me by saying Fm an un­ their group. All authors must include a name, signature and phone patriotic “commie” and such, let me say that I If military institutions such as the Citadel want to number. Students should include their nxip r and class spent almost eight years serving in the military keep men and women sep£u*ate, it’s because of a dirty standing. Mustang Doily reserves the right to edit letters and continue to he a part of the reserve program. little secret that some people hate to hear: boys and for cbrity, grammar, and length. Fm not un-American. Expressing my views is girls are different. Yes, as hard as that is to swallow, very American. I did not swear to uphold and it’s true. Submissions can be brought, mailed, faxed or E-mailed to: defend the Constitution to just sit idly by while a When I went to boot camp, I had to do many things grroup of yahoos try to use false logic to win an that I would have a real hard time doing in the election. presence of women. If ail sexual segregation is wrong, Mustang Daily Some people may be swayed by this type of then who is the first woman willing to take a com­ Graphic Arts Bldg #226, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA rhetoric, hut not me. munal shower with a platoon of male Marines? 93407 Some will still see my views as un-American Another little quirk in the military is the existence FAX: (805) 756-6784 and unpatriotic. Well, so be it. This is still of bathrooms with either stalls with no doors or no E-Mail: err>assey^ America, for now. stalls whatsoever. Ladies, the last thing you want to SUMMER MUSTANG THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1995 5 ‘Flapping’ album soars toward a quality mixApollo of 13 sounds stirs By Hm Him JWcLou] ^ ty much covers the spectrum, Songwriter/guitarist/vocalist speaking foreign languages, and Summa Staff Writer playing pop with a twist. Josef Woodward writes most of studio racket. emotion and fear Band members refer to the the songs, and seems to find the By Jason D. Plemons The name of the album can They call themselves “flap­ word “flapping" as a term that perfect niche between the two ex­ Summet Managing Edit« also be attributed to flapping.’ ping, Flapping, FLAPPING." describes the point in their songs tremes that results in refreshing “'Ibx” is the name of the house This off-the-wall Santa Bar­ where they take a left turn and and entertaining verses to sing wiener dog, and after a few bara band released its first CD continue in that direction until along with. Pop quiz: You make your photographs of the mutt, the last month entitled “Tex” that in­ they have left the playing field money selling entertainment to The four members of this cover and title were created, corporates a variety of styles into where they started. the world but Bob Dole and the funky band — Tom Lackner, “fbx” is featured on the front and its thirteen songs. 'The confusing nature of their rest of the republicans are throw­ Bruce Winter, Josef Woodard, back covers lounging on his The band’s sound is reminis­ self-description is indicative of ing around insults about your and Rob Taylor — met at a plush red chair. cent of Crowded House or moral character and blasting the band itself. benefit concert where they were Squeeze, and its style is a com­ The lyrics from “Tex” are not The members take turns sing­ Hollywood, what are you going to playing with different groups. bination of the Gin Blossoms and typical, predictable, bonehead ing to achieve variety among the do? Answer: Send them to see Through “flapping. Flapping, songs. One of the more interest­ “Apollo 13.” Weezer. With songs ranging from phrases. But at the same time FLAPPING,” the members have slow, mellow rhythms to one en­ they are not too random that ing songs to listen to is “Elbow This is one film that is found a reconnection with their titled "100 MPH,” the band pret­ they can't be enjoyed. Grease,” sung by guitarist Rob guaranteed to stir the patriotic musical roots. Thylor. Taylor is totally off-key emotions in even the most cyni­ According to Woodard, the throughout the song, but some­ cal person. The movie — based band developed unique ‘flapping’ how this band manages to pull on the book “Lost Moon” by Jim sections in their songs that off the clash of vocals and melody Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger — is a created and explored new sounds to produce a catchy song with a chronicle of events the Apollo 13 and textures in their music. good beat. crew faced that forced the world “The world doesn’t need any “flapping. Flapping, FLAP­ to hold its collective breath in more long, noodling guitar solos,” PING” celebrated the release of 1970. Woodard said. “But, I think it their new CD last month by stag­ The film follows the three could stand a lot more explora­ ing a small “world tour” around astronauts, Lovell (Tbrn Hanks), tions of group ideas.” Ssmta Barbara. The band hopes Fred Haise (Bill Paxton) and Ken Mattingly (Gary Sinise) as they One of the more interesting to be signed by an independent label and looks forward to train for their flight to the moon. A few days before blastoff, be­ features on the album is the am­ another CD in the future. bient sounds that surface cause of his exposure to measles, throughout the songs. For ex­ According to Woodard, the Mattingly is replaced by Jack ample, in the background one group is just “a bunch of Swigert (Kevin Bacon). can pick up the sounds of Southern Californians trying to As the Apollo blasts off in children playing, wacky answer­ make the world safe for od­ dramatic fashion with spec­ ing-machine messages, women dballs.” tacular images, an apathetic public watches. It is an ironic twist in the ‘Valleyscape’shown at U.U. Galeriemovie that reflects the attitudes of a public who seems to view the CeiiMn M. Rdey While at Cal Poly, Cochran Space Shuttle missions of today Sum m a Staff Writef studied business and agriculture. as routine. During their journey to the Cal Poly alumni Robert He took some photo courses, also, moon, a scheduled television Cochran hopes to “help people but did not pursue a career in broadcast from space is dropped shift their concepts of reality” this field because of other by the networks in response to through his photographic images people’s insistence that he would the public’s lack of interest. on display in the University not be able to support himself Two-and-a-half days later, Union Galerie. that way. this attitude abruptly changes. Renaissance costumed for 11th festivalThe exhibit, “Valleyscapes: Cochran is grateful for his When a routine “stirring” of the Exploring Mythical Spaces,” is a education in agriculture however By Gistis Brady herself. crews oxygen supply results in compilation of Cochran’s black because, “It is what has enabled Summer Staff Writer The baseball diamond in the an onboard explosion, the public and white photographs taken in my exposure to the landscape.” front of the park will be home to is once again interested. the San Joaquin Valley. They are His photographs are on dis­ “Being a peasant is fun,” ac­ a game of rounders, the After the explosion, the tech­ an expression of the the artist’s play accompanied by quotes from cording to Rusty Zane, “because grandfather of modem softball, nicians in Mission Control must fascination with the area as both various sources. Music chosen by you get to wear linens and cotton and in the back of the park there solve problems never thought of a visually stunning landscape Cochran enhances the atmos­ instead of heavy velvet cos­ will be jousting and hand-to- in the planning stages of the mis­ and as a metaphor for “a' state of phere. hand combat by knights in sion. tumes.” mind outside of time.” directly to “This combination helps to armor. Should the spacecraft turn Zane, like approximately him put the viewer in a state of mind around immediately, or should it 1,000 other volunteers is prepar­ Visitors will also be able to Cochran has been intrigued where my message is better un­ continue past the moon and ing for the 11th annual Central purchase all types of authentic with photography since he was 7, derstood,” said Cochran. Coast Renaissance Festival in El slingshot back to Earth? How food from the era, including ribs when he received his first Art and design senior, Tbdd Chorro Regional Park, on the can the overtaxed electrical of beef, poultry, pastries, and of camera. He was an active Bohanna, said he particularly third and fourth weekends of supply be rationed out to give course fine wine and beer. photographer during junior high likes Cochran’s attention to July. school where he worked on the detail. them enough time to get home? For months, many of the fes­ For many of the vendors and yearbook staff. “The artist allows you to see But perhaps the most chal­ tival’s volunteers and vendors entertainers, playing in Renais­ His interest in photography detail through his photographs lenging problem facing Mission have been practicing the speech sance Festivals is their waned in high school but was that average pictures would Control is when the Apollo crew and mannerisms to match their livelihood; but for others like St. restored in college when he said allow to go unnoticed,” Bohanna is threatened by asphyxiation. 16th century costumes. Jude’s Guild member Judy Cas­ he spent his last $300-$400 on a said. “It takes you to a different When the‘crew of three is forced Most of the volunteers belong well, coming to the festival is camera. This time the art fol­ place.” to huddle together in the lunar to guilds — groups that get just a hobby. lowed him, and he has been The exhibit, will be on display module that was designed for together throughout the year to taking pictures since. through Thursday, July 20. two, the carbon dioxide buildup practice their historic per­ “I always liked theater and I reaches deadly levels. sonalities and plays to perform really get into my roles.” Caswell The carbon dioxide filters on at the festival. said. “I like to continue to the main spacecraft are not in­ Zane, mistress of the Peasant portray the character off stage, terchangeable with the filters on Guild, said her guild has been but it is difficult if others don’t the lunar module and the ground practicing improvisation and take their roles off stage as well. :rew must make a square peg fit putting together costumes since At the festival, your role lasts for into a round hole or the crew will March. The guild has about 75 a whole day or weekend.” die in space. The chain-smoking flight local members and 65 from out of Zane agreed saying she espe­ director (}ene Kranz (Ed Harris) the area. cially enjoys the peasant piles, holds down Mission Control, where the group finds a shady “At the end of the day [during while some of the major problem spot to nap, and it’s okay to get the festival], we sit around and solving comes from Mattingly, dirty, because “we are only sing drinking songs,” she said. “If who is pulled from his drunken peasants.” someone sings out of key, it’s depression to work in the flight okay, because our motto is 'It’s “It’s really an enthusiastic simulator and develop a plan okay, we’re only peasants.’” group,” Caswell said. “It’s a lot of that will conserve enough energy History Revisited, an educa­ fun to see them together. It’s just to get the Apollo home. tional, nonprofit organization, infectious.” Director Ron Howard does an incredible job making all the has been planning this fair since The Central Coast Renais­ last September, according to its various action come together sance Festival will be held July / clearly for the viewer. The over­ president Larry Gunn. 15, 16, 22, and 23 from 10am to |ft f all directing of this film is He estimates between 15,000 6pm daily at El Chorro Regional definitely topnotch. and 20,000 people will attend the Park. A shuttle is available to 1 . m ' ' On the screen, “Apollo 13” festival that will transform El take visitors from the Cuesta pulls off some visual stunners, Chorro Regional Park into a page College parking lot to the park. notably the initial rocket launch, out of 16th century history. Admission is $7 for adults, $5 for the separation of the boosters as There is oven talk of an ap­ youths 6-13 and seniors. A four- the spaceship soars away from pearance from Queen Elizabeth day pass is also available for $20. * ' % S«e APOLLO page 6 THURSDAY. JULY 6,1995 SUMMER MUSTANG British right-wing punished in latest government shake-up ly Moutm « JoImsm the whole party can and must of trouble expected this fall after tunities to thwart the govern­ most one-third of the 329 Con­ Asaioted Pies unite,” Major said after summon­ a judge releases a report on ment’s European policy. The servative legislators had not sup­ ing appointees by telephone to British arms sales to Iraq. Conservatives’ deepest divisions ported Major. LONDON (AP) — Armed with his office. In another big post. Major are on Britain’s role in the “If we have policies ... that do a leadership race victory, Prime Rifkind, 49, shares Major’s kept Chancellor of the Exchequer European Union, an issue which not take on board the view of the Minister John Major shook up view of keeping an open mind Kenneth Clarke as treasury many regard as a matter of na­ 111 (legislators) then the situa­ his Cabinet on Wednesday, about closer ties to the European chief. Clarke is also on the tional sovereignty. tion for the prime minister is in giving little to his part/s bruised Union — a stance that right- party’s left and a relative en­ Major announced the new 23- my view less tenable than it was right wing and keeping the big wing Tories staunchly oppose. He thusiast for Britain’s closer in­ member Cabinet a day after before,” he said. jobs for like-minded loyalists. succeeded Douglas Hurd, who tegration into the EU. taking two-thirds of the vote in a Major also sacked Jeremy But apart from firing the retires. Michael Portillo, who was challenge for the Conservative Hanley, the party chairman, and chairman of the governing Con­ Michael Heseltine, the flam­ poised to challenge Major from Party leadership by John Red­ replaced him with Brian servative Party, Major’s ap­ boyant trade secretary and a the right wing in a second round wood, a right-winger who quit Mawhinney, the former proach was cautious for a leader likely contender from the left if ballot, had his Employment the Cabinet to run. transport secretary. who just won a last chance to Tuesday’s leadership race had department merged with educa­ Major’s victory, after telling 'The two new right-wingers save his unpopular government gone to a second ballot, was tion and was promoted to his fractious party to back him or brought into the Cabinet, from electoral disaster. named deputy prime minister. Defense Secretary. sack him, means he will almost Michael Forsyth as Scottish In an extensive Cabinet shuf­ Major did not spell out Hesel- Observers saw this as a certainly now lead the Conserva­ Secretary and the youngest fle, Major named a trusted ally, tine’s new duties as deputy shrewd move — one that keeps tives to the next national elec­ Cabinet member, 34-year-old Malcolm Rifkind, as the foreign prime minister. However, offi­ Major’s rival busy and out of the tion, which must be held by the William H ague as Welsh secretary. Rifkind was previously cials said he would take a larger country often. spring of 1997. Secretary, are entrusted with defense secretary. role as a party spokesman, han­ At the Defense Department, However, William Walker, a areas where the Ibries have lit­ “It is a Cabinet behind which dling among other issues a wave Portillo will have few oppor­ Redwood backer, noted that al­ tle hope of electoral gains. APOLLO: Hanks, Bacon gives color to filmM roles o d c l’S (ica th pUtS fOCUS OH illh alailtS From page 5 decision- making skills. Earth, and the views of the 'The only drawback of this mo­ By WiU Lester Pembroke Pines, about 20 miles day use of inhalants like moon. The scenes of weightless tion picture is the lack of depth Associated Press north of Miami. Primatene can offer a “quick-fix” ness that were filmed aboard a to the main characters. 'The ac­ 'The 6-foot, 126-pound model, for mild asthma, but shouldn’t be high-flying Air Force plane af­ tors do a great job of trying to get MIAMI (AP) — With her who has appeared on the covers a substitute for medical treat­ forded the actors brief moments into the skins of the true life family doctor finding no history of teen magazines such as Seven­ ment if breathing problems con­ of zero gravity and add an un­ astronauts, but the screenplay of drug use or eating disorders, teen and YM, had been using tinue. deniable sense of realism to the fails slightly at creating a three speculation in the mysterious primatene for about a year be­ picture. dimensional aspect to the charac­ death of model Krissy Taylor cause of problems with shortness “Primatene is potentially Hanks is a perfect cast as ters. focused on the over-the-counter of breath, family members said. dangerous if the patient is not Lovell. His most powerful scene At a time when the space inhaler she had been using for Authorities noted she had used following medical advice,” said comes late in their journey when program is losing some public about a year. the inhaler within two hours of Dr. Burton Zweiman, chief of the he calms down his two partners support, “^)ollo 13” brings the Medical Examiner Joshua her death. allergy and immunology at as their dilemma threatens to drama and heroism of the Perper cautioned Wednesday it Her pediatrician. Dr. William University of Pennsylvania get the better of them. American astronaut back to vivid may take several weeks for Bruno, strongly denied Wednes­ hospital. “The relief may last no toxicology tests to come back, but day she had other problems in more than an hour and people Bacon brings a surprisingly life. Dubbed as one of NASA’s he questioned whether the unsu­ tend to use it more frequently if colorful cockiness to the fast­ best triumphs, this event is a her past that could have could pervised use of Primatene Mist they get into trouble.” living-bachelor style pilot in the spectacle to what can be done have caused the death, such as could have caused an irregular bunch, while Paxton suffers from when a group of people put their eating disorders or drug use. And heartbeat in an otherwise heal­ he said at no time did he Zweiman said medical a fever during most of the flight. minds to it. The film accomplishes the thy young womem. prescribe Primatene Mist or any research in the last decade has Kathleen Quinlan gives an in­ tricky task of bringing a histori­ “In all fairness, we do not other respiratory medication for shown that chronic asthma may credible depth of feeling and un­ cal event to life and making it ex­ really have a cause of death,” her. require stronger medicine, with derstanding to the compact role citing for many of us who were Perper said. “We have a pos­ The active ingredient in inhalant sprays like Primatene of Lovell’s omen-fearing wife. not there, or who were too young sibility, because Primatene may Primatene is epinephrine, or reserved for occasional use. Ed Harris does a brilliant job to remember. have contributed to her death.” adrenaline, which raises blood bringing intense moments to life Overall this film rates a bag of Taylor, 17, younger sister of pressure and increases the heart The maker of Primatene, as he takes chances in Mission popcorn, a large soda and a side 20-year-old supermodel Niki beat while relaxing muscles in Whitehall-Robins of Madison, Control; he surprises the viewer order of chocolate-covered Taylor, was found unconscious the bronchial tubes. NJ., defended the product as in every scene with snap raisins. Sunday in the family’s home in Asthma experts said Wednes­ safe if used properly. TRAFFIC SCHOOL advertise FREE TUITION DRAWING EVERY CLASS j IU i E I G s r r a l ( ol I . advertise • CkMSM nmmr campus • VIdaec ai vertjse • Saturdoyf/Waaknlghta Avollabla B o d ^ r e 1 -800-966-8373 a iveruse 0 «l an oxtra $ 3.00 off with any cempoHtor's od. ac vertise Your Campus Source for: ai vertjse

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SPECIES(R) * Fn -Thurs O' 30 2 00 4 30 ) 7 30 10,00 HUGE REC CENTER W ITH POOL, COMPUTER LAB, FIRST KNIGHT (PG-13) TOP-UNE NAUTILUS FITNESS CENTER; 70" BIG *Fn - Thurs (10 20 i .M 4 00) 7.00 9 50 SCREEN TV BATMAN FOREVER (PG-13) Located in the *Fri Thurs (1C ?C 105 -I.Ob) 7 05 iyÖGHTfMÖRWIN'POWER RANGE^'(PG) FREE PARKING & RESERVED GARAGE PARKING Fn -Thurs (11 00 1 00 300 50

Monday-Friday 7:45 A.M. - 4 EM. 555 Romona Dr/ San Luis Obispo BRÂV^HÈÂOT (R) * Fn, ■ TNirs~12^^3 3C 542-1450 SUMMER MUSTANG THURSDAY, JULY ó, 1995 Cal Poly opens doors forHomeless summer dogs escape death; find jobs ly Slav* Owstwnoi dents of the university by help­ CoImo M. Raley a better life through the hear­ In accordance with the SumiTW Staff Wiitw ing them develop leadership Summer Staff Writer ing dog program,” said Animal program’s no-kill policy, the skills through employment as Regulation Director Stephanie dogs who do not complete train­ Cal Poly has embarked on a coordinators, instructors and offi­ Tweed, Taz and Cher, once Ruggerone. ing are found nurturing homes. series of summer programs cials. homeless dogs in San Luis Monson said SPCA’s ul­ There are approximately designed to bring its learn by “It’s a way for kids to have Obispo, recently escaped timate goal is to save dogs’ 15,000 dogs who provide aid for doing motto to members of the fun,” Waldorf said, “and we have euthanization by fínding homes lives, “...but it’s really reward­ those with disabilities in the local and international com­ fun doing it.” with hearing-impaired in­ ing to see a scruffy looking, sick United States, according to the munity. Conference Services will also dividuals. dog get manners on it and turn Delta Society, a national service Both the Cal Poly Rec Center, offer 22 programs this summer, The three dogs are graduates organization that places and through Associated Students, covering such activities as of the San Francisco Society of trains service dogs. Inc., and the Office of Conference sports, language classes and an the Prevention of Cruelty to redly rewarding to see However, the SPCA Hearing Services are putting on more international dairy program. Animals Hearing Dog Program, a scruffy looking, sick dog turn Dog Program is one of the few than 20 combined recreational Conference Coordinator where they completed a four into a trainable, loving dog.” programs where dogs are not and instructional activities. Devon Shearer said the month training course. specifically bred for this type of The Rec Center’s Sports Sum­ programs help generate money “The dogs are trained to Shelley Monson work. mer Programs include tennis and for different departments on respond to individual noises by SPCA Trainer “I think that the seeing-eye- martial arts lessons and fo'.u* campus who sponsor events. 'The putting their paws in the lap of dog programs are missing the separate swim classes depending money is also used for a con­ a hearing impaired individual boat by not taking shelter and on skill level. The goal of the ference development fund for and guiding them back to the into a trainable, loving dog.” pound dogs who are trainable,” program is to provide children professors who would like to give sound,” said SPCA Trainer Hearing Dog Program Direc­ said Monson. ^nd young adults an opportunity a conference but need some seed Shelley Monson. tor Ralph Dennard reports that According to Dennard, dogs to develop new skills and make money to get one started, she The dogs were nominated as the SLO Animal Regulation are selected for training from new friends in a fun and safe en­ said. possible candidates for the Department has one of the shelters based on traits such as vironment. Other money goes toward a program after they were not highest placement records in age, size, friendliness, curiosity Summer Programs Coor­ trust fund for facilities on cam­ claimed by previous owners or the state. and activity level as opposed to dinator Amy Waldorf said the pus to make various repairs and adopted from the SLO Depart­ “As a result of excellent selection based on any par­ program has grown considerably improvements, she said. ment of Animal Regulation. prescreening, five of seven dogs ticular breed. in its second year through posi­ Their responsiveness was tested referred (from San Luis Obispo) In case you have never seen tive word of mouth. Shearer said the summer programs are going strong and using a pager. since 1991 have been placed a hearing dog, they can be iden­ “It’s been wonderful,” she and another one is about to that students of the university “We could see these dogs tified by their orange collars, said. “It went so well last year, might be trainable, so we made complete training,” Dennard leash and jacket while out with there was a lot more interest this gain from them because some of the revenue generated goes to arrangements to help them find said. their owners. year.” reducing fees for those living on Waldorf added that due to the popularity, Rec Sports added an campus. extra swimming class from last “They’re going really well,” Talk from space: astronaut astonishingly frank summer. she said. “Theyni be around for a The program also benefits stu- long time.” By Morda Duoi talk to anyone in English. It gets “I hope my family will be Asaioted Press real lonely without the family there and I’d like to give my wife around. and my kids lots of hugs and kis­ EMPLOYEES: To staff, caring is most importantSPACE CENTER, Houston “'The cultural isolation is ex­ ses,” Thagard said in a TV inter­ (AP) — From the beginning, treme,” the 52-year-old astronaut view Wednesday, one day after America’s astronauts were Gary said earlier this week. “If I’d Atlantis undocked from Mir. From page 8 in it for the money. Cooper in a spacesuit; unflap­ been looking at six months, I After 34 years and 100 U.S. Children’s Center to those at “Child care is an issue that is pable, laconic, colorless and ap­ would have been really worried human spaceflights, no one has other CSUs. very important,” she said. pealing because of it. at about three months that I ever provided — at least publicly Now comes NASA’s longest- Though the inquiry has been “Quality (of the care) is much wasn’t going to make it.” — such a frank view of space flying space traveler, astronaut- going on for about two years, more important than the money OK, it’s not exactly Oprah travel as 'Thagard. you are going to get.” physician Nonnan Thagard, who Winfrey stuff. But by NASA’s Harrigan said it will be com­ Bearers of 'The Right Stuff has been astonishingly frank — standards, it’s unburdening one’s pleted by the end of the summer. Though optimistic about the weren’t supposed to talk about by the space agency’s standards soul. the emotional or inconvenient “We’re going to review the future fattening of her paycheck, at least — about the hassles of All this ends Friday, when Allison admits that until the at­ side of space. The test pilots who whole program,” she said, “and his nearly four months in orbit. Thagard returns to Earth on At­ titude about child care changes, blazed the way into space during put more of a focus on it in the A few Thagard observations: lantis after a record 115 days in it will be tough to get a raise. next fiscal year.” The food is blah, and it’s a space. Nearly all that time was the 1960s were always “ready to “If we do anything at all while pain to record the meals for the spent on the Russian space sta­ go fly” and do what needed to be Lack of funds has been a sen­ we are here, it is to convince at doctors on the ground. Hardly tion Mir with two Russian cos­ done. Nothing, not even the sitive issue with the staff of the least one or two people that child any world news gets sent up. monauts, who also are coming near-fatal Apollo 13 flight in center, but Allison said she isn’t care is important.” Days go by without being able to back on the shuttle. 1970, seemed to faze them.


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»I 8 THURSDAY, M Y 6,1995 SUMMER MUSTANG IDs Children jr Center staff waits From page 1 -Vi»'

still did not have the new IDs. for overdue compensation Students who still have an old ID will have to get a new one before ly Steve CkesternoB who are even thinking about they can check out books. Summet Staff Writet getting pregnant are signing up “This is the ideal time for stu­ their kids,” she said. dents who still do not have new Last month the ASI Priority is given to student IDs to get them, since there are Children’s Center was on the parents, who comprise 51 per­ virtually no lines,” said Walt verge of being axed, but thanks cent of the center’s enrollment, Lambert, director of photo ID to a life-saving referendum with staff and faculty next, fol­ services. parents can still use the facility. lowed by children from the com­ Rec Sports has also ap­ More than 1,500 students munity. IN proached Student Life and Ac­ voted in May to raise fees 'The core staff of the center tivities about developing a new beginning next fall to $5 per holds either two- or four- year card for other eligible Rec Center student, per quarter, saving the degrees in Child Development users who do not have a card to center from the chopping block. and Early Childhood Education run through the scanners at the The center offers the only in­ and helps train Human door. fant and toddler program in Development majors from the “We are working with Student San Luis Obispo, and maintains university. Life and Activities to develop a a teacher-to-child ratio of 1:3. ’The Children’s Center has new card for spouses and eligible The Children’s Center offers proven to be convenient for stu­ alumni, which will give them ac­ four other programs designed to dents working there because of cess to the Rec Center," Maloney meet children’s individusd and its location on campus, and it is said. age-appropriate needs, includ­ practical for the staff who V. According to Lambert, the ing a transition class, preschool, receives free help. new card will have a difterent kindergarten, and Poly Trek- Despite the increase in stu­ face, so it can’t be used other kers summer program for dent fees to help funding, places, like the library. school-age children. teachers at the center have not “We will have to reprogram The center is open Monday received a pay raise in three the software to develop a new through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to years. template," he said. “We are 5:30 p.m. and currently has a According to ASI Executive hoping to have it ready by the two-year waiting list for the Director Polly Harrigan, there middle of August.” toddler to three-year-old is currently an investigation Speech communication junior Christie Cook bughs alongside three children Lambert said he expected programs, accor^ng to the head comparing the amount of money enjoying their tire ride on the Children's Center playground / Photo by these requests to begin coming in teacher Christina Allison. that goes into the Cal Poly Lawrence Rodenborn once the switch was made to the “Women who are pregnant or Sea EMPLOYEES page 7 new cards. “The next phase is to establish a committee to review the re­ quests for new types of IDs and Americorps to ‘get things done’ with local programs’ help use of the database information,” he said. “I can see a number of By Ryder M. Beery Probation Department, the and demonstrated the coordina­ parenting teens, substance-abus­ requests coming in over the next Summef Staff Writer Economic Opportunity Center, tion and willingness to work ing youth, preschoolers at Head few years.” the Homeless Shelter, Head together that was needed,” Start, illiterate children, and Tlie requests will range from AmeriCorps — the new Start, and Family Care Network, Baker said. those on probation. programming them with infor­ domestic Peace Corps — is com­ will act as hosts and sponsors of mation that will allow students ing to San Luis Obispo County. selected AmeriCorps volunteers. Dale Magee, program director “We (the Private Industry Council of San Luis Obispo to open computer lab doors, to re­ AmeriCorps is the new na­ According to Americorps, it of AmeriCorps Community Ser­ County) are sponsoring three questing the creation of special tional-service movement, currently has 20,000 members vice Center of San Luis Obispo AmeriCorps members,” Baker IDs for people visiting the cam­ spawned by the 1993 National working in 300 programs County, said that in exchange for said. “All of the agencies will puses during conferences, he and Community Service 'Trust throughout the United States. a year of full or part-time ser­ sponsor several members and said. Act spearheaded by President vice, AmeriCorps members earn Bill Clinton, that engages San Luis Obispo County was health care and education place them in various programs Lambert said he has already thousands of Americans of all recently awarded a grant from awards of up to $4,700, along throughout their respective been approached by faculty who ages and backgrounds to “get the Department of Education to with a small living stipend. agencies.” would like the pictures of all the things done” in their own com­ help increase the school success students on their role sheets. munities. of high-risk youth and decrease “'The (AmeriCorps) members Applicants must be at least “Right now, we are not giving Meg Baker of the Private In­ juvenile crime and drug abuse. must use the $4,700 to help pay 17, with either a high school out any information from our dustry Council of San Luis back student loans or finance col- diploma or a General Equivalen­ database,” he said, “but the com­ Obispo County explained that “San Luis Obispo County won leg®. graduate school, or voca­ cy Diploma (GED) certificate. mittee would be established to eight agencies, including the the grant because of the coalition tional training,” Baker said. AmeriCorps is looking for de­ review these types of requests.” of agencies that came together pendable, , community- minded team players with The San Luis Obispo County leadership qualities. AmeriCorps program is recruit­ State leaders denounce base closuresing a team of 38 members to People interested in making a work with high-risk youth in difference in their community promise that would turn about By David Wd&ans McClellan has 13,300 mentoring and tutoring projects. while gaining valuable work ex­ Asockited Pies employees, most of them half of McClellan’s jobs over to perience and earning money the private sector. civilians, and is the largest in­ Youths to be served include: towards college, should call SACRAMENTO (AP) — dustrial employer in Northern California politicians on Wednes­ Defense Secretary William homeless children, pregnant and 544-8740 for an application. California. It repairs and main­ Perry intended to recommend day blasted a Pentagon proposal tains military airplanes, espe­ that could save up to half the that Clinton press for just the cially complex electrical systems. one change in California, accord­ TOYS: Lassanske’s collectibles get their privacy jobs that would be lost by the The commission ignored a closure of McClellan Air Force ing to defense officials, who Pentagon recommendation to spoke on condition of anonymity. Base. From page 1 Wall-to-wall glass cases dis­ reduce McClellan’s workforce 'Die Pentagon Is willing to accept U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer and the spinning top. He became play the diverse accumulation of and instead decided to close the the commission’s dozens of other Gov. Pete Wilson both called the proficient in performing tricks, toys in his collection room. base because of lack of work. recommendations. compromise plan unacceptable McClellan workers are unhap­ and as a result, continued his His collections were displayed and urged President Clinton to py to be on an emotional roller hobby into his adult years, he in the University Union Gallerie reject it. The Perry plan would not stop McClellan from closing, but it said. 12 years ago. Participants were “He should reject it in its en­ Lassanske’s most exotic piece allowed to spin tops and handle tirety ... rather than try to would allow the Air Force to hire private companies to do the is a top made for the presidential other toys instead of just window fashion some kind of half-baked "(Cfinton) should reject it in its campaign of William Mckinley. shopping the collection. political solution,” said Wilson, base’s maintenance work, the of­ entirety^rather than try to ficials said. Inscribed on the top is “Mckinley Lassanske said his hobby dif­ who is seeking the Republican on Top.” The proud collector ex­ fers from those usually as­ nomination for president. fashion half-baked politkan It is presumed the work would plained that, to his knowledge, sociated with money, such as a The Pentagon compromise solution." go to California aerospace firms, there are only three in existence. coin collector. would turn about half of McClel­ Gov. Pete Wilson but that is not guaranteed. That Lassanske’s collection has “The monetary value isn’t as lan’s aircraft maintenance jobs is why Boxer and Sen. Dianne grown so large that he had to important to me as the fact that over to the private sector, to Feinstein, D-Calif., have rejected build an addition to his two-story these toys are a reminder of my cushion the blow of the base’s the proposal. Victorian home. childhood.” closure to the Sacramento coaster. economy. “It’s like being on death row, Boxer, a Democrat like Clin­ and they put you into the gas JUDGE:Reversal of roles has judge waiting for his day court as defendant ton, said she warned the presi­ chamber and at the last minute From page 1 dent that the proposed closure of they pull you out. 'Then the next how the suspects would react to he will. six bases in recession-hit Califor­ a judge who was, himself ar­ week put you in again,” said quired by law to take two breath “The penalties for a felony nia would hurt the state’s rested for drunk driving hearing Fred Shuler, who works at tests to make sure they are ac­ drunk driving are quite exten­ economy and military prepared­ McClellan. “I wish they’d just get their case. curate. “If there is a discrepancy sive,” Herm said. “However, if ness. of 0.03 percent, we have to it over with.” Duffy has been assigned to the suspect has a good driving “'The closure of McClellan, Clinton has a political dilem­ retest,” Henn said. hear only civil cases while his record, is a good citizen and a under any circumstances, would ma because base closures have Attorney Louis Koory said the case is pending. responsible party, the charge is pendulum might be swung the be unacceptable,” Boxer said. fallen heavily on California, a often reduced to a wet reckless,” She also called on the president state with 54 electoral votes that other way in this case to prove a He is scheduled to be is considered crucial to his re- to save the Long Beach Naval point. arraigned July 19. According to A wet reckless is reckless election next year. Because Dufly hears criminal Shipyard, the Oakland Army Henn, the district attorney will driving involving alcohol. It is On Wednesday, the Pentagon cases, several of which are drunk Base and Onizuka Air Force look at the police report. If there still a misdemeanor, but the fíne Base in Sunnyvale. urged Clinton to accept a com­ driving cases, Koory wondered is sufficient ground to prosecute. is not as severe.