New Mineral Names*

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New Mineral Names* American Mineralogist, Volume 62, pages J95-397, lg77 NEW MINERAL NAMES* MrcHenl Flprscunn ANDJoHN JeMsoR Schreyerite* The mineral occurs as poorly developed crystals up to 60-70 cm O MeoENeecs nNo K. Scsprtrznx (1976) Schreyerite(VrTisOr), in size,usually twinned on {l l0} and {310},simulating hexagonal ein neues Vanadium Mineral aus Kenya. Naturwissenschaften, symmetry Color blue to violet blue, luster vitreous. H 7-7!; cleav- 63.293-294. age {100} imperfect, parting {001}; sp gr 2.77. Optica[y biaxial, negative,a1.561, P 1.572,t 1.576,21/66",r( uweak;pleochroic The mineral occurs in highly twinned unmixed grains up to 30 with Xcolorless, Iblue, Z paleblue, Y > Z> X,orientation X = microns in sizein vanadium-bearing rutile that occursas idiomor_ c,Y:b. phic crystals in kornerupine-bearingquartz-biotite-sillimanite The mineral occurs near Dolni Bory, western Moravia, in the gneissin the Kwale district, Kenya. Associatedminerals include albite zone of pegmatitesin granulitesand genisses. kyanite, muscovite, apatite, tourmaline, graphite, pyrrhotite, chal- The name is for Professor Josef Sekanina, who first found the copyrite, and pentalandite. mineral in 1928.M.F. Microprobe analysis (not given) gave the formula (VorrCroouAlo.o,)rTirOr,with traces of Mg and Fe. Single-crystal study could not be made becauseof the twinning. Debye and Gandolfi films were indexed on a monoclinic cell with a 7.06, b Strf,tlingite* 5.01, c f 8.74A.,p119.4.. The strongestlines (private communrca- G. HsNrscHsL AND H.-J. Kuzw (1976) Stratlingite, 2 CaO tion from O. Medenbach, given erroneously in the paper) are4.075 Alros SiO, 8HrO, a new mineral NeuesJahrb. (m) (00a),3.381 (m) (204),2.874(sx2t3),2337(vs) Mineral.. (ots),2.432 Monatsh. 326-330 (in German), (w)(2ll). In part rhe lamella are orientedafter (l0l) of rutile. The H.-J. Kuzer, (1976) mineral is black. H I100-1200kglsq mm. Reflectanceat 5g9 nm = Crystallographicdata and thermal decompo- sition gehlenite . 2l percent,leading to n 2.7.ln sectionshows pleochroism from of synthetic hydrate, 2 CaO AlrO, SiO,. 8HrO. white to brownish. Insoluble in acids. Neues Jahrb Mineral , Monatsh 319-325 (in English). The name is for Professor Werner Schreyer of Ruhr University. Qualitative microprobe analysisshowed Ca, Al, and Si as major Bochum,Germany. M.F. constituents! with less than I percent Fe, but a quantitative analy- sis could not be made because the mineral dehydrated in the electron beam to a powdery residue unsuitable for probe analysis. Easily decomposedby dilute HCl. Sekaninaite* The mineral was synthesizedin single crystals by the slow hydra- J. STANEKAND J. MlsKovsrv, (1975) Sekaninaite,a new mineral tion of calcium aluminum silicateglasses in saturatedsolutions of Ca(OH), of the cordierite series, from Dolni Bory, Czechoslovakia Scr at 20"C for 120 days. X-ray patterns of natural and Fac Sci Nat Ujep Brun , geol /, no. 5,21-30. synthetic material were essentially identical. The strongest X-ray lines of the natural marerial (18 given) were 12.5(100) (003), 6.2 Chemical analyses of blue and violet-blue samples agreed (70) (006),4.16(100) (009),2.87(70) (ll0). The mineral is trigonat, closely;the former gave SiO, 45.10,TiO, 0.04, Al,O, 30.63,FerO, spacegroup R3, or R3, a 6.737 t 0.005,c 37.59+ 0.05A.,Z : 3, 0.91, FeO 17.85,MgO 1.69,MnO 0.92, CaO 0.39,Na,O 0.68,K,O sp gr calcd. I 95, sp gr measured(synthetic) 1.9. The synthetii 0.03, H,O+ I 84, HrO 0 12,sum 10020 percent,giving (Nao ,nCaoo,) crystalshad a 5.747 t 0.001,c 37.64 + 0.014. (Fef,lrMgo,rMnoo.)(Al,,oFef.l,Sio,3)Al,SinO,, 0 67HrO, the Fe- The DTA curve shows endothermic breaks at l3l, l8t, and analog of cordierite.Traces of Zn, Cr, Be, Ga, Ag, Cu, and Ni 226", and a sharp exothermic break at 990.C. The loss of weight were found spectroscopically. The infrared absorption spectrum curve shows a lossof 4HrO to I 38o,when an abrupt decreasein a is given. DTA and TGA curvesare given.The water is lost con- and c occurs. The exothermic break correspondsto the crystalliza- tinuously up to 500' A small exothermic reaction (oxidation of tion of gehlenite. Fe?) was observedat 780' The mineral is colorless to light green. Cleavage basal perfect. X-ray powder data wereindexed on acell witha l7.lg6. b9.527. Uniaxial, negative,o | 534;synthetic material had <o1.519. c 9.2984, space group probably Cccm. The strongest lines (3g The mineral occurs in a metamorphosed limestone inclusion given)are 8 s83 ( (200, 100) I l0), 4.08I (83) ( I t2), 3.386( 100)(3 l2), within the basaltic lava flow at Bellerberg, Mayen/Eifel, as plates 3 376 ( 100) (022), 3 (64) (222), t43 3.076 (74) (5 I l, 42 I ), 3.043(57) 0.1-0.5 mm in diameter It is associatedwith nepheline,melilire, fi31). garnet, thomsonite, gismondine, ettringite, and hydrocalumite, and a white unidentifiedincrustation. The name is for W. Stretling, who synthesized the mineral * Minerals marked with an asterisk after the name were ap- ("Stratling's compound") in 1938.Type material is at the Univer- proved before publication by the Commission on New Minerals sity of Erlangen, Niirnberg, Germany. and Mineral Names of the International Mineralosical Associa- Note This is the second "gehlenite hydrate" mineral, compare tion bicchulite IAm Mineral., J9, 1330(1974).] M.F. 395 NEI.YMINERAL NAMES 396 in 1965 reported a similar fhalcusiter It is stated that Yu. M. Shipovalov mineral from Kazakhstan with a 14.90,b l0'60, c 7.08A., which T. L. EvsrtcNeBvelNo V. M. V. A. Kovlr-sNKER,I. P. Leputtx,q, differed somewhat from the Kola mineral in composition, sp gr (1976) Cu, Tl,Fer*,S., a new thallium Izorrro Thalcusite, ,, and refractive indices (not given) Shipovalov used the name yfti- ores of the Talnakh deposits Zap sulfide from copper-nickel site for this mineral. (in Russian)' Vses Mineral Obshch., 105,202-206 Balko and Bakakin have studied the Kola mineral and find it to space group Cmcm, with a 14.949, b 10'626, c Electron microprobe analyses were made, using as standards be orthorhombic, 7.043A. Deriving a formula from the incomplete analysis above is Cu, Fe, FeS,, synthetic Cu,TlzFeS., and synthetic TlSbSz' These with some assumptions such as partial replacement of Ti gaveTl 52.2,53,4; Cu 22.6,20.5;Fe 9.1, 9.9; S 16.3,16 5; sum difficult. by Sn (private communication from Pletneva, et al.) the formula 100.3 percent, corresponding to Cur rrTl, orFerrrS. and proposed is (Y,Re).(F,OH)o(Ti,Sn)O(SiO1), or possibly Curu,TlrorFerr"Sn,so that J in the formula above: 0.214'49 (Y,Re,Ca).(F,OH,HzO)e(Ti,Sn)O(SiO{),-'(OH)*1, and for the Analyses considered less reliable, of 8 smaller grains, gave Tl Kazakhstan mineral (for which no analytical data are given): 51.9-56.4,Cu 16.6-20I, Fe 9.3-10.6 percent. (Y,TR).IF'(O,F).]Al(Ti,Fe,Al)O(SiO.). The X-ray pattern has strongestlines (14 given): 3'73 (8) (101)' 2.el(r0) (103),2.53 (l0Xll2), 1.941 (5) (200), 1.717 (5X116) The name is apparently for the composition. This appears to be a new mineral, but it should not This was indexed by comparison with its Se analog, bukovite Discussion the c have been named until better chemical data were available and fAm Mineral , 57, 1910(1972)1,as tetragonal, a 3.88240.005' data for the Kazakhstan mineral were available' M.F. 13 25+0.02A. The space group is Am2, A2m, I4mm, 1422, or 14/mn Sp gr calc.6.54 (Z=1), measuredfor syntheticmaterial 6.r5. The mineral occurs in platy deposits, rarely elongated' mostly as NEW DATA grains l0-15 microns in diameter Cleavage parallel to elongatton Yeatmanite Brittle. Microhardness,82-92, av 88 kglsq mm at l0 g load. In CatoPtrite, pale gray reflectedlight weakly birefringent with color change from P. B. Moons, Tnr,lulnu Annrt lro G. D. BnuNrox (1976) with brownish-lilac tint to dark gray. Reflectancesare given at l6 Catoptrite, (Mn3+Sb!+) (Mn3+ALSL)O28, a novel close-packed wave lengths(440 lo 740 nm); Rg'and Rpl are' resp: 460' 31.3' oxide sheet structure. Neues Jahrb. Mineral , Abh ' 127' 4'l-61. 30.4; 540, 29.9, 28.4; 580, 30.3,27.9; 660, 33 7, 30.6 percent.An- LAngban, Sweden, shown by X-ray study to isotropic with colors from light yellowish to very dark gray. Single crystals from with type material, were studied. A microprobe analy- The mineral occurs in pentlandite-cubanite-chalcopyrite ores, be identical gaveSb,Ou 22'4,5iO,8.0, AlrO, 10.9'MnO 54'3' Talnakh deposit, associatedwith mineralsof Pt and Pd and also sis by A. J. Irving 2.5,ZnO none,CaO < 0.05,sum 101.8percent lt is with altaite, galena, sphalerite, and djerfisherite. MgO 3.7, FeO a 5.617,b 23.O2,c 7'079A' 101"23',Z : 2 The name is for the constituentsTl, Cu, S. Type materialis at the monoclinic, C2/m, P the formula above. Mineralogical Museum, Academy of Science,USSR, Moscow' formula units of yeatmanite is closely related to catoptrite and M.F. It is suggestedthat that its formula can be given as (M n3+Sbl+XMn?+Zn"SL)O'. M.F. Derbylite Yftisite B. Moorr AND TAKAHARU ARAKI, (1976) Derbylite' N.
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