English.SCACOM issue 3 (July 2008 ) Issue 3 www.scacom.de.vu July 2008 GGGGoooolllllldddd QQQQuuuueeeesssstttt 4444```` MMMMaaaakkkkiiiinnnngggg ooooffff NNNNyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! 11111111 !!!!nnnntttteeeerrrrvvvviiiieeeewwww wwwwiiiitttthhhh TTTThhhhoooorrrrsssstttteeeennnn SSSScccchhhhrrrreeeecccckkkk IIIInnnntttteeeerrrreeeessssttttiiiinnnngggg tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggssss BBBBeeeesssstttt rrrrCCCC66664444 GGGGaaaammmmeeeessss LLLLiiiisssstttt BBBBaaaarrrraaaaccccuuuuddddaaaassss ssssttttoooorrrryyyy aaa aaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Page - 1 -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaa aaa English.SCACOM issue 3 (July 2008 ) aaa aaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Page - 2 -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaa aaa English.SCACOM issue 3 (July 2008 ) Prologue . English SCACOM issue 3 with beautiful Imprint background pictures, interesting texts and a good game done by Richard Bayliss! English SCACOM is a free download- able PDF magazine.It’s scheduled every 3 months. First test of the new 1541U is included as well as the news from the last three month. There You can publish the magazine on your are a lot of interesting articles and the story of homepage without changes and link to www.scacom.de.vu only. the new game Gold Quest 4 with an Interview of the developer. Each author has Copyright of articles published in the magazine. Don’t use But it’s sad that there was very little feedback without permission of the author! for issue 2. Too nobody sent us texts or wants The best way to help would be if you to translate things. Due to this problems Eng- write some articles for us. lish.SCACOM is now scheduled every three Please send suggestions, corrections months. The next one will be released in Oc- or complaints via e-mail. tober 2008! Editoral staff: Please help us: write articles and give feed- Stefan Egger back. Write an E-mail to Joel Reisinger
[email protected].