CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence (March) HRoot是中国领先的人力资源媒体与互联网公司。HRoot为人 HRoot is a leading HR media & internet company in Greater China. Abundant 力资源经理人提供资讯,并为服务供应商提供综合的市场推广 trade information is provided for HR Managers by HRoot. Meanwhile, HRoot offers 服务,业务涉及互联网、出版、会展、广告、信息技术支持 comprehensive marketing promotion services to HR service providers. Our business 等,旗下品牌包括:全球领先的人力资源管理网站—(HRoot. covers internet services, publishing, conference, advertising, and IT support services com)、中国领先的人力资源高端期刊—"《人力资本管理》" etc.. HRoot has 6 brands currently, including ‘’, a top HR management (Human Capital Management Magazine)、中国领先的人力 website in the world; ‘Human Capital Management’ magazine, a high-end HR magazine; 资源精英社团—“卓越会”(Overclass)、中国最权威、规模 ‘Overclass’, a prestigious club for HR elites; ‘Annual Human Resources Awards in 最大、层次最高、最受瞩目的人力资源评选—中国年度人力资源 Greater China’, the top-notch industry event with highest authority and biggest outreach 评选(Annual Human Resources Awards in China)、中国最 scope, and ‘China Human Capital Forum’, China's largest annual HR conference & 大的人力资源年度会议—“中国人力资本论坛”(China Human EXPO, etc.. HRoot enjoys No.1 Web traffi c among all of the HR-related websites, with Capital Forum)等。HRoot旗下网站注册用户总数达到100万 1 million HR professional registered users. Each year, there are more than 200 million 人,每年向用户提供2亿人次的人力资源在线信息访问,每年主 visits to the website and more than 10,000 people attending our off-line activities. 办活动的参加人数超过10,000人次,旗下出版物读者超过3万 Our publications’ readers have already outreached 30,000. HRoot has over 20,000 人。现在,HRoot客户已经超过了2万家,同时在华的《财富》 customers now, and served more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies in Greater China. 500强企业中,超过90%是HRoot的客户,此外还拥有超过300 More than 300 HR service providers, business schools, societies/associations are our 家人力资源服务机构、商学院、协会等广告客户或赞助商。欲了 advertisement clients and sponsors. For more information, please visit 解更多详情,欢迎登陆。

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence About Human Recourses Industry Competitive Intelligence Monthly

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2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence 1. 4. About 2012 HRoot China Market Events Human Resources Service CONTENTS Industry Competitive Intelligence 5. 2. Contracting Information Laws and Policies 6. 3. Appendix 1: Listed Companies Industry Trends Ranking of Market Capitalization

● Recruitment Trends ●Organizational and Personnel 7. Changes ● Lasted Business Development Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of ● Financial Statement Global Traffi c Rank ● Research Report ● Awards & Honours ● Others -1 1

HRoot China Human Resources Industry Competitive Intelligence is released by Competitive Intelligence System (CIS) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS tracks intelligence of over 100 china- based HR service providers covering HR consulting, HR training, head hunting, 1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service About 2012 HRoot China Human recruitment, talent assessment, HRO, e-HR, eLeaning, HR media, and HR convention. Industry Competitive Intelligence Resources Industry Competitive 2.Laws and Policies Intelligence The Intelligence seamlessly tracks and monitors trend of developments of HR industry, the result of which is well collected, edited and sorted by our specialists. 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends HRoot China Human Resources Industry Competitive Intelligence covers intelligence —Organizational and Personnel on laws & policies of human resources, news & events, contracting information, Changes

financial statement, website traffic ranking, etc. HRoot China Human Resources —Lasted Business Development Industry Competitive Intelligence provides business managers with real-time and —Financial Statement comprehensive information about competitors and competitive environment so that —Research Report —Awards & Honours they make wise decisions and handle ever-changing markets with fl exibility. —Others

Currently, the following contents and data are covered in this Intelligence: 4.Market Events ● Laws & Policies: Monthly updates on major laws of human recourses, polices and information issued or modifi ed by national and/or local governments 5.Contracting Information ● News & Events: Monthly updates on recruitment trends, personnel changes at HR 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies service providers, latest business development, fi nancial statement, major surveys & Ranking of Market Capitalization 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking reports, awards, M&A, and etc. of Global Traffi c Rank ● Market Events: Monthly updates on marketing promotions by HR service providers, including summits, forums seminars, and etc. ● Contracting Information: Monthly updates on information of clients entering into contracts with information of HR service providers. ● Ranking of Market Capitalization of Listed Companies: Monthly ranking of listed HR companies by market capitalization. Data on market cap are calculated from the monthly closing price of companies. ● Ranking of Global Traffi c of Websites: It is ranked according to the global traffi c of websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected from tool bars by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Laws and Policies Industry Competitive Intelligence

Unprecedented in China, ¥1,000 Billion Pension Fund Allowed in capital investment”. President of China Securities Regulatory Commission 2.Laws and Policies Capital Market Mr. Guo Shuqing pointed out during the "Two Conferences" that "capital 3.Industry Trends ★★★★★ investment" wasn’t limited to stock investment; there would be various sets of —Recruitment Trends As contracted by the Guangdong Provincial Government, China's National portfolios and funds, and there would be bond investment other than stocks. He —Organizational and Personnel Council for Social Security Fund (NCSSF) is now operating the account with also proposed that the role of the Commission was to provide services, not to Changes —Lasted Business Development ¥1,000 billion Guangdong Urban Employee Pension Fund for investment. promote the investment. —Financial Statement

The Contract of Authorization was entered into by and among the Guangdong —Research Report Provincial Government, NCSSF and other concerning parties on March 19th Allegedly Unequal Double Systems of Pension Funds —Awards & Honours in Beijing. The fund will be gradually handed over to NCSSF for a temporarily 2 ★★★ —Others year investment. This is the fi rst local pension funds ever invested in the capital China currently has two sets of pension fund systems: the Company Employee 4.Market Events market in China.On March 21st, Guangdong Security Fund Management Plan comprises of "payment" from both employers and employees by a

Bureau Treasurer Mr. Ding Sanbao opnioned:" we expect the ROI after this certain criteria; while pension of government and public institution personnel is 5.Contracting Information move will double the amount of the average of the last fi ve years', over 4% to be covered by the state budget. As a result, the compensation of the Government 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies specifi c." According to relevant policies, the proportion of mutual fund and stock Plan can be three times as high as the Company Employee Plan. Chairman Ranking of Market Capitalization

investment is limited to 40% in NCSSF's pension fund portfolio. Meanwhile, of Wahaha Group & National People's Congress (NPC) Member Mr. Zong 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking MCSSF promised that the guaranteed ROI would be no less than term deposit Qinghou commented that the "Two Systems" has caused massive inequality. of Global Traffi c Rank interest rate over the same period of time. He mentioned that currently public servants including public institution personnel do not contribute payment to "the Five Securities & Pension Plan", Beyond Stock Market, Pension Fund Isn’t Backed by China because the expenses are backed by the state budget. But at the end of the Securities Regulatory Commission day, government retirees receive a higher pension than company retirees. ★★★★ Director of Employment and Social Security Research Center of Tsinghua As contracted by the Guangdong Provincial Government, China's National University Ms. Yang Yansui believed there should be a unified pension fund Council for Social Security Fund (NCSSF) is now operating the account with plan coordinated by the Central Government - that is to cut 40%-50% of local ¥1,000 billion Guangdong Urban Employee Pension Fund for investment. government spending to supply basic pension. The fund including employee Some interpret this move as "stock investment", which was refuted by NCSSF individual payment and benefi ts can be entrusted to reliable trustee. The reliable who argued that "stock investment" was a misinterpretation of "the contracted investment mechanism will therefore improve the living standard of pensioners.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Laws and Policies Chinese Academy of Social Science: Human Resources Service China's Pension System Calls for Top-Down Management and Late Retirement Age Industry Competitive Intelligence

★★★ 2.Laws and Policies Minister Yin Weimin of China Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security expressed during the "Two 3.Industry Trends Conferences" that the pension insurance system of Chinese urban employees existed a handful of problems —Recruitment Trends

to be solved whether from a microscopic standpoint or a macroscopic one. As —Organizational and Personnel suggested, the State Council should plan entirely the research and decision-making of the investment Changes mechanism of local and state budget pension insurance fund. —Lasted Business Development —Financial Statement

—Research Report

The Ministry Denies Pension Fund Defi cit, Claiming Fund Investment Guidelines Developed —Awards & Honours ★★★★ —Others Vice Minister Hu Xiaoyi of China Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security March 7th. Data released 4.Market Events on March 7th showed that total revenue of China's pension insurance fund in 2011 was 1.3 trillion yuan, and the

overhead was 1.2 trillion, hence generating a small amount of surplus. Minster Yin Weimin opinioned:" there was 5.Contracting Information no pension fund defi cit from a nationwide standpoint. Yin pointed out that pension insurance fund can be invested 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies for preservation and appreciation of its value according to . China's twelfth "Five-Year Ranking of Market Capitalization

Plan" also specifi ed how the pension insurance fund should be invested, preserved and appreciated. Therefore, 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking the it is a right track to invest pension fund for preservation and appreciation of its value. But the investment of Global Traffi c Rank guidelines are yet to be proofed to safety concerns.

Chinese Academy of Social Science: 1.7 Trillion Defi cit on China's Pension Insurance Account ★★★★ “If the European Debt Crisis was the last straw that cracked Ministers of the four countries, then the pension fund was the last trigger of that crisis. China's Pension Fund reform should refl ect upon the lessons of ," said Director of World Security Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Science Mr. Zheng Bingwen. Zheng told Morning Post that by the end of end, China's pension fund had a book value of 1.9 trillion yuan, but the actual value was only 203.9 billion, with a defi cit of 1.7 trillion RMB. As anticipated by a World Bank report: From 2001 to 2075, defi cit of China's pension insurance fund would widen up to as high as 9.15 trillion yuan under current system and mechanism."

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Laws and Policies Industry Competitive Intelligence

In 2015, Initial Direct Reimbursement of Cross-Provincial Medical Failed Security Investment: Social Security Funds Lost 35.7 Billion 2.Laws and Policies Expenses Trade Assets 3.Industry Trends ★★★★ ★★★ —Recruitment Trends According to PRC Central Government Website, the General Offi ce of State In March, figures from the China's National Council for Social Security Fund —Organizational and Personnel Changes Council has recently released . According to a 5.58% increase in the rate of ROI in 2011; but its trade assets lost 35.7 billion —Financial Statement

the Plan, non-local medical reimbursement mechanism will be set up. In 2015, yuan. Therefore, the net profi t for 2011 is 0.74 billion yuan. As a result, the rate of —Research Report non-local medical expenses within an administrative region or province can be ROI dropped to 0.85%. This was caused by the slump in the secondary market —Awards & Honours reimbursed directly, and initial direct reimbursement of cross-provincial medical in 2011. NCSSF emphasised that National Social Security Fund's average —Others expenses will be possible. The Plan aims to optimize the management of basic proportion of security asset is 19.22% over the years, with an annual rate of 4.Market Events medical insurance. The advancement of basic medical insurance and medical ROI of 18.61%, which is 10% higher than progressive average rate of ROI of

aid direct reimbursement will enable the patients to pay only the amount not all other funds. Despite the fact that the security investment is highly volatile, 5.Contracting Information covered by the insurance with the rest directly reimbursed by medical insurance but if purchased at a reasonable price and invested for a long period, then a 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies and medical treatment institutions. higher profit could be yield compared to fix asset products from a long term Ranking of Market Capitalization

perspective. 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking Beijing Social Security: of Global Traffi c Rank The Payment Criteria of 2012 Social Securities Social Security Fund Likely to Issue Additional Fund, Numbers of ★★★ Fund Companies Run Up For Investment Plan To ensure the collection of all Social Securities (medical, pension, ★★★ unemployment, work-related injury and birth), the Payment Criteria of 2012 The insiders disclosed to China Securities Journal that numbers of fund Social Security was released on February 28th. The viable application date companies were running up for setting up new portfolio including equity and started from March 5th and will end at April 25 2012. The payment will be fi xed asset investment as contracted by NCSSF. Usually the company whose calculated from the average monthly payroll of employees, and there is no plan wins the bid will be contracted to manage the additional fund issued by upper or lower limit. Employers paying 1% of salary for medical insurance for NCSSF in accordance with actual situation. Analysis expressed the security and migrant workers must declare the actual monthly income of their employees in bond market would soon receive "New Blood of Cash". 2012.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Laws and Policies Industry Competitive Intelligence

China Ministry of Finance: 2.Laws and Policies Local Social Security Fund Investment Limited to Term Deposit and National 3.Industry Trends Debt —Recruitment Trends

★★★★★ —Organizational and Personnel On March 26th, China Ministry of Finance issued a document on the purpose of regulating Changes social security fund accounts. It emphasises that local social security fund can be invested —Lasted Business Development —Financial Statement in forms of term deposit and national debt. Local government fi nancial departments cannot —Research Report

directly or indirectly use the social security fund balance in any other form of investment. —Awards & Honours

According to the Document, local government financial and social security departments —Others of all levels can suggest the amount and period of fund balance invested in term deposit 4.Market Events and national debt after negotiating with related departs and in accordance with the actual situation of fund balance. Local government fi nancial departments are urged to improve fund 5.Contracting Information preservation and management mechanism. The secured fulfi lment of fund is the premise of fund preservation and appreciation. 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization

7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking People's Congress Member Suggest Urban & Rural Medical Insurance of Global Traffi c Rank Unifi cation, 10% Overlapped Insurees ★★★ In the afternoon of March 4th, NPC Member & Board Chairman of LBX Pharmacy Chain Stores Mr. Xie Zilong proposed the unification of urban and rural medical insurance. According to an investigation, the number of overlapped Insurees is 10%. He pointed out in his proposal that both urban and rural medical insurance are suffering from high managing cost and low efficiency due to system, management and resource separation. The inconveniences are also born by both urban and rural residents. Meanwhile, the system only solidifi es the urban-rural dual structure which will impose a negative effect on social justice and harmony.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Laws and Policies Industry Competitive Intelligence

China All Federation of Trade Unions Calls for Premier Wen Jiaobao: 2.Laws and Policies ★★★★ Higher Taxes on High Income Earners, Narrow Down Income Gap On march 11th, Mr. Zhang Ming of China All Federation of Trade Unions expressed in ★★★ 3.Industry Trends The Fifth Session of Eleventh National People's Congress raised its curtain —Recruitment Trends his speech to further improve employee wage negotiation mechanism, normal wage —Organizational and Personnel on March 5th. Premier Wen Jiaobao proposed in the Report on the Work of increase mechanism and fulfilment mechanism and to equal the wage between the Changes the Government that higher taxes would be imposed on high income earners. dispatched labor and full employees doing the same work. Also in the proposal he —Lasted Business Development Wen emphasised to advance the Reform of Income Distribution System. Due suggested to issue the so as to regulate problems existing in —Financial Statement attention should be paid to stipulate the overall plan for the Reform Invest efforts —Research Report income distribution and laborer wages from a legislative standpoint. to raise the proportion of resident income in national income, and raise the labor —Awards & Honours income at the stage of preliminary distribution. To improve wage system, set —Others China Ministry of HR and Social Security: up a system for normal wage increase, and steadily raise the minimum wage 4.Market Events New Rural & Urban Pension Insurance Expected to Cover 400 Million standard. Create favourable conditions on the purpose of increasing residents' Chinese property income. Set up a mechanism in which the benefi ts of public resource 5.Contracting Information ★★★★ trades can be shared by the entire public. Deputy Minister of China Ministry of HR and Social Security Mr. Hu Xiaoyi expressed 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization on March 7th that the New Rural Security and Urban Pension Insurance is a The Reform Plan of Income Distribution Proposed to Come into 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking major innovation of social security system in recent years. The two systems are Existence This Year of Global Traffi c Rank expected to cover even over 400 million Chinese in this year. Hu remarked that the ★★ On March 14th, Premier Wen jiaobiao expressed on the Q&A with reporters:" New Rural Security and Urban Pension Security was a major innovation of social The current unequal social distribution has caused the dissatisfaction of the security system in recent years. By the end of last year, pilot social security units that public. We must therefore further advance all pieces of work that promote were directly set up by the state have covered 60% of the whole nation, covering a social equity. " Wen remarked that in order to adjust income distribution, the population of 332 million. The total number of insurees was over 364 million if local government must limit the income of high income earners, especially the pilot units were counted. The number was expected to surpass 400 million if we stay executives from state-owned enterprises and fi nancial institutions, and raise the reflective and continue the good job. proportion of middle income earners. Wen proposed four physical measures including "limiting the high and expanding the middle". He also emphasised that the Reform Plan for Income Distribution would be completed by this term of government. The previous Report on the Work of the Government also proposed to set the Reform of Distribution System as a key task and urged to pay due attention to stipulate the physical plan for the Reform.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Laws and Policies Industry Competitive Intelligence

2.Laws and Policies Tax Revenue Saw 20% Annual Growth, Much Faster than GDP Growth 3.Industry Trends ★★★ —Recruitment Trends

In recent years, Chinese tax revenue and fi scal revenue saw rapid growth. Many experts and entrepreneurs —Organizational and Personnel believe that it is time for a substantial and extensive tax cut. Lasted fi gure released by China Ministry of Changes Finance showed that the tax revenue in 2011 close was to 9 trillion yuan at 8.972 trillion yuan, up 22.6% —Lasted Business Development —Financial Statement over the same period previous year. At the same time, the fi scal revenue has for the fi rst time surpassed —Research Report

10 trillion yuan and reached 10.374 trillion yuan, up 24.8%. The two fi gures are well over the GDP growth —Awards & Honours

rate which was 9.2% last year. Independent Economist Mr. Xie Guozhong called for an immediate tax cut —Others of 1 trillion yuan to raise RMB effi ciency. The 1 trillion tax cut can be made possible by cutting 20% of value- 4.Market Events added tax, consumption tax and turnover tax.

5.Contracting Information State Administration of Taxation: 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies A Keen Eye on Taxation of High Income Earners, Ensure Tax Declaration of High Income Ranking of Market Capitalization

Earners 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking ★★★ of Global Traffi c Rank In recent years, the effect of taxation in income distribution is looming large, and ways of levy taxes are becoming more sophisticated. As a result, Chinese taxation departments of all levels start to keep a keen eye on high income earners in levying their individual income tax. Last year, China levied 45.1 billion yuan of individual income tax from property transfer. At the same time, tax departments also highlighted the self declaration of individual income tax from high income earners. As required by the Administration of Taxation, follow-up management and check must be applied on any tax-payer earning more than 120 thousand yuan per year. There will be more severe punishment for those who fail to declare or submit false declaration. In 2010, the number of self-declaration tax payers is 3.15 million, up 17% compared to 2009.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Laws and Policies Industry Competitive Intelligence

Experts Say Threshold of Individual Income Tax in China Is Too Low, Suggested Revision of Every Two or Three Years 2.Laws and Policies ★★★★ On March 9th, Mr. Zong Qinghou, NPC Member and President of Wahaha Corporation suggested that the threshold should be raised from 1,500 yuan to 5,000 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends yuan as his concern for young people's stressed life. NPC Member and President & GM of Fosun Group Mr. Guo Guangchang suggested during the "Two —Organizational and Personnel Conferences" that income tax should be levied on the basis of family. Experts remarked that integrated levy is a direction of individual income tax Changes reform. President of Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance Mr. Jia Kang expressed the individual income tax reform should be integrated and —Lasted Business Development taxed on a progressive rate on the purpose of averaging the wealth, and take CPI and family actual economic condition into consideration. If the individual income —Financial Statement —Research Report tax could be optimized, and then there should be such a mechanism: to revise the rate according to CPI every three years. Still, we can discuss if the three-year —Awards & Honours

period is too long and if it could be shortened to two years. Currently speaking, the threshold of individual income tax is relatively controversial, and the chance of —Others another revision is little considering it has just been adjusted. 4.Market Events

Media: Technical Preparation for Family-Based Tax Levy in China 5.Contracting Information ★★★ On March 22ed, State Council approved and forwarded the by China National 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization Development and Reform Commission. The individual income tax reform much concerned on the "Two Conferences" is not listed in the Deepening Taxation 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking System Reform Part of the Suggestions. But, it doesn't mean that the individual income tax reform highlighting "family-based tax levy" is stagnated. According to of Global Traffi c Rank reports, related central government departments are prepared to launch a network collecting personal information from local taxation system nationwide on the purpose of completing technical preparation for famil-based tax levy. Before that, one big technical barrier of family- based tax levy was the statistics of the income of family members residing in different places.

Fortune 500 Companies Set Up Negotiation System on Wages Next Year in China ★★★ It has always been a diffi cult for China-based Fortune 500 Companies to set up Collective Negotiation System on Wages. On January 2011, All China Federation of Trade Unions issued a document setting a goal of completing the collective negotiation system on wages at China-based Fortune 500 Companies by the end of 2013. China-based Fortune 500 Companies usually adopt "headquarters economy" management, and therefore have diversifi ed type of organization and corporate government structure. They are usually set up and operated cross-regionally and cross-traded. "This year, we would keep close eyes on the setting up of the system at China-based Fortune 500 Companies via high-end demonstration, top-town interaction and tipping point discovery,” as Head of Collective Contract Department, All China Federation of Trade Unions Mr. Zhang Jianguo remarked.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Laws and Policies Industry Competitive Intelligence

2.Laws and Policies China Ministry of HR and Social Security: This Year’s Revision of Focuses on the China Would Complete "Green Card" System Dispatched Labor Regulations 3.Industry Trends ★★★★ —Recruitment Trends —Organizational and Personnel On March 14, Minister of China Ministry of HR and Social Security Mr. Yin Recently, as reported by All China Federation of Trade Unions that China will Changes

Weimin expressed on 2012 Interdepartmental Joint Conference on the Service revise this year with focus on regulating the violation of —Lasted Business Development of Overseas Returnees that China must complete the permanent residence rules concerning dispatched labour. As introduced by the Federation staff that —Financial Statement policy of high-end talents as soon as possible; complete Chinese "Green Card" NPC has specifi cally put the revision of on agenda on —Research Report —Awards & Honours policy and make it in conformity with international practice on the purpose the Third General Meeting of the Fifth Session of the Eleventh National People's —Others obtaining an advantage in the international competition of talents. In addition, Congress. The revision would impose strict regulations on dispatched labour. this year China will also complete "come in and go out" policies concerning high- 4.Market Events end talents so as to facilitate their visa granting process and residence. Antenatal Care of Female Employees Shouldn't be Deemed as Sick Leave, Illegal to Deduct Wages 5.Contracting Information

China Ministry of HR and Social Security: ★★★ 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Public Servant Expected to be Issued with Contract of According to Article 7of , time spent on antenatal care of pregnant female employees 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking Employment Nationwide of Global Traffi c Rank ★★★★ during office hours should be deemed as labor hours. Female employees On March 7th, Minister of China Ministry of HR and Social Security Mr. Yin during pregnancy enable to handle due responsibilities should be alleviated Weimin answered the questions about the much publicly concerned event of her duties in accordance with medical proof. In addition, according to Article of issuing contract of employment to public servants on the press con. Yin 35, matters in the contract and contract can be altered by employers and expressed that it has yield good effect in Shenzhen. The reform in Shenzhen employees after negotiation in written form. Principle articles concerning is incremental. The original public servants stay in the way they are, but the female employees having abortion are stipulated in which the employers are newly employed staff will be issued a contract of employment with negotiable supposed to give female employees having abortion a period of maternity leave wages and pension insurance. Currently, the Ministry is actively exploring from in accordance with medical proof. the Reform of Shenzheng to perfect the employment of public servants on the purpose of applying the move nationwide.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Laws and Policies Industry Competitive Intelligence

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends 2012 Annual Inspection of Foreign Enterprises Permanent Offi ce in China —Recruitment Trends ★★★ —Organizational and Personnel Changes According to the , all foreign enterprises permanent offi ce registered and received the Certifi cate of —Lasted Business Development

Foreign Enterprises Permanent Offi ce before December 31st 2011 (31st included) must submit the annual report (hereinafter refereed as annual report) to local industry —Financial Statement and commercial administrations during March 1st to June 30th 2012. The industry and commercial administrations shall give administrative punishment to the offi ces fail to —Research Report submit the annual report in due time and in accordance with the law. —Awards & Honours —Others

Beijing: Pension Non-local Transfer Starting from Next Month 4.Market Events ★ ★ ★★★ released by Beijing HR and Social Security Administration specifi es that residence can switch 5.Contracting Information pension insurance account to Beijing or transfer it out of the city. The pension will be wired into pensioners' Bank of Beijing/ Beijing Rural Commercial Bank account on 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies 15th of every month. The also specifi es that pension management institutions is obliged to print and deliver the List of Personal Rights Ranking of Market Capitalization of Urban Rural Pension Insurees of Previous Year including added annual payment records and payment records of last year to the insurees of the administered region. 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank Insurees disagreeing the payment records of his personal account can issue complaints to the Social Security administrations of his registered permanent residence. The will come into effect on April 1st.

Shanghai: Public Minimum Allowance Standard Partly Adjusted from April 1st ★★★★★ According to the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government, a range of public minimum allowance standards will be adjusted from April 1st. Apart from the released revision of the minimum wage standard, unemployment insurance standard, income & employment standard subsidy of public welfare position employees and disability subsidy standard will also be adjusted. In addition, allowance standard for the family of the employers of non-work-related deaths will also be adjusted. The employment insurance benefi ts standard has been adjusted for a consecutive of six years. After the revision, there is a 130 yuan increase in the employment insurance benefi ts of the fi rst 12 months reaching 755 yuan/month, 810 yuan/month and 860/month. The numbers for the next 12 months is a 20% discount of the numbers for the fi rst 12 months.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Laws and Policies Industry Competitive Intelligence

2.Laws and Policies Shanghai Added 18 Programs to the Catalogue of Subsidised Trainings ★★ 3.Industry Trends Currently, Shanghai HR and Social Security Administration released the Catalogue of —Recruitment Trends —Organizational and Personnel Subsidised Trainings and Subsidy Standard of the Programs in 2011. The Document would Changes

come into effective from April 1st. The Catalogue covers 500 programs of 216 professions —Lasted Business Development

of 18 genres inducing IT Service, Creative Design, Life Service, Mechanical Technology, —Financial Statement Transportation, Energy and Power, Architecture Engineering and farming, forestry, animal —Research Report —Awards & Honours husbandry and fi shing. 18 new programs were added to meet different training needs. It is —Others reported that all viable laborers participating the trainings listed in the Catalogue and passing the examination could receive training subsidy in accordance with related regulations. 4.Market Events

Jiangsu: Growth Rate of Minimum Wage Standard at Least as Local GDP 5.Contracting Information

Growth Rate 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization Jiangsu HR and Social Security Administration released that during the "Twelfth Five-Year 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank Plan", the average wage of Jiangsu Province would see a reasonably rapid growth. The wage growth rate of line employers should be at least as high as the average wage growth of the entire company. The growth rate of minimum wage should be at least as high as the local GPD growth rate. Jiangsu would also set up a general system surveying and releasing company wages. In addition, Jiangsu would once again raise the basic pension standard of company retirees from January 1st, 2012. During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", the annual growth rate of monthly pension of company retirees was over 10% in Jiangsu. The average monthly pension was 1,622 yuan/capita by the end of 2011. In 2012, the actual monthly pension growth rate in Jiangsu will surpass 10% thanks to its 10% base yield in 2011 and preferential policies offered to particular person.

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ManpowerGroup: Employers in Mainland China Expect Hiring Activity to Rebound from Dip in Q2 2012

★★★★★ 1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service INDUSTRY TRENDS According to the Latest Employment Outlook Survey released by ManpowerGroup on March 14th, Industry Competitive Intelligence employers in Mainland China expecting hiring activity to rebound from dip of last five quarters. 2.Laws and Policies Recruitment Trends Companies will speed up recruiting in the second quarter of the year. ManpowerGroup interviewed over 65,000 employers around the globe, including 4,304 employers in Mainland China, to 3.Industry Trends measure employer’s intentions to increase or decrease the number of employee in their work force. —Recruitment Trends —Organizational and Personnel According to the survey, 21 percent of Chinese Mainland employers expect to increase staffi ng Changes

levels in the next three months, up 1 % to last quarter; 2 percent forecast a decrease and, down 1% —Lasted Business Development

to last quarter; and 50 percent predict no change, down 7% to last quarter. —Financial Statement

—Research Report Kelly Services: Global Workforce Index 2011 —Awards & Honours —Others ★★★★ The Kelly Global Workforce Index is an annual survey revealing opinions about work and the 4.Market Events workplace from a generational viewpoint. Approximately 97,000 people from the Americas, APAC and EMEA responded to the 2011 survey. The KGWI is designed to provide a strategic insight to 5.Contracting Information

the changes and trends occurring across the global workforce. According to the KGWI, money and 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies lifestyle issues are two major drives of career change for Chinese workers, and job stability is no Ranking of Market Capitalization longer that important; Social networking is change the landscape for Chinese job seekers who are 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank now hunting jobs worldwide.

Kronos: Continuous Drop of Retail Job Hunters in February ★★ On March 5, Kronos released February Kronor Retail Labor Index. The Index rose from adjusted 3.9% to 4.2% in February. It was the fi rst time the number surpassed 4.0% since October 2008. February U.S Retail Labor Index indicated that there was a continuous decrease in retail job seekers. However, there has been a mild growth in retail job openings. The Kronos Retail Labor Index is a family of metrics and indices that analyse the relationship between supply and demand sides winthin the U.S retail labor market. This index is defi ned as the ratio of hires to applications within a given month, expressed as a percentage.

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2.Laws and Policies

2012 On-line Recruitment Feast 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends

★★ —Organizational and Personnel Although the Big Three on-line recruitment websites have taken up 80% of the market Changes shared, Baidu, Netease and multiple SNS sites are still looking to step in. Industry —Lasted Business Development specialist interviewed by the showed their confi dence in the potential —Financial Statement —Research Report high growth of on-line-recruitment in 2012. Chief HR Specialist of Ms. Feng —Awards & Honours

Lijuan expressed, "Recruitment is determined by where the capital goes. Currently, VC —Others has been transferring capital from E-commerce, group-buying to Internet. Plus, a number of food & beverage and media companies are expected go public this year. As a result, 4.Market Events high growth of on-line recruitment will still be supported by the internet, food & beverage 5.Contracting Information and media companies." 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization Benefi t from Minimum Wage Standard, Less Job-Hopping in Hongkong 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking after Lunar New Year of Global Traffi c Rank ★★ On-line Recruitment Website-Job Market held a two-day job fair from March 16th. More than 4,000 jobs (doubled the number last year) openings covering food & beverage, retail, logistics and tourism were provided. 2,000 Honkong citizens attended the fair. Fair GM Mr. Su Chunbin expressed there was less job-hopping after the lunar New Year compared to last year. He believed the main reason was that line workers would receive a higher pay after the raise the minimum wage standard and would thus cause a universal pay raise that discourage the intention of a job-hopping. He also remarked that the job openings were twice as much as last year's thanks to business development and boom in tourism.

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Organizational and Personnel Changes 2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends

— ADP Acquired SHPS HR Solution Department According to news on 12:00am of March 23rd, Sal Ianuzzi, CEO of parent Recruitment Trends —Organizational and Personnel company of - U.S Monster Worldwide claimed that his company ★★★★★ Changes

On March 15th, ADP announced its final acquisition of SHPS HR Solution would sell all or part of its asset. Related data for potential buyers would be —Lasted Business Development Department. SHPS a world’s leading provider of benefi ts administration solution. provided soon. Share price of Monster raised earlier thanks to the "Strategic —Financial Statement SHPS HR Solution Department is based in Louisville, Kentucky. After the Alternative" presented to investor by Sal Ianuzzi earlier this month. Monster's —Research Report —Awards & Honours merger, ADP is not only able to consolidate its benefi ts administration solution share price rose 17% this year. Sal Ianuzzi expressed that Monster gained —Others but only build up advantages in absence administration and payment. The huge interests from investors after his remarks on March 1st. But no official merger is expected to complete in the fi rst quarter of 2012, but it is subject to negotiation has happened so far. 4.Market Events general conventional conditions. Details of the trade are yet to be disclosed. Kenexa Announced Cooperation with Daesign, Improve HR Problem-solving Capabilities with Top Video Game Technologies. 5.Contracting Information

ADP Set Up Beijing Branch, Chinese HRO Market Expansion 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies ★★★★ Kenexa Announced its Cooperation with Daesign to Improve Ranking of Market Capitalization HR problem-solving capabilities with its Top Video Game 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking ADP Beijing Branch was officially open on March 12th. Mr. Amer Akhtar, of Global Traffi c Rank Managing Director of ADP China attended the opening ceremony and made Technologies. a speech on ADP Global strategy and future development in China. Hundreds ★★★★★ of ADP client reps, Beijing media and related government officials attended Kenexa Announced its cooperation with Daesign on the purpose of improving the event with congratulations. This is ADP's another major strategic move HR problem-solving capabilities with its top video game technologies. Daesign after entering into Chinese market. ADP Beijing Branch's key business is is responsible to provide game-based environment simulation and virtual actors/ compensation and benefits outsourcing. It will exploit vast local resources to actresses to enhance solutions for talent attraction, measurement, development readily meet the HRO demands in North China, and assist multinationals and and loyalty. Daesign owns the worlds' largest serious game designed for local companies with the strategic transformation of talent management. global auto-maker, Renault Sales Team on the purpose of consolidating employer brand and attraction with game-based solution for basic learning and U.S Recruitment Website - Monster Sell All/ Part of Asset development programs. ★★★★★ U.S Recruitment Website - Monster Sell All/ Part of Asset

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Lasted Business Development 2.Laws and Policies 3.Industry Trends Beisen: Initiate the Talent Pools Mode as China-based Replacement Management —Recruitment Trends

★★★★ —Organizational and Personnel Recently, Beiseng initiated the replacement management based on the "Talent Pools" in China. Changes According to Ms. Zhoudam, Deputy R&D President of Beisen, companies would set up various —Lasted Business Development —Financial Statement "Talent Pools" by positions and its corresponding talent-pool-competency framework so as to —Research Report

reserve talents of different types and levels. At the same time, give specifi c training for talents in the —Awards & Honours

"Pools" in accordance with their respective competencies. Regular feedback, measurement and —Others summary based on talent measurement and company socialization tools will be given. At present, 4.Market Events 360buy, Media, New Oriental, Bohai Securities and other big companies have successfully applied the replacement management system based on the "Talent Pools" It is reported that Beisen 5.Contracting Information specialist team has helped 360buy in setting up two talent pools - the "Management Trainee Backup Pool" and "Line Management Pool". 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization

7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking Kenexa, the Salary Assessment & Analysis Expert - Aim to Launch Top HR of Global Traffi c Rank Services Platform ★★★★ Recently, industry pioneer Kenexa has launched a perfect solution - CompAnalyst that not only optimises compensation distribution in company but also ensures company's compensation level is close to the market level. CompAnalyst consists of both compensation data and commendation system, and is thus able to provide more comprehensive and timely HR solution from different angle. CompAnalyst sold in China includes the same services as in the U.S but with a more reasonable price. Kenexa is committed to customising for each company for the best compensation distribution result.

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Keylogic Launched Its New Offi cial Website Launching Ceremony of Engma Wuhou HR Service Platform & 2.Laws and Policies

★★★★★ Opening Ceremony of Chengdu Branch 3.Industry Trends On March 15th, "the leading talent development integrator" - Keylogic launched ★★★ —Recruitment Trends its new offi cial website. This is the second upgrade of Keylogic's offi cial website On March 16th, Engma Group Chengdu Branch held the Launching Ceremony —Organizational and Personnel Changes since the original one was launched. It is reported that the new website includes of Engma Wuhou HR Service Platform & Opening Ceremony of Chengdu —Lasted Business Development

more than 1 million words, 150 pictures covering 10 topic pages. The new Branch at Wisdom Valley, Wuzhou New Town. Mr. Zhuang Zhi, Managing —Financial Statement website integrates the following four functions: customized browsing, free trial, Director & President of Engma Group introduced the modules and functions —Research Report on-line shop and on-line interaction. After positioning itself as "the leading talent of the Service Platform on the ceremony. According to him, Engma Wuhou —Awards & Honours —Others development integrator", Keylogic can focus more on the "Golden Triangle" that HR Service Platform comprises three modules, HR One-stop Service Center,

is comprised of management consulting, course training and on-line learning. HR Elite Club and an HR Observing Website. The Platform is committed 4.Market Events to providing HR services for companies and job seekers, it is an innovative Netease Set Up Recruitment Platform exploration based on the Public Service Mechanism of Chengdu Municipality 5.Contracting Information ★★★★★ HR Resources. 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies On March 12th, Netease's CV Center launched the new "Overseas Job Ranking of Market Capitalization Opening" section. This marks the cooperation between Netease and Lumesse: Talent Management Module Integrated into Lumesse 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank CareerBuilder - the largest recruitment website in North America, in which TalentLind CareerBuilder provide for Netease with overseas job openings from , ★★★ Russia, U.S, and etc. Since its fi rst on-line launch in the end of 2010, Netease's In Feburary 2012, Talent Management Module (e.g. Performance Management CV Center has attracted over five million registered users. Its popularity is and Replacement Planning) was integrated into Lumesse TalentLind. growing day by day. Institutions cooperating with Netease's CV Center include: Youth Intern Base for Employment and Entrepreneurship of Communist Youth Meanwhile, Lumesse ETWeb will be used in the recruitment at the end of 2012. League,,, and other established The two products would directly benefi t from the further improved user interface institutions and/or recruitment websites. Product Manager of Netease's CV and analytical capabilities. In addition new functions are to be derived from its Center expressed that Netease wasn't trying to launch a recruitment website social cooperation and integrated learning management system at the end of with the set-up of the "CV Center". They would work with other recruitment 2012. Lumesse acquired SaaS-Based Learning Management System from websites to set up a giant information collecting platform on which one-stop Graphite last October and have integrated the technologies into said products. services covering CV making, job opening search and job application are provided to Netease users.

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Oracle 3rd & 4th Quarter Profi t Outran Anticipation 1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service INDUSTRY TRENDS ★★★★ Industry Competitive Intelligence It was reported on March 21 by foreign media, Oracle released it third quarter fi nancial statement by February 2.Laws and Policies Financial Statement 29th of fi scal year 2012 on Tuesday. The fi nancial statement shows that the net profi t of Oracle was 2.5 billion USD for the third quarter. Earnings per share were 49 cents. Oracle's third quarter revenue was 9.04 billion, 3.Industry Trends up 2.2% compared to the same period last year which was 8.81 billion. Oracle's fi ne software sales offset —Recruitment Trends —Organizational and Personnel sliding hardware sales. As a result, its fi nancial performance outran anticipation. It's opening share price rose Changes

3.2% and closed at 31.09 dollar. Its board decided to give away $0.06 cash bonus to per common share. The —Lasted Business Development

bonus will be given to recorded share holders by market close of April 11th, 2012. —Financial Statement

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours UFIDA: Profi t 4.1 Billion Yuan in 2011, Up 61.7% Compared to Previous Year —Others ★★★★ On March 10, UFIDA released its 2011 Annual Report and Plan for Private Issuing of Shares UFIDA's revenue 4.Market Events for 2011 was 4.12 billion yuan, up 38.4% compared to last year. Its net profit was 537 million, up 61.7% compared to last year. It's EPS is 0.66 yuan. It plans to give 2 transfer shares and 4 yuan bonus to every 10 5.Contracting Information

shares (tax included). It also plans to issue 112 million private shares with a price no less than 16.7 yuan/share, 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies and the total fund to be raised shall not surpass 1.88 billion yuan. The raised fund will be invested to next Ranking of Market Capitalization generation of Corporate & Government Application, UFIDA Service Center and Outsourcing Service Center. 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank

Kingdee: Last Year's Revenue Up 40.8%, Launch Cloud Management Strategy in 2012 ★★★★ Kingdee released its Audited Full-year Performance Statement by December 31st, 2011 on March 27th. The statement shows: Its revenue for 2011 was up 40.8%, reaching 2.023 billion yuan. The growth mostly benefi ted from the market transformation of large and medium-sized enterprises, increased investment on management software upgrade and informationization, and strong growth of service industries. But due to the tightened monetary policy, Chinese mainland SMEs delayed their payment on procurement of software and service, and thus slowed Kingdee's profi table low-end product sales. Alongside with Kingdee's forward-looking strategic investment and business expansion and increased market & laborcosts, Kingdee's operating cost raised in 2011. It's shareholder's profi t was 145 million yuan in 2011, down 46.6% compared to 2010.

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Research Report 2.Laws and Policies 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends

—Organizational and Personnel Changes

First < 2012 China Human Resources Industry Competitive —Lasted Business Development Intelligence> by HRoot —Financial Statement ★★★★★ —Research Report —Awards & Honours HRoot China Human Resources Industry Competitive Intelligence was released —Others with infl uence on March 31st by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The Competitive Intelligence was the fi rst of its kind in China 4.Market Events that seamlessly monitors and tracks trend of developments of HR industries in real- time 24/365. Key data and information covering news, events and transformation 5.Contracting Information

of HR providers, competitors and competitive environment will be well collected, 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies edited, sorted and delivered to readers on a monthly basis by our specialists. HRoot Ranking of Market Capitalization 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking China Human Resources Industry Competitive Intelligence provides business of Global Traffi c Rank managers with real-time and comprehensive information about competitors and competitive environment so that they make wise decisions and handle ever- changing markets with fl exibility.

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence -19 3

1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service INDUSTRY TRENDS Industry Competitive Intelligence Which HRMS Architecture Companies used 2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends ADP: Future HR in the Cloud —Recruitment Trends ★★★★★ —Organizational and Personnel Changes ADP and HRoot- an HR media company jointly conducted a comprehensive not sure 21% —Lasted Business Development survey on HRMS market share, users, market demand, procurement and C/S, 30% —Financial Statement

future plans in China with 727 enterprises, and released a survery reseach —Research Report report named after . The Report indicates: HR management Others

informationization in China is still limited, and only 47% of the enterprises apply 4.Market Events HRMS. They are paying increasing attention to functions, services and cost of B/S, 36% the software. The Report also indicates that enterprises have limited knowledge 5.Contracting Information about Saas. Mr. An Muyuan, General Manager of ADP China remarked:" SaaS 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies business is still being developed, but it has huge potential. We believe Future HR Ranking of Market Capitalization

is in the Cloud." The seminar would be hold in Zuzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank Shenzheng, and Beijing in March. Companies Acceptance of SaaS

6% 30% HRMS User 64%(n=218) (n=19) (n=102)

11% 17% Not HRMS User 72%(n=279) (n=43) (n=66)

Prepare to adopt Still need to learn Will not consider

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2.Laws and Policies

IDC: 14 Million Jobs Created by Global Cloud Computing in 2015, Mercer: Global Financial Services Executive Incentive Plan 3.Industry Trends Half for China & India Snapshot Survey —Recruitment Trends —Organizational and Personnel ★★★★★ ★★ Changes

Microsoft and IDC, a marketing research company jointly released a survey Mercer released Global Financial Services Executive Incentive Plan Snapshot —Lasted Business Development

report indicating 14 million new jobs will be created by Cloud Computing in Survey in March. The Survey collected compensation practices and data from —Financial Statement 2015. Half of the jobs will go to China and India. The Report also claims that 63 fi nancial institutions from 21 countries. It reveals: Salary of global fi nancial —Research Report Cloud Computing will create 6.7 million new jobs worldwide this year and the services executive rose 2.5% and the number for Asia is 5%. In particular, —Awards & Honours —Others number in 2015 will be 14 million. According to IDC, if this trend goes on, Cloud growth rate of salary for risk management and internal control positions Computing will contribute revenue of 1.1 trillion dollars to new business. continues to rise, reaching 3%. However, proportion of bonus incentive dropped 4.Market Events in this year’s salary in cash. Incentive plans are changing, and more Asian Gallup: 600 Million Expect to Emigrate Permanently institutions are introducing punishment mechanism - a challenge to the past 5.Contracting Information

★★ "zero punishment, bonus only" conditions. 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies According to a survey by Gallup - a global survey institution, around the world Ranking of Market Capitalization there are 630 million adults expect to emigrate permanently. 48 million of them Mercer: China 2012 - Business Leaders' Top Talent Challenges 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank have plans to emigrate in the near future. Also according to the Survey, 6% of ★★★★★ the adults worldwide are willing to emigrate to work temporarily. Geologically Mercer released speaking, most willing population of emigration come from Middle East and at the end of March on the purpose of helping Chinese enterprises and HR North Africa, and followed by Black Africa. 18 countries attract 70% of world's leaders in understanding talent challenges and how to handle them with emigrants. The U.S.A is the fi rst destination of emigrants. Next come Canada, effective HR management for sustainable business success. The Survey U.K, and Spain. The Survey shows that climate change is one of the reveals: Chinese business leaders face a wide spectrum of talent challenges reasons for emigration. It estimates 500 million populations will be forced to including serious limitation of leadership, low employee loyalty, experienced hi- emigrate due to serious environment issues in the next fi ve years. tech talent shortage, imbalance between labor cost and production, difficulty in talent localization and relocation, diversified employee value proposition, generation gaps, and etc.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service INDUSTRY TRENDS Industry Competitive Intelligence PricewaterhouseCoopers: Talent Shortage Restrains Competitiveness 2.Laws and Policies ★★ According to PricewaterhouseCoopers's Global CEO Annual Survey released in March: Over 54% of Chinese CEO 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends believes that talent shortage is curbing effective cooperate innovations. The percentage was well over the global —Organizational and Personnel average of 31%. 160 CEOs from China Mainland and Hongkong were interviewed. Only 1/3 of the corresponding Changes

CEOs expressed were "very confident" that there would be enough talents for implementations of strategy in —Lasted Business Development the next three years. However, CEOs are looking to seek growth opportunities in China upon seeing no sign of —Financial Statement economic recovery in Eurozone and U.S. 30% of global CEOs expressed that his key business growth would —Research Report —Awards & Honours happen in Chinese market in the next 12 months. —Others

Right Management: Employees Ready to Give Opinions 4.Market Events ★★ 5.Contracting Information According to Right Management's two-month survey with 497 North American employees, 54% of employees

provide over 20 suggestions to company and 20% of them 10-20 suggestions every year. Ms. Monika Morrow, 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization Senior Career Development and Management VP at Right Management remarked:" We discover repeatedly that 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking employees are now willing to contribute ideas to their companies. In this way, they are showing bosses that they've of Global Traffi c Rank been taking the job seriously.

Tower Watson: <2011/2012 Communication ROI Study Report> ★★★ According to recent Tower Watson's <2011/2012 Communication ROI Study Report>, most enterprises around the world expressed willingness to keep in touch with employees and have them informed via social media tools. Although a number of companies are concerned about cost, over two-third of them plan to utilize more of social media in the next 12 months. At the same time, management and managers are playing unprecedented important roles in making effective communication and innovation management. For most enterprises, it is going to be a long way before they can effectively improve communicative capabilities of management.

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Towers Watson: <2012 Latest HR Trends> MRIC: Health & Benefi ts Mostly Cared by Chinese Talents 2.Laws and Policies ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 3.Industry Trends Tower Watson Consulting, a leading global consulting service provider MRIC's recent <2012 Greater China Region and Singapore Talent Environment —Recruitment Trends (hereinafter referred to as "Tower Watson") has recently released survey results Report> reveals government's focus on health and benefi ts system coincides —Organizational and Personnel of <2012 Latest HR Trends> with 300 companies. It reveals that as China with that of Chinese professionals and managers. The report polled 5,000 Changes —Lasted Business Development approaches economic soft landing, salary plans of Chinese enterprises are in working professionals in jobs and prospective managers, across Mainland —Financial Statement

conformity with its economy. Compared to last years' rate of pay raise (11.6%) China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. It also reveals health is now highly —Research Report

and bonus (3.4 months), this year's anticipated rate of pay raise dropped slightly concerned by Mainland working professionals in jobs and executives. However, —Awards & Honours at 10.1%, and the anticipated bonus was 3.1 months. The Survey also warns while 20% of respondents working for local companies in Mainland highlighted —Others

the performance-orientation of enterprises under performance pressure and HR benefits as a key retention incentive, only 11.6% did the same at foreign 4.Market Events budget constraint has caused the highest turnover of over ten years, reaching companies.

25.6%. As a result, enterprises have been thinking hard to retain hands. 5.Contracting Information College Graduates Highlight Benefi ts Over Salaries 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies ★★★★★ Ranking of Market Capitalization recently released . The Survey reveals that benefits are mostly concerned by college of Global Traffi c Rank graduate job seekers. "The chance of enhancing personal core competencies" comes second, and "salary" comes third. Apart from on-line survey, college students from 22 universities were surveyed off-line. 2,149 viable questionnaires were collected. Among the mostly concerned are organizational management, employer image and salary & benefits. The survey also reveals increasing popularity of state-owned enterprises (23.6%) is now well matched with foreign companies' (24%). IT & Internet, Telecommunication, FMCG, Finance, Auto industries attract more attention from college students.

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2.Laws and Policies 51Job: Female Employees Are Preferred When Turnover is High Robert Walters: ★★★ 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends According to 51 Jobs's survey, female employees are preferred when economy Walters released its annual Global Salary Survey on March 6th. Robert Walters' —Organizational and Personnel is bleak and turnover high. Employers are more inclined to recruit and retain Asia Job Index - Q4 2011 reveals that total job advertisements in Q4 dropped Changes female employees; there are even more female middle-level managers than 2.8% to Q3, but job advertisements in IT rose 13.2%. Yang Xuan, General —Lasted Business Development male ones. Among enterprises with a staff over 500, proportion of female Manger of Robert Walter's China Office responded during his interview with —Financial Statement —Research Report employers is over 50% apart from sales and R&D divisions. Production, that there was little evidence of recovery of recruitment levels in —Awards & Honours

advertising & marketing and financial division have the highest proportion of banking and financial services in Greater China Region, while recruitment —Others female employees. 56.3% of correspondents believe there are more female activities in FMCG and retail in China remain relatively buoyant. Yang personally managers than male ones in enterprises, but there is a male predominant in expect highly of IT industry. In addition, Walters predicts Chinese speaking 4.Market Events executive positions such as Vice President and/or President. professionals with both international and local working experience will be 5.Contracting Information particularly welcomed by job market thanks to the continued investment for Robert Walters: Prospective over 10% Pay Raise for Top Talents in growth in China by international companies. 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization China 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking ★★★ Hays: <2012 China Salary Guide> of Global Traffi c Rank Recruitment Service provider Robert Walters released its 2012 Global Salary Survey in Beijing in early March. It reveals top talents worldwide have generally Hays recently released <2012 China Salary Guide>, predicting the HR trends received a 10%-15% pay raise in this year. Some executive from Robert of six industries in China. For example, Bank of China attaches high importance Walters' Chinese Offi ce indicated to Netease Finance that top talents in China to market share, as well as risk management and control. Therefore multilingual would expect a pay raise of the same amount. He/she added that to take employees with knowledge of laws, and regulations & legal procedures in China Beijing as an example, managerial talents of retail and luxury brands have are increasingly welcomed by the Employer. On the other hand, real estate generally received a pay raise over 10%. enterprises are inclined to recruit local staff so as to offset the pay raise apart from normal rate of raise and infl ation.

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2012 National Enterprise Management Modernization Innovation Achievement 1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service INDUSTRY TRENDS Conference Industry Competitive Intelligence ★★★★ Awards & Honours On March 24th, China Enterprise Confederation (CEC) and Enterprise Reform Bureau of State-owned 2.Laws and Policies Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of State Council (SASAC) jointly held the 18th National 3.Industry Trends Enterprise Management Modernization Innovation Achievement Conference at the Diaoyutai State Guest —Recruitment Trends —Organizational and Personnel house. Chairman Wang Zhongyu of CEC, Deputy Director Ren Shaoning of SASAC and representatives Changes from state-owned and Fortune China 500 enterprises attended the Conference. CIIS Shanghai's Report —Lasted Business Development

was awarded first —Financial Statement price. The Report had been prepared, sorted and declared since July 2011. It reveals in details how CIIC —Research Report Shanghai transformed from single service product provider to provider with diversifi ed products, from single —Awards & Honours —Others HRO provider to overall solution provider, and from off-line business mode to dynamic service mode. In addition, the Major Achiever Shi Lei, CIIC Shanghai General Manager and the Co-achiever Wang Hui, CIIC 4.Market Events Shanghai Deputy General Manger attended the ceremony. 5.Contracting Information

Beisen's iTalent Got SSL Certifi cates by VerSign 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies ★★ Ranking of Market Capitalization Currently, China's top brand of talent management - Beisen's core product iTalent acquired SSL Certifi cates 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank by VerSign - World's largest digital authentication service provider. With SSL-based information channel that is highly secured, Beisen is able to ensure the safety of customer data in Cloud. According to Beisen specialist, upon logging on iTalent Platform, users will see that the "Lock" icon is activated by browser, meaning a secured information channel is set up between Beiseng Cloud Server and user's browser. Currently, 93% of Fortune 500 Companies use SSL Certifi cates by VeriSign to secure websites.

Kelly Services Garnered the “Best Headhunting Service Provider in Greater China 2011 - 2012" ★★★ On March 14th, Kelly Services, a global leader in providing workforce solutions, has garnered the prestigious “Best Headhunting Service Provider in Greater China 2011 - 2012" award from Human Capital Management Magazine and - the most prestigious HR community website.

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2.Laws and Policies

Foreign Enterprises Service Branch of CIIC Has Acquired an ISO9001 3.Industry Trends ★★ —Recruitment Trends —Organizational and Personnel Currently, Foreign Enterprises Service Branch of CIIC has acquired an ISO9001: 2008 certifi cate on March 1st, 2012 from China Quality Certifi cation Center (CQC). Changes

It has once again proved that Foreign Enterprises Service Branch of CIIC is committed to putting quality fi rst, and seeking innovation and breakthrough on services, —Lasted Business Development

management and information system. —Financial Statement

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours Workforce Management in Spotlight, Kronos Garnered A Number of Awards —Others ★★ On March 20, Kronos announced it has China garnered three major awards in China: The Best Workforce Management Solutions Provider 2011-2012, Best 4.Market Events Workforce Management Solutions Provider for Chinese Manufacturing 2011, and Recommended Product of Manufacturing Informationization 2011. The awards recognized Kronos's efforts in innovation and helping Chinese enterprises in enhancing effi ciency of workforce management. 5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies FESCO Adecco Garnered the Award of Top 100 Enterprises Making Outstanding Economic Contribution by the Huangpu District Ranking of Market Capitalization 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking Government of Global Traffi c Rank ★★ Recently, Fesco Adecco Garnered the Award of Top 100 Enterprises Making Outstanding Economic Contribution in Evaluation of Top 100 Enterprises Making Outstanding Economic Contribution organized by the Huangpu District Government, Shanghai. Fesco Adecco has also acquired an ISO9001: 2008 certifi cate 2011 on February from DNV.

NormStar on 2012 Forbes' List of the Most Promising Companies ★★ 2012 Forbes' List of China's Most Promising Companies was revealed in Beijing on the evening of March 15. NormStar was on 2012 Forbes' List of The Most Promising Companies due to its remarkable performance in 2011. It was the only Talent Assessment Company on the list. ForbesChina surveyed and researched over 10,000 China-based Mainland SMEs with revenue ranging from 5 million to 1 billion yuan. The List ranks the companies by growth indicators (growth rate of sales revenue and profi t), ROI indicators (total ROI and net ROI), profi t indicators (net profi t) and scale indicators( total revenue and net profi t).

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2.Laws and Policies BenQ Guru: Honoured "2011 Outstanding Provider of "Best HR Service Provider Awards in Greater China 2011-2012" Manufacturing Informationization" & “Recommended Products". Revealed 3.Industry Trends ★★★ ★★★ —Recruitment Trends —Organizational and Personnel On March 16th, Eworks held "2012 China Industry and Informationization On March 14th, 'Human Capital Management' magazine and '', a Changes

Infusion Summit" & "Ninth Awards of Chinese Manufacturing Informationization" top Human Resource Management website in the world jointly held "Best HR —Lasted Business Development at Beijing International Conference Center. BenQ Guru was honoured Service Provider Awards Ceremony in Greater China 2011-2012" at Shanghai —Financial Statement "2011 Outstanding Provider of Manufacturing Informationization" and Guru World Finance Center. Over 200 HR managers witness the exciting event. —Research Report —Awards & Honours SRM "Recommended Products". Over 400 established manufacturing The Award was launched three months ago in January 2012. It comprised —Others specialist, economist, informationization specialist and CEO from established five stages - Nomination, Short-list, Review, Award Confirmation and Award manufactueres were invited by Eworks to the Summit. Ceremony. Over 300 service providers joined the completion, and 18 of them 4.Market Events including ADP, Manpower, CIIC made it to the fi nal win. Cyberwisdom: Acquired an ISO9001 Certifi cate 5.Contracting Information

★★★ ManpowerGroup Marked First Anniversary of Evolution of Band & 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies In March 2012, Cyberwisdom (Shanghai) Limited acquired an ISO9001 Organization Ranking of Market Capitalization Certificate on its E-leaning software platform, and development & services 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking ★★★ of Global Traffi c Rank of courseware. The Certificate not only includes an IFA Label, but also a ManpowerGroup, the world leader in innovative workforce solutions marked UKSA ( Accreditation Service) Label. ISO9001 authenticates fi rst Anniversary of Evolution of Brand & Organization to better anticipate the enterprises with capabilities to meet customer requirement and provide products sophisticated needs of clients in the fast-evolving Human Age. "We have in line with laws and regulations. It means that management system integration built strong and connected brands for our clients so that it is easier for them of enterprises with the certificates has reached international standard, and to do business with us in the new ecosystem of the Human Age — the era the enterprises are able to sustainably provide products that fulfil customer ManpowerGroup has identified where talentism has replaced capitalism as anticipation and requirement. the key competitive differentiator," said Jeffrey A. Joerres, ManpowerGroup Chairman and CEO. "Macro-economic trends are moving faster than the pace at which work models are changing, and will continue to shift. This is why we deepened our commitment to delivering the best global and local solutions — seamlessly."

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service INDUSTRY TRENDS Industry Competitive Intelligence

Others Game on Enterprise Platform: Workday Challenges Oracle 2.Laws and Policies ★★★★★ 3.Industry Trends "Workday will ultimately dominate the Enterprise HR space at the expense of the legacy —Recruitment Trends providers," Remarked Cowen and Company analyst Peter Goldmacher in a recent report. As —Organizational and Personnel Changes he sees it, the service is a 100% replacement business for Oracle HR, PeopleSoft HR and —Lasted Business Development

SAP HR, offering a more modern feature set at a better price and a lower total cost because —Financial Statement businesses can buy into it as a service rather than having to maintain ownership over it. We —Research Report believe enterprises will fi nd this pitch more compelling than Oracle and SAP's hodgepodge of —Awards & Honours —Others M&A based solutions that still need to be integrated," he added. Still, Workday is a long way off

from displacing Oracle and SAP's competing HR services -- both companies still serve over 4.Market Events 10,000 clients each. But Bhusri and Duffi eld have defi nitely come up with something to worry larger fi rms. 5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Downsize at the Big Four Accounting Firms: Involuntary Resignation & Unpaid Ranking of Market Capitalization Leave 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank ★★ Downsize of Hongkong Financing has now infl uenced accounting fi rms. Around 20 employees were downsized. Disclosed by a staff from KPMG Hongkong. In Mainland, a small number of employers just completed probation were faced with bad luck. In Shanghai, KPMG China is said to have asked some of its employees to leave. But KPMG China denied such a claim. "We have some lousy performers informed of their future with the Company, and it is nothing unusual that they choose to leave." KPMG China responded that there was no recent downsize apart from resignation of said lousy performers. But Wu Lisha, HR Partner of KPMG China expressed to Hongkong Media that it would be possible to have more involuntary resignation in the next few months.

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Morgen Stanley: Not a Best Time for's IPO New Way to Make Professional Connections Over 2.Laws and Policies ★★★★ Lunch. 3.Industry Trends Morgan Stanley believes : it is not the best time for Seek -an Australian-based ★★★ —Recruitment Trends

recruitment website to carry forward's IPO. is an It was reported in the afternoon of March 9th that U.S Tech Blog Mashable introduced —Organizational and Personnel on-line recruitment website. Analyst Andrew Mcleaod remarks that, a social network that lets users extend lunch invitations to people Changes is just out of defi cit and start to profi t. Future expansion plans can be expected, they want to connect with. is social network that lets users extend —Lasted Business Development —Financial Statement meaning it still has a chance for structural growth. Although is lunch invitations to people they want to connect with. Individuals extending the offer —Research Report

now expanding to new cities and markets, it is competing in a highly dispersed can propose “I’m Buying,” “You’re Buying” or “50/50.” Users can choose to integrate —Awards & Honours market. We expect high growth from, but we are also concerned LinkedIn connections to the system, so rekindling old connections is as easy as —Others that market could possibly overestimate its value in the years to come. making new ones. “People like to help other people out,” Matt Brady, co-founder 4.Market Events of told Mashable. “But, it’s not often easy to. There has to be a

LinkedIn the Next Global SNS reason. To buy someone lunch is a nice value exchange. 5.Contracting Information ★★★★ Founder of LinkeIN Reid Hoffman reviewed recent development of LinkeIn, 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies CIIC: First Foreign Social Security Reimbursement in Beijing Ranking of Market Capitalization Career Attitude of American workforces and future prospects of the Silicon Valley ★★★★ 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking on an interview. He expressed that LinkedIn was committed to becoming the Currently, Beijing-based Mr. Wang, a foreign social security insuree submitted his of Global Traffi c Rank Global SNS, covering 1/4 of world's population. Incumbent CEO of LinkedIn, medical expenses to Medical Security Center and received due reimbursement. Jeff Weiner and Reid Hoffman are now collectively responsible for increasing It was the first security reimbursement CIIC made for its foreign employ in Beijing website subscribers, revenue and functions. Some analysts argue low user since it was required to buy social securities for foreign employee in Beijing since participation is LinkeIn's weakest link. When discussing future investment, October 15 in last year. It is known that the bills were submitted on February 8th and Reid Hoffman remarked: “You really have to pay attention to breakthrough the entire procedure was completed on February 27th on which the client acquired entrepreneurs. I am still investing on the 3 concepts - network, platform and due reimbursement. officially came into effect on October 15th, 2011. According to the Measures, employers shall complete for foreign employees the Social Security registration within 30 days upon the acquirement of Employment Permits to Foreigners. Figures show there are already 40,000 foreign employees with Employment Permits to Foreigners in Beijing. It is known that there are around 8,000 insurees so far.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Market Events Industry Competitive Intelligence

2.Laws and Policies SHL & HRoot's Link Greater China 2012 Conference to be Held in Shanghai ★★★★★ 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends On march 23th, SHL, a global leader in talent measurement joined hands with HRoot, a leading Chinese HR —Organizational and Personnel internet and media company and announced to hold Link Greater China 2012 Conference - an international Changes

management summit. The Conference would be hold at the Four Season Hotel in Shanghai, 24th May 2012. —Lasted Business Development Over 250 HR executive, HR practitioners, HR experts and industrial & organisational psychologists will be —Financial Statement joining the event. Link Great China Conference is the most prestigious and forward-looking HR management —Research Report —Awards & Honours conference held in the Greater China Region. It has been attracting extensive attention and infl uence from the —Others HR industry even before the event was offi cially launched. 4.Market Events 2012 HRoot China HR Services Providers Expo Recruits Exhibitors ★★★★★ 5.Contracting Information

First 2012 HRoot China HR Services Providers Expo will be held at Shanghai World Center in Shanghai, 21st 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization June 2012. The Expo is organised by HRoot - a leading Chinese HR internet and media company. This will 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking be the largest HR services providers fair in China. It is estimated over 50 global and domestic HR services of Global Traffi c Rank providers and 3,000 entrepreneurs will attend the fair. There will be product release, speeches, symposiums and discount stores at the fair. The exhibiting brands will be published via internet, media and iPad on spot.

Success of HRoot 2012 China Talent Management Forum ★★★ 2012 China Talent Management Forum organised by HRoot - a leading Chinese HR internet and media company was held with attention at Shanghai World Finance Center during 14th - 15th March. Guests from Kenexa, Belbin, Beisen, C-trip, Randstad, SAP and over 300 HR specialists from Sinopec, B&Q, Bring Diary and other enterprises were invited to the forum to discuss hot topics of talent management.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Market Events CDP Successfully Held its First HRO Management Platform Industry Competitive Intelligence Promotion Assembly in Nanjing 2.Laws and Policies ★★★ ADP and HRoot Jointly Held National HR Informationization In March, CDP Group held its first HRO Management Platform Promotion 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends Exhibition & Seminar Assembly in Nanjing. The seminar gathered 16 infl uential companies in Nanjing —Organizational and Personnel ★★★★ and discussed on how to rapidly expand and develop HRO services on effective Changes ADP, a world's leading outsource solutions provider, and HRoot, a Chinese and effi cient HR management platform. —Lasted Business Development leading HR Media Company jointly held "Future HR in the Cloud - National —Financial Statement —Research Report HR Informationization Seminar". Curtains of its Zuzhou Stop and Shanghai CTG: RPO Open Course —Awards & Honours Stop descended on March 1st and 2ed respectively. The seminar was ★★ —Others based on to discuss further the SaaS-based Enterprise in Recruitment". Ms. Yuan Quan, an established lawyer with a specialty in 4.Market Events Resource Planning System highly interested by the corporate world. It's Labor law was invited by CTG to share how enterprises should avoid risks in 5.Contracting Information Guangzhou Stop, Shenzhen Stop and Beijing Stop would raise curtains on recruitment. At present, RPO has the largest recruitment service network in March 6th, 7th and 9th respectively. China. It has over 100 position types and serves over 10,000 clients. 50,000 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization positions are recruited from RPO every year. 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking Ambow:"Breakthroughs in the Management of Generation 80/90 of Global Traffi c Rank Employees" Open Course in Beijing CTG: Yichuang Project - Development Project of 50,000 College ★★ Entrepreneurs, Tianjin Forum The Ambow Genesis College under Ambow Education Group delivered ★★★★ "Breakthroughs in the Management of Generation 80/90 Employees" Open On March 18, Yichuang Project - Development Project of 50,000 College Course" on March 9th. The course was give by the Experience-based Entrepreneurs Tianjin Forum would be held at the United Building South A of Education Specials Mr. Du Kui, and included over ten Sandbox simulated Nankai University. CTG Board Chairman & CEO Lihao, Venture City Founder teaching covering stategy, operation, marketing. Sandbox teaching specifi cally Li Tianyu, prestigious angel investors and college entrepreneurs would attend designed for power, real estate and manufacturing enterprises were also the forum. Yichuang Project is CTG's another national public event after the included. Over 130 Beijing-based HR specialist were attracted to the event. This "CDream, CAchievement" Entrepreneurship Competition successfully held in was a generous gift for customers from Anbow College at the 17th anniversary October 2010. The Tianjin Forum would raise the curtain of Yichuang Project of the founding of its Genesis. National Forum.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Market Events Industry Competitive Intelligence

2.Laws and Policies HR Specialists Exchange Ideas in Chengdu ★★ 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends On March 10th, the HR-featured lecture named after was held in Chengdu. HR —Organizational and Personnel specialists from all trades discussed topics on making viable salary solutions via salary survey research, effect internal Changes

salary management, and turnover reduction on the lecture.. HR specialists pointed out that one important —Lasted Business Development responsibility of HR was to fi nd the best survey partner and provide data support for company on HR management decisions. —Financial Statement — Research Report —Awards & Honours Tenth Survey on Best Employers among Chinese University Students Launched —Others ★★★ In March, has launched its tenth survey on the Best Employers among Chinese University Students. To date, 4.Market Events the Best Employers Survey has been held for 10 years. "We will integrate experience of the past 10 years into this year to 5.Contracting Information take a closer look at how enterprises promote employer brand on campus. At the same time, ranking of best employers of

major industries will be released for better reference of employers, schools and students.” Some ChinaHR.Com executive 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization remarked. 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank IBM: 2012 Social Elite business Forum Held in Beijing ★★★ On March 20th, IBM 2012 social elite business forum “social cloud commerce, mobile future” was held in Beijing, on which IBM explores the social business transformation of the new trend of development and elaborated in the round IBM collaboration solutions 2012 “social cloud commerce, mobile future” development strategy. The IBM Software Group China area collaboration solution general manager Li Guixing expressed IBM’s willingness to share its products and strategy. Clients including Yantai Wanhua were invited to the Forum. Li also revealed that the product line of IMB Lotus links mobile, social and cloud.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Market Events Industry Competitive Intelligence

Kingdee 2012 National Channel Partners Conference Held in Martinsen Group: Success of Human Resources Seminar in 2.Laws and Policies

Hainan South China Region 3.Industry Trends ★★★ ★★★ —Recruitment Trends During March 6-7, 2012, Kingdee Group successfully held the National Channel Martinsen Group’s 2012 Human Resources Seminar, “Building Business —Organizational and Personnel Changes Partners Conference Held at Sheraton Hotel in Hainan. Topic of this year’s Dynamic Talent Ladder, Enhancing Organisational Performance” raised its —Lasted Business Development

conference is “Common Success, a World of Cloud Management”. The event curtain at Guangzhou Jianguo Hotel on March 9th. The event was jointly held —Financial Statement attracted around 600 participants from nearly 400 partners. Kingdee Group’s with Baijob.Com, and attracted over 50 HRMs from prestigious enterprises who —Research Report President Xu Shaochun and Kingdee China’s Sr. VP Li Guangxue attended the discussed and shared real cases on team building. Martinsen Group’s VP Mr. —Awards & Honours —Others Conference. Xu addressed a keynote speech named after < Win-win Approach, Zhu Jiayun shared knowledge on how to build a dynamic talent database, and

a World of Cloud Management>. He also expressed that Kingdee’s would stick essentials on enhancing performance of talent management system. 4.Market Events to its channel strategy “Leading Product, Partners First” since 2003 to achieve common success in the Cloud. UFIDA: HR Promotes Management Transformation & Upgrade 5.Contracting Information

Summit 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies 2012 Kingdee Channel Partners Conference – Common success, ★★★ Ranking of Market Capitalization a World of Cloud Management On March 16th, UFIDA Beijing Branch held "HR for Management 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank ★★★ Transformation & Upgrade Summit "in Beijing. UFUDA Group Assistant During March 5-7, 2012, Kingdee Group successfully held the National Channel President & eHR General Manager Su Hua pointed out on summit that more Partners Conference Held at Sheraton Hotel in Hainan. Hundreds of HR attention should be paid to HR management transformation, of which the key specialists, business executive and Kingdee’s top partners discussed future was to defi ne management function & mode and improve human capital and trend of development of software channel in China. Kingdee’s 2012 product talent supply chain management. Purpose of HR management transformation plans of EAS, K/3, KIS were released. Awarded Ceremony for Kingdee’s Top is to enhance organizational value. Channel Partners in 2011 was also held on the Conference. Besides, guests would have a chance to experience the Cloud Products Interaction and/or Cloud Partner Exchanges.

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Weaver SAP on the Mover, IT Infusion in Spotlight 2.Laws and Policies ★★★★★ 3.Industry Trends Second Co-operation Management and Control Landing Practices Summit 2012 & OA and ERP High-end Infusion Solution and Case Exhibition was held on —Recruitment Trends

March 16. Prestigious OA Leading brand Weaver will continue to work with SAP, technology leader in business management software and solutions to explore —Organizational and Personnel deeper of OA and ERP High-end infusion solution. Alongside the exhibition, Weaver SAP will give talks on "Vitality of Management" in Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Changes Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Fuzhou and other cities. —Lasted Business Development —Financial Statement

—Research Report

Kenexa at 2012 China Human Capital Procumbent Exhibition —Awards & Honours ★★★ —Others Kenexa made its presence at the 2012 China Human Capital Procumbent Exhibition Guangzhou stop and addressed a keynote speech on March 24th. Numbers 4.Market Events of HR specialists learned about Kenexa’s traditional assessment and training products and headhunting services. More HR specialists consulted about Kenexa’s

2xBrasing - a recruitment system and CompAnyalyst - a compensation management system. Their questions were answered in round by Kenexa consultants. 5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Career International: "Cloud Recruitment - 2012 Recruitment Management Innovation Trend Forum" Held in Shanghai Ranking of Market Capitalization

★★★ 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking Recently, leading Asian recruitment solution provider - Career International and Dayee jointly held the "Cloud Recruitment - 2012 Recruitment Management of Global Traffi c Rank Innovation Trend Forum" in Shanghai. Nearly 400 HR managers from multinationals and established home companies joined the Forum and exchanged view on the topic. The two words that best describe Chinese recruitment market in 2011 are fast and booming, while the words for 2012 are quality and cost-effi cient. Managing Director & CEO of Career International Mr. Guo Xin commented that companies should invest more efforts to lower business operating cost via process and structure optimization under current conditions.

BenQ Guru: Beijing "Company Performance System Building and HR Informationization" Exchanging Meeting ★★★ On March 15th, BenQ Guru and HR Bar jointly held the "Company Performance System Building and HR Informationization" Exchanging Meeting in Beijing. Mr. Xufeng, BenQ Guru HR Informationization Specialist and Mr. Li Haiyan, BenQ Guru Senior HR Specialist and nearly other 100 Beijing-based HR Executive, directors and senior staff from various trades participated shared views on the topic "Company HR Management Effi ciency and Informationization".

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2.Laws and Policies Information Flow is Key, BenQ Guru Suzhou HR Exchanging Cyberwisdom Soon Declare Appearance at ASTD 2012 Meeting Successfully Held International Annual Conference & Exhibition 3.Industry Trends ★★★ —Recruitment Trends ★★★ —Organizational and Personnel On March 23rd, 30 Suzhou-based HR executives, directors and senior Leading Asia-Pacifi c E-Learning solution provider Cyberwisdom would declare Changes

staff were invited by BenQ Guru to its China marketing headquarters to its appearance at ASTD 2012 Annual Conference in May, 2012. ASTD —Lasted Business Development attend the "Information Flow is Key, Information Drives HR Management (ASTD 2012 Annual Conference) is world's largest association for training & —Financial Statement —Research Report Efficiency" exchanging meeting. Ms. Huang Linhui, Europtronic Deputy development. ASTD International Annual Conference & Exposition is world's —Awards & Honours HR General Manager, Director of HR System, Mr. Xu Feng, BenQ Guru most important event of training & development business, which has been held —Others HR Informationization Specialist and Ms. Lu Yan, BenQ Guru BPM for consecutive 60 years and attracts a great number of attendees worldwide. Informationization Specialist were invited to share and exchange experience in 4.Market Events information management with the guests. SHL Held Retail Summit 5.Contracting Information ★★ Cyberwisdom's E-Learning Platform Technology Exchanging On 16th March, HR Services Provider SHL held the Retail Summit - People 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization Meeting Successfully Held in Guangzhou Intelligent, Retailing Business Results. The Summit gathered a number of HR 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking ★★★ executives from global warehouse supermarkets and luxury brands who joined of Global Traffi c Rank Recently, LT and Cyberwisdom jointly held the E-Learning Platform Technology the discussion of the current challenges and strategies of HR management in Exchanging Meeting, on which senior E-Learning project experts and retailing, the importance, implementation and supporting technologies of talent Cyberwisdom directors were invited to discuss E-Learning platform related drive strategy, and how to compare own company HR data with those of the technologies. The purpose of this meeting was to enhance attendees' competitors' to gain substantial business results. understanding of E-Learning platform and discuss development and trend of E-Learning in China. The Meeting also included a fl ashback of Cyberwisdom's star product wizBank(from wizBank 3.5 to 4.0 to 5.0 and to current Corporate University 2.0) that showcased Cyberwisdom's continuous commitment and innovation in the past ten years.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Contracting Information Normstar Group HR Assessment Innovates CPC Cadre Promoting Mechanism Industry Competitive Intelligence ★★★★ 2.Laws and Policies Recently, the Organizing Department of Party Committee of a city in Guangxi Province allied with the leading Chinese talent assessment provider Normstar Group and mutually set up a Party Cadre 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends Assessment System. This marks the fi rst time that HR assessment mechanism was ever introduced —Organizational and Personnel in the promotion of party Cadres. As the fi rst professional talent assessment provider allying strategic Changes

cooperation with the Cadre Assessment Center of CPC Organizing Department, Normstar Group —Lasted Business Development has recruited and assisted promoting party cadres, public servants, executives for CPC Organizing —Financial Statement Department, Party Organizing Departments of Shanghai, Hunan, Hubei, Hangzhou, Qingdao, as well as —Research Report —Awards & Honours state owned-enterprises. —Others

CIIC (Zhengjiang) Signed a Strategic Letter of Intent with Yiwu Municipal Bureau of 4.Market Events Human Resources and Social Security ★★ 5.Contracting Information

Recently, CIIC signed a Strategic Letter of Intent on HR Services Development Cooperation with Yiwu 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security. The contract marked another summit talk Ranking of Market Capitalization 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking between CIIC Zhengjiang and Governments of Key Economic Special New Zones in Zhejiang. From of Global Traffi c Rank now on, CIIC Zhengjiang has once again stepped closer to its goal of “Setting up a real Zhejiang-based CIIC, with its headquarters in Hangzhou and branches in major economic cities".

ChinaHR. com RPO Assisted Bank of Ruifeng in Talent Introduction ★★ In March 2012, send its RPO professionals (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) team for the Bank of Ruifeng Project. The team assisted the Bank Recruitment with's high-end HR database and action steps integrating both on-line and off-line resources. The move indicated the strength of customized and localized RPO. It's not Ruifeng's fi rst try in talent introduction. In 2011, Ruifeng has introduced 36 fi nancial elites including general managers and branch presidents from ICBC, BOC, CCB and BC.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Contracting Information Industry Competitive Intelligence

2.Laws and Policies CDC Software: Platinum HRM at Atkins ★★ 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends CDC Software announced in March that has offi cially signed a contract with Atkins China Shanghai Offi ce. Atkins China, a Far East subsidiary wholly owned by —Organizational and Personnel Atkins Corporation made its offi cial appearance in Chinese market in 1994. In contract, Atkins China Shanghai Offi ce purchased Platinum HRM 8.0 on the purpose Changes

of systematically managing its employee information and implementing sustainable and accurate payroll administration. In addition, the ESS ( Employee Self-Help —Lasted Business Development System) is also applied by the Company. —Financial Statement —Research Report

—Awards & Honours

CDC Software signed a contract with Porsche —Others ★★ CDC Software announced recently that it has offi cially signed a contract with Porsche China Sales Co.Ltd. Porsche China Sales Co.Ltd purchased Platinum HRM 8.0 4.Market Events on the purpose of initializing a viable HR Management Platform to complete the transformation of the functions of its HR department. The said System will be tested 5.Contracting Information at Porsche China's headquarters fi rst, and will later be applied to all its branches and employees.

6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization Infor Allied with TCS in Expanding Global Market Share of Key Industries 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking ★★ of Global Traffi c Rank Infor recently announced that it has formed strategic partnership with TCS, the global leading IT Service and Business Solution Provider. The partnership is in the family of Infor’s fi rst Alliance Agreements with global System Integrators. TCS will market and provide services for products from Infor and Infor’s subsidiary Lowson Software to expand their global market share in key industries such as fashion, food & beverage, and medical care.

Kayang’s another Milestone in Semiconductors, Add Strength to Advanced Semiconductor ★★ Industry leader, Shanghai Advanced Semiconductor Co.Ltd held by NXP Semiconductors has fi nally joined hands with Kayang after reviewing its previous HR management system and serious selection. Kayang’s success derives from its quality e-HR products and services provided for Shanghai Grace Semiconductors, Shanghai Huahong NEC Electronics, Taxes Instruments, STATS ChipPAC, BCD Semiconductors, Shanghai Kaihong Electronics, NXP Jilin, Vishay Semiconductors, Alpha & Omega Semiconductors, and etc.

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1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Contracting Information Industry Competitive Intelligence

2.Laws and Policies Kayang Favoured by Largest Pharmaceuticals in Suzhou for Common Development ★★ 3.Industry Trends —Recruitment Trends Under the common efforts of Kayang Suzhou Offi ce, Kayang e-HR sussesfuly joined hand with TOT Biopharm, the largest pharmaceuticals in Suzhou. This is —Organizational and Personnel Kayang e-HR's another milestone after cooperating with Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals, Smith & Nephew, Hengshoutang, Wuxi AppTech, Micro Port, Sine Changes

Pharma, Daiichi Sankyo Pharmaceutical, ShangPharma, and Shanghai Hutchison Pharmaceuticals. —Lasted Business Development

—Financial Statement

—Research Report Vanguard Technology Assisted Hong Kun Real Estate in Advancing Corporate eHR Application —Awards & Honours

★★ —Others Recently, Vanguard Technology successfully wooed the management team of Hong Kun Real Estate and signed a contract with the Company thanks to its successful cases with real estate companies, optimized HR management process and user-friendly operations. The Company aim to enhance its core competencies 4.Market Events by setting up a well rounded HR Information Management Platform. Hong Kun Real Estate is a State Level-1 Real Estate Developer. 5.Contracting Information

Vanguard Technology Shook Hands with Zhongshan Chuangyuan for a Brighter Future 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization ★★ 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking In March, after careful selection of eHR service providers, Zhongshan Chuangyuan signed an offi cial contract with Vanguard Technology to mutually develop the of Global Traffi c Rank HR Management Informationization Project. Other than HR Management Module, Vanguard Technology will set up a Performance Evaluation Platform targeting entire staff at Chuangyuan. The move aims to optimized HR Management Process at Chuangyuan, and provide supporting data for effective business development strategy. Since its founding in 2000, Chuangyuan has been committed to developing, producing and selling home health electronic products.

BenQ Guru Fueled HR Management Innovation at Guangzhou Gialen Cosmetics Co.Ltd with her ★★★ Recently, BenQ Guru fueled HR management innovation at Guangzhou Gialen Cosmetics Co.Ltd with eHR. In the cooperation, BenQ Guru provided well rounded solutions to HR management puzzles such as: HR Routines, Attendance Record, Compensation, Training and Work-Flow Management. In its tug of war with competitors, BenQ Guru won the contract and shook hands with Gialen with professional products, quality services and excellent teams.

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Market Capitallzation Ranking of 1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Companies Human Resources Service Appendix 1: Listed Companies Industry Competitive Intelligence Ranking of Market Capitalization (March,2012) 2.Laws and Policies

Company Exchange Mkt Cap on March 30th Exchange Original Currency 3.Industry Trends Rank Company English Name Chinese Name Shrot Name Exchange Symbol (in millions of dollars) —Recruitment Trends

National Association of Securities Dealers —Organizational and Personnel 1 ADP 安德普翰 NASDAQ Automated Quotations ADP 27,075.00 27.08 billion dollars 2 Marsh & McLennan Companies3 威达信 NYSE New York Stock Exchange MMC 17,819.00 17.82 billion dollars Changes —Lasted Business Development 3 AON 怡安 NYSE New York Stock Exchange AON 15,953.00 15.95 billion dollars —Financial Statement National Association of Securities Dealers 4 Paychex / NASDAQ Automated Quotations PAYX 11,235.00 11.24 billion dollars —Research Report

5 Adecco 德科 / / ADEN/ADE 9,914.52 8.95 billion Swiss franc —Awards & Honours 6 Edenred 艾登瑞德 EPA NYSE Euronext(Paris) EDEN 6,785.16 5.09 billion Euro —Others 7 Randstad 任仕达 AMS NYSE Euronext(Amsterdam) RAND 6,447.84 4.84 billion Euro 4.Market Events 8 Towers Watson 韬睿惠悦 NYSE New York Stock Exchange TW 5,332.00 5.33 biooion dollars

9 Robert Half International 罗致恒富 NYSE New York Stock Exchange RHI 4,307.00 4.31 billion dollars 5.Contracting Information 10 ManpowerGroup 万宝盛华集团 NYSE New York Stock Exchange MAN 3,797.00 3.80 billion dollars 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies 11 SuccessFactors 胜略 NYSE New York Stock Exchange SFSF 3,391.00 3.39 billion dollars Ranking of Market Capitalization

12 SEEK Limited / ASX Australian Stock Exchange SEK 2,468.16 2.37 billion dollars 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking 13 UFIDA 用友软件 SHA Shanghai Stock Exchange 600588 2,443.61 15.39 billion yuan of Global Traffi c Rank 14 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation 博思艾伦 NYSE New York Stock Exchange BAH 2,425.00 2.43 billion dollars 15 Michael Page International 米高蒲志国际 LON London Stock Exchange MPI 2,330.47 1.46 billion pounds 16 The Ultimate Software / NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers ULTI 1,933.00 1.93 billion dollars Automated Quotations National Association of Securities Dealers 17 Taleo Corporation / NASDAQ Automated Quotations TLEO 1,922.00 1.92 billion dollars 18 Hays 瀚纳仕 LON London Stock Exchange HAS 1,889.01 1.18 billion pounds National Association of Securities Dealers 19 51job 前程无忧 NASDAQ Automated Quotations JOBS 1,619.00 1.62 billion dollars 0exchange rate on 2012/3/30 20 Neusoft 东软 SHA Shanghai Stock Exchange 600718 1,581.01 9.96 billion yuan 1 Australian dollar 1.0401 dollar 21 Team Health Holdings LLC / NYSE New York Stock Exchange TMH 1,349.00 1.35 billion dollars 1 yen 0.0122 dollar 1 pound 1.5995 dollar 22 Monster4 / NYSE New York Stock Exchange MWW 1,200.00 1.2 billion dollars 1 Euro 1.3333 dollar 1 Swiss franc 1.1075 dollar 23 Kenexa 肯耐珂萨 NYSE New York Stock Exchange KNXA 847.00 847 million dollars 1 yuan 0.1588 dollar 778 million Australian 1 HK dollar 0.1288 dollar 24 McMillan Shakespeare / ASX Australian Stock Exchange MMS 809.20 dollars 1 New Taiwan dollar 0.0339 dollar

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence -39 6

Market Capitallzation Ranking of 1.About 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Companies Human Resources Service Appendix 1: Listed Companies Industry Competitive Intelligence Ranking of Market Capitalization (March,2012) 2.Laws and Policies

Company Exchange Mkt Cap on March 30th Exchange Original Currency 3.Industry Trends Rank Company English Name Chinese Name Shrot Name Exchange Symbol (in millions of dollars) —Recruitment Trends

25 Korn/Ferry International 光辉国际 NYSE New York Stock Exchange KFY 801.00 801 million dollars —Organizational and Personnel 26 Insperity / NYSE New York Stock Exchange NSP 789.00 789 million dollars Changes —Lasted Business Development 27 TrueBlue / NYSE New York Stock Exchange TBI 713.00 713 million dollars —Financial Statement 28 Meitec Corporation 明达科(上海)人才服务有限公司 TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 9744 674.48 5.53 billion yen —Research Report National Association of Securities Dealers 29 On Assignment / NASDAQ Automated Quotations ASGN 653.00 653 million dollars —Awards & Honours 30 Sthree / LON London Stock Exchange STHR 651.00 407 million pounds —Others 31 Kingdee 金蝶 HKG Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 268 608.71 4.73 billion HK Dollars 4.Market Events National Association of Securities Dealers 32 Resources Connection 荟才 NASDAQ Automated Quotations RECN 606.00 606 million dollars

33 Dice Holdings / NYSE New York Stock Exchange DHX 598.00 598 million dollars 5.Contracting Information National Association of Securities Dealers 34 Kelly Services / NASDAQ Automated Quotations KELYA 590.00 590 million dollars National Association of Securities Dealers 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies 35 Kforce / NASDAQ Automated Quotations KFRC 568.00 568 million dollars Ranking of Market Capitalization

36 Temp Holdings Co., Ltd. / TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 2181 558.86 45.81 billion yen 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking National Association of Securities Dealers of Global Traffi c Rank 37 Heidrick & Struggles 海德思哲 NASDAQ Automated Quotations HSII 394.00 394 million dollars National Association of Securities Dealers 38 ClickSoftware Technologies / NASDAQ Automated Quotations CKSW 388.00 388 million dollars 39 CDI Corporation / NYSE New York Stock Exchange CDI 344.00 344 million dollars 40 Pasona Group Inc. 保圣那 TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 2168 332.16 27.23 billion yen 41 Robert Walters / LON London Stock Exchange RWA 300.71 188 million pounds National Association of Securities Dealers 42 Saba Software / NASDAQ Automated Quotations SABA 292.00 292 million dollars 43 Impellam Group plc / LON London Stock Exchange IPEL 248.40 156 million pounds 0exchange rate on 2012/3/30 44 AMN Healthcare Services, Inc. / NYSE New York Stock Exchange AHS 245.00 245 million dollars 1 Australian dollar 1.0401 dollar 45 Chandler Macleod Group / ASX Australian Stock Exchange CMG 204.90 197 Australian dollars 1 yen 0.0122 dollar 1 pound 1.5995 dollar National Association of Securities Dealers 1 Euro 1.3333 dollar 46 Barrett Business Services / NASDAQ Automated Quotations BBSI 196.00 196 million dollars 1 Swiss franc 1.1075 dollar National Association of Securities Dealers 47 Hudson / NASDAQ Automated Quotations HHGP 175.00 175 million dollars 1 yuan 0.1588 dollar 1 HK dollar 0.1288 dollar 48 CDC Corporation 光辉国际 PINK Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (FINRA) CDCAQ 167.00 167 million dollars 1 New Taiwan dollar 0.0339 dollar

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence -40 6

Market Capitallzation Ranking of Human Resources Service Companies 1.About 2012 HRoot China Appendix 1: Listed Companies Human Resources Service Ranking of Market Capitalization (March,2012) Industry Competitive Intelligence 2.Laws and Policies Company Exchange Exchange Mkt Cap on March 30th Company English Name Exchange Original Currency Rank Chinese Name Shrot Name Symbol (in millions of dollars) 3.Industry Trends National Association of Securities Dealers —Recruitment Trends 49 ATA 全美测评 NASDAQ Automated Quotations ATAI 159.00 159 million dollars —Organizational and Personnel 50 Cross Country Healthcare, Inc. / NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers CCRN 154.00 154 million dollars Automated Quotations Changes

51 Volt Information Sciences 渥特 PINK Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (FINRA) VISI 130.00 130 million dollars —Lasted Business Development

2.96 billion New —Financial Statement 52 104 Corporation/104 Job bank 104人力银行 TPE Taiwan Stock Exchange 3130 100.31 Taiwan dollars 53 Fullcast Co Ltd (ADR) / PINK Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (FINRA) FULCY 95.04 95.04 million dollars —Research Report —Awards & Honours 54 FULLCAST HOLDINGS CO., LTD. / TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 4848 87.33 7.16 billion yen —Others 55 Harvey Nash Group / LON London Stock Exchange HVN 68.73 42.97 million pounds 56 Talent2 International / ASX Australian Stock Exchange TWO 68.23 65.59 million 4.Market Events Australian dollars 57 Computer Technologies 科联系统 HKG Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 0046 65.74 411 million HK Dollars 5.Contracting Information 58 WDB Holdings Co Ltd / TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 2475 59.29 4.86 billion yen

59 Corporate Resource Services Inc / OTC Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (FINRA) CRRS 51.54 51.54 million dollars 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies 37.77 million Ranking of Market Capitalization 60 Clarius Group / ASX Australian Stock Exchange CND 39.28 Australian dollars 36.55 million 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking 61 Humanis Group Limited / ASX Australian Stock Exchange HUM 38.02 Australian dollars of Global Traffi c Rank 62 Hydrogen / LON London Stock Exchange HYDG 34.07 21.30 million pounds 16.58 million 63 Hamilton James & Bruce / ASX Australian Stock Exchange HJB 17.93 Australian dollars National Association of Securities Dealers 64 TeamStaff / NASDAQ Automated Quotations TSTF 11.97 11.97 million dollars New York Stock Exchange/American Stock 65 Fortune Industries / NYSEAMEX Exchange FFI 3.31 3.31 million dollars 66 Workstream / OTC Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (FINRA) WSTMF 2.16 2.16 million dollars 67 Resolve Staffing, Inc. / PINK Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (FINRA) RSFF 0.13 126.3 thousand dollars 68 Allegiant Professional Bsnss Srvcs (NDA) / PINK Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (FINRA) APRO 0.04 430 thousand dollars 0exchange rate on 2012/3/30 69 Rhino Human Resources, Inc. / PINK Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (FINRA) IFHR 0.02 248 thousand dollars 1 Australian dollar 1.0401 dollar 1 yen 0.0122 dollar 70 World Health Alternatives, Inc. / PINK Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (FINRA) WHAIQ 0.02 231 thousand dollars 1 pound 1.5995 dollar 1 Euro 1.3333 dollar Remarks: 1 Swiss franc 1.1075 dollar 1. Market capitalization is the total value of the tradable shares of a publicly traded company.It represents the public consensus on the value of a company's equity. Market capitalization is defi ned as the share price multiplied by the number of shares in issue. And it fl uctuates according to the stock market. 1 yuan 0.1588 dollar 2. The Market Capitalization above is the closing data on March 30th,2012. 1 HK dollar 0.1288 dollar 3. Marsh & McLennan Companies is the parent company of Mercer. 1 New Taiwan dollar 0.0339 dollar 4. Monster is the parent company of

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence -41 7

Human Resourves Services Companies 1.About 2012 HRoot China Websites Ranking of Global Traffic Rank1 Human Resources Service Appendix 2: Websites Industry Competitive Intelligence Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank (March, 2012) 2.Laws and Policies

Data Quantity Company Company Domain Global Traffic Global Traffic Rank Traffic Rank in Website 3.Industry Trends Backward Link of Search Rank — Chinese Name English Name Name Rank (March)(3 months average)China(March) Quantity2 Engine3 Recruitment Trends —Organizational and Personnel 1 前程无忧 51Job 294 320 47 2,490 21,600,000 Changes 2 智联招聘 429 452 74 1,760 5,400,000 —Lasted Business Development

3 国际商业机器公司 IBM 459 463 378 7,020 12,300,000 —Financial Statement 540 510 973 5,520 13,500,000 —Research Report 4 甲骨文 Oracle 1,130 —Awards & Honours —Others 667 630 143 3,240 13,600,000 5 凯业必达 CareerBuilder 589,343 411,089 100,411 73 164,000 4.Market Events 6 中华英才网 1,693 1,848 231 2,240 2,640,000 2,313 2,071 27,932 733 11,900 5.Contracting Information 7 安德普翰 ADP 1,539,981 886,365 176,091 138 1,070 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies 8 思爱普 SAP 2,348 2,276 8,166 2,470 13,700,000 Ranking of Market Capitalization 9 应届生求职网 Yingjiesheng 2,799 3,108 384 623 6,980,000 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank 10 中国人才热线 JobsDB 3,241 4,178 435 983 1,140,000 4,572 4,723 948 16,899 89,800 11 埃森哲 Accenture 3,622,572 6,289,804 17,237 3,730 Deloitte Human 12 德勒-人力资源咨询 Capital Consulting 6,321 6,237 5,516 24,045 1,520,000 13 盖洛普 Gallup 6,746 6,493 51,606 58,312 33,200 14 卓博人才网 Jobcn 7,639 8,051 960 446 871,000 15 安永-企业咨询 Ernst&Young 12,313 12,831 81,060 2,120 90,900 16 胜略 SuccessFactors 12,496 11,801 54,591 344 42,000 17 赛仕软件 SAS 12,871 12,664 39,526 1,770 254,000 18 毕马威企业咨询 KPMG Consulting 15,456 15,311 65,173 1,650 128,000 19 金蝶 Kingdee 21,264 24,242 2,542 459 936,000 20 肯耐珂萨 Kenexa 22,414 22,707 185,485 277 32,500

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence -42 7

Human Resourves Services Companies 1.About 2012 HRoot China Websites Ranking of Global Traffic Rank1 Human Resources Service Appendix 2: Websites Industry Competitive Intelligence Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank (March, 2012) 2.Laws and Policies

Website Data Quantity Company Company Domain Global Traffic Global Traffic Rank Traffic Rank in 3.Industry Trends Rank Backward Link of Search Chinese Name English Name Name Rank (March)(3 months average)China(March) Quantity2 Engine3 —Recruitment Trends 21 怡安翰威特 Aon Hewitt 29,180 33,495 26,095 699 25,500 —Organizational and Personnel Changes 22 / Global Sage 31,624 33,557 / 726 195,000 —Lasted Business Development 35,092 32,907 4,999 81 12,200 —Financial Statement

23 中智 CIIC 229,045 240,972 27,827 61 7,550 —Research Report 980,286 554,010 108,589 181 5,430 —Awards & Honours —Others 47,608 39,583 / 572 154,000 24 任仕达 Randstad 367,072 426,961 48,703 30 7,570 4.Market Events 48,609 46,280 / 208 3,020 25 世泓 SHL / / / 1 5.Contracting Information 26 全美测评 ATA 49,267 55,141 5,763 103 4,250 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies 27 北京外服 FESCO 49,970 46,719 5,928 270 53,700 Ranking of Market Capitalization 56,637 54,756 / 398 22,000 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking 28 恩富 Infor Global Solutions of Global Traffi c Rank 3,034,939 1,586,489 / 86 1,450 29 职酷网 Jobkoo 59,014 58,011 7,265 166 1,490,000 30 翰纳仕 Hays 62,108 70,103 / 803 8,070 31 第一招聘网 01 Job 66,591 63,415 8,155 73 560,000 32 MRI Network Worldwide MRI Network Worldwide 68,946 65,700 111,980 422 90,100 33 博斯 Booz & Company 72,072 77,254 / 341 20,000 73,609 71,409 / 238 4,270 34 伟事达 Vistage 5,289,384 10,853,763 / 19 161 Mercer Human Resource 35 美世 Consulting 76,026 78,867 135,188 541 217,000 36 东软 Neusoft 78,205 82,748 11,721 276 11,100 87,072 100,698 / 594 24,600 37 韬睿惠悦 Towers Watson / / / 8 1,450

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence -43 7

Human Resourves Services Companies 1.About 2012 HRoot China Websites Ranking of Global Traffic Rank1 Human Resources Service Appendix 2: Websites Industry Competitive Intelligence Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank (March, 2012) 2.Laws and Policies

Company Company Domain Website Data Quantity 3.Industry Trends Global Traffic Global Traffic Rank Traffic Rank in of Search Rank Backward Link —Recruitment Trends Chinese Name English Name Name Rank (March)(3 months average)China(March) Quantity2 Engine3 —Organizational and Personnel 38 光辉国际 Korn/Ferry International 96,756 107,866 / 326 4,810 Changes 102,010 110,617 / 238 6,360 —Lasted Business Development 39 克罗诺思 Kronos / 4,420,963 / 40 1,050 —Financial Statement 106,224 104,874 138,123 659 5,060 —Research Report 40 德科 Adecco —Awards & Honours / / / 17 2,760 —Others 41 / Kelly Services 108,549 100,568 / 456 4,960 116,537 106,402 / 35,900 4.Market Events 42 合益集团 HayGroup / / / 6 720 5.Contracting Information 43 安拓国际 Antal International 120,353 92,816 143,342 79 1,120,000 126,999 149,725 14,656 242 28,000 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies 44 安博 Ambow 416,791 510,801 53,268 242 3,610 Ranking of Market Capitalization 翰德 128,709 112,830 / 189 68,100 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking 45 Hudson of Global Traffi c Rank 46 米高蒲志国际 Michael Page International 135,488 147,655 / 482 36,100 47 上海外服 EFESCO 153,165 145,573 19,036 233 16,000 48 思安 Spherion Corp 154,735 147,032 / 197 25,400 49 北森 Beisen 161,023 139,110 18,672 108 1,450 50 海德思哲 Heidrick & Struggles 163,956 192,471 / 252 1,260 51 威科 Wolters Kluwe 170,522 159,604 / 793 7,470 52 亿康先达 Egon Zehnder International 179,161 209,079 / 130 33,000 53 雇得易 Hirede 183,489 237,010 21,375 5 1,860 54 中华网软件 CDC Corporation 243,652 200,850 / 219 3,790 55 智睿 DDI 256,053 240,559 / 143 9,850 56 泛微 Weaver 268,577 239,710 32,327 187 7,940 57 史宾沙 Spencer Stuart 273,530 263,615 / 113 13,100

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence -44 7

Human Resourves Services Companies 1.About 2012 HRoot China Websites Ranking of Global Traffic Rank1 Human Resources Service Appendix 2: Websites Industry Competitive Intelligence Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank (March, 2012) 2.Laws and Policies

Website Data Quantity 3.Industry Trends Company Company Domain Global Traffic Global Traffic Rank Traffic Rank in of Search Rank Backward Link —Recruitment Trends Chinese Name English Name Name Rank (March)(3 months average)China(March) Quantity2 Engine3 —Organizational and Personnel 58 科锐国际 Career International 295,251 424,345 35,734 8 9,600 Changes 59 万宝盛华集团 ManpowerGroup 323,742 226,757 / 348 6,070 —Lasted Business Development 338,286 418,298 / 86 8,140 —Financial Statement 60 华德士 Robert Walters / 2,710,206 / 256 5,000 —Research Report —Awards & Honours 61 艾登瑞德 Edenred 340,824 329,903 / 103 968 —Others 62 / 355,382 327,251 / / 1,090 63 罗盛咨询 Russell Reynolds Associates 356,972 315,056 / 99 5,520 4.Market Events PricewaterhouseCoopers 64 普华永道-人力资源咨询 Human Resource Consulting 397,204 358,328 58,608 188 6,540 411,177 351,611 / 159 2,700 5.Contracting Information 65 路敏思 Lumesse / / / 70 124 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies 66 / Boyden 438,966 366,564 / 118 8,800 Ranking of Market Capitalization 67 / DS & Associates 449,082 446,790 / / 4 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank 68 易才 CTG 487,934 577,196 59,679 76 1,640 69 人众人 Genesis Education Group 511,827 535,195 63,418 / 21,400 70 / Stanton Chase 542,438 472,007 / 61 363 71 用友 UFIDA 552,939 798,045 66,437 445 3,100 72 柏亚天—博意门 PRTM-egate 612,088 505,451 / 65 1,410 73 企顾司 Cegos 664,387 565,339 / 125 10,800 74 / TRANSEARCH 692,513 826,038 189,195 105 10,700 75 安立国际集团 Amrop Group 738,241 796,806 / 58 697 76 创拓软件 InnoWeave 789,609 1,704,040 93,019 1 130 77 / CTPartners 839,304 673,394 / 41 685 78 美国管理协会 AMA 845,788 496,017 / 6 1 79 外企德科 FESCO ADECCO 888,979 710,640 116,444 7 6,390

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence -45 7

Human Resourves Services Companies 1.About 2012 HRoot China Websites Ranking of Global Traffic Rank1 Human Resources Service Appendix 2: Websites Industry Competitive Intelligence Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank (March, 2012) 2.Laws and Policies

Company Company Website Data Quantity 3.Industry Trends Domain Global Traffic Global Traffic Rank Traffic Rank in of Search Rank Backward Link —Recruitment Trends Chinese Name English Name Name Rank (March)(3 months average)China(March) Quantity2 Engine3 —Organizational and Personnel 80 中欧商业在线 eCEIBS 1,022,914 1,140,294 114,798 89 3,610 Changes TaiHe Consulting 81 太和顾问 1,038,114 1,649,557 113,984 32 753 —Lasted Business Development Odgers Berndtson — 82 / Russell Reynolds 1,044,221 832,622 / 190 2,070 Financial Statement 83 诺姆四达集团 NormStar Group 1,165,411 1,323,964 126,002 9 735 —Research Report —Awards & Honours 1,563,023 2,515,191 / / 461 84 睿仕管理 RIGHT —Others MANAGEMENT 3,981,750 4,463,631 / / 269 85 汇思软件 Cyberwisdom 1,653,204 2,292,433 / 4 521 4.Market Events Neumann 86 / International 1,891,539 2,304,696 / 17 199 87 易得训 ExecuTrain 2,032,384 1,853,967 / 22 15,900 5.Contracting Information

88 伯乐管理有限公司 Bo Le 2,128,999 1,080,682 / / / 6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Signium Ranking of Market Capitalization 89 / International 2,296,783 1,646,282 / / 450 90 赛捷 Sage 2,590,722 2,550,527 / 34 19,600 7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank 91 ECA国际 ECA International 2,837,585 1,552,450 / 47 723 Vanguard 92 万古科技 Technology 2,924,120 1,944,262 / 34 3,070 93 网维软件 NetDimensions 3,001,237 3,781,088 / 9 35 94 德博诺 de Bono 3,701,873 7,862,232 / 9 290 95 中国四达 China Star 3,716,305 1,898,257 / 4 1,070 96 薪得付 CDP Group 3,929,001 4,141,535 / 7 911 4,254,919 2,441,038 / 1 641 97 立德管理顾问 Leadership / / / 3 8,310 98 英格玛 Engma 4,528,255 2,566,695 / 3 3,750 99 嘉扬 kayang 4,528,316 3,590,159 / 18 6,340 100 凯洛格 KeyLogic 4,668,511 4,073,839 / 7 204

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence -46 7

Human Resourves Services Companies 1.About 2012 HRoot China Websites Ranking of Global Traffic Rank1 Human Resources Service Appendix 2: Websites Industry Competitive Intelligence Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank (March, 2012) 2.Laws and Policies

Data Quantity Global Traffic Global Traffic Rank Traffic Rank in Website 3.Industry Trends Company Company Domain Backward Link of Search Rank —Recruitment Trends Chinese Name English Name Name Rank (March)(3 months average)China(March) Quantity2 Engine3 —Organizational and Personnel 101 明基逐鹿 BenQ Guru 5,341,783 3,769,597 / 18 2,000 Changes 102 中华网软件 CDC Corporation 6,542,687 13,161,550 / 7 707 —Lasted Business Development

—Financial Statement

Remarks: —Research Report 1. The traffi c rank is based on monthly of aggregated historical traffi c data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and data obtained from other, diverse traffi c data sources, and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). And the number can refl ect the popularity of the website. 2. The links from other webpage document sites is called Website Backward Link.It's a measure of website's reputation. —Awards & Honours 3. Data Quantity of Search Engine gather the search times from Google Administrative Tools,and it's also a measure of website's reputation. —Others

4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Listed Companies Ranking of Market Capitalization

7.Appendix 2: Websites Ranking of Global Traffi c Rank

2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence HRoot WHITE PAPER COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE


2012HRoot中国人力资源服务业INDUSTRY竞争情报 2012监测报告(3月) HRoot是中国领先的人力资源媒体与互联网公司。HRoot为人 HRoot is a leading HR media & internet company in Greater China. Abundant 力资源经理人提供资讯,并为服务供应商提供综合的市场推广 trade information is provided for HR Managers by HRoot. Meanwhile, HRoot offers 服务,业务涉及互联网、出版、会展、广告、信息技术支持 comprehensive marketing promotion services to HR service providers. Our business 等,旗下品牌包括:全球领先的人力资源管理网站—(HRoot. covers internet services, publishing, conference, advertising, and IT support services com)、中国领先的人力资源高端期刊—"《人力资本管理》" etc.. HRoot has 6 brands currently, including ‘’, a top HR management (Human Capital Management Magazine)、中国领先的人力 website in the world; ‘Human Capital Management’ magazine, a high-end HR magazine; 资源精英社团—“卓越会”(Overclass)、中国最权威、规模 ‘Overclass’, a prestigious club for HR elites; ‘Annual Human Resources Awards in 最大、层次最高、最受瞩目的人力资源评选—中国年度人力资源 Greater China’, the top-notch industry event with highest authority and biggest outreach 评选(Annual Human Resources Awards in China)、中国最 scope, and ‘China Human Capital Forum’, China's largest annual HR conference & 大的人力资源年度会议—“中国人力资本论坛”(China Human EXPO, etc.. HRoot enjoys No.1 Web traffi c among all of the HR-related websites, with Capital Forum)等。HRoot旗下网站注册用户总数达到100万 1 million HR professional registered users. Each year, there are more than 200 million 人,每年向用户提供2亿人次的人力资源在线信息访问,每年主 visits to the website and more than 10,000 people attending our off-line activities. 办活动的参加人数超过10,000人次,旗下出版物读者超过3万 Our publications’ readers have already outreached 30,000. HRoot has over 20,000 人。现在,HRoot客户已经超过了2万家,同时在华的《财富》 customers now, and served more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies in Greater China. 500强企业中,超过90%是HRoot的客户,此外还拥有超过300 More than 300 HR service providers, business schools, societies/associations are our 家人力资源服务机构、商学院、协会等广告客户或赞助商。欲了 advertisement clients and sponsors. For more information, please visit 解更多详情,欢迎登陆。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 关于人力资源行业 竞争情报 月度监测报告

HRoot中国人力资源行业竞争情报监测报告由中国领先的人力资源媒 体与互联网公司——HRoot研发的行业竞争情报信息聚合和监测平台 推出。该平台对人力资源行业的发展动态进行365/24式的实时紧密跟 踪和监测,并由专业人员进行严格地筛选、编辑、整理,每月向客户 和读者发布反映供应商自身、竞争对手和竞争环境的事件状态和变化 的重要数据与信息,帮助人力资源服务机构的决策者和人力资源经理 们掌握人力资源服务行业的最新动态、信息、财务数据等。 更多信息请浏览:。


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2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 1. 4. 关于2012HRoot 市场活动篇 中国人力资源行业 目录 竞争情报监测报告 5. 2. 签约信息篇 政策法规篇 6. 3. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 行业动态篇 ● 招聘趋势 ● 机构及人事变动 7. ● 最新业务进展 ● 财务状况 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ● 研究报告 ● 奖项荣誉 ● 其他 -1 1

HRoot中国人力资源行业竞争情报监测报告是通过中国领先的人力资源媒体与互 联网公司——HRoot开发的行业竞争情报聚合和监测平台CIS,(即Competitive Intelligence System)首先进行数据汇总,经由进一步的汇编撰写而成。该平台所 1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 关于2012HRoot中国人力资源 监测的人力资源服务提供商包括人力资源咨询、人力资源培训、人才寻猎、人才 行业竞争情报监测报告 招聘、人才评鉴、人力资源外包、e-HR、eLearning、人力资源媒体、人力资源会 2. 政策法规篇 展等服务领域的一百多家在华企业。 3. 行业动态篇

—招聘趋势 报告由HRoot通过对人力资源行业的发展动态进行紧密的跟踪和监测,并进行专业 —机构及人事变动 —最新业务进展 严格地筛选、编辑、整理。HRoot中国人力资源行业竞争情报监测报告,涵盖了人 —财务状况

力资源行业的政策法规、行业动态、企业签约信息、企业财务状况、企业网站流 —研究报告 量排名等情报。HRoot中国人力资源行业竞争情报监测报告帮助行业的管理者在第 —奖项荣誉 —其他 一时间对整体竞争环境和竞争对手情况进行全面了解,使得企业管理者能够快速

地做出理性决策和灵活应对市场的变化。 4. 市场活动篇

5. 签约信息篇 目前,本监测报告具体包含以下内容及数据信息: 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 ● 政策法规篇:当月国家、地方出台或调整的重要人力资源政策、法规新闻及信

息 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ● 行业动态篇: 当月人才招聘趋势、人力资源服务供应商组织及人事变动、最新 业务拓展、财务状况、重要调查及报告发布、奖项获取、企业并购等信息

● 市场活动篇:当月人力资源服务供应商进行的市场推广活动,包括举办峰会、 论坛、研讨会等活动

● 签约信息篇:当月人力资源服务供应商所签约的客户信息等

● 上市公司市值排名榜:人力资源行业上市公司资产的市场价值月度排名榜单, 本报告市值数据来源为各上市公司所在交易所月末最后一个交易日收盘后数据

● 网站全球流量排名榜:依据网站全球流量排名进行排序,网站全球流量排名 (Traffic Rank)是Alexa根据当月其工具条发回的数据经过统计所得的平均值,与 网站每天的独立IP访问量和每天的页面浏览量有关,该数值能反映网站的人气程度

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -2 2

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 政策法规篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

广东1000亿养老金获准入市投资 属国内首次 养老金双轨制退休制度被指不公 2. 政策法规篇

★★★★★ ★★★ 3. 行业动态篇 全国社会保障基金理事会受广东省政府委托,投资运营广东省城镇 我国目前实行的是“养老金双轨制”的退休制度:企业职工实行由 —招聘趋势 职工基本养老保险结存资金1000亿元。全国社会保障基金理事会和 企业和职工本人按一定标准缴纳的“缴费型”统筹制度;机关和 —机构及人事变动 —最新业务进展

广东省政府以及有关方面于3月19日在北京签订了委托投资协议,资 事业单位的退休金由国家财政统一发放。这使得两者之间的差距 —财务状况 金将分批到位,委托投资期限暂定两年,成为全国首例“入市”的 可以达到3倍之多。在全国人大代表、娃哈哈集团董事长宗庆后看 —研究报告 地方养老保险基金。3月21日,广东省社会保险基金管理局总会计师 来,“双轨制”造成了极大的不公平。宗庆后谈到:“现在国家公 —奖项荣誉 —其他 丁三保谈到:“我们期待委托给社保基金后的收益至少要达到过去 务员,包括事业单位职工,是不交五金的,养老保险是财政在支持 五年平均收益的两倍,也就是4%以上。”根据有关政策,全国社保 的。而且他退休之后,退休金还比企业更高。”清华大学就业与社 4. 市场活动篇 基金的投资比例中证券投资基金、股票投资的比例不得高于40%, 会保障研究中心主任杨燕绥认为应该实现中央统筹,按照各地消费 5. 签约信息篇 同时,社保基金理事会承诺保底收益不低于同期定期存款利率。 支出的40-50%,支付吃饭的基础养老金。个人账户包括个人缴费、 企业的员工福利等可交给安全的受托人,有很好的投资机制,保证 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 养老金不是只入股市 并非由证监会主导推动 老年人改善生活。 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ★★★★ 日前,全国社会保障基金理事会受广东省政府委托,投资运营广东 社科院:中国养老制需顶层设计 退休年龄须延迟 省城镇职工基本养老保险结存资金1000亿元。有人就此解读为“入 ★★★ 市”,对此,全国社保基金理事会也明确表示:把“委托投资运 中国人力资源和社会保障部(人社部)部长尹蔚民3月7日在全国两 营”误读为“委托入市”,理解为入“股市”,这是不准确的。证 会期间公开表示,中国城镇职工基本养老保险制度在具体实施过程 监会主席郭树清在今年全国“两会”期间就指出,“入市”不是专 中,有宏观上和微观上的许多问题需要解决。而根据《中国养老金 指进入股市,不同的组合、不同的基金有不同的要求,不可能都投 发展报告》的建议,国务院有关部门应对地方管理的基本养老保险 资股市,还包括债券市场等。他同时称,证监会将积极做好服务, 基金和中央财政集中的全国社会保障基金的投资管理体制进行统一 而不是由证监会主导推动。 研究,统一决策。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -3 2

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 政策法规篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 人社部否认养老金存缺口 称投资运营方向已明确 2. 政策法规篇 ★★★★ 3月7日,人力资源和社会保障部副部长胡晓义3月7日公布的数据,去年中国养老金收入大约为 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势 1.3万亿元,支出约为1.2万亿元,略有结余。人社部部长尹蔚民表示,“从全国看,不存在养老 —机构及人事变动

金缺口的问题”。尹蔚民表示,按照《社会保险法》的规定,养老金可以投资运营实现保值增 —最新业务进展 值。国家“十二五”规划纲要也对养老金的投资运营、保值增值提出了明确要求。所以,对养老 —财务状况 —研究报告 金投资运营实现保值增值而言,方向是非常明确的。但是考虑到“安全第一”原则,具体的投资 —奖项荣誉

运营办法还在论证。 —其他

4. 市场活动篇 社科院:中国养老金个人账户缺口高达1.7万亿 ★★★★ 5. 签约信息篇 “如果说欧债危机是压垮四国总理的最后一根稻草,养老金就是引发债务危机的最后一个诱因, 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 中国养老金改革应如何吸取欧洲教训,是一个发人深省的大问题。” 中国社科院世界社保研究

中心主任郑秉文说道。郑秉文告诉早报记者,截至2010年底,中国个人账户记账额1.9万亿元, 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 其中做实账户仅2039亿元,等于1.7万亿元的缺口。世界银行公布的一份报告中更预期,“如按 照目前的制度及模式,2001年到2075年间,中国养老保险的收支缺口将高达9.15万亿元。”

我国2015年将初步实现跨省医疗费异地即时结算 ★★★★ 据中国政府网消息,国务院办公厅日前发布《“十二五”期间深化医药卫生体制改革规划暨实施 方案》。规划提出,建立异地就医结算机制,2015年全面实现统筹区域内和省内医疗费用异地 即时结算,初步实现跨省医疗费用异地即时结算。规划称,提高基本医保管理服务水平。加快推 进基本医保和医疗救助即时结算,使患者看病只需支付自负部分费用,其余费用由医保经办机构 与医疗机构直接结算。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -4 2

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 政策法规篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 京社保:关于申报2012年度社会保险缴费工资的通知 ★★★ 3. 行业动态篇 为确保2012年度各项社会保险(医疗、养老、失业、工伤、生育)收缴工作的正常进行,北京市社会保险基金管理中心2月28 —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 日发出关于申报2012年度社会保险缴费工资的通知。申报2012年度社会保险缴费工资的期限为2012年3月5日至2012年4月25 —最新业务进展 日。用人单位以职工2011年度月平均工资作为申报2012年度社会保险缴费工资的依据,录入时,不做上下限的限制。农民工按 —财务状况 照1%比例缴纳医疗保险的人员,2012年起用人单位须如实申报其上一年度月平均工资。 —研究报告 —奖项荣誉

—其他 社保基金去年交易类资产亏357亿 证券投资失利 4. 市场活动篇 ★★★

3月,全国社会保障基金理事会最新披露的数据显示,全国社保基金2011年基金投资已实现收益431亿元,实现收益率5 .58%; 5. 签约信息篇 交易类资产当期公允价值变动额为——357亿元;全年基金投资收益74亿元,投资收益率从4.23%降至0.85%。这是2011年二 级市场的大幅下跌导致的。全国社会保障基金理事会强调,全国社保基金历年股票资产比例平均为19.22%,年化投资收益率达 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜

到18.61%,比全部基金累计平均收益率高出10多个百分点。尽管股票投资收益波动大,但只要在合理价位上购买股票,坚持长 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 期投资,从长期看,仍可获得比固定收益产品更高的收益。

社保基金或划拨新增资金 多家基金赶制投资方案 ★★★ 消息人士日前向中国证券报记者透露,多家基金公司近日受全国社会保障基金理事会(下称“社保基金会”)委托,正紧锣密 鼓地设计新的投资组合方案,内容包括权益类和固定收益类。按惯例,社保基金会在收到各家基金公司上报的方案后,将根据 实际情况分别向选中的基金公司划拨新增资金进行投资运营。分析人士表示,这意味不久以后,股市和债市或迎来“新鲜资金 血液”。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -5 2

财政部:地方社保基金只可投定存和国债 1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 政策法规篇 ★★★★★ 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

财政部3月26日下发通知规范社会保障基金财政专户管理。强调地方社保基金 2. 政策法规篇 结余可转存定期存款和购买国家债券,地方财政部门不得动用基金结余进行任 3. 行业动态篇 何其他形式的直接或间接投资。根据通知规定,地方各级财政社会保障部门要 —招聘趋势

根据社会保险基金结余情况,在与有关部门协商的基础上,提出可转存定期存 —机构及人事变动 款或购买国家债券的基金结余数量和期限的建议;地方财政部门不得动用基金 —最新业务进展 —财务状况 结余进行任何其他形式的直接或间接投资。地方财政部门要建立健全基金保值 —研究报告

增值制度及运作机制,在确保基金支付安全的前提下实现保值增值。 —奖项荣誉


人大代表建议城乡医保合并 重复参保率达10% 4. 市场活动篇 ★★★ 3月4日下午,全国人大代表、老百姓大药房连锁有限公司董事长谢子龙带来了 5. 签约信息篇

关于建立统筹城乡医保体制的建议。据调查,重复参保的比例约占城乡居民参 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 保人数的10%左右。他在议案中指出,城镇居民医保、新农合由于制度分设、 管理分离、资源分散,不但提高了管理成本,降低了管理效率,还给城乡居民 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 带来诸多不便。与此同时,这种体制一定程度上固化了城乡二元结构,对实现 公平正义、促进社会和谐造成了严重障碍和负面影响。

全国总工会建议:尽快出台《工资条例》 ★★★★ 3月11日,全国总工会副主席、书记处书记、党组副书记张鸣起发言指出,要 进一步完善企业职工工资协商共决机制、正常增长机制和支付保障机制,着力 解决劳务派遣工同工不同酬问题。提案同时建议尽快出台《工资条例》,从立 法层面规范我国收入分配、劳动工资领域存在的问题。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -6 2

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 政策法规篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 人社部:新农保和城居保今年有望覆盖超4亿人 收入分配改革总体方案拟今年出炉 ★★★★ ★★ 3. 行业动态篇 人力资源和社会保障部副部长胡晓义3月7日表示,新农保和城镇 3月14日,国务院总理温家宝在回答记者提问时表示,“现在社 —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 居民基本养老保险是最近几年社会保险制度的一大创新,这两项 会分配不公引起了群众的不满,我们必须继续推进促进社会公平 —最新业务进展

制度的覆盖人数今年有望达到甚至超过4亿人。胡晓义介绍,新 的各项工作。” 温家宝总理在记者会上说,调节收入分配,就 —财务状况 农保和城镇居民基本养老保险是最近几年社会保险制度的一大创 要限制高收入者的收入,特别是国有企业和国有金融企业高管人 —研究报告 —奖项荣誉 新。到去年底这两项社会保险国家直接部署的试点地区已经达到 员的收入,要增加中等收入的比重。温家宝给出了包括“限高扩 —其他 全国60%以上,参保的城乡居民已经超过3.32亿人,如果加上各 中”等在内解决收入分配不公的四项具体措施,并强调收入分配 地自行开展的试点,总参保人数已经超过3.64亿人。若能继续做 改革方案一定要在本届政府任内做好。此前政府工作报告也指出 4. 市场活动篇 好工作,弥补不足,2012年有望超过4亿人。 要把深化收入分配制度改革作为重点任务之一,抓紧制定改革具 5. 签约信息篇 体方案。 温家宝:加大对高收入者税收调节 缩小收入差距 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜

★★★ 税收年增过两成 速度大步超GDP 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 3月5日, 十一届全国人大五次会议开幕。国务院总理温家宝在 ★★★ 作政府工作报告时提出,加大对高收入者的税收调节力度。温家 近年来,我国税收和财政收入都在高速增长。许多专家、企业家 宝强调,深化收入分配制度改革。抓紧制定收入分配体制改革总 认为,中国大幅度、大范围减税的时机已成熟,减税是大势所 体方案。努力提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,提高劳动 趋。财政部发布的最新数据显示,2011年全国税收总收入接近9 报酬在初次分配中的比重。完善工资制度,建立工资正常增长机 万亿元,达到89720亿元,同比增长22.6%。与此同时,财政收 制,稳步提高最低工资标准。创造条件增加居民财产性收入。建 入首超10万亿元,达103740亿元,增长24.8%。两项指标远远 立公共资源出让收益的全民共享机制。 高于GDP(国内生产总值)增速,去年GDP增速为9.2%。独立 经济学家谢国忠呼吁,中国需要立即减税1万亿元人民币来提高 效率。1万亿元的减税目标可以通过增值税、消费税和营业税各 降低1/5来实现。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -7 2

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 政策法规篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 税务总局:紧盯高收入者个税 强化高收入者纳税申报 3. 行业动态篇

★★★ —招聘趋势

近些年,随着税收调节收入分配作用的逐渐凸显、税收征管手段的逐渐提高,中国各级 —机构及人事变动 税务机关开始逐渐通过紧盯高收入者个税的方式,大力加强对高收入者个人所得税的征 —最新业务进展 —财务状况 管。去年,中国财产转让个税征收451亿元,增长79.2%。在紧盯高收入者个税征管的 —研究报告

同时,税务部门还进一步强化了高收入者的纳税自行申报。税务总局要求,对于年所得 —奖项荣誉 12万元以上纳税人,要强化自行申报的后续管理和检查,加大对不申报或申报不实的处 —其他

罚力度。2010年度,年所得12万元以上自行纳税申报人数为315万人,比2009年度增长 4. 市场活动篇 17%。 5. 签约信息篇

中国个税起征点被指偏低 专家建议两三年调整一次 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 ★★★★ 3月9日消息,全国人大代表、杭州娃哈哈集团董事长兼总经理宗庆后今年重点关注年轻 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 人生活压力问题,他建议个税起征点再提1500元至5000元。全国人大代表、复星集团 董事长郭广昌在全国“两会”期间建议以家庭为单位征收个人所得税。各方专家称,个 税改革,综合征收是方向。财政部财政科学研究所所长贾康贾康表示,个税改革的方向 应是走向综合后的超额累进,优化再分配抽肥补瘦,考虑物价波动因素,按家庭赡养负 担区别对待。如果能够优化个税的话,以后应该考虑有一个常规的制度设计,每隔3年 随物价调整一次,如果觉得3年长了每隔两年行不行,也是可以讨论的。目前来说,对 个税起征点的争议较大,又刚调不久,今年年内再调的可能性似不大。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -8 2

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 政策法规篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇

媒体称我国正为按家庭征个税进行技术准备 3. 行业动态篇

★★★ —招聘趋势 3月22日,国务院批转了国家发改委《关于2012年深化经济体制改革重点工作的意见》。在深化财税体制改革部分中,两会上为各 —机构及人事变动 —最新业务进展 方所关注的个人所得税改革并未出现其中。不过,这并不意味着以“家庭征收”为核心的个税改革工作停滞。据悉,目前中央政府 —财务状况

有关部门已经准备在2012年启动全国地方税务系统个人信息联网工作,为“按家庭征收个人所得税”改革做好技术准备。而在此之 —研究报告 前,如何统计异地同一家庭成员的收入情况,一直是个税按家庭征收改革的最大技术障碍。 —奖项荣誉 —其他

世界500强在华企业明年将全部建立工资协商制度 4. 市场活动篇 ★★★ 5. 签约信息篇 建立工资集体协商制度,世界500强在华企业是一大难点。2011年1月全国总工会下发文件,制定了到2013年底实现世界500强在

华企业全部建立工资集体协商制度的目标。由于世界500强在华企业普遍实行“总部经济”管理模式,其组织形式和法人治理结构 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 多样化,具有跨地区、跨行业设立和经营等特点。“今年,我们将通过高层示范、上下联动、重点突破的方式,下大力气抓好世界 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 500强在华企业建制工作。”全国总工会集体合同部部长张建国说。

人社部:中国将完善“绿卡”制度 ★★★★ 人力资源和社会保障部部长尹蔚民14日在2012年留学人员回国服务工作部际联席会议上表示,今年我国将尽快完善高层次人才永 久居留政策,制定完善中国“绿卡”待遇的意见,使中国“绿卡”制度成为符合国际惯例,在国际人才竞争中能够充分发挥作用的 制度。此外,今年我国将完善高层次人才入出境政策,全面解决海外高层次人才有关签证和居留便利问题。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -9 2

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 政策法规篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

人社部:公务员聘任制将在全国推行 劳动量或安排其他劳动。此外,根据《劳动合同法》第三十五条 2. 政策法规篇 ★★★★ 规定,用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以变更劳动合同约定的内 3. 行业动态篇 3月7日,人社部部长尹蔚民在记者招待会上对于公众关注的公务 容,变更劳动合同,应当采用书面形式。对于女职工流产的休假 —招聘趋势 员聘任制的问题,尹蔚民表示,从深圳试点的情况来看,效果还 期间进行了原则性规定,女职工怀孕流产的,其所在单位应当根 —机构及人事变动 —最新业务进展 是比较好的。深圳市的试点采取的是一个增量的改革,也就是说 据医务部门的证明,给予一定时间的产假。 —财务状况

原来的公务员不动,新进入公务员队伍的公务员试行聘任制,签 —研究报告 订聘任合同、进行协议工资,建立了养老保险的制度。目前人社 2012年外国企业常驻代表机构年检通知 —奖项荣誉 —其他 部正积极支持深圳市从2007年开始的公务员聘任制改革探索,不 ★★★ 断完善聘任制公务员的办法,以便为将来在全国推行聘任制公务 根据《外国企业常驻代表机构登记管理条例》的规定,凡2011年 4. 市场活动篇 员时提供借鉴。 12月31日前(含31日)登记注册并领取《外国企业常驻代表机构 5. 签约信息篇 登记证》的外国企业常驻代表机构须在2012年3月1日至6月30日 《劳动合同法》今年修改 重点规范劳动派遣用工 期间到所在地工商部门申请年度报告(以下简称年报)。逾期未 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 ★★★ 办理年报的,工商行政管理机关将依法予以行政处罚。 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 近日,从全国总工会获悉,我国有关部门今年将修改《劳动合同 法》,重点规范劳务派遣违规现象。据全国总工会人士介绍,在 北京:养老险异地转移下月实施 本月结束的十一届全国人大五次会议第三次全体会议上,全国人 ★★★★★ 大已经明确今年将修改《劳动合同法》,严格规范劳务派遣用 北京市人力社保局日前发布《城乡居民养老保险经办规程》,明 工。 确城乡居民养老保险可以在市内转移接续,并可转到外地。养老 金每月15日划入参保人开立的北京银行或北京农商银行的专用存 女职工产检不应算病假 公司若扣发工资属于违规 折中。《经办规程》还提出,今后每年3月底前,社保经办机构 ★★★ 将为本区县参保人员,打印上一年度城乡居民养老保险个人权益 根据《女职工劳动保护规定》第七条之规定,怀孕的女职工,在 记录单,包括年底累计缴费情况、年度缴费情况等,并通过社保 劳动时间内进行产前检查,应当算作劳动时间。女职工在怀孕期 所免费发至参保人。参保人对个人账户缴费信息有异议的,可向 间,对不能胜任原劳动的,应当根据医务部门的证明,予以减轻 户籍所在地社保所反映。《经办规程》将从4月1日起正式实施。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -10 2

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 政策法规篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇

3. 行业动态篇 上海:4月1日起调整部分民生保障待遇标准 —招聘趋势 ★★★★★ —机构及人事变动 —最新业务进展 根据上海市市委、市政府的统一部署,上海市将从4月1日起调整一系列民生保障待遇标准。除已经发布的最低工资标准调整外,失业保险 —财务状况 金标准、公益性岗位从业人员收入标准、有关就业补助标准、工伤人员伤残津贴等三项工伤保险待遇标准,以及非因工死亡职工的遗属生 —研究报告 活困难补助费标准也将调整。这是本市连续第6年调整失业保险金标准。调整后,第1-12个月失业保险金三档标准每档增加130元,分别 —奖项荣誉 —其他 提高到755元/月、810元/月、860元/月;第13-24个月的失业保险金标准为第1-12个月的失业保险金标准的80%,并按照高于本市城镇 “低保”标准10元左右确定托底标准。 4. 市场活动篇

5. 签约信息篇 沪补贴培训目录新增18个项目 ★★ 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 日前,市人力资源和社会保障部门公布了2012年补贴培训目录和各补贴培训项目的补贴标准,该标准将于4月1日起正式实施。此次公布 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 的目录覆盖信息服务、创意设计、生活服务、机电技术、交通运输、能源动力、建筑工程、农林牧渔等十八个大类共216个职业工种500 多个项目。为满足不同劳动者的培训需求,今年目录较去年增加18个项目。据悉,凡符合本市培训补贴条件的劳动者参加补贴培训目录内 项目的技能培训和考核鉴定,成绩合格的可按规定享受职业技能培训补贴。

江苏:最低工资标准增幅要高于地区GDP增幅 ★★★★ 江苏省人社厅日前公布,“十二五”期间,该省职工工资水平要合理较快增长,一线职工工资增幅不低于本企业职工平均工资增幅,职工 最低工资标准增幅高于地区生产总值增幅。江苏省还将建立统一规范的企业薪酬调查和发布制度。此外,从2012年1月1日起,江苏省再 次提高企业退休人员基本养老金水平。“十一五”期间,江苏全省企业退休人员人均月养老金每年增长10%以上,2011年底人均月养老 金为1622元。2012年,江苏将按上年度月人均基本养老金的10%进行调整,再加上对特殊人群的倾斜政策,实际涨幅将超过10%。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -11 3

万宝盛华(ManpowerGroup):第二季度中国企业招聘预期止跌回升 1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 ★★★★★ 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

万宝盛华集团3月14日发布最新雇佣前景调查结果:中国企业的招聘预期在经历了 2. 政策法规篇 招聘趋势 连续5个季度的下跌之后出现回升,企业将在第二季度加快招聘步伐。通过对全球 超过65000家企业,包括中国大陆地区4304家企业开展了最具前瞻性的雇佣前景调 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势

查,发现中国大陆地区预计在2012年第二季度增加员工人数的企业比例为21%, —机构及人事变动 比上季度增长了1个百分点,减少员工人数的企业比例为2%,比上季度减少了1个 —最新业务进展 百分点。保持员工不变的企业比例为50%,比上季度下降了7个百分点。 —财务状况 —研究报告

—奖项荣誉 Kelly Services:2011年全球劳动力指数 —其他

★★★★ 4. 市场活动篇 Kelly全球劳动力指数是针对工作及工作环境提出观点的调研。大约97,000来自美 洲,亚太和欧洲的参与者参加了2011 年的调研。此项调研旨在宏观地了解全球劳 5. 签约信息篇 动力的变化和趋势。Kelly全球劳动力指数调研发现:对中国员工来说金钱和生活方 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 式将是他们改变工作的主要原因;职业稳定已成过去;社交网络成为中国职位搜索 的工具;中国员工已经扩大职位搜索范围至全球。 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜

克罗诺思(Kronos):2月美国零售业求职人数持续下降 ★★ 3月5日,克罗诺思公布2月克罗诺思零售业劳动力指数(Kronos Retail Labor Index),该指数从1月份修订的3.9%上升到2月份的4.2%。这是自2008年10月第 二次高于4.0%。2月份美国零售业劳动力指数反映了零售业求职人数持续下降而招 聘数量温和增长的趋势。克罗诺思零售业劳动力指数是分析美国零售业劳动力市场 供需双方现状的一系列衡量标准和指数,是指某一月内就业机会和申请人数的比 例,以百分比的形式体现。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -12 3

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇

2012网络招聘风景独好 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势 ★★ —机构及人事变动

尽管三大招聘网站已经占据了近8成的网络招聘市场,但百度、网易及 —最新业务进展 诸多SNS等后来者依旧兴致勃勃。接受《证券日报》采访的多位业内专 —财务状况 —研究报告 家均表示,继续看好2012年网络招聘的高速发展。前程无忧首席人力资 —奖项荣誉

源专家冯丽娟表示,“人才招聘与资金流向有关,现在大量风投已经从 —其他 电商、团购转向移动互联网了,再加上预计今年会有不少餐饮企业、传 4. 市场活动篇 媒企业上市,移动互联网、餐饮、传媒这三大新热点会继续支撑招聘网

站的高速发展。” 5. 签约信息篇

6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 受惠最低工资 香港农历年后转工跳槽潮减弱 ★★ 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 3月16日起,求职网站(Job Market)举办一连两天的招聘会,提供逾 4,000个职位空缺,较去年多逾1倍,涉及餐饮、零售、物流和旅游相关 行业,吸引2000名香港市民进场。筹办招聘会的求职广场销售及营运 总经理苏纯斌表示,农历新年后“转工潮”较往年略放缓,相信因为最 低工资实施后,基层员工获加薪,连带其它职系加薪,使不少雇员“跳 槽”意欲稍降。他续称,随着不少行业拓展业务,加上旅游业持续畅 旺,人手需求殷切,招聘会职位空缺较去年多逾1倍。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -13 3

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 机构及人事变动 2. 政策法规篇

3. 行业动态篇


—机构及人事变动 ADP收购SHPS公司人力资源解决方案部门 美国招聘网站Monster计划出售全部或部分资产 —最新业务进展 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ —财务状况 —研究报告 3月15日,ADP宣布收购签订最终收购协议的SHPS公司的人力资 北京时间3月23日凌晨消息,中华英才网母公司美国招聘网站 —奖项荣誉 Monster Worldwide CEO萨尔·伊安努兹(Sal Iannuzzi)表示,愿 源解决方案部门。SHPS公司是业界享有盛誉的福利管理服务供 —其他 应商。SHPS公司人力资源解决方案部门位于肯塔基州路易斯维 意出售全部或部分资产,并预计很快就会为潜在买家准备相关数 尔市,通过此次收购,ADP不仅能强化福利管理服务,还可以弥 据。受到伊安努兹本月早些时候向投资者表示正在考虑“战略替 4. 市场活动篇 补缺勤管理与支付领域的优势。预计此次收购将于2012年第一季 代选择”的影响,Monster股价开始提升。Monster今年的股价 5. 签约信息篇 度完成,不过这取决于一般惯例性条件的影响。交易细节尚未披 累计上涨了17%。伊安努兹称,在他3月1日发表了上述评论后, 露。 Monster获得了外界极大兴趣,但是目前尚未开启正式谈判。 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜

7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ADP成立北京分公司 扩展中国人力资源外包市场 肯耐珂萨(Kenexa )宣布与Daesign合作,利用顶尖视频 ★★★★ 游戏技术提升人力资源问题解决能力 3月12日,ADP在北京正式挂牌成立北京分公司。ADP中国区总 ★★★★★ 经理Amer Akhtar出席了挂牌仪式,并就ADP全球发展策略和中 Kenexa宣布与Daesign进行合作,利用其顶尖的视频游戏技术提 国未来成长态势做了战略发言。百余名ADP客户代表、京城各大 升企业人力资源问题的解决能力。Daesign专门提供游戏为基础 媒体和相关政府官员到场祝贺。作为ADP进入中国后的又一战略 的模拟环境和自主虚拟演员来促进人才的吸引,评估,发展和人 重点,ADP北京分公司将以人力资源管理中的薪酬与福利外包为 才敬业度的解决方案。Daesign拥有为全球汽车制造商雷诺销售 核心,利用本地丰富的市场资源,快速满足华北人力资源外包市 队伍而设计的世界上最大的“严肃游戏”(“serious games) 场的发展需求,积极推动各大跨国企业和本土公司人才管理的战 为基础的学习和发展计划,为企业提供基于游戏技术的增进雇主 略转型。 品牌和吸引力的解决方案。

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1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇

最新业务发展 3. 行业动态篇 北森(Beisen):首创人才池模式 打造中国式继任管理 —招聘趋势

★★★★ —机构及人事变动 近日,北森在国内首创基于“人才池”的继任管理模式。据北森研发副总裁周 —最新业务进展 丹女士介绍,企业可以根据不同岗位建立多样化的“人才池”和相对应的人才 —财务状况 —研究报告 池胜任力框架,从而储备不同类型和层次的人才。同时,基于人才池胜任力, —奖项荣誉 对“池”中的人才进行针对性的培养,并结合人才测评工具和企业社交化工 —其他 具,定期反馈、评估和盘点。目前,京东、美的、新东方、渤海证券等大批一 4. 市场活动篇 线企业已经成功应用基于“人才池”模式的继任管理体系。据悉,在京东的项 目中,北森的专家团队帮助京东构建了“管理培训生后备池”和“基层管理后 5. 签约信息篇 备池”两个人才池。 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜

肯耐珂萨(Kenexa )薪酬评估分析专家—创造行业尖端的服务平台 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ★★★★ 近日,行业先锋Kenexa为实现优化企业薪资分配和确保薪资水平贴近市场的目 标,推出一个完美的解决方案——CompAnalyst。CompAnalyst中包含了薪酬 数据和薪酬系统两个方面,从不同的角度为企业提供更全面、更便捷的人力资 源解决方案。在中国市场上,Kenexa提供了与美国相同的服务,却有着更为合 理的价格。在保证专业技术的同时,Kenexa致力于为各个企业带来薪资分配的 最优化。

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1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 凯洛格(KeyLogic)官方网站全新上线 英格玛(Engma) 3. 行业动态篇 ★★★★★ 武侯人力资源服务平台启动仪式暨成都公司开业庆典 —招聘趋势

3月15日,“一体化人才培养领先者”凯洛格公司(KeyLogic) ★★★ —机构及人事变动 官方网站全新改版上线试运行,这是凯洛格公司自首个官方网站 3月16日,英格玛人力资源集团成都分公司在武侯新城西部智谷 —最新业务进展 —财务状况 推出后的第二次改版升级。据悉,新改版后的凯洛格官方网站文 办公点外举行了英格玛武侯人力资源服务平台启动仪式暨英格玛 —研究报告

字量达100万以上、图片量愈150张,共涉及10大主题页面。新 成都公司开业庆典活动。英格玛董事长兼总裁庄志先生在仪式上 —奖项荣誉 的凯洛格官方网站集个性化浏览、免费试用、在线选购、线上互 对服务平台的相关模块和功能进行了介绍。据介绍,英格玛武侯 —其他 人力资源服务平台主要包括人力资源一站式服务中心、快乐HR 动四大功能于一身。“一体化人才培养领先者”的战略定位,使 4. 市场活动篇 凯洛格更加聚焦于管理咨询、课程培训和在线学习的“金三角” 精英俱乐部和HR观察网三部分,致力于为企业和求职者提供各 模式。 种人力资源服务,是在成都市人力资源公共服务机制建设上的创 5. 签约信息篇 新性探索。 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 网易邮箱打造招聘平台 ★★★★★ 路敏思(Lumesse): 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 3月12日,网易简历中心新增加了“海外职位”版块,这是由网 人才管理模块将加入Lumesse TalentLind 易邮箱与北美最大的招聘网站凯业必达合作,为网易邮箱用户提 ★★★ 供来自日本、俄罗斯、美国等海外职位信息简历中心自2010年年 2012年2月,人才管理模块(如绩效管理、继任规划等模块)加 底上线以来,用户已突破500万,影响日趋增大。与网易简历中 入Lumesse TalentLink,同时,2012年年底人才招聘将加入 心合作的机构包括:共青团青年就业创业见习基地,智联招聘、 Lumesse ETWeb。这两款产品将立即受益于已经进一步提升的 应届生求职网、一览英才网等著名的机构或招聘网站合作。网易 用户界面和强大的全新分析功能,此外还有2012年年底在社会合 邮箱简历中心产品经理表示,网易打造的“简历中心”不是要做 作和集成化学习管理等领域的共享新功能。Lumesse将把在10月 招聘信息网站,而是和招聘网站合作,打造一个汇集各类信息的 从Graphite收购的卓越、SaaS型学习管理技术完全集成到这两个 大平台,为网易邮箱的用户提供简历制作、职位搜索、发简历应 产品线中。 聘的一站式服务。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -16 3

甲骨文(Oracle)第三季盈利及末季盈测胜预期 1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 ★★★★ 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

3月21日消息,据国外媒体报道,甲骨文周二公布了截至2月29日2012财年第三季度财务报 2. 政策法规篇 告。财报显示,甲骨文第三财季的净利润为25亿美元,合每股收益49美分。甲骨文第三 财务状况 3. 行业动态篇 财季的营收为90.4亿美元,比年同期的88.1亿美元增长了2.2%。甲骨文公司季报表现超 —招聘趋势

预期,软件销售良好,抵消了硬件收入的下滑,该公司股价开盘上涨3.2%,报31.09美 —机构及人事变动 元。公司董事会决定每股公开上市的普通股股票发放0.06美元的季度现金红利。该红利将 —最新业务进展 —财务状况 发放给截至2012年4月11日收盘时记录在册的股东。 —研究报告

—奖项荣誉 用友(UFIDA):2011赢售41亿元 净利润同比增61.7% —其他

★★★★ 4. 市场活动篇 3月10日,用友软件公布2011年年度报告和非公开发行股票预案。公司2011年实现营收 41.2亿元,同比增38.4%;净利润为5.37亿元,同比增61.7%;每股收益0.66元。同时,拟 5. 签约信息篇 每10股转2股派4元(含税)。同时拟以不低于16.7元/股的价格非公开发行不超过1.12亿 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 股,总募资额不超过18.8亿元。募资投入下一代企业及政府应用系统、用友云服务中心和 外包服务中心建设。 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜

金蝶(Kingdee):去年营收增长40.8% 2012启航云管理战略 ★★★★ 金蝶国际软件3月27日公布截至2011年12月31日止经审核之全年业绩。报告显示:2011 年营业收入增长40.8%至人民币约20.23亿元,主要受惠于大中型企业市场转型与升级对 管理软件需求及信息化投入加大,以及服务业务的强劲增长。同时,由于内地中小型企业 因银根收紧而使软件及服务采购支出延滞,使毛利较高的低端产品销售增长短暂放缓,加 上公司为前瞻性战略投资和业务扩张,以及市场人工成本上升等导致集团2011年成本费 用上升,股东应占溢利为人民币1.45亿元,较2010年同期下降约46.6%。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -17 3

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 HRoot 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 《2012中国人力资源行业竞争情报月度监测报告》首发 ★★★★★ 2. 政策法规篇

研究报告 由中国领先的人力资源媒体与互联网公司——HRoot于3月31日重磅 3. 行业动态篇 推出《2012中国人力资源行业竞争情报月度监测报告》。它是中国 —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 首部人力资源行业竞争监测报告,通过对中国人力资源行业的发展 —最新业务进展

动态进行365/24式的实时紧密跟踪和监测,并由专业人员进行严格 —财务状况 地筛选、编辑、整理,每月向客户和读者发布反映供应商自身、竞 —研究报告 —奖项荣誉 争对手和竞争环境的事件状态和变化的重要数据与信息。该报告会 —其他 在第一时间收集中国范围内涉及人力资源咨询、人力资源培训、人 才寻猎、人才招聘、人才评鉴、人力资源外包等服务领域的一百多 4. 市场活动篇 家在华企业的行业动态、企业签约信息、企业财务状况、企业网站 5. 签约信息篇 流量排名等最新情报,使得企业管理者能够快速地做出理性决策和 灵活应对市场的变化。 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜

7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜

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1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇

3. 行业动态篇 ADP:未来的HR在云端 —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 ★★★★ —最新业务进展

ADP最近联合人力资源媒体公司 HRoot,针对中国HRMS的市 —财务状况 场覆盖、使用情况、市场需求、购买行为及未来计划,对727 —研究报告 —奖项荣誉 家企业进行了全面调查,并发布了调研报告《未来的HR在云 —其他 端——2011 中国人力资源信息化回顾与展望》。调查显示:中 国人力资源管理信息化水平仍然较低,拥有人力资源管理系统 4. 市场活动篇 (HRMS)的企业的比例仅为47%,以及企业越来越重视软件的 5. 签约信息篇 功能、服务和成本。同时,企业对SaaS的认知程度不深。ADP中 国总经理安穆远表示:“SaaS市场仍处于培育阶段,但发展潜力 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 巨大。我们相信,未来的HR将在云端。”该报告研讨会于3月分 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 别在苏州、上海、广州、深圳、北京五地举办。

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1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇

IDC:2015年全球云计算创造1400万就业 中印占半数 美世(Mercer):全球金融服务业激励计划快速调查 3. 行业动态篇 ★★★★★ ★★ —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 北京时间3月6日早间消息,微软周一联合市场调研公司IDC发布 美世于3月公布《美世全球金融服务行业激励计划调查》报告。 —最新业务进展

研究报告称,到2015年时,云计算服务将为全球创造近1400万 调查收集了21个国家63家金融机构的薪酬实践和基本薪酬数据。 —财务状况 个工作岗位,其中近一半就业机会在中国和印度。报告还称,云 结果发现:全球金融服务业高管的薪酬涨幅为2.5%,亚太区涨 —研究报告 —奖项荣誉 计算服务今年将为全球创造670万个工作岗位,到2015年时将增 幅为5%;并且,风险管理和内控部门的薪酬涨幅继续增高,达 —其他 加到1400万个。IDC称,按照这种发展趋势,云计算服务每年将 到3%,但是年度现金薪酬中,奖金激励的比例相应减少;激励 为新业务营收贡献1.1万亿美元。 方案正在发生改变,亚太区更多的机构正在引进奖惩机制,改变 4. 市场活动篇

以往只奖不罚的状况。 5. 签约信息篇 盖洛普(Gallup):6亿人希望永久移民国外 ★★ 美世(Mercer): 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜

全球调查机构盖洛普针对世界150个国家所做的一项调查显示, 中国2012——企业领导者必需面对的人才挑战 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 世界有大约6亿3000万的成人希望永久移居国外。其中,有4800 ★★★★★ 万人有在不久的将来进行移民的打算。报告显示,世界成人中有 3月底,美世发布《中国2012——企业领导者必需面对的人才挑 将近6%的人表示自己愿意移居国外从事临时性的工作。从地理 战》报告,帮助企业了解中国的企业和人力资源领导者们所面临 分布来看,中东和北非地区愿意移居的人最多,其次为撒哈拉以 的人才挑战、以及企业如何采用有效的人才管理来克服这些挑战 南非洲地区。有18个国家吸引了世界70%的移民。在吸收移民 并实现商业的持续成功。调查显示:中国企业领导者面临诸多人 方面,美国继续成为世界移民的首要目的地,其次是加拿大、英 才挑战如领导力瓶颈严重,员工敬业度降低;高技能有经验人才 国、法国和西班牙报告指出,气候变化是促使人们移民的一个因 短缺,人力成本与生产率不匹配;人才本土化困难,跨地域流动 素。报告预计,今后5年,将会有5亿人由于其社区所面临的严重 不畅; 员工价值主张多元化,代际冲突加剧等。 环境问题而选择移居国外或是国内的其它地区。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -20 3

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers):人才短缺制约了竞争力 2. 政策法规篇 ★★ 根据普华永道3月公布的全球CEO年度调查发现:高达54%的中国CEO认为人力因素已经成 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势

为制约企业有效创新的掣肘,远高于全球31%的平均水平。中国内地及香港地区共有160位 —机构及人事变动 CEO接受了采访。受访者中,只有三分之一的中国CEO对未来三年拥有足够战略实施的人力 —最新业务进展 资源表示“非常有信心”。同时,鉴于欧元区和美国的经济没有复苏的迹象,为了寻求发展 —财务状况 —研究报告

机会,CEO们对中国寄予厚望。30%的全球CEO认为,在未来的12个月中,中国将是其业务 —奖项荣誉 增长的重要市场。 —其他

4. 市场活动篇 睿仕管理(Right Management):员工有更多意愿要表达 ★★ 5. 签约信息篇 通过最近两个月,睿仕对北美497名企业员工调查发现:每年有54%的员工会向企业提供 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 20多条建议,20%的员工会提供10——20条建议。睿仕职业发展与管理高级副总裁Monika Morrow谈到:“我们多次发现员工是愿意为企业做出贡献的,通过这些建议,他们向企业展 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 示着自己是在认真思考工作的。”

韬瑞惠悦(Towers Watson):《2011-2012全球企业内部沟通回报率研究》 ★★★ 近期,韬瑞惠悦发布《2011-2012全球企业内部沟通回报率研究》显示,全球大部分公司表 示他们将更多地利用社交媒体工具与员工保持沟通并告知各项事务。尽管很多公司质疑它的 成本效益,还是有超过三分之二的公司计划在未来的12个月中加强对社交媒体的利用。研究 同时发现,管理层和经理在实现高效沟通和变革管理方面具有前所未有的重要性,然而对大 部分企业而言,如何透过有效的方式来提升管理层的沟通能力,仍然任重道远。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -21 3

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 韬瑞惠悦(Towers Watson): 博禹集团(MRIC):

《2012年最新人力资源趋势》 健康与福利成为中国人才最为关注的因素之一 3. 行业动态篇

★★★★★ ★★★★★ —招聘趋势 全球领先的专业咨询服务机构——韬睿惠悦咨询公司(以下简 根据博禹集团(MRIC)近日发布的《2012大中华区和新加坡人 —机构及人事变动 —最新业务进展 称“韬睿惠悦”)近日发布针对近300家公司开展的《2012年最 才环境报告》显示,政府关于加快健康与福利体系建设的目标与 —财务状况

新人力资源趋势》调研结果。结果显示,随着中国经济向软着陆 国内专业人士、管理人才的看法不谋而合。该报告的调查对象包 —研究报告 的目标迈进,中国企业的奖酬发展趋势与整体经济态势亦相当吻 括来自中国大陆、香港、台湾及新加坡的大约5000名在职专业人 —奖项荣誉 —其他 合:无论是10.1%的预期加薪率,还是相当于3.1个月基本工资 士及未来经理人。报告显示,健康俨然成为了中国大陆各级职场 的预期年度奖金,相比去年实际加薪率(11.6%)和奖金发放额 人士与高级管理人员关注的焦点,在中国大陆本土公司工作的受 4. 市场活动篇 (3.4个月),都在平稳中略有回调。同时,调研亦令业界意识 访者中,有20%的人强调福利才是留住人才的核心激励因素,而 5. 签约信息篇 到,在业绩压力上升且整体人力资本预算趋紧的情况下,企业会 在外资公司工作的受访者中,仅有11.6% 持相同的意见。

更侧重绩效导向,而创出十多年来新高的离职率(25.6%)又促 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 使企业不得不在人才保留方面动足脑筋。 智联招聘( 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 大学生就业最关注福利待遇 薪酬不再是关键 ★★★★★ 近日,智联招聘发布了《中国年度最佳雇主大学生调研报告》。 报告显示,即将进入职场的大学生们,对“福利待遇”的关注最 为强烈,其次是“提升个人核心能力的机会”,而“薪酬”则只 排在了第三位。除了线上调查以外,还对22所高校大学生进行线 下调查,回收2149份有效完整问卷。发现组织管理、雇主形象、 薪酬福利更受大学生关注。同时,调查数据显示,国企吸引力不 断上升(23.6%),与外企具备相同的吸引力(24%)。从行业分布来 看,大学生更加关注IT互联网、电子通讯、快速消费品、金融、 汽车等行业。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -22 3

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 前程无忧(51Job): 华德士(ROBERT WALTERS): 高离职率下 女性员工更受欢迎(3) 《2011年第四季度华德士亚洲就业指数》 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势 ★★★ —机构及人事变动

前程无忧最近的一项调查显示,在经济形势不够好、离职率居高 3月6日,华德士发布了一年一度的全球薪资调查报告。《2011 —最新业务进展 不下的情况下,女性员工更受到欢迎,雇主们更愿意招聘和保留 年第四季度华德士亚洲就业指数》指出,中国专业职能招聘广 —财务状况 —研究报告 女性员工;中层管理者中的女性甚至超过了男性。除了销售和技 告投放量第四季度比第三季度总体下降2.8%,而IT行业增长了 —奖项荣誉

术研发部门外,在员工规模超过500人的企业里,女性的比例都 13.2%。其中国区总经理杨璇波在接受和讯网提问时表示,大中 —其他 超过了50%。其中,生产部门、广告市场部门和财务部门中的女 华地区银行和金融服务行业的招聘水平呈现谨慎态势,中国快速 4. 市场活动篇 性比例最高。有56.3%的受访者认为,所在的企业中,女性经理 消费品和零售行业招聘活跃度保持良好态势,个人持续看好IT行

的人数不少于男性经理,但在副总裁以及总裁的高层职位上,男 业。另外,由于外国企业机构持续拓展在中国的业务规模,华德 5. 签约信息篇 性仍占绝对优势。 士预计在2012年具有国际和本地工作经验且具备良好中文语言技 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 能的专业人士,将会特别受到市场追捧。 华德士(ROBERT WALTERS): 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 中国高端人才薪酬将上涨10%以上(3) 翰纳仕(Hays): ★★★ 《2012中国薪酬指南》 3月初,招聘公司华德士在北京发布了2012年全球薪资调查报 告,报告显示今年全球高层人才薪酬将普遍出现10%——15%幅 Hays近期发布《2012中国薪酬指南》,报告预测今年中国六行业 度的上涨。华德士中国区相关负责人对网易财经表示,中国地区 用人趋势。如中国银行业强调占有市场份额,同时重视风险管理与 也将保持这一幅度的涨幅。该负责人说,以北京地区为例,今年 控制;雇主越来越期望员工具备多种语言技能,同时了解中国相关 零售和奢侈品行业管理人才的薪酬普遍涨幅在10%以上。 法律﹑规程等方面的要求。房地产企业则倾向于招聘本地员工以平 衡除了正常幅度和通货膨胀所带来的加薪以外的薪酬增长。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -23 3

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 2012年国家级企业管理现代化创新成果发布会隆重召开 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

★★★★ 2. 政策法规篇 奖项荣誉 3月24日,由中国企业联合会、国务院国资委企业改革局等共同主办的“第十八届国家 级企业管理现代化创新成果发布会”在北京钓鱼台国宾馆隆重召开。中国企业联合会会 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势

长王忠禹,国务院国资委副主任邵宁、中央企业和中国500强企业等代表出席。中智上 —机构及人事变动 海公司申报的《从单一外包服务商到人力资源整体服务供应商的战略转型》成果荣获一 —最新业务进展 等奖,该报告从2011年7月开始筹备整理申报,阐述了中智上海为实现从单一服务产品 —财务状况 —研究报告

向多元化产品、从单一人事外包服务向全方位服务、从线下向立体服务模式等转型的基 —奖项荣誉 本内涵和主要做法。此外,中智上海公司总经理石磊作为成果主要创造人、上海公司副 —其他 总经理王慧作为成果参与创造人荣列榜单。 4. 市场活动篇

北森(Beisen)iTalent获VeriSign SSL安全认证 5. 签约信息篇 ★★ 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 日前,中国人才管理第一品牌北森的核心产品iTalent获得了全球最大的数字证书颁发机 构威瑞信(VeriSign) 的安全认证。依靠SSL技术建立起高强度加密的信息传输通道, 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 北森可以最大限度地确保了用户数据在云中的传输安全。据北森专家介绍,现在用户登 陆到iTalent平台时,会在地址栏看到浏览器自动激活时显示“锁”的安全标志——这意 味着用户的浏览器和北森的云计算服务器之间建立起了一条安全的加密通道。目前,财 富 500 强企业中超过 93% 的公司都运用VeriSign SSL 证书加强网站安全防护。

Kelly Services荣膺2011——2012 年度大中华区最佳人才寻猎服务机构 ★★★ 3月14日,全球人力资源解决方案领军企业 Kelly Services 再次荣膺“2011——2012 年 度大中华区最佳人才寻猎服务机构 ”大奖,该奖项由《人力资本管理》杂志及大中华 最权威的人力资源社区网站 联合主办。

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1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇

中智外企服务分公司(Foreign Enterprises Service Branch of CIIC)通过ISO9001认证 3. 行业动态篇 ★★ —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 日前,中智外企服务分公司顺利通过了中国质量认证中心对ISO9001:2008质量管理体系的认证审核,并于2012年3月1日获取证书。这 —最新业务进展

也再次证明了中智外企服务分公司始终将产品质量放在第一位,不断于服务质量、管理以及系统平台上革新,力求进步。 —财务状况


—奖项荣誉 劳动力管理受关注, 连获多项大奖 克罗诺思(Kronos) —其他 ★★ 3月20日,克罗诺思(Kronos)公司宣布,克罗诺思在中国连获三项重要奖项,分别是“2011——2012 大中华区最佳劳动力管理软件 4. 市场活动篇 提供商”、“2011中国制造业劳动力管理解决方案杰出供应商”和“2011年制造业信息化优秀推荐产品”奖,这是对Kronos在中国创 5. 签约信息篇 新发展、致力于帮助中国企业提高劳动力管理效率的积极肯定。 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 荣获黄浦区经济发展突出贡献百强企业称号 北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司(FESCO Adecco) 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ★★ 近日,在黄浦区政府组织开展的2011年度经济发展突出贡献100强企业评选中,FESCO Adecco荣膺“2011年度上海市黄浦区经济发展 突出贡献100强企业第61位”。2月,FESCO Adecco还获得由DNV审核颁发的ISO9001:2008 管理体系2011年度持续评审证书。

诺姆四达(NormStar)集团荣登2012福布斯最具潜力企业榜单 ★★ 3月15日晚,2012福布斯中国潜力企业榜单在京揭晓,诺姆四达凭借2011年的优异成绩荣获“2012 福布斯中国最佳潜力企业”奖, 同时,也是唯一一家获此殊荣的专业人才测评机构。此次《福布斯》中文版对总计超过1万家年度销售额在500万元至10亿元人民币之 间、主营业务在中国大陆的中小型企业进行了研究筛选。该榜单根据企业的增长性指标(销售增长率及利润增长率)、回报率指标(总资产 回报率及净资产回报率)、赢利性指标(净利率)和规模指标(销售收入总额及净利润额)进行排名。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -25 3

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 明基逐鹿(BenQ Guru)荣获 “2011年制造业信息化优 “2011——2012大中华区最佳人力资源服务机构评选”奖 秀供应商”及“优秀推荐产品”两项大奖 项揭晓 3. 行业动态篇 ★★★ ★★★ —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 3月16日Eworks在北京国际会议中心举行盛大的“2012中国工业 3月14日,由《人力资本管理》杂志,及大中华最权威的人力资 —最新业务进展 与信息化融合发展高峰论坛”,并在论坛上举行了“2011第九届 源社区网站 联合主办的“2011——2012 大中华区最 —财务状况 中国制造业信息化岁末盘点”颁奖仪式,明基逐鹿荣获“2011年 佳人力资源服务机构评选”颁奖盛典在上海环球金融中心召开。 —研究报告 —奖项荣誉 制造业信息化优秀供应商”奖项,Guru SRM荣获“2011年制造 超过200位人力资源经理人见证了这一激动人心的行业盛事,本 —其他 业信息化优秀推荐产品”奖项。此次峰会,Eworks邀请了包括著 次评选于2012年1月启动,历时三个月,经历提名、入围、评审 4. 市场活动篇 名制造业专家、经济学家、信息化专家、知名制造企业CEO等共 研究、奖项确定以及奖项颁布五大阶段,共吸引300多家服务机

400余位嘉宾。 构参选,最终有ADP、万宝盛华、中智等18家企业在激烈的竞争 5. 签约信息篇 中脱颖而出。 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 汇思软件(Cyberwisdom)顺利通过ISO9001认证

★★★ 万宝盛华集团(ManpowerGroup)庆祝品牌革新一周年 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 2012年3月,汇思软件(上海)有限公司于获得了E-learning软 ★★★ 件平台、相关课件的开发制作服务领域的ISO9001证书。该证书 万宝盛华,全球开创性的人力资源解决方案的领导者,庆祝集团 不仅具有IFA(国际认可)标志,而且具有皇冠UKAS标志(United 品牌革新一周年,以完善的服务能力预知客户需求,满足企业在 Kingdom Accreditation Service即英国皇家认可委员会标注)。 人智时代的快速发展。“万宝盛华集团已经将客户与人智时代连 ISO9001是用于证实企业具有提供满足顾客要求和适用法规要求 接在一起——甄别出人力资源替代金融资本成为驱动经济发展的 的产品的能力,凡是通过认证的企业,在各项管理系统整合上已 核心竞争力“,万宝盛华集团首席执行官 Jeffrey A. Joerres 说 达到了国际标准,表明企业能持续稳定地向客户提供预期和满意 道。“宏观经济的快速发展步伐超越商业模式的改变,这一趋势 的合格产品。 还将持续。这就是为什么我们致力于提供契合全球和本土解决方 案的原因所在。”

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -26 3

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 企业级平台上的博弈:Workday 挑战甲骨文(Oracle)地位 其它 ★★★★★ 3. 行业动态篇 “Workday终将取代传统企业级人力资源软件供应商,成为这个领域的领导 —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 者,”Cowen and Company公司分析师彼得•高德曼彻指出,Wordday能以更 —最新业务进展

为低廉的总体成本,提供更现代化的特性集合,原因在于企业只需将之作为一 —财务状况 项服务买入,无需为取得所有权而掏钱。他补充说:“我们认为,企业最终会 —研究报告 —奖项荣誉 发现,甲骨文和SAP的解决方案是并购的产物,只是一个大杂烩,目前仍有待 —其他 进一步整合;与之相比,Workday的软件更具吸引力。”然而,要完全取代甲 骨文和SAP的人力资源服务,Workday仍任重而道远,因为这两家巨头迄今仍 4. 市场活动篇

分别拥有1万多家客户。但是,Wordday的领导人布斯里和达菲尔德确实有本 5. 签约信息篇 事让大型竞争对手寝食难安。 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜

四大会计师事务所或再掀裁员潮 被劝退+无薪假 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ★★ 香港金融业的裁员风正从投行吹向会计师事务所。“大约有20人被裁。”毕 马威(KPMG)香港所的一名员工向记者透露。在内地,少数试用期刚结束的新 员工也遭遇厄运。在上海,KPMG(内地名为“毕马威华振”)已经开始要求员 工清理假期。KPMG中国方面否认了裁员一说。“对于部分表现不如理想的员 工,公司亦会向他们解析其在公司的发展前景,部分员工会因而选择离开,属 于正常安排。” KPMG中国回应称,除了上述情况而离开的员工外,公司最 近并没有裁员。但KPMG中国主管合伙人(人力资源)吴丽莎曾对港媒表示,未 来数月不排除会劝退更多员工。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -27 3

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 行业动态篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 摩根士丹利:智联招聘(时机未到 创意社交职场午餐拓展人脉 ★★★★ ★★★ 3. 行业动态篇 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)认为:现在并非澳洲求职网站Seek推动 北京时间3月9日下午消息,美国科技博客Mashable介绍了一家名为 —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 在线求职网站智联招聘(Zhaopin)公开上市的最佳时机。分析师麦克劳 GetLunched.com的网站,其创意在于可以帮助职场人士通过午餐拓 —最新业务进展

德(Andrew McLeod)谈道:智联招聘刚刚转亏为盈,它仍然有大幅扩 展人脉。GetLunched.com是一家社交网络,可以帮助用户将午餐邀 —财务状况 张的计划,未来还有结构性增长机会。虽然智联招聘仍然在向新的 请扩大到一些他们希望与之交往的人。用户可以在提交的午餐邀请 —研究报告 —奖项荣誉 城市和市场扩张,但该公司也在一个高度分散的市场与对手竞争。 中写明“我请客”,“你请客”或“AA制”,而且能与LinkedIn的 —其他 我们预计该公司增长强劲,也担心市场对智联招聘未来几年的整体 现有社交关系整合,方便联系老朋友。GetLunched.com联合创始人 预期可能过高。 马特·布拉迪(Matt Brady)说:“人们都愿意帮助他人,但这通常 4. 市场活动篇 并不容易。肯定有一些原因。请客吃午饭是一种很好的价值交换模 5. 签约信息篇 LinkedIn欲成全球性社交网络 式。” ★★★★ 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 LinkedIn创始人雷德·霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)近期在接受采访时谈论 ( )开出在京外籍人社保报销第一单 中智公司 CIIC 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 了LinkedIn近期的发展,美国人的职业态度以及硅谷的发展前景等。 ★★★★ 他表示,LinkedIn致力于成为全球性的社交网络,并可能覆盖全球 日前,在京参保的外籍员工Mr. Wang成功向医保中心办理了医疗费 1/4的人口。LinkedIn现任CEO杰夫·维纳(Jeff Weiner)和霍夫曼目前 用单据报销,这也是自去年10月15日起要求外籍员工缴纳社会保险 专注于提升网站的用户数、营收和功能。一些分析师表示,LinkedIn 费以来,中智公司为北京外籍员工申请办理社保报销的第一单。据 最大的弱点在于用户参与度。雷德·霍夫曼在谈到未来投资时说: 介绍,客户于2月8日提交单据后,2月27日走完正常流程,顺利办 “关于你真正需要关注的是突破性的创业者。我仍在投资于过去9年 理医疗费用报销。《在中国境内就业的外国人参加社会保险暂行办 中我所投资的3大主题:网络、平台和市场。” 法》于2011年10月15日起正式施行。办法规定,用人单位招用外国 人的,应当自办理就业证件之日起30日内为其办理社会保险登记。 数据显示,持《外国人就业证》在京工作的外国人已达4万人左右。 据了解,目前有约8000人已办理了参保手续。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -28 4

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 市场活动篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

世泓(SHL)携手HRoot启动LINK大中华“人才智能”大会 2. 政策法规篇 ★★★★★ 3. 行业动态篇 3月23日,全球首屈一指的人才测评方案专家SHL携手中国领先的人力资源互联网及媒体 —招聘趋势

公司HRoot宣布正式启动人才管理领域的顶尖国际会议——LINK大中华“人才智能”大 —机构及人事变动 会。本次大会将于5月24日于上海四季酒店隆重举办,届时将汇集超过250位人力资源高 —最新业务进展 —财务状况 管、人力资源从业者、人力资源专家以及工业与组织心理学家参加本次盛会。LINK大中 —研究报告

华“人才智能”大会作为大中华地区人才管理领域层次最高、议题最前沿的会议,启动前 —奖项荣誉 即受到了人力资源行业内的广泛关注,并产生了巨大的行业影响。 —其他

4. 市场活动篇 “2012 HRoot中国人力资源服务展”招展宣传正式启动 ★★★★★ 5. 签约信息篇

首届“2012 HRoot中国人力资源服务展(China HR Services Providers EXPO 2012)” 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 将于2012年6月21日在上海环球金融中心举办。本次展会是由中国领先的人力资源媒体及 互联网公司——HRoot主办,作为中国最大规模人力资源服务供应商展会,预计将汇集超 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 过50家全球及中国人力资源服务供应机构齐聚一堂,届时预计将有3000名企业出席。本 届展会将由展示、产品发布、演讲、研讨、现场折扣店等多种形式组成,并同步通过互联 网、平面媒体和iPad等平台同步进行品牌展示。

HRoot“2012中国人才管理论坛”成功举办 ★★★ 由中国领先的人力资源互联网和媒体公司——HRoot主办的“2012中国人才管理论坛” 于3月14——15日在上海环球金融中心隆重拉开帷幕。本次论坛邀请到了来自Kenexa、 贝尔宾协会、北森、携程、任仕达、SAP等企业嘉宾与来中石化、百安居、光明乳业等知 名企业近300名人力资源管理精英人士,一起分享并探讨了人才管理领域的热点话题。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -29 4

CDP首届HR 服务外包管理平台推广大会南京站圆满落幕

★★★ 1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 市场活动篇 3月,CDP集团在南京举办了首届HR 服务外包管理平台推广大 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 会。此次会议聚集了16家南京市颇具影响力的人力资源公司,围 2. 政策法规篇 绕“如何借助高效高端技术平台快速扩张发展HR 外包业务”进 ADP联合HRoot成功举办人力资源信息化全国巡回研讨会 行了热烈深入的探讨,气氛轻松活跃,会议取得了圆满成功。 3. 行业动态篇 ★★★★ —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 由全球领先的业务外包解决方案提供商ADP与中国领先的人力资 易才集团(CTG):“易速聘”大讲堂开讲(2) —最新业务进展 源媒体公司HRoot联合举办的“未来的HR在云端——人力资源信 ★★ —财务状况 —研究报告 息化全国研讨会”苏州站与上海站已分别于3月1日、3月2日圆满 3 月15 日,易才集团“易速聘”大讲堂举行了关于“企业在招 —奖项荣誉

落幕。此次研讨会基于日前ADP与HRoot共同发布的《未来的HR 聘过程中的风险防控”的培训活动。同时,易才集团还特意邀请 —其他 在云端——2011中国人力资源信息化回顾与展望》报告,深入探 到了劳动法知名律师袁泉女士在现场讲解企业如何应对招聘过程 4. 市场活动篇 讨了目前备受企业关注的SaaS架构下的人力资源信息化管理系 中的各种风险。如今,“易速聘”已拥有全国最大招聘服务网

统。随后,全国巡回的广州站、深圳站以及北京站研讨会也分别 络,服务客户超过万家,岗位类型超过上百个,每年招聘岗突破 5. 签约信息篇 将于3月6日、7日、9日隆重开幕。 50000人。 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜

安博(Ambow): 易才集团(CTG):易创计划——五年万名大学生创业人 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 “80/90后员工管理新突破”于北京举办 培养工程天津论坛即将开幕 ★★ ★★★★ 3月9日,安博教育集团旗下安博人众人体验式管理培训研究院 3月18日,易创计划——五年万名大学生创业人培养工程天津论 主办的“80/90后员工管理新突破”大型体验式公开课,本次公 坛将于天津南开大学天南联合大楼A座四楼大报告厅隆重举行。 开课由中国体验式培训专家杜葵老师主讲,重点展示了十多门沙 受邀参加的有易才集团董事会主席兼CEO李浩、V城创始人李天 盘模拟类课程,涉及战略、运营、营销等层面,其中包括电力企 语、众多知名天使投资人以及全国各地的大学生创业者。这是继 业、房地产、生产制造及服务业等数门极具行业专属性的沙盘课 2010年10月份成功举办“易梦想,易成就”创业大赛之后,易才 程,吸引了京城130多位企业的HR参加。这是该研究院在人众人 集团推出的又一针对大学生创业者的全国性公益活动——易创计 成立17周年之际献给客户的一份厚礼。 划,天津论坛即将为易创计划的全国论坛拉开序幕。

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1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 市场活动篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 中华英才网(专家大讲堂蓉城论道 ★★ 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势 3月10日,由中华英才网主办的,题为《全薪解读》的HR行业专题讲座在成都举行。讲座就如何利用 —机构及人事变动

薪酬调研报告制定行之有效的薪酬方案,在企业内部进行有效的薪酬管理,减少员工流失与来自各个 —最新业务进展 行业企业的HR人员进行了深入的沟通和探讨。中华英才网人力资源专家提到,选择最佳的调研伙伴, —财务状况 —研究报告 并有效利用调研报告为企业人力管理决策提供数据支持,已经成为HR的重要工作内容之一。 —奖项荣誉

—其他 中华英才网(第十届中国大学生最佳雇主调查启动 4. 市场活动篇 ★★★

3月,中华英才网第十届中国大学生最佳雇主调查活动正式启动。截止目前,最佳雇主调查已持续举办 5. 签约信息篇 十年。“今年将结合十年的经验进一步深入分析总结企业在校园构建雇主品牌的原则与先进经验,同 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 时将继续推出重点行业的最佳雇主榜单,以便更有针对性地为企业、学校、学生三方提供有价值的参

考建议。“中华英才网相关负责人表示。 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜

IBM: 2012社交商务精英高峰论坛在京召开 ★★★ 3月20日,主题为“社交云商务,移动定未来”的IBM 2012社交商务精英高峰论坛在京召开。大会深 入探讨了向社交型商务转变的全新发展趋势,全面阐述了IBM协作解决方案(ICS: IBM Collaboration Solutions)2012年“社交云商务,移动定未来”的发展战略。IBM软件集团大中华区协作解决方案 (ICS)总经理李贵兴表示,IBM非常希望和大家分享自己的产品与策略,大会现场还邀请到了烟台万华 等客户。李贵兴还揭露了2012年IBM Lotus产品线的关注的三大重点:一是移动,二是社交 ,三是云 计算。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -31 4

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 市场活动篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 金蝶(Kingdee)2012年度全国渠道伙伴大会在琼举行 马丁森(Martinsen Group): ★★★ 华南区人力资源高级研讨会成功告擎 3. 行业动态篇 2012年3月6日——7日,金蝶集团2012年度渠道合作伙伴大会在 ★★★ —招聘趋势 —机构及人事变动 海南喜来登酒店成功举行。本次主题为“携手共赢 打造云管理世 马丁森集团2012华南高级人力资源研讨会终于在3月9日广州建国 —最新业务进展

界”的全国伙伴大会,吸引了近400家伙伴公司600余人参会。金 酒店拉开帷幕,本次研讨会主题是“构建企业动态人才阶梯,提 —财务状况 蝶集团董事局主席徐少春、金蝶中国高级副总裁李光学等出席了 升组织绩效”。此次活动携手百伯网联合举办,当天活动聚集了 —研究报告 —奖项荣誉 会议。会上,徐少春作了《携手共赢 打造云管理世界》的主题报 50多家知名企业的HRM,大家共同探讨交流与分享企业团队构 —其他 告。徐少春表示在接下来的渠道规划中,金蝶将继续坚持2003年 建实际案例。马丁森集团副总裁朱佳昀老师与大家共同分享如何 制定的“产品领先,伙伴至上”的渠道战略,携手共赢云管理的 建立动态人才库,以及打造高绩效人才管理体系的关键要点。 4. 市场活动篇

信息化时代。 5. 签约信息篇 用友(UFIDA):HR助推管理转型升华”的高峰研讨会 2012年度金蝶(Kingdee)渠道合作伙伴大会——携手 ★★★ 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 3月16日,用友软件股份有限公司北京分公司在京举办了主题为 共赢 打造云管理世界 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ★★★ “HR助推管理转型升华”的高峰研讨会,用友集团助理总裁、 金蝶集团于3月5——7日,在海南神州半岛喜来登酒店召开2012 eHR事业部总经理苏华在会上提出今年业务应更加关注人力资源 年金蝶集团渠道合作伙伴大会,数百名行业专家、企业高管、优 管理转型,重点在于确定组织职能及管控模式,加强人力资本及 秀伙伴将共襄盛举,共论中国软件渠道未来发展之路。大会上, 人才供应链管理,通过人力资源管理转型提升组织价值。 将发布2012金蝶EAS、K/3、KIS产品业务规划、举行2011年度金 蝶渠道优秀合作伙伴颁奖盛典。此外,来宾还将参与云端产品互 动体验(云伙伴交流)等。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -32 5

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 市场活动篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

泛微(Weaver)思爱普(SAP)在行动 IT融合受关注 2. 政策法规篇 ★★★★★ 3. 行业动态篇

2012年“第二届协同运营管控落地实践高峰论坛”暨“OA与ERP高端融合解决方案、案例巡展”于3月16日隆重开启,高端OA领先 —招聘趋势 品牌泛微将继续携手全球企业管理软件与解决方案的技术领袖SAP共同就OA与ERP高端融合解决方案展开深入的探讨,本次巡展泛 —机构及人事变动 —最新业务进展 微SAP还将在深圳、杭州、重庆、郑州、福州等多个城市步道“管理的生命力”。 —财务状况

—研究报告 肯耐珂萨(Kenexa)亮相2012中国人力资本采购博览会 —奖项荣誉 ★★★ —其他

Kenexa于3月24日亮相2012年中国企业人力资源采购博览会广州站,并做主题演讲。展会上,众多HR对Kenexa的传统产品如 4. 市场活动篇 测评、培训以及猎头等业务进行了了解,更多HR对Kenexa的招聘系统2XBrassing以及薪酬管理系统CompAnalyst进行了咨询, Kenexa顾问对HR提出的问题进行了细致解答。 5. 签约信息篇

6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 科锐国际(Career International):“云招聘:2012 招聘管理变革新趋势论坛”在沪举办 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ★★★ 近日,亚洲领先的整体招聘解决服务提供商——科锐国际和大易科技联合在沪举办的“云招聘:2012 招聘管理变革新趋势论坛”聚 焦讨论了上述议题,近400位跨国公司及本土知名企业人力资源管理者积极参与论坛并进行了深入探讨。“如果用简短的字来归纳中 国的招聘市场,2011年是多、快,2012年则是好、省。”科锐国际总裁兼首席执行官郭鑫先生说道,在当前情况下,企业更加注重 如何通过流程和结构优化的方式降低企业运营成本。

明基逐鹿(BenQ Guru)北京“企业绩效管理体系建设与人力资源信息化”交流会成功举办 ★★★ 3月15日,明基逐鹿和HR Bar共同举办的“企业绩效管理体系建设与人力资源信息化” 人力资源交流会在北京成功举行。本次活 动,来自明基逐鹿的人力资源信息化专家徐锋先生以及资深人力资源专家李海燕女士和与会的近100位来自北京各行业的人力资源高 管、总监以及资深从业人员进行了关于“企业人力资源管理效率与信息化”的分享交流。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -33 5

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 市场活动篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 嬴在信息流,明基逐鹿(BenQ Guru)苏州HR交流会成 汇思软件(Cyberwisdom)即将亮相ASTD 2012年大会 功举办 ★★★ 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势 ★★★ 2012年5月,作为亚太地区最全面的E-Learning整体解决方案 —机构及人事变动

3月23日,明基逐鹿邀请苏州地区30位人力资源高管、总监以及 供应商,汇思即将亮相ASTD 2012年大会。ASTD(American —最新业务进展 资深从业人员来到明基中国营销总部,参加“嬴在信息流,信息 Society for Training & Development,美国培训与发展协会)是 —财务状况 —研究报告 化提升企业人力资源管理效率”HR交流会。活动邀请了优普集 全球最大的培训与发展行业的专业协会, ASTD国际会议会展是 —奖项荣誉

团人力资源副理、人力资源系统负责人黄麟惠女士、明基逐鹿的 世界范围内最重要的培训与发展盛会,迄今已经连续举办了60多 —其他 人力资源信息化专家徐锋先生及明基逐鹿BPM信息化专家陆艳女 年,每年都会吸引许多国家的代表参加。 4. 市场活动篇 士与来宾进行了分享交流信息化管理经验。 世泓(SHL)召开零售业人力资源管理高层论坛 5. 签约信息篇 汇思软件(Cyberwisdom)“E-Learning平台技术交流 ★★ 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 会”在广州成功举办 3月16日,人才服务机构SHL公司举办题为“人才智能,支撑零

★★★ 售业有序发展”的零售业人力资源管理高层论坛,包括数家全球 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 近日,LT携汇思在广州举办了E-Learning平台技术交流会,会议 大型零售仓储超市以及顶级奢侈品牌在内企业的人力资源高管云 邀请了E-Learning行业资深项目专家、汇思平台部门总监等共同 集一堂,就当下零售行业人力资源面临的挑战与对策,人才驱动 探讨E-Learning平台技术的发展,本次活动旨在增强与会人员对 策略的重要性、如何计划和实施策略、配套技术,如何将公司的 E-Learning平台更深入的认知,探讨E-Learning在国内的发展趋 人才数据与结构和行业甚至竞争对手进行对比并最终获得显著商 势,会议回顾了汇思明星产品wizBank学习管理系统的历史,从 业效益进行了探讨。 wizBank3.5到4.0、5.0,再到现在的企业大学2.0,见证了10多 年来汇思在E-Learning行业不断的努力与创新。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -34 5

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 签约信息篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

诺姆四达(NormStar)人才测评创新党政干部选拔机制 2. 政策法规篇 ★★★★ 近日,广西某市委组织部联合国内知名人才测评机构诺姆四达共同构建了该市的党政 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势

干部素质测评系统,这也是该市党政干部选拨中首次引入人才评价机制。据了解,作 —机构及人事变动 为第一家与中组部领导干部考试与测评中心建立战略合作伙伴关系的专业测评机构, —最新业务进展 迄今,诺姆四达已先后为中组部及上海、湖南、湖北、杭州和青岛等多地党委组织部 —财务状况 —研究报告

门合作,进行党政干部、公务员和国企高管的招聘选拔工作。 —奖项荣誉


中智(CIIC)浙江与义乌人事劳动社保局签订战略意向书 4. 市场活动篇 ★★ 近日,中智浙江公司与义乌市人事劳动社会保障局签订了人力资源服务开发合作战略 5. 签约信息篇 意向书。此次签约,是中智浙江公司与浙江省重点经济新特区政府的又一次强强对 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 话,标志着中智浙江公司“以杭州为中心,在省内主要经济城市设立分公司,打造真 正浙江的中智”的目标又向前迈近了一步。 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜

中华英才网(助力瑞丰银行人才引进战略 ★★ 2012年3月,中华英才网针对瑞丰银行项目,派出了专业的RPO(招聘流程外包)团 队,通过中华英才网优质的人才简历库,整合线上线下资源并以优质的执行力帮助瑞 丰银行开展招聘工作,展示RPO业务定制化、本地化的专业威力。这并不是瑞丰银行 在引才政策上的初试啼声,2011年瑞丰银行即引进包括总经理、支行行长在内的36 名金融英才,分别来自工行、中行、建行、交行等。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -35 5

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 签约信息篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 中华网软件(CDC Software):铂金人力资源管理解决方案(Platinum HRM)入驻阿特金斯 ★★ 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势 中华网软件于3月宣布,已经与阿特金斯顾问(深圳)有限公司上海分公司正式签约。阿特金斯中国,作为阿特金斯集团远东区的全 —机构及人事变动

资子公司,1994年正式进入中国市场。阿特金斯顾问(深圳)有限公司上海分公司正式签约选择了铂金人力资源管理解决方案HRM —最新业务进展 8.0,希望借助系统管理全公司员工的基本信息,并进行可续准确的薪资计算。此外,公司还应用了ESS员工自助系统。 —财务状况 —研究报告

—奖项荣誉 保时捷与中华软件网(CDC Software)签约 —其他 ★★ 4. 市场活动篇 中华网软件于近日宣布,已经与保时捷(中国)汽车销售有限公司正式签约。保时捷(中国)汽车销售有限公司选用了铂金人力资源

管理解决方案Platinum HRM 8.0,以期初步建立合理的人力资源管理平台,实现企业人力资源部门的职能转变。目前该系统计划首先 5. 签约信息篇 在总部进行使用,将来可能扩充到其旗下所有分支并惠及全部员工。 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜

Infor(恩富)与塔塔(TCS)结盟共同拓展重点行业的全球业务覆盖 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ★★★★ Infor近日宣布与全球领先的IT服务和商业解决方案提供商塔塔咨询服务公司(TCS)结成战略合作伙伴。 该合作协议是Infor全球首批 系统集成商联盟协议之一,塔塔咨询服务公司将对Infor及其子公司罗胜软件的产品进行营销、实施并提供相应的服务,从而拓展Infor 在时尚、食品饮料和医疗等重点行业的全球业务覆盖。

嘉扬(Kayang)半导体行业优势再扩大,助力先进半导体 ★★ 日前,恩智浦半导体控股的半导体行业领军角色上海先进半导体制造股份有限公司通过严密考虑层层筛选,以及对比之前使用过的 其它人力资源管理系统,最终决定携手嘉扬。嘉扬成功签约上海先进半导体,得益于嘉扬为上海宏力、华虹NEC、德州仪器、星科金 朋、BCD半导体、上海凯虹、吉林恩智浦NXP、威旭半导体Vishay、万代半导体等半导体公司提供优质的e——HR产品和服务。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -36 5

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 签约信息篇 资源行业竞争情报监测报告

2. 政策法规篇 嘉扬(Kayang)喜得苏州最大药企青睐,共同稳健发展 ★★ 3. 行业动态篇 —招聘趋势

在嘉扬苏州办事处的共同努力下,嘉扬e——HR成功牵手苏州投资规模最大药企——东曜药业。自此,嘉扬e——HR在医药界除了强 —机构及人事变动 生制药、施乐辉卫材药业、恒寿堂、药明康德、微创医疗、信谊药业、第一三共制药、尚华医药、上海和黄药业等之外,又树立了一 —最新业务进展 个里程碑。 —财务状况 —研究报告

—奖项荣誉 万古科技(Vanguard Technology)助力鸿坤地产 深化企业eHR应用 —其他

★★ 4. 市场活动篇 近日,万古科技凭借多个地产行业的成功实施经验、合理优化的HR管理流程、便捷的操作方式等受到了鸿坤地产管理团队的一致青 睐,成功签约鸿坤地产集团,通过搭建全方位的人力资源信息化管理平台,全面提升企业核心竞争力。鸿坤地产集团是具备国家一级 5. 签约信息篇 房地产开发资质的企业。 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜

万古科技(Vanguard Technology)携手中山创源共铸辉煌 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 ★★ 3月,通过对eHR供应商的严格挑选,中山创源与万古科技正式签约,双方携手进行人力资源管理信息化项目的建设。此次万古科技与 中山创源的合作除了引入基本的人力资源管理模块外,还将为中山创源搭建一个面向全员的绩效管理平台,帮助中山创源全面优化HR 管理流程,并有效地为企业战略发展提供数据支持。中山创源自2000年成立以来,一直致力于研发、生产和销售家庭健康电子产品。

明基逐鹿(BenQ Guru)eHR助力广州娇兰佳人化妆品有限公司实现人力资源管理新变革 ★★★ 近日,明基逐鹿eHR助力广州娇兰佳人化妆品有限公司实现人力资源管理。在本次合作中,明基逐鹿将主要为客户全面解决人力资源 管理的问题,诸如:基础人事、考勤、薪资、培训、工作流管理等问题。此项目在与竞争对手的长期拉锯战中,明基逐鹿以专业的产 品,优质的服务和团队合作最终脱颖而出,赢得此次双方握手互赢的合作机会。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -37 6

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 附录1:市值排名榜 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 2012人力资源服务机构3月市值排名 2. 政策法规篇

排 3月30日市值 公司英文名 公司中文名 交易 上市交易所 股市代码 原货币计价 3. 行业动态篇 名 所代码 (百万美元) —招聘趋势

1 ADP 安德普翰 NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 ADP 27,075.00 270.75亿(美元) —机构及人事变动

2 Marsh & McLennan Companies3 威达信 NYSE 纽约证券交易所 MMC 17,819.00 178.19亿(美元) —最新业务进展 3 AON 怡安 NYSE 纽约证券交易所 AON 15,953.00 159.53亿(美元) —财务状况 4 Paychex / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 PAYX 11,235.00 112.35亿(美元) —研究报告 —奖项荣誉 5 Adecco 德科 / / ADEN/ADE 9,914.52 89.52亿(瑞士法郎) —其他 6 Edenred 艾登瑞德 EPA 纽约泛欧证券交易所(巴黎) EDEN 6,785.16 50.89亿(欧元) 7 Randstad 任仕达 AMS 纽约泛欧证券交易所(阿姆斯特丹) RAND 6,447.84 48.36亿(欧元) 4. 市场活动篇 8 Towers Watson 韬睿惠悦 NYSE 纽约证券交易所 TW 5,332.00 53.32亿(美元) 9 Robert Half International 罗致恒富 NYSE 纽约证券交易所 RHI 4,307.00 43.07亿(美元) 5. 签约信息篇 10 ManpowerGroup 万宝盛华集团 NYSE 纽约证券交易所 MAN 3,797.00 37.97亿(美元) 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 11 SuccessFactors 胜略 NYSE 纽约证券交易所 SFSF 3,391.00 33.91亿(美元)

12 SEEK Limited / ASX 澳大利亚证券交易所 SEK 2,468.16 23.73亿(澳元) 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 13 UFIDA 用友软件 SHA 上海证券交易所 600588 2,443.61 153.88亿(人民币) 14 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation 博思艾伦 NYSE 纽约证券交易所 BAH 2,425.00 24.25亿(美元) 15 Michael Page International 米高蒲志国际 LON 伦敦证券交易所 MPI 2,330.47 14.57亿(英镑) 16 The Ultimate Software / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 ULTI 1,933.00 19.33亿(美元) 17 Taleo Corporation / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 TLEO 1,922.00 19.22亿(美元) 18 Hays 瀚纳仕 LON 伦敦证券交易所 HAS 1,889.01 11.81亿(英镑) 19 51job 前程无忧 NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 JOBS 1,619.00 16.19亿(美元) 2012/3/30汇率说明 20 Neusoft 东软 SHA 上海证券交易所 600718 1,581.01 99.56亿(人民币) 1澳元 1.0401美元 21 Team Health Holdings LLC / NYSE 纽约证券交易所 TMH 1,349.00 13.49亿(美元) 1日元 0.0122美元 1英镑 1.5995美元 22 Monster4 / NYSE 纽约证券交易所 MWW 1,200.00 12.00亿(美元) 1欧元 1.3333美元 1瑞士法郎 1.1075美元 23 Kenexa 肯耐珂萨 NYSE 纽约证券交易所 KNXA 847.00 8.47亿(美元) 1人民币 0.1588美元 1港币 0.1288美元 24 McMillan Shakespeare / ASX 澳大利亚证券交易所 MMS 809.20 7.78亿(澳元) 1台币 0.0339美元

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1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 附录1:市值排名榜 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 2012人力资源服务机构3月市值排名 2. 政策法规篇

排 交易 3月30日市值 公司英文名 公司中文名 上市交易所 股市代码 原货币计价 3. 行业动态篇 名 所代码 (百万美元) —招聘趋势

25 Korn/Ferry International 光辉国际 NYSE 纽约证券交易所 KFY 801.00 8.01亿(美元) —机构及人事变动

26 Insperity / NYSE 纽约证券交易所 NSP 789.00 7.89亿(美元) —最新业务进展 27 TrueBlue / NYSE 纽约证券交易所 TBI 713.00 7.13亿(美元) —财务状况 28 Meitec Corporation 明达科(上海)人才服务有限公司 TYO 东京证券交易所 9744 674.48 552.85亿(日元) —研究报告 —奖项荣誉 29 On Assignment / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 ASGN 653.00 6.53亿(美元) —其他 30 Sthree / LON 伦敦证券交易所 STHR 651.00 4.07亿(英镑) 31 Kingdee 金蝶 HKG 香港证券交易所 268 608.71 47.26亿(港币) 4. 市场活动篇 32 Resources Connection 荟才 NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 RECN 606.00 6.06亿(美元) 33 Dice Holdings / NYSE 纽约证券交易所 DHX 598.00 5.98亿(美元) 5. 签约信息篇 34 Kelly Services / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 KELYA 590.00 5.90亿(美元) 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 35 Kforce / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 KFRC 568.00 5.68亿(美元) 36 Temp Holdings Co., Ltd. / TYO 东京证券交易所 2181 558.86 458.08亿(日元) 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 37 Heidrick & Struggles 海德思哲 NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 HSII 394.00 3.94亿(美元) 38 ClickSoftware Technologies / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 CKSW 388.00 3.88亿(美元) 39 CDI Corporation / NYSE 纽约证券交易所 CDI 344.00 3.44亿(美元) 40 Pasona Group Inc. 保圣那 TYO 东京证券交易所 2168 332.16 272.26亿(日元) 41 Robert Walters / LON 伦敦证券交易所 RWA 300.71 1.88亿(英镑) 42 Saba Software / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 SABA 292.00 2.92亿(美元) 43 Impellam Group plc / LON 伦敦证券交易所 IPEL 248.40 1.56亿(英镑) 2012/3/30汇率说明 44 AMN Healthcare Services, Inc. / NYSE 纽约证券交易所 AHS 245.00 2.45亿(美元) 1澳元 1.0401美元 45 Chandler Macleod Group / ASX 澳大利亚证券交易所 CMG 204.90 1.97亿(澳元) 1日元 0.0122美元 1英镑 1.5995美元 46 Barrett Business Services / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 BBSI 196.00 1.96亿(美元) 1欧元 1.3333美元 1瑞士法郎 1.1075美元 47 McMillan Shakespeare / ASX 纳斯达克证券市场公司 MMS 809.20 7.78亿(澳元) 1人民币 0.1588美元 1港币 0.1288美元 48 Korn/Ferry International 光辉国际 NYSE 美国金融业监管会 (FINRA) 场外电子交易板 KFY 801.00 8.01亿(美元) 1台币 0.0339美元

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1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 附录1:市值排名榜 2012人力资源服务机构3月市值排名 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 2. 政策法规篇 排 交易 3月30日市值 名 公司英文名 公司中文名 上市交易所 股市代码 原货币计价 所代码 (百万美元) 3. 行业动态篇

49 ATA 全美测评 NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 ATAI 159.00 1.59亿(美元) —招聘趋势 50 Cross Country Healthcare, Inc. / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 CCRN 154.00 1.54亿(美元) —机构及人事变动 51 Volt Information Sciences 渥特 PINK 美国金融业监管会 (FINRA) 场外电子交易板 VISI 130.00 1.30亿(美元) —最新业务进展 —财务状况 52 104 Corporation/104 Job bank 104人力银行 TPE 台湾证券交易所 3130 100.31 29.59亿(台币) —研究报告 53 Fullcast Co Ltd (ADR) / PINK 美国金融业监管会 (FINRA) 场外电子交易板 FULCY 95.04 9504.00万(美元) —奖项荣誉

54 FULLCAST HOLDINGS CO., LTD. / TYO 东京证券交易所 4848 87.33 71.58亿(日元) —其他 55 Harvey Nash Group / LON 伦敦证券交易所 HVN 68.73 4296.85万(英镑) 56 Talent2 International / ASX 澳大利亚证券交易所 TWO 68.23 6559.46万(澳元) 4. 市场活动篇 57 Computer Technologies 科联系统 HKG 香港证券交易所 0046 65.74 4.11亿(港币) 5. 签约信息篇 58 WDB Holdings Co Ltd / TYO 东京证券交易所 2475 59.29 48.60亿(日元) 59 Corporate Resource Services Inc / OTC 美国金融业监管会 (FINRA) 场外电子交易板 CRRS 51.54 5154.05万(美元) 6. 附录1:上市公司市值排名榜 60 Clarius Group / ASX 澳大利亚证券交易所 CND 39.28 3776.89万(澳元)

61 Humanis Group Limited / ASX 澳大利亚证券交易所 HUM 38.02 3655.00万(澳元) 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 62 Hydrogen / LON 伦敦证券交易所 HYDG 34.07 2129.82万(英镑) 63 Hamilton James & Bruce / ASX 澳大利亚证券交易所 HJB 17.93 1657.90万(澳元) 64 TeamStaff / NASDAQ 纳斯达克证券市场公司 TSTF 11.97 1196.76万(美元) 65 Fortune Industries / NYSEAMEX 纽约证券交易所/美国证券交易所 FFI 3.31 331.31万(美元) 66 Workstream / OTC 美国金融业监管会 (FINRA) 场外电子交易板 WSTMF 2.16 215.72万(美元) 67 Resolve Staffing, Inc. / PINK 美国金融业监管会 (FINRA) 场外电子交易板 RSFF 0.13 12.63万(美元) 68 Allegiant Professional Bsnss Srvcs (NDA) / PINK 美国金融业监管会 (FINRA) 场外电子交易板 APRO 0.04 4.30万(美元) 2012/2/292012/3/30汇率说明 汇率说明 69 Rhino Human Resources, Inc. / PINK 美国金融业监管会 (FINRA) 场外电子交易板 IFHR 0.02 2.48万(美元) 1澳元 1.0815美元1.0401美元 1日元 0.0123美元0.0122美元 70 World Health Alternatives, Inc. / PINK 美国金融业监管会 (FINRA) 场外电子交易板 WHAIQ 0.02 2.31万(美元) 1英镑 1.5923美元1.5995美元 1欧元 1.3329美元1.3333美元 备注: 1瑞士法郎 1.1058美元1.1075美元 1.市值(Market Capitalization):公司资产的市场价值,是按市场价格计算出来的股票总价值,即公司现有股份数额乘以每股市场价值。市值随着股票市场的不断波动而变化。 1人民币 0.1589美元0.1588美元 2.以上市值来源于截止至各公司上市交易所当地时间2012年3月30日收盘后数据。 1港币 0.1290美元0.1288美元 1台币 0.0340美元0.0339美元 3.威达信集团(Marsh & McLennan Companies)为美世(Mercer)母公司。 4.Monster为中华英才网(母公司。

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -40 7

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 1 2012年3月人力资源服务机构网站全球流量排名 榜 2. 政策法规篇 排 网站全球流量 网站全球流量 网站国内 反向 搜索引擎 公司中文名 公司英文名 域名 3. 行业动态篇 名 当月平均排名 三月平均排名 流量排名 链接量2 索引量3 —招聘信息

1 前程无忧 51Job 294 320 47 2,490 21,600,000 — 机构及人事变动

2 智联招聘 429 452 74 1,760 5,400,000 — 最新业务进展 3 国际商业机器公司 IBM 459 463 378 7,020 12,300,000 — 财务报表 540 510 973 5,520 13,500,000 — 研究报告 4 甲骨文 Oracle — 奖项 1,130 — 其它信息 667 630 143 3,240 13,600,000 5 凯业必达 CareerBuilder 589,343 411,089 100,411 73 164,000 4. 市场活动篇 6 中华英才网 1,693 1,848 231 2,240 2,640,000 2,313 2,071 27,932 733 11,900 5. 签约信息篇 7 安德普翰 ADP 1,539,981 886,365 176,091 138 1,070 6. 附录1:市值排名榜 8 思爱普 SAP 2,348 2,276 8,166 2,470 13,700,000 9 应届生求职网 Yingjiesheng 2,799 3,108 384 623 6,980,000 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 10 中国人才热线 JobsDB 3,241 4,178 435 983 1,140,000 4,572 4,723 948 16,899 89,800 11 埃森哲 Accenture 3,622,572 6,289,804 17,237 3,730 12 德勒-人力资源咨询 Deloitte Human Capital Consulting 6,321 6,237 5,516 24,045 1,520,000 13 盖洛普 Gallup 6,746 6,493 51,606 58,312 33,200 14 卓博人才网 Jobcn 7,639 8,051 960 446 871,000 15 安永-企业咨询 Ernst&Young 12,313 12,831 81,060 2,120 90,900 16 胜略 SuccessFactors 12,496 11,801 54,591 344 42,000 17 赛仕软件 SAS 12,871 12,664 39,526 1,770 254,000 18 毕马威企业咨询 KPMG Consulting 15,456 15,311 65,173 1,650 128,000 19 金蝶 Kingdee 21,264 24,242 2,542 459 936,000 20 肯耐珂萨 Kenexa 22,414 22,707 185,485 277 32,500

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -41 7

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 1 2012年3月人力资源服务机构网站全球流量排名 榜 2. 政策法规篇 排 网站全球流量 网站全球流量 网站国内 反向 搜索引擎 公司中文名 公司英文名 域名 3. 行业动态篇 名 当月平均排名 三月平均排名 流量排名 链接量2 索引量3 —招聘信息

21 怡安翰威特 Aon Hewitt 29,180 33,495 26,095 699 25,500 — 机构及人事变动

22 / Global Sage 31,624 33,557 / 726 195,000 — 最新业务进展 35,092 32,907 4,999 81 12,200 — 财务报表 23 中智 CIIC 229,045 240,972 27,827 61 7,550 — 研究报告 — 奖项 980,286 554,010 108,589 181 5,430 — 其它信息 47,608 39,583 / 572 154,000 24 任仕达 Randstad 367,072 426,961 48,703 30 7,570 4. 市场活动篇 48,609 46,280 / 208 3,020 25 世泓 SHL / / / 1 5. 签约信息篇 26 全美测评 ATA 49,267 55,141 5,763 103 4,250 6. 附录1:市值排名榜 27 北京外服 FESCO 49,970 46,719 5,928 270 53,700 56,637 54,756 / 398 22,000 28 恩富 Infor Global Solutions 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 3,034,939 1,586,489 / 86 1,450 29 职酷网 Jobkoo 59,014 58,011 7,265 166 1,490,000 30 翰纳仕 Hays 62,108 70,103 / 803 8,070 31 第一招聘网 01 Job 66,591 63,415 8,155 73 560,000 32 MRI Network Worldwide MRI Network Worldwide 68,946 65,700 111,980 422 90,100 33 博斯 Booz & Company 72,072 77,254 / 341 20,000 73,609 71,409 / 238 4,270 34 伟事达 Vistage 5,289,384 10,853,763 / 19 161 35 美世 Mercer Human Resource Consulting 76,026 78,867 135,188 541 217,000 36 东软 Neusoft 78,205 82,748 11,721 276 11,100 87,072 100,698 / 594 24,600 37 韬睿惠悦 Towers Watson / / / 8 1,450

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -42 7

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 1 2012年3月人力资源服务机构网站全球流量排名 榜 2. 政策法规篇 排 网站全球流量 网站全球流量 网站国内 反向 搜索引擎 公司中文名 公司英文名 域名 3. 行业动态篇 名 当月平均排名 三月平均排名 流量排名 链接量2 索引量3 —招聘信息 / 38 光辉国际 Korn/Ferry International 96,756 107,866 326 4,810 — 机构及人事变动 102,010 110,617 / 238 6,360 — 最新业务进展 39 克罗诺思 Kronos / 4,420,963 / 40 1,050 — 财务报表 106,224 104,874 138,123 659 5,060 — 研究报告 40 德科 Adecco — 奖项 / / / 17 2,760 — 其它信息 41 / Kelly Services 108,549 100,568 / 456 4,960 116,537 106,402 / 35,900 4. 市场活动篇 42 合益集团 HayGroup / / / 6 720 43 安拓国际 Antal International 120,353 92,816 143,342 79 1,120,000 5. 签约信息篇 126,999 149,725 14,656 242 28,000 44 安博 Ambow 6. 附录1:市值排名榜 416,791 510,801 53,268 242 3,610 45 翰德 128,709 112,830 / 189 68,100 Hudson 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 46 米高蒲志国际 Michael Page International 135,488 147,655 / 482 36,100 47 上海外服 EFESCO 153,165 145,573 19,036 233 16,000 48 思安 Spherion Corp 154,735 147,032 / 197 25,400 49 北森 Beisen 161,023 139,110 18,672 108 1,450 50 海德思哲 Heidrick & Struggles 163,956 192,471 / 252 1,260 51 威科 Wolters Kluwe 170,522 159,604 / 793 7,470 52 亿康先达 Egon Zehnder International 179,161 209,079 / 130 33,000 53 雇得易 Hirede 183,489 237,010 21,375 5 1,860 54 中华网软件 CDC Corporation 243,652 200,850 / 219 3,790 55 智睿 DDI 256,053 240,559 / 143 9,850 56 泛微 Weaver 268,577 239,710 32,327 187 7,940 57 史宾沙 Spencer Stuart 273,530 263,615 / 113 13,100

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -43 7

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 1 2012年3月人力资源服务机构网站全球流量排名 榜 2. 政策法规篇 排 网站全球流量 网站全球流量 网站国内 反向 搜索引擎 公司中文名 公司英文名 域名 3. 行业动态篇 名 当月平均排名 三月平均排名 流量排名 链接量2 索引量3 —招聘信息 Career International 58 科锐国际 295,251 424,345 35,734 8 9,600 — 机构及人事变动

59 万宝盛华集团 ManpowerGroup 323,742 226,757 / 348 6,070 — 最新业务进展 338,286 418,298 / 86 8,140 — 财务报表 华德士 Robert Walters 60 — 研究报告 / 2,710,206 / 256 5,000 — 奖项 61 艾登瑞德 Edenred 340,824 329,903 / 103 968 — 其它信息 62 / 355,382 327,251 / / 1,090 63 罗盛咨询 Russell Reynolds Associates 356,972 315,056 / 99 5,520 4. 市场活动篇 64 普华永道-人力资源咨询 PricewaterhouseCoopers Human Resource Consulting 397,204 358,328 58,608 188 6,540 411,177 351,611 / 159 2,700 5. 签约信息篇 65 路敏思 Lumesse / / / 70 124 6. 附录1:市值排名榜 66 / Boyden 438,966 366,564 / 118 8,800 / 67 DS & Associates 449,082 446,790 / / 4 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 68 易才 CTG 487,934 577,196 59,679 76 1,640 69 人众人 Genesis Education Group 511,827 535,195 63,418 / 21,400 70 / Stanton Chase 542,438 472,007 / 61 363 71 用友 UFIDA 552,939 798,045 66,437 445 3,100 72 柏亚天—博意门 PRTM-egate 612,088 505,451 / 65 1,410 73 企顾司 Cegos 664,387 565,339 / 125 10,800 74 / TRANSEARCH 692,513 826,038 189,195 105 10,700 75 安立国际集团 Amrop Group 738,241 796,806 / 58 697 76 创拓软件 InnoWeave 789,609 1,704,040 93,019 1 130 77 / CTPartners 839,304 673,394 / 41 685 78 美国管理协会 AMA 845,788 496,017 / 6 1 79 外企德科 FESCO ADECCO 888,979 710,640 116,444 7 6,390

2012HRoot中国⼈⼒资源⾏业竞争情报监测报告 -44 7

1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 1 2012年3月人力资源服务机构网站全球流量排名 榜 2. 政策法规篇 排 网站全球流量 网站全球流量 网站国内 反向 搜索引擎 公司中文名 公司英文名 域名 3. 行业动态篇 名 当月平均排名 三月平均排名 流量排名 链接量2 索引量3 —招聘信息 eCEIBS 80 中欧商业在线 1,022,914 1,140,294 114,798 89 3,610 — 机构及人事变动

81 太和顾问 TaiHe Consulting 1,038,114 1,649,557 113,984 32 753 — 最新业务进展 82 / Odgers Berndtson Russell Reynolds 1,044,221 832,622 / 190 2,070 — 财务报表 83 诺姆四达集团 NormStar Group 1,165,411 1,323,964 126,002 9 735 — 研究报告 — 奖项 1,563,023 2,515,191 / / 461 84 睿仕管理 RIGHT MANAGEMENT — 其它信息 3,981,750 4,463,631 / / 269 85 汇思软件 Cyberwisdom 1,653,204 2,292,433 / 4 521 4. 市场活动篇 86 / Neumann International 1,891,539 2,304,696 / 17 199 87 易得训 ExecuTrain 2,032,384 1,853,967 / 22 15,900 5. 签约信息篇 88 伯乐管理有限公司 Bo Le 2,128,999 1,080,682 / / / 6. 附录1:市值排名榜 89 / Signium International 2,296,783 1,646,282 / / 450 Sage 90 赛捷 2,590,722 2,550,527 / 34 19,600 7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 91 ECA国际 ECA International 2,837,585 1,552,450 / 47 723 92 万古科技 Vanguard Technology 2,924,120 1,944,262 / 34 3,070 93 网维软件 NetDimensions 3,001,237 3,781,088 / 9 35 94 德博诺 de Bono 3,701,873 7,862,232 / 9 290 95 中国四达 China Star 3,716,305 1,898,257 / 4 1,070 96 薪得付 CDP Group 3,929,001 4,141,535 / 7 911 4,254,919 2,441,038 / 1 641 97 立德管理顾问 Leadership / / / 3 8,310 98 英格玛 Engma 4,528,255 2,566,695 / 3 3,750 99 嘉扬 kayang 4,528,316 3,590,159 / 18 6,340 100 凯洛格 KeyLogic 4,668,511 4,073,839 / 7 204

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1. 关于2012HRoot中国人力 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜 资源行业竞争情报监测报告 1 2012年3月人力资源服务机构网站全球流量排名 榜 2. 政策法规篇 排 网站全球流量 网站全球流量 网站国内 反向 搜索引擎 公司中文名 公司英文名 域名 3. 行业动态篇 名 当月平均排名 三月平均排名 流量排名 链接量2 索引量3 —招聘信息 BenQ Guru 101 明基逐鹿 5,341,783 3,769,597 / 18 2,000 — 机构及人事变动

102 中华网软件 CDC Corporation 6,542,687 13,161,550 / 7 707 — 最新业务进展

— 财务报表

— 研究报告 备注: — 奖项 1网站全球流量排名(Traffic Rank):Alexa根据当月其工具条发回的数据经过统计所得的平均值,与网站每天的独立IP访问量和每天的页面浏览量有关,该数值能反映网站的人气程度。 — 其它信息 2所有来自其他网页文档指向的链接均称为“反向链接”。一个网页文档的反向链接量越多,说明这个文档的“知名度”或“支持率”越高。 3搜索引擎索引量数据主要是利用Google管理员工具,统计企业页面被Google索引的次数,同样反映网站人气。 4. 市场活动篇 4拥有多个域名的公司,以其网站全球流量排名最高的域名计入本榜单参与排名

5. 签约信息篇

6. 附录1:市值排名榜

7. 附录2:网站全球流量排名榜
