OHS Bulletin

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OHS Bulletin ULLETIN OHST H E NEW S LETTER O F BT H E O NTARI O H I S T O RICAL so CIETY I SSUE 172 D ECEMBER 2009 A Tribute to Jean Burnet OHS Sets New Landmark Rob Leverty, Executive Director scholars, perhaps particularly and many children. There was also for Affiliation! [email protected] for those who came of age in the narrative history, some of it high 1960s and 1970s and who found in quality, by both amateur and pro- her work a point of departure for fessional historians, but many of anada has lost a distinguished their own, and in her determina- the documents had an appealing Cscholar and teacher who made tion and courage, they found great immediacy.” a very significant contribution to inspiration.” Jean was the author of the first the study of our Canadian society. For over 65 years Jean had a publication in the OHS Research The OHS has lost an his- Series, launched in 1972. torian, author, editor, lec- Ethnic Groups in Upper turer, volunteer, donor and Canada was to set a high one of its greatest friends. standard for the series, and We must also remember Jean continued to set an first and foremost Jean’s incredibly high standard in love and devotion to her everything that she did for dogs and cats. the Society. Born in 1920, Jean grew In 1988, the OHS and up in Owen Sound where the Multicultural His- OHS Executive Director Rob she developed a keen in- tory Society of Ontario Leverty (right) meets with terest in the politics and established The History of George Lefebvre, Secretary of natural heritage of Grey Ontario’s Peoples Grant the new Jack Munroe Historical County. She received her Programme, with support Society of Elk City, the OHS’s Ph.D. from the University from the former Ontario ninth affiliate to incorporate of Chicago and Jean, as a Ministry of Culture and in the province of Ontario in young woman pursuing Communications. I was 2009 – a landmark number for a scholarly career, was hired by the co-chairs, the Society in its over 120-year indeed a pioneer. Jean be- Jean Burnet and Dorothy history. Photo Andrea Izzo came a sociologist and her Duncan to develop and teaching career began at administer a new grant 009 has certainly been a very the University of Toronto programme for not-for- 2busy and fulfilling year for The (1945-1967). She went on profit organizations and Ontario Historical Society. Head- to become the founding First Nations Band Coun- ing into December and reflect- chair (1967-1972 & 1974- cils. The application form ing upon the past twelve months, 76) of the Department of stated that “a project had one pattern seems to emerge – an Sociology, Glendon Col- to promote a greater un- energy and excitement at the lege, York University. derstanding and apprecia- ‘grassroots’ level among local In 1951 Jean published tion of the history of one or historical groups, societies and Next Year Country, which more of the many peoples the dedicated volunteers without examined the social dy- of Ontario. A project had whom these historical organiza- namics of a small prairie to concentrate on raising tions could not exist. An Act to town during the Great the public awareness of the incorporate The Ontario Historical Depression. Many of our history of Ontario of a par- Society, Assented to 1st April, members will be famil- The OHS remembers Dr. Jean Robertson Burnet ticular culture or cultures.” 1899, authorizes the OHS to incor- iar with Jean’s classic June 10, 1920 – September 14, 2009 We were swamped with porate an affiliated society dedi- “Coming Canadians” An applications each year and cated to preserving and promoting Introduction to a History of variety of relationships with the in five years we funded over 200 Ontario’s history. Interested groups Canada’s Peoples, written with OHS. As a young student, Jean projects. must go through an application Harold Palmer and published in used the Papers and Records of It is very hard to believe now that process during which they must 1988. Her many books and count- the Ontario Historical Society the OHS actually gave out grants form a volunteer board of directors less articles clearly established the (the name was changed to Ontario from 1988-1993 but Jean cherished and draft an organization mission groundwork for the field of ethnic History in 1947) in preparing two this programme. She was one of statement, constitution and by- studies in Canada. theses. Jean wrote, “I remember those unique scholars, modest, laws, pay an administration fee to In memory of Jean, Dr. Tamara with special pleasure the ‘Proud- humble and unpretentious, who the OHS in addition to holding a Palmer Seiler, University of Cal- foot Papers’ which appeared in the could relate to the diverse cultures public meeting. The Society is very gary, in a letter to me accurately 1930s, the diary of the Reverend of Ontario and work effectively at proud to announce that in 2009, summarized her impact. “In short, William Proudfoot, a Presbyterian the grassroots level. She also be- nine historical organizations have Jean was a role model for young clergyman with strong opinions lieved in the importance of local incorporated through affiliation and oral history. with the OHS and are now not-for- From 1990-1995, Jean was the profit corporations in the Province In This Issue editor of our scholarly journal, of Ontario, a new record in the Ontario History. Her first edition Society’s history! Congratulations PRESIDENT’S REPORT ..............................2 MUSEUM NEWS ...................................4 BURNET CONT’D, PAGE 2... AFFILIATION CONT’D, PAGE 6... CEMETERY NEWS ..................................5 The Ontario Historical Society 34 Parkview Avenue Willowdale, Ontario DONORS AND NEW MEMBERS ..................3 EXHIBITS, EVENTS AND NOTICES .............6 M2N 3Y2 ACROSS THE PROVINCE ...........................3 FRom THE BooKshELF ....................7-8 THE 34 PARKVIEW AVE. ONTARIO WILLOWDALE HISTORICAL ONTARIO SOCIETY M2N 3Y2 www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca Point Abino Lightstation – President’s Report A Threatened Treasure Charlene Nigh, Guest Editor in 2003. A pre-purchase estimate Ken Turner, President Jesse Kugler, of Caley-Wray of [email protected] of restoration costs was approxi- [email protected] Toronto, was elected as Chair. Its mately $350,000. The purchase role will be to offer support and Described by lighthouse experts as price was $5,000. Greetings members! I am pleased advice to the Board on legal mat- the “Taj Mahal” of Canadian light- Hope to see the lighthouse re- to report that the OHS offices have ters facing the Society. houses, Point Abino stands tall and stored faded quickly, as communi- been busy with activities and hard Congratulations to OHS Past proud, even as her beauty fades ty leaders debated funding priori- work to better provide improved President Jean Murray Cole on the with each passing year. ties, public access and jurisdiction. customer service for our members, launch of her new book, Sir Sand- Built on the north east shore of Delay after delay led to avoidance and I’d like to offer a special thanks ford Fleming - His Early Diaries, Lake Erie in 1917, the lighthouse and indifference. Restoration and to the our staff and volunteers who 1845-1853 (please see photo, page warned mariners of the treacher- development of the lightstation as make such work possible. 6). Congratulations are also in order ous rocky shoals in the busy ship- a heritage tourism destination has Since the launch of the OHS to OHS member Liz Driver, curator ping corridor between the Welland clearly not been a priority for the Insurance Programme, 71 historical of the Campbell House Museum Canal and Buffalo, N.Y./Erie Town. organizations who are members and Past President of the Culinary Canal. After 78 years of service, The one bright light since 2003 in good standing with the Society Historians of Ontario. Liz was the lighthouse was declared inac- has been the summertime trolley have applied and been approved recently recognized at the 12th tive, replaced by automation and tours to the lighthouse. These vol- for General Liability insurance and annual Canadian Culinary Book electronic navigation aids. Within unteer-led tours have recently com- Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Awards as the first recipient of a a year (1996), the lighthouse, and pleted their seventh year. The tours insurance. If you would like more new hall of fame award for her the keeper’s dwelling were listed are a cooperative effort between information, contact insurance@ book Culinary Landmarks: A as “surplus”. the Town and the Point Abino ontariohistoricalsociety.ca Bibliography of Canadian Cook- In 1998, the lighthouse was des- Lightstation Preservation Society I am pleased to report that at our books, 1825-1949. ignated a National Historic Site, (PALPS). Thousands of visitors most recent meeting of the Board I wish all of our members and and assurances made that its heri- from Ontario, Western New York, of Directors, a new Legal Affairs OHS Bulletin readers a very safe tage character would be protected and beyond – on both sides of the Committee was established, and and happy holiday season! when it left the federal inventory. international border have enjoyed Although the keeper’s dwelling this delightful experience. ...FROM BURNET, PAGE 1 was not designated, it is included In the spring of this year, two in the character-defining elements major events occurred at the feder- was appropriately a special which contribute to the heritage al level – the Heritage Lighthouse issue devoted to women’s his- value of the lighthouse. The dwell- Protection Act was adopted in May tory. Jean never looked back and ing, the lighthouse and their asso- 2009, and Parks Canada presented over the next five years she broke ciated property define the “Point the National Historic Sites Cost- new ground and pioneered many Abino Lightstation”.
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