China Human Resources Service Industry 2012
HRoot WHITE PAPER COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 2012 HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Competitive Intelligence (March) HRoot是中国领先的人力资源媒体与互联网公司。HRoot为人 HRoot is a leading HR media & internet company in Greater China. Abundant 力资源经理人提供资讯,并为服务供应商提供综合的市场推广 trade information is provided for HR Managers by HRoot. Meanwhile, HRoot offers 服务,业务涉及互联网、出版、会展、广告、信息技术支持 comprehensive marketing promotion services to HR service providers. Our business 等,旗下品牌包括:全球领先的人力资源管理网站—(HRoot. covers internet services, publishing, conference, advertising, and IT support services com)、中国领先的人力资源高端期刊—"《人力资本管理》" etc.. HRoot has 6 brands currently, including ‘’, a top HR management (Human Capital Management Magazine)、中国领先的人力 website in the world; ‘Human Capital Management’ magazine, a high-end HR magazine; 资源精英社团—“卓越会”(Overclass)、中国最权威、规模 ‘Overclass’, a prestigious club for HR elites; ‘Annual Human Resources Awards in 最大、层次最高、最受瞩目的人力资源评选—中国年度人力资源 Greater China’, the top-notch industry event with highest authority and biggest outreach 评选(Annual Human Resources Awards in China)、中国最 scope, and ‘China Human Capital Forum’, China's largest annual HR conference & 大的人力资源年度会议—“中国人力资本论坛”(China Human EXPO, etc.. HRoot enjoys No.1 Web traffi c among all of the HR-related websites, with Capital Forum)等。HRoot旗下网站注册用户总数达到100万 1 million HR professional registered users. Each year, there are more than 200 million 人,每年向用户提供2亿人次的人力资源在线信息访问,每年主 visits to the website and more than 10,000 people attending our off-line activities. 办活动的参加人数超过10,000人次,旗下出版物读者超过3万 Our publications’ readers have already outreached 30,000. HRoot has over 20,000 人。现在,HRoot客户已经超过了2万家,同时在华的《财富》 customers now, and served more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies in Greater China. 500强企业中,超过90%是HRoot的客户,此外还拥有超过300 More than 300 HR service providers, business schools, societies/associations are our 家人力资源服务机构、商学院、协会等广告客户或赞助商。欲了 advertisement clients and sponsors.
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