ISSUE No. 33, Monthly Newsletter - November 2009 A Joint Effort of the Department of Strategy and Donor Coordination and the Donor Technical Secretariat

Photo: Government-Donor Roundtable, held on 13 November 2009 (Photo: DSDC).

In this issue

Government-Donor • Government-Donor Roundtable • Semi-annual review meeting on the Education Excellence and Roundtable Equity Project • In response to the climate On 13 November 2009, the by DSDC between donors and the change in • AlbVET Program launches its Government held the regular Government and called on line second phase in Albania Government-Donor Roundtable, ministries to take on even greater • Support to Small and Medium chaired by Minister of State Genc leadership of the Sector Working sized Enterprises Pollo and H.E. Henk Van Den Dool, Groups (SWGs). A presentation of • Municipality of Lezha launches Ambassador of the Kingdom of the the IPS implementation was made computerized tax system • 20th Anniversary of the Convention Netherlands as the rotating chair of the by DSDC Director, Valbona Kuko, on the Rights of the Child Donor Technical Secretariat. Minister who recognised the work undertaken • Albania and the case-law of the Pollo said that the Government had to strengthen the role of SWGs and European Court of Human Rights maintained a “steady rhythm of the preparation of a Harmonization • Handbook on Establishing reforms” and had commenced further Action Plan to implement the Paris Efficient Labour Migration Policies • UNODC deliver skills to assist the ambitious initiatives. Ambassador Declaration. To view materials from fight against money laundering Henk Van Den Dool paid tribute to the Government-Donor Roundtable • SWG Meetings: Environment, the “effective bridging role” performed please click here. Justice & Home Affairs, and Health 2

Photo: Government Modernization Committee reviews the One UN Programme (Photo:DSDC)

Government Modernization Committee reviews the One UN Programme The Government Modernization UN, are in line with national priorities. of One UN Programme and to take a Committee (GMC) met on 3 November The United Nations Resident Co-ordinator decision on new allocations of One UN 2009 with United Nations Agencies in Albania, Gülden Türköz–Cosslett Coherence funds for priority funding to take stock of the first two years discussed the benefits of there being one gaps under One UN Programme. The of implementation of the One UN strategic UN Programme, responding meeting was co-chaired by UN Resident Programme, and to plan ahead for the to national development priorities, Co-ordinator, Gülden Türköz-Cosslett next programming cycle. Ministers summarized opportunities and challenges and DSDC Director, Valbona Kuko. It was involved in the implementation of One met during programme implementation agreed to convene joint meetings with line UN programme pointed out that climate and thanked the Government for their ministries, UN agencies and DSDC prior change, capacity development and social strong leadership and commitment. The to the next JEC meeting in early 2010. inclusion were areas where the UN should Delivering as One initiative has seen a It was noted that the funding situation focus. Minister of State Genc Pollo, as shift in the way the UN works. Eight new of the Coherence Fund had improved Chair of the GMC, stressed the progress Joint Programmes have started since 2007. since the last JEC meeting on 24 June achieved since the signing of the One UN A meeting of Joint Executive Committee 2009. Over the duration of the One UN programme in 2007, noting that projects (JEC) was held on 9 November 2009 to Programme, a total of USD 14.2 million implemented in the framework of One take a mid-year review of the progress are committed by donors.

In response to the climate change in Albania

On 12 November 2009, two national documents addressing climate change were released by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration and the United Nations Development Programme - The Second National Communication of Albania to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Albanian Policy Policy Paper for Carbon Finance is a step funded by the Austrian Development Co- Paper for Carbon Finance. The former towards boosting Albania’s capacity as a operation, aims to maximize the potential presents an assessment of Albania’s current Non-Annex I Country in the framework of of Albania in the CDM and in carbon situation with regard to climate change Kyoto Protocol for the implementation of finance, while minimizing transaction and provides data for policymakers. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) costs and contributing to sustainable presentation of the official Albanian Projects. The development of this paper, development. 3

Meeting on Water Masterplan

On 16 November 2009, a meeting was held in the offices of the World Bank to discuss the preliminary findings of KfW expert in relation to requirements of the Water Master plan. The expert will assist the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications in drafting Terms of Reference for the Master Plan. The meeting presented objectives, products and calendar

Photo: Visit of the Minister of Economy, Trade & Energy and Italian Ambassador to SME-s (Photo: Italian Development Co-operation) of work. It was chaired by the World Bank Country Director, Support to Small and AlbVET – Albanian Vocational Camille Nuamah, and attended Medium sized Enterprises Education Program launches its by officials from the Ministry, second phase in Albania As part of the Italian-Albanian Austria and Swiss Cooperation, Programme for the development of Switzerland has supported Vocational KfW, EBRD, and DSDC. The SMEs, on 20 November 2009, Minister Education and Training (VET) in meeting agreed that the Strategy of Economy, Trade and Energy, Dritan Albania since 1994 with a financial should be approved possibly by Prifti and the Italian Ambassador contribution of 20 million Swiss Francs. March 2010 in order to pave the in , Saba D’Elia visited some On 20 October 2009, the launching way to the master plan. companies that have received loans event of AlbVET brought together key from a 30 million Euros funded Credit stakeholders. Minister of Education and Line by the Italian Development Science, Myqerem Tafaj congratulated Co-operation. The aim was to promote the contribution of Swiss project on VET for Swiss Co-operation Office in Albania the Programme and the contribution reform and reassured his commitment highlighted the partnership with Ministry of financed companies and to invite towards vocational education. Swiss of Education and Science and Ministry other companies to benefit from the Ambassador Ms. Yvana Enzler stressed of Labour Social Affairs and Equal Credit Line. The first visit was paid the approach to gradually transfer Opportunities during the project. to Ermandi sh.p.k. in Lushnja, that project responsibilities to national Photo: Swiss Ambassador Ms. Yvana Enzler speaking at benefited from a 170,000 Euros in the authorities in order to improve national the AlbVET launching event (Photo: Swiss Development agro food processing industry. Through ownership. Mr. Züst, Country Director Co-operation/Albania) this investment, they bought new milk processing machinery. The second visit was paid to the Marble Processing Company in Lushnja that benefitted from 500,000 Euros and this was invested in a new line of technology for marble processing. Picari sh.p.k was the last company visited. This company is operating in shoes production sector. Through the credit line of 300,000 Euros, they bought new machinery to increase production capacity. Minister Prifti and Ambassador D’Elia expressed gratitude for the investments made by all these companies and stressed the support that will be given to SME-s. 4

Photo: 2009 Annual Conference on Cooperation with Eastern Europe held in Bern

2009 Annual Conference New systems improve US signs agreements on Development Cooperation public services to support territorial planning deals with Western Balkans reform in five cities With the support of USAID’s Local The 14th Annual Conference on Co- Governance Program in Albania, the On 10 November 2009, the Millennium operation with Eastern Europe took city of Lezha, launched in November Challenge Corporation Albania Threshold place in Berne on 5 November 2009 a new computerized municipal tax Programme signed agreements with five and had a focus on entrepreneurship system. With the new computerized municipalities to integrate municipal and innovation in the Western system, the tax department will more planning information electronically into Balkans. The Secretary General of accurately be able to calculate tax what will become a National Territorial the Regional Co-operation Council bills and track tax payments, and Planning Register. The Register is an for South Eastern Europe, Mr. H. even develop the necessary revenue internet-based portal linking multiple Biščević, spoke about the potential projections and analysis so important databases containing information about of the area and its future, whereas for city-planners and officials. territorial planning and construction Ms. M. Calmy-Rey, Swiss Minister Computerizing the tax system, will permit procedures and features an on-line of Foreign Affairs described the help the city improve tax collection and tracking and inspection system that importance that co-operation with increase tax revenues so that Lezha can enables applicants for building permits to South Eastern Europe holds for deliver higher-quality services to the track applications online. As mandated Switzerland. Other speaker-guests public. USAID will look to expand the in the 2009 Territorial Planning Law, from Switzerland and Western new system to other municipalities. the aim of the Register is to introduce Balkans in their presentations as Photo: USAID Officer, Stephen Herbaly and the Mayor of Lezhe, Viktor Tusha, well as films (including one entitled observe the delivery of a certificate to a Lezha taxpayer (Photo: USAID/Albania) Albanian Vocational Educational and Training Support Programme/ AlbVET by the Albanian director Artan Minaroli) - provided an interesting picture on how the region was embracing EU integration. South Eastern Europe is an attractive economic proposition for national and foreign investments, and is of major importance as a geostrategic corridor for goods and energy sources. This message was also materialised in the presentation hold from Swiss Cooperation Office in Albania that put focus on results achieved in the Swiss funded AlbVET programme supporting Albanian Vocational Educational and Training reform. For more information about the event please click here. 5 transparency and reduce corruption in planning and building permit procedures and decisions. This co-operation will entail training of municipal staff, furnishing of equipment, facilities and other resources necessary to maintain and update the information databases.

20th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

On 21 November 2009, President hosted an event at the Presidential Palace government officials, NGOs, the UN and other members of the donor community

Photo: The MCC Chief of Party, Richard Wolfe and the Mayor of Shkodra, Lorenc Luka signed an agreement to begin work in Shkodra to build the National Territorial Planning Register (Photo: USAID/Albania).

to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Launch of the Handbook on UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Establishing Efficient Labour Children huddled around face paint stands, Migration colouring stations and reading corners as part of an exhibition of Albania’s children’s On 9 November 2009, the Albanian rights campaigns. The First Lady Teuta version of the Handbook on Topi spoke about the need to protect Establishing Efficient Labour Migration children’s “non-negotiable rights”. UNICEF Policies in countries of Origin and Representative Detlef Palm pointed out that Destination was jointly released by “it is good politics to care about vulnerable IOM, the OSCE Presence and ILO. children”, and EU Delegation Head of The manual originally developed in Operations Luigi Brusa said that respect English by IOM, OSCE and ILO, has for human rights is one of the main values been translated into Albanian by IOM. of the EU. A Roma representative of the This handbook provides policy makers Youth Parliament called for an end to the and practitioners with a reference marginalization of vulnerable children. on how to manage labour migration, Participants also watched local drama to develop new policy approaches, groups, a teenage girl rock band playing a identify solutions and apply practical song on children’s rights, original poetry measures. This handbook served also performance by juvenile offenders from as a basis for the National Training on Kavaja prison, Roma musicians, and young Labour Migration Management which environmental activists.

Photo: 20th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Photo/UNICEF) 6

also with partners” said Ms. Filloreta Kodra, Deputy Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. “ADC is committed to support Albania in implementing its social inclusion policies and setting up social protection mechanism based on European standards”, said Ms. Astrid Wein, Head of ADC in Albania. This project is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, Medicor Foundation, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, OAK Foundation, the Swiss Development Cooperation and UNICEF.

Photo: Launch of the “Handbook on Establishing Efficient Labour Migration Policies in countries of Origin and Destination” National Training on Management of Labour Migration (Photo: IOM) Albania and the case-law of the took place following the handbook of the National Strategy on Migration European Court of Human Rights launch from 9 to13 November 2009. - access to information on regular The training targeted staff of the emigration possibilities, and thus On 20 November 2009, the European Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and reduction of irregular migration. Those Assistance Mission to the Albanian Justice Equal Opportunities, officials from contacting the migration counters are System (EURALIUS) in cooperation the Regional Employment Directorates registered in the local employment with the State Advocate’s Office (in the hosting the migration counters, services structures, and their needs are Ministry of Justice) held a seminar on Albanian Syndicates, and Private collated by IOM to assist government in jurisdiction and the enforcement of rulings Employment Agencies. The training was tailoring labour migration policies and of the European Court of Human Rights organized by IOM in conjunction with pursuing bilateral agreements. (ECHR). The seminar was attended by ILO, in the framework of the project representatives of different state institutions Capacity Building, Information and from the judiciary and the public Awareness Raising towards Promoting Austrian Development administration, NGOs and international Orderly Migration in the Western Cooperation supports developing a organisations. The presentations held by Balkans funded by the European Child Protection Safety Net ECHR officials and other experts not only Commission, Italy, Switzerland, provided an overview of case-law but also Germany and Liechtenstein. In Albania, Developing a Child Protection Safety Net focused on the obligations of the state the project was instrumental in setting in Albania is the new project launched deriving from the judgments. Participants up a national network of 14 migration by Terre des Hommes on 11 November were provided with a hard copy collection counters (Sportele Migracioni), within 2009 aimed at creating a network to of the entire case-law concerning the National Employment Service protect children against trafficking Albania that had been compiled by the regional and local structures. This and other forms of abuse. “Creating a State Advocate’s Office. The seminar network facilitates access of potential healthy environment for children where was followed by an experts’ discussion migrants to information on regular they can grow up and develop their full between ECHR and local experts about migration modalities from and to potential is the goal we want to achieve measures to tackle the reasons for cases Albania. This approach reflects the aims with our social policies, in collaboration going to the Strasbourg Court.

Photo: Performance by children from Roma Community Centre Photo: Seminar on the jurisdiction and enforcement of rulings of the European Court of Human Rights of Elbasan during the project launch 7

Photo: UNODC Deliver New Skills for Financial Analysts to Assist the Fight against Money Laundering

responsible for investigation of money Ministry of Health, laundering and financing of terrorism and ensure that high quality information is USAID, UNFPA provided to these agencies. UNODC deliver skills for financial launch of the analysts to assist the fight against money laundering PAMECA Steering National Family Committee Meeting Analysts from eight Financial Intelligence Planning Protocol Units (FIUs) in the South Eastern Europe On 28 October 2009, PAMECA III – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, held its third steering committee. The Over 200 leading health care Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, the former meeting was chaired by the Head of the providers, deans of the medical and Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Delegation of the European Union to nursing schools, district and regional Montenegro and Serbia attended a five- Albania, Ambassador Helmuth Lohan, level health administrators, and day FIU Analysts workshop conducted Minister of Interior Lulezim Basha, officials of national and international by UNODC in Tirana in November 2009. the General Director Hysni Burgaj NGOs gathered on 23 November The Deputy Minister of Finance, Agim and the Team Leader of PAMECA III, Rushaj opened the training. The training Cecil Craig. In his speech Mr Craig 2009 for the launch of the first focused on the analysis of suspicious thanked the Albanian State Police national standard for provision of transaction reports related to possible and the Ministry for the support clinical family planning services money laundering and the financing of given to PAMECA and highlighted in Albania. The National Family terrorism. Participants learned analytical the importance of this co-operation Planning Protocol is a pocket-sized but techniques, gained a better understanding in order to help the police achieve its comprehensive technical document of sources of information used for analysis, goals. Minister Basha pointed out the the tools available to assist the process and Mission’s efficiency in helping the State based on the latest evidence-based learnt how to write effective intelligence Police to achieve EU best practices. international practices and guidelines reports. The course addressed the Photo: UNODC Deliver New Skills for Financial Analysts to that equip health care workers with relationship between the FIU and agencies Assist the Fight against Money Laundering the knowledge and tools to provide quality family planning services to women. As part of technical assistance to the Ministry of Health, USAID and UNFPA supported the development and production of the National Family Planning Protocol and the accompanying wall poster for providers to strengthen the provision of reproductive health services and to improve the quality of health for women and their families. 8

A donation ceremony was organized on 5 November 2009 in Tirana where Minister of Interior, Lulzim Basha, the US Ambassador, John L. Withers II, the German Ambassador, Bernd Borschadt, and the Director General of the State Police, Hysni Burgaj welcomed participants. With the support of ICITAP and the UNODC, two experts teamed up to develop a handbook that gives easy to follow directions on the recognition of possible electronic evidence, its protection and preservation and methods of safely transmitting this to the new computer forensics Photo: PAMECA Steering Committee Meeting held on 28 October 2009 laboratory for analysis. 1500 copies were published so that they can be He said that clear progress was made the police and prosecution service. The distributed throughout the State in the areas of human resources, meeting followed with joint presentations Police. This handbook has been border and migration, public order and of the work carried out in the last six designed so that it can be carried out security and crime. Other achievements months by the experts and counterparts by all patrol generalist and criminal highlighted included the workshops in in the Albanian State Police. Mr. Cecil investigators. all regional directorates on issues such as Craig assured the delegates that the management and operational leadership, PAMECA III team is committed to professional standards, and intelligence supporting the Albanian State Police in SWG on Environment led policing. Praise was also given for its identified priority areas. The revised the support provided to enable the PAMECA III work-plan has been drawn The latest meeting of the Environment completion of internal regulations of the up on the basis of partnership and will SWG was held on 25 November 2009, Albanian State Police and the opening be driven by the Albanian State Police in chaired by Deputy Minister Taulant of the Joint Border Crossing at Muriqan. realizing their objectives. Bino, which brought together central Ambassador Lohan stressed PAMECA and local government officials, NGOs III ambition to tackle concrete issues, and key donors. The aim was to present producing visible results in partnership ICITAP, OPDAT and UNODC the EU funded technical assistance with the State Police, and the need to assist the Albanian State police in project Implementation of the give a higher priority to the effective fighting cyber crime National Plan for the Approximation implementation. He highlighted the of Environmental Legislation in key role played by the Albanian State Cyber crime is a recent phenomenon Albania 2010-2025. An expert on waste Police in the visa liberalization process, in Albania and the Albanian State presented The Preliminary Waste noted the need to address the problems Police with the international assistance Management Strategy in Albania of insufficient investigative capacity in is looking to meet these challenges. and National Plan that provided

Photo: ICITAP, OPDAT and UNODC assist the State Police in fighting cyber crime (Photo: UNODC/Albania) 9

Photo: Meeting of the Environment SWG (Photo: DSDC) recommendations on establishing based evidence that is collected in plan and calling a national conference structures to carry out the National financial and money laundering crimes. on these issues were some of the Waste Strategy. Poor communication The meeting saw discussion on how recommendations made. between local and central government to better co-ordinate Government and was seen as a burden of the donor efforts in the sector. waste management process, and Health Forum uncontrolled dumping and burning The International Consortium of waste represented environmental Community Policing and Crime A Health SWG was held a meeting and health hazards for the public. Prevention working group met on 24 on 26 November 2009, chaired by the The conclusions from the meeting November 2009, bringing together Minister of Health, Petrit Vasili. The were: further emphasis on capacity officials from the Albanian State meeting brought together officials from building, information sharing; greater Police, People’s Advocate, DSDC, the WHO, the Assembly Committee on awareness on the market value of waste relevant NGOs, EURALIUS, OSCE, Health, the Institute of Social Insurance, collection and recycling and improving ICITAP, PAMECA and other donors Institute of Public Health, DSDC and environmental legislation. contributing to the sector. It highlighted some of the main donors working in the aim of the document Community the sector to discuss health issues and Policing Assessment and the need for reforms. Discussions were focused on Two sector working groups on trainings on community policing that offering a transparent pharmaceutical Justice and Home Affairs would improve the image of the state system, the digitalization of health system police and increase its public trust and and improvement of health legislation. International Consortium convened confidence. Fostering communication An update was also given in relation to two working groups meetings during with all actors involved in community H1HN1 situation and the measures taken the month of November 2009. The policing, drafting a national education to prevent the pandemic. meeting of the Police & Organized Photo: SWG on Justice and Home Affairs convened by the International Consortium (Photo: DSDC) Crime group took place on 23 November 2009 and was chaired by the Director for Fight against Organized Crime at Albanian State Police, Edmond Rizaj who offered an overview of the work done by the Directorate in the fight against organized crime. The meeting saw discussion of the newly created Cyber Crime Unit established under Economic & Financial Crime Directorate and Computer Analysis Unit established within the scientific police. He stressed the close co- operation with the Computer Analysis Unit in the Scientific Police, which is involved in analyzing all computer 10

Photo: Education Excellence and Equity Project semi-annual review held in Durres on 3 November 2009

Semi-annual review meeting implemented since 2006 and is funded by supermarkets throughout Albania and on the Education Excellence the World Bank, the European Investment is being used for fruit and vegetable and Equity Project Bank (EIB), and the Council of Europe exports to countries throughout the Development Bank.(CEB) to the value of Balkan region. As part of the Education Excellence and 75 million Euros. The priority areas are: Photo: “The brand is increasingly being recognized by the Equity Programme, on 3 November strengthening leadership, management retail industry,” said AAC Director, Mr. Juan Estrada-Valle. and governance of the education system, “It is now present in up-scale supermarkets throughout 2009, the Ministry of Education and Albania and is being used for vegetable exports to countries Science held the seventh semi-annual improving conditions for teaching and throughout the Balkan region.” (Photo: USAID/Albania) review meeting on the Annual Reform learning, improving and rationalizing Programme of the Education System education infrastructure, and setting the attended by Ministry and donors stage for higher education reform. representatives. Minister of Education, Myqerem Tafaj focused on all reforms achieved in 2009, and provided an Retailers Begin Selling overview of the priorities until 2013. “The Taste of Albania Produce objective of the Government’s programme in this mandate is to increase the budget One of the many challenges in share especially for the salaries of the modernizing Albania’s agriculture sector teachers and professors as well as for is the lack of investment in marketing investments in education infrastructure” tools to package and brand high-grade he said. The meeting discussed the products, a requirement for exports to proposed annual reform programme and European markets. USAID has launched its targets for 2010, its conformity with the Taste of Albania program, a national the Medium Term Budget Programme brand aimed to identify Albanian and four priority areas of the Programme. produce of the highest quality in an The discussions continued in panels effort to build the reputation of Albanian on: improvement of learning and produce. “The brand is increasingly teaching; improvement of educational being recognized by the retail industry,” infrastructure; and reforming the higher said AAC Director, Mr. Juan Estrada- education. The Programme has been Valle. “It is now present in up-scale 11

Photo: Pajova Mustafa Kemal Ataturk high school, its reconstruction was completed with assistance by TIKA

The reconstruction of Pajova and Development Agency (TIKA). 29 School’s director, it was also noticed Mustafa Kemal Ataturk high November School’s name was changed that there were only two toilets in the school in Albania is finished to Pajova Mustafa Kemal Ataturk High school. As a first step, the necessities School, named after Turkey’s Republic were examined to solve this problem A high school in Peqinwas opened founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and and the Agency built a toilet building after rebuilding was finished by the a bust of Ataturk was placed in the with two floors in addition to the high Turkish International Co-operation garden. After the negotiations with the school building. The school was ready for the new scholastic year.

UNICEF Retreat Moves North

The UNICEF office completed its annual retreat in Puka in November. This venue was selected so that all staff could be closer to poor communities that are the core of UNICEF efforts. In addition to refreshing all staff on issues of human rights, emergency preparedness, and internal work processes the office was also briefed on the situation of children in Puka by local government and NGOs. A full day was devoted to community visits in some of the most remote communes to review the status of services for children. .

Photo: This small classroom in rural Puka houses all children from grades 1 through 4. Outward migration from Puka means teachers have less students - but more work - as they are often not prepared for the challenges of multi- grade teaching (Photo by UNICEF). 12

Cooperation and to start a specific discussed Government plans for the In-country Guarantee Fund aimed at increasing development of national accounting and access to credit for Small and Medium auditing profession, as well as related Missions sized Enterprises. institutional and capacity building.

World Bank Albania Power Sector, from 22 to OFID Director-General meets Proposed Albania Development Policy 25 November 2009: The aim was to with Albanian President as part of Operation on Social Sectors, from 16 assess the status of commissioning of the a country mission to 26 November 2009: The aims were: Vlora Power Plant, including the Oil Spill The Director-General of the OPEC Fund to discuss the short term and medium Management plan. They reviewed the for International Development (OFID), term programme of policies in health and performance under Partial Risk Guarantee Suleiman J. Al-Herbish, headed an OFID social protection; to start preparation of a of the Electricity Distribution Privatization. delegation on a high-level mission to new operation to support reforms in social Tirana on 2-4 November 2009. The sectors and to identify how these policies Fiduciary Review Mission, from 10 highlight was a meeting with President could be supported by the WB. to 20 November 2009: The aim was, to Topi. The aim of the mission was two-fold. conduct a review of a sample of projects In response to the invitation of Prime Education Excellence and Equity with a focus on contract’s administration Minister, and President of the Project, from 2 to 6 November 2009: and site visits. The team reviewed: (i) Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Ahmad The aims were: to assess the implementation the adequacy of fiduciary arrangements Mohamed Ali Al Madani, Mr. Suleiman J. progress of the Annual Reform Plan 2009; with the aim to identify areas that may Al-Herbish addressed the opening session to participate in the semi-annual Review require further strengthening; and (ii) of the 2nd International Conference Meeting of November 2009; to review Annual the adequacy and quality of the Bank’s on Foreign Investment in Albania as a Reform Plan 2010 and the related procurement fiduciary oversight of the portfolio through keynote speaker. Also Mr. Al-Herbish plan; and to assess progress toward school standard Bank supervision business tools. held meetings with various line ministers rehabilitation activities programmed for the to discuss ongoing co-operation between 2009 Annual Reform Plan. Business Environment Reform and OFID and Albania, and to explore the Institutional Strengthening Project, possibilities for enhancing cooperation in Financial Management Mission, from 16 to 20 November 2009: The team various sectors highlighted as priorities by from 10 to 20 November 2009: The met with the Ministry of Economy, Trade the Government, such as infrastructure aim was to review the implementation and Energy to discuss the overall progress, and health. Meetings also took place of financial management arrangements with a special focus mainly on Regulatory with the DSDC Director, Valona Kuko in World Bank funded projects and to Impact Assessment, Inspections Reform, and and Albanian Development Fund’s identify needs for co-operation. They Metrology Laboratory design and construction. Coordinator for Rural Roads Project.

Italy In November 2009, experts from the Italian-Albanian Technical Steering Committee visited Albania as part of As of 15 November 2009 until 15 May 2009, the OSCE Presence in Albania the Italy-funded project Water supply/ will be the Chair of the Donor Technical Secretariat. demand assessment in Southern Albania. Any comments regarding Government-Donor Dialogue The initiative aims to assess the water (both positive and negative) are strongly encouraged – resources in relation with the development and we promise to print all such comments received! process. The initiative provides a trust fund to the European Bank for Want to contribute? If you would like to contribute, send your text to the Donor Technical Secretariat (DTS) Office Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) ([email protected]) or the Department of Strategy and Donor Coor - for water supply/demand assessment and dination (DSDC) ( [email protected]) by the 5th of every month. An ideal word count for other feasibility studies. submissions is around 100 words. Two Italian supervision missions for the Programme for Development of the Frequency Each edition will be sent to you on the 15th of every month. Albanian Private Sector through a Credit Line for Small and Medium Enterprises Who are the donors in Albania? took place in November 2009. The aim There are over 40 donors operating in Albania. was to contribute to the economical To find out who they are please clickher e. and social growth of Albania facilitating access to the credit system and enhancing To unsubscribe: the formal economy. These missions Please send an e-mail to Nevila Çomo contributed to promote the opportunities ([email protected]) of the Credit Line funded by the Italian

The design of Government-Donor Dialogue Newsletter is financially supported by the OSCE Presence in Albania

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