The War of 1812: Conflict for a Continent J
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72686-3 - The War of 1812: Conflict for a Continent J. C. A. Stagg Index More information Index Adams, Henry: History of the United armaments: cannon, 63, 76, 108, 122, 153; States, 4–5 carronades, 122, 132; musket balls, 153; Adams, John, 26, 148, 159 muskets, 164; of navy, 122; shot, 76, Adams, John Quincy, 84–85, 140, 158, 91–92, 105, 122, 132, 164 168 Armstrong, John: and alliance with Adams, William, 143–144, 146 Federalists, 112; American minister to Address to the People of the United States Paris, 36–38; and British attack on D.C., (R. Smith), 38–39 129–130; conflict with Madison, 126; Adjutant and Inspector General (office), and conscripted army, 110–112; critical 56–67; troop strength, 118–119 of Lake Huron expedition, 119–120; agricultural workers, 56–57, 58–59 dismisses danger to D.C., 127, 128;goes agriculture, 50, 69–70, 103–104 to N.Y. frontier, 100; on joint Alabama River, 104–105 operations, 125; as Madison’s political Albany, N.Y., 56, 69–70 opponent, 38; and orders for W. H. alcohol, 56–57, 102 Harrison, 89, 90; plans for Canadian alcoholism, 104 campaign, 97–103, 117–118; replaces Alexander I (of Russia), 30, 39–40;and older generals, 117–118; resigns, British maritime rights, 96–97; offers to 130–131; as secretary of war, 80, 85–86, mediate, 84–85, 94, 141 87, 89, 105–106, 115–116, 160 Alexandria, D.C. (now Va.), 130 Army, U.S.: appropriations for, 82; Alien and Sedition Acts, 25–26, 148 assessment of officers, 161, 162–163; Amelia Island, E.Fla., 34 inadequacy of, 17, 163–164; joint American Revolution: and French debts, operation with navy, 119; monetary 23; and Indian relations, 62; Madison on bounty, 110–112; professional training, aftermath, 18; as military experience, 69; 165; recruitment methods, 56–57; and national debt, 52–54; as precursor re-enlistments, 112; regiments and to War of 1812, 2, 14–15, 17; relations training, 59–60, 121, 162–165; supplies, with Russia, 140–141 50, 57–58, 67, 161; troop size, 48–49, Amherst, Lord Jeffrey, 97 161–162; and war preparation, 40–42.
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