Outdoor Recreation and Tourism in Kansas; a Survey of Participation
DOCUMENT RESUME RC 005 733 ED 056 809 Smythe, Patrick E. AUTHOR Tourism in Kansas; A Surveyof TITLE Outdoor Recreation and Particioation and Demand. Kansas State Univ.,Manhattan. Extension Service. INSTITUTION Washington, D.C. SPONS AGENCY Department of Agriculture, REPORT NO M7-209; P-2 PUB DATE Oct 5 r3 NOTE 52p. MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 EDRS PRTCE Questionnaires; *Recreation; DESCRIPTORS Camping; Interviews; *Recreational Activities;*State Surveys; *Tables (Data); *Tourism IDENTIFIERS Kansas ABSTRACT The purpose of the surveyreported in this document and demand for outdoor was to gatherinformation on participation Kansas to serve as aguide for public or recreation and tourism in outdoor recreation orivate groups and personsinterested in providing and services. Nonresidenttravelers in the and tourist facilities October, 1966, western half of Kansas wereinterviewed from August to other state personnel,members of local by highway patrolmen, others. State residents chambers of commerce andwomen's clubs, and Smith, Graham, Rooks,Osborne, Gove, Trego, from Norton, Phillips, during the fall of 1966by Ellis, and Russell countieswere surveyed communities, stratifyingthose selected, randomly selecting Kansas presented, for and randomly sampling eachstratum. Findings are separately, on pastactivities over a in-state and nonresident users the next 12 months. 12-month period andanticipates activities over Related documents are RC005 732 and RC 005734. (BO) tdr ecreaLiion U.S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Fr 11, EDUCATION A., WELFARE u, K ns OFFICE OF EDUCATION II DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- UCED EXACTLY AS RECEIV D FROM R eport 2 HE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION OFIIG- gATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- -)NS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY EPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU ATION POSITION OR POLICY a surveyof participation anddemand Cr CD F.
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