CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY SAN LUIS OBISPO Su m m e r M ustang JULY 6,1995 VOLUME UX, No. 137 THURSDAY Vice President Koob picked Collectin' Spinnin' Tops to head-up his alma mater; to bid farewell next month By Mldiosl Koufmos torate, also in chemistry, from Sum m a Staff Writer the University of Kansas. Kouu was chair of the Cal Poly will lose one of its chemistry department at NDSU senior administrators to the for six years and chair of the ^ r V I University of Northern Iowa physics department there before next month. he was promoted to vice presi­ Senior Vice President and dent^______ Vice President for Academic Af­ fairs Robert D. Koob will return Koob was selected for the to his alma mater on August 15, after being selected as UNI’s position for his excellence in ¿ ^ ^ «Í' next president. ^ V I ' Koob was selected for the leadership and communication position by the Iowa State Board of Regents for his excellence in abilities. leadership and his communica­ V 1 tion abilities, according to In a written statement. Presi­ m ^ / S . I Regents President Marvin dent Baker commented on Koob’s Pomerantz. service record at Cal Poly. Before coming to Cal Poly in “Bob’s great energy, intel­ 1990, Koob, 53, was vice presi­ ligence and skill have been of dent of academic affairs at North enormous benefit to Cal Poly," V ** *♦ ■ Dakota State University (NDSU) the statement said. "He has in Fargo, N.D. from 1985-90. He provided strong academic leader­ served as the university’s inter­ ship and helped the university im president for a year of that move forword under the most dif­ period. ± ficult circumstances.” According to a UNI press According to Daniel Howard- Environmental horticulture and science department professor Dan Lassansice discusses the history of the top as he release, Koob was selected as one Greene, executive assistamt to displays one from his collection / Photo by Lawrence Rodenborn of four flnalists in a pool of 92 the president, an interim vice nominees and applicants. He will president will be named in the be replacing Constantine W. near future. Howard-Greene Curtis,- who became president of could not specify further. Clemson University in South Selection of a permanent re­ A PROFESSOR’S TOYS Carolina on June 1. placement for Koob will be sub­ Koob graduated from UNI ject to a formal search process Tops as props professor shares his interest for toys with his studentswith a bachelor’s degree in but no date has been set for this chemistry. He earned his doc- either. By Midioel Kaufman Malaysia and Jakarta. senior , "Somedays he will bring Summet Stoff Writer Lassanske, an avid gardener in toys to use in his lecture. through both instruction and Somehow he ties everything Students without new photo IDs Cal Poly professors make im> together and makes his class pressive achievements outside more interesting.” of the classroom. Some teach "It's the people yoi meet along Lassanske said his reasons find trouble at the Rec Center English in far away nations, for collecting are many, but ex­ By Oistla Brotiy According to Marcy Maloney, some go on sabbatical and then the way that makes this type of plained that sharing his hobby Sum m « Staff Writer assistant director of Rec Sports, there’s Dan Lassanske. activity specioL" is the most important. Student Life and Activities ex­ Lassanske, environmental The veteran professor takes After saying smile nearly tended its hours for the first few horticulture and science depart­ an annual summer trip to the Don Lassanske 14,000 times, employees of Stu­ weeks of the quarter, and they ment professor, said he has East Coast to meet with other dent Life and Activities may are allowing students who were been collecting rare children’s Col Poly professor collectors. ^ enrolled during any quarter last toys for 25 years, making him have thought they were almost Al out his travels he said, done with the new campus iden­ year to get their ID photos taken one of the largest collectors on practice at home, sees toy col­ *It’s the people you meet along tification card process; but the during summer quarter. the West Coast. lecting as an escape. the way that makes this type of new cards created some unex­ "We called all the students His hobby began as a child “It’s just a diversion. My wife activity special.” pected problems. back who had the problem, but and flourished into a 9,000 and I use collecting as a source He also takes great joy in Since the campus began according to Student Life and Ac­ piece collection, which he enjoys of therapy,” he said. recognizing only the new IDs tivities only a few have gone to sharing with the public. One of Lassanske’s former sharing his collectibles with June 9, some students without get their new IDs,” she said. Most of the pieces were made students said the professor’s children in hospitals during the them have had a problem trying Another campus facility in the 19th century with some lectures are enhanced by his holidays, he said. to use the Rec Center. These stu­ developed a different solution to dating as far back as the 1700s. use of toys as learning tools. Growing up in Ibxas, his dents needed new IDs to get past handle the transition between The collection includes items “He is quite unique.” Said favorite toy as a young boy was the turnstiles at the entrance, old and new cards. from exotic lands such as Brian Milligan, a horticulture See TOYS page 8 but because they are not enrolled According to Sharon in summer school they could not Andresen, circulation supervisor get new cards. at Kennedy Library, the library’s SLO County judge arrested and charged forA joint DUI effort between Rec assistant dean made the decision Sports staff and Student Life and to honor the old IDs through Activities staff quickly brought June 30, since many students By Ryilsr M. Beery ing, Henn said. and slight weaving, pulled the Summer Staff Writer The prosecutor relayed this driver (Dufly)-over for suspected about a solution. See IDs page 8 information to a CHP officer who drunk driving. A San Luis Obispo Coimty Su­ had pulled over another driver The arresting officer said he INSIDE TODAY'S SUMMER MUSTANG perior Court Judge who is usual­ for speeding, Henn said. administered several fleld ly responsible for presiding over "Citizens will call on a cellular sobriety testa, including standing drunk driving cases, was ar­ phone or stop by a phone or call on one foot and counting back­ CRL POLV rested and charged with driving box to report suspicious drivers,” wards, and determined Duffy E l A Cai Poly professor snags under the influence of alcohol on Henn said. "People call all the may have been operating a E l ^ award all the way June 24. time.” vehicle while under the influence Judge Michael L. Dufly was Henn said an officer will at­ of alcohol. from Great Britain arrested and charged with DUI, tempt to locate the reported Dufly was administered two according to Ron Henn, a San vehicle, observe the driver’s ac­ breath testa at county jail which (IIIIS Luis Obispo County CHP public tions until he sees probable registered 0.08 percent and 0.07 111 "Apollo 13" is a July hit that affairs officer. cause to pull the driver over, percent. The minimum blood-al­ r-. According to the CHP, a wit­ such as weaving, speeding or cohol level in California for an MlLfTWY EOtfATiCW E J will leave you walking proud ness spotted Duffy on Highway driving below the speed limit, adult to be considered legally 101 and reported him for driving and then perform fleld sobriety drunk is 0.08. sporadically. tests. "No breath tests given in the Readi Us Spbiioii CRAf>HIC ARTS, 22Ó CAL PCXY In this case the arresting of­ fleld can be used as evidence,” The witness, a Santa Barbara p S Randy Halstead says itsSa n Luis O b is p o , C A 9 3 ^ 7 Henn said. "The risk of con­ County prosecutor, was driving ficer located the white car, ob­ ■ 1 time to end gender Advertising: 7S6-1143 north on Highway 101 when he served the driver’s actions and tamination is too high.” Editorloi: 756-1796 observed a white convertible the car’s reactions for a short Henn said the CHP is re- segregation swerving on the road and speed­ while, and due to excessive speed See JUDGE page 8 Fox: 756-6784 SUMMER MUSTAKir. WORLD STATE Israel to leave West Bank Politics sway interest rates? Budget late; state still paying ly Dianno C d u i By Martin Outtingor By Doug W illi A^ociated Pies Associated Press Aaociated Press JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel confirmed new details Wednesday of an emerging breakthrough on expanding WASHING'TON (AP) — Federal Reserve policy­ SACRAMENTO (AP) — State operations continued Palestinian self-rule, but it also added a warning: attacks makers, who staunchly guard their independence, aren’t despite the lack of spending authority as Gov. Pete Wil­ on Israelis by militants opposed to the peace process likely to talk openly about politics during their delibera­ son and legislative leaders reported progress Wednesday must stop. tions this week. But with ChairmEm Alan Greenspan’s in their efforts to break a budget impasse. Foreign Minister Shimon Peres delivered the warning term up next year, the question of whether to cut interest After a 1 V2-hour private meeting with the Democratic with the announcement that Israel’s,withdrawal from the rates won’t be the only matter on their minds.
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