C=J ~~:~~I~=~~Dotbin~~~ - Bhutan ~8 Rit1sh Ln(.Lla TRA Incomalee I )=!;;~ 'T/Hndian States and Terntor1cs 100 0 100 200 300 400 on Miles Notes Chapter 1 I
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161 CHIN A AFGHANISTAN T I 8 E T ARABIAN BAY SEA OF BENGAL INDIA 1940 c=J ~~:~~i~=~~dotbin~~~ - Bhutan ~8 rit1sh ln(.lla TRA incomalee I )=!;;~ 't/Hndian States and Terntor1cs 100 0 100 200 300 400 ON Miles Notes Chapter 1 I. Between 1870 and 1914 British exports to her traditional markets in Europe and North America were being affected by indigenous industrial development and tariff barriers, while her imports from these countries continued at the same level. India, on the other hand, was exporting much more in the form of raw materials and industrial inputs than she was importing in manufactures from these areas. Only with Britain did India have an adverse balance of trade. Thus Britain's balance of payments deficit with Europe and North America was financed by the triangular relationship between Britain, India and the rest of the industrial world. See S. B. Saul, Studies in British Overseas Trade 1870-1914 (Liverpool, 1960) Chapters III and VIII. 2. See F. C. R. Robinson, 'Consultation and Control: The United Provinces' Govern ment and its Allies 1860-1906' in Modern Asian Studies 5, 4 (1971); A. Seal, The Emergence of Indian Nationalism (Cambridge, 1968) p. 153. 3. Quoted in Seal, p. 161. 4. SeeS. D. Waley, Edwin Montagu (London, 1964) pp. 135--6. 5. Report of the Reforms Enquiry Committee 1924 (Cmd 2360 of 1925). 6. Report on Indian Constitutional Reforms (Cmd 9019 of 1918) para 81. 7. CAB 23/6, appendix to War Cabinet no. 428 of 17.6.18, Note by Mr Monatgu 29.5.18. 8. CAB 23/1, War Cabinet no. 24 of 1.1.17, no. 48 of 30.1.17 and appendices. 9. CAB 24/166, CP 299(24) Memorandum on Indian Fiscal Policy by the Secretary of State 13.5.24. 10. CAB 23/22, conclusions of Conference of Ministers 18.6.20; CAB 23/23, conclu sions of Conference of Ministers 1.12.20. II. CAB 6/4, 119-D Telegram 11581 of 3.9.20 Viceroy (Army Department) to Secret ary of State; 117-D Note 'Indian Military Expenditure' by Finance Department, India Office, circulated 7 .12.20. 12. Ibid., 115-D 'Report of the Army in India Committee 1919-20 Part 1'. 13. Ibid., 119-D, Telegram 11581 of3.9.20, Viceroy (Army Department) to Secretary of State. 14. Ibid., 117-D, Note 'Indian Military Expenditure' by Finance Department, India Office, circulated 7.12.20. 15. Ibid., 118-D 'Indian Military Expenditure', memorandum by Secretary of State for India 24.12.20. 16. Ibid., 130-D, 'Report of the Sub-Committee on Indian Military Requirements as amended and approved by His Majesty's Government'. 17. Reading, Rufus Isaacs 1914-1935 (London, 1945) pp. 294-5. 18. Legislative Assembly Debates 1927 p. 1753. 19. This desideratum was .that of the 1926 Royal Commission on Indian Currenry and Finance. 20. See CAB 23/29, conference of Ministers 20.12.21; Reading, Rufus Isaacs 1914-1935 (London, 1945) pp. 192-3. 21. Ibid., pp. 29~; CAB 23/47, 17(24)13 of28.2.24, 18(24)2 of 13.3.24, 23(24)11 of 27.3.24. 22. Note by B. P. Blackett 22.12.24 in Government oflndia Home (Public) Department 166-11-1924 N.A.l. Notes to pages 15-26 163 23. 'Report of discussion between Secretary of State and Viceroy 4.6.25', Baldwin MSS E I 93. 24. Quoted in Birkenhead, Halifax (London, 1965) p. 222. 25. See ibid., pp. 236-42. 26. Irwin to Baldwin 10.1.29 Baldwin MSS E 5 103. 27. Quoted inS. R. Mehrotra,Britain, India and the Commonwealth (London, 1965) p. 141. 28. Note by Irwin, enclosed in Irwin to Baldwin 26.11.29 Baldwin MSS E 5 103. 29. Salisbury to Baldwin 23.10.29, reporting a conversation with Irwin, ibid. 30. Private Secretary to Viceroy to Sapru 27.12.29 Sapru MSS (First Series) I 19. 31. See CAB 23/75, 16(33) I of 10.3.33 when Hoare makes this point clearly. 32. Report of Indian Statutory Commission Vol. II (Cmd 3569 of 1930) p. 290. 33. Ibid. 34. CAB 23/66, 6(31)1 of 14.1.31; see also CAB 27/470, BDG(30)30 of 12.1.31. 35. He told the delegates: 'I have never concealed from you my conviction that this is above all others a problem for you to settle by agreement amongst yourselves.' Quoted in R. Coupland, The Indian Problem 1833-1935 (Oxford, 1942) p. 127. 36. See CAB 27/521, CI 32(2). 37. Ibid., CI 32(2), (3), (4). 38. CAB 27/520, CI 32(1): CAB 27/521, CI 32(1). In this Hoare again makes the point that to arbitrate on the wider issues would give too much ammunition to Indian critics. 39. See Communal Decision 1931-2 (Cmd 4147 of 1931-2). 40. See CAB 23/63, 9(30)2 of7.2.30; CAB 24/219, C.P. 18(31) of22.2.31, C.P. 35(31) of 2.2.31. 41. CAB 23/68, 58(31 )3 of 17 .9.31. 42. See Sir Samuel Hoare to Lord Willingdon 2.10.31, 1.4.32 Templewood MSS vol. I. 43. See Viceroy to Secretary of State 26.9.31 ibid. vol. 13; Lord Willingdon to Sir Samuel Hoare 6.10.31 ibid., vol. 5. 44. See Sir Samuel Hoare to Lord Willingdon 28.1.32, 19.1.32 ibid., vol. I; telegrams between Secretary of State and Viceroy March 1932 ibid., vol. II. 45. CAB 23/80, 35(34 )9 of 17 .10.34. 46. See, for example, CAB 27/470, BDG(30) 17 'Memorandum on Indian Finance' by the Secretary of State for India 8.12.30. 47. CAB 23/68, 62(31)8 of22.9.31; Government of India Finance Department 1(36)B of 1931 N.A.l. 48. Lord Willingdon to Sir Samuel Hoare 3l.l0.33 Templewood MSS vol. 6. 49. CAB 27/4 70, BDG(30)29 Finance Member, Government of India, to Secretary of State 28.12.30; Viceroy to Secretary of State 1.1.31; 2.1.31. 50. Ibid., BDG{30) 17 'Memorandum on Indian Finance' by Secretary of State 8.12.30; BDG(30)29 Viceroy to Secretary of State 1.1.31. 51. See the remarkably smug memorandum by the Secretary of State in CAB 24/247, C.P. 28(34) of3.2.34. 52. CAB 23/73, 65(32)5 of7.12.32. 53. Sec CAB 27/520, CI (32) 7 of 4.10.32; 8 of7 .10.32; 9 of ll.l0.32; I 0 of 12.10.32 and II ofl3.10.32. 54. Sir Samuel Hoare to Lord Willingdon 20.10.32 Templewood MSS Vol. 2. 55. joint Committee on Indian Constitutional Reforms Volume liB: Minutes of Evidence by the Secretary of State for India and his Advisers (Parliamentary Papers 1932-3 vol. VII) p. 1026. 56. Proceedings of Executive Council on Indian Statutory Commission Report 24th meeting of 6.9.30 G.o.I. Reforms Office 67 /V /30--R N.A.I. Wisely, it was decided not to mention this point to London. 57. See CAB 27/520, CI 32(2) of 12.5.32. 58. Sapru MSS (First Series) M. 6. 59. Lord Willingdon to Sir Samuel Hoare 15.11.31 Templewood MSS vol. 5. 164 Notes to pages 26-34 60. CAB 23/79, 17(34)5 of25.4.34. 61. In a speech to the Commonwealth Labour Conference inj u1y 1928 MacDonald had expressed his hope that 'within a period of months rather than years there will be a new Dominion added to the Commonwealth of our nations, a Dominion of another race .... I refer to India.' Quoted in N. Gangulee, The Making of Federal India (London, 1936) p. 68. 62. CAB 23/61, 35(29) 17 of 25.9.29. 63. CAB 23/64, 46(30)5 of30.7.30; CAB 27/470, BDG(30)4 Note by Secretary of State dated 29.10.30. 64. CAB 27/470, BDG(30)2 memo by Secretary of State 18.10.30; CAB 23/65, 62(30) 15 of 22.10.30. 65. CAB 27/470, BDG(30)8 memo by Prime Minister 19.11.30. 66. The Federal Structure Committee had so far only established the essential powers that the Governor-General must retain. It had not considered the questions of the rights of the Princes, centre/provincial relations, federal finance, the communal problem etc. See CAB 27/470, BDG(31)1 'Points raised in the reports of the sub committees.' 67. CAB 27/470, BDG(30)8 memo by Prime Minister 19.11.30. 68. See R. J. Moore, 'The Making of India's Paper Federation 1927-35' in C. H. Philips and M.D. Wainwright (eds), The Partition of India: Policies and Perspectives 1935-1947 (London, 1970) pp. 59-63. 69. Hoare, quoted inN. Gangulee, The Making of Federal India (London, 1936) p. 106. 70. Hoare, quoted in R. J. Moore, 'The Making of India's Paper Federation 1927-35', in C. H. Philips and M. D. Wainwright (eds), The Partition of India: Policies and Perspectives 1935-1947 (London, 1970) p. 62. 71. Sir Samuel Hoare to Lord Willingdon 2.10.31., 19.11.31 Templewood MSS val. 1; CAB 23/69, 77(31)2 of 13.11.31. 72. Secretary of State to Viceroy 20.11.31 Templewood MSS vol. 13; CAB 23/69, 77(31)2 of 13.11.31.