Making Sense of the Uk Collaborative Economy
MAKING SENSE OF THE UK COLLABORATIVE ECONOMY Kathleen Stokes, Emma Clarence, Lauren Anderson, April Rinne September 2014 Acknowledgements This work would not have been possible without the support of many people. Thank you to colleagues and partners who have offered their time and expertise throughout the research process. We are particularly grateful for the research and analysis contributed by Tooley Street Research, TNS Global, and Henry Lane at Freshminds. At Nesta, we would like to extend special thanks to Helen Goulden and to Jo Casebourne, Sophie Reynolds, Geoff Mulgan, Stian Westlake, Albert Bravo–Biosca, Hasan Bakhshi, Juan Mateos–Garcia, Chrysi Kalfa, Andrew Whitby, and John Davies for their input and involvement. We would also like to thank a number of organisations and individuals who have informed and encouraged this research, amongst them: Jonathan Haskel at Imperial College London, Simon Steeden at Bates Wells Braithwaite, Chris Diplock at the Sharing Project (Vancouver, Canada), Airbnb, the Cities for People initiative, Eurofreelancers, the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, Ouishare, Seoul Sharing City executive team, Share NL, Shareable, Social Innovation Generation (SiG), and the People Who Share. Finally, thank you to those who participated in our surveys and contributed feedback to our Quora question. As ever, all errors and omissions remain our own. About Collaborative Lab Collaborative Lab is a globally–recognised subject matter expert on the collaborative economy and how it will transform the way we live, work, bank, and consume, advising senior leaders in business and government on the latest ideas, theories and research to understand the opportunities and implications the rapidly growing collaborative economy presents.
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