PAGE TWENTY THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1970 ManrlfjpBtrr lEvraUtg li^ralJi AseriE'e Daily Net Press Rm / Vor The Week Boded Angort 8, ists ’The Tall Cedars service Sun­ preoccupied with themselves, About Town day at Cathedral of the Pines, Senior Qtizen eager to develop friendships Rlndge, N.H., starts at 11 a.m. ®^^1I CkMpel Oiristian Fellow- with one another and their cus­ 14,768 iWp, Interdenominational, will tomers, and more concerned Chevrolet Owners tinve a Bible study and open Mountain Laurel Chapter of Dining Q u b with personal g;rooming. Par­ lUanchester-^A City o f Village Charm !B dlscuaiion tonight at 7 :S0 at Or­ Sweet Adelines will rehearse to­ ents have commented, the arti­ NEED REPAIRS SEE US FO R ange HaU. night at 8 at the Russian-Ameri- cle notes, the training has help-, VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 268 (TWENTY PAGES) can National Center, 213 Weth­ Story Topic ed the girls to become assets • KENDALL OIL PR(H>UCTS MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 AdvertlUag oa Pago 17) p r ic e t e n c e n t s ersfield Ave., Hartford. ’The within the family unit. • OBNHINB CHEVB4ML.ET PAB’TS Members of the BritiBh-Amer- Ah article on the d\ial value \ • FACTORY TRAINED ’TEXIHNICIANS event is open to all women in­ For senior citizens,, Fendell • SERVICE RENTAL CARS Ican Club and guests planning terested In Joining this .four-part of'^ the Wednesday dining club to a tte ^ the club’s annual base­ says, the 66-cent charge is a • CONVENIENT IIIASTER CHARGE PLAN harmony chorus. at the Senior Citizens’ Center welcome aid to strained budg­ ball trip on Saturday are re­ or OMAC BUDGET PLAN 0 on Linden St. appears in the ets. Too often, he adds, the GI Force in Saigon minded that the bus will leave adult, often living alone, settles OsU 64U-62S8 or Stop In ISor an Aftpotatment Pennies Spent the cluUKMise at 8:30 a.m. Pallor (. ' An ice cream social will be July-August issue of "Rehabili­ Nixon in Louisiana; a pit hcnir samplinij for substandard food. Proof of held tonight from 6 to 9:30 p.m. tation Record,’’ a publication 53 Years In at Emanuel Lutheran Church, the Wednesday meal’s popular­ GARTER CHEVROLET CO, IML Jehovah’s l^tnesses will con- of the U.S. Department of ity is the requests of some din­ The conservation committee of Church and Chestnut Sts. The 1*20 MAIN ST. — MANCHES’TER Cut by 15,000 Men uct a theocratic ministry school the Manchester Junior Women's event, sponsored by the youth of Health, Education and Welfare. ers for dally service. His Stomach Talking Integration tonight at 7.30 and a service Club will meet tonight at 8 at the church, is open to the pub- It was written by Norman Fen- PITTSBURCfH (AP) A 62- meeting at 8:35 at Kingdom SAIGON (AP)—American forces in the Saigon mili­ the home of Mrs. John Dougan, 11c. A free-will offering will be dell, special education super­ year-old man \rijo complain­ HaU, N. Main S t IS Santina Dr. taken. tary region are being cut by about 15,000 men as the ed of stomach trouble most of WASHINGTON (AP)'—Stressing (»>operatioii rather visor for the Board of Educa­ result of a major reshuffling of allied units and the tion. his life uAderwent abdominal than coercion, President Nixon ventured his greatest in­ transfer of a large base to the Vietnamese, official surgery this week. Doctors volvement in Southern school desegregation today with r . ’The club, Fendell points out, sources disclosed today. removed two pennies and a a New Orleans meeting with advisory councils from is a community habilitatlon WHAT IS AN ARBYS? The sources said two full bri­ Law Review project for two retarded girls An Arby't it a tondwieli uiilili* any you knva ever eotan. Salacfed cuH of large fruit seed from toe seven states. -------------- -------------- ----------- gades plus other units would be small intestine. Aides said toe (President’s school dlscrimlnaUon that ac- from the (Manchester High pramium baof nra slowly barbecue roosted to o turn'. From this yeor Bhlj^>ed home from Saigon and THURS. Richard A. Siegal, son of Mr. Marine Goes Prom his ted In West Penn Joumey had t'wln goals: Bolster- company token desegregation; School work-study program, and Arby't It sliced wafer-thin, heaped high on on oven-fresh, toasted, buffered the 1 1 surrounding provinces o l and Mrs. James Siegal of 64 three from the Sheltered Work­ Hospital, (Turtis Kastler re­ ing toe effectiveness and pres- ®®<1 of half-hearted enforcement sesame bun. Simple ns that. Nothing it the 8rd MUitary Region. Men called Thursday he swallow­ tlge of toe state desegregation of desegregation orders from FRI. and Stephen St., has been selected shop. Its major objectives are adio have not completed most of odded but care. Arby't or# whet Roost On Trial In ed toe pennies 68 years ago: advisory councils, and empha- federal courts. for the Law Review at the Uni­ to develop marketable skills in their 13-month tours in Vietnam food service; encourage proper Beef Sandwiches really should be. Try "I was rolling pennies sizing his commitment to en versity of Pennsylvania Law will be transferred to other down my forehead — and forcing wide-scale voluntary In­ SAT. attitudes toward work; and one today.' You wiH .never again be units. School. strengthen desirable social skills Viet Killings they rolled on down.’ ’ tegration In toe South this fall. In 1969, he received his BS sdtisRed with anything lets than on Security regulatimis prohibit within a realistic work setting. The pennies, now paper- Nixon, aboard Air Force One, in finance, cum laude, from the publication of the units to be Specials! Preparations for the meal are Arby't — deliciously different! DA NANG (AP)—Pfc. Sam­ thin, were worn to about half departed for New Orleans from Wharton ^hool of Finance and sent back to the United States Polls Show started Tuesday. This enables their normal size by stomach Andrews Air Force Base in Commerce of the University of until the U.S. Command an­ uel Green Jr. of Cleveland, the food service supervisor to acids. nearby Maryland at 10:86 a.m Pennsylvania, where he was nounces them. Ohio, went on trial today for explain the preparation of food, EDT. elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He Blsewhere In the war— the killing of 16 Vietnamese Kastler didn’t remember South Rates LEAN, SHORT SHANK (No Water Added) use and maintenance of equip­ swallowing toe seed, which Nixon faced toe difficult polit­ also served as marshal of Zeta ment, personal hygiene, sanita­ Small ambush actions and women and chUdren, but the ical Job of administering unpop­ Chapter of Pi Lambda Phi fra­ doctors described as a 1 by tion, and other skills. Each girl Arby’s ProsecuUon’s star witness. Pvt. 1%-lnch mass, probably a ular medicine while keeping ternity. ported along the northern coast . , „ . ^ Nixon High SMOKED Is responsible for the purchase where U.S. and South Viet- Krlchten, testified he plum seed. the patient reasonably happy A 1966 honor graduate of Man­ of a group of menu items. The Kastler, who checked into with the doctor. WASHINGTON____ (AP) — Port- lb chester High School, Siegal was early start permits correction 257 BROAD STREET namese forces claimed they ®®® ^® 18-year-old Ma- toe hospital after X rays George H. Shultz, who led toe master General Wlnton M. SHOULDERS 4 to 6 lbs. awarded a scholarship by the of purchase errors. kllled more than 300 North Viet- '^ ® •'*** them, University of Pennsylvania namese in fighting Wednesday addition to Krlchten, the showed an Intestinal obstruc­ administration party accompa- Blount, toe only Southerner in (Koto l#c extim lor sUoing) ’The food service supervisor MANCHESTER Average Alumni Club of Greater Hart­ and lltursday. three officers and two tion, was reported In satis­ nylng Nixon, said one Idea of the Nixon Cabinet, says admln- reports that trainees are becom­ ford. In high school, he was vice The largest allied casualties s®"*®*" enlisted men also heard factory condition. the trip was to extend a hand Istration action to enforce ing more communicative, less president of the Student Coun­ (Next to A&P) reported today occurred about tesUmony today from another to the South on the eve of what school desegregation hasn’t hurt cil, and a member of the F. A. 86 miles nmthest of Saigon prosecuUon witness, 1st. U . likely will te Its largest dose of the President’s popularity in the 3 LB. CANNED HAM Verplanck CSiapter of the Na­ when mortar rounds fired by an Grant, 22, of Hebron, desegregation. South. •2.98 tional Honor Society, Current American unit accidentally who commanded a pa- Shultz is vice chairman of toe “* ‘"Ihera is great enthusiasm in Affairs Club, and United landed on a South Vietnamese “ Vietnamese woman led Middle East Cabinet 0>mmlttee on Educa- the south for toe Nixon admlnls- Synagogue Youth. He received STATE podUon. Eleven government "®’‘‘ tlon and director of the Office of tratlon," Blount said in an inter- 5 LB. CANNED HAM •4.78 a letter of commendation from Good For FREE Thick Sbohe troopa were klUed, and 24 Viet- 19. Hanover, Management and Budget. view. the National Merit Scholarship Shoe RepaMng with each ARBY’S ROAST BEEF SANDWICH purchased. namese and two American ad- ’ *?!<* Ji>® ° ' ’®®” Ce ase-Fire Also accompanying toe Presi- ,, through desegregation is Foundation. 781 Main StrMt risers were wounded. *‘*'®‘* *** *^® “ ^®® “ "»®® dent were Secretaiy of Welfare "®' ‘tlfflcult Issue for pe<^le in 11 LB.
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