PAGE TWENTY THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1970 ManrlfjpBtrr lEvraUtg li^ralJi AseriE'e Daily Net Press Rm / Vor The Week Boded Angort 8, ists ’The Tall Cedars service Sun­ preoccupied with themselves, About Town day at Cathedral of the Pines, Senior Qtizen eager to develop friendships Rlndge, N.H., starts at 11 a.m. ®^^1I CkMpel Oiristian Fellow- with one another and their cus­ 14,768 iWp, Interdenominational, will tomers, and more concerned Chevrolet Owners tinve a Bible study and open Mountain Laurel Chapter of Dining Q u b with personal g;rooming. Par­ lUanchester-^A City o f Village Charm !B dlscuaiion tonight at 7 :S0 at Or­ Sweet Adelines will rehearse to­ ents have commented, the arti­ NEED REPAIRS SEE US FO R ange HaU. night at 8 at the Russian-Ameri- cle notes, the training has help-, VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 268 Story Topic ed the girls to become assets • KENDALL OIL PR(H>UCTS (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 can National Center, 213 Weth­ AdvertlUag oa Pago 17) p r ic e t e n c e n t s ersfield Ave., Hartford. ’The within the family unit. • OBNHINB CHEVB4ML.ET PAB’TS Members of the BritiBh-Amer- Ah article on the d\ial value \ • FACTORY TRAINED ’TEXIHNICIANS event is open to all women in­ For senior citizens,, Fendell • SERVICE RENTAL CARS Ican Club and guests planning terested In Joining this .four-part of'^ the Wednesday dining club to a tte ^ the club’s annual base­ says, the 66-cent charge is a • CONVENIENT IIIASTER CHARGE PLAN harmony chorus. at the Senior Citizens’ Center welcome aid to strained budg­ ball trip on Saturday are re­ or OMAC BUDGET PLAN 0 on Linden St. appears in the ets. Too often, he adds, the GI Force in Saigon minded that the bus will leave adult, often living alone, settles OsU 64U-62S8 or Stop In ISor an Aftpotatment Pennies Spent the cluUKMise at 8:30 a.m. Pallor (. ' An ice cream social will be July-August issue of "Rehabili­ Nixon in Louisiana; a pit hcnir samplinij for substandard food. Proof of held tonight from 6 to 9:30 p.m. tation Record,’’ a publication 53 Years In at Emanuel Lutheran Church, the Wednesday meal’s popular­ GARTER CHEVROLET CO, IML Jehovah’s l^tnesses will con- of the U.S. Department of ity is the requests of some din­ The conservation committee of Church and Chestnut Sts. The 1*20 MAIN ST. — MANCHES’TER Cut by 15,000 Men uct a theocratic ministry school the Manchester Junior Women's event, sponsored by the youth of Health, Education and Welfare. ers for dally service. His Stomach Talking Integration tonight at 7.30 and a service Club will meet tonight at 8 at the church, is open to the pub- It was written by Norman Fen- PITTSBURCfH (AP) A 62- meeting at 8:35 at Kingdom SAIGON (AP)—American forces in the Saigon mili­ the home of Mrs. John Dougan, 11c. A free-will offering will be dell, special education super­ year-old man \rijo complain­ HaU, N. Main S t IS Santina Dr. taken. tary region are being cut by about 15,000 men as the ed of stomach trouble most of WASHINGTON (AP)'—Stressing (»>operatioii rather visor for the Board of Educa­ result of a major reshuffling of allied units and the tion. his life uAderwent abdominal than coercion, President Nixon ventured his greatest in­ transfer of a large base to the Vietnamese, official surgery this week. Doctors volvement in Southern school desegregation today with r . ’The club, Fendell points out, sources disclosed today. removed two pennies and a a New Orleans meeting with advisory councils from is a community habilitatlon WHAT IS AN ARBYS? The sources said two full bri­ Law Review project for two retarded girls An Arby't it a tondwieli uiilili* any you knva ever eotan. Salacfed cuH of large fruit seed from toe seven states. ------gades plus other units would be small intestine. Aides said toe (President’s school dlscrimlnaUon that ac- from the (Manchester High pramium baof nra slowly barbecue roosted to o turn'. From this yeor Bhlj^>ed home from Saigon and THURS. Richard A. Siegal, son of Mr. School work-study program, and Marine Goes Prom his ted In West Penn Joumey had t'wln goals: Bolster- company token desegregation; and Mrs. James Siegal of 64 Arby't It sliced wafer-thin, heaped high on on oven-fresh, toasted, buffered the 1 1 surrounding provinces o l Hospital, (Turtis Kastler re­ ing toe effectiveness and pres- ®®<1 of half-hearted enforcement three from the Sheltered Work­ the 8rd MUitary Region. Men FRI. and Stephen St., has been selected shop. Its major objectives are sesame bun. Simple ns that. Nothing it called Thursday he swallow­ tlge of toe state desegregation of desegregation orders from odded but care. Arby't or# whet Roost adio have not completed most of On Trial In ed toe pennies 68 years ago: advisory councils, and empha- federal courts. for the Law Review at the Uni­ to develop marketable skills in their 13-month tours in Vietnam food service; encourage proper Beef Sandwiches really should be. Try "I was rolling pennies sizing his commitment to en versity of Pennsylvania Law will be transferred to other down my forehead — and forcing wide-scale voluntary In­ SAT. attitudes toward work; and one today.' You wiH .never again be units. School. strengthen desirable social skills Viet Killings they rolled on down.’ ’ tegration In toe South this fall. In 1969, he received his BS sdtisRed with anything lets than on Security regulatimis prohibit within a realistic work setting. The pennies, now paper- Nixon, aboard Air Force One, in finance, cum laude, from the publication of the units to be Specials! Preparations for the meal are Arby't — deliciously different! DA NANG (AP)—Pfc. Sam­ thin, were worn to about half departed for New Orleans from Wharton ^hool of Finance and sent back to the United States Polls Show started Tuesday. This enables their normal size by stomach Andrews Air Force Base in Commerce of the University of until the U.S. Command an­ uel Green Jr. of Cleveland, the food service supervisor to acids. nearby Maryland at 10:86 a.m Pennsylvania, where he was nounces them. Ohio, went on trial today for explain the preparation of food, EDT. elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He Blsewhere In the war— the killing of 16 Vietnamese Kastler didn’t remember South Rates LEAN, SHORT SHANK (No Water Added) use and maintenance of equip­ swallowing toe seed, which Nixon faced toe difficult polit­ also served as marshal of Zeta ment, personal hygiene, sanita­ Small ambush actions and women and chUdren, but the ical Job of administering unpop­ Chapter of Pi Lambda Phi fra­ doctors described as a 1 by tion, and other skills. Each girl Arby’s ProsecuUon’s star witness. Pvt. 1%-lnch mass, probably a ular medicine while keeping ternity. ported along the northern coast . , „ . . . . ^ Nixon High SMOKED Is responsible for the purchase where U.S. and South Viet- Krlchten, testified he plum seed. the patient reasonably happy A 1966 honor graduate of Man­ of a group of menu items. The Kastler, who checked into with the doctor. WASHINGTON____ (AP) — Port- lb chester High School, Siegal was early start permits correction 257 BROAD STREET namese forces claimed they ®®® ^® 18-year-old Ma- toe hospital after X rays George H. Shultz, who led toe master General Wlnton M. SHOULDERS 4 to 6 lbs. awarded a scholarship by the of purchase errors. kllled more than 300 North Viet- '^ ® •'*** them, University of Pennsylvania namese in fighting Wednesday addition to Krlchten, the showed an Intestinal obstruc­ administration party accompa- Blount, toe only Southerner in (Koto l#c extim lor sUoing) ’The food service supervisor MANCHESTER Average Alumni Club of Greater Hart­ and lltursday. three officers and two tion, was reported In satis­ nylng Nixon, said one Idea of the Nixon Cabinet, says admln- reports that trainees are becom­ ford. In high school, he was vice The largest allied casualties s®"*®*" enlisted men also heard factory condition. the trip was to extend a hand Istration action to enforce ing more communicative, less president of the Student Coun­ (Next to A&P) reported today occurred about tesUmony today from another to the South on the eve of what school desegregation hasn’t hurt cil, and a member of the F. A. 86 miles nmthest of Saigon prosecuUon witness, 1st. U . likely will te Its largest dose of the President’s popularity in the 3 LB. CANNED HAM Verplanck CSiapter of the Na­ when mortar rounds fired by an Grant, 22, of Hebron, desegregation. South. •2.98 tional Honor Society, Current American unit accidentally who commanded a pa- Shultz is vice chairman of toe “* ‘"Ihera is great enthusiasm in Affairs Club, and United landed on a South Vietnamese “ Vietnamese woman led Middle East Cabinet 0>mmlttee on Educa- the south for toe Nixon admlnls- Synagogue Youth. He received STATE podUon. Eleven government "®’‘‘ tlon and director of the Office of tratlon," Blount said in an inter- 5 LB. CANNED HAM •4.78 a letter of commendation from Good For FREE Thick Sbohe troopa were klUed, and 24 Viet- 19. Hanover, Management and Budget. view. the National Merit Scholarship Shoe RepaMng with each ARBY’S ROAST BEEF SANDWICH purchased. namese and two American ad- ’ *?!<* Ji>® ° ' ’®®” Ce ase-Fire Also accompanying toe Presi- ,, through desegregation is Foundation. 781 Main StrMt risers were wounded. *‘*'®‘* *** *^® “ ^®® “ "»®® dent were Secretaiy of Welfare "®' ‘tlfflcult Issue for pe<^le in 11 LB. CANNED HAM •8.79 He was center halfback on the COME — BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY One harrassing action was re- *\® ° ” ® Elliot L. Richardson, Atty. Gen. ^® South," polls show Nixon’s soccer team, a member of the WILL BE CLOSED % — NO LIMIT PER COUPON — ported in Cambodia. A military ’ *11 ’*’® Deteriorates John N. Mitchell, White House Popularity is high in toe area, team that won the state cham­ Coupon Good for as Many Free Shakes as Number of spokesman in Phnom Penh said . ^tness, who originally aides Robert H. Finch, Leonard the poatmaster general said. OCB KEOCLAB from the Viet Cong and North Viet- charges in the case but JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli EXTRA LEAN pionship in 1962, and a varsity Sandwiches Purchased. Garment, Harry Dent and Dan- contended toe favorable baseball pitcher. lAug. 17 fo Auq. 23;| namese apparently were occu- w®a granted Immunity in ex- air force planes struck at Jorda­ tel Patrick Moynihan, Dlrecor Image has resulted, not from a COUPON GOOD THRU AUG. 16 pled with Integrating newly ar- c*'®'*® tesUmony against nian army positions today, toe Donald Rumsfeld of toe Office deliberate attempt to woo toe HAMBURG ® The planes all returned safely Justice in an effort to restrain­ OR Other opponents wanted to postponed indefinitely, the toe Army has planned to dis­ cators, physicians, lawyers, oto- FFM'* , . . „ after hitting objectives adjacent ing toe Army from proceeding know how toe supporters could Army ^tnnounced today, pose of gas at such a great er professionals and civil rights Southern to Israels’ Beisan Valley, he with disposal of toe gas at this leaders school officials are living up to SHINYL VINYL assure that toe May 1 demon- The Army said, however, that said. Beisan Valley settlements depth. time. with school openings less than oRreementa to desegregate their BRO stration would be nonviolent, a pretrial hearing would be held of Maoz Halm and Tardena She also noted that two years There was no immediate indi­ a week away in some parts ol 1® those that do not, he OPENS TO THE PUOLIC and another speaker asserted ®n that date to consider defense came under mortar fire during ago toe Army disposed of gas in Uruguayans INLAID cation, moreover, about the re­ D C P O IN T that they would be "facing guns motions. The hearing will be 7,(X)0 feet of water off toe New toe South, toe President and his "''^® ®*'® Roing to have to Now you CONI dterf dlract wWi tha dropory, uphoktawy and slipcovar workroom tfiot has for hursday night, but no damage action ol toe Defense Depart­ and never get netir toe city.” closed to the news media and was reported. Jersey coast and that later administration stand on toe ®®® ((^® lob is carried out." checks by Navy scientists had ment and the Army to the threshold ol a crucial test over most cases, enforcement fmm% bMfi M n in q RafoR. Daportmant. Fumllur» and Fabric Storos. Now you loo can sav«!!! LINOLEUM Rennie Daris, a defendant in ^be public, toe announcement This was toe second Israeli Judge’s "request” that they seek Peruse Note 501 toe Chicago riot trial, and Mike ®ald. air strike inside Jordan since revealed no detectable harm to desegregation and over ending ®®® **e carried out by federal TXT marine life or anything. another disposal site “ at a rea­ school dlscrimlnaUon. personnel already in toe area, INSTALLED IN KITCHEN Lemer, a radical organizer in Defense attorneys for Calley the Middle East cease-fire went sonable distance” from Sunny Seattle currently charged in a are seeking to force the Army to Into effect a week ago. The The Judge's action came on a In Kidnaping Administration officials are ®® attorneys, U.S. complaint by toe Environmental Point, N.C., toe port ol em­ forecasting IntegraUon this fall marshals and resident employes UP TO 9 X 12 conspiracy case, are architects disclose contents of certain do- guerrilla organizations have dis­ barkation. of toe venture ■ that calls for cuments relating to Calley’s owned the truce initiated by Defense Fund, a New York- up to double toe current rate. of toe Department of Health, MONTE V iuEO , Uruguay But they are accused by Dem- EducaUon and Welfare, Blount widespread civil disobedience case. toe United States as a prelimi­ based citizens’ group, and Army officials said loading of (AP) — The Uruguayan govern­ Joined by Gov. Claude Kirk of ocratlc liberals of waivering on said. beginning in the fall and coming A spokesman said no further nary to peace talks. toe rusty old Liberty ship might ment today studied an unauto- Florida. tax exemptions for private In addition, he said, "to toe $■ to a climax with toe effort to hearings will be held In Calley’s An Israeli newspaper, toe Tel be completed today, allowing enticated message found In a 100% 501 N academies formed in the wake extent that more people are re­ The weather, meantime, The vessel and the 2,678 tons of Buenos Aires cafe which indi­ (See Page Twelve) (See Page Eight) (See Page Seven) posed a further challenge to toe gas to begin toe final ocean trip el Public School integration; ol quired or requested, they will be NYLON P IL E cated toe Tupamaro guerrillas overlooking new forms of in- made available.” PREPARATION EXTRA might murder toe Brazilian dip­ iU lomat they kidnaped. The mes­ CARPET sage made no mention of Amer­ ican agronomist Claude L. Fly, Rescue Ends who was kidnaped last Friday. Installed Over Heavy Padding Officials In Montevideo could Nixon Administration Hopes not confirm toe authenticity of Boy’s Ordeal toe note found in toe Argentine At Temple Floor you got carpeting thet's capital 160 miles up toe Plate Buoyed hy Economic Study not only luxurious and practical but also estuary. But it contained lan­ CONWAY, N.H. (AP) — A 13- WASHINGTON (AP) — The reasonably priced! This etegont carpet year-old boy ^ o was lost for guage similar to that used in 10 things as Increased social secu­ previous messages from toe ur­ government’s newest economic rity payments. holds up beoutifuHy in the heaviest trenlie eight days in White Mountain report shows ai "glimmering of National Park told his rescuers: ban Tupamaros, and it was de­ These were toe highlights of areas resisting soil, stains and footprints. ’299 livered in toe same m anner- a tetter sltuaUon," but toe Nix­ toe reports: Inclodeo Carpet, Faddlag "I’m Danny Crowley and I need RE UPHOLSTERY left in toe restroom of a cafe. on admlnlstraUon’s expected —Personal Income rose 38.6 We custom pin and cut in your It's tightly woven with double iirte bock and Expert TaeUeaa help.” business upturn sUU depends on Inatallatton! He was found Thursday on a The communique said Dan A. billion during July reaching a home for perfect fit and use for years of wear. Decorator colovs. Mitrione, the kidnaped Ameri­ what toe nation’s consumers do only self welting. Select from All Furniture stripped down to desolate and rocky slope of Mt. seasonally adjusted annual rate the frame re-glued and springs KITCHEN CARPET with their money in toe coming Ipvely fabric selections at sav­ Passanonaway about miles can police adviser whose body of 1801.8 billion. It was |49 bU- all tightened. Largest selection months, economists believe. ings of up to H price. Choose Sq. Yda. Installed 2M.70 35 Sq. Y(^. Installed 30.15 from where he strayed away was found Monday, had been lion higher than July, 1969, an of decorator fabrics to choose GOOD SELECTION sentenced to death for "coUabo- from Greeff, Waverly, Schu- from a group of hikers attend­ StaUsUcs issued by toe Ck>m- increase that can te attributed from. You’ll be glad you called Sq. Yds. Installed OF COLORS maeV^e'* ond more. Most with 45 337415 50 Sq. Yda. Installed 374JI •119“ ing a summer camp. rating with toe forces of repres­ merce Department and toe Fed­ partially to the social security Scotchgard. Bidwell Interiors. sion." It said toe process of "re­ "His condition is amazingly eral Reserve Board Thursday increase and large federal pay volutionary Justice" for Brazil­ good,’’ Dr. Ellyn Jones said at showed Increases in industrial raise effecUve earlier this year ian Consul Aloysio Mares Dias Conway’s Memorial Hospital producUon and personal income —both of which helped to booat Gomide, 41,could te halted if during July, while a revised re­ where toe Boston youth was or­ toe N.I.A. deficit to its near­ INSTALLED toe Uruguayan government re­ port on Gross NaUonal Product record proporUems. dered to bed. “(He was' very' leased about 160 prisoners de­ CERAMIC TILE healthy after going through disclosed that real producUon of —^The Federal Reserve Board manded as ransom by the Tupa­ goods and services rose more that. He was tired, kind of dry said industrial producUon rose a 5 FT. TUB TUB A R EA maros. than was reflected In toe preU- from not having anything to An earlier message, relayed slight two-tenths of one per cent Special Labor Price Special Labor Price I Installed Up To The CeUiv minary report for April, May during July and ended three E|«GL0 SURE eat." to authorities Tuesday, said and June. plus Cost of Fabric He told his rescuers he drank months of decline. The index for plus (3ost of Fabric Dias Gomide and Fly, a 65- A less encouraging report frbm a small waterfall and ate toe month was 169.2 percent of year-old consultant working for showed a |14.3 billion deficit in m .9 s blueberries. She said he slept toe 1967-1969 average. Rising * 8 5 -o o toe Africulture Ministry, both federal finances on the "nation­ Installation. Extra daytimes because he was afraid producUon of cmunimer goods REJUVENATE YOUR FURNITURE were in good health and had not al income accounts" basis for With 2 Pc. Fixture to sleep at night. He said he such as television sets and home teen sentenced yet. ‘Ihe later toe April-June quarter. The heard noises in toe dark woods appliances fueled toe increase. note said toe Brazilian repre­ N.I.A. figures, showing toe larg­ and believed tears were in toe ______You Save On DRAPERIES Too # Fw c hmaRarion sented "one of toe bloodiest dic­ est deficit since World War n —"R eal" G.N.P., which area. tatorships in America, whose are not toe same as toe unified measures productive output of "I prayed every night to te tortures and assassinations go budget normally cited when ghods and services in 1968 dol­ found," he said. to such limits that they have budget surpluses or deficits are lars to eUmlnate toe effects of He was able to walk down a teen denounced by toe Justice menUoned. inflation, was |6(X> milUon high­ W. F. BIDWELL INTERIORS WE HONOR CA R PET AND tndl to a highway and a car aft­ commission of toe United Na­ er ^than was first reported for AdminlstraUon economists BIANCHESTER — SINCE 1954 er he was found by Arthur An­ tions.” toe AprU-June quarter. The re­ derson, 24, an instructor at The note said toe government said they were opUmisUc about vised figure was $724.9 bilUon. For Appointment FLOOR COVERING Franklin Pierce College, and bears “ total and- absolute re­ toe day’s news, although it did Even though toe gadn was twice call Ttom Desrosier, 16, a Keene h l^ sponsibility" for Mltrione’s not| point enUreiy toward a re­ as large as first thought, it was TEMPLE’S school student. They vrere miutler. The government has covery. They emjtoaslzed toe still small in economic signifi­ 9 Mjo. • 9 pjn. 7 D ays 643-9652 308 MAIN STREET TEL. 643-6662 among toe more than 200 pei> refused to bargain with toe most important factor in a re­ cance. covery will be consumer spend­ (See Page Thirteen) Daniel Crowley, 12, is reunited with his mother at North Conway Memorial Hospital. (AP Photofax) (See Page Two) ing, hopefully spurred by such (See Page Eight) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 PAGE THREE PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHES^R, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 part of this evening sliaking ley’s nomination by the Vernon non Republicans face an ever Second Congressional District hands apd meeting people in Democrats, Houley stated, increasing field of challengers Wi^hington Whirl: South W indsor the areq, accompanied by his "Tom Dooley will do an out- for the GOP nomination. Lebanon . _ f M0\AERAnNQ8 Sheinwoltl on Bridge Tolland County campaign man- standing job in representing the > Rep. King on TV. FORRARENreAND ager, Tolland’s Democratic people of Vernon in the General Tolland’s State Rep. Robert Marilym Monroe’s Friend Cholera Shojs SEEK VITAL CLUE Pickett Picking Up Steam Town Chairman and First Se- Assembly. D. King will appear on Channel YOUNG PEOPIE FOB BEST DEFENSE NORTH lectman Charles T-hlfault. “While the experience and 30 Sunday at 2:30 on a program b it u m in o u s ! BEIRUT, Lebanon CAP) — ZBA Turns Down By ALFBiai -S H ia N W O U ) t \B y BETTE QUATRALE \ multi - national companies and of the Scotland Democratic The World Health Orgaidsa- TA* pff fft* it ro intorm A 10 6 3 2 Stanley has pledged support tenure of five-termer Jerry devoted to discussion of possi- Joins Democrat Campaign ptnntt tboyt m tvittbitity ot In many bridge hands one 62 (Herald Reporter) that international fair labor Town Committee, tion airlifted half a million Mounting a stepped-up cam' to the American Legion resolu- Allen will be missed, I am con- ble revisions in the state abor­ mo¥it coiUtnl tor vitwing bf thtie vital clue will reveal the best 0 Q J 5 4 2 standards in world trade be de- Stanley Appearance tion calling for a Veterans Ad- fident that Tom Dooley posses- tion laws. Bjr iiA xnnB fmDHHnac shots of cholera vaccine to paign against his primary chai- DRIVEWAYS When they met again five Swim Club’s Appeal defense. Miss it, and you may Parking Areas * Oas Stations’ • Basketball Coorte Lebanon today, the Lebanese ♦ 5 lenppr Qfato hon' T,.*,- i- Stanley will speak to an open ministration Hospital to serve ses the rare qualities of Integ- Also appearing on the pro- H m WMhiagtM IPoat years later, Ifiss Newcomb be-, ALL ACES AOMIHEO flounder through the entire EAST etts’ ponpTtfauinnQi' I ^ supporters in a few meeting of Tolland Democrats BdStern Connecticut. rlty, alertness and concern for gram with King will be the dl- Now Booking for Summer Work government announced. It T^ie Zoning Board a t Appeals 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Sullivan General came one of the peo]Me closest hand. Ttike today's hand, play­ 4 Q 8 7 5 Dlckli^ UD the far eastern small com- tonight, following a scheduled Houley Backs, Dooley pecqjle that mark him as more rector of the Hartford Diocese PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW BECAUSE OP A WA6 HINGrrON — Laat week, to the actress in that tong pe­ has ordered a nationwide in­ last night in executive session Shopping Plasa. m J 9 ed a few weeks ago in one of .C? 1098 3 Certelnlv It in h'p \ munlties in the district have 7:30 caucus at the Town Hall Tolland County’s incumbent than capable ' of representing Family Life Ser\-ices Associa- PRICE INCREASE SOON the aanlversary date c t Mari­ riod of depression which preced­ oculation campaign against denied the appeal Of the South Cotter Day AQ54 ALL ACES AOMinEO the qualifying matches for the v ia o ro ^ ^ M d morp launched a vocal campaign, on the Green. Democratic State Sen. Robert his district,” Houley added. tion. All Work Personally Supervised. We Are 160% Insured. lyn Monroe's death, one of her ed her death from an overdose the disease. Windsor Swim Club for a varl- Today is “Cotter Day in A 10 7 6 0 3 closest Hollywood confldants ar> ance for property off Foster South Windsor" and William 6P PtrtflUl Guldmct Sun«M world championship. 10 9 2 4i KJ83 statements are renin 1 " Endorsements have come from His Tolland County headquar- Houley of Vernon has endorsed Vernon Democrats will be King is seeking re-election of barbiturates on Aug. 6, 1082. A government statement South dealer. which often nnneoreH'*^tn°*'^ Spragim’s First Selectman Mat- ters will officially open in Ver- the candidacy of fellow Vernon faced with the rather unbelleve- from the 48th District towns of rived in Washington to go to Miss Newcomb was on hand also said 100,000 shots of vac­ Street. R. Cotter, a Democratic candl- SOUTH DeMAIO BROTHERS work for Sargent 8hnver*s con­ In denying the request the date for U.S, Representative East-West vulnerable. 4 K4 ight on Rt. 30 near South resident Thomas Dooley for able sounding Houley - Dooley Tolland, Ellington and Somers. as press agent and protector at cine were shipped to neigh­ Opening lead -- Ten of dubs. gressional leadership organika- the time of Marilyn Monroe’s boring Syria, where three fa­ board said that sufficient hard- from the First District, spent SEsnicno <:? KJ7 state representative. campaign combination in the His Democratic opponent is CALL 643^7691 tion. last tragic love affair with a ship has not been shown; that the day touring the town, I Undtr 17 rapulrts tccompMiylng N o r t h’ 8 response of two 0 K98 InTn hishi. most recent.... » statement, , , , picked up the endorsement Stanley will spend the early Expressing “delight” at Doo- upcoming election, while Ver- William Patsun of Somers. tal cholera cases have re­ Ptnnt or Aihilt Guonjlin hearts was a transfer bid, ask­ P at Newcomb, a beautiful man whom author Guiles writes cently been reported, al­ the variance isn’t the only re- The itinerary Included stops AQ764 Pickett hits hard at his oppo­ Monde, herself, and a 91.000 a- about in detail in "Norma Jean" though not officially. lief available to the land, and at the Pratt and Whitney Po- ing South to bid the next high­ West North East nent William Stanley’s plans er suit, spades. (North promis­ South week press agent bef«s riie left but does not identify. that the location of the entrance dunk Division, Gerber Sclentl- 1 NT Pass 2 Pass tor a jetport-industrial city as 30th Century Pox recently, will It Pat Newcomb had not been to the club is detrimental to the tic Instrument Co., Windsor NU- , m ONE UNDER 17 A O N in ED ed at leELSt five spades to sup­ Pass 3 O Pass a means of salvaging Eastern be here at least until after the adjacent area. clear Oorp., Veterans Memorial (Ago limit ruy viry port this bid.) North then Ud 2 t suffering from a severe case of in ctrttin ortii) 3 NT All Pass Connecticut’s lagging economy. November elecUons. The board’s decision followed Park, Sullivan Avenue Shop- three diamonds, showing his bronchitis, Marilyn Monroe Coventry Stanley turned over action on PURE ORANGE FLAVOR Because Mm knows almost ah open meeting which drew pthfiT Plaza and the Wapplng other suit. South chose to bid might be alive today. ru S SB IB nuMHtctivi the plan to a high-powered com- Si. Joseph Aspii’in everyone In th e . country who’s Miss Newcomb had planned over 100 persons interested in Shopping Center, three notrump for lack of any­ for if your opponents ttfe re­ binaUon of the UAW; CIO-AFL; ST.JOSEPH Hoovei’ worth knowing -* In politics or to spend the weekend as a house 4 J IF a ir hearing argpiments concerning Cotter will be at the South MOTIOM Mcnno 0001 or HirOCOtArnON. thing better. liable bidders. If they don’t Connecticut Jaycees and citizen show business — she will be guest to cheer up her des- the Swim Club developers’ ap- Windsor Headquarters at 1720 If this method of bidding con­ bother to show support for part­ group called Econ-Jet on Mon­ ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN For Giildren rounding up celebrities to help pmident friend and client. But plicaUon tor a variance that EUlngton Rd. tonight from 7:80. fuses you. Imagine that North’s ner’s suits, you don’t have to day night. 1W Gr. Dttt Handi-Vao Shrtver in his drive to elect she went home, instead, after W ill Start would aUow them to build on Lawrence I. Decker Jr., first response was two sptules, look for clues; you’ll beat them Tile plans were approved by WIDELY APPROVED BY DOCTORS I Oiiinco ll.ivurod. I'l'llk' of SO Democrats to Congress. spending the day on Saturday. property with less ttmn the re- chairman of the Cotter Day and that South had to rebld. with your eyes closed. la h lo is THEATER TIME all the groups, and agreement CaM or Foi nuick cIlmii lips i»M ini:s »»i h.iio P at Newcomb, who worked Miss Monroe was found dead quired frontage. Committee, said the public is South would bid two notrump, Daily Questtm was reached to take over im­ for the USIA here in the days in bed Sunday morning. Her Tomorrow Option for approximately 12 ‘nvited to meet and talk with SCHEDULE Hoois. Ci'iiihin.iiuM i iiivi.iiul lli'oi and North would bid three dia­ As dealer, you boldt Spades, plementation of the plan back I iel»uvL'iiilu. lm s\ to nI o io . of the New Frontier, is one of her hand on a telephone with acres of land owned by Harry Cotter. monds. Then South would con­ in March, two months before The Annual 4-H Town Fair J-9; Hearts, A-Q-S-4; Diamonds, the legion of loyal Kennedy fol­ which she had been trying to L. and Edith W. Wells had been M«»chester Evening Herald Burnside — Catch 22, 7-9. tinue to three notrump. A-19-7-6; aubs, 10-9-S. the death of Congiressman Wil­ Conlae 20"s lowers who shows up whenever summon help. will start tomorrow morning at taken by. the______Swim Club to build Windsor correspondent Cinema I (East Hartford) — West missed the vital clue: What do you say? liam St. Onge and the subse­ she's needed. She worked in the Pat Newcomb left hollywood 8, but this year at a new loca­ a private recreational area with ® "hara Varriok, Tel. 644-8374. Getting Straight, 7, 9:26; Mhglc South did not bid three spades Answer; Pass. The hand is quent intention to seek the of­ One capstric c\cr\ 12 horns O®' presidential campaigns of both for months after the tragedy. limited membership. This pro­ Moments 9:06. fice by Stanley and Pickett. tor relict of alleruies .ind tion, the Community House of over three diamonds. South not quite worth an opening bid. colds. 2.27 JFK and RFK. Now she has left again. perty is rear undeveloped land East Hartford Drive - In — would have done so with any Add the Jack of hearts to that Reading the descriptions and 1.39 YOUR the Second Congregational Meskill Gets Each Her close friendship with Her last big promotion pro­ that would require an entrance Myra Breckinridge, 8:20; 100 three spades. South’s actual suit, aiul you would open with releases concerning the propos­ CHOICE 16.74 Church on Rt. 44A. Marilsm Monroe is well-chronl- jects for FOx included "Hello right-of-way. Hlfles, 10:06. bid of three notrump revealed one heart. ed jetport-industrial city, a m CLEARANCE! cled in the actress's biography, Doily!" and "Myra Brecken- Starting at 8 tomorrow, the Congratulations voter may wonder If they are building will be open to receive Recently a suit was filed by East Windsor Drive - In — that he had only two spades. Copyright 1978 Dura Gloss Nail Our Reg. 22.88 "Norma Jean,’’ by writer Fred ridge." 42 families In the Beelzebub Rd. Christine Jorgensen Story In the first room this General Features Oorp- talking about the same thing. Lawrence Guiles. But at election time, she can’t exhibits, with Judging of some From President Pickett charges the plan for exhibits to begin at that time. and Foster St. area against the 10:10; ’The Mercenary 8:16. match West opened the jack of SAVE the two women clashed when seem to stay away from Wash­ Zoning BERUN, Conn. (AP) —Con- _ _ a jetport "of destroying the en­ Polish Remover Some of tile highlights of the Planning and Commis­ Manchester Drive-In — Sup- spades and South meuiaged to 0 they first met, according to ington, vdiere she was born. sion. gressman ’Thomas J. Meskill p^ge ’They Gave A War, 10:20; take only six tricks. vironment of the most beautiful AN Marilyn’s biographer. She took This time, she may not leave, day’s events will include a The writ charges the commis- received Prosident The Last Grenade 8:30. parts of our state.” Removes polish with one wipe! ^ Hoover horse show at 1 ;30 p.m. and a Flounders such a dUlike to Pat Newcomb which wont’ surprise anyone Sion with having, among other s cwigratulatlons for win- Mansfield Drive - In — Me In the second room a CSiinese According to Pickett it “will EXTRA during the filming of "Bus wrho knows that her earliest am­ blocking contest at 2:30. There things, “interest in the outcome W etoesd^’s RepubUcan nNatalie, 8:30; Boys In The send local tax rates soaring to 30% OFF bition was to be Martha Roun­ will be an auction of donated expert led the ten of clubs from Floor Polisher Stop’’ that the press agent had of the hearing that they should the West hand, missing the provide the necessary commtL- to be reassigned to another pic­ tree and produce "Meet the articles at 3:30. Meskill said today the wire state Theatre nity services and will requiro Aqua Velva Silieone Judges have been announced have disqualified themselves.” , t h e ^ r e state Theatre — Woodstock, point that South was short in Scrubs. w.LXCs. polishes. InilTs. ture. Press." It further charges that Joseph from the President ^ arrived 2, 6, 9. staggering sums for sewers, for the annual event, with cloth­ spades. East put up the king of waste disposal plants and C'oniplcie with 2 Icli butlini: Carino, chairman, “conducted « stated: UA Theatre—M»A*S*H, 7:30; Lather Shave pads. 2 sciiib wax me iMUshcs. ing entries to be judged by Lee “Congratulations on your pri- 9 :45. clubs, and South took the ace. water lines.” • Pools • Ladders c R>\A() Hladky, Mrs. Lester Hill, Mrs. f i c a i ^ ^®tory. I look forward to Declarer led a ditunond to the According to Stanley, the Choice ot lime or regular. p District Superintendent George Jacobson, Mrs. John flcaUon which was in vlolaUon ^^^klng with you for a Repub- queen, and returned a low dia­ to the law." project will be privately fi­ 98t( size bottle 7 Hutt and Mrs. Nelson Goble. lican victory in November so Nixon, Kosygin Meeting mond to the king and ace. StiU nanced by IndusUy, and tax Other judges are Richard Att. Edmund Lassman of Connecticut may have a new looking for the weak spot, and revenues from the industrial • Filters Moves into Headquarters Cobb, sheep; Robert Rockwell, Hartford represented the Swim Republican governor. All good At U.N. Unsure Now still overlooking the vital clue. city would be spread among the poultry; David Cook, rabbits; '^®‘*es for a successful cam- West shifted to a low heiurt. The communities in which the em- The Rev. Dr. James R. said that the Wellses claimed paign. WASHINGTON (AP) — It is rest of the defense was just as 'Uhllnger, district superintendent Daryl Luginbuhl, dairy, swine employes reside, relieving the hardship due to the current zon- MesklU w<»i well over twine too 7 ” .'T-V’' early to "say ." 1 whether Presi- bad, and South mSnaged to a t the newly-formed Connecti­ and horses; Henry Reichel, property tax burden. ’The latest • Water Floats €u(T Link Ing laws in the area reauirimr ® k ^ Nixon might meet with Bo­ bring nine tricks home. cut Valley District of the South­ woodworking and electricity; pollution abatement equipment r n foot frontage '■®®®‘''®/ Alexei Kosygin This is the kind of clue to look ern New England Conference Mr. and Mrs. Garland Reedy, would be built into the city and booths; Diane Buscagitla, knit­ „ ______^ cere> the costs charged off to the Sets tor the United Methodist would be used' as an entrance # * ii*™*7* monies at the United Nations Church, recently moved into the ting; John Scarchuk, fiowers, uocu M an enirance face fellow Congressman Emilio this fall the White Hmiee neve users. to the rear portion of the land q Daddarlo in the November ’ ^ ^ • Suminer Toys district headquarters on Center and Hugo Thomas, natural sci­ Pickett boosts the advanjages Our Reg. ence. where the swim facilities and November ^ ^ ^ n&iioBB of individual industrial parks, •nas Rd., Bolton. clubhouse would be built. ______have been Invited to the cere- 3.97 On Aug. 2B at 10 a.m., be will Also, Michael Peace and Hm “with new plants which will in our present inventory Atty. Seymour Rothenberg of monies, and both the United “Head straight for Getting Straight !”| provide new jobs for thou­ \ 1.99 preach at Vernon United MetlT- Peracchlo, vegetables; Mrs. Windsor argued for the plan- Ya le L lu b s i t - i n states and Soviet Union have re- ^B o b Salmaggi. V/INS R» Ass’td. Kransco Water Floats • Loimners & Ass'td. Filters Rev. Robert Bechtold, demon­ could be effected, adding that left However, presidential press GOULD-BERGEN tries which are so important to V Just in Time for Bark to School--!New Timex Watches New England Southern and the the Wellses own land on Avery secretary , ------Ronald L.— Ziegler ^------said our Second District economy,” > Summer Toys iiuiiide Gurdeii Sel.s. Sieve .''el.s. Inljutable New England Conferences, in­ strations. Members of the 4-H Coven­ Street that abuts the piece of ^ make the Thursday, “It is premature to Pickett declared. Toys. ele. S I Columbia GAF Instant l^iad cludes 88 United Methodist land for the Swim <31ub and that 3TaIe under- discuss the President’s schedule He further points to the need Churches east of the Connecticut try Fair Association are Ellen the Foster Street entrance is STaduates and we should have for that time.” And Washingt<»i SPOmiNG GOODS DETT. aEARANCE Aronson, president; Pamela 0 » for a peactime conversion Not all sivles and models in all sioiev. River in Connecticut and 20 not the only access to the swim- *“™® *^*^***^ **®*^ others," Informants say the Russians L.P. Stereo Reeords Color Cramera Going, vice president; Janeen plan, also advocated by Stan­ churches in the Pioneer Valley ming area. Elaine Orfanos, class of have given no sign who will rep- ley, “such as the one I have al­ Our Reg. Q Q of Massachusetts extending as Reedy, recording secretary; A letter from Mrs. Domild resent them. ready proposed to insure the 0498 E598 Johnson #98 Spin Cast Reel 7.99 Barbara Bechtold, corresixmd- far north at Northampton and Bannon of 641 Foster St. cited ' " continuance of jobs and the Our Amherst. Ing secretary^and Gary Fergu­ tA Sf HAHtflfHl! aM son, treasurer. the danger that the location of l!3uQ ^ I N E M A 1 creation of new jobs right here 94 44 Reg. For three yeeurs, the Rev. Dr. Dr. James B. Uhllnger this entrance would have in the In our district." All Rlaek Rebel Lures °'’i.!r .88 39.99 Uhllnger served as dlstriot su­ Other committee members riiriz m ifl 29.44 area. Pickett accused the proposed perintendent of the North Shore ter in Worcester. He received include Brenda Bearce, Cathy his education at the Divinity She noted that Deepwood jetport of "creating many more ,'\l Kooper - "Hasy Does It" 18.88 District of the New England Bronowitz, PriscHla Clay, Joan Drive is a steep hill and where problems than it could solve.” Double Bunk Folding Cot Conference. Before that assign­ School, University of Chicago; I’crcN Faith - "The Bealic .-Mbum" 10 per store — No rain checks Reg. 24.99 Donahue, Phyllis Hoffman, Dade it meets Foster St. is a hazard­ "The plans which I have ad­ Jim Nabors - "tver\ thing is Beautiful" Cds clcctiic eye exposure, fast f/3.8 ment, he was for 14 years pas- Garrett Theological Seminary, Kennon, Tim Kolodziej, Bonnie coated lens. Takes color slides, prints. Evanston, HI.; and Taylor Uni­ ous corner — especially for PUPPETEERS OF AMERICA i r FESTIVAL 70 vanced and will work for in The Firesign Theatre - "DonT Crush that tor-ln-charge of Wesley United Love, Heidi Miller, Marilee Mil­ children riding bicycles. They Washington, plans which are Dwarf. Hand Me the Pliers" Aluminum Directors Chair ° 2 ' « * Blackwhile, loo. Methodist Church in Worcester, versity, Upland, Ind. ler, Thomas Peracchlo, Coleen PUBLIC PERFORMANCES 2.28 Dr. and Mrs. Uhllnger have have difficulty stopping and practical and down-to-earth will Mass., one of the largest Protes­ Roach and Joan Simmons. sometimes tumble onto the bring benefits to every resident tant churches in New England. three grown daughters. Adult advisors are Mrs. Ron­ Harriet Jorgensen Theater, Storrs, Conn. road, Mrs. Bannon said, With and taxpayer in the Second Dis­ iTV\“ Camping Table & 4 Stools “ .r 9.99 Earlier pastorates were in ald Aronson and Mrs. Ralph increased traffic brought about trict," Pickett promised. Iowa, Bllnois and Michigan. Hoffmann. by the swim club members, the He claimed the jetport “will Dr. Uhllnger has been a dele­ Tomorrow night, following Aug. 16 Aug. 19 fill the air with pollutants while Uruguayans situation would worsen, Mrs. 8;()0 The Love For Three Assorted styles to choc hi-risers, 3 speed models. Drag- gate to General and Jurlsdlc- the fair, there will be a teen Bannon said. 3:00 Hansel and Gretel, Puss emptying their pocketbooks.’’ Uonal Conferences, the World Oranges in Boots sters and lightweiglits. OEARAHCE IN OUR PICNIC DB>T. dance at the high school from In other business, the board Aug. 17 He further claimed industrial Methodist Conferences in Oslo, Peruse Note 7:30 to 11 p.m. Music will be approved a request by the 8:00 Puppet Varieties — Top parks supported with federal Norway, and in Lmdon; and 3:00 A Tale of Chelm, Thor’s Am^can puppeteers by the local rock group, "To­ South Windsor Youth Council Hammer; Peter and the Aug. 20 mortgage guarantees and devel­ World and National Councils of gether.” for a block party Aug. 1 from Wolf oped through local initiative #2042-43 Our Reg. 42.95 N o w 3 2 .9 5 Pair of Patio & C3iurches meetings in this coun­ In Kidnaping 8:00 Excerpts from Shakes­ 3:00 Rip Van Winkle, Cinder­ will bring new, diversified try and overseas. DRSTTHEyTHKE ella #2044-4.3 Our Reg. 49.95 N ow 3 9 .9 5 (Continued from Page One) menoouis peare; Bunraku 8:00 Aladdin, Folk Music and peacetime industry to Eastern Garden Torches His overseas study and travel ORIVE'IN HARTFORD * 527 2222 r THE FORTRESS! Aug. 18 Puppets Connecticut and cited examples #2046-47 Our Reg. 54.95 N ow 4 4 .9 5 included the World Peace Study guerrillas, maintaining the pris­ Hrtrllniil Siirllil ft|m i. ■ Route 91 Noilh 8:00 The Moldau and Peter Aug. 21 in Norwich and Middletown. Our [ASTHARTFORD Reg. Tour to Russia in 1969, study at oners whose release is demand­ ...THERERCH and the Wolf; A Swedish 3:00 Canterbury Tales for Pickett also put In a pitch for Our Reg. 39.95 'U'Vl IN ♦ hi- #.3652 N o w 3 4 .9 5 4.99 the University of Edinburgh, ed are criminals rather than po­ ChristmEks R hapi^y and Children; Pickwick Pup­ the problems of the elderly, Sleeping Bags 3.66 Scotland, in 1961, study tours to litical detainees. NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED | OTHER! Spanish R h a p ^ y pets; Arabian Nights calling for a “Social Security #2016 Our Reg. 49.95 N ow 3 9 .9 5 the Holy Land in 1963 and 1970, 8 :00 liie Patchwork Girl of 8:00 Address by Bill Baird, Holds a lull quart of fuel - lortg burning. Some 12,000 police and sol­ . Oz; The Muppets, Beau­ system which provides real se­ Complete with poles, wicks, caps. No ram Aluminum and European travel in 1966. He diers continued their search of Bread and Puppet The­ curity.’’ Three popular models to choose fonn . . . ty and the Beast atre. checks. * :SS. M particularly Interested in the the Uruguayan capital for MAE JOHN RAQUEL ilim LIE He advocated that Social Se­ Sony FM/AM junioi or full size in suminei weight, dclu.xc fields of higher education, pas­ traces of the kidnapers and WEST HUSTON WELCH Admission: 91.50 adults limited seating — first come, curity payments be tied to the for Slimmer and fall, Padded Rocker toral counseling and mental their two captives. About 80 sus­ BROuin ran gleef .50 children first served. cost of living, "helping our sen­ Chases mosquilr's. other ll> ittg insCi.Ms. (childrens’ prices matinee Tiki Torch Fuel health. He received the Iowa pects were rounded up Thurs­ :TECHNICOLOR*jR[- program subject to change ior citizens meet situations as Portable Radio Our ------only) without notice. Reg. State Mental Health. Award in day. The kidnapers have at present in which they must Our Reg. Now Gallon Can. Our Reg. 2.69 Now 1.99 1900 by establishing the Scott warned that if their hiding place JIM RAQUEL pay more for food, goods an'i 14.88 County Mental Health Center. BROWN WELCH ’Tickets available Jorgensen Box Office. Quart Can. Our Reg. 99c Xow -69 8.88 is discovered, both their host­ services, but have only the same Jr. Camper 6.97 1.99 Strong .tubular frame, haidwood anii.Y. Dr. Uhllnger has served as ages will be killed immediately. 100 RIFLES amount in their check.” O u r Folds for storage. 30 per store, no rain vice president of the Massachu­ 39.70 6 " Reg. 69^ The government has received Pickett further advocated a While Sandwieh Plates. pk». of 100 49e checks. # 8505. setts Council of Churches, pres­ Slide rule tunine. I’lavs on Frontiersman 10.97 8.8« support from a number of coun­ and recommended federal ac­ batteries or plugs into house O u r ident of the Greater Worcester Reg. 99^ kii‘ Stereo Components checks.# 082. lar Waterproofing Done. Plastic Household Helpers Mercenaries... McKin n ey b r o s. HDM'S DAYS L\ .Mean: race against $ M’ S ’tif A'fD IHUR tRI t u Peari 8t. — MS-saM Our ENTMC PARK OPEN • 1PJW. Sewerage Disposal Ck>. YOUR Our Reg. Take ^10 Off Reg. Price on anvM oM ei’ IO ^60 MtSISniMnMinaVISM* w |<« *M ’^ 1 CHOICE 794 each H s f s ’s s 9 y e s p s y M s 138.00 for O M niisM M lM n • • • Bl-OO ■MqStWmrlSFMn . . .St.SO WANTED Reg. Price on a U V (‘ l’ AM/FM-FM stereo tuner. 2 speakers. G.t. man-made Take ''15 Off MoW over^60 mrsL.'un'rurfAVffi (••rosf2a *•« diamond stylus. Janvresisiani four speed changer. Big stereo Choose dish pan. 14 qt. spout pail, utility tub. 1 bushel laundry basket, reciang- p«S«SMt Clean, Late Model M in's PM MV tiiliM I itarring }Oon bo.z • jo . cocl.r . counlryjo. Illw lllh . croiEy.iNlli z noA sound in a small space! lular waste basket, cutlery tray. ('ome In. Buy It and Charge It! oclogulhrw . rkhw . jim ih.ndrlx . tonlona.johnubattkin . sho-MHia SnqSttlrM rM iM n. . sty & lh« fomlly stona . i. n yeori o h .r .th « w h o .o n d 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 o lh .r IwouHiul p M p I* . U SED C A R S t m s s B M M S W l M U r M l M M M l MASH Top Prices Paid «M * Iv M fMw r *J1 H .rowiey’ An Ingo Preminger Production la film^bylTlichQel WQc| l6igh ^ produced by For All Makes! SALE: Color by DeLuxe* “ THE D O S IN THE E 4 ND” 1 MANCHESTER Panavision® B o b iTiQuric© • a wadleigh-mauricejtd. CARTER CHEVROLET WATERBURY HAMDEN WALLINGFORD FRIDAY and SATURDAY AOtfTOGT«nF*T»IWruon ANUonJGtnoJRoursIWMK C obb,l>U »*(R |^^ C oMriMg Svadoy (*e»W ie£A»6C tm *W « im * i ADMm [E fiAW UI FOBfOroiW A JOBE RWBTOUCnOW CO.. INC. Lakewood A Wolcott Rd. Rt. 69 2380 Dixwoll Avo. 1 1145 Tollood Toropikd Rt. 5 At Moridoo Lioo Greater Hartford Won't Let production • tschnicolor® from worner bros. - ^ 2 n d H l¥ — Open Late Every Night Tm IlfItBr It Go! This Fsntestic 'niElsaSTERENBlN copjiliht c nutnuin pkolosjM. pnotofrapliy by thwitf^ibutt, burt unit tn t tlllalt InWy 1229 Main St. (Jther stores located in Danbury, Norwalk, Starhford, Riverside, Peekskill, Bedford Hills, Kingston, Poughkeepsie, Northampton & Framingham yUm HsM O ver... Ite l StSTWeno UndarV raquirM 3 FREE SHOWS STANlfY BAKER'AliX CORD-HONOR BLACKIVW^ ''“’’l^^KcatnpMying Pwwit or Adun OuirdiM Phone 649-5238 Iv U(b 8«M*A*S«H WEEK Patty Duke in iNE, NATALIP V.

PAGE POUR MANCHESTER EVEOTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 PAGE PTVB Vemon Tolland County Democrats Mull: - Il\. a volume of information, a per- got loose in the school room. tance from the brink erf the bliiff confused with ,the tunnel mine. Court Cases I on can not be expected to per­ Teacher couldn't figure out how there was a large funnel-shapOd Dear Old Codger: Will Party Oust No-Fault lusuraiice Law or when they got in. They have Superior Court sonally check every physical hole with a square depression In your column a few weeks Young Readers at Library many little sharp pearly white ago you mentioned W.B. (Bill) item. And so O.C. believes some Dodd Backers? CIRCUIT COURT 12 teeth, bitf their mouths are so a few feet deep at the bottom. Lull's bakery on Laurel St. In WhenYou Buya A recent University of Con­ Manchester Session Signed; Insurers Adamant [< ? ] one had misinformed Mr. Spiess small they cannot pick up O.C. thinks It was started to be your article you located this Turn To Partying Tuesday KENT, Conn. (AP) — Demo­ necticut graduate about to be. In a short trial, Nicholas Del- about the Wyllys Copper mine. enough flesh on your palm to a sheift to meet the tunnel but bakery as being on the west BOSTON (AP) — Gov. Fian- or, however, to work with the The governor said later he Monument from Inducted into the amed ser­ cratic-State Chairman John M. laripa, 19, of East, was He once wrote that a person be able to bite. They live mostly was never finished. side of Laurel St. Since Laurel Ohlldren who have participat­ Ml the ecology of freshwater cls W. Sargent went qn state­ governor and the legislature to signed the bill into laif becsuise ed In the Rockville library sponges. vices received a suspended sen-- Bailey says local party leaders found guilty of breach of the entering would see many liz­ on mosquitoes. It seems that However, diagonally across St. runs east and west, wouldn't S A P O R in tence in Tolland County Superi­ wide television Thursday night seek corrective legislation the state's 2J6 million piotorlsts the bats in the Wyllys mine are the meadow from the mine en­ reading club will attend parties The university has been can be ousted for support of peace and fined $15 by Judge. ards crawling and bats flying the bakery have to be located MEMORIAL CO. which would enable us to re­ were "fed up” \rtth high pre­ a smaller breed than those in trance toward the northwest to be held Tuesday at 10| a.m. awarded a |12,000 grant for the or Court yesterday on a drug Henry Goldberg. and signed the nation's first no­ around. Well O.C. as a boy went on the north or south , side of 470 OENTEB STBEKT charge. Sen. 'lliomas J. Dodd's indepen­ sume writing automobile insur­ miums. ' one of the old Cobsdt mines in and up the hill a few feet above and 2 p.m. at the library. project which will Involve a de­ The cases of Danny Lorec, 16, fault auto insurance plan into ccaignATidNS .into the solid end at least 26 this street? ' lHancberter • BU-TTM dent bid for re-election, accord­ ance In Massachusetts.” He said he was "proud of the East Hampton or Portland. the meadow level is a square­ To be eligible, children in tailed study of the cytology or Robert E. Jones, 22, of of Wlllimantic and Michael Dix­ law. Aetna CJasualty. and Surety ■’ O.C. is indebted to an old wise inches hlg^l and on it was in- times and never saw a lizard Mr. Lull baked pastry only, Wethersfield pleaded guilty to a ing to the town chairman of on, 17, of Hartford, were contin­ Sargent's office said that bill and we're going to see that When one backs into the bot­ shaped depression still discem- You get our dependable Grades 1 and 2 had to read 12 cell structure, life cycle and re­ Company immediately said it and kindly gentleman Mr. Mat- scribed the square and compass or any other crawling thing, and and to this day no one bakes chat;ge of possession of a con­ Kent/ ued at the request of Prosecutor within one hour of his television the corrections go through.” tom of an old blasted drill hole, abW amqng the trees. As boys books during the summer and productive phys^logy • town committee Thursday that hed called caressing their sup­ compulsory liability law enact­ Indian lore accumulated as a « ^as of cw de workmanship injuring it. In the evening dusk, easily, tho it was a little deeper to read and report on 24 books. cies. state for the original charge Public defender George Roy­ new or renewed auto insurance undeniably the deliberate or a little before daybreak, and other delicious goodies. His lecting a family memorial I which was sale of a controlled Bailey expects it to support the ster objected to the continuance port of his stance, including ed in 1927. they all fly oUt to hunt through than today. There were no trees Those who meet these quali­ The studies will be made in in the state. hobby over many years, and he work of human hands. It is hang hqad-down on the ceiling bakery was located at 30 Lau­ priced to fit your budget. I drug. winner of next week's U.S.' Sen­ and filed a motion for dismissal about 40 Democrats. the night. near it then nor on the mead­ fications may obtain a ticket Penwood State Park, Bloom­ The governor said he would was very generous In sharing known that some American In- all day. Because they back up rel St., south side. See our complete display State's Atty. Robert J. Pigeon ate primary. of the charges. Judge Goldberg My friend Matt Spiess also ow. lor admission to the party at field, and in an isolated pond in file a special message with the The . Republican governor is hls knowledge with anyone in- dians. Judged worthy of it, were into any indentation they can In ' your remarks about the featuring fully guaran- described the Incident leading granted the continuance, but once wrote in another article O.C.'s mother told him that the Junior Librsury before Tues­ West Canaan, N.H. Anyone who backs another legislature asking repeal of one seeking election to a full four- RANGE terested. He directed O.C. to made Masons by early colonists find, they are easily overlooked football team that played on the ^ ...... teed Select to June's arrest as a casual sale candidate can be expelled from made it final, saying if the state that the shaft that went to the when she was a girl (before day. St. Joseph’s Bazaar section of the law which provid­ year term in a state where sites used by Indians and where from Europe. If this stone even if one searches for them. Hackmatack St. grounds, you and said he was not a dealer. the committee, Brennan said. is not ready to proceed on Aug. tunnel had been filled up in the Civil War) that hole was a ^AD D in BaYre Guild The theme of the club this The combined societies of St. ed for automatic renewal of all Democratic registration out­ FUEL OIL he had gathered artifacts. marks the final resting place, But they will not fly even when played up “ Big Charlie” Sault. Judge William P. Barber sen­ .. The candidates in the primary 20, he would consider Mr. Roy later years. O.C. has searched well-timbered shaft that went You overlooked his pal Eddie year was “ Discover Connecti­ Joseph's Church will sponsor policies, with a few exceptions. numbers Republican 3-1. While searching around one O.C. left it undisturbed, there in a flaming torch passes. We IG U llS l tenced him to one year in Jail, next Wednesday are Alphonsus ster's motion. Senate President Maurice A. GASOLINE the walls, celling and heading down out of sight in the dark. Singleton. He and Charlie were cut" Book reports are being the 11th annual church bazaar When the bill was passed by of those sites near South Glas­ the woods. Probably some real picked them off to take home Judged for prizes. This year suspended, with probation for J. Donahue, State Senate Major­ Dixon was arrested on June Donahue, D-Holyoke, a Demo­ of the tunnel and is sure that They used to throw large stones inseparable. starting Monday night on the the legislaturs earlier this week, tonbury, O.C. came across a estate developer will not be so in our pockets to let fly around MonumtnM three prizes will be given for two years. ity leader Edward L. Marcus, 23 and Loree on Jime 25 in con­ cratic candidate for his party's not any wOrks ever connected into it and listen to hear how Your column is greatly ap­ church grounds off Union St. Aetna, Travelers Indemnity, stone that had a smooth A- reverent. in the house. the best reports at each grade Richard F. Strano Jr., 16, of and the Rev. Joseph Duffey. nection with a series of house- gubernatorial nomination, said BANTLY 0!L with Iti However, above the tun­ far they fell. Probably it was preciated; keep it going. Ten rides will be available Employers-Commercial Union shaped surface about 12 or 16 Of course when compiling Once, strange to say, some level, lor a total of 15 prizes 10 Allen Dr., Vemon, pleaded Dodd is still a Democrat, but breaks in the nortli end June. 18. and Lumbermen's Mutual Cas­ in a statement that the legisla­ ( O.MI'A.W. I.\( . nel and removed back some dis­ the filling of this shaft that was A Friend with a special matinee for child­ guilty to charges of breaking They have been incarcerated ;;.!i MAIN STi{i:i:i In Grades 3-7. Door prizes will ren to be held Saturday start­ will be written off the. party ualty said they would stop sell­ ture would "give careful consid­ be given to those In Grades 1 and entering with crlminad -in­ since their arrests. come me«t ing at 1 p.m. The affair will rolls on election day for running ing auto Insurance in the state eration to the governor's recom­ ■|'Kl„ li i!i-, and 2. Refreshments will be tent and larceny over $2,000 in without his pcirty's endorsement Guy T. Smith, 22, of 27 Law­ because of the renewal provi­ mendations and will do what is served. open nightly at 6 p.m. On Sat­ connection with the theft of a rence St., was found guilty of DftL's TEEN urday night at 11 there will be and against his party's candid­ sion and the 16 per cent pre­ best for all the people of Massa­ Pinochle Report safe from the Rockville Memori­ operating a motor vehicle while five prizes awarded. Proceeds ate. His banishment from the mium reduction. chusetts.” FASHION BOARD At yesterday's tournament al Nursing Home on June 11: party, which is required by his license was under suspen­ Sargent said he would keep from the bazaar will go to the His case was continued to Sept. sion and fined $100. session of the Senior Citizens church building fund. state law, will last as long as the 16 per cent reduction and thejr’re modeling in the Pinochle group, six tables 24 for a presentence investiga­ the term of the office for which Nolles were entered in the move to “protect” motorists by cases of; show. . . thesr're fashien- ./Ni. were in play. Winners were Al­ tion. he is running—six years. giving the state insurance com­ Gloria J. Bogue of Bolton, dis­ bert Rutland, 687; Edward R o Ballet Company Upset Owen W. Wright, 19, of Park Dodd could have taken his missioner increased regulatory iR-tho kiiowl West Apts., Rockville, with­ regarding state traffic commis­ nan, 668; Elsie Miller, 654; Ed­ Over Nureyev Solos bid for re-election to the Demo­ powers. drew a previous plea of inno­ sion signal. PLAZA DEPT. STORE ward Miller, 639, and Ann Mor­ cratic state convention, but he “I will protect our motorists MELBOURNE, Australia Michael Carr, 18, of 40 Cobum (We Have A Notion To Please) rell, 636. cent and pleaded qullty to sale decided a couple of weeks be­ from a shut-off of insurance,” (AP) — The allocation to guest of a cannabistype drug. A count Rd., breaking and entering with E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to PopuUr Mkt.) Regular pinochle will be play­ star Rudolf Nureyev of some of fore the convention not to do so. the governor said. of possession of controlled drug criminal intent. OPEN WED., THURS., FRI. till 9 He announced in July that he C:k)mmentlng on the threats by ed on Tuesday and the last tour­ the most coveted solos during Omar Chapman, 41, of 350 (Ren­ PAPER PLATES. CUPS AND NAPKINS was nolled by the state and the will run as an Independent can­ the four companies to withdraw nament of the present series the Australian Ballet Compa­ case continued to Sept. 10 for ter St., breach of the peace. ny's coming American tour has didate. from the state,” Sargent said; FOR PICNIC, PATIO AND PARTIES will be on Thursday. Games presentence investigation. Thomas Ctoppinger, 35, of set off a rebellion among the “ I face their threats without are played at the Lottie Fisk A $1,000 bond was forfeited Marlborough, two coimts of —plus— Building at 1:15 p.m. company's stars. fear. I will not succumb to when. Frank J. Daigle, 23, of breach of the peace. COLORFUL PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS Three of the troupe's eight threats. I will not be black­ The Thursday session will be Main St., South Windsor failed Dempsey To Lead Anthony Decarli, 30, of Tol­ i f principal dancers have re­ mailed by an industry that has 97c — $1.29 — $1.49 followed by a buffet supper and to appear on charges of Injury land, unnecesary noise with a signed, and two more are ex­ Tour of Ireland lived well and profitably in Mas­ social time during which aeries or risk of Injury to a minor, motor vehicle. Ingrida Dzenis prizes wilt be presented. The pected to quit. One of the rebels, SANTA FE, N.M. (AlP)—Five sachusetts for many, many two counts, and delivery of li­ Robert C. Moriarty, 19, of yea rs-w Industry collecting Manchester High new tournament games will Warren de Marla, said the re­ governors, including John 156 Eldridgs St., being found in­ signations had been brewing for quor to minors. $400 million in auto insurance f start Aug. 27. Dempsey of Connecticut, have toxicated. some months and were trig­ premiums this year." Research Assistant plaiuied a weeklong tour of Ire­ gered by announcement that Fire Damages land in early September that EAST HARTFORD SESSION Basically, no-fault provides Gerald E. Weiner, 201 Regan Nureyev would dance his ver­ will include meetings with Irish Richard L. Hill, 28, and Rob­ for direct payments for injuries Rd., has been appointed as an sion of the Dmi Quixote Act 3, Catlin House Republic President Eamon De- ert F. Perkins, 32, both of Nor­ from the insurance companies assistant to Prof. Tracy L. the Raymonda Variations and HARWINTON (AP) — A fire Valera and members of the wich were found guilty by a to policyholders or those cov­ Simpson of the University of the Australian ballet "The Dis­ has heavily damaged the histor­ Irish parliament. Jury of 6 of larceny under $250. ered by the policy for up to Hartford to do research work play." ic Abaija Catlin house here. Accompanying Dempsey will They were arrested by state po­ $2,000 in medical expenses and The present occupants, Mr. be Gov. David F. Cargo ot New licy in connection with the theft or lost wages no matter who & and Mrs. Salvatore CTosta and Mexico, who aimounced the trip of an antique clock from the was at fault in the accident. their six children, escaped un­ Thursday, William Cahill of estate of E. J. Holl in Bolton Amounts above the $2,000 injured. Fire officials said they New Jersey, Warren Knowles of on June 25. would be recoverable through ' FIVE SI OF did not know the cause of the Wisconsin and Warren E. court suits, blaze, which broke out Thurs­ CIRCUIT COURT 14 Ih a statement issued in Hart­ Lorrie Brown opaa tonight till iteilO & Heames of Missouri, chairman Manchester HIgii 9 day and no estimate of damage at Open Letter To see the shapes! feel the vibrations!

:nc rniTa«!e ef T(va.\ni___ downtown ntancKe$H.T. new looks at great lengths! open ttaon. and tri..iiig$itz tID tM* - Manchester Democrats

‘lene Sflreridaid East Catholic High all the high frequency campus fashions from Seventeen WDRL.D Magazine . . . D&L let’s it all come together for you now TH E M OST r;.- !l: BEAIJTIFIJL Dear Fellow Democrat: SHOWROOM Karen Leemon IN Manchester High NEW ENGLAND As one who has asked for your support on IS con w to PROUD TO so many other occasions, I now ask for your —Ow- ANNOUNCE THAT help in nominating Jay Jackson as the Demo­ (large figfere) D&L’s Rib knit pull-on flare slack I COMPLETION IS with matching long sleeve cratic candidate for Congress from this district. turtleneck and a r g y 1 e FASHION NEAR sleeveless shrink sweater. ► (VS' All machine-washable, by Grapevine. Slack S I 8. tur­ # ir-rg The problems facing our country demand Gabriele Michels tleneck s i a shrink « 1 1 ROCK-SHOW Manchester High that we send people to Congress who will serve II II > V VIBRATIONS their country with ability and dedication. Jay (left to right) Ole! The gaucho goes par- has served the people of Connecticut well as a tjdng on campus weekends. Black and white crepe gau­ cho pantdress, black bolero tomorrow member of the State Senate and I am confident and cinch belt, 5-18. S 4 5 that he will be an excellent Congressman. Allgust 15th X Clara Greenfield 2 p.nx STOP IN NOW FOR Manchester High 16-button belted wet look I hope that you will join me in voting for midi coat in lush cranberry PRK OPENING VAEIJES color. Flap pockets, quilt in the D & L 4 Jay Jackson in the August 19th primary. lined, 7-13. $ 7 5 IF YOU ARE PLANNING A NEW HOME Com m unity OR CONTEMPLATING REMODELING YOUR PRESENT KITCHEN, OUR PRO­ 'Room, FESSIONAL STAFF OF DRSTr,NFT?S Young Jrs’ python-look AND DECORATORS WILL ASSIST YOU peace jacket, $1$: python IN DISCOVERING THE BEAUTIFUL NEW $ ; MANCHESTER WORLD OF FUNCTIONAL KITCHEN J i n c e r e l y , print nylon shirt, 10 DESIGNS. stripes make a star gaucho tweed pants with python grommet beR, $10 PARKADE FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION HAVE ON DISPLAY Ckeryl Parluiano All 8-14,. from “ The Place" 15 STYLES IN: of this all Dacron knit Windsor Eugh (not in^New London). WALNUT-MAPLE-OAK-CHERf|Y-MAHOQANY PRINTINQ CO., INO business of makli^' Itself a favorable construct any new military in­ Britain had expressed concern Town firemen resixmded to up the Wallaceites. Whereas ' U Bluell Street Itancbeiter, Oann. image in the world. Deteriorates stallations in these zones.” over the dumping plcm, after co­ three calls yesterday.' Mr. Nixon won Ohio 46 to 43 THOMAS F. FBBQDSO^ He later sent a formal com­ Of Nerve Gas lonial governments in Bermuda -They extlnquished a fire in a over Humphrey in 1968, Quayle Daily Vacation WALTER R. FBROUSO> and the Bahanas voiced fears of shows him 44 to 47 behind Mus­ PUbliebere It is bad enough for us to be indulging (Oonttamed from Pace One) plaint to Maj. Gen. Enslo SUl- (Continued from Page One) truck on Charter Oak St. yes- Fouztded October i, UP ______vasuo, the Finnish chief of the pollution in nearby waters. kie now. in so much public controversy over how Brltain was assured dumping terday morning at 9:84. Published Every Bvenlnc Except Sundayt Aviv Yedlot ,Aharmiol^, reported U.N. observer tefim in the Mid- might break up before reaching Early warning signals are out Bible School and HoUdain. Entered at the Po^OiXloe at we are-going to dispose of the 12,000 die Bast, claiming the Egyi>- bottom, 16,000* feet down. This would not take place until the A brush fire behind 141 lOgh- for the White House. No Re­ M ancbeater, Conn., aa Seocntd Claaa Mail that Egyptian soldiers fired ^ ' ...... rockets full of nerve gas which are now acroBS the Suez Canal in a sec­ tians had introduced a would allow the iras to escape team had completed its land St. was put out at 11*S0 publican has been elected Pres­ cant number” of missiles as and contaminate the envlron- study In Washington. Both the ^ ^j^^r £^ass fire at 143 ident in this country without SUBSCRIPTION RATES at that North Carolina dock, waiting ond minor violation of the AUGUST 17 - 28 — 9:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. close as 12 miles to the canal, ment, the suit said. Bahamas and Bermuda se n ^ b - winning both IlUnols and Ohio. PlU ^e In Advai^ burial out at ea. servers to Washington to aflTln W. Middle Tpke. was put out One Year ...... fW.Ob cease-fire Thursday. The news­ A U.N. spokesman in New INSERT A097 Delaware has been carried by at SALVATION ARMY. MAIN STREET S t Montlif ...... 15.60 the study. The experts’ report at 11:66. Tliree Months ...... 7.80 paper said the incident occurred York said the observers were xTie Army theory Is the ship the winner in seven of the last But, on top of that, there is now com­ means Britain will raise no ob­ Eighth District firemen put One Month ...... AOO in the waterway’s central sector watching for cease-fire viola- wlU sink slowly and ocean pres- eight Presidential elections and jection to the American dump­ out a brush fire at 100 Croft MEMBER OF ing into public view the question of how is considered an excellent bar­ Cell 644-0155 o r 649-7313 when a few bullets from small responsibility sure will cause the coffins to ing plan. Dr. yesterday morning at 9:66. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ometer by election analysis. The Associated Preaa la exclusively en- we are going to dispose of some more arms weapons were fired over military stand- break up gradually, allowing uoDonemaOpponents Inm theme UnitedumiBu They responded today to a Between 6 P.M. AND 9 P.M.. Registration Fee 60c tlUed to the use ol repubUcatlon ol all Thus are the limitations of a newa dispatches credited to It or not other- nerve gas which we now haVe stored on IsraeU poelUooa. a^eement calls for the gas to escape slowly without statesT^ Infcludlng Florida Gov call at 12:16 of a grass fire wlae credited In this paper and also the 'The military command said it nation to check the other harming marine life. Claude Kirk are seeking e along the railroad tracks in Southern strategy now mani­ for Whole Session. local news published here. what is still legally the territory cf an­ fest. All tliM ol repubUcatlon ol special dls- could not confirm the shooting ^"ipliance by re co n ^ s- The suit, in which Florida court order to stop the scuttling Buckland. patches herein are also reserved. other nation. The Pentagon has its idea but refused to det^ it. Two days flights along its side of C3ov. Claude Kirk joined, also operation. The Herald Printing Company Inc., as- of what to do about the nerve gas on ago the army said four bullets the line. quesUoned the dumping of 10% British experts cMiclud- jomes no llnanclal responsibility for typo­ Okinawa. It would like to transport it to were fired from the Egyptian In Washington, a State De- pounds of VX nerve gas con- gd: “There is no practical alter- graphical errora appesirlng In advertbe- side of the canal in the same partment spokesman said he tained in a land mine in the native to sea dumping." menu and _pther reading matter in H m TEL. 943-9171 - OPEN 9 AJC. TO 9:90 a tiny Pacific atoll called Johnstm Is­ sector. Hiere were no casualties doubted that Jarring’s peace shipment. «rhe methods proposed for ns KAm 0T. IN DOWNtOWN Manchester Evening Herald PJMt. • CL06KD MONDAYS • OPEN AND FR1(. IfifTTL 9 P.M. • MUSIC STORES and the fire was not returned, Sohscriher to Los Angeles Times-Waehing- land, and leave it there. mission would be slowed d o ^ .pug jg ^ persistent the loading of the hulk, the tow, IT OAK Srr., MANCHESTER • TEL. 9 ^,71 ’ - 941 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD • TEL. ton Post News Service. the Israelis said. oy Israel s claim. Representa- ^ypg than the GB gas which warnings to shipping, radar sur- B33-7201 • WATKINS FUNERAL SERYKST- I)4S EAST CENTER ST. - TEL 949-7U9 Full service client ol N. B. A. Service, Inc. Publishers Representatives — Mathews, Believe it or not, however, our Owi- Reports from Amman said tives of both Israel and Egypt makes up most erf the cargo, the velUance, scuttUng and monltor- Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special Agency gress is now in the midst of action on a Jordanlan authorities have met with Asst. Secretary of gy^ noted. If released into the Ing during the after . scuttling — New Yorit, Chicago. Detroit and Boston tightened security measures to State Joseph Sisco Thursday, ^j^ter prematurely, it would re- seem saUsfactory,” they added, bill >riiich would forbid the Army to _MEMBBR AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULA- prevent Arab commandos from and State Department press of- t^in half strength more than 12 Two types of gas are to be n O N B . move this nerve gas, which we exported kidnaping diplomats, foreigners fleer Robert J. McCloskey said: years dumped, the bulk of it called GB Display advertising closhu hours to Okinawa for our own potential use or government officials. Inform- “ We’re still looking into the a droplet of either gas can kill and the’rest VX. The British ex­ Bor Monday — i p.m. eViday. ant said the guerrillas may re- matter.” jjj minutes perts said that, even if the con- For Tuesday — l p.m. Saturday. against Pacific enemies, into any part BOr Wednesday — i p.m. Monday. TOrt to this tactic to sabotage The Beirut newspaper A1 An- ^he Army has said since the talners suffer some leakage Of MANCHESTER For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. of the United States. One slightly em­ the U.S. peace plan. war reported that ^ errilla disposal operation was an- from water pressure, contaml- For BTIday — 1 p.m. Wednesday For Saturday'•-turday — 1 p.m. ~Thursday. ' barrassing thing about this Is that John­ Two Beirut newspapers also leader Yasir Arafat would go to nounced July 30 that the rail nation to marine life is likely to TELEPHONE 643-5171 Qaaalfied______1 deadlinedeadllm — 6 p.m. day reported that King Hussein of Cairo in a few days for talks shipment and dumping of the slight, -■lore publication. ■■■’■ 6 _ p.m. Friday_____ for ston Island Is, legally speaking, a part SatorMy and Monday publication. Jordan has warned his armed with Egyptian President Gamal gas pose little danger. *'ff unforeseeable catas- of the United States. forces to be on the alert because Abdel Nasser, TTie guerrillas The gas had been stored at *«>P**® occurred, all the subversives------were------^ plotting------to as-V xhave f onH denounced neFVe gES Nasser's WOS rCleaSeQ ac- tO 016 Friday, August 14 The major embarrassment is that we sasslnate him and other Jorda- ceptance of the U.S. peace InlU- atmosphere, the hazard would extend to stand before the world as a people will­ nlM officials. atlve and___ have been escalating the rockets, encased In maximum ext< ^ e King said the assassins their raids against Israel in an about 20 miles downwind -of the ing to spill our own poison on others, but Pidc Your Own Explanation might be disguised as Jordanian attempt to sabotage the cease- in- ^ a *». ’ incident,” the experts said, apparently determined to guarantee our­ soldiers, according to the re- fire. was begun Monday and the When the P.B.I., the other day, report­ trains rolled into Sunny Point selves by law that none of our own poi­ ^ rta published by A1 Ahrar and Hiere were reports that Ara- ed that crime in the United States had y Kifah, purporting to be the fat decided to visit Cairo after wnruino' ToUand County son products shall ever come back to the Nature Study by Sylvfctn Otta-ra with the increased 148 per cent in the 10 years ♦***1.°^ Aug. 2 royal circular Libya, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia land which originally produced them. QUEEN AN N E’S LACE gas are armed with masks and since I960, a spokesman in the Depart­ to the army. threatened to stop their large fi- Horse Qinic Calro newspapers gave major nanclal subsidies to him. A1 An- antidotes, and normal opera­ ment of Justice has this somehow com­ What kind of people are we, to try to c o v e i^ e to Israeli charges that war said Arafat will go on to tions at the Sunny Point docks were curtailed while huge Slated Monday forting comment: put it Into law that the one thing that moved several mis- Algeria and Libya after seeing sUe batteries closer to the Suez Nasser. cranes hoisted the coffins "No human being alive can explain must not be done with our own nerve gas aboard the ship. The 1970 4-H Twilight Horan .. . In Cairo, seven Palestinian Judging School will be held Mon­ Is to bring it back to our own shores? The Briggs, brought out of these trends. That’s the great debate of papere did not carry guerrillas released by the Greek day at Hl-Yonder Farm In Inside Nixon^s any official confirmation or de- government told Egypt’s Middle mothballs for the operation, will Hebron at 6:30 p.m. the century — what causes crime.” We had better ask ourselves that ques­ be towed to sea by commerciEil n l^ o f the charges. East News Agency they are Miss Doris Creuve will serve We are also reminded, for our comfort tion, for it is the question others are go­ The semi-official newspaper -determined to continue with barges. At the burial site, valves will be opened, allowinig as official judge at the cjlnic. of mind, that President Johnson’s Com- Northern Prohlem M Gomhouriya displayed a ^ur struggle until final victory ing to be asking about us, now that, by 'Summer ’70’ their loan or gift of furniture. the ship to sink. The program will Include In- Mrs. Austin Cheney, Attorney frontpage headUne under a red jg achieved and the Palestinian strucUon on ^election of a -misslon Ml Law Enforcement and Ad­ Pentagon planning and Congressional de­ To the Editor, banner: “ Israeli flurry on mis- oeoole return to their usuroed The Army aeciaeadecided to burytmry tnethe Allan Thomas, Charles E. Ja­ sound horse. Those attending ministration of Justice reported, three bating, we invite the world to watch us Report There Is now in progress, on sues,” while an AlAkhbar head- S^^iiand.” The Greek g o v ^ ‘".th e, o ce a n ^ te r the Na- cobson Jr., M.D., Clarke In will be given an opportunity to the grounds of the Jesse-Lee tlonal Academy of Sciences said years ago, that "no single formula, no handle the issue. sucance Agency, The Rev llne read “ cease-fire faces a cri- ment freed them Thursday In judge a class of Registered Pon­ By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak House which has served as the quickest method of disposal single theory, no single generalization Earle Custer, Mr. and Mrs. Ver fulfilment of a promise July 22 ies of America. Manchester Headquarters and was necessary because of the non Greene, Mrs. Gordon E The official newspaper A1 Ah- with which It obtained the re- Miss Crane suggests that can explain the vast range of behavior ram splashed the statement by lease of a hilacked (Sreek airlln- condition of the gas. WASHINGTON — A remark­ Southern states go to Mr. Nixon, Quayle’s data also indicates residence for the Summer ’70 Stevens, The Philip Lauter those planning to attend the called crime.” program for the past five clinic prepare for it by review­ Youth And Slum Pressures able series of statewide private Dixie simply does not have Mr. Nixon gaining or holding his Foundation of Wllllmantlc, Miss S ^ £ e d n?w persons aboard. ^strucUon by a weeks, the Summer ’70 Arts ing pages 9 and 13 of the Such assurances extend to us all the polls taken this spring and sum­ enough electoral votes to com­ own against Muskie in Moun­ Dorothy (Joodwln, Saint Luke’s i^ yan iiigypi aepioyea new The seven guerrillas were ex- in The sheer greater masses of young mer suggest that President Nix­ pensate lor such Northern dis­ tain and Border states he car­ Festival. All the events of the missile batteries In Canal pected to go soon to Amman, “ Horses and Horsemanship” privilege of roaming, without any par­ people, In recent years, ' have vasUy Church, Darien, Holy Trinity Once the GB gas escapes Into on, gaining strength in the South asters. ried In 1968. In Oklahoma, for Arts Festival are open to the Church, Middletown, Christ Jordan, to rejoin their oiganiza- .i,- tv,, a™ ,, manual. amplified youth's effect. The A1 Ahram story began by tions. the water, the Army says, A coimty judging team will be ticular responsibility, or obligation to but declining in the vote-rich In­ Thus, polling data buttresses example, the President rises public, and mark the comple­ Church Cathedral, Hartford, dustrial North, can win the pop­ the argument of non-Southem chemical action will render it selected from the high scorers reach a conclusion, among all the possi­ The young are not themselves so dif­ one point to 49 per cent for a tion of the hard and dedicated Christ Church, Stratford, St. saying: “ Israel stirs a big ado ular vote In 1972 but lose the Republicans: A strictly South­ over the situation at the Egyp­ harmless within 10 hours. at Monday’s contest and a ferent. An essenUally anarchist element big lead In a three-man race. work of the twelve Individuals John’s Church, West Hartford, ble explanations. was always there. Jackal gangs, looting, electoral vote — and the Presi­ ern strategy cannot succeed. As who have constituted the com­ tian front” county horse-judging tour. Where the story changes are St. Mary’s Church, Manchester, Salaries Up 6S.7% LONDON (AlP) — The British dency. usual, the 1972 Presidential elec­ munity of Summer '70 for Man­ The English-language paper 'Television might be the criminal, for sexiial oxipnng, Queen size set, $239.95 which the use of dope of various kinds schooled in antagonism by elders or pre­ breast. I am aware though that Jesus’ But that nationwide margin counseling at the Interfaith Day formation earlier this week, and twin or full 5iCM^ BLOU IT urry StSBr MR. PRB^U>£Mr— f CtiLL PR£P£R Tm^RR(fl£^ aIANCHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN- FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 PAG E N IN E P A G E EIG H T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHISTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14. 1970 Psychiatrist Believes -Slayer Toys Taboo Concorde Df^shes Marine Goes Rock Auction Vernon Over North Sea Drug Center Bonds Set for Seven Of Girls Acted on Impulse WASHINGTON (APy— The Federed Aviation Administra­ PAlRFORD, England (AP) — On Trial In Will Benefit The Drug Advisory Center NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — of three girls who were found tion has asked airport oper­ Ksvfn i . eed of sound, enta, another sister, two broth- ”}**i**!?^ trial, and if tiiat is de­ Thursday. first venture Into politics. He is tims might have argued wim check is being made of several ber, 862-12U, has been set up to 28 years old. tion caU: 647-9222. Argentine Roman CathoUc sented in court yesterday, Rob- for 41 minutes and stayed up ers,, hla paternal grandmother ***®*r ^ Want to buy a flute belong­ melr assailant. cars seen in me area. take confidential calls on me He is a graduate of Rockville Church said Thursday night the ®** Majewskl, 26, of 240 Oak St.; about two hours for omer non- and Ws matenua grandmother. ® trW by Jury. ing to Ian Anderson of the Brussell said he mought me Ahem again appealed for case. speed tests. _____ A' three-judge federal courtJethro Tull group? How High School and Oeorgetown VaticanVO*, hasuoo confirmedvuiumtiou the ex- Majewskl is charged with killings and me attack were im­ about a limousine that la said and Catholic Universities, Mi s . Stanley Zbysieiiskl “Pj?®*** ***** communication of a priest who counts of selling marijuana pulsive ram er than premeditat­ to have transported, among where he studied drama. In an- ed. VERNON — Mrs fella Noras ^*^* *® **^ ®**' E*®^***®* tried to get his archbishop sum- and two counts of possession. others, Aretha Franklin, Ja- noimcing his candidacy, Sadlak The bodies of me girls—Iden­ ZbyslensklV 7B. ’ moned to court as a witness. Dixon, in the courtroom pro- nls Joplin and the Beatles? said, “The lessons of local re­ ARRESTS tified as Donna Schlltter, 16, and ftitd, mother of Charies Krowka « ‘ ^ sponsibility in the area in which ^ ^ Archblshop Francisco Vlcen- f® ^ ^ * *>** ®*»*®' Sandra Hedler, 23—^were found of Vernon, died Wednesday at I grew up and now make my Gerald R. Freeman, 26, of 867 Hartford Hosoital She was the ^^®*'^® soldiers have been Main St., charged with breach tin of Corrientes excommunlcat- Wednesday brutally beaten on home have always been im­ me head and face. alleged massacre. Economic pressed upon me.” of the peace. He was arrested (x^D odland, GARDENS Ih e funeral was this morning five months ago and suspended ^ WilUam White, j20, \riio was “The responsibility of action, last night on McKee St. after an from the Talarskl Funeral incident with firemen. Court two priests who supported Mar- ^ * *®*' hS! wim me girls earlier in me day Study Hits rather than criticism, and the Antom N. Sadlak Sr. turet's legal maneuver. Fathers EUtogton Leduc is ch^ ed ,^th and also lived at me center, Home, 880 Maple S t, Hartford, Andover ideal of devoting full time and date Aug. 31. with a Mass of requiem at SS. Lulz M arla Babin and Bellsarlo *'"'» ®°****** *®l® **“ cotlcs was listed in poor condition at efforts to the task to which one sense, Tiscomla. All three are mem- and two counts of possession of PLANTS Cyril and Methodius Church, he said, "is now while Kenneth M. Avery, 22, of 77 St. Raphael’s Hospital foUowlng Hopeful Note has been elected are challenges can still turn the tide of Ir- bers of the Third World Priests, *:ontrolled drug. THAT Hartford. Burial was in Mt St Girl Scouts Oliver Rd., charged with meUc- b y surgery Wednesday. which I have been trained to responsible fiscal policies.” Ronald Ralph, 22, of' 34 Eki- . ('HeraJd photo SBver) Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield. (Continued from Page One) ing unnecessary noise with a a movement of liberal Argen­ Wayne Gryk uses a marking pencil and a variety of Police recovered a portable PLEASE! face and welcome,” Sadlak other Republicans who have glewood Dr., Richard Gass, 24, Survivors also include anoth­ To Join Macy motor vehicle. He was arrested tine clergymen. seeds to touch up his prize-winning poster. radio, which belonged to one of- More important was the fact said. announced their candidacy for of tike Beacon apartments on er son, a daughter, a sister, 10 last night on W. Middle Tpke. Father Marturet filed a civil He‘S Grand Champion me victims, near me spot vdiere that the second quarter marked Sadlak has taught in high the office of State Representa- suit last March to stop poUce W- Middle Tpke., mrt Bruce Pill In The Open Spaces — Plant Hardy grandchildren and 2 great­ Training Unit Court date Aug. 24. me bodies were found. But grandchildren. a turnaround after two quarters school and college and has tive are, David Mills, James from shadowinsT him and asked of 69 Hi^rh St,» each He said he would advise Cook authorities said subsequent In­ Two Andover Senior Olrl of declining production, which worked in the theater as a set McCarthy and Maurice Miller. Columbia as soon as possible. ACCIDENTS that Archbishop Vlcentin be *«*<* to®** «®* “* "^‘J* *“/ With 4-H Fair Poster vestigation turned up UtUe fur- \ called as a wimess. When me «‘y- AU three are charged wim William Baron also appeared Scouts are packed and ready ***** *®** ®ome economists and designer. nominee will be selected at Charlotte W. Froh, of 9 mer Information. prelate refused to appear, me one count of s e l ^ , ^ one Wayne Gryk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gryk of 59 to discuss a situation involving to leave for ' the Edith Macv ®****®® to «ay the nation was in a He promises if elected to “de- the RepubUcan caucus to be Chambers St., charged with PoUce said mey stiU were ***** •■®c«**ton. vote 100 per cent of my time to held Monday at 8 p.m. at the judge ordered his arrest, but f***** ®* Possession, of marl- Firm Seeks two. building lots and two foun­ Arms Talks making an improper right turn. Wetherell St., recently received the Grand Champion searching for a late model, light Training Center, Briarcliff Man- Corporate profits for the sec- dealing with the problems fac- Memorial Building, Park PI. high government officials inter- J“®na. , ... award for his poster announcing the Hartford County dations, one of which complies 9 9 or, N. T ., where, from Aug. 16 ond quarter were $82.3 billion at ing our town and our state.” Rockville. She was arrested last night af­ A bond of $2,600 wim surety wim regulations while me omer blue car wim Connecticut Ucense ter the car she was driving was 4-H Fair to be held Aug. 28, 29 and 30. Sand, Gravel plates that reportedly was seen (ChiysantliMinim) 4 for $3.88 To Resume to 22 they will participate as a. seasonally adjusted annual He continued, “There is _____ does not. Involved in an accident at W. The' archbishop excommunl- *^®«l^*** *® ^ Wayne, a member of me Hoe near where White was found library aides in a work-study rate, slightly below the $82.6 bll- grave inconsistency in the fact Advertisement- The foundation In question is Middle Tpke. and Congress St. cated Earner M ^ r e t for vlo- “ f*®,!’'® ;.!*' and Halter 4-H Club, was also nude and imconscious Wednes­ program with a strong empha­ lion of the first quarter. The that while Connecticut is the i jmt two days, St. Josephs lating canon law by trying to «® assistant secretary; and Susan Off Rt. 6 on the corner of Pucker St. and In Helsinki with a truck driven by' Jpseph < winner in me 9 to 11 age group Nelson, assistant to the vice day afternoon. sis on the use of audio-visual drop continued a decline that wealthiest per capita state in church Bazaar. Kiddle Matinee briiur a Murenchurch omciaiofficial before a ^ selling a controlled^ posses- drug River Valley Rd. on about a T. Given, 29, of Bristol. Court In me contest sponsored by the president. 'White, who had gone on a VIENNA f AP^ 'That. TTnit^ materials. began this time last year after the union, it is now $200 million Saturday. Free admission. clvU court. g,*;„ John Whalen, representing half acre lot. Baron said he SAVE SZjOO o n t u r f b u il d e r ! date Aug. 31. Hartford County 4-H Fair As­ On Monday, there will be a the M. A. Gammino Construc­ shopping trip wim me girls, was sconr ' * *"® t*****®® por the second time this year months of record high prof- in debt.” Grand prizes awarded Saturday made a mistake when me foun­ States and the Soviet Union to­ Melesko was me mily <»e sociation. each girl will be representing its. “ The time for common night. meeting of the F a ir superinten­ tion Co. of Rhode Island, ap­ dation was built wimout a per­ found about 4:36 p.m. Nearly Covers 16,000 sq. ft. day completed the second round Connecticut Trails CouncU of Ronald P. Laplante, 23, of able to post bond. The om en Linda Nelson, daughter of Mr. dents and advisors at 7:30 p.m. peared before me Planning and mit. According to Baron me six hours later, poUce said, “a Rockville, charged with unsafe Manchester Area were taken to me Hartford Oor- and Mrs. Carroll Nelson of 24 Regular $13.96 of their arms tailkB known as Girl Scouts in an out-of-council at the South Windsor Cemmun- Zoning Commission this week foundation is 47 feet from me group of hippies, bom male and NOW ONLY $1U95 backing and making an im­ rectional Center in lieu of bond. Sunset St., won a first place for Ity Hail. Any 4-H member wish- asking permission to remove SAt/T—the Strategic Arms Urn- opportunity. Tolland road when it should be 60 feet. female,” found me girls’ bodies Trio Freed proper left turn. He was arrest­ Vernon Driver Nine arrests, all of susprtsted her poster in me 12 to 14 age ing to be a superintendent may sand and gravel from me Hoch- Peterson told hlih me com­ near me vent tower In me 10,000 sq. ft. bag NOW O N L Y ...... $8.96 Itotlcn talks-and agreed to be- ® "*‘f , ***, ***® y®“ . ® ed yesterday afternoon after “pushers” of inar^ana, has­ group. She is a member of the contact Shelia Mlsovlch, 21 Bell berg property on Rt. 6. mission cannot grant a vari­ Baldwin Drive area of West NOW’S THE TTME TO BUY AND SAVE! . j . was a delegate to a Senior Girl NEW BEDFORD, Mass. hish, or pills, were made in fin a third round in Helsinki g < ^ t Convention at Cohasset, the car he was driving struck Charged After . Manchester 4-H Homemakers St. About 18,000 cubic yards ance and advised him to go to Baldwin Drive area of West (AP) — A court has dismiss­ Manchester begiimlng about 7 Club. Del-Aire Swim Area Said two parked trucks at Hilliard Advisors to the Fair Assocla- would be removed, and Whalen me Zoning Board of Appeals 01* Rocks. *tov. 2. Mass., concerning careens for ed charges against three New a.m. and continuing until short­ and Electric Sts. Car Rams Pole Omer Manchester winners in tion are William Kelsh of 307 also asked permi.ssIon to re­ remove me foundation. Police blocked off me area After 82 secret working meet- young women and entitled Bedford ip e n who were ar­ ly after 11 a.m. yesterday. me 9 to 11 age group are Joan Gardner St., Mrs. Elsie Woolam move about 90,000 yards from GLADIOLI (Mixed Coiois) ' ings in four months, chief dele- “'Where Do We Go From Suitable For Swimming rested two weeks ago in a po­ Adelines To Sing and made checks of all cars, ROSE OF SHARON William Paoll, 18, of 26 Foster Robert Pouquette, 20, of 13 police indicated that me al- Keeney, Cynmia Hultgren, Dl- of 1185 Main St. Soum Wlnd- the Andrew Sewruck property but apparently found nothing. gates Gerard Smith of the Unit- Here.” Pat has Just returned lice raid on what officers de­ The lakefront home of Mrs. Ideal for any occasion In Blossom! Tbe Del-Alre private swim- north side of Anderson Rd. St., charged wim failure to Village St., Rockville, was ar- jeged sales took place at Wick- ane Evans, Susan Suntava, Su- sor, and Hartford County club on Rt. 6. Prances Davis again will be me ed States and tTadlmlr Seme- from a two-week session at the scribed as a Black Panther “I ’m Just lost for words as Large Bunch Large Plants mlng area remains free from across from Baxter St. The ap- drive in me proper lane. He was rested early this morning by ham Park on W. Middle ’Tpke., gamering place for me annual $2.9710 $3.97 nov of the Soviet Union signed a Sacajawea Pow-Wow at Boone, headquarters. ^«^®***® A**n P ‘®ciotta and CSialrman Edward Peterson to why it would happen, and pollutlon and is suitable for plication is submitted by Floyd arrested early mis morning af­ Vernon police on three motor McDonald's drive-in restaurant Aucncilo &nd OhristixiG EJdw&rd IVTcrritt summer outing of me Mountain Joint c«»nmunlque at a public Iowa. Judge Ernest C. Horrocks said as soon as me commission mere are so many strange as­ swimming, according to test re- Monroe and Son bus company ter his car was involved in an vehicle charges. at 46 W. Center St., and at Msovich, blue ribbons; Joseph .. . , ceremony in the Belvedere Pa- Both glila are 16 and Juniors Jr. dismissed the charges in receives a detailed map of me Laurel Chapter of Sweet Ade­ pects to It,” said Joseph <3olom- suits conducted by the Univer- of Norwich, which holds the accident on Brent Rd. wim a Pouquette, police said, was David’s at me Parkade. Mazzotta, red ribbon; Mary „ ° ‘*'f®‘°” **'® ^®**' **-om lines. “Colonial Daze” is me lace. at Rham Senior High School. District Court Thtursday on area mey will notify abutting batto, director of me Greater AZALEA PLANTS PINE BARK MULCH sity of Connecticut. transportation contract for the car driven by Wayne R. Lund- driving soum on Vernon Ave., to me first lour hours of me Putira, Ann Putira, and Joseph i^"®*'®®*®*‘ ®*’® *^*'- o"** property owners and anomer meme and me event will be New Haven Regional Center. The two governments had ^tose is a majorette and a recommendation of Dlst. went off me side of me road rrtds yesterday, police in 10 Mazzotta. white ribbons. William Lopes, Edward Afcker Red and Pink 16” The tests were undertaken by town school buses. berg, 46, of 49 Brent Rd. Court meeting ■will be held. The re­ held Sunday beginning at noon. “BUI’S wallet wasn’t taken, and Save water and work n6W $ 2 ^ 9 5 agreed in preUmlnary tAiit« Ust member of the Rham Band. Pat Atty. Edmund Dinls. date Ag. 31. and struck a utility pole, split- towns arrested at least 19 por­ (Evergreens) v w 1 ta “ Helrirfd“ to 'h ^ i^ ^ has been a Student Council rep- **»® owners of the area, Guido The bus company had origl- ft U,. ,o .. quest is being made In connec­ It features a tea party, baked me girl’s apparently were not $2.59 10 Bags ...... $25.60 The prosecutor did not ex­ ting it in half. Pouquette’s car ®ons, according to Associated L te sete of workliiA sesaioM in reeentative and a member of ««* C*®*r® FaUacchlo and De- nally approached the Planning age group are Maureen Riley, nyr™™ „n xr i i; : tion wim me company’s work bean supper, proclamations molested." plain his recommendation. Cars driven by Annette Hlllery was heavily damaged, police Fr®®® reports. A total of 47 war- o T A lls^ ^ d B h ^ Tri#?«n Playem. *o«s and Gerald Kane, after and Zoning Commission for a Marlene Mlsovlch, Deborah oriowski on me 1-84 project. and maybe a sentence In me He said White and me two e Geraniums 69c ea. a Large African Violets 89o a Garden Food 80 lbs. 98.36 o Ume- of 231 Porter St. and Edward ggl(j_ rants have been issued. Gryk, Heidi Lindberg, Jan M®rJorie ^ d tala The voal la an aareem rat T*>«y belong to Regional G. S. nimors had been clrcuUted change of zone which would James (^ook of Orange ap­ pillory lor mose who do not en­ girls lived In me same residen­ stone 73o (3 bags $2.19) s Lawn Food covers 6,000 sq. ft. only $2.00. Bogmanis of 58A Chesmut St. _ ’ ,, ...... According to Task Force head- to r ^ c e tto tw o au^wwwera' 8021 and in September throughout the town indicating have extended the commercial Bolton Pouquette was charged vdm Hartford, seven of Wierzblckl, blue ribbons; Nancy t ^ p ,, ’ □ „^®**®’ peared to ask about me pos­ ter into me spirit of things. This tial unit at me center. He caUed SE E I '8 FO R ; Bedding Plants, Foliage and House Plants, Cacti, Swimming Pool Sup­ were Involved in an accident Malan, Diane Keeney Pam f,®”** ^®*'^ ®*-” ^ ° * f P®**^ Is In keeping wim me conven­ araenala of lanre-sljnj^lear **>®y *>®K**> *® ®hare their **>»* **>® awlmmlng pond was zone to Include the parcel of operating a motor vehicle wim- mose named in me warranto sibility of developing me Mono melr unit one In which persons plies, T r ^ , Shrubs, PerennlaU, Grass Seed, etc. Do You Have a Lawn or Insect Prob- yesterday morning in me west­ Holme®, Amy Mazzotta, Allison “ ** Sylvia Pella, Lake property of 330 acres into tion which will be held this year J^ S S ^ In d ^ tte^ lea^ newly-acquired sklUa and ex- facilities a^^ l^d but due to several delays Two Selectmen bound lane of Center St. out ^ o^rator’s license, fall- suppliers of drugs who are considered ready for lem? If so — IjOtUs Help You! Our Helpful Advice Is Free . . . dehver (hem perlences with their own troop ^ ® Del-Alre facilities are be- the decision was made to pre- Mlsovlch, Theresa Keeney, red —f' Mrs. Richard Quimby, a travel trailer park for family in Marlboro, Mass. Funds col­ ure to Mve in me right-hand gggt of the Connecticut River, ribbons; Nancy Romanowlcz ?J*®® Ev®l3m Swanson, Mr. and more freedom than omers are _ ' ^ , and with younger girl scouts. ‘**8 u®®y toe town for con- sent to the appeals board. lane and operating wim unsafe Manchester PoUce Chief camping. Cook does not pres­ lected mis year will be used to placed. ^ agreement, the two dele- ^ appren- ducting the Board of Recrea- Road Work Delayed To Lead Drive A car owned by Burton Jack- and Amy Mazotta, white rib- ^f***!* ®w****®°n. Mrs. Ger- ently own me land. He asked buy risers for me chorus. tires. He is scheduled to ^pear james Reardon, vice chairman ala Thibodeau and Miss Sharon State poUce caUed o n Brussell gallons prese^ed unusual se- tlced to a young troop while tak- tlon-sponsored swimming pro- Road superintendent William son of Wapping was struck by if this type of camping would Townspeople, as usual, are 168 WOODLAND ST. OPEN NITES riR 9 For A1 Donahue an unindentified vehicle while in Rockville Circuit Court 12 of me Regional Narcotics Task White. more man a year ago, in May 643-8474 crecy thro^out me twice- jeadershlp in training. gram this year. Sevclk has delayed me work on Winners in me 16 to 19 age _ - tt be permitted but was told that invited to come over In boats to it was parked in me Johnson’s Sept. 1. Force, said me arrests were me 1969, to help in me Investigation i^kly meetings In Vienna, and The Edim Macy T r a 1 n i n g Summer program director installing curbing on New Rd., ^^,0™ group are Sheila Misovich, Su- ap-vinp- ns hi trailers are not acceptable un­ hear me entertainment. Those Raymond Negro and Joseph Paint Store parking lot on Main Rodney Smim, 26, of 22 Or- result of more than a year’s mere were none U the pmp^ Center is a Girl Scout National J®**" Campbell has indicated Carter Dr. and Grahaber Rd. Ucltra, two of me town’s mree chard St., Vernon, was chaiged intensive investigation by me san Nelson. Carol Pella, blue ® r-hri are Jill der present regulations al- planning to attend me supper St. yesterday afternoon. mough camps and day camps ganda barrages « « c h u s ^ to center situated 38 mUes north toat me water at Del-Alre is until me needed asphalt be- selectmen, have been appointed wim operating wim unsafe tires squad. Reardon also noted m at ribbons; and Cynthia Kurtz, red V ^ B®n®on D l^ e are asked to contact Mrs. Da­ ribbon Keeney, Joan Keeney, Cynmia are. a c c ^ j^ all Soviet-American ^ ^ork City. Girl Scout suitable for swimming. Some of comes available. co-chairmen of me local A1 following a two-car accident on mose charged were seUers, not vis for reservations. A written warning for im­ All » n, » -.11 X K“rf®. Held* Lindberg, Allison Peterson said me idea had ***®**** representatives, girls and toe rumors may have been Bazaar Scheduled Donahue for Senator campaign. West Main St., Vernon. The users, of drugs. proper backing was issued to All of me p eters will be dis- Mlsovlch. Linda Nelson. Lynn come up for me first time and Conference sources said adults, from all sections of the caused by me growm of algae The Tolland MJdget Football The announcement was made Smim car coUided wim one ------Manchester Evening Herald Gary W. Andrews, 24, of Glas­ played to various sections of Ann Orlowskl, Peter Pella and added he felt me commission Smirn presented an “outline,” United States and from mem- in me pond, prompted by me League Jias scheduled Tolland’s today by Bob Warfield of Dona- driven by Timothy Peckham, Donald Lombardo, 21, of 277 Columbia correspondent Vir­ tonbury after his car was in­ ^ “ ®**®"*®*'’ Patricia Sullivan. should have some legal advice. ginia Carlson, Tel. 228-9224. whlch reports from Washington ber countries of the World As- hot weamer. Aral full-fledged bazaar to be headquarters, volved in an accident wim a car 17, of Buff Cap Rd., ToUand. Box Mt. Dr. in Vernon was pre- Manchester 4-H members serv­ said proposed a freeze on strate- soclatlon of Girl Guides and Tbe algae is nothing more " f 1® Aug 28 through 29 on me U cltra headed me operated by Sarah M. Candon of Pollce said me Peckham car sented yesterday in Hartford ing as officers of mo 1970 Hart­ glc weaponry at about the num- q m scouts attend Macy. The than plant life and is a situation ™Kh School grounds. Democratic 139 W. Middle Tpke last night had to be towed from me scene. Ckiunty Superior Court on charg- ford County Fair Association are ber me two governmenU now cen ter has been in operation occurring in almost ail ponds K>aes, sj^ciai ^ w s and elections. Striv- on Main St. No injuries were reported, e® stemming from yesterday’s SIveila Mlsovlch, second vice have. since 1929. this year. It is not a pollutant. ing for better local government Peckham was issued a written narcotics roundup. He is ac- president; Marlene Misovich, The proposal, it was said. and according to many does not Friday night s event will Include ^ euldance and suvees- OOMPLAIN’TS warnlng for driving wim unsafe cused of being one of me ma- The only boss grow in polluted waters. ® demonstration square dance „^o„al S tires. jor suppliers in me area. called for an over-all numerical Advertisement— FnllaceWo has comnlalned Performance by me Tollanders *‘°*If, f*®*® national lead- An empty wallet was reported ceiling on each nation’s inter- A1 Ahearn has a record of rallaccmo nas compj^ea j. nance nnh ership, me co-chairmen urge missing Wednesday from me Elspem Badertscher of Whit- R® waived a hearing in pro- continental ballistic missiles, achievement second to none, mat I^on Dwire town sanitary ^ t L o o n Jo Jo **>® ®“PPort of Donahue. locker room at me Robertson insvllle. Mass., was arrested toiMe cause and was released Joe Duffey has missiles fired from submarines Support AI for State Rep., Dem­ Inspector tested me ponds water “We feel mat A1 Donahue is Pool. and charged wim operating ®R®r posting a $10,000 bond. and long-range bombs, but each ocratic primary Aug. 19m. only once mis year, and implied and a S T b E e to a S ® «*‘*"g ®nd capable man, wim defective brakes after she ------government would have some ------mat some of , me rumors . . stem- “ ^d ^ ^ wim many ideas as to how we was involved in a three-car ac­ latitude------in------dividing------its------total Manchester w Evening Herald, nied from the f«ntiltv people thm.ip'h who^ were me “ Miss Tolland Tornadoes” and Rolng to handle me high In- cident on Bolton Rd., Vernon. Kunstler Denies is YOU. among me various classlllca- Andover substltuto correspond- u a l^ m e^^^uty^^l^ujgn me court of honor will be se- terest rates, high food prices. Stock Market The three cars involved were tions. ®”^> Marjorie Campbell, tel. t o ^ sum m ing p r o ^ ^ . finallsU between unemployment, and many of all traveling soum, police said, That He Knows Observers here believe mat 742-8976 He is seeking P®>™ the ages of nine and 13 on Sat- toe omer pressing problems be- NEW YORK (AP)—’The stock market assumed a more cheer­ when a car driven by Madeline an agreement may be drafted in from me State Water Re- urday night. She will receive a tore us today” mey said. The people are his ful pose Friday as prices rose R. Kiminski of Hartford stop­ George Sams me next Helsinki round. But sources Commission to place ^ savings bond and me two Working ■wim Negro and Ll- ped as a child’s baU rolled into somewhat, mough trading re­ some think me talks may move copper sulphate in me water to runners-up will be awarded $25 cltra lor Donahue’s campaign me road. The car behind her, Radicals Lose mained slow. NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)— back to \Tienna next spring to kill me agae. savings bonds, which are being are Ronald Farris, Charles At noon me Dow Jones aver­ driven by Thomas Carrumers Attorney WUUam F. KunsUer only source of make me agreement final. The second application is sub- donated by the Savings Bank Lamrop, Marilyn Moonan, Leon Their Plea On age of 30 industrial stocks AKhough me public was left mltted by James ’Dsdale and of Tolland. Rivers and Eva Morra. alsl) s’topiim'^ TOe^^Ca^mere ^ unaware how much progress me August R. Bona of Glastonbury, Photos of young girls entering Cadette Troop Jumped 3.63 points to 710.98. car was men struck in me rear admitted engineering the Riot Conviction Declines held a narrow lead talks made, Smim went five seeking a variance to construct the contest should be sent to All girls of Cadette Troop 689 by me Badertscher car and ®*®ying of Black Panmer Alex political strength. over advances on me New York times______to Brussels to brief Amer- CHICAGO (AP) — A motion single-family homes on all me Richard Roberte, Carter Dr., are to report to St. George’s pushed into the Kiminski car, Rackley. lea’s 14 allies in me Norm At- to reverse me conviction of five ][on*alning lots in me ToL^d Rockville, and should be head Church tomorrow between 9:30 Stock Exchange. Analysts said recent favorable police said. No injuries were re- I don’t know what he looks lantic Treaty Organization. In uerBon. found eulltv of crossing ^°"^® , ®“**^*'?**"^®*’ ,***® “ 1? shoulder pictures only. and 11 a.m. to choose melr cos- economic news had put inves­ P***^®**- like,” Kunstler said of George July he went mree times in * * ® * ^ ' “ ***'* f * ‘ ^ ®^*"® *’“‘*‘***Jf ,*^‘*“* r ‘ . To**and’s VFW Post 241 is tumes for me 25mer under orders from tbs Saysrs Town Man . ^ **y ***® **®'^ developers to pave Team in PUyt^ Primary August 19m. Bolton second quarter after adjust­ Young of Laurel Ridge Rd., **®tlonal Panmer organizatiem. Connecticut in the polling booths. r k C ^ ¥T * “** ‘** ***® subdivision, in- The Tolland Merchants Jay- citizens for Joe Duffey, Peter ments to discount inflation, ana­ Tollrtid, was struck by anomer **® **®* pleaded guilty to And Joe Duffey made that possible— fighting Uf Lam pus Upset **^"*® *urvelUance of telephone wim existing oee Baseball Team has wound Richtmyer ’Treasurer lysts noted. car mat left me scene. second-degree murder in the against all the odds, but with the help of r r convei^Uons was used to ob- ^ the year’s play wim a 9-4 ------Favorable second-quarter COVENTRY o®®®- thousands of dedicated men and women. One proposed solution to the i* r. # Tb© proposed subdivision record and is in third place, earnings and increases in indus­ Truman Williams, 24 of Coo- Lonnie McLucas, who is disorders on college campuses atic 7tn u. b . t^ u ii Louit or ^ located off Old Staf- Th© ie&m won its first play- per La., Coventry, was charged ®**®rged wim kidnaping and The voice of the people is being heard. Again. Victim of Crash trial production and personal in­ At long last. Because of Joe Duffey. was voiced yesterday by Vincent A p p els ruled Thursday that intersection e^me beating CMspino.s 5-3 comes in July after several this unorning wim Improper ®on®Ptoacy in ccHmecticm wim T. Kelly, of 34 Adams St. surveillance logs submitted to it siater Rd. ^ two-hit pitching game by Leaves Hospital straight declines also gave in­ passing. He is scheduled to ^ ***® ®*®y**>¥ *« May 1969,1s me Isn't that the kind of man you want in Speaking at a hearing at the contain no evidence of eaves- wins Trophy J®® Zanghi. Zanghl also struck vestors a boost, mey added. pear in Manchester C ircu tt ***** ®* ®*«*** codefendanto to Washington? Court 12 Sept. 16. come to trial. Hall of th% House In Hartford The Tolland Fire Department batters and drove In two Mrs. Louise Pallier of 14 W. Glamour stocks also were KeUy said, ‘"Throw ’em out ***^ attorneys or their sW f. anomer trophy to ite col- runs. Kunstler, who described him­ Middle Tpke. was discharged to- showing some strengm after self as me “chief counsel for the w b e n mey start to raise me „ ^ l e c t i o n this weekend after being Bulletin Board plunging steeply most of me dickens. Hien, if mey come five-monm U.8. District Court ______— ,,_____ ------. . . ._ y . ------„ - ______***y from Manchester Memorial Panmers on me East Ctoast,” ^ ,11 awardedd me prize for me best Democrats vrlll hold a party Hosoital week. IBM, which closed off 7% -Agnew Plans OvoisoaiMCN or AMtstca. iiec. back, mey’re trespassing. trial are at the firemen's parade tonight at 7:30 in me gh« n,. testified for me defense Thurs­ '. *'RAnnidt**\ T^ovla to Itoe candi- ^ ® hospitalized Wednes­ at 223 ’Thursday, was up 2% at day. "Don’t let ’em off easy,” he Rennard C. “Rennie” Davis, Saturday in Broad Brook. To^ Hall to endorse Evunuui day evening after she was 225H at noon. Goodwill Trip He said he came here at me Pkk up a good second cor from Volkswagen. continued. “It’s a privilege to go Abbott “Abble” Hoffman, Jerry The department answered 11 **®*®® J**®**®®* of me Peace j-v a to college. Just Uke it’s a prlvl- C- RuWn and Thomas Hayden. car on Main St. Rails and oils were un­ request of an attorney for one of calls during the part mmim of f “** of Voters and ^ changed. Metals and steels were Through Asia lege to drive a car.” ------:------whtth“Z e e werHor^'mmurt tor" d 'ere’g^res” ^ a ^ i r t c * :;: "®“ 7': ^<****® ^P**®’ S*>® me defendants. On arrival, he off. Utilities were mixed. All said, he told people be mought Somebody traded in a Rolls-Royce for a Volks­ spection. Kelly’s opinion may be a r i r m r e r f o r c ^ fires a n T H ^®****°»* **> *>® *>®*<* rnonm *>®«- **»*®>- were ^ ttin g out of WASHINGTON (AP)—Vice omer stock categories were up. me case "was me beginning rt wagen? If anything needs fixing, it gels fixed. point of view typical of working President Spiro T. Agnew Public Records At noon me Associated Press anomer prosecution” rt the Yes, somebody traded in a Rolls-Royce for a Only then does the dealer guarantee the people throughout me state. was forfnr stand-byfltanri.hv, toe short-term seat of 2nd Dis­ takes off for Asia Aug. 23 foe free Warrantee Deed 60-stock average was up 0.8 at Panmers. Volkswagen. ’Throw ’em in Jail and don’t The town worked out trict Otmgressman. a nine-day goodwill trip to repair or replacement of every major working let 'em keep mose who want an Charles E. and Jean J. Van- 236.9, Mrim industrials up 2.2, He has represented members It happened in Texas, of course. part* for thirty days or a thousand miles. M Auto Law Killed Soum Korea, Taiwan, Thai­ IN ^ H I...., Riper to Randall E. and Carrt oFfeement wim Del-Aire^ to per- ®®'*®,I!fj Hlf. "iE?*? rails unchanged, and utilities rtf of me black militant group Mdio ft.™ J ,,, ^ land and Soum Vietnam. But even in overage states some pretty fancy Whichever comes first. urged. ^ - - In CcHnniittee 0.1. are awaiting trial in connecticn cars show up on a V W dealer's used car lot. swimming program So when a Volkswagen dealer says that a used Yesterday's session was me ' ®®,!i!!?“ ®® ,*?“ «»•*»• , ®.®' liam Stanley who is challenging Big Board prices included The trip is to “demonstraite with an alleged bombing plot in And some not so fancy cars. And some quite car is os good on the.inside os it i Marr^ge license since the state ordered me HAR’TFORD (AP)—A contro- me President’s continuing final hearing into campus disor­ me party endorsed candidate venial directive that would Boise Cascade, off iVi at 41H; New York City. practical cars. Like Volkswagens. looks on the outside, you don't have Nicholas Daniel Convertino, draining of Crandall’s Pond due peraonal interest in that area Your vote for can make ders sponsored by a state legis­ Jrtm Pickett in next Wednee- have required certification of Dart Industries, off 1)4 at 29; But no car. Rolls or VW , gets that guarantee on to trust him. d u f f e y 19 Strickland St., and T-ind« to the weakened dam. _____ of me world,” me White lative committee. Georgia Pacific, off 1 at 46'; the windshield automatically. He’ll put it all down in writing for | Doris Genovese, 17 Doming St., The Del-Aire water tests were ^ ^ *****^‘ behind-me-wheel driving instruc- House said Thursday. tore has been killed by me Gen- Eastman Kodak, up 1 at 69; Funds Returned First it goes through a rigorous 16-point in­ you. the difference. Aug. 29, St. Bridget Church. taken last week, and me own­ President Nixon asked Ag­ n * 1 m r? i ®*^ Assembly’s Regulation Re- (Jontran Ckjrp., off 1% at 29)4; Building Permits ers plan to take an additional WORCESTER, Mass (AP) — rear iflake lo seek view Committee. Eastern Air Lines, up % at new to meet wim heads of *«ngine. Irorumruion, axle, front axle auemblies, broke sytlem, electrical lystem. Vote for Joe Duffey for V S. Senator. John J. Cronin, alterations to test before me summer ends Assumption College is retu rn ing Penonal Nn*ieefl 16%; and Kennecott, off <|4 at state and bring back first­ Senate Seal when me regulation was $500,000 in matching funds to DcaKKralk Primaiy—Wednwday^ AofMt 19th. dwelling at 69 E . Middle Tpke., later this rnonm. 38H. hand reports updatiiig me $600. Zoning Hearing ad(^>ted several months ago it me federal government because WEST HAVEN (AP) — ’Ihe prompted a storm of protest. Prices on me American Stock impressions Agnew gained on V In Memoriam it was not able to raise enough John J. Shields, additions to The Zoning Board of Appeals Democratic t ^ ch airm en ^ ’ Exchange included Career his first Aslan trip last De­ to pay its share rt an expansioa Se M m memog_of our tether, * pubUc hearing Aug. the 14m state senatorial dUtrict ing school o p e ra to n .^ '' cember, White House Press Paid tor by loti of Democrats for Duffey. ing school operatore. Academy, off 1)4 at 4)4; Dome program. AERY'S TED TRUDON, Inc. passed away _ HIU™ Construction to r Harry 24 at 8 p.m. in Town “***HaU “ to unanimously chose state Rep. In effect, it would have re- Petroleum, up at 63)4; Inter­ Secretary Ronald Zeigler M7BB0klDST. ^ __M. isao. kvwa oWBsIwen wwalwaav w a A A l <*4 A A A la A n s a a w^watt At a. ______• ______* The Roman (Tatfartic college TOLLAJID TPKE.— TALCOTTVILLE B do isn’t take a spsotel day. ^hmoro, s a v in g pool at 200 hear two applications for vari- wilUam Blake Thursday night quired classroom Instructore m national Cixitrols, up % at 10; said. 8CAMCBBMXB announced its action Thursday, r e bring you to ^ our minds. '***!**’* ®*-4 ^ ’***~- .... * ances. to run for me state Senate seat weU as behlnd-me-wheel Instruc- Saxon Industries, up H at 13)4; He said Agnew would take (Next to AAP) authorizco and also announced a freeze on DCALCa Asa vsty han^lo ^”® ^®^ * *P®®*al exception of Gloria Schaffer, who is run- tors to be certified college grad- Nortek Inc., up )4 at 10)^; and a relatively small party on “ tmnrter Oak St., $50. to park school buses on me ning for secretary of me state, uates. me trip. faculty salaries and hiring for Equity Funding, off )4 at 17)4. me next academic year. PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14. 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970

Career Switch, TV Tonight S ' P A I t Nixon Warned He’d Get ■ (By CLAY R. POLLAN- ARIES LIIRA See Saturday’s TV Week MAR. 21 2 ^ Your Daily AcUvily Guldt- swr. 21 Career Switch—Finance to Art 'I A cco rd in g to tho Start. Blame for Porno Panel for Complete Listings. -AM. 19 ocr. 22^ L .u 3^18-32-48-68 To develop message for Saturday, By JIM ADAMS repeal all U.S. laws against por­ Finance to Art read words correspo^ing to numbers 3- 4- 5- 6 (S ' !iy69-75-79-81 7-13-56 Associated Press Writer nography for adults. S:te (t> Buke’s Law (Continued from page 10) TAURUS of your Zodiac birth sign. SCORPIO The commission’s draft report <9i) Maaston WASHINGTON (AP) —Presi­ <4*> F Traap (C) An. 20 1 Be 31 For 61 Folks ocr. 23 also recommends, enactment of Adamy, a native of Manches­ (M> WaaUMr Watek (C> 2 A v o id , 32 The 62 Emotions dent Nixon was warned months (M) ainisaa’a Ulaad v12-21-23-26 4 Your 34 The 64 Could 30-34.45. ago he would be blamed for a expoeiire to pornography and Story and Photos stse (U> Bewlas Bhaw , <0) (^31-39-80.86 5 tdeos 35 To 65 Exciting local schools, graduating from 66 Rainbow 58-6M proposal to liberalize the na- bans its use in public displays •:ee (S-S> Waattar — l^ r ta aad GEMINI 6 And 36 Eoger B y B iU C o e Manchester High School in the Naan (C) 7 Plons 37 Unimporfont 67 Progress SAGITTARIUS Utm’s obscenity laws if he didn't or unsollctted mail advertise­ (18) Wattaraara MAY 2t 8 38 On 68 And NOK.22 ments. Class of lOM. He esuned his de­ (M> Ta Ten tka TraUi (G) 9 Your 39 Getting 69 Novel fire the Commission on Porno­ <4e> Naan lO H eod 40 Beover 70 Push DCC. 21 |^( Hie White House announced gree in business administration (44) 77 Saasat Strip 11 Rules 41 There's 71 Around graphy staff and most of its (S) Nawk witk Walter Craa- '14-20-28-42 19-27-35-47^ Tuesday the president would op­ at the University of Omnecti- i>7(0-73-77 12 Best 42 To 72 Experiences 54-6»83-89^ A former Manchester Uta News with Frank CANCER 13 To - man who quit the world of cut at Stprrs, before moving to 14 Associates 44 A x 74 Hove CAPRICORN GM Settles has disclosed. for adults. Press Secretary R 75 And New York about IMO. He now <18 >Dick Vaa Dyke JUNE 21 IST ho se 45 Absent Die aid L. Ziegler stressed; Wall Street for a carror in 16 Be 46 Your 76 Love The letters from CSuirles H. makes his home in suburban <8t) NBO News Trath or Coasaqaeaces -< j\ 2-15-22-33 mission appointee, were re­ sion. It was formed under a pre­ plastic sculpture for a new He is the son of the late Jacob <18) Candid Camera '44-51-63 19 It's 49 And 79 The 49-55-67 vious administration." (80-t8) News — Weather and 20 Are 5 0 A 80Thir>gs leased Thursday by Rep. Robert office building in Netv and Anna Adamy who lived . LEO 51 To 81 "Off-beot" AQUARIUS Keatings letters were turned Sports <0) 21 Doy At $425,000 N. C. Nix, D-Pa., after the York City's fiiumcial dis­ here 00 years, most recently at 7;W PoUtics ’78 (0> © JW7D 22 W ith 52 The 82'Romontic JAN. 20 over to Nix, chairman of a 43 Franklin St. (88) Htfh Chaparral B (C> 23 Of 53 Treotment 83 Own y White House disclaimed the t r ic t (8-M) n ylas ^ (C) ^AUG. 22 24 A 54 W ith 84 Dire “ NEW YORK (AP) — CJonsum- House subcommittee that blast­ Adamy’s “ Scriar. Fire Gar­ 55 You'll 85 Who're i 25-38-52-57^ commission and called it former (18) Movie 1- 8- 9-101 25 Be er advocate Ralph Nader has ed the draft report at a hearing den " at first glance resembles (S> He and She '11-46-62 26 Month 56 Yourself 86 Done » 59-65-72 President Lyndon B. Johnson’s. When he gave up his job <8.48> Brady Banoh (0> 27 Best 57 Move 87 ObstirKite 1 Tuesday, by Keating's Citizens five huge orange lollipops VIRGO PISCES received $425,(X)6 from General "Inasmuch as it is a presiden­ eight years ago, George E. (S> Hofsa’a Heroes B <0) 28 Inclined 58 To 88 Results 1 lor Decent Literature. whose sticks have been burled (88) American Featball Con­ AOG. 22 29 Seemingty 59 Seek 89 Sex I fct. If Motors in an out-crf-court settle­ tial commission,” said one of "I do not think it is reason­ Adamy was a securities ference Pre-Season (lame (C) 30 Give 60 Your 90 interests * into the tile floor at a side en­ (8) Hovies 8/15 MAR. 20*^’^ ment of his invasion of privacy Keating’s letters, “ I am con­ able," Nix said in releasing the analyst on Wall Street and trance to the ground-level ar­ (48) Here Come the Brides ^41-50-66-71 ^Good (^Adverse ^^Neutral " 24-29-37-43r^ suit. cerned not only that the pomo- letters, "lor the White House to cade. 9:ee (S) Movie :gy76-78-82-90 64-74-84-88 V graphers will have taken a giant had never had an art les­ e:M (48) Love Americaa Style (C) Nader said Thursday he wash its hands completely of ie;«e (18) News (C) step toward winning the war but son. “ k close look reveals that the would use some of the money to the obscenity commission by U:ie (8-48) PQA OoU ChamplOB- that your administration will re­ "lollipops” are actually discs shlp (C) monitor GM’s activities in the merely blaming the whole mess of plastic, each five feet in di­ (18) Tempo U (C) ceive the blame.” on the previous administra­ Recently Adamsr’s five- (848-48) News — Weather and areas of safety, pollution and disc acrylic sculpture, “So­ ameter and IndlviduaUy mount­ Sports consumer relations. "They are Keating, a Cincinnati attorney tion." ed on low ccMicrete pedestals by (88) Tontfht Show Johnny Car- Heralding Politics going to be financing their own and founder of the Citizens for Keating also said the commis­ son (C) lar Fire Garden” (The means of stainless steel rods in Decent Literature, Inc., urged sion's chairman. Dean William Month of June), was in­ (U ) Merv Oriffia Show (C) ombudsman," he said. sleeves that allow the discs to (8-48) Dick Cavett Show k, “ Un­ on commission should then the American Civil Liberties Wednesday’s Democratic pri­ His sculpture was among low - oreuige sheets of acrylic (4d) Newsbeat Headlines — senator from the Fourth Sena- safe At Any Speed,” which was “ promptly Install a new staff." Union which Keating said advo­ V8AF Bellcioas Fttm and toriai District, wiii start his mary. Wylie, elected to the cates abrogation of U.S. obscen­ (like plexiglass) sandwiched thrills of my life was the day I S in Off critical of automobile safety Last month, Keating told Nix­ several commissioned by campaign on Aug. 22, a Satur­ board last November, an­ on “ the situation is critical” and ity laws. the builder especially for between two clear sheets. bought my first set of water- <8> Newscepe standards. colors.” i (SO) News aad Sica Off day. nounced in June that he is re­ Nader complained in the suit that he had seen draft reports Lockhart has publicly stated The bonding for the lamina­ (S) News aad Weather — Mo­ 77 Water Street. The build­ signing. His resignation is ef­ that GM hired a private investi­ confirming the commission was he disagrees with the ACLU po­ tion was done with a transpar­ As he studied, Adamy discov­ ment of Meditation aad Slyn He has invited about SIX) per­ ing is situated in the new Off fective in September, when he gator, Vincent Gillen, whose de­ headed for a recommendation to sition. ent adhesive, which Adamy ap­ ered he had real talent, and he sons to a "Campaign Kickoff financial section, a block will move to Pennsylvania. tectives inquired into his private plied with a spatula to form branched out into other courses Edncationsl TV (20) Buffet” on tthe iawn of his south of Wall Street and al­ Friday, Anynst 11 Cummings has declined to life at and near his W^nsted, patterns in each layer. at New York’s Museum of Mod­ > Somethlny Else B home at 37 Jordt St. It wiii be most in the. shadow of em Art, NYU and the Scars- Kid Haffey. In rousing heyday from 4 to 7 p.m. In the event comment on reports that he is Conn., home. Because of a southeast expo­ Blyth & Co., the brokerage dale Studio Workshop. haunts of Pep's Musical Bar, of rain, it wiii be heid the next being urged to be the one ’The book prompted a safety sure in the arcade—v ^ ch is Philadelphia Jazz singer. Kid who will fill the vacancy. crusade and a Senate hearing house where Adamy was It was when he was unable Haffey reminisces on SO's and day. th e open to the weather—the bright 40's. during which James M. Roche, to get the quality of tight he formerly employed. fluorescent discs catch and re­ I What’s New B A Republican appointee to the then president of the giant auto- wanted into his paintings that ) PlaylBg Oaltar w. F. Noad B Although Democrats in most flect the sunlight I Bridge with Joan Cox Zoning Board of Appeals will be maker, publicly apologized for he began to work with plastics, of the state’s 169 towns and Slated to open this fall, As one looks into the discs, I NET Flayhoase B announced in a few days. The any harassment. the medium in which he has "Unman, Wittering and Zigo” cities will vote only for a U.S. 77 Water Street is a spark­ against the light, the patterns of 9:S« Tho Toy That Grew Up R senator nominee in next new member will fill the va­ Nader sued for damages—$26 since become an acknowledged cancy created by the resigna­ million was the figure reported B -l-G adhesive give the Impression ling 26 stories of glass and expert. Wednesday’s Democratic pri­ of three-dimensional texture. mary, those in some parts of tion of Republican Charles at the time although his lawyers satin aluminum, whose key He is currently teaching a But on being touched, the sur­ the state will choose other nom­ Pirie. said Thursday the total was $12 tenant will be Walston & course in the fabrication of Seale Interview Adamy amid “ blooms” of “ Solar Fire Garden” . Behind him building face is polished and perfectly inees also. million. MORIARTY Co., another major stock . smooth. acrylics, casting of polyesters, The $426,000 that GM paid opens onto Water Street. Note pedestrian and curve of the escalator Canceled on TV They will choose a U.S. rep­ brokerage. Depending upon the quality of mold making and the use of miursday was for compensatory resentative nominee in the First Area Teachers I MERCURY Stainless steel spiral graces court­ light and the viewing angle, the graphic art materials and plas­ PHILADELPHIA (AP) — An damages and the automaker tic films at the Art Bam in Congressional District and in said claims for punitive dam­ (See Page Eleven) colors of the discs change from interview with Black Panther yard adjoining new office structure. yellow through pink to near pur­ Greenwich and he also teaches the Second Congressional Dis­ End 6th Year ages were withdrawn as part of Bobby SeaJe, scheduled for trict. Sells Competitively, Services Completely ple. privately. Ray E. Gardiner of Hebron the settlement. Moniiay night on nationwide The Democrats in Windham Adamy fabricated the discs Today, he is able to call art Rd.. Andover, Bowers School over several months last win­ his full-time career, although he televislim, has been canceled by County will choose a nominee for sheriff, and Democrats in principkl, was one of six area ter in his tiny basement work­ still must supplement his teach­ a Philadelphia station which teachers or administrators who Nation’s Weather shop at his home in Larchmont, ing and his sculpture with oth­ says it is "inconsequential and the Naugatuck Probate District will choose a nominee for Judge (ximpleted a sixth year of pro­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS working from a "lazy susan” he er work. irrelevant.” fessional training at the Uni­ of probate. rigged hinnself. Elach finished Recently he was given a com­ ’The NET program, "Stagger- versity of Connecticut today. ling relief broke an ex­ Lee : A Ckinversation With Bobby And the Democrats in the disc is one and one-quarter mission by the Nestle Company Manchester residents (x>m- tended siege of heat in the inte­ Inches thick and wei^is more Seale," was made while Seale 51st Assembly District, the 5Sth to discover a way to encase its pleting the six-year program rior of the Pacific Northwest to­ than 160 pounds. "space cubes” in plastic for ad­ was a prisoner in the San Fran­ and the 84th will choose nomi­ are Stefan R. Bankel, 167 Ma­ "Solar Eire Garden" is placed vertising purposes. cisco City Jail. Seale was con­ nees for state representative. ple St.; Raymond F. Brown, 76 day and fanned eastward to­ fined there after being Jailed for near steps leading from the The high energy food supple­ Agnes Dr.; Miss Judith A. Pon- ward the Great Plains. contempt of court during the State Sen. John Lupton, de­ street through the open arcade ment cubes in chocolate, cocoa- tillo, 3 Goslee Dr.; and John K. Thundershowers erupted Chicago Eight riot trial. In the feated Weiinesday in his bid for to the center shaft of the ground nut, strawberry and peanut fla­ Snuffer, 225 Autumn St. along the front ahead of the hour-long program, the Black the GOP nomination for U.S. level, which contains escalators vors are made by Nestle’s un­ Francis V. Tonello of 3 Carol main thrust of cooler weather. Panther leader discusses every­ senator, today Issued the fol­ and elevators to the’ floors der contract from NASA and Dr., Tolland, also completed Temperatures were 10 to 20 thing from soul food to his per­ lowing press release: above. Around the perimeter of have been on all the Apollo study one year beyond the mas­ degrees lower than a day ear­ sonal philosoi^y. ” I want to express thanks to the 800 square foot area are low moon flights. ter’s level. lier in sections of the Northwest walls which also serve as seats. "Mr. Seale’s observations the CJoimecticut press for what interior, which had - baked in Adamy is experimenting with According to Adamy, the idea about his life In general," I think was fair and outstand­ daytjme highs throughout the a method to keep the cubes WnYY-TV general manager ingly complete coverage of the Art Work Binds 90s for a week or more. behind his sculpture "environ­ from melting while the plastic ment” is kinetic: It is meant to Warren A. Kraetzer said, “ do CJonnecticut Republican Pri­ Thunderstoims crackled is solldfying. His problem is not illuminate an issue of con­ mary. Their Marriage across the South and in parts of be a "garden” ’ people will pass that the drying temperature of through on their way to the up­ cern to our audience, and at "May I also, through you, of­ BRISTOL. England (AP) — the East. Locally heavy down­ the material, a thermoplastic, per floors, touching and rotat- worst some of his comments are fer my thanks to the many Marianne and Ivor Holldler pours hit some areas late Thurs­ Choose from Neoriy is higher than the melting point - ing the "blossoms” as they go. irrespotisible In their charges thousands of volunteers who married in a civil ceremony re­ day. Nearly 3 inches of rain A of the confections. He is trying and unchallenged by the inter­ helped me in my campaign. I Adamy says he thinks of his cently, then went to a tattixi soaked Austin, Pa. to 8colored acrylic spread their soft glow through Adamy’s living room an amalgamation of both. vironment" at the Marl Gal­ perty because all legal proceed­ cavara* Usually sculptors think pri­ leries in Larchmont. ings have ended. to this big,quiet Ford. BRAND NEW marily in terms of mass.” It was this piece which gained Burke said no money was re­ him the notice of the Kaufman Adamy first got "turned on” ceived. “ It was of no value to Organization, the builder-owner anyone.” to art by a course he took at of 77 Water Street, and which •Vinyl roof All vinyl interior trim the New School for Social Re­ He said the car was disposed 70^C0UGAR led to his commission for "Solar of "a month or two ago” be­ search when he returned to "col­ Fire Garden.” 2-DOOR HARDTOP lege full-time after deciding to cause of the possibility Its exist­ •Special metallic paint ’ Deluxe wheel covers quit his Wall Street Job in 1962. The Kaufman group is also ence could lead to further spec­ At the time he was 37, mar­ builder and owner of the ITT ulation about the 1669 accident Building at 49th Street and IfvlRRaa with Ml cw. In. V4« S> ried and the father of three on (Jhappaquiddick . Island, •Chrome rocker panel Chrome door edge ihM. pawar tlMrlnf. biKfcat aaalt* young children, and working Madison Ave. Mass. Dual eancaaiaR haaSlamps, BtalnlaBB Adamy credits Kaufman with He declined to name the scrap •taal hubi. saautfillal raar turn alf* long and hectic hours as a spe­ moldings guards nalB ana marat cialist in Canadian stocks and being one of only a few large dealer or say how the auto was 2875 head of industrial research for builders with the courage to in­ disposed of “ because it might Just turn Into a hunt for it.” Blyth A Co. corporate contemporary art into ★ ★ ★ SAFE aUY USED CARS ★ ★ ★ their designs. - Burke denied published re­ He was tired of the daily com­ "For most of them, stuff like ports the auto was sunk at sea. muter race to and from his mine is Just too far out,” he home in suburban Larchmont: admits. '66 LIN CO LN '66 OLDSMOBILE .“1 figured that some day I was It is interesting to note that going to end up dead running Continantol as a boy attending Manchester for that train.” Toronodo schools, Adamy sang in the 4 Door Sedan. Blue, radio, When he enrolled at the New choirs, played violin in the or­ automatic, power brakes, 2 Door Hardtop. Nicely equip­ ped, radio, automatic, power School, he h ^ a master’s in chestras, acted in the drama steering, seat and windows, automatic temperature con­ brakes, whitewalls. business adSninlstration from clubs — but never seemed to ' NYU and credits towards a trol, leather with black vinyl find time for art. roof. ■ $1895 PhD — and no specific career But looking back now, he re­ goat in mind. members with fondness and SAVE "But I enrolled in all the some satisfaction, “ Miss Luts Unds of courses I missed ear­ (now-retired art supervisor of '67 VO LKSW A G EN lier — philosophy, psychology, the Manchester scluxds) used to '69 FORD art history. Then I took a keep asking me to JDoer Hardtop MANCHESTER, CONN. total priced I Iw b "Rood Runn«r" THE INVENTIVE MUSICAL "Im pala". Blue, radio, auto­ 2 Door, tan, radio, 4 speed matic, power steering, vinyl PRICES WILL NEVER BE THIS LOW AGAIN! transmission, v-8 ensdne, trim, whitewalls. One owner vinyl trim. car. WHILi YOUR SHOPFIHG. LOOK AT OUK MAVERICK. $1945

AND FORD’S OTHER “ECONOMY DRIVE SPECIALS" Many, Many Morn To Clioosn From i f Small early piece gives impression of tex­ ture when viewed through laminated discs. MORIARTY BROTHERS DILLON SALES and SERVICE "IJurolif Mercury, Witljs-Jeep, ToyoU" Students at the Art Bam in Greenwich watch as Adamy demonstrates use of scraper for smoothing cast pihees. For tiekets call 646-4715 301 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER 643-5135 Sit MAIN STREET •4S-2I45 MANCHES^R. CONN. Opnn Evnninqt Exenpt Thursday " 0 » the leif(,*f Center end Breed" PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 New Water Rate Plan Coventry MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CX)NN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 MANCHESTER TIRE, INC. the \Tetnamlzation p/ogram has Education Board To Review I Social Security Administration Typhoon Rages Move Cuts made the most progress In the Guts Size of Increase SPECIALIST IN 3rd Kfilitary Region. They claim TOKYO (AP) — Typhoon that the enemy is incapable of A revised schedule of proposed wat^r rates cuttinsr Curriculum Report Sept. 17 l^Ida,’ packing 108 mph GI Force laun''hing loj—o.oonio oftons'ves i| A LOT OF SMART the increase fnan 50 per cent to 83 per cent for the aver- • ALIGNMENT I ttUFFLERS • BRAKES Celebrates Its 35th Anniversary maximum,, winds, moved in the region at present because ^ user has been prepared by Public Works Director The Board of Education last not aware that contracts had I (FRONT END PARTS) (DISC OR REO.) northward today after hitting the allied operation - in c»inuo- PEOPLE IN THIS TOWN night set Sept. 17 as the date been issued to the clerical staff, ByRv MICHAELAfTmTAlRT. C.n SINCLAIRantfnr An> • islands south of Japan, leav­ In Vietnam dla smashed his staging areas. William O’Neill. 'The lower proposal might require a cut for a Joint meeting with . the and that Superintendent of I SHOCKS commissioner of Social Securi­ (Continued from Page One) • TAIL PIPES • BATTERIES Associated Press Writer ty, was invited for today’s pere- ing two persons dead and 10 ARE ORDERING THEIR of 8900,000 in a proposed 82 million bond issue for water Lay Curriculum Study Commit­ Schools Laurence G. O’Connor | injured and destroying many mimles in Ann Arbor. He is the In the major reshuffle of al­ 'system improvements^ ------— ------— tee to discuss the findings of had apparently issued them BRATTLEBORO, Vt. (AP) — houses. Forced Treatment only surviving member of the lied forces in the Saigon region, ^ new figure, were manually. The »32.000 would that group, which recently sub­ without notifying the board. White-haired Miss Ida Fuller Police said a woman per­ BELGRADE (AP)—The Bul­ NEW CHEVY VEGAS — Fast Courteous Service — ori^nal Social Security Board, All American combat units ex­ mitted its final reports. Later in the meeting, it was j MON.-TUES.-WED, 8 p.m.—THURS.-FRI. 8 a.«i.-8 p.m.—SAT. 8 p.m, cashed her Social Security re­ ished when she was pinned garian Parliament hsis approved ^ r?** provide an automaUc cut-in wn ICanager Additional distribution im­ and then decided to wait until wanted to work on a full-time curity officials that she was the equals all the private life insur­ replaced the Americans along Robert Weiss and O’Neill was provements in the amount of iZwigiat C n l l ^ r after the Joint meeting next basis. first in the nation to receive ance in effect—or $1 trillion. the border west and northwest V. ---- UP TO 6 MONTHS TO PAY an increase of 60 per cent for $228,880 would* also be made. v lM J O I- K jU M M S r month before setting a date for benefits imder the prog^ram, of Saigon to block North Viet­ theA average AWAWA SWA user.eSMA.. These improvements__ would con- a hearing. Advertisement— namese infiltrators, and the Tay Jay King of Lexington, Mass., “When I got my first check, I Rescue Ends Ihe average home, with a stet mainly of the replacement A public hearing would give A1 Aheam has a record of MANCHESTER TIRE, INC. didn’t even stop to look at the Ninh base camp 66 miles north­ family of four, uses about 2,400 «>< old, obsolete pipli^, in ac- will be guest caller tomorrow townspeople an opportunity to achievement second to none. R o c k v ille west of the capital has been at the Manchester Square Dance 295 BROAD ST. (OPPOSITE SEARS AUTOMOTIVE) TEL. 643-1161 number on It,” she said. "I Just 1970 BUICK EXECUTIVE CARS cublc feet of water (18,000 gal- cordance with recommendations comment and ask questions on Support A1 for State Rep., Dem­ cashed It. I wanted the money." Boy’s Ordeal turned over to the South Viet­ l ^^*’ ^°®**'’***®> Andre Cor­ vison said. “ We haven’t run with the revised proposed rate gestlng these Improvements, al- A heam Asks be returning to work for the es and other living expenses. » ,?* fille r Rd., South Wind- She said she felt "down” across anything yet that gives Increase. so asked that the possible bond fall semester. Both said they ' “ No one could live'^n Social f T ^ - E v e ^ t e S v ^ s s e ated Brenaman, Stafford when the search party was re­ any evidence of having been put A suggested cut of $900,000 question allow the flexibility of objected to a 60-day clause in •Security alone and maintain a ateut Springs; Ruth Barlow, Center duced Wednesday "but I still in since then. Our troops also S & S BUICK, INC would bring the total to $1.1 allowing the Board of Directors State Help the contract, which gives either home at the same time,” she B°®l''’llle; Doris Palumbo, knew they’d find him. are hassling the remaining ene­ ••CONNECTICUT'S NEWEST BUICK.QPEL DEALER.^ party (the board as employer, CLEARANCE SALE said "The only way is to live ^oh®''later worked for the So- Bates Ave., Tolland; George "He said he did a lot of pray­ million. Improvements would to spend any money saved on my left, lAdiitUlng away at 285 Main St. (Comer Middle Tpke.) Manchester • 649-4671 be made in the areas of water supply and quality on further or the employe) the right to with someone else, if you can ” Security Board and years Brown, Tolland Ave., Rockville ing and I was doing a lot of them.” supply, distribution, and quail- distribution Improvements, For Schools terminate the contract on 60 NEW, EXECUTIVE S DEMONSTRATOR MODELS She remembers her days as a supervised Social Security and Gaye Bowldas, Somers. praying, too." American commanders say ty. A public hearing on the pro- days' notice. freshman at Black River Acade------Aloyslus Aheam of Bolton, supply improvements would Posed bond issue Is scheduled Mrs. Mansfield went further my in Ludlow and a senior ®1885 67 OLDS. <1346 W Oalaxa Staaiia Rladc. I 1 VV Maoth WagoHa 6, Aoto., P.S. I I W DbOBB SVtiBftr m AHlMTItflCr Ckeraer, V-l, edemetlc, pawer 4-Dear M ae Dellt "44.” Relle m 4 MBloo. . pMl-tractlMr tAchiifidttrr r»il«r daerliia. httitr, autcmallc, M M a eewtr, *1895 00 VOLKSW AGEN SIU M 0C VOLKSW AGEN SH Q C LOW, LOW PRICES! W Dalitxa Satfan, tlva. 1V V V W Max. srara. ara«n* aiM. 1 1 viV MtlfUM tiftB. eXTRA I.OW MttM« 67 CHRYS. <1895 FORD XL AOM—LIKI NIWI 67 PONT, <1205 CMVirtlMt. Uw mliMfo. 69 DODRE Pwtt Dowtr. Shop & Compare! MAVERICK.$1995* 67“ “««L *1895 00 VOLKSW AGEN S1C0C fiC VOLKSW AGEN I110C Kcmv., I, Aoi.., n , Ria. *1295 <26R5 txecetivt. Adtmtm, eawar decr­ W Dalaxa Saeaar Rf6. I V v V V V Dafvxa Saeaiw Rta. 1 I V V Ckeraer a/T. Vteyl rad,Ml# kecMMnSnI ial. ralle. 66 DODGE •PEBB FREIGHT of $78JV ceeH, eelMMlIc, eewer dcerles.iSnfim,. Mmece y-Fameser Ittllm Waiaa. CTCNEVROUT SITU im ia. M Ier, txltmallc tal eiakti GOOD UNTIL AUGUST 19, 1970 ______V I MafWo S.S. H.T.a 9H I I V V 00 VOLKSW AGEN S1CQC 0A VOLKSW AGEN 66 DART <2095 68 PLYM. 4 aaooi. Koi/tlk. Vioyt Kooff. VVDalttxa Saaait Oalga. I V V V V T Oalaxa Saaaiw Dray. I V v V *1195 Oeiee Oeit Swlxiir Ml. SaMIHe 4-Ocar Mm. Adcmatic PRICES WILL NEVER BE THIS LOW AGAIN! adMietic, I i»n C eewer decriaa. 66 PLYM. ~S16M Custom Suburban Wagen. SALES 50 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM V-8, auto.. P.8. FITZGERALD FORD INCORPORATED CHORCHES Opwi 8 AJM. to 9 P.M. — Conv^enient H artford National Bank or Connecticut Bank and Trust Co. Time Payment Plans OF MANCHESTER WINDSOR AVE„ ROU'TE 83, ROCKVILLE 875-3369 643-2485 80 OAKLAND STREET, MANCHESTER 643-2791 [SHOP ' ' - T - ;


M';- Sophomore^ Vet Lead PGA Field 4H.- Skidding Minnesota Twins Target

T U L S A , Okla. ( A P ) — was Nicklaus,v the cam- Hogan, no longer active, and hit his tee shot against a fence. ways be big around the hips,” Gary Player o f , South Africa, Nicklaus, once the 210-pound Jack said. “ I lost only an Inch Jack Nicklaus was strolling mM“*®taiked around the chest and a half-inch away, three away from a second fat bqy of the tour, now is hard * n . through the lobby of the scratching Ws head, sweep. to distinguish from a couple of around the waist.” Trailing Nlcklaus and Miller his young pursuers— Miller and He let his hair grow, effecting For Bosnian’s Speeding Baseballs club house when he was *'®w Jack Nicklaus is puz- annronchpd hv a m iddlp- everybody. He is trim and after the opening round over the Hinson, two blond strlngbeans a mod look. He became a new approacnea oy a m iauie- handsome. He looks 10 years 6,962-yard, par-70 Southern Hills who look so much alike they o f-' man. People who watched tele­ sixth, after retiring 6 straight of 2.15, switched to owning and ORIOLES - ANOEU3 — two-out baaesJoaded double. ag^d woman wearing' dang- younger. He has a pleasant new Country Club course are Larry ten are mistaken for each other. vision couldn’t believe their NEW YORK (AP) — eyes. With his weight loss, Nick­ Dick Bosman gave up drag Twins, then got Tovar on a dou­ fixing snowmobiles in the win­ Roger Repoz snapped a 2-2 Ue Davis got to bat when Cleve­ ling earrings and a look of personality. And he’s playing Hinson and Charles Coody, ■ tied Jack went on a diet after com­ with a leadoff eighth Inning laus also seemed to gain a new racing in favor of throwing ble play bouncer before reUring ter and winning games for the land’s Duke Sims dropped a foul hero worship. the best golf of his life, at 69 and a half dozen bracketed ing home last fall from the Ry­ homer off Orioles’ reliever Moe maturity, and a sense of humor Minnesota the rest of the way, Senators in the summer. fly off the bat of Blue Moon ' “ Oh, Mr. Nicklaus,” the lady The 30-year-old belter from “ *■ der Cup matches in England. a spewing baseball much Drabowsky for the Angels’ “ We had a friend who fol­ that he had previously lacked. facing only 28 batters, one over Bosman, lowering his 1970 Odom, udio eventually walked. cooed. "Tell me, is it true that Columbus, Ohio, who has won They are Arnold Palmer, to the regret of the skid­ triumph. Now he’s stealing recruits the minimum. ERA to 3.02, got the only run he you are going to Hollywood to more than $00,000 in his last Jacky Cupit, Dick Hendrickson, lowed the weight-watchers pro­ ding Minnesota Twins. Jim Fregosl had a homer for Vada Pinson homered for the gram,” said Jack’s wife, Bar­ from Amle’s Army. TTie 26-year-old from Keno­ needed in the first inning when make a movie? I’ve heard that four tournaments which include Homero Blancas, Dave Stockton The hard-Uurowlng Washing­ the Angels while Frank Robin­ Indians in the first and Cleve­ He’s a delight at the press sha, Wis., who has driven drag Wayne Comer bunted for a sin­ talent scouts have been after his second triumph in the Brit- S®™ Snead. Hendrickson is bara, mother of his four small ton right-hander mowed down son drove in both Baltimore land won it In the fifth with conferences. racers at 216 miles per hour gle and went to third on Har­ you.” ish Open, goes into the second obscure club pro from Marl- children. “ Jack told me he was the ’Twins on a measly bunt sin­ runs with a ground out and dou­ three runs. Graig Nettles and Jack, who shared the first- round of the PGA Championship N.J. Everybody knows Sam determined to reduce. And he Describing his round Hmrs- gle—Cesar Tovar’s leadoff hit— gave up driving a couple of mon Klllebrew’s wild throw. Roy Foster had run-scoring hits years ago "because I realized Rick Relchart’s grounder got ble, round lead in . the PGA cham- today tied with San Francisco’s Snead. He’s 88 and winner of wenwt about it like a martyr. day, he moved through five in handing the West Division • • • and another came in on a wild pionahlp, blushed. young John Miller for the lead "lore them lOO tournaments, in- “He called up the manufac­ holes and then said, “ on the sev­ leaders their sixth loss In the dangers of auto racing and the run In, sending Kaat, who is­ pitch. you must drive consistently at sued only five hits to his ninth INDIANS - A*S — "No, ma’am,” he replied pol- with two-under-par 68. eluding three PGAs, in a fabu- turer who makes his suits and enth...” He puckishly skipped succession ’Thursday ni§^t, a 1-0 • * • those speeds to react properly. loss against 10 triumphs. Sam McDowell, 17-7, struck Itely. "I play golf. ’That’s my ca- Everybody’s predicting Jack 30-year career, told him to come over in two the sixth, where he took a dou­ beating as Minnesota’s once- BREWERS • TIGERS — reer.” win walk away with .the $40,000 Defending champion Ray weeks and make him some new ble bogey five. comfortable lead dwindled to You just can’t play ball then In other AL games, California out nine and gave up three hits Shortly afterward, a man first prize, thus completing a Floyd, blaming a patch of red clothes. He was that serious Asked to comment on young five games over Oakland as the jump into a car and win a nipped Baltimore 3-2, Milwau­ in stopping the A’s winning Dave May’s solo homer In the strode up to a press photogra- unprecedented second sweep of ssuid for two of his bogeys, had about it.” Miller, who called Nicklaus’ A’s lost 4-3 to Cleveland. race,” kee edged Detroit 3-2, Kansas streak at five games. fifth inning snapped a tie and pher and asked the name of the the four major pro champion- a 71 and Bill Casper, the Mas- Skipping breads and sweets, swing the best in golf. Jack Bosman, a husky 6-foot-3, 210- So Bosman, who Is now 12-8 City slugged Boston 11-3 and the ’The left-hander was touched gave the Brewers their thriller young player whose picture he ships. He already holds three ters king, fired 16 straight pars Nicklaus lost 16 pounds the first praised the reed-thln youngster pounder, issued a walk to oppos­ and was 14-6 last year with an New York Yankees topped Chi­ for the three runs—all unearned over the ’Tigers and Denny Mc­ had Just snapped. Masters, two U.S. and two Brit- and two bogeys for a 72, a score two weeks and shaved off a to­ and then added; ing pitcher Jim Katt in the American League leading ERA cago 4-3. —in the third on Tommy Davis’ Lain, 2-4. '"niat W£is Jack Nicklaus,” ish Open crowns. He won the he shared with Lee Trevino, tal of 20 pounds in three weeks. “ He will get bigger. Some the photographer answered. PGA in 1963. Tony Jacklln of Britain, thr. He lost eight inches around his people put on weight sooner “ No, I know Nicklaus,” the Only three other players have U.S. Open champion and Player hips. than others.” Starter Romo Clobbered Hard questioner persisted. “ I mean won the four major titles once had 74. Jacklin took a triple bo- “ I thought it was a family Jack—formerly Fat Jack- Sports Dial a » a a PtlOtOfaX) that kid with the blond hair.” around-Gene Sarazen and Ben gey six on short 14th, where he characteristic and that I’d al­ laughed loudest at himself. YOU CAN’T SAY THAT—Minnesota Twins’ manager Bill Rigney, stands be­ PGA LEADERS—John Miller, left, 23-year-old PGA sophomore, chips to green tween two of his players and the umpire during heated ninth inning argument. 'TONIGHT ^ on the 13th hole in opening round of pla.y. At right, veteran Jack Nicklaus Charlie Manuel, behind Rigney, was thrown out of the contest for using ob­ Baseball Curtis Gets Rough Baptism, lofts chip on second hole. Both players are tied in the PGA National Open. Bengals’ Cook Scheduled for Surgery scenities. Umpire is Ed Runge with Twins’ coach 'Vem Morgan, right. 7:26 'Twins vs. Red Sox President WTIC Yankee 400 Key Event 8:00 Royals vs. Yanks WINF SASKETSAlli Makes Call Tutored Lyttle Here to Stay Mets vs. Bravess WBMI Fans Get Preseason Training Football Delivers Grand Slam Homer SCOSES k ^ 8 :30 Colts vs. Chiefs Ch. 22, 30 BOSTON (AP) — Jack he couldn’t get his curve over right hand/er Al Fltzmorris was To Lombardi SATURDAY In command all the way in go­ Isaac Uncertain SENIOR LEAGUE Curtis, the newest member and stayed too long with his ELLINGTON RIDGE With NFL Exhibition Contests By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Frank ‘Hit’ Baker 2:00 Twins vs. Red Sox, 30. fast ball. He’ll be back in the ing the nine inning distance for Biota 67 (C. Hocnthal 24, K. WASHING'TON (AP) -P rert- of the Boston Red Sox’ GUESTS Bengal head coach and gener; terback is scheduled to start for American League 5:00 Wide 'World of Sports 8. bullpen FViday night and I the first time and hiking his rec­ Smith 14, P. Diminico 9), PFOT NEW YORK (AP)— The TONIGHT’S GAMES pitching corps, got a rough Low gross — A — Doris Mor- al manager Paul Brown dis­ Baltimore, which may not have Klock vs. Gormans, 6:30 Oak dent Nixon, with a phone call Eest Division SUNDAY won’t hesUtate to use him.” ord to 6-3. About Racing Style 40 (B. Hodson 14, H. Tansey 8). millions of fans who spend ganson 60; B — Eleanor PeUl- closed the likely loss of Cook, of­ the services of offensive tackle Alberti’s vs. Wholesale, 8:00 and Congress with a special W. L. Pet. O.B. 2:00 Week In Sports, Dick Gal- baptism of major league With Kansas City ahead 7-1, The Royals clobbered starter ______Barry’s 76 (D. Hassett 19, S. autumn Sundays watching Newest Yank Hero iette, 8. zara 67; C — Mary KarSky 67; fensive Rookie of the Year in Sam Hall and safety Jerry Lo­ Oak. Baltimore 73 43 .629 ___ fire, but he survived and Curtis, a naUve of nearby New­ Vincente Romo for three runs Rascher le, LaPointe i3, b . their favorite pro football tribute, took time out this week low net — Patti Bernstein 68- CAMBRIDGE JUNCTION, Mich. (A P )—To charge c. 1969 (or his first season in the gan. New York 63 NEW YORK (AP) — This is a story of New York Yanks vs. Royals, 18. may be helpful in the final ton, became the fourth of six In the first inning and two, after to honor Washington Redskin 62 .648 9Mi 25-43; low putts — Janice Rey­ or not to charge is the problem facing race driver Bob- Taiaga i2), c j ’s 30 (r . Rey- teams clash get a chance League. (The spotlight will be on a pair Detroit Yankee shortstops, past present, and future. The last 2:10 Mets vs. Braves 8. Boston pitchers In the sixth. He an /error by Kennedy, In the GAME NO. 3 61 66 .526 12 six weeks of the season. nolds 20. by Isaac. — — ;r , . —;------—------nolds 10, M. Hurley 9). tonight for their own ver­ “ After examinaUon, Greg de­ of Heisman Trophy winners in Coach Vince Lombardi, hospi­ Boston 67 66 .664 two categories are filled by rookie Frank Baker, whose 3:30 AAU Track & Field, 3. CurUs, a 22-year-oId southpaw allowed just two harmless hits second. Kansas City went on to “ I have to decide in every finish, Isaac said after ------Alberti’s Stars held Center 14V4 4:30 NFL “ Super Chiefs — MEMBERS sion of preseason training. cided he should undergo sur­ the contest at Buffalo. O.J. talized since a second major op­ Cleveland 87 60 .487 eighth inning double drove in the winning run Wednes­ recalled from Pawtucket of the for two innings. pile up 16 hits, with Romo tak­ race whether to go for the warming up his red and white Congo scoreless for the first 16% Super Champs” 3. Low gross — A—Helen Abuza ’They can get in shape for the gery,” Brown said. ’The explora­ Simpson, the 1968 winner, is one eration July 27. Wash’n. 64 62 .466 19 Eastern League, made his de­ ’Then, with one out in th/e ing his third loss in nine deci­ four innings before the Center day in New York’s 4-3 victory over Chicago. PGA Golf — Final Round, 8. 66; low net—^Betty Fay 66-14-41; win or hang book and go for the High School Star regaiiar season by watching the tory surgery on his right shoul­ of the Bills’ running backs, The President called Lombar­ West: Division but and was the victim of a eighth, third baseman John sions. points,” the 33-year-old stock “ ^ don’t finish high, I miss could score, but by this time ’The first one is taken care of ■; r— ;-----z „ ------; ttv, gross — Judith Bugnackl 63; Kansas City Chiefs, 1970 Super der will be performed Monday while Steve Owens, who got the di at his room in Georgetown — grand slam homer Thursday aa Kennedy committed his second The Red Sox had litUe to WARSAW (AP) — Tom Mc- Minnesota 69 44 .6U by Phil Rizzuto, voted the best net — Therla Mosher 67-18-40, car veteran from Catawba, ® ^“ ndle of points toward the Bowl champs, take on the BalU- or Tuesday at the Cleveland award last fall, is a Detroit the Stars had built up a com­ University Hospital ’Tuesday the Kansas City Royals bombed error of the game. The next two cheer, collecting only six hits. N.C., said Friday championship. Yet, it is my na- Mlllen, Pennsylvanla high Oakland 66 61 .664 6 Yankee shortstop ever, now a , ^ Joyce Dlckman 6S-10-49; gross more Colts in a nationally tele­ Clinic. Lions' rookie. fortable lead. They defeated night and wished him well, the the Red Sox 11-3 before 17,262 batters singled, filling th/e bases, Mike Andrews led off the first star from Mansfield, California 65 61 .560 5% broadcaster with the club and Little Miss Softball Madlyn Dooley 70; not—U b Mil­ Isaac U locked in a close bat- *“ '"® ^ charge, to go school vised preseason game. It’s on Doctors believe a sheath of The New Orleans Saints said Congo, 12-3, last night at Char­ Washington Post said in today’s ’Turnpike 11, Nasslff 11 fans at Fenway Park. and Ed Kirkpatrick followed with his 12th homer and Tony tie with James Hylton, Bobby '’l®tory and that, scored 16 points to lead the U.S. Kansas City 44 72 .379 26% the man taking the bows for the ler 74-22-62, Marilyn Peracchlo NBC-’TV and the kickoff is 8:30 muscle may have )jroken loose Friday they planned to retire ter Oak Park. editions. ’Ihe call lasted several Milwaukee BanUy 18, ’liner 6 “ I’m far from displeased with with the grand slam homer into Conigliaro b/elted his 21st in the Allison and Richard Petty for strangely, is a risky business in touring Olympic basketball 44 74 .373 27% sudden success of Jimmy Lyttle, ’^®''7 ^en- 74-22-62; low putts — Lois Pet­ p.m., EDT. in Cook’s arm. Brown said. The No. 81, the jersey worn by big The winners, 12-2, were paced minutes and the President who has moved into right field "®y. who had w^ked, stolen sec­ IBEW 6, LitUe Miss 6 the kid,” Boston Manager Ed­ the Red Sox bullpen in right seventh. A single by Jerry the lucrative driving title in racing. You can blow an engine, team to an 80-70 victory over Chicago 43 76 .361 26 erson 17. ’There was gloom, meanwhile, quarterback has complained of Doug Atkins, one of the NFL’s by Dennis MacArdle, Tim thanked Lombardi for what he Thursday’s Results ond plans to stay av/blle. Baker rp^ched tnird on a long Kilian 21, Ansaldi 6 die Kasko said, “ He handles center. Moses and a double by Reggie NASCAR’s Grand NaUonai Dlvl- ®r spin off the course Poland’s College All-Stars today in the camp of the Cincin­ Coughlin, Willie Warren, Butch A two-day fo u r tall championship constant pain and has not been all-time outstanding defensive had done for the country, partic­ California 3, BalUmore 2 was called up last week to re- .. WUlie’s 15, LRitUe MlssUes 11 himself very well. He did a gfood ’The homer merely added to Smith accounted for another run will be held tomoiTOW and Sunday Sion. The tlUe this year will be yon’re trying too hard.” Wednesday night . nati Bengals, youngest of the 26 able to throw a football. He hurt ends. Atkins retired at the end Savlno and John Gorangas with the Royals' cushion as rookie In the eighth. ‘ m SUington RUfe Country d u b . ularly young people. Cleveland 4, OaklEmd 3 place the Injured Ron Hansen . « could ve been caught you B.A, 20, Manchester Olds 2 job lor two innings, but then The teams andhd Oiethe storttnic times worth at least $76,000 to the ia w a a the arm during a pickup basket­ of last season after 17 years, two hits each. Alberti’s are the “ You are very kind. What you Milwaukee 3, Detroit 2 and has been a shade short of n h f for the two dsiys are as follows. driver and car owner who win teams. Star quarterback Greg ball game last winter. which ^®d the NFL longevity winners of the Candlelight have said is very flatterinjg,” New York 4, Chicago 3 sensational both in the field as “ happened to fall In.”in.” Lyttle’s (Saturday times listed first.) NASCAR Makes New Rules Cook is scheduled for surgery Startoris times are listed for 7:90 It “ Doctors feel he will be lost record. \ League. Lombardi replied. Kansas City 11, Boston 3 well as at bat. He Is 7 for 17 for first two hits were warted but hel ( Gonzales Wins, 7:38, 8:12. 8:86, 9:08, 0:40. 10:13. Tile four are among 68 entries early next week and probably for the season,” Brown said. Here’s Saturday night’s NFL For the Dusty League 10:63 and 11:48. (both days.) Meanwhile, there were sever­ Washington 1, Minnesota 0 .412 average and Thursday’s 7:46-7:46 — D. Rosenthal, Dynuo. for Sunday’s Yankee 400, one of will be out of action for the en­ Both Baltimore and Kansas exhibition card: Cleveland vs. champs, Center Congo, also 12- al speeches in Congress praising Today’s Games Gibbs’ double In the fifth In­ Laver Tops Foe Seranhln, F. Dooley Jr. To Reduce Rocketing Costs tire campaign. winning hit was the first bloop­ the key money and points events City are plagued with injuries. San Francisco at Tampa, Fla.; 2, Clarance Switzer knocked the former Green Bay Packer BalUmore (Hardin 3-2) at ning. It stayed that way until 7:6M :u — Ctoraon, Hunter, Fin- DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — In chanlcs for two weeks to deter- ’The game at Kansas City is er hfi'B had. negcui, Morelll. on the NASCAR schedule, Isaac, The Chiefs will play without New Orleans at Houston, New out two hits as Bob Mangano coach. Oakland (Dobson 4-10), N Baker’s bloop double won it in TORONTO (AP) - - Pancho 8:04.8:28 — Joyce, Peters, FSloseJ, Hylton and Allison were among a move to reduce sky rocketing mine what measures could be one of two tonight as the second linebacker Bobby Bell, sidelined York Giants at San Diego, Chi­ tripled to score the first Congo Baker came to New York with the eighth. Gonzales, the old lion of the Prague. Leaders of both parties in the Detroit (Lolich 10-13) at -Call- a reputation as a fine fielder Oo-U:&6 — Indomenloo, Wlncse, prime favorites to win the pole ccsts and improve safety in taken to reduce the number of weekend of exhibitions get un­ with a spinal injury, and comer- cago vs. Green Bay, at Milwau­ tally. The Sox had grabbed a 3-1 court, stalked his way House paid homage to Lombar­ fomia (Wright 15-9), N and a not so fine hitter. His .260 B. Roeenthal, Rlctanond. position in time trials today. Grand National stock car racing blown engines, suspension fail­ der way. The Detroit Lions are back Jim Marsalis, who scored kee; Atlanta vs. New York Jets Alberti’s are in action again lead In the fourth on Ken Ber- through three match points and 8:28-12:01 — aonbom. J. Jotay. ures and tire problems. di, who has been replaced for Cleveland (Chance 7-6) at aton, Brtman, Keller. But the quest for the driving the National Association (or at Buffalo in the other. last week with an intercepted at Winston-Salem, N.C., Dallas tonight against Wholesale at ^ bases loaded single and a what he termed bad calls by a “ Drivers and car owners have the time being by assistant Bill Milwaukee (Lockwood 1-9), N 8:44-8:44 — UoOonlgle, Chupss, title presents problems of a Stock Car Auto R.)clng has There are nine scheduled Sat­ pass, is doubtful. at Los Angeles, Cincinnati at 8 p.m. hardly indicated that things had sacrifice fly by Bobby Knoop. linesman Thursday to advance Moser, Evangelista. told us that they have been on Austin. Chicago (John 10-13) at Wash­ 8:62-8:62 — Hsiloowatd, R. Jones, different nature to Iseiac and made two changes in rules for urday night, one Sunday and Johnny Unltas has a dislocat­ Miami, iPlttsburgh at Minneso­ Alberti’s 102 423 x—12-14-3 changed. But they had. R„y White’s 17th homer nar- to today’s quarter finals of the the ragged edge at most races ington (Coleman 6-8), N Sommers, C, Pastemaric. Hylton. the remainder of the 1970 sea­ one Monday night. ed finger but the veteran quar­ ta, St. Louis at Denver. Congo 000 010 2— 3- 9-3 “ I’d have to say h/e’s sur- row/ed the lead in che fifth be- $23,000 Tennis 9:00-9:00 — Tulin, Barie, IMckmsn, son. this year and have had trouble Kansas City (Drago 6-1) at HaUowell. Isaac is known as a short New York (Peterson 13-7), N prised me with his quick bat,” fore the hiU by Lyttle and Gibbs Tournament. 9:16-9:16 — Reynolds, Fay, Renert, Beginning with the Yankee keeping their equipment togeth­ ACFL Opens Grid said Manager Ralph Houk. “ In tied the score. Then came Bak- ‘Itotillo. track specialist who isn’t at his er,” Kuchler said. “ These chan- Champ Obligated to Fight Foster GAME NO. 4 Minnesota (Blyleven 6-6) at Gonzales erupted in the sec­ 9:31-6:21 — Mountain, Clsrk, Ks- best aa courses like the two - 400 at Michigan International Boston (Culp 12-10), N camp, he had a tendency to er’s winning hit, his second of ond set of his match against mln, Mosher. Speedwday Sunday, all Grand should provide better com­ Finishing second to Klock In sweep his swing. Now he’s hang- the game. mile, 18 - degpree - banked Mich­ Exhibition Card Saturday’s Games Ron Holmberg when a linesman 9:93-7:61 — (UcOarthy, Ooidd, National cars will bo riequlred petition. It stands to reason that the Independent League, Whole­ Fable, Kartlner. igan International Speedway. In Baltimore at Oakland called service faults. But he 9:lSO:18 — Keating. Gartaous, to use a NASCAR-fumisheU car­ competition will be closter if sale Tire capitalized on seven New York, N.Y.—^Hie Atlan­ fact, of the 22 wins he has re­ Detroit at California, N managed to curb his temper Oallahw. Werthelm. buretor plate with a maximum there are. more cars running at Clay Supposedly Gets Lieense, Allied Printing errors to defeat 9:66-11:16 — Kossk, Kesmey, corded in his NASCAR career. the finish.” them, 23-13, in a slugfest at tic Coast Football League opens Chicago at Washington, N when the pressure was on to Keith, T. Ferguson. only one has been on a track of ^ its exhibition season Saturday Kansas City at New York Cubs Defeat Giants, beat his doubles partner 6-4, 4-6, 10;(M-10:04 — Heslli, Umbo, Wtaol- - will be allowed to use side win- The careburetor plates will be Charter Oak. ley. Heal In. a mile or longer. supplied by NASCAR and in­ Wholesale pounded out 26 hits with ten of Its 11 teams swing­ Minnesota at Boston, 2 day- 8- 6. 10:20-10:30 — (UUUeefcln. UUbnar, dow glass. night Dool^ Sr., TburteUote. Isaac has nine victories this stalled at the track under NAS­ Wants Bout with Joe Frazier as Ron Zappa collected five with ing into action with a five-game In other matches, top seeded 10:2kl0:38 — D. Lingua, Andso Prior to these changes the Only games scheduled son, Skinner, Podalny. season and already has banked CAR supervision. ATLANTA (AP) — Pro­ all there is to that,” he said. the running. There is no state teammates Frank Sisk and Rog­ program. Deadlock with Mets of Australia defeated venturi opening was a mexi- National League countryman Bill Bowrey 6-3, 6- 10:96-10:86 — MjcRolory. $78,600. Hyltcm, who does not The NASCAR restriction on However, Durham left the law which would prevent the er Penney pounding out four Shapiro, duttailn. mum of 1-11/16 inchies. Side moters say only the lack Showing the way are the East Division NEW YORK (A P)— It’s been nine years since base­ 1(1;41-10;44 — WbUf, Ross. Brody. profess to be a charger, has use of side windows was waived door open for a possible bout fight.” hits apiece. Jim Baker, Bill 1; Marty Relssen of Evanston, _, . . , . , . windows in cars had not been of signatures on a contract Pennsylvania Firebirds, the de­ W. L. Pet. G.B. ni., got past IsmaU El Shafei Levy. only one victory but has been a ,, . temporarily at 'the request of with Clay next year. There were published reports Bagley produced three hits. ball made “asterisk” a household word—but the little 11:00-ll :00 — Yosho, Potter, OhrU- ^ , t're engineers who explained — something they view as fending league champions who Pittsburgh 64 53 .647 — of the United Arab Republic 6-3, tofanl, Menchell. consistently high finisher. His “ We have a commitment to that the fight has the endorse­ Allied’s Kirby Holcombe charac^r may once again star in the record books the ‘ ^at air pressure Inside the cars a foi-mality — stands be­ New York 61 64 .530 2 1-6, 6-2 and Cliff Drysdale of ll:OiS-ll:diB — ICeurant, Ferruoiot chart shows 24 finishes in the fight Bob Poster,” Durham ment of Gov. Lester Maddox clouted an Inside-the-park hom­ are ready to field another pow­ next time Cincinnati’s Johnny Bench unloads a homer OflBrlen, Howat. ter consultation with and at the at high speeds caused as much Chicago 60 67 .613 4 The biggest cog In the Big ------South Africa upset third seeded 11:16-9:66 — Kemp, ‘Raitaglla, top ten in 31 races this year. tween Joe Frazier and Cas­ said. Clay will not be fought un­ but he was unavailable for erhouse despite the fact that Kupfeiechnild, Ooel. recommendation of car owners, as 800 pounds extra leading on er with Mike Sinlscalchi rapping St. Louis 65 61 .474 8% Red Machine smacked a two- PHILS • ASTROS — of Australia 8-6, Petty, who will be among Sun­ sius Clay in Atlanta Oct. til we fulfill our obligation to comment. Vice Mayor Maynard out two hits. Al Skinner knock­ many of their stars of a year .U:33-11;a9—Becker, WaWi, Kom- chief mechanics, . drivers and tires. Kuchler said, in a bulletin IPhila’phia 63 62 .461 10 run shot in the fourth inning Jesus Alou rapped a two-run 6- 2. .. Honan. day’s top favorites is equally manufacturers 25. Foster. Jackson and: other city officials ed out three hits. ago are currently in NatlcHial Montreal 49 69 .415 18% (AP Ptiotof^) [1:406:20—Berger. Mairah, Fields, expert on either short or long to contestants, that original size Thursday night and Lee May single that capped a three-run Keith Carpenter of Toronto Rose. NASCAR Vice-President Lin The proposed bout has been “ If Clay has a license, then attended the conference and The loser of this game meets Football League camps. Wesi Division FLEET FOOTED YANKEE— Bobby Murcer slides safely into second as White tracks. He has won ten times and thickness and nil opening and Tony Perez added solo eighth inning In Houston’s vlcto- was dumped 6-1, 6-3 by Aussie 11:608:04 — L. Baum. H. Weln- rejected by a number of ciUes- said afterwards the fight has Center Congo Wednesday at The Firebirds will take on the — Sox’ Bobby Knoop makes vain effort to stop him. John ‘Red’ Flaherty umpires. ateln. Bugnackl, M. Weinstein. Kuchler and Technical Director and closing equipment must re­ we’ll fight him next year. Let ClncinnaU 79 40 .664 blasts as Cincinnati over- over the Phils, Fred Stolle thus eliminating all this year, two times on major Bill Gazaway have been confer­ because Clay, stripped of his their blessings. Charter Oak. Jersey Tigers at Williams 12:01-11 ;40 — Keuhn, Donovcui, Dl- main as originally manufac­ him fight someone else and Los Angeles 65 49 .870 11% whelmed the New York Mets 6-1 • * • Canadian^ from men’s singles CorckL, P. Lingua speedways. ring with the drivers and me- heavyweight crown when he re­ Clay, now 28, said little. Wholesale 082 1123 x—23-25-4 Field, BUzabeth, N.J., the 69 .491 20% tured. prove to me he has a license. If AUanta 67 to g;lve Jim Merritt his 17th vie- PADBFIS - CARDS — contenUon. "M y problem in the long fused InducUon into the Army, “ This is the latest try and Roanoke Buckskins and Rich­ San Fran. 66 .487 21 he has a license, we’ll fight him Allied 006 022 3-13-14-7 69 tory of the year. OlUe Brown, with his 20th races like Sunday’s Yankee 400 has been unable to secure a li­ wherever we can get it I’m mond Saints clash at Rich­ Houston 63 64 .463 26 next year. There is no fight in It was back In 1961 when Rog- homer, and Jose Arcla each F eds ’ Hurler Controls Hitters; is to be certain I’m around at cense. But the AUanta Athletic ready,” he said. “ I couldn’t mond, the Orlando Panthers San Diego 46 71 .393 32 Jets^ Atkinson Returns. sight with Clay imtll next er Maris hit 61 homers In 162 drove in three San Diego runs Yesterday’s Stars Commission has issued him a year.” predict in this one. I’ve been take on the Bridgeport Jets at Thursday’s Results Darien in Finals games that baseball decreed the while St. Louis got four-baggers license. off too long.”, the Long Island Bulls AUanta 4, - Montreal 1 PITCHING — Dick Bosman, Feels Moral Obligation Georgia State Sen. Leroy WINOOSKI, Vt. (AP) — 'The face the Northern Division record should carry the little ^rom Rich Allen, Joe Torre and And Clay said at a news con­ Johnson arranged the fight. He ClncinnaU 6, New York 1 Bench Clouts 40th Circuit Blow Senators, tossed a brilliant one- Puerto Nuevo baseball team Is champion at Houston 4, Philadelphia 3 star to show it was separate but Brock, CHESTER, Pa. (AP)—Al At- recently-settled National Foot- ference Thursday that he is said at the news conference hitter at the Twins----- a leadoff Former Colt ^tar scheduled to play the Darien, Hartford and the Jersey Jays San Diego 9, St. Louis 7 equal to Babe Ruth’s 60 round- CINCINNATI (AP) — In the first Inning, when they hit point In the game. The whole bunt single by Cesar Tovar—In Klnson, outspoken middle line- u«n t willing to fight Frazier, the that all Georgia law requires is BALTIMORE (AP) — Lenny BRAVES - EXPOS— backer for the New York Jets . , . contract dispute Conn., team today in the finals tangle with the Norfolk Nep- Chicago 6, San Francisco 3 trippers in 154 games. Reds pitcher Jim Merritt, me pretty hard.’’ The Mets turning point was Merritt. He Washington’s 1-0 victory over champ, in the 8,000-seat City a city boxing license and Clay Moore, former player with the Atlanta’s Rico Carty belted C.C. who announced his retirement leaves older players out of the New England Regional tunes at Norfolk. Only games scheduled Now along comes Bench with now tied with Met Tom scored their lone run on back had control of the hitters all Minnesota. Auditorium. Announcement that has that in his possession. Baltimore Colts of the NFL, was Babe Ruth Tournament. zn hnmo ...rno ov,,, 26th homc rim ond Hoyt Wll- to back triples by Cleon Jones the way and just didn’t make last week, is back in action. ^^e cold as far as pensions Clay has a license and is ready Idle are the Indianapolis Today’s Games 40 home runs, one shy of Roy . , , j , . .*^lonvor OPEN TO PUBLIC “ We have done what the law named sports director of radio Puerto Nuevo defeated the „ . . . ___ , . ' helm contributed ninth-innlns.ninth-inning ocjeaver e a v e r in ^ the National and Donn Clendenon. any mistakes.” RATTma—Ed Kirkpatrick, Atkinson was on hand this ®*’® concerned, to fight caught the Frazier Caps, champions of the Contin­ Los Angeles (Sutton 13-8) at Campanella’ 1953 record for requires us to do,” said John­ station WSID in Baltimore Worcester, Mass., Tom Ash relief pitching against Montreal Leasfue win department Said Met manager Gil Hodges: Taking the Mets two of three Royals, ripped his first major 1 Mile fiDm Gay City morning when the Jets’ charter In an exclusive interview with camp by surprise. ental League who shifted to the Chicago (Gura 1-2 or Ckjlbom most homers in a season by a son. “ We feel we are now In Wednesday. League team ’Thursday 4-0. to enable George Stone to pick with 17, was elated with his league grand slam homer In airliner loaded at LaGuardia Ed Gebhart, sports editor of the AOFL this year 3-1) catcher. “There was no turning games preserved the Reds rec- “ It’s a lie,” said Yank Dur­ up his first victory since July 6. own performance, beating leading Kansas City to an 11-8 Rt. 85, Hebron, Cornu Airport in New York for a flight Delaware County Times in San Diego (Dobson 8-11 and The problem is the Bench ------ord never having lost a series ham in Stateline, Nev., where ,,,,,, , u „ • * * the New Yorkers 6-1 rout of the Boston Red Sox. to Winston-Salem, N.C., where Chester, Atkinson explained his Kirby 7-lS) at Pittsburgh (Ellis at home. Ray Sadeckl, 7-4 Frazier is appearing with his. 12-9 and Walker 9-3), 2 twl-nlght isn_ t exclusively ^ a catcher. He cUBS - GIANTS - Thursday nieht. Karen Herbert failed to break the jinx on south the team will take on the At- reasons for returning to the rock music group. Durham, has hit 33 of them In games In ro„ ganto, Billy Williams and ^ excepUonal stuff,” lanta Falcons Saturday night. turf. Atkinson lives in Chester V which he worlTed as the recelv paws against the Reds at home. who manages the fighter, said and Pitlock 3-3) at St. Louis When the 27-year-old lineback- - i ,eel a moral obligation to er four when he was a left field- P“ ®h®«; homered good Sets New Mark The Reds crashed three home “ there is no truth to it at ail.” (Carlton 6-16 and Reuss 4-4), 2, er, lour wnen ne was a len neia against San Francisco ace Gay- ii:iAT / a /-ii r> u 11 - j 4. x double, knocking In seven runs SATURDAY’S SCHEDULE TOYOTA MONTREAL (A P)— Clarence Campbell, president of to pace the triumph. Game l 9:30—Newsmen, Mer- the National Hockey League, said Thursday he was a four-run sixUt inning iced id®n vs. Cwm.-Rex, Southing- BASKETBALL SCHOOL CORONA “ greatly relieved and very gratified” with a court deci- th/e verdict for the Motormen ton. DELUXE 4-DR. SEDANS MIDGET FOOTBALL sion turning down baseball star Curt Flood’s antitrust who face Woodmansee Insur- Game 2 10:46—Daddarlo’s, E. in RockviHo Aug. 17tfi Him Aug. 21st suit filed against baseball’s reserve clause. an®® ®f Rhode island tomorrow Hartfort vs. Elm Restaurant, Good Soloettoii— Immodioto Dolivory In an interview, C am pbeU ------night. B r^ o rd . / 9 - 4 P.M. Your Choice Of THE MOST EXCITING said: / PhUadelphla Phillies. fonlght at 9:16, a classy Game 3 12—Walnut, Manches- REGISTRATION i f Standard Shift* i f Aatomatie Traas. RACE IN THE WORLD “ I tcM greaUy reUeved about Judge Cooper upheld the le- Statewide club of Southington *®*' Green Manor, Manches- < ROCKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL the improved stabiUty that aU gallty ot the controversial re- ^uares off against St. Joseph’s ‘ ®*’- Ccntril Admiiiion $2.50 7 ^ QUAUFYIN6 HEATS i f AIR CONDITIONING Children under 12 .50 professional sport now finds It- serve clause and suggested any of Bristol. The' Bristol array Game 4 1:16—Lancers, Mid­ LARRY SIEGFRIED. BAILEY HOWELL and 7>;ALL-AliRICAN COMPACTS Sign up at Mt. Nebo Field Aug 12 ■ 13 ■ 14 self in. change should be made through holds the mark for runs scored dletown vs. Mets, Cromwell. Ret. Seats Phone 737-1438 JO H N EGAN WM Be Professional Insiniclors -WATCH OVR ^jlEW BUILDISG TAKE SHAFET from 6:00 > 8:00 p.m. Boys must be 10 yours “ The decision wlU tend to sta- player-owner negotiations. in a single game of the touma- Game 5 2 ;30—Winner, Game ADULTS 3 .0 0 \Mm 12 Free bUize all professional sport t o Campbell said he felt negoUa- ment with 21. * Winner Friday, Joe Amerosine of Quincy High School and Ow MW tamt It BMrIat ctnipHtaa. TM MW Im MUm . « n M w RIVERSIDE PARK old before Nov. 1, 1970 and not 14 befoio the Ume being . . . since a decl- Uon was not the answer “ but On tap for th/e weekend is a Game 6 3:45 Billiards, Man­ Mr TtyMi Mm-Mrvlce-Partt, will M kiwwa n Lywii MMn, m 4 M I t n M I n i wn< d ■ i«M 91. M CwMr *1. ^^AFfORD SPRINGS Nov. 1 1970. W e i^ t Omit is 70 lbs. to 115 sion against the clause would rather I feel It essenUal that full slate of games aa the tour- Chester vs. Sportsmen, Bristol, Butch Buccino of RockviHo High School wiH have left all sport In a chaotic legislation be passed on the ney moves toward a double- Game 7 5 Winner Game 6 vs. assist. lbs. Boys Hiot signed up ot eorty registration position.” matter to guarantee confidence elimination final Sunday. The Winner Game 1. ROUTE 159 a AGAWAM need not sign up again. Birth certificote and Judge Irving Ben Cooper re- and assurance for both the play- remaining four teams wiU begin Game 8 6:16 G a ^ s , Nor- For Further InfonnoHon, CoH MORIARTY BROTHERS Jected a suit In New York Tues- ers and management.” knocking heads early Sunday al- wlch vs. Winner, Game 6. FREE P A R K IN G ^EEDWiH parent present at signing is ossenrid. STAFFORD SPRINGS. CUNN. (Herald pteto by TTib k tin) day filed by Flood asking t o an “ FI>r the time being this court temoon. Only Canal Lanes of Game 9 7 :30 Woomansee, R.I. TO M BENOIT 875-6203 (D/l/A LYNCH MOTORS) REC WINNERS— Capturing first place honors in Second row: Charlie Williams, Lenny Cistare, Dean injunction and t o damages of ruling'will put an end to these Southamptcoi, Mass., has be/en va. Walt’s, Colchester. SOI Conttr Stn Maaehottor 443-SI 3S ONRT. MO'FREEPARKING the Rec League was the Lantern House. K rst row, Yost, Gary Gott, Rich Romano, CkKikie Padza, Tim­ $1.4 million after he was traded flamboyant and flippant threats assured of a finals’ birth. Game 10 8 :45 Winner, Game 3 GEORGE DARGATI 875-2909 left to right, are: Ed Mariconi, Bob Davis, Phil my O’Brien, and Dick Templeton. Their record was by the St. Louis Cardinals to the of antitrust action,” he added. Two of the three remaining vs. Winner, Game 9. Custer, Sal (iallo, Neil Pierson and Ron Seplowitz. 10-4. This is the first title for Lantern House. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 PAGE SIXTEEN M A N C I ^ T E R e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 PAGE SEVENTEEN

OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Business Services THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Help Wanted— BU6GS BUNNY Hdp Wanffd— Malt 36 // ______Offered 13 Fanraln 3S W Wwwr IflTuc TM B«t. U1 M Oft .B U T -WIS j^WE'VE HAP AAHS HOOPLE SHARPENING Service — Saws WANTED as truck driver and HOW COME VER PLAYIN'^ VsCNT OUT TO CLASSIFIED ^ : UNY PORtiOHS-FlGARO M«BAWL B u t JUST MOW BIG IS FIGGVS TIP ? SECRETARY — geheral office, TH' BASS VIOL? X MUCH BETTER lOME g r e a t knives, scissors^ garden and yard man. Apply in person at K LAMP . EATERS V.ALLOWVALLOW A DEFROST HER 'Answer *o Previouf Puiile Sbccellent opportunity for TH O U G H T TH ' ACCORDIO' ‘ PROTECTIONROT_____ 1 shop tools. Power mowers re­ DRIVES EVERV Y/AltlER UFA WALL - •TMAT^ WHAT MAl^ES ’EM REALLV FLIP-'' W. H. England Lumber Co., HOSTILE THE NEW ACROSS THE THRESH-] EVE8M-LS.' TAA ' 11 n E3 s mU someone with experience in WAS YER August Trips 1 a Route 44-A, Bolton Notch, THROW AUDIENCES eOARCTER... HOUO.' BUT EVEN ,1 ^PREDICTIN' A s s a s 'El E T W ' I paired and serviced. Pick up typing and shorthand. Must be OUTj ^STRUM ENTJ HE'S STILL CU^^A^ERBUND, t h e I S H O R TER STAY BiBicaa SI IQ t-J 1 ADVERTISING and delivered. Sharpall, 685 Conn. M 1 m good with figure work. Pleas­ I30INIG/ CIRCUS FA T AAAN, I FOR HACK. T H A N IS g I WAS ON A HUNGER I THAT BOARDER ACROSS 2 Dry M 5 z: Adams St. (rear) Manchester, ant office, good starting wage. (comb, form) m r N T p i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 643-6306. STRIKE COAAPAREO J WHO BOUGHT 1 Fly to '70 Excellent benefits. Apply Mr. TO HACK/ SOME TERMrTES 3 Pointed prong r 5 g QJ 8 AJB. to 4 :3 0 PJH. 5 Visit ' 4 Goldlike m 1 N| Centinl, Coca-Cola Bottling Co., TO TRAIN POR National Park 5 l TIMBERLAND 'Tree Service, EXPERIENCED \ , SHOWBIZ/ alloy SI & T. tree removal, pruning, shrubs, 461 Main St., East Hartford. 13 Gaze malignly 5 Three feet ' s u 3 1 14 Subverter s M S COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. and lots cleared. Fifteen years AUTO MECHANICS 6 S-shaped s Q l SALESWOMAN Part-time 15 Jason's ship T 1 n a a A molding D 1N 1 S i 4:80 P.M. DAT BEFORE PUBUCA'no^ experience. Bonded and insur­ afternoons, 6-day week, to (myth.) New car dealership has open­ 7 Pemale =1 Deadline for Saturday and Monday la 4 ;80 Frlda.r ed. Free estimates. Call 647- work In cosmetic department, 16 Vibrate sym­ relative (coll.) 9479. ings for additional men. Gen­ pathetically experienced preferred but not 8 English school eral shop work and new car 17 Indigo (var.) 24 Sheep herder 44 Crochet necessary. Apply In person. AU 9 Madman PLEASE READ YOUR AD YOU ARE A-1. Truck Is A-1. preparation. Pay rate com­ / 19 Nothing 10 Having 25 Defender of 45 One who Arthur Drug, 942 Main, Man­ (suffix) Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ (Latin) modern Troy Classified or “ Want Ado” are taken over tbe phone as a chester. mensurate with ability, fringe BY V. T. HAMLIN 20 Escape from Koman form 27 Black viscous 46 Personal (ah.) convenience. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST ways sealed and small truck­ benefits, clean modem shop. A L L E Y OOP 23 Verdi opera 47 Constellation's 11 Small child resin DAT r r APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS in time lOr the ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- WAITRESSES wanted, full-time THEV W ONT LET 26 Reinstates 28 Crust over a brightest star ’ U X »3 UKE SHEIS TH/WS RIGHT OOP, ...BUT WEVB SOT A 12 Before next insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE in­ mano Trucking Service toll- FUU.TMO WEEKS US RUN IN THE 29 Frighten wound 48 Exist correct or omitted insertion for anv advertisement and then nights and weekends, uniforms Apply in person AU.REMW FOR EXCEPT FO R 18 Wise free. 742-9487. TH‘ MEKITONY/ FOR THAT BEFORE MEXITOFjy.' 30 Group of counselor 29 Stow in 49 Saturated only to the extent of a “ make good” insertiim. Errors which furnished, must be over 18. Ap­ THE BIS FREE- quotations 20 Expunges ship s hold hydrocarbon do not lessen the value of the advertisement wUl not be ply daily to manager. Alice’s fO R -A U -i / 31 Silent 21 Of blood 32 Native of (suffix) corrected by “ make good” Insertion. WASHING machines repaired, Kitchen, 363 Broad St., Man­ DILLON FORD 33 Negative (suffix) 51 Lifetime Maytag, RCA, and Kenmore. vessels (anal.) chester. 319 Main St., Manchester prefix 22 In the 38 Produced by 52 Narrow inlet Fast servlcBi reasonable rates. 34 Male rclallve wind (var.) 53 Bend head rSfUST '/ vanguard (Rockville, Toll Free) OaU 643-4913, 647-1719. COUNTER help wanted, 10-3 35 Make a (comp, word) 40 Of a holiday slightly A SNACK ' speech and 11-3, Monday through Fri­ TO HACK= 11 \i 643-2711 LAWN Mowers — Garden trac­ 8-H 36 Hail! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 875-3136 day or Monday through Satur­ PLUMBERS and steam fitters tors repaired and sharpened. 37 Organic salt day. Starting Sept. 1st. CeiU or wanted, wages $6.26 per hour. 39 Meat extract 13 14 Parts and accessories. New apply Arby’s Roast Beef. 267 Call 875-2606. (2 words) i6 Automobilos For Solo 4 and used lawn mowers. Hours 41 Utah state 15 Broad St., 649-8043. BY J. B. WILLIAMS 8 to 6, Monday to Saturday. OUT OUR WAY flower 19 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, 1966 M- TT" 18 Mini-Motors, 188 (rear) W. 42 Swerves HERALD gine, minor repairs, best offer CLEANING woman wanted, 8-4 43 Chian 20 21 22 i4 '2b Middle 'Tpke., 649-8706. days weekly. Permanent posi­ IF HE g e t s T J1 over $300. Call 742-6010. o -w TEDDY BEAR, turpentine tion. Send name, address, FULL-TIME I'j) im W HIA, I... TM 1U« U.S rw. Off. WEDDING BELLS, A N Y M O R E resin i6 27 28 BOX LETTERS r r m e m e n t o s . ■■1■ Building— Bonds— Stocks— Help Wanted— phone number and references S O N IN VIET NA/A. NEED CAR? Credit very bad? 45 Hope goddess 32 JUNK CARS removed, $10 NIGHT PORTER GKANDC HILPKENS UP T H E R E (Roman) a r $1 1 For Your Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ Contracting 14 Mortgages 27 Female . 35 to Box R, Manchester Herald. BOWLING T R O P H Y .. W E L L h a v e 47 Keel-shaped each. Call 872-9433. All replys confidential. Writing D A V Y JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS TO G E T 34 3 T est Douglas accepts lowest 10 p.m. - 7 a.m. THERE'S HIS LIFE 50 Mountain lake ■ ■ Information SAVE MONEY! Fast service. MEDICAL Placement Service — ability not required. STO R Y.. .HE STARTED , HIM A NEW down, smallest payments, any­ POLLARD 'Tree Service — Ex­ .. SOON T HEY, DAVY... 54 Sacerdotal 38 40 Dormers, room additions, ga- MOR'TGA'TES 1st and 2nd, licensed nurse or DO YOU, DAVY JO N ES HERE WHEN HE WAS WALL.' 37 1 1 'TUB HBR.tLX> wlU not where. Not small loan finance pert tree removal, pruning and STORMY..J THAT'S YOU I official rages, porches, roofing, and mortgages — Interim financing trained aide for elderly, con- Five nights per week. For gen­ take kelly green 18 AND NOW HE'S A 55 Exchange 41 4i dlscloM- the Identity of company plan. Douglas Mo­ trimming. Reasonable. Free eral cleaning and custodial YOUR WIFE ? TALK I grandfather ' ■ sldlng. Compare prices. Ad- ~ expedient and confidential valescent or chronically 111. 232- premium 1 .uiy advert leer using box tors, 346 Main. Help Wanted— Male 36 work. Must be bondablie and 46 estimates. 628-3021 or 289-2379. A-Level Dormer Corp., 289- service. J. D. Real Estate 5226, 643-8707. 56 Comes in 43 ■44 1■■ letters. Readers answer­ have a clear record for honesty again ing blind box ads who 1939 DODGE, Excellent condi­ 0449. Assoc. 643-6129. ______48 49 51 52 53 MANCHESTER Tree Service — and dependability. 57 Heavy metal 47 1 desire to protect their tion, new paint, rebpilt engine. Specializing in tree removal, MOR’TGAGES, loans, first, sec­ f : 54 r 55 identity can follow ‘his $400. Call 649-0086 after 6. Starting rate, $2.50 per hour pruning, shrubs, lots cleared. DOWN procedure■ Special Services 15 ond, third. All kinds. Realty plus complete program of fringe 57 Fully insured. Call 649-6422. Auto Service Men 56 14 1964 THUNDERBIRD, red with statewide. Credit rating unnec­ benefits. 1 Highest note Enclose your roply to (^REIATIVE Catering — offer­ essary. Reasonable. Confiden­ OPERATING of gamut white vinyl top, alr-condltlon- LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also Permanent full and part-time Apply the box in an envelope — ing formal dining, modem buf­ tial, quick arrangements. Alvin (Ntwspaptt tnierpriie Asm.) Ing. Call 649-7867 after 6 p.m. moving large appliances. Burn­ positions now available for ex­ address to the Claiuified fets, cookouts, stag parties Lundy Agency, 627-7971. 983 perienced auto m/echanica. Manager, Manchaster ing barrels delivered, $4. 644- created especially for you. 24 Main St., Hartford. Evenings, Openings also exist for: Evening Herald, together 1964 FORD, $260. 1964 Chevrolet 1776 BEHIND MOTT’S with a memo listliv ths Ctorvalr Monza, $1260. Savings Leggett St., East Hartford, 233-6879. Shop-Rite Super Market companies you do NOT Bank of Manchester, 923 Main 528-6348. BY DICK TURNER TIRE CHANGER CARNIVAL want to see your letter. St. 646-1700. Household Services THE TIMES? LUBRICATION MEN 587 E. Middle Tpke., Manchester Your letter wUi be de­ stroyed if the advertiser 1969 PONTIAC, Grand Prlx, low Offered 13-A Roofing— Siding 16 B«»'n«ss Opportunity 28 is one you’ve mentioned. mileage, full power, air-condl- WE OFFER MAINTENANCE man, full-time, TWO handymen want a variety BTOW E^ Home Improvement MANCHESTER—Package store. Join a progress'.v? com- WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE If not it will be handled tlonlng. Owner must sell. Call pleasant working conditions In in the usual manner 649-4402. of jobs by day or hour. We (3o. Expert Installation of c jji f^j. details. Frechette Real- ptiny that offers lots of • Excellent pay s-i-r clean yards, attics and cellars. aluminum siding, gutters and tors 647-9993. opportunities. S N E T • Liberal benefits modern convalescent home, on bus line, excellent starting sal­ WHO CLEANED 1964 PONTIAC Tempest Le- Reasonable. Call 643-5305. trim. Roofing installation and needs Directory Assist­ • Year 'round employment iosjt • Excellent working conditions ary and benefits. Phone Mr. At­ WAUL OF LIFE e-¥ mans, convertible, red, good repairs. 649-6495, 876-9109. ance Operators. Help OFF MY D ESK? • Merchandise discount las, East Hartford Convalescent 3 top, tires, 4-speed, asking $696. CTJSTOM made draperies, slip otherii and yourss'.f. Ar­ Pwsonois R(X)FING and roof repair, • Opportunity for advancyement home, 628-6978. 646-3628. covers and reupholstering. range for an interview Coughlin Roofing Co., Inc. 643- SUNOCO BY FRANK O’NEAL Budget terms. EstaWlshed in today. SHORT RIBS NOEL ADAIR Dry Skin Pool 1961 FALCON — good running 1945. Days, 524-0164, eve­ 7707. APPLY TO STORE MANAGER OIL BURNER service man with Creme, lubricants for callous­ condition, 2-door, automatic, nings, 649-7590. experience in all phases of No. es, hard dry skin, rough heels, $126. Call 649-1438. P & S ROOFING and repairs A valuable franchise will SNET Offers: 2 oil burner service. Excellent r q L P /) legs. Softens and soothes tired LIGHT TRUCKING, cellar and done realistically. FYee esti­ soon be .available in the CALDOR, INC benefits and salary opportun. attics cleaned, odd jobs, lawns, mates. Call anytime, 649-1616. Manchester-Vemon area. ity for willing in^vldual ------feet. Quinn’s Pharmacy, 873 We offer paid training, fi­ Full Pay with Training 1146 Tolland Tpke., Manchester Main, Manchester. 1963 BELAIR Chevrolet, good trees cut and removed. 643- * Scheduled Raises • Union shop. All inquiries held condition, 646-3666. nancial assistance, and busi­ 6000. ness counseling. For infor­ Excellent Benefits • Op­ confidential. Call Mr. Grim­ WANTED — Ride from Henry Roofing and mation call Mr. Cox, Sun Oil CARPENTER’S helper wanted, aldi, 629-2649 for Interview ap WINDOW CLEANING done at portunities for Advance­ St., Manchester to 90 Washing­ Chimneys 16-A Co. 568-3400. Elvenings and full - time, own transportation polntment. 1963 CHRYSLER convertible, special low rates. Fast, effi­ ment ♦ Job Secufty. ton St., Hartford. Hours 8:30- weekends, Mr. BUI Fitz­ necessary, call 742-6062 after good condition, 647-1322. cient sendee. Call for free ENGINEERS — Are you sales 4:30. 649-1466. ROOFING — Specializing re­ gerald collect 413-739-8093. 7 p.m. estimates. 646-4220. pairing roofs of all kinds, new For complete Informa­ minded and looking for a new BY ROY CRANE DUTCH MAID fashion show, roofs, gutter work, chimneys tion visit our employ­ career? We have aptitude tests BUZZ SAWYER Trucks— ^Tractors 5 SMALI.. Appliances repaired. PART-'ITME, for lawn and © o Aug(ust 19- at Willie’s Steak cleaned and repaired. 30 years ment office at 62 East parking lot maintenance. Must to help you evaluate our op­ CAT,MY EVE/ SOME GUYS CLIMBEP in thru THE House. 'Hekets limited. Call igeg FORD Ranchero, V8, Lamps, cords, clocks, razors, experience. Free estimates. Center Street, Manches­ portunity. Excellent training HEY, YOU, MORGANf BROKEN WINDOW/ f have drivers license. Apply In 649-7819. standard shift, power steering, blenders, space heaters, etc. Call Howley 643-5361, 644- Help Wontod— ter open Monday ‘hrough person at W. H. England Lum­ and fringe benefits. Call Russ - — ■ /THEY DROPPED THIS ' Door bells and locks. Simoniz W A K E UP/ excellent condition, 24,000 8333. Friday from 8:30 a.m. ber Co., Route 44-A, Bolton Stevenson at 278-7770. STETHOSCOPE BY paste wax all cars. $6.95. Female 35 THE SAFE, O l , WEUL.l miles, maroon, radio, heater. to 6 p.m. Or call 643- Notch. ~y~ “ Marcel,” 26 Wadsworth. 643- ACT NOW — Demonstrate toys. ViA9 WARM FOIR- Automobiles For Sole 4 049-9436 after s p.m. Heating and Plumbing 17 4101-X-368 for an ap­ A little BIT. 6922. Santa’s Parties offers the pointment. MAINTENANCE 1967 CHE'VROLEST Caprice GRANT’S Plumbing Service — most! Highest commissions, Wagon, excellent condition, LIGHT trucking, yards, cellars, largest selections! No coUect- MECHANICS Trailers— attics cleaned and removed. Free estimates, plus quality DRIVERS new tires. Call 643-9121. work. 643-6341. Ing, no delivering. Barn a free MAINTENANCE DEPT. Mobile Homes 6-A Bulk delivery. 644-8962. kit. Also booking parties. CaU SOUTHERN 1967 MERCURY Comet, Capri, SAM WA’TSON Plumbing and or write, "Santa’s Parties,” V-8, very clean, 23,000 miles. ABC Better Homes, largest dis­ REWEAVING of burns, moth- WANTED Two positions available, « bc- holes, zippers repaired. Win­ Heating. Bathroom remodel­ Avon, Conn., 06001, Telephone CaU 646-4980 after 6. play of mobile homes in Con­ end and third shifts. Must o fcy NtA W>€. TJ*. U.1 M. OH. dow shades made to measure, ing and repairs. Free esti­ 1-673-3466. NEW GOOD HUMOR be able to perform industrial necticut. Open house daily 9-9, mates. (^U 649-3808. 1967 CHEVROLET. 2-door hard­ all size Venetian blinds. Keys PHONE room manager full­ mechanical repair work and ‘Yeah, great-grandpa was sure ahead of his time Summer Special new 12’ wide ICE CREAM also must have ability to re­ top, rebuilt 283, 3-speed Hurst, for $4,995. ABC Better Honles, made while you wait. Tape re­ time. CaU 643-2493 between . . . look at that hair, those sideburns ,. corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 ENGLAND pair and install electrical : traction bars. $160. 643-0893. 1463 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, Millinery, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. and after No experience required equipment. Excellent start­ Main St., 649-5221. 6 p.m. 18 years of age ing rates and fabulous fringe MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD 1966 FORD Galaxle, 2-door con­ Conn. 828-6641. Dressmaking 19 RUG CLEANING done. Have a TELEPHONE Have valid driver's license benefits. Call tor appoint­ vertible, 8 cylinder, A-1 condl- MOBILE HOME, 10x42 Pontiac ment; Marge Hampuon, 643- NOW I'LL PHONE MICKEY m ic k e y ! DO YOU BELIEVE THAT , pro do It. Call 643-7465 between TROUBLE finding minis? Cus­ REGISTERED lUUliuui" ----- B Y M ILTON CANIFF Uon, $860. 643-2608. excellent condition. In good 5163. —AND YOU CAN LEARN TWO MEN CAN HAVE EXACTLY STEVE CANYON 8-10 a.m., 6-9 p.m. Monday - tom made dresses, ladies suits, APPLY DAILY park, no children. Call 876-6314. NURSES An Equal Opportunity Employer OH, DARUNQ— T'M SO GLAD i WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT! ^ THE S A M E P A C E ? 1968 TRIUMPH 260, red, excel­ Friday. gowns and alterations. Prompt yOU'RE BACK! DID YOU ^ YOU KNOW ALL THE'Nl AND I'M A NOVICE LISTEN TO THE MAN.'.. JUST BECAUSE THE YOU CAME HERE TO Several shifts open, shift lent condition, 16,000 mileage. 1961 USED APACHE tent tr il- service. Call 649-1133. GOOD HUMOR CORP. ROGERS CORP. k FIND OUT WHAT TRICKS ABOUT /VIAKINC A T THIS MARRIAGE YOU WERE NEVER A BABE HAPPENS TO BE KISS M E - A N D ODD JOBS, light trucking, car­ differential and weekend dif­ HUSBAND, BUT YOU'VE YOUR OWN DOESNY . YOU M A Y S TA R T Must sell. 647-1332. er, sleeps 4. 876-2719 after 4:30 Sullivan Ave.-Kennedy Rd. HEY, SUMMER, HAVE A HUSBAND H A P P Y - PODGE.' YOU MUST pentry, roofs, miscellaneous re­ ferential. No shift rotation. Mill and Oakland St. HAD MANY AN AFTER­ ' ANY TIME . p.m. DENTAL HYGIENIST, Man­ South Windsor, Conn. PITY ON M E ...H E R E BRING M E ALONG 1968 CATALINA, 4-door, full pairs, patios, porches, retain­ For further Information, or Manchester, Cunn. YOU A R E ,A WOMAN NOON DRINK WITH A Moving— T nicking— chester office, for Saturdays. 289-8261 WIFE. power, factory air-conditibned, 1964 RIGHT camper, sleeps 6, ing walls, ceramic tile, con­ to arrange personal inter­ Write Box V, Manchester An equal opportunity employer OF THE WORLD A-1 condition. Only $2,100. Storage 20 refrigerator, sink, table, $360. crete work. Clean up. 646-0253, view, please caU Personnel Conn. An equal opportunity employer a Owner, 644-1639. 643-9724. anytime. MANCHESTER — Delivery- Dept., Manchester Memorial Hospital, 646-1222, Ext. 243. PART - TIME openings now 1967 COUGAR, XR7, 390, GT light trucklflg and package de­ livery. Refrigerators, washers available In all positions. Ap­ performance group, disc WOODEN drain gutters cleaned MEN, part-time, evenlng^s for Motorcycles and stove moving, specialty. PART-’ITME counter girl, living ply to manager, Parkade brakes, 4-speed transmission, and sealed. 643-0579. janitorial duties. 646-4220. Bicycles 11 Folding chairs for rent 649- In Vernon area to work after­ Bowling Lanes, Parkade Shop­ dark green with vinyl roof. 872- ping Center. NOTICE! 9820 after 6. 0762. noons and Saturdays In dry PULL - TIME or part - time 1970 HONDA, 176, touring 2,300 cleaning store. Apply Fisher miles. Call 649-8161. Ask for help wanted mornings, with Hovo 2 w m 4 » opm for 1966 OLDSMOBILE, CuUass, ra­ Building— CleEUiers, 326 Broad St, Man­ HOUSEKEEPER mechanical experience. 'Top Dick, the manager. Pointing— Poporinq 21 chester. oufticlo painirii^. Au- BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY dio, automatic, power steer­ Contracting 14 wages paid. Apply 270 Hart­ MR. ABERNATHY ing, power brakes, excellent 1966 HONDA. CB. 160 good run­ Wanted to live in and care ford Rd., Manchester. gutf 17-30. Call Erwin LEON Cieszynskl builder—new ROGER’S PAINTING, interior for businessman and 3 well mechanical condition. 643-7791. ning condition. $276 or best of­ homes custom built, remodel­ and exterior, ceiling, wall­ mannered school age chil­ Davit, 649-0495 or h e 's t o o Bie FOR . . . h e 's BOUND TO GET fer. 649-0971 after 6 p.m. LADY DUNHILL INSURANCE investigator, part- TIRED BEFORE I DO. 1968 MUSTANG, V-8, automatic ing, additions, rec rooms, ga­ papering. CaU anytime, 648- dren. time, Manchester - Rockville Boft Plant*, 649-'696S. >OUTO h a n d l e - 0923. b e t t e r LET HIM GO! WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU transmission, white sidewall 1969 FOX TRAIL mini bike, ra- rages, kitchens remodeled, 649-5190 649-7842 area. Must have car and be tires, radio. Owner transferred, ceUent condition, $160. Call 876- bath tile, cement work. Steps, INSIDE—outside painting. Spe­ GAL FRIDAY TO $110. able to type. Phone or write Prampt, Couittow d o k ;- dormers. Residential or com­ ^ WHEI2E/\f2E VQLl ' S O IS THE. 872-0761. 8060. cial rates for people over 65. IF YOU DRIVE you can seU Mr. Zwick, Underwriters Re­ S«vie* KAVAU-l mercial. CaU 649-4291. d o n Y GOINS? YaUE. WINDCW Call my competitors, then call A local sales oriented estab­ Dutch Maid clothing, any ports, Inc., 410 Asylum St., WORFJy AAOIHaS. IS EJAOZ r BROKE/ 1969 PL’TMOUTH wagon, fully lishment lias asked us to Hartford, Conn. 622-4201. equipped with air-conditioning. DORMERS, garages, porches, me. Estimates given. 649-7863. three evenings. You can earn ABOUT t h a t WAV’. BOY’S 26” English bike, excel­ find them a girl with book­ $2,700 or best offer. CaU 643- lent condition, $30. 643-4384. rec rooms, room additions, keeping background who en­ over $100. For Interview oaU ME. NAME your own price. Paint­ 8277. kitchens, add-a-Ievels, roofing, joys public contact. Call for 742-8031. HONDA 360 Scrambler, 1070, sittng, general repairs. QuaUty ing, paperhanging, removal. a convenient appointment. GENERAL clerk, experienced, 1960 FORD, Galaxle, 600, 4-door excellent condition. Call after workmanship. Financing avaU- Prompt service, fuUy insured. CT^ fuU-time 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. hardtop, 'V-8, automatic trans­ 6. 649-2462. able. Economy BuUders, Inc. Satisfaction guaranteed. CaU Shopping Parkade Some typing helpful, some W E N E E D Y O U l mission, Clean throughout. $796. 643-6169, 872-0647 evening. Jerry Kenny, 647-9664. /(ZlI^EWAV]l4| 649-6290. 1970 SUZUKI, 260 cc. Hustler, Manchester 647-9922 knowledge of bookkeeping or immaculate, factory guarantee, HALLMARK BuUdlng Co. for EIXPERIENCED house paint­ accounting systems also help­ RN’s, LPN’s, full and part-time. Enjoy working 1963 GRAND PRIX, good con­ ing, very reasonable. Call for ful. SmaU congenial office, ex- in our modern A -1 c^onvalescent home with a doc­ BY AL VERMEER $660. 647-1641. home improvement, additions, 100 Constitution Plaza PRISCILLA’S POP dition, Asking $600. Reason for rec rooms, house painting, free estimates. WonderwaU ceUent benefits, good starting tor on staff dally and graduate aides to assist selling, going Into service. 646- Painting Co., 1-423-8117. Hartford 278-6560 pay. Phone 628-2167, Mr, O n - N O W L E T S garages, roofing, guttets. Free yon. Exceptionally high rate, two-weeks sick W E L L ,'" SEE, HAZEL'? 4661. Business Services estimates. All work guaran­ tini. HE IS N 'T WAS ALL IM HER HEAR NO MOREl HOUSBPAINTINQ — scraping, ------^------leave, two-weeks paid vacation, 7-paid holidays. .HERE' JMAGINATION!' ABOUT 8-H Offered 13 teed. 646-0202. SAW BIGFOOT.' 1966 FORD, Fairlane 600 V-8, sanding, roofs applied and re- PART-TIME experienced typist IS MONEY your problem? Blue Cross and life insurance, paid meal time. On 2 - door hardtop, stick shift, CUSTOM MADE slip covers, ■WES ROBBINS (Carpentry re­ paired. Chimneys and gutters. for accountant’s office, hours Here’s the answer — become bus Hue. No rotation. Phone Mr. Atlas, East V k- CM BY LESLIE TURNER moderate mUeage. EhcceUent $82 - $129, in the convenience modeling specialist. Additions, Insured, bonded, free esti­ open. CaU 646-2466 between 9-1. an Avon representative — earn Hartford Convalescent Home, 528-6978. CAPTAIN EASY condition. 649-7671. of your living room. Choose rec rooms, dormers, porches, mates. Work guaranteed. 648- good money In your spare fifiD 6 A ? y TAXIBE- FORWARD from over 200 exciting prints. 7026. PdWM HABP».BUT BTILU cabinets, formica, buUt-ins, WAITRESS wanted fuU or part- time near home. CaU 280-4922. 1966 FORD GALAXIE. XL. 352, Grant’s of Vernon, 872-9171. IN ONB PiBCn AT THE bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446. time. CaU ToUand — 875-9960. PLANT NUKPeRV- hardtop, white, buckets. 649- 1828. TREE SERVICE (Soucier) — CARPENTRY and remodeling SPRAY painting, free esti­ BABYSITTER wanted for 2 Trees cut, buUdlng lots clear­ rec rooms, dormers, kitchens, mates. Insured. 643-0679. small chUdren In our home, 1961 FALCON, automatic, ra- ed, trees topped. Got a tree additions and garages. CaU X V j K ' JOSEPH P. LEWIS — Custom triiUe mother works. After­ dio, heater. Good second car. problem! WeU worth phone Tom Corbitt, 648-0086. /c Painting, interior and exterior, noons only. 648-1689. I lN-V' Asking $100. 648-7889. call, 742-8262. ALL masonary, stone walls pa­ paperhanging, fully insured. WE NEED HELP **v 1964 VALIANT, navy blue crch looks out on 400 feet land­ carpeting throughout, balcony 0^3.4299 Once a week your house is dominate today and committed resumes to Automatic Sprin­ Dairy Products 50 carpeting, appliances, air-con­ swimming pool, A nicely treed i^VISED Rancn - $25,600. SU mhuun siding and a 2 car Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. lake privUeges. Only $20,000. will do summer work, any job, overlooking cathedral ceiling _____ ‘______picture advertised in its to reversing those priorities kler Corp., P. O. Box 87, Man­ 643-8112. ditioning, private finished Out of Town lot. Priced at $27,900. R.B. wall-to-wall garage. Compare against all scaped yard! Truly a fine val­ Fiano Agency 646-0191. anytime. Jerry—643-8641, Mike BUTTER and sugar com, rooms, carpet, TWO - family house. Well main­ ue, near school. Belifore Agen­ sunken Uving room with fire- MANCHESTER — Farmington own 4x6” ad—every week which have brought our nation chester, Conn. An equal op­ basements. Attractive residen­ For Rent 66 associated Brokers, 649-9926. others! Mid 40’s. CaU Mr. to the brink of economic and 742-7290. beans, squash, beets, cucum­ bullt-lns. fireplace. 2-car Gordon. tained in ideal residential cy, 647-1413. place. Tremendous center St., A-zone. IlOx 160’ treed lot. VERNON — 3-bedroom Ranch, until sold. portunity employer. tial area. Adults only, no pets social disaster.” bers, tomatoes, peppers, on­ WantEd— To Buy 58 ROCKVILLE — 4 room apart- SI, SI senlorita, Spanish Influ- garage, trees. Hutchins Agency, area. Six rooms up, 4 rooms ______halls, story book kitchen, two- walking distance elementary 2 baths', 2-car garage, fire­ L.F. Fiano, 649-6371. Junior bij^ and high schools. Ottnger gave Duffey his “ full DRIVER and stock clerk, 24 or ions. 21 Angel St, Manchester. ment, $108 monthly. Call 646- ence Colonial, 7 spacious Realtors, 649-5324. • • • • down, one - car garage and NINE, yes, nine-room Colonial car garage. Parklike atmo- place, finished rec room, LINSAY REALTY over. Full-time 8-4, salary a n d ______Dogs— Birds— Pats 41 HOUSEHOLD loU — Antiques B & W on tree-shaded double lot in sphere. Morrison Realtor, 648- L. Murphey, owner, 648-8884. and enthusiastic support,” TOMATOES — pick your own brick-a-brac, locks, frames, MANCHESTER Center 0882, 649-2871. rooms, 1% baths, 2-car garage, j u m b q s iz e Colonial in execu- walk - out basement. $26,900. $27,600. Financing available. 649-9158 649-0085 • tore^ ^ n e^ . Apply Mr. ENGLISH setter, puppies, 7 BARROWS and WALLACE Co. quiet residential area. Com- 1015. Duffey is one of three Con­ 10 cents a pound. 21 Angel St., glassware. We buy estates. Home and office for lease, one central, city utilities. Morrison, neighborhood ,6 years old. Manchester Parkade, Manch. CaU 647-9903 weekdays 9-6. ______MANCHESTER, approxlmate- CaU 876-2062. Katz, Arthur Drug, 942 Main shots, wormed, VERNON — Willow Brook pletely redone! Job change ne- necticut Democrats seeking the Manchester. Village Peddler, Auctioneer, child preferred, $260. per Realtor, 643-1016. modem kitchen, large formal 640-6806 cessitates fast sale. Belfiore NEW LISTING — Six-room acres^comer crf^Fem and ALL CASH for your property St. American field. Call 649-7105. .Apartments. Immediately new MANCHESTER — The very ly 4 BOLTON —New 8-room cus­ nomination in the primary Wed­ — ------— ------420 Lake St., Bolton. 649-3247. dining room, family room with Ranch, central air condition­ Gardner Streets. Ideal for within 24 hours. Avoid red FRESH com, excellent fr e e z in g ______month, heat included. Refer- rooms at $160. Heat, hot QUALITY 5-room Colonial, gar MANCHESTER — Large exec­ best in this huge executive Agency, 647-1413. tom built Raised Ranch. Four nesday. He is opposed by Al- SUPERIOTENDEOT w a n t e ^ - poODLE, gray miniature male, ences required. Hayes Agency, ^^ter, refrigerator, oven-range, age, excellent condition, excel- fieldstone fireplace, large ing, two fuU baths, fireplace, clubs, convalescent homes, tape, instant service. Hayes phonsus J. Donahue and State variety, pick your own, 1-6 p.m. WANTED — Antique furniture, utive 4-bedroom home with 2^ home. Several fantastic fea­ bedrooms, double garage, acre Responsible married man 646-0131. front-to-back living room with REDWOOD farms is tremend­ waU to wall carpet, garage, etc. Reasonable. Heritage Agency, 646-0181. Sen. Edward Marcus. shots, clipped, housebroken, 2 Buckland Rd. Call 844-1464. glass, pewter, oil paintings or disposal, dishwasher, wall to lent location. Owner 646-1559. ceramic baths, huge double tures. Must be seen. Heritage treed lot. $81,600. Hayes Agen­ must be sober and reliable, fireplace, half bath. Second ously popular. Drive by this full basement. Shows weU, own­ House, 646-2483. “ A victory for Congressman years old. $35. 628-1880. wall carpeting, air-conditioning. garage, leuidscaped lot Low House, 646-2482. cy, 646-0131. have some knowledge of main­ other antique items. Any quan- FOUR - ROOM apartment, 2- r^rimmlnr p^rilghV ed 7eM^^ RANCH - 6 rooms, large liv- floor has 6 bedrooms, 3 full gorgeous 6-room tree-surround- er transferred. $24,600. Wolver- Ottinger would be impiHlant to tlty. The Harrison’s, 643-8709, family, first floor, heat, yard -40’s. H erit^e House, 646-2482. tenance and willingness to Household Goods 51 courts, basketball court, park­ ing room with fireplace, pan­ baths. Two-car garage, beau­ MANCHESTER — 3-bedroom ed Ranch and see why! The ad- ton Agency, Realtors, 640-2813. MANCHESTER — 140x140 C- VERNON our party, for all those who hope ______165 Oakland Street and parking, adults only, no dess is 276 Redwood Road. ------—— ______1______zone comer parcel opposite ac- Doctors Leave work, good salary plus apart- FREE — 6-weeks old puppies, ing and storage all included. eled family room, air-condi­ tifully landscaped yard. For MANCHESTER — Immaculate frame and brick Ranch imder to offer a strong congressional pets. References. $140. a tioned large master bedroom, Nuff said until you call us to NEW LISTING—Bowers School, cess road to hospital. Excel- MODEL HOME ment. For appointment call Call 646-1739 after 6. CLEAN, USED refrigerators, — ...... No pets. Call Hartford, 627-9238, further details call Philbrick 3 6r 4-bedroom Cape with ga­ 10 years young, fireplace, waU- LONDON (AP) — Many new alternative to Nlxon-Agnew Re­ month. 649-4522. attractive yard with privacy, inspect. Belfiore-Agency, 647- 3-bedroom Colonial, 1% baths, lent potential and price. Heri- Mr. Bmndrett, 289-2608, 4-6 ------Vernon, 872-4400. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. rage, stable and small acre­ to-waU carpet In living room, Ready for immediate occu­ doctors leave the country each publicanism,” Duffey said after rr^ara^trie^e ZTZ Rooms Without Boord 59 $26,900. Philbrick Agency, Real­ dining room and hall, huge 1413. garage, low, low 20’s. Wolver- tage House, 646-2482. pancy. 8 room Garrison Col­ year to settle abroad perma­ the meeting. ______LONG HAIRED KITTENS free. 635 CENTER ST-4%-room du­ FIVE-BEDROOM Colonial, two age. Any reasonable offer ac­ B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 ROOM-complete light hous- ROCKVILLE — 6 spacious tors, 646-4200. finished rec room, 2-zone heat, ton \gency. Realtors, 649-2813.------onial on a deep treed lot. nently, a study in St. Bartholo­ wi^TTED — licensed plumber 3V4 weeks old. Call 643-6348. plex, 1% baths, all appliances. years old, aluminum siding. ceptable. Heritage House, 646- SOUTH end location — Six 2 ^ baths, first floor family "His outstanding record . ruled them off the road mortgage. $21,900. Odegard trix within the time limited for the OF ADOPTION and two small 3x6 rugs, multi 1021. ACRES — sweeping plumbing, 200 amp service. baths, double garage, 42’ fam- Move right In, 4-room Ranch, school and shopping. $24,400. presentation of dsdms against said government is willing to set such West Center St., 643-5332. For Sale 70 n in e in 1921. Mid 30’s each. Easily financed. Realty, 648-4366. THE VERY best! ()uaUty built estate, it s a goal and then do everything OF ORDINANCE colored. Will sell separate or ______views, lovely six-room stone by U & R ! Ten room Raised Uy . room, newly------painted,------garage. Only $8,000. down. 048-8026. ORDEIRED; That the foregoing Alton Wilcox, 43 Berkley Dr., ^ ------M,------Q j j J y possible to meet that goal,” Duf­ DARK, rich, atone free, loam, best offer, $100. Oriental 9x12 Apartments— Fiats— FTVE large nice rooms, heat CONVALESCENT home, long Ranch. Large enclosed porch. 1. Two-fam ily REDUCED. RAYMOND Rd. 9-room Garri­ Ranch In lovely setting. Very $31,900. Meyer, Realtors, 648- Cw"®r wlU finance. application be heard and determined TOWN OF MANCHESTER, and hot water, stove re­ Large 6-6 Duplex. Excel­ Vermm, 643-7367. WHXIMANTIC — cute Ranch, at the Probate office in Manchester fey said. five-yards, $20. Sand, gravel, rug, recently cleaned, $26. Tenements 63 established business. Always 2-car garage. Out-building son Colonial on one-acre lot. low fifties, worth more. Bel­ 0609. $12,900. 628-0686. in said District, on the 37th day of CONNEC?riCUT Green corduroy studio cover frigerator, parking Included. full, g;reat opportunity lor right Hutchins Agency, 649-5324. lent location. Just off E. Four baths, 4 bedrooms, large near city schools, shopping August, A. D. 1970, at two o'docko'doi ■ “Half-way measures meant to stone, fill, manure, pool and Center St. on Hamlin. Sep­ MANCHESTER BuUder has 3 fiore Agency, 647-1418. ^------_ ------ANDOVER - AU electric Ranch, deceive the American people In accordance with the provi- with three pillow tops, $10 628- WE HAVE customers waiting **8 0833- person. For more information. formal d ln ^ room, 24’ Uving ______MANCHESTER — Deluxe cus- centers, 3 bedrooms, rec room In the afternoon, and that notice be patio sand. 643-9604. MANCHE3TER Green section— arate furnaces. $26,600. desirable building lots in estab­ kitchen a housewife’s dream. given to all persons Inerested In will do little to clean up our Mons of Chapter 8, Section 1 6789. call Philbrick Agency, Real- room, screened porch, 2-car THREE feunUy — one block off tom 7-room Garrison Colonial. in waik-out basement, large said estate of the iwodency of said _ for the rental of your apart- PLEASANT 4-room heated Unique 4-room Colonial, all 2. R(X!KI .EDGE area. De­ lished residential area for cus­ Five bedrooms, exquisite set­ air,” he said. and 9 of the Town Charter, no- CLEAN rugs, like new, so easy ■ors. 646-4200. garage, beautifully land­ Main St. Good Investment. For 2V& baths, 2-car garage, aU kitchen with stove, washer, re­ anplicatlon and the time and place ______MACHINE New home. J.D, Real Es- apartment, sun-porch, hot wa- new inside, 2-car garage, treed lightful clean R A N .C H . tom homes. WIU buUd from our ting. $1,000 down, no points to frigerator. Only $18,800. $1,000 of hearing thereon, by publishing a tice is hereby given of the adop- to do with Blue Lustre. Rent SEWING tate Associates, Inc. 643-5129. scaped. Price reduced to details, Mr. Lombardo, Bel­ aluminum, private treed lot, copy ot this order In some nesrs- ter, refrigerator, stove. Refined RESTAURANT business show- lot, $17,900. Hayes Agency, 646- Three bedrooms. Base­ plans or yours. For further in­ qualified veterans, 8M% Inter­ down buys this beauty. Les- tlon by the Board of Directors electric shampooer. $1. Olcott *®*® undated $66,000. For further informa­ fiore Agency, 647-1418. plush living in the finest of paper haviiw a circulation in aald way, buttonholes, monograms, working couple or lady, no ing excellent net profit in hlgh- 0131. ment garage, Rec room, formation; caU, 643-0345. est. To inspect this beautiful senger Co. Realtors, 428-0291 district, at I ^ t seven dsys before o t the Town of Manchester, Variety Store. well landscaped lot. $28,- tion call PhUbrick Agency, neighborhoods. Hayes Agency, the day of aald hearing, Co apiMar Formosa Jails Connecticut, August 4, 1970, of ------hems, etc. Now only $64. Easy FOUR roorns first floor, central children or pete, on bus line, tr ifle count location. ES' SEVEN room Cape with 2-car- 646-0181. home call the Fiano Agency, anytime, or 742-9718. if they see cause at said time and Security. Garage 900. Realtors, 646-4200. Ordinance as follows: FOUR - PIECE sectional sofa terms. 622-0931 dealer. location, $126. Call 649-8360. available, tabllshed over 20 years. Price MANCHESTER — 2 family, 6-5 garage in desirable Manchest­ 646-0191. place and be heard relative thereto, Filipinos In Call 643-6627. Includes all the real estate, with 2 car garage, nice floor 3. New listing. So. Windsor. er Green area. Lovely patio, MANCHESTER — Exclusive and ^ mailing on or belore August set, fair, best offer; two end 10, 1970, by certified mall, a copy AVAILABLE for September 1st. ------restaurant fully equipped, plus plan including 2 bedrooms, ex- Marvelous all brick Two-Together heated basement, garden LEGAL Trespaaslng on Public Lands tables, coffee table, $26; Whirl­ RANCH, the house that 1,800 square foot custom buUt ^ LEGAL of thU order to said Phyllto W. Bur­ Red News Link occupancy, 1-bedroom luxury a house. $65,000. Owner will cellent condition. A good buy. Bean Bags house in rear. Mr. Zinsser, Cape, breezeway, 2-car ga­ ton, executrix, c-o William M. Bro- B 179-A(1) pool wringer washer, best of­ Public Notice Furnished has everything. Lovely NOTICE neiil, Atty.. 788 Main 8L, Manches­ fer, stereo 4 speakers, $40; apartment at beautiful Teresa take back mortgage. Philbrick Wolverton Agency, Realtors, treed lot. Two-car garage, Belfiore Agency, 647-1418. rage, beautiful wooded double ter, Oonn. and return make to thia HSmiTBlN, Formosa (AP) — Sec. 1 Any person who, when NOTICE Notice is hereby given of the Norge automatic washer. Apartments includes wall to Apartments 63-A Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. 649-2813. 2V^ baths, three huge bed­ lot. Asking $86,900. Frechette OourL A Nationalist Chinese military SDC room Cape in low twenties. Notice is hereby given of the certification of party-endorsed JOHN J. WALLBTT, Judge wUUuUy trespassing upon lands repairs, best offer. Cali To Lease or Buy wall__ carpeting,______air-conditioa ____ rooms, wall to w ^l car­ Retiltors, 647-9998. court convicted two FUlplno- Fireplace, large kitchen, sun- certification of psirty-endorsed candidates in the slate of the belonging to the Town, operates gf^gr 6 p.m. 649-7880. o r , ^ ar T7 Inir dlshwashli refrieerator NICELY furnished three-room MANCHESTER suburbs, busl- peting, 4-zone heat. Mld- AT A ObURT OF PROBATE, Chlnese brothers today of 3 Rooms of New Furniture ‘>‘«hwa^er, refrigerator apartment, first floor in two- ngss location 6%-room Ranch, porch. Private r e ^ yard, 4 bed- WOODHILL HEIGHTS — 7H- candidates on the slate of the Republican Party in the Town held at Manchester, within and for any wheeled motor vehicle o v e r ______range, disposal. $162. per ^^^g^ 60’s. spreading Communist pn^>a- any area of said lands not SCREENED loam, processed from Heat and elec­ rooms possible. Belfiore Agen­ room Ranch, first-floor family Democratic Party in the Town of Coventry for election as dele­ the District of Manchester, on the , . , , j month. Paul W. Dougan Agen- 1^ baths, excellent condition, WOODLAND 4. Country Living. Hebron. 6th day of August, 1970. ganda in their Manila newspa­ tricity included. $160. J. D. cy, 647-1413. room, large beautifully finish- of Coventry for election as gates to the convention of said Present, Hon. John J. WaUett, specifically designed to accomo- gravel, bankrun gravel, sand, -v T T /^ \ XT? cv 649-4505 646-1021 country store, out buildings. 16 min. to Manchester. per. date motor vehicle traffic shall fill, stone. George H. Grlfflng. ___!______I______Real Estate Associates, 643- ad rec room in basementi en- delegates to the convention of Judge. 260’ frontage. Hayes Agency, MANOR Lovely RAN(3H in large NEiW listing — Large Colonial Party specified below. A list of Estate of Samuel J. Prentice, late Rizai Yuyltung, 47, editor of treed lot. Three bedrooms. closed patio, garage. Excep- said Party specified below. A be fined not less than Ten Inc., Andover, 742-7886. r,r,Tr,KTTAT LOOKING for anything in real *129. 646-0131. completely redone featuring the persons so endorsed as can­ of Manchester, In uid DIMiict de­ Manila’s largest Chinese-lan- ($10.00) Dollars nor more than — —-r----- j ;—,7~Z7, " C O L O N IA L estate rental - apartments, APARTMENTS $23,600. tiohaUy well maintained. Phil- list of the persons so endorsed didates is on file in my office, ceased. eat-in kitchen with stove and The executor having exhibited his guage newspaper, was sen­ K fty ($60.00) Dollars. FOR "a Job well done feeUng ^ M O D E R N 6. Bolton . (2nd Lake) Year brick Agency, Realtors, 646- as candidates is on file in my homes, multiple dwellings, no 8usiness Locations Investment Property Homestead Street dishwasher, formal dining being the office of the Town admmtotratlon account with said es­ tenced to three years in a re­ clean carpets with Blue Lus- ^ SPANISH lees. Call J.D. Real Estate As­ Manchester, Conn. around house. Three bed­ 4200. office, being the office of the Clerk, Town Office Building, tate to this Court for aUovance, it to Sec, 2 The term “ motor vehl- tre. Rent electric shampooer ^ PROVINCIAL For Rent 64 For Sale 70*A rooms, large treed lot. room, den and first-floor laun- ORDERED: That the 27th day ot formatory. His brother QulnUn, sociates, Inc. 643-6129. Town Clerk, Town Office Build- Rt. 81, Coventry, and copies August, 1970, at ten o'clock fore­ 63, the publisher of the Chinese 1a*' wtAona R1 Oaii1*a ^nlnf Jir Walinnnor WOODLAND MANOR offers Low 30’s. dry room. Wall to waU through- SIX-ROOM CAPE, 8 or 4 bed- noon at the Probate Office In the from thereof are available for pub­ Commercial News, was sen­ as defined by Sec. 14-1 (26) of Supply, 3U> ROOMS stove refriverator MIDDLE TURNPIKE near Par- MANCHESTER close to shop- the ultimate in convenient 6. “ A” Zone lot. One block Municipal BuUdlng In aald ICanches- $125. Security deposit. Cali kade, air - conditioned office ping, 4-family with 4 room prestige living, with schools, ^ k erm Te • t Z Z . ‘C : lic distribution. ter, be and the tame to assigned for tenced two two years. The max­ the General Statutes and in- from E. Center St. All util­ distribution. SPECIAL SECOND a hearing on the allowance of said after 6, Available now. Adults space available. Excellent apartments, 4-car garage, new shopping and religious facil­ car grarage. Mr. Zinsser, Bel­ $20,900. R. T. Dolin Agency, imum sentence on the charge is eludes a “ motorcycle” as de- ®'ULL size crib. $30: and con- $288 ities. $7,600. SPECIAL SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT administration account with said es­ , , , vertible stroller, $20. Call 643- only, no pete. 649-7581. parking. As low as $126. heating systems and roof. Mid ities nearby. fiore Agency, 647-1418. 247-8780, 648-2861. tate, ascertainment of distributees ■ 10 years imprlsonmnt. fined by Sec. 14-l (26) of uie Rem may be purchased 7. Seven-room Colonial. 2^ CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT and order of distribution and this ------— monthly. Call Lou Arruda, 644- 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. CONVENTION The two brothers were bom in General Statutes. separately. IMMEDLtTE OCXJUPANCY baths, 2-car overslke ga­ FOREST HILLS — Custom 8- CONVENTION Notice is also hereby given Court directs that notice ot the time LARGE one-bedroom apart- i 539_ rage. Large treed lot, six and place assigned for fi said hearing the Philippines and lived there One and two spacious bed­ room Colonial with 4 bedrooms, Notice is also hereby given that a primary will be held on This Ordinance shaU take ef- C I ^ R E N ’S a^nga. vacuum ment on bus line in Vernon, '______MANCHESTER — business room apartments, refrigera­ years old. Mid-thirties. be given to all persoirsons known to be all their Uves, but Uke many ov­ INSTANT CREDIT 2H baths, 2-car garage., love­ LEGAL that a primary wiU be held on Interested tberem to appear and be feet ten (10) days after this Ca« near high school, heat and hot NEW modem offices, ideal for block with 6 apartments, ex­ tor, stove, dishwasher, dis­ September 4, 1070 If a slate of heard thereon by publuhing a copy erseas Chinese they hrid the cit­ 649-8410. cellent condition. Owner will What is an antique? By law, ly screened rear porch, deep September 2, 1970 if a elate of candidates is filed in accord­ of this order in some newspaper hav­ izenship of no country. TTie Na- publication in this news^per OPEN SUNDAYS 10-6 water included. $160. monthly, professionals. Plenty of free posal, alr-couditiouing, full any item made one hundred NOTICE Call 872-3311. parking. East Center St. loca­ carpeting, total electric treed lot. Mr. Lombardo, Bel­ candidates is filed in accord­ ance with Sections 9-882 to 9-460, ing a circulation In said District, tenced to two years. The max- provided that within ten (10) DON’T merely brighten carpets MON.-FRI. 10-9 finance 80 per cent at 8% per years ago is now classified TOWN OF MANCHESTER at least seven days before the day fiore Agency, 647-1418. ance with’ Sections 9-882 t o Inclusive, of the General Stat­ days after this publicatitm of . . . Blue Lustre them . . . no tion. Call 646-2212. cent. Terrific income produc­ throughout. as an antique. Any item of said hearkig, and by mailing on tlonallst (Chinese government’s ATTRACTIVE 3-room apart- HI an. 4 u 1 BooTd of Appeols 9. ^ , incluslve, of the General utes. or before August 10, ' ' 1970, by certl- this Ordinance a petition sign- rapid resoiling. Rent sham­ er. Call now, Haj’es Agency, made before, or the year ’ of this order to over Chinese abroad, and the ment, heat, hot water, stove, STORE, 20’x70’, 846 Main St., Model apartment open for MYRTLE ST. — Just off Main gt a meeting on August 10, statutes. Forms for petitions for filing fled mall, a copy of this order ed by not less than five (6) per pooer $1. Farr’s, 2 Main St., 646-0131. 1867, is now considered an Samuel J. Prentice, Jr., 116 Q r^ Yuyltungs’ paper was an out­ H &L G refrigerator, electricity. Adults, Downtown Manchester. Avail- inspection Sat. and Sun. 1-5, St. Large older home wlto 1970 made the foUowlng decl- Forms for petitions for «ntig such candidacies by or oa be­ lock Drive, Ptttoburgh, Pa., 16386; cent of the electors of the Town, 643-7111. week days by appointment. antique and can be imported spoken critic of Chiang Kai- references, no pete. $120. Sep- able September 1st. Call 622- 2-car g a r^ e . Must m U, miAe ^^ n s: .uch candidacies by or on be- half of a slate of enrolled Re­ Eleanor P. Palmer, 106 High St, as determined from the latest Starting at $176 monthly. duty free. Manchester, Oonn.; Blair A. Pren­ shek’s regime as weU as the FURNITURE tember 1st.. 649-6324. 3114. a reenable offer. Cow e^ ^ Walter H. DeLIsle-Varlance half of a slate of eimfiled Demo- official Hats of the Registrars ALUMINUM sheets used as Whether you are interested publican Party members or tice, Baldwin Place Rd., Mabapoc, government of PhlUppine Presi­ PRESIDENTIAL location, 7 Bcmore to maintain nraioontormlng at- cratlc Party members of other other than party-endorsed can­ New York and return make to this dent Ferdinand E. Marcos. of Voters has not been filed with printing plates, .009 thick, 23x 669 Burnside Ave. FOUR - ROOM duplex apart- BOLTON Notch, office space in an old or new house why Court ___ Agency, 647-14^______tached garage 2 feet from west than party-endorsed cw"dldntes didates may be obtained from JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge Tlie PhiUpplne government the Town Clerk requesting its **” > 25 cents each or 6 for $1 East Hartford ment, stove, parking, adults, suitable lor doctor, real es- not come Buy at VILLAGE MAI7CHESTER — Just listed, 7- construct room maybe obtained from Juliette Margaret E. Jacobson, Repub­ charged the brothers in April reference to a special Town ***-2711. 289-0756 no pete. Available Sept. 1st. t®!®. beauty salon etc. Write AT A OOintT OF PROBATE, room older Colonial, 2-car ga- garage with conditirais— Bradley, Democratic Registrar lican Registrar of Voters, Coo­ held at Manchester, within and for with printing pro-Communlat 649-0873. Box “ 0” Manchester Herald. election. ^ ^ ^ CLEANINGEST carpet cleaner BEFORE YOU BUY FURNI ______APARTMENTS rHOTMIHT rage, nice landscaped yard. Demlng Street—GRANTED, of Voters, Cooper Lane, Coven- per Lone, Coventry, Oonnecti- tha District of Manchester, on the statements and with financing 6th day ot August 1970. James S. Farr, e v er used, so easy too. Get TURE ANYWHERE, SEE OUR p jy g r q o M newlv modem- BOLTON Notchi Space suitable Owner may help in financing. *f® ^ Corporation—Spe- try, (Jramectlcut. Instructions cut. InatrucUona for filing such Present Hon. John J. WaUett rioters, then shipped them to Secretary Blue Lustre. Rent electric LOW PRICES, for retail, tmeking concerns, Now renting, 14yrt. ci^ e s of which ore available Court against a deportation or­ Dated at Manchester, Con- px)R “ a Job well done feeling” 643-9^9. m a in s t r e e t office space, Colonial, IH baths, -car gar- Permit in connection with the able from «eii1 Registrar. Prior ed his administration account with 4314 or 649-6370. Wagner, Rental 99 EAST c e n t e r STREET 648-m8 646-41M 2 from said Registrar. Prior to said estate to this Court for allow­ der was stiU pending. necticut, this 7th day trf Au- clean carpets with Blue Lus- 100 per cent location near East Center Street 2189 age, central, city utilities, alu- sale of gasoline and motor ve- to obtaining the petition form, ance, It to Manager, 646-2628 MANCHESTER, CONN. 178 This suspender - jumper obtaining the petiUen form, the mie prosecution based its case $««t 19TO. tre. Rent electric shampooer SINGER touch and sew with ^ banks, air-conditioned, auto­ Maaoheeter, Oonn. mlnum siding. Priced right, hide service products—S44 Mid- the consent of each ORDERED: That the 37th day of n . cabinet. Monograms,Monoerams. hems,hems. NEWER DUPLEX, 3 bed- or 648-1028. 648-9661 or 648-2692 becomes a lovely outfit consent of each candidate to be August 1970, at eleven o'clock fore­ on the pubUcation by tiie Yuyi- $1. Manchester Hardware matic fire sprinkler. Apply Delight the children with Morrison Realtor, 643-1015. die ’Dirnplke West—DENIED, to be proposed therein, plus a noon at the Probate Offiea In the embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ rooms, stove, yard, cellar, when paired with a sew- proposed therein, plus a de­ tungs’ paper edltmlals and Supply. parking, no pets. References Marlow’s, 867 Main St. simple blouse. No. 8368 these Bean Bag^s . . . quick Municipal BuUdlng In said Manches­ reports from Peking’s’ New Chi­ lent condition. Guaranteed. to sew the handsome MANCHESTER”' — Price re- * **®P®®‘* ®* ^ posit of $16.00 for each such ter, be and the same to assigned for with FBOTO-GUIDE is in na News Agency./Rlsel Yuyl- FVll price now $66 or 7 month­ and security, $176. Sept. 1st Spaceman, the cute pup­ duced executive 2Tyear old ^ ®* original approval candidate, must bo filed with candidate, must be filed with a hearing on the allowance' of said Sizes 6 to 14 years. Size admlnlstratlop account with said es­ tung admitted publishing this ly payments of $8. 522-0476. occupancy. 647-1360. py or kitten. No. 2189 Sd S OU^biHy f^‘®“ *®Lf“ A^Ution for said Registrar. A petition fOr ah tate, ascertainment of heirs and or­ 8 . . . jumper, 1% ya.rds material but said it came from dealer. o f 45-inch plus % yard has hot-iron transfer; line. Must be seen, low 40’s. rescl^ed because of Im- an cqiposing slate containing the opposing slate containing the der of distributloo, and this Cburt FOUR R(X)MS, second floor, directions. directs that notice of the time western news agencies, vriilch adults only, no pete. Inquire HOW SWEET IT IS o f contrast; 'blouse, IM, Frechette Realtors, 647-99M. '®^'***^ number of signatures required number of signatures place sMlgned for aald bearing be SMALL electric stove $50 and yards. SENO 504 Is esist hr esefe sri- ______*28 Adams Street—ORANTEID. of enrolled Democratic Party of enitfiled Repubhean Party given to aU persons known to be In­ depend on the Chinese Commu­ POLISHERS WANTED 171 Summit St. SPECIAL tm to iKliOt nrtt-ciMS Bialllsi. terested therein to appear and be refrigerator $76, one year old, Patterns available only MANCHESTER — Croft Dr. Decisions granted effective members in said town must be members in said town must be nist agency for much of their Oversized Cape, seven large rooms, central location, Aaae O^ol, Maaekester heard thereon by pubHshhig a copy Men who are willing to leant poUshing for finlah work on CaU 649-9748 after 3. SIX-ROOM duplex, private cel­ in sizes shown. isg Banalil. U6S AVE. Immaculate 6-room Ranch, August 17, 1970. filed with said Registrar of filed with said Registrar o t Vot­ of this order In some newnaper hav­ news of China because they are wall to wall carpeting, all plastered walls, city utilities, OFamebicasTmew YOBK, ing a clrculatlao in said Dhrtrict at not aUowed to have correspond­ lar, yard, $160. Two children ALUMINUM SIDING m o 684 Is ralM tsr sack, art- garage, aluminum siding, Notice of these decisions has Voters not later than 4:00 p.m. ers not later than 4:00 p.m. on ^umlnum siding and trim, Rusco combination windows tarn Is latM * llrtM M t m IRi^ E .Y . MOW. least seven days before the day of torMiie blades and vanea. Above average hoorly rate, M a t HMW. M 6 rtu Witt ZIP beautiful yard. Aakhig only b«en filed in the Town (Jlerk’s on August 26, 1970, being the August 28, 1970, being the 7th said hearing, and by mailing on or ents in China. . accepted. Available Sept. 1st. and doors, garage, private yard. Asstunable 8% mort­ MueketiRT CODE MS ^ Msnlir. Musical InstruiMnfs 53 _ U » AV*. $28,900, Frechette Realtors, office. 7th day preceding the day of the day preceding the day of the before August 10. 1970, by oertUted fringe beneflta and profit sharing plan. 649-8360. CLEANED gage. 760 Center St. NQd-20s. The Spring ft Sum..ier mall, a copy of this order to Peter R. fcBlUAS, MEW TO EK. 647-9998. Zraiing Board of Appeals Primary. Primary. Roman, lin Woodbridge 8t„ Man- LUDWIG student drum set plus *70 ALBUM is 66<, includes MANCHESTER — 6 room Du­ Jdm A. Caglanello, Dates at Coventry, Oramectl- Dated at Coventry, Connecti­ Chester, Oocm.; Jori E Janenda, D og W arden accessories, reasonable, 643- rrM IMBS, U*Mt ,\ . postage and handling. MANCHESTER — A real bar­ Atly.. Ouardian ad Utam for Ltoa A. plex, private basement, one- Coil for Free Estimotes CHARLES J. MORRISON, REALTOR coot, ttito Msebir aaS Sla) ' Acting Chairman cut, this 18th day of August cut, this 18th day of August RED LEE NETAL FIMSHim GO, INC, 1060. \ SIBLE FAVOEira ...A ctfl^M gain is this k-bedroom, alumi­ Roman, Mlchari J. Roman. Sandra NORWICH (AP)—Mrs. Grace car garage, heated, $190. Im­ The Spring ft Summer S t 12 oiH h r t h r r la i to SIbla Charies H. McKeiule, 1970. 1970. L. Roman, Peter B. Roman, Mary ------\------643-0579 643^1015 Storin. Pattora pitcat; Slrac- num sided. Ranch with IVi Pat RomaiL Laurie M. Roman and Grerai became this city's first « WOODLAND STBIXrr-MANCHESTi&B mediate occupancy. Paul W. \ ■■ *70 Basic f a s h io n Book Acting Secretary \. Elizabeth R. Rychllng, Efilzabeth R. Rychllng, Sherry E. Roman, minors, 164 Etost woman dog warden Thursday, is 66<, including postage ilM t. 0100-084, laclaStt pati- baths. Only $24,900. Heritage BOOSEY - HAWKS, clarinet, Dougan Agency. 649-4535, 646- ata aas kaaSllaf. Dated thU 14th day of August to w n CTerk Town (Jlerk Center St, Manchester, Conn, and She already owns her own ken­ and handling. Rouse, 64$a482. 1970. Town of Coventry return make to this Court hardly ever used. Call 646-3967. 1021. Town of Coventry JOHN J. WALLBTT, Judge nel.

|V^ \ ‘ ■ V . PAGE TWENTY FRroAY, AUGUST 14, 1970. Avcnpfe Daily Net Press Ron iitanrtiffilpr lEtt^ning U m lit For The W eA iMed The Weather Aagatf 8, 1670 / - / . 7 ^ Sunny, hot, dry (oday and Sun- Doctors’ Offices day with a chance of a thunder­ Stop Signs at New Sites 14,768 shower. High temperature both days 90 to 96. Fair, warm to- Chamber Tai^et Think o f TIm Manchester— A City of Villhge Charm J tig b t Low near 70. In Break Series Added as Traffic Grows be made one way west when Par khilU Joyce VOL. LXXXIX, N o. 269 Stop signs are being Installed (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, (X)NN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1970 (Clatrilled A d r«rtl* g Yhge U ) ESigfat doctors’ offices and the in several new locations around this occurs. cm PRICE TEN CENTS Cbamber of Commerce office town. ’The announcement came A stop sign is also planned Flower Shop for Guard St, and all of the have been broken into in the from Police Chief James Rear­ Ftaak Gakeler, PrepHetor don. • driveways of Manchester Memo­ past two days. Mil MAIN ST., MANCAHOHBSra Th^ intersection of Fern St. rial Hospital. (Next to Hartford -Netleeal Two doctors* offices at ^ and Dartmouth Rd. will be Haynes St. were broken Into Mideast Settlement made a three-way stop. Chief o YES—WE DEUVEB o I Nerve Gas Burial sometime Wednesday night. Hie "7 Reardon said poor sight line for Young Readers Phooeoi office^ were ransacked and an Cars entering Fern St. from unknown amount of money was Dartmouth Rd. and the in­ taken from a cash box in one To Hold Party Hopes Diminishing creased traffic during school o t the offices. It was not known Delayed by Winds hours are the main reasons for The young people’s Moonshot OF MANCHESTER By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Egypt and Jordan—includes a whether anything else was miss­ GO. Hopes for quick progress to­ ing. the new signs. Reading Club of the West Side ban on shooting for at least 60 Another stop sig^n is to be in­ Branch library will hold a party ward a kiDddle East peace set- days. It went Into effect a week SUNNY POINT, N. C. (AP)—^An aged Liberty ship Police said entry was gained stalled on Dartmouth Rd. oppo­ in the library Tuesday after­ 54 McKEE STREET 6494521 tiement dimmed today as gun­ ago. In agreeing to the cease­ loaded with poisonous nerve gas remained in port to­ by forcing a door which ied to site the first driveway to the noon at 2 o’clock to mark the fire, crackled across the Jorda­ fire, Jordan stipulated it could day, its trip to an ocean burial ground delayed by the . both offices with a heavy screw­ Now is file time to bring In your screens to be nepnlnd. 1^- Martin School. All of the drive­ nian border and Jordan accused not be held respoiuible for at­ driver or pinchbar. end of the summer progranc^. Storm window' glass replaoed. swirling winds of a tropical depression. ways to the Martin School will (Mrs. Gertrude Spless, librari­ Israel of trying to tot^do peace tacks by guerrillas, who have The Navy had plaimed today Another doctor’s office at 361 also have stop signs. efforts by violating the cease­ vowed to intensify their effotts to begin towing the hulk to a E. Center St. was broken into an, said about 80 youngsters Stop signs were recently in­ AUTO GLASS INSTALLED fire. against Israel. point In the Atlantic Ocean late last night. / are enrolled, and 60 have read stalled at the intersections of The Israeli command in Tel The IsraeU attacks came a where it was to have been sunk Police were notified by some­ 10 or more books. Plain certifi­ Gas Blast Porter, Autumn and Parker cates will be awarded those GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Aviv said one Israeli soldier day after Jerusalem accused on Monday. But Friday night, one in the neighborhood who was injured by light arms fire Egypt of violating the cease­ said that he had heard glass Sts. 'The intersections of Brook­ who have read 10 books, certi­ officials postponed the depar­ field and Durkin Sts. and Hil­ ficates with a blue seal to those MIRRORS (Fireplace and Door) along the border. It did not say fire’s military standstill pirovl- ture at toast 24 hours because of Jars Town breaking in the building. Police whether the fire came from slon by moving missile em­ arrived but found no one in or liard and Broad Sts. were made who have read 10, and certifi­ the threat posed by the storm PICTURE FRAMING (all typos) Arab guerrillas or Jordanian placements to within 12 to 18 near the building. into four-way stops. cates with a gold seal to those bearing down on the Bahamas. aimy forces. miles of the Suez Canal. The In Kansas The witness said he saw two Future plans call for the in­ who have read 26 or more. If the operaUon is not held up WINDOW and PLATE GLASS The Jordanians accused the Egyptians have denied the males in the rear of the build­ stallation of a light at Haynes Refreshments will be served by a U.S. Court of Appeals hear­ Israelis Friday of two “fla­ charge. MELVERN, Kan. (AP) ing before the police arrived. and Main Sts. Armory St. will and games played. Tub Enclosure from $30 to $45 phis jns<«nn.tfaisi ing Monday, the ship is to be He could only say that one was grant” cease-fire violations, The latest laiael charge, filed sunk with its 418 vaults of obso- derailed tankcars of Uqui- while Isiraell officials indicated short and fat and the other W1 Friday with the U.N. truce su- lete Army nerve gas northwest petroleum gas exploded and and thin. He said that one ran their government would not sit perviser in Jerusalem, accused of the B^am as, 283 miles east hurled splashes of flaming fuel toward Walker St. and another down to talk imtll Egypt pulls the Egyptians of emplacing an of Cape Keimedy, Fla. over four blocks of this smaU back the defensive antiaircraft drove away in a car he could additional missile battery and A Navy spokeiiinan reported Eastern Kansas town. not describe. missiles it reportedly has resuming work on incomplete Friday night the storm was lo­ Five more doctors’ offices and moved closer to the Suez Canal and empty missile sites. cated just south of the Bahamas , -f® " truce line. IsraeU officials expressed bit­ the Chamber of Commerce Of­ .(Herald photo ^ Youns) chain and “ Its projected^ * course rnA wnrwlA fAwn ** oaI#! TjHmmaIh fice, all located at 2S7 E. Cen­ Outgoing* school g(uidance director Lewis Morgan, bearded, gives John Flek, his Israeli jets struck at Jorda­ ter disappointment in the United wiU put It in the disposal area at ter St., were broken into some­ replacement, a demonstration of some o f Bolton’s guidance aids. nian army positions and guerril­ States, holding Washington re­ ° Ume that could affect the J®"®®. ““ ‘‘■‘ant fire chief. time early this morning. la camps Friday. The Israeli sponsible for seeing to it that The fireballs started dozens of command said the Jordanian the Egyptians honor the truce J 1* 1 11. - fires In buildings and yards. 5 The building was last checked BUY NOW ! army strongholds were attacked and pull their missiles back. ^ Twelve of the town’s 400 resl- by police at 3:30 a.m. ’The first Bolton ^ u ld be d a m a ^ At the Ume, ^enu were Injured, some hit by break was reported shortly after because they assist Palestinian Deputy Premier Ylgal Alton guetrlllas and make it possible winds were 4(^46 miles p®r hour, flreballs, others seared as they seven. said over the army radio that gusUng to 63 mph. •' The Chamber of Commerce 1st MONTHLY PAYMENT NOVEMBER, 1970 '-‘for them to act against Israeli American faUure to get the mis­ Office was broken into first. En­ civilians.” siles removed would undermine H^«'® homes, the Methodist New Guidance Director Starts ^ dlU on^ d®Iay. Navy Capt. A. church, two citty maintenance try was gained through a win­ Jordan complained to the WasOiington’s credibility in the G. Hamilton, in charge of the sheds, a 4-H buUdlng and a dow which was opened by a John Paul Blek, formerly United Nations and the UiUted Middle East. “ I hope that a was bom in Massachusetts but counselor Jeffrey Heins taking sea p ^ e of the operation, said bridge that carried a street over crow bar. Between $46 and $60 lived most of his life in New States that the attack was the power of her stature knows guidance director of Coventry care of the lower grades. he will not start towing the Ub- the tracks were destroyed. OUx- was taken from a desk in the Jersey, gfraduatlng from high Over the roar of the air con­ second within 24 hours and how to honor commitments,” office. High School, began his duties charged that Istael was making Alton said. erty ship and its lethal cargo to er homes were damaged, school in Passaic. From there ditioner in the high school of­ PresWent Nixon waves to well-wishers in New Orleans Friciay. (AP Photofax) sea unUi he has a forecast of 96 Mayor BUI Kaatns esUmated The thief or thieves then left as Bolton’s guidance director he went to Fordham University fice Flek explained that he has a deliberate attempt to sabotage peace efforts. A dove In the cabinet of Israe­ Nixon Panel hours of good weather. the loss at $300,000. the Chamber of Commerce Of­ last week. He succeeds Lewis in New York City, graduating just completed a five-week in­ li Premier Golda Melr, Tourism JordaiUan U.N. Ambassador He said once the tugs get un- m all, 27 cars of a iii)-«
separate school systems. sence of objectivity in perform­ ronmental Defense Fund, a non- helped my sister and another cil of Churches smd the Clergy 36, married, but with no child­ Hospital Notes The telephone number for V placards ranged from “ We Love woman get away. I looked back LONDONDERRY, Northern some preventive action. We are The President met first with ing their assigned tasks.” Association of Manchester. ren. He lives on 200 acres of Manchester Memorial Hospi­ line Protestants in the contin­ Nixon” to “ Go Home, Dick,” (See Page Five) and saw stuff flying in the air.” Ireland (AP) — A guard on the trying to take some preventive the newly formed citizens’ 'panbl The governor said the com­ ifented land in Tolland, so high VISCriNO HOURS tal was changed a few uing crisis between Northern the sun was warm, the music As the flames spread, resi­ These are the lowest prices ever published on these border with the Irish Republic Ireland’s Protestant majority action and we are getting mag­ from Louisiana. He conferred mission had been chaiged with Sabbath services will be held up that he can see the lights Intermediate Care Semi- months ago, but too late to later with the chairmen and hot and President Nixon wore a dents rushed into the area and fired a n an automobile today, and Catholic minority. Bloody nificent coopeiution from dedi­ investigating causes of campus at Temple Beth Sholom tonight of Hartford. private, noon-2 p.m., and 4 p.m. be listed correctly in the new vice chairmen of units from Al­ happy face. began fighting grass fires and wounding a man and his wife. fighting between the two groups cated people in seven states In­ unrest, but Instead “ conducted at 7:30 and tomorrow at ao a.m. ’The new guidance director t p-m.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- phone books. The hospital 1970 Color TVs, with the new bright picture tube. Look them over. abama, Georgia, Mississippi, “ Come back for Mardl Gras,” carrying furniture out of threat­ Elsewhere, explosions in the volved.” a pointedly biased inquisition 0 $, and 4 p,m.-8 p.m. munber is 646-1222. has continued off and on since South Carolina, North Carolina a woman shouted as the Presi­ ened homes. Belfast home of a Protestant The President was greeted against duly constituted law en­ Japtmn Notes Pediatrics: Parents allowed riots broke out a year ago in and Arkansas. dent stood by his limousine, The blast knocked out tele­ member of Parliament and in a warmly on a motorcade through forcement authorities . . . and any ttane except noon-2 p.m.; THE BREMANGER Belfast, Londonderry and other Before the two-hour confer­ ready for the run to the airport phone service, and Army Engi­ M. Eschmann, 106 Broad St.; border customs house Friday downtwn New Orleans. He of­ deliberately sought to create ra­ others, 2 p.m.-8 p-m. Model GM-583W cities. ence on desegregation, Nixon and the flight back to Washing­ neers at the Melvem dam proj­ Shop Poro's for "NATIVE" William J. Foord, 69 Coburn Rd. caused property damage but no fered no new policy In his state­ cial strife, animosity, and en­ E n d o f W a r Self Service: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 23" diagonal screen A room was destroyed and held a briefing on national secu­ ton. ect used radio-telephone to sum­ Also, Patrick J. Hairiman, Injuries. ments about school desegrega­ courage violence among our FRUITS AND VEGETABLES . . . 4 p.m.-8 p.m. 295 sq. in. picture windows were shattered in the tion, but it was considered sig­ rity problems for Southern mon help. Pine St., Columbia; KuiT: A. For a moment the busy Pres­ people." Vegetables: Tomatoes, Com, Green Yellow Squash, Beets, Intensive Care and Coronary Details of the shooting inci- Bunerana customs post, a tiny nificant the comments weire newspaper editors. Fire trucks and ambulances Hassett, 60 Benton St.; Nicholas ident of the United States Anniversary Beet Greens, Salad Bowl, Green Yellow Beans, Care: Immediate family only, -dent were sketchy. Police did outpost four miles from London­ made to an audience in the paused and grinned. “ Some Williams said he centered his sped from Topeka, 38 miles to Cokes, Bed Green Peppers, Leeks, ArUohokes, D. Hober, East Hartford; David In the news conference, he anytime, limited to five min­ n b t identify the man and wom­ derry on the 226-mlIe fronUer Deep South. charges on “ inflammatory’’ the north, Ottawa, Lyndon, Bed Imported Onions, Shalots, Lima, Shell A. Hunt, East Hartford; Mrs. $ J >00 urged cooperation of news me­ day,” he said, and made it By 8HIGEYOSHI KIMURA utes. en. between Northern Ireland and President and Mrs. Nixon and statements attributed to three Forbes Air Force Base, and ru­ Beans, Aoora, Bottemut Squatfi, CauUfiower, Barbara M. Kostenko, Mt. Ver­ dia in telling of peaceful exam­ sound like a promise. Associated Press Writer Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m.- The army said a soldier fired the predominantly Catholic Ir­ a party of aides returned here commission members Thursday ral fire districts. Peas and Eggplant. non Apts., Rockville. ples of desegregation in the The President, here Friday to TOKYO (AP) — Emperor HI- ______.. .______12:46 p.m., and 6:80 p.m.-S at the tires of the couple’s car ish Republis to the south. Au­ Friday night after the day of South this fall. “ I know of no emphasize that the federal gov­ after, the close three days of Melvem’s 40,(X)0-gallon water Fm lts: Peaches, Plnms, Cherries, Bed, Green Grapes, Also, Amelia T. Lamberg, 27A r(*lto led his nation in a prayer tower was nearly drained, and Mangoes, Cantaloupes, Cnawshaw, Roneydews, p.m.; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., and after it crashed through three thorities said 10 pounds of explo­ conferences in New Orleans. time when it is more Important ernment will push school de­ heatings on violence which re­ Bluefleld Dr.; Mrs. Glsela S. for peace today. The 26th annl- water was trucked from the Strawberries, Blaeberries and Grapefruit. 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. CtolorTV sives were used. ” I emphasize this is one peo­ to hear of the successes where sulted In the deaths of two Miller, 348 Oakland St.; Diane barriers. Both were admitted to segregation this fall, drew a big versary of the end of World War dam project. Age Limits: 16 in maternity, Earlier this week, an explo­ ple, and we are going to carry men of good will have worked and enthusiastic crowd for his young blacks and the wounding VISIT OUR IMPORiTED BASKET DISPLAY Monet, 7 Plano PI.; Mrs. Daisy a Londonderry hospital with bul­ II. Bells tolled at shrines. Five persons were admitted to 12 in other areas, no limit in This big-screen Color Console sion near the border killed two out the law that way, not in a their way.” brief visit. of nine others at the college last J. Morrison, 60 Hemlock St.; Jo­ let wounds in the legs. temples and churches through- a Topeka hospital and two to the self-service. Noirthem Ireland police officers. punitive way, treating the South Nixon stopped the New Or­ May. WEEKEND SPECIALS seph R. Paquet, 24 Hayes Rd., No arrests were made In ei­ He lost both cuff links while features RCA’s advanced Automatic The two were the seventh and as basically a second-class part leans motorcade to talk to the The members and statements out Japan at noon to unite this Forbes AFB hospital. Others LARGE CANTALOPES ...... EA. 3 9 « South Windsor; Mrs. Eva Mae ther bombing. handshaking through one thick­ The administration reminds I eighth policemen killed along of the nation,” Nixon told news­ large crowds which gathered listed by Williams: nation of 100 million in a minute were treated by their physi- NA-nVE TOMATOES...... LB. Post, 99 Main St.; Mrs. Harriet “Locked-in” Fine Tuning (A.F.T.) The target of the terrorists in et a t outstretched hands. But a of silent remembrance of the clans. visitors that with construction the border since 1956, and the men in relating details of the along the 15-mile route from the James Rhodes Jr., a recent NATIVE CUKES ...... 3 FOR 2 9 « Rlsley, 149 Trout Stream Dr., jeweler who saw Nixon’s unfas­ under way, parking space is to pinpoint the correct signal Belfast was Anne Dickson, 38, a meeting with Southern leaders. airport to the French Quarter graduate of Harvard Universi­ nearly three million Japanese Thoee in the hospitals were in Vernon. 65th and 66th officers to die on tened French cuffs flapping be­ NATIVE PEACHES ...... * LBS. 49« limited. ITsltors are asked to member of the Protestant Un­ But, he added, his admiiUst^- hotel where the meetings were ty: “ In direct testimony they civilians and soldiers who per- satisfactory or fair condition Also, John Saldella, 18 Locust duty since the partition 48 years low his coat sleeves sent a new ished in the cordllct. with burns on legs, feet, hands SEALTEST ICE CREAM ...... GAL. 8 9 C bear, with the hospital while the electronically. Tilt-out control panel ionist party who has come un­ tlon will exercise strong leader­ held. lied. People who were sworn im- St.; Mrs. Alice K. Sontlman, 71 We Carry Hie Manchester Evening Herald parking problem exists. der heavy criticism from hard­ (See Page Thirteen) ship on deseg;regatlon “ because American flags—and a few (See Page Five) der oath before this commission The noon hour cr^cided with arms, Cedar St.; David W. Wldger Jr., provides easy stand-up access COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPXSS . . . lied . . . My impressions are the time on Aug. 16, 1948 when them, Evelyn Schultze, Stafford Springs; Harvey Wil­ to all controls. Glare-proof color Hirohlto, in his first public '''*'®®® home was destroyed, Patients Today: 221 cox, 29 Cottage St.; Mrs. Ve­ that Mississippi is a police state ruled, by terror and the black broadcast. Informed his stunned offered a ride to the hospl- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: ronica Zdanis, 2727 Ellington picture tube is 20% brighter Bubjects that Japan had suiren- Mrs. Olivia M. AUen, 446 Oak­ (See Page Five) Rd., South Windsor. than previous RCA tube. (See Page Tliree) dered to the allies. The surren­ PPPO land St.; Angelo Camposeo, 801 BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son der came within a week after I PRODUCEI" Main St.; Eleanor J. Canestrari, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Secor, South Viet Militiamen Claim Major Victory Hiroehlma and NagasaM weire Stafford Spring; Susan D. 76A Downey Dr.; a son to Mr. < SAIGON (AP) — Some 6,000 devastated by atomic bombs. 276 OAKLAND ST., MANCHESTER — 613-6364 Clarke, Avon; Mrs. Mary C. and Mrs. David Mayer, 68 South Vietnamese militiamen, In the martial Arts Hall a Dunlop, 101 Hamlin St.; Robert School St.; a son to Mr. and U.S. Marine guided by Afiet Ck>ng defectors modern octagonal auditorium Beaches Shut Mrs. Archie LaHouse, Shoddy ALL 1970 MODELS WITH 23"SCREEN and intelligence that the enemy built for the 1964 Tokyo Olym­ Mill Rd., Andover; a daugliter was planning an offensive next pics, Hirohlto and his wife, Em­ to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Knowles, &>nvicted In month, raided 80 Viet Cong base press Nagako, bowed their Near Groton Forge Rd., Coventry. areas south of Da Nang and heada before an altau* and a DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: claimed one of their biggest vic­ bank of white and yellow chry- Mrs. Elizabeth L. Senatore, Viet Killings M a y b e the tories of the Vietnam war. santtaemums during a minute of After Oil Spm East Hartford; Mrs. Carol Tan- silence. gaione. East Hartford; Mrs. The South Vietnamese DA NANO, Vietnam (AP) — p Q M . claimed kUling 125 ^fiet C(xig in In a brief message, the 69- GROTON, Oonn. (AP) — trouble wi^ your Elizabeth Brunelle, 107 Downey rTV ColefTV An 18-year-oId Marine was con­ year-old emperor said: "I have Workmen were still trying Fri- Dr.; James J. Martino, 60 Broad two days of lightning raids with no air <»' artillery support. Gov­ victed today o f the murder of 16 a pain in my chest whenever I night to clean up the thick, St.; Mrs. Beatrice H. Wilson, South Vietnamese women and think of the bereaved families •’ •“ 1*^ oil spilled from a barge heating system, 460 Abbe Rd., Wapping; Brian ernment losses were put at four killed and 11 wounded. chUdren in a village southwest and many other people who died the mouth of the Thames S. Murphy, Depot Rd., Coven­ in the War 26 years ago.” River here earlier in the day. A high-ranking U.S. adviser of here last Feb. 19 and sen­ is it is n f a dC try; Scott S. Cahill, Laura Dr., Looking back over the past '^® forced the closing said today the enemy dead in­ tenced to five years in prison. Hebron. quarter-century, Hirohlto said, nearby beaches, and long Also, Keith H. McKenney, 167 cluded a lieutenant colcxiei, the A jury of three officers and system. two senior enlisted men re­ "A thousand emotions crowd Patches of the oU slick spread Gardner St.; Lyrme M. Haber- miUtary province chief erf the into my mind.” Into Long Island Soun®" plcWng up thick globs Thermo Jet burner that burns clean. Both matched to your fur­ ton; John F. Klember Jr., 16 Time flies. And this Official RCA Clearance Sale, on a limited number of 1970 RCA Color TVs, said the senior American advis­ Green was induced to private, of servicemen who died In the ®* ®** ***® beaches, Franklin St.; Kathleen D. Dix­ given a dishonorable discharge war. One of the nfficiniB was '^® hn*Y®. the Seaboard 0«»- nace that’s matched to the heating requirements of your home. along with the quality and the savings won't last long. See us this week er, Lt. Col. M.O. Stafford of Ea- on, 366 E. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. S^e Pass, Tex. from the lilarine Corps and or­ Prime Minuter EUaku Sato, necticut, was tied up at the Hess That’s a real system. That’s efficiency. That’s inexpensive. Helen R. Bowers, Jobs Hill Rd., about our official clearance sale. RCA quality and savings, like time, wait for no one. Small patrols of five to 16 men dered to forfeit all pay and al­ who issued a statement saying: diem lcal Co. dock when “ Tile pireclouB acts of those the spill occurred. A Hess offl- And to keep this efficient system operat­ (S> Ellington; Mrs. Elrma McMast- started in just after Thursday lowances. who died for the country will be ®®td “ the cause of the spill ing efficiently, we service the whole system. I W | 0 er. East Hartford. midnight, and larger units The youthful Marine, the third Also, Gedimlnas P, Gulbinas, of four to be tried in the case kept permanently in hUtory. failure to close a valve, re- So you might say we're part of the system, too. F ■* ------Tested, Adjusted, Delivered, Serviced By Our Own Mechanics moved in at daybreak, su^ris- 19 Notto St.; Mrs. Antoinette T. Ing the Viet Cong. this far and the second one con­ “ Leaniing from the past, we suiting in overflow.” The barge neciTfng on Camposeo, i l l Cedar St.; Mrs. FAMOUS FOR SERVICE SINCE 1931 One raider patrol sijushed victed, remarked to a friend should make efforts for peace, ts owned by the Seaboard Tow- 'Richard MUUowney and son, Mt. ^Into the ^fiet Ooog command momenta after the sentencing: TWs Is our duty 'for those who hig Qo- Vernon Apts., Rockville; Mrii. died in the war.” At one point, the slick covered 24-HOUR SenVIGEt • PHONE 6424135 post f o r the two provinces south "Five years for that?” The con­ Robert Perkins and daughter, of Da Nang at daybreak Friday. viction on unpremediated mur­ Japanese newspapers devoted

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