NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Laboratory for High Energy
1 NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 @S0002-7537~99!00301-7# This report covers the period from July 1, 1997 to June 30, Toshiaki Takeshima, Jane Turner, Ken Watanabe, Laura 1998. Whitlock, and Tahir Yaqoob. This Laboratory’s scientific research is directed toward The following investigators are University of Maryland experimental and theoretical research in the areas of X-ray, Scientists: Drs. Keith Arnaud, Manuel Bautista, Wan Chen, gamma-ray, and cosmic-ray astrophysics. The range of inter- Fred Finkbeiner, Keith Gendreau, Una Hwang, Michael Loe- ests of the scientists includes the Sun and the solar system, wenstein, Greg Madejski, F. Scott Porter, Ian Richardson, stellar objects, binary systems, neutron stars, black holes, the Caleb Scharf, Michael Stark, and Azita Valinia. interstellar medium, normal and active galaxies, galaxy clus- Visiting scientists from other institutions: Drs. Vadim ters, cosmic-ray particles, and the extragalactic background Arefiev ~IKI!, Hilary Cane ~U. Tasmania!, Peter Gonthier radiation. Scientists and engineers in the Laboratory also ~Hope College!, Thomas Hams ~U. Seigen!, Donald Kniffen serve the scientific community, including project support ~Hampden-Sydney College!, Benzion Kozlovsky ~U. Tel such as acting as project scientists and providing technical Aviv!, Richard Kroeger ~NRL!, Hideyo Kunieda ~Nagoya assistance to various space missions. Also at any one time, U.!, Eugene Loh ~U. Utah!, Masaki Mori ~Miyagi U.!, Rob- there are typically between twelve and eighteen graduate stu- ert Nemiroff ~Mich. Tech. U.!, Hagai Netzer ~U. Tel Aviv!, dents involved in Ph.D. research work in this Laboratory. Yasushi Ogasaka ~JSPS!, Lev Titarchuk ~George Mason U.!, Currently these are graduate students from Catholic U., Stan- Alan Tylka ~NRL!, Robert Warwick ~U.
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