Long Island &Ijtoad (?Ompany
Copyright 1928 by the Long Island &iJTOad (?ompany LONG ISLAND ''The Sunrise Hom,eland'' --------........ I =-~.,. ~;~~ ' I ~~a'I '\ Il ~~ ~ E-t-e 4. a.,nhand ~% ~--- ~~ -~ 6 nd Happine~s It' HIS book has been published in answer to an T ever,increasing demand for information con, cerning Long Island. Throughout its pages it has been the endeavor to make it authentic.. in· every respect, in order that the investor, the builder and the home,seeker may have at his fingers" tips a true and u.11\ran1ished description of the entire Island layout. Issued Under Auspices of Long Island Chamber of Commerce 20 WEST 34TH STREET •• NEW YORK CITY [ 1928] Published by The Schwarzbach Publishing Corp. 116 W. 39th Street MANHATI'AN LONG ISLAND-"The Sunrise llomeland" B01ne Labor Savers Rome Naaa8ement Today Is aa SelentlBo as Baslnea Management. WithElectric household appliances, more and better work can be done in a given time than ever before. The Vacuum Cleaner, the Wash, ing Machine, the Electric Iron, and the Electric Toaster, are but a few of the devices Electricity is contrib, uting to home management. Yoar New Rome .... wm It he properly equipped IGr ecmplete electric service! Look over your building plans care, fully to see if ample provision is made for complete Electric Service. NEW YORK 8 QUEENS ELECTRIC LIGHT 8 POWER CO. Bridge Plaza, Long Island City Stillwell 8000 111-16 Liberty Ave.1 Richmond Hill 69-19 Fresh Pond Road, Ridgewood · Ck-vdand z700 E'J'ergTem zo,ooo 14S-22 Jamaica Ave... Jamaica 3925 Bell Boulev&Mt Bayside Jam.uca z900 Bayside 4000 Gas and Electric Bldg., Amity St., Flushing Flushing 4200 35-20 Broadway, Long Island City Ra"Venswood zooo LONG ISLAND-"The Sunrise Homeland" 3 INDEX.
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