General Index 287
Cambridge University Press 0521642361 - The Transmission of Chinese Medicine Elisabeth Hsu Index More information General index 287 General index accumulations 45, 83–7, 197, 220–2, Bray F. 86, 211 235 Breath, see qi acumoxa (zhenjiu), i.e. acupuncture and moxibustion 9, 10–11, 12, 14, 20, cancer (aizheng) 27, 42–4, 59, 83, 239 25, 26, 34–6, 41, 50, 54, 59, 61–2, case histories 19, 34–44, 58–67, 83–4, 70, 84–6, 90–4, 97, 133, 144, 158, 120–1, 161–2 160, 161, 187, 190–1, 200, 206, causal explanations and alternatives to 3, 212, 237; acumoxa and massage 30–1, 52, 63, 111, 119–22, 163, speciality (zhenjiu tuina zhuanke xue) 167, 184, 199, 207, 211, 213; see 10, 15, 132–6, 138–9, 143–4, also etiology 145–53, 169, 172–7, 188, 198–9 change, concepts of 19–20, 78–83, acu-points (xuewei) 34, 62, 70, 84, 211; 108–16, 181–6, 194–6, 210, 238 definition of 144 Chao Y. L. 103, 104 Agren H. 170 Chen N. N. 21, 49 anatomy 39, 40, 49, 82, 172, 173, Chinese medicine (zhongyi), definition of 205–6, 206–7, 213, 216 7, 9; see also TCM, senior Chinese Andrews B. J. 7, 128 doctors, and scholar doctors asthma (chuan) 23, 59 Chengdu TCM College 60 chronic conditions 23, 35– 40, 58–9, Benedict C. 89 60–2, 197, 199 biomedicine 9, 17–18, 25, 26, 29, 34, Cinnabar Field (dantian) 30, 33, 34, 77 36, 39, 42–3, 45, 49, 50, 58, 63, circulation tracts, see Tracts and Links 65–6, 69, 78, 82, 83–5, 89, 92–3, commentary on medical canons, discussion 98, 99–100, 128, 133, 145–6, 155, of 105–27, 186, 193, 214–15 157, 158–60, 168–224, 229, 239 common cold (ganmao) 26, 112–16 birth 12, 64, 71, 73, 111, 161, 209 Complexion (se) 16, 64, 185, 187, 190, Blood (xue) 3, 47, 55, 60, 62–4, 69, 218 70, 75–7, 83, 92, 118, 144, 168, confinement (zuo yuezi) 64 198, 207, 213, 214, 216–17; connections (guanxi) 27–8, 29, 91, 139; Blood Stasis ( yuxue) 198, 220–2, see also friendship 235–6 cough (kesou) 26, 160, 197, 199, 220 body, concepts of 3, 49–50, 56–7, Croizier R.
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