1. Hollister, N., the Domestication of the Llama. Science, 1918. 47(1219): P

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1. Hollister, N., the Domestication of the Llama. Science, 1918. 47(1219): P 1. Hollister, N., The Domestication of the Llama. Science, 1918. 47(1219): p. 461. 2. Means, P.A., The Domestication of the Llama. Science, 1918. 47(1211): p. 268-269. 3. Stordy, C.R.J., THE BREEDING OF SHEEP, LLAMA AND ALPACA IN PERU, WITH A VIEW TO SUPPLYING IMPROVED RAW MATERIAL TO THE TEXTILE TRADES. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, 1921. 69(3556): p. 118-132. 4. Dell, A., Llama Land : East and West of the Andes in Peru. 1926, [S.l.]: Geoffrey Bles. 5. Gonza\Lez Posada, A., La Llama. 1926: Valencia. 6. Espina, C., Las Nin\0303as desaparecidas. Novela. (La Llama de Cera. Novela.). 1928: Madrid. 7. McIntosh, W.C.-M.a., Notes on a female llama. 1930, Cambridge. 8. Espina, C., Llama de Cera. 1931: Madrid. 9. Wells, H.G., La Llama Inmortal. 1934, Buenos Aires: Claridad. 10. Garcia Calderon, V.-M.a., et al., The white llama : being La venganza del condor of V. G. 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Hardman, Hydrocephalus in a newborn llama. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 1973. 9(No.2): p. 146-147. 59. Eckerlin, R.H. and C.E. Stevens, Bicarbonate secretion by the glandular saccules of the llama stomach. Cornell Veterinarian, 1973. 63(No.3): p. 436-445. 60. Kobatake, M., S. Tanabe, and S. Hasegawa, [A new red-pigmented, radioresistant Micrococcus isolated from the faeces of a llama, and its use as a microbiological indicator of radiosterilisation]. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie, 1973. 167(No.10): p. 1506-1510. 61. Sender, R.n.J., Una virgen llama a tu puerta. 1973, Barcelona: Ediciones Destino. 62. Ballesteros Gallardo, A.n., No sabe la muerte que se llama muerte. 1974, Algeciras: Tipografi\0301a Algeciren\0303a. 63. Campos, J., Tiene los cabellos rojizos y se llama Sabina. 1974, Me\0301xico: Joaqui\0301n Mortiz. 64. Grundman, C., Zoo illogical. For solo voice, or voices in unison or octaves, with instrumental ensemble (opitonal piano). 1. The Mongoose. 2. The Anteater. 3. The Llama. 4. The Giraffe. 5. The Hippo. <Full score [and parts for woodwind, brass and percussion instruments].>. 1974, [New York]: Boosey & Hawkes. 65. Heath, D., et al., The heart and pulmonary vasculature of the llama (Lama glama). Thorax, 1974. 29(4): p. 463-471. 66. Jain, N.C. and K.S. Keeton, Morphology of camel and llama erythrocytes as viewed with the scanning electron microscope. British Veterinary Journal, 1974. 130(No.3): p. 288-291. 67. Johnson, R., Una virgen llama a tu puerta, Ram&#xf3;n J. Sender. Books Abroad, 1974. 48(4): p. 746-746. 68. Montes de Oca, M.A., Se llama como quieras. 1974, Mexico: Universidad Nacional Auto\0301noma de Me\0301xico. 69. Engelhardt, W.v., et al., Energy, water and urea metabolism in the llama. 1975, IAEA.: Vienna. p. 111-122. 70. Erskine Molina, D. and M. Miqueles Rodriguez, Gastro-intestinal parasites of South American llamas in the first region of Chile. 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