ride .889 over a three-mile route through the prin- the weaker members of society. It more truly estimate the honor its action Washington, 85 55 is not the 29 04 .813 EAGER, FIRE LADDIES. cipal streets of the town. CROWD WEST CRAZY wish ot the general publio that has oonferred. It was the greatest and THE SINKING SHIP. St. Louis, these trusts most earnest 23 07 .256 from should destroy competition convention in the hi»tory Louisville, The old veterans Portland attract- and then collect such a tax as they will, of our party. It was closer and more in ed attention their muoh by fine appear- irom those who are at their touch with the were mercy people. Delegates Baseball Notes. ance and good marching and won hearty d government is worthy of the name there to voice the sentiments of tiieir wh ion is oonsti applause from the spectators who net aDle to protect from every tuents, for the people of the party Camden defeated Thom aston yesterday arm uplifted for his tho humblest controlled and conducted that conven- Clives Our Ball Team a Push Yar- thronged the streets of the town. The injury Bangor 10 to 9. fur at Remarkable Demonstration Attending citizen who benoath the flag. tion. Struggle Supremacy was defeated o “vets’’ stood the long maroh well, one The Democracy of the country realize Bayville by Boothbay Down. to 8. mouth. old gentleman 80 years old going over Notification. that all the great principles of our party Bryan The has boon con- are as and as essential to the well the whole distanco. Chicago platform potent In view of the faot that several of those demned by sorno beoause it dissents from being of the country today as tlioy have the who subscribed to the stock of the new When tho pnrado was dismissed the fire opinion rendered by tho Supreme always been, and as they ever will be. association laddies ravenous for tho court, the income tax law un- But the issue before tho failed to respond when the had appetitos declaring overshadowing HIT It must be remembered made dominant the UP TO SIXTH MAINS TVAS FOB collector came bountiful dinner that was for 3IAD SCRAMBLE TO GET INTO MAD constitutional. country now, by around, it has been VERY SUCCESSFUL MUSTER THERE provided that we expressly recognize tho binding distressed conditions preaviling through- doomed best to tbom the ladies of the town. focre BUT ONE SINGLE. go no further with the by ISON GARDEN. of that decision, so long as it stands out our lend is the demansd 'for reform- YESTERDAY. SQUARE as matter. Mr. Leonard was re- Said to bo as as Tho whole town was in festal attire, _a part of the law of the land, Thera ing our existing monetary system. Our yesterday good is in tho no of at- and we a turning tiio to those from whom deooratlons being hung prominent over platform suggestion party, believe, great majority money tempt to the authority of the of the American people, are convinced it had been the entire line of maroh. dispute collected. It is presumed Supreme court. 1 shall offer no apology that the legislation of seventy-three,dem- And After That Had a Little Fun With that Mr. will the club The Portland Veterans were Candidate for tho of the silver was a infloted Murphy carry Big Attendance—Fine Parade and Interest- delight- Bryan’s Speech Interminably income tax plank Chicago onetizing wrong Our Tossers—Good through the season and next entertained at the beautiful sum- platform. upon our country which should and must Work by Leighton by year pos- Contests— ‘‘Torrent” of Lisbon fully Bong—And He Promises to Say More ing The iucomo tax is not now, nor was it be righted. sibly a new deal will be mado. mer villa of Mr. Geo. W.Hammond, where aud Magoon. Wins the Tub Contest and tbe Gardi- Baler, Too—His Address on the Defen- enacted in hostility to tho rich. Not only We believe the single gold standard has he and Mrs. Hamomnd boun- dispensed Also shall i refuse to npologizo for the advo- so narrowed the base of our monetary out- ner Boys tbe Keel Pace—Portland Vet- sive Throughout—Mr. Sewall Bangor, August 12.—Bangor easily GRANGE DAY AT IFRYEBURG. teous to the rod-coated and cacy of tax law by the Nat- structure that it is unstable and unsafe hospitality tliejnoome Portland and won as erans Attract Mueli Makes Some liemarks. ional played they played Attention, thirsty veterans. convention, but I shall refuse to and so dwarfed it in its development for the exercise it of the and in its to furnish the today. Up to the sixth but one clean Cliautauquans Learn Some Scientific Facte Madison New apologize by power necossary [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.] THE CONTESTS Square‘Garden, York, to right dissent from the decision of the financial blood to the nation, that com- hit was made off Mains. Tbon he threw Regarding Farming. August 12.—William Jennings Bryan Supreme court. In a government like mercial and industrial has fol- Yarinouthville, Augnst 12.—This nas were of oourse tho great exciting feature paralysis easy ones and two singles aud a home and Arthur Sewall were formally noti- ours, every publio official is a publio ser- lowed. been a great for this of the and the seem to all run resulted. O’Kourke broke his thumb day pioturesque day boys forget vant aud tho have a to oriti- We believe we need and must have the Fryeburg, August 12.—Grange day fied tonight thnt they were tho ohoiue of people right little town ou the banks of the Kcyhl about the fact that it was 90 in tho shade clzo his official acts. broad and foundation of both in practice. The features were Mains’ at Chautauqua was under the direction the Democratic offi- expanding party for tho htghest to a riv er. in their eagerness to exoel. gold and silver support monetary pitohing and batting, O’Brien’s batting, of Walker who ar- Are ces in the of the of the United Secretary McKeen, cheap, worthless, gift people system strong and stable, and oapable of and fine work Yarmouth does not celebrate very of- The first event was the horseless race, Now let me ask you to consider the a great catch by Leighton ranged a very attractive programme for States. An immense orowd was the demands of a growing ooun- pres- paramount of this meeting 350, Thosoore: ten, but when she does she does it in the oompanics catching up the reel, run- question oampsign. try and industrious, energetio and enter- by Magoon. Attendance the afternoon. and ent and tho greatest enthusiasm pre- tile money It is neces- dangerous a question. scarcely We demand the free coin- royal style. she had rd old- ning 300 feet, ooupling to hvdrant.and prising people. BANG OK. At 2 o’olock the woloome rain came « Today vailed. sary to defend tho principle of bimetall- age of silver, opening of our mints to fashioned firemen’s muster and everybody getting water. ism. No National party the en- down, bat Normal hall was Ailed. At 7 tho doors were thrown and during both money metals without discrimi- AB R BH PO A E in town were Hoi. open tire of the United States has ever took hold to make things go with There two competitors, the history a to the of our Mrs. Emery Smart of the Monica olub, re- nation, return money 5 12 4 6 0 despite the efforts of the police to deolared against it. No party in this Radford, ss, a o and as a natural result every- linswortfi & Whitney Hoso Co. of Wnter- UUlUCiO, UiiU LUUUUJ WX VUU VUXia«iVUUlUU| took her at the round vim, lias had tho to Sharrott, rf, 4 112 0 0 Portland, place strain them the orowas on every side campaign temerity oppose aud silver. thing passed cif in fine shape to the cred- ville and tho Eagle hose company oi it. The standard has been gold Henry, of, 6 2 2 3 0 0 table to discuss the possibilities of the made rushes for the entrances. gold weighed We believe that it is the and it of the town desperate in the It remedy O’Brien, lb, 4 2 2 11 1 0 and tbe pleasure of (he Gardiner. balance and found wanting. for the evil from which American student. Mrs. Smart has a A wild scene of turmoil ensued at the was fastened the United States only remedy Roach, c, 6 0 0 3 1 0 citizens and their The officials were as follows: upon Is a guests. Starter, we are now suffering, an evil now so 1113 2 0 lino presence and charming speaker. main entrance, men, women and without discussion before the people, and Moore, 2b, on too The trains from the east H. E. C. W. polioe- fast devastating and impoverishing our follow ed. Be your Health is early morning Kenney: timer, Gerow; its never been to Cavanaugh, 8b, 4 2 3 0 1 0 A club symposium guard. men were in au indis- friends have yet willing jumbled together land and people, bringing poverty to our 6 0 0 to be trifled with. The brought visiting companies of firemen judges,’, Charles H. Chas. D. risk a verdict before the voters upon Simon, if, 0 1 0 Brief aocounts of club work were precious Johnson, criminate mob. each others bankruptcy to our given Men tore that issue. homes, business, Mains, p, 6 13 12 1 best is none too In the hour .Tugua.n, uaucimio uaiuiutj, Allen. which if allowed to continue will grow by ladios present. good. and their own clothes in their frantic What is the test of honesty in money? 41 10 T4 27 13 1 Lisbon and While The H. & W. Co. was the first one to until our institutions are threat- Total, At B. of SANFORD’S GINGER Randolph, Topsham. It bo found in the very the grange meeting, W. MoKeen, danger endeavors to gain admission. must' oortainly pur- ened. from Portland on the Grand Trunk came make the trial. They got off made of the dollar. The dollar PORTLAND. state seoretary of agriculture, made the is the best in the world. well, The with of their chasing power Tho Democratic has the police vigorous use which is § party already given Portland and Westbrook veterans, a good run and got wator in just 45 increases in purchasing power and its Our All K xm BU A It opening address and introduced Mr. clubs soon a its approval plodge. oppon- SANFORD’S formed line and there was as dishonest as a dollar whioh de- substitutes. Ask for 100 strong. seconds, and wore heartily cheered by just ents admit the wisdom of the principle 4 0 2 2 0 0 Edward Wiggln, master of the State and look for Owl trade- asemblance of order. Kichard P. Bland creases in ourohasina power. Leighton, of, fl * vJl U GISTGER, for whiob we but ask us to mark on the Sold Pot- As soon as all tbe visitors had arrived their admirers. contend, Brady, 2b, 4 0 1 3 4 0 Grange, who made a brief address on wrapper. everywhere. entered tho at 7.40 with Airs. Brof. Laughliu, now of the University and TEB Diica & Che*. Sole Boston. garden await the permission co-operation Woods, 4 1 0 11 1 1 Cohp., Props., tbe lines of the and tie column The Gardiner came next of and one of the lb, parade Company Chicago, highest gold nations. Our will not Bland. They came in so quietly no one of other people Duncan c, 4 2 3 5 0 1 to made as and attracted much standard authorities, expressly asserts: proceeded maroh, up fol attention from the wait. They will not ask permission of Killeen, rf, 4 110 0 0 the grange. noticed their entrance. The members “There is no suoh thing as a standard lows: fantastio and of their cos- nation on earth to relieve themselves 3 0 0 0 4 1 The address of the afternoon variety brevity of value for future either in any Magoon, 3b, principal of the notification committee also entered payments of the oause of their distress. The issue tumes. were Hill, If, 3 0 110 0 was made Charles D. Woods of the U. THE PARADE They sprinters.from Sprint gold or silver which remain absolutely the stand by without exciting demonstration. Then ” has been made and people ready Kilfedder, ss, 4 0 1 4 4 1 villa though, and had a stream of water invariable. Station at Orono. to render their verdict next November. 3 0 0 0 S. Experiment was formed in the following order: name tho national committee and with It oannot b» claimed that McDougall, p, 1 1 on, with hitoh, nozzle and everything successfully Mr. Chairman, I endorse the platform The composition and cooking of meats Yarmouth Cadet Band. them Arthur Bewail. He was recognized monometallism or Dimetallism or any Totals, 83 4 8 37 14 4 all in 44 thoir on which I have been nominated. I was treated and Chief Marshul E. B. Morrill. right just seconds,- boating other system an scientifically made and applauded by a few. When Mrs. Bryan gives absolutely just believe we are right. I ho people aro with Aids—Charles Denni on, G. W. Gerow, competitors by a single second. They standard of value. Bimetallism does so Bangor, 8 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 0—10 very interesting. entered her box oheer after oheer went as, and what the people declare is always Sea- nearer than not because Portland, 0100030 0 0—4 Joseph Chase, Hoy Merrill, Joseph received a hearty oheor from the orowd monemetalism, and must Prof. Forbes lectured on from the and right preavil. Switzerland, COAL. bury, Geo. H. True. up floor, gallery platform. it gives us a perfect dollar that 1b a dol- Earned and were awarded the first I tho and with the 5: 8. whom it is a to Yarmouth Eire and prize. in accept nomination, runs—Bangor, Portland, pleasure hear. Department apparat- At 8. Mr.bryan entered the hall. When lar, absolutely unvarying general effort of Home Killeen. The reel trials the orowd people’s confirmation, every runs—O’Biien, Mains, us. being over, he on the stand a power, but beoause it makes stepped great oheer purchasing whioh God shall render me capable, will Three base hit—Cavanaugh. Two base Drum started for the lower the went a nearer to to Sixteenth Maine at Lisbon Falls. A Fall Assortment of and Corps. village, where up. The oheeriug was kept up for approach stability honesty, be exerted in support of the principles hits—Radford, O’Brien. Stolen bases— Lehigh Free- Eagle Hose Gardiner. six minutes. At 8.15 no- to than a standard Co., tubs were to have their innings. The Senator Jones justice gcid possibly involved. Sharrott, Henry. First base on balls— [SPECIAL TO THE P3E3S.] Heola Hose Co., Randolph. minated as chairman of the can. offloials for this event were as meeting, By Mains, Magoon, Hill; by Coals tor Domestic Use. Brunswiok Brass follows: whioh MoDougall, Lisbon — Burning Band. Hon. Elliott Dauforth of New York. Any legislation lessens the Mooie. Falls, August 12. Wm. Fen- Timer Sharrott, O’Brieu, Gavanaugli, Capitol Hose Co., Augusta. and soorer,C. E. Gurley; judges, Mr. Danforth was cheered with a world’s stook of standard money in- Pocahontas (Semi-Bituminous) and hearty When Mr. Sewa1' sat down there was First base on errors—Bapgor, 3. Passed neiey, president, R. B?udford,'secretary- Torrent Hose Lisbon. W. B. Allen and Geo. will. He Gov. Wm. A. creases the exchangasle value of the Co., Leighton. good presented confusion. Chairman Danforth ball—Roaoh. Wild pitch—MoDougall. treasurei, and about 100 more of the Hollinsworth & Hose Wat- of dollar. Therefore the orusade great Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are Whitney Co., There were three Stone Missouri, ohairman of tho oom- against Struck entries in this event, announced the meeting adjourned. Mr. out—By Mains, Woods, Kilfedder; 16th Maine are erville. mitteo on notification. There were more silver must inevitably raise the purchas- Regiment holding their the Torrent of Lisbon and Mrs.Dryan ran the gauntlet of hand- by MoDougall, Simon, Roach. Double unsurpassed for general steam and Hose Falls, Hecla of as of and lower reunion hero Androscoggin Co., Topsham. cheers Missouri’s chief executive rose, ing power rnouey money aud with Mr. St. Moore- and O’Brien. today and tomorrow. They Veteran Drum forms of shaking admirers, plays—Radford, Corps. Randoph and Androscoggin of came forward to the lormal notifica- value of nil other property. ore forge use. Topsbam. give wuru uuvcu uuo -lkhijliuiui Jiuutu Woods and Kilfedder; Brady making their headquarters at Citi- Portland Veteran liromen. No can how the world «JO£lll, Kilfedder, The latter wus looked as the win- tion to Messrs. Bryan and Bewail of their person say long and Woods and upon whore a orowd was In waiting. Mr and Brady Woods; Magoon, zens’ hall, and taking their meals at Genuine Lykens Valley Franklin, Westbrook Veterans. nomination. is to suffer from the attempt to make and ner by the crowd as she has been famous Mrs. Bryan and Mr. Sewall on Brady Woods. Umpire—Tyler. Disabled Veterans and Guests in carri- When Gov. Stone concluded with the gold the only standard money. Ho long appeared Hotel Riverton. The thorniometer at and tfto and were loudly cheered. Time—1 hour 42 minutes. English American CauneE as u winner for many but as the scramble for balcony ages. prize years, notification of his nomination, to Mr. gold continues, and Mr. Sewall 2 p. m., was 100 in the shade and 186 in Mr. Bryan spoke briefly. Rocklands Defeat a Massachusetts Team. Tbe was a the tub from was a man to wave a Ame- must fall, and a general full in procession very pleasing one trusty Topsbam Bryan, began big prices Afterwards the party held a in the sun. On account of the hot a of hard reception very Above Goals Constant- and doomed to defeat rican flag over the latter’s head. prices is but definition times. 13.—The A. G. Law- despite the intense heat, marohed today anti when the People one of tiio hotel parlors. Mr. Sewall Rooklaud, Auugst weather will not jumped to their feet and shouted with The farmers are opposed to the gold they have their roil call trial was over sho had been beaten the thon went to the Fifth Avenue hotel and renoo & Co. ball team of Peaobdy.Mass., On Hand. by a vim. Cheer followed cheer a standard beoause have felt its and election of officers until tomor- ly and for they’ Mr. and Mrs Bryan were driven to Mr. early special lads -of Lisbon and muscular effects. Since sell at wholesale and was defeated easily by the Rocklands notices. hustling minute or two pandemonium reigned. they St. John's house. row morning. The old vets aie only buy at retail they have lost u:orc than The visitors a nice field- TELEPHONE .... 100-2 pumpera.from Randolph. ‘The Torrent of today. played and they have gained by falling prices. Taxes spinning yarns trying to keep oool Lisbon was first, throwing a stream of ing game, but were outbattsd. The When Chairman Danfortb introduced have uot been perceptibly decreased al- in today 176 Fishing Piscataquis. soore; OFFICE: feet 7 1-2 Inches, and the Hecla of Mr, Bryan there came a demonstration though it requires more cf farm pro- Gold Democrats in New CARPET CLEANSING Randolph, second with a mark of 172 that far exceeded the previous ones. The ducts now than formerly to secure monoy [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.] Rockland, 3 0 3 2 0 3 0 0—11 York. entire audience waved and with whioh to taxes. Debts have Lawrence 00000 3 00 —3 feBt 9 1-4 Inches. The trial oreated great rose,men coats pay New York,August 13.—The gold Demo- women fiutteied fans and handker- not fallen. Iron 11.— 7b Commercial & 70 Exchange Sts. hats, Kafcahdin Works, Me., Aug. Base hits—Rockland, 10; A. C. Law- cracy was informally launched into exis- excitement and the winners oelebrsted uuto uticn ap3 M.W&Ftf Or Steam chiefs, the hand struck up a lively air xnr wngo uniutio iujuicu ronce Scouring, George D. Hand of Portland Is regis- POSAL8 for demands upon the estate of said de- the new station of have given me offloial carpenter work having passenger the road the doctrine of noh-interfereuce, notice ol 72 NE, Chi- 57 40 .588 on the new are to exhibit the cating my selection tho Demoorutic Detroit* degrees, dear; Chicago, Absolutely Pure. Portland Theatre will be re- ceased, required same; The new are by a* to at this place. station is to be a when great aggregations of wealth National 74 degrees, NE, doudy; St. Paul 62 41 .659 SATURDAY, August and all persons Indebted said estate are convention as its candidate for cago Pittsburg, at the office£ ofP* make tho of individu- Vice 78 60 42 .643 A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest 15th, the corporation, 60 Ex called upon to payment to large, substantial wooden structure and trespassing upon rights President. For the courteous terms 72 degrees, S, cloudy; Hurou,Dakota, Bostou, change street, where such It is not Bismarck of all In strength.—Latest plans, specifications and f KE1> it. MCDONALD, Adm’r c. t. a., als. We welcome opposition. our uiossage and tho degrees S. cloudy; 78 degrees, Brooklyn, 42 50 .456 leavening United details can be seen. work on it will be rapidly kind personal The officers reserve the Mechanic Falls, Me. pushed from the wish of the general publio that trusts I Jacksonville 83 41 50 .451 States Government Food Report. to expressions thank you. been N, dear; dogrees, E, Philadelphia, right reject any or all bids. auglldtd Pownal, July'31,1806, augldlawSwSat* now out. should into existence and over- Having New 40 54 .436 spring present at that great convention I can dear. York, ItOYAL BAKING BOWDEB CO., New York, s But Lewiston, wlio scored onoe in the EIGHTH REGIMES!. Col. J. H. Heinonway of Springvalo; WAGES FALL UNDER SILVER. THE DAILY PRESS THE GOAT HAWKSHAW first, found a few huso hits, but more Benjamin F. Strickland of Portland, "The climax reached E. Marshall of errors aud tied the soore. Casper Portland, W. H. Kansas oity. Annual Reunion on Yes- Llnsoott, executive commit- Portland sent it baok at them with five Peaks Island Labor Paid In Countries tee. Very Poorly Using the White Metal Can bo found at the more in the third. Lewiston oouldn’t always periodica terday. The afternoon passed swiftly away and Standard. fores of: stand the and a Well pace responded weakly at evening after a hourly Or of Performed supper t.lio vet- John 109 Congress street. < History with a Was the Hottest of the Herald (Ind.), New York.] Chisholm, couple. A erans assembled once again in the Yesterday Jay [From A. B. 247 Large Attendance—Officers Elected— largo Merrill, ** In the fourth Portlnnd got several The utter of the silver men W. F. Goold. 405 Task. hall and held a camp lire which was a of the arguments cannot he better Those Present. All. fallacy shown K. G. Fessenden, 620 moro severe blows on the ball, struok than tlie statistics of the various most enjoyable oecasion. by labor and commercial silver using countries VV. II. Jewett 504 It was I, A. Libby. 500 Although sweltering hot in Another of of the world and with those of countries on a day story telling and ex- their comparison gold basis. F. A. street Portland tho Jellison, 935 Congres yesterday veterans of the reminiscences and J. street I changing the Eighth’s This table gives the monetary unit in which the wages of labor aro paid in the J. Beardworth. 87 India Eighth Maine did not mind I'. II. Eiskine. 43 Middle street. BEIXG A TREE STORY OF YESTER- Regiment reunion is over. various the value ESPECIALLY SUFFERED silver standard countries, showing nominal of the silver coins J. W. Peterson, 2 street the heat in the least and n most MAINE Exchange passed Mr. Dennis, 410 Commercial street, DALE GAME Last of (lie Fifth’s Reunion. in United States gold at the ratio of 16 to 1 and their actual present or DAY’S comfortable and long to he remembered HIGH value, pur- c. S. Cole, Cor. Boyd and Oxford street FROM TEMPERATURE. A The most successful and reun- chasing as with J. VV. Peterson, 177 VIiddle street. day at the' r handsome on tho happiest power, compared gold: cottage V\. A. Golden. 70 Exchange street. ion the old Fighting Fifth has come to Actual south shore of Peaks. Tho occasion was gold VVestman A West, 93 and 95 Commercial an end and all who attended Nominal value or street. tho annual reunion of the and pronounco reigment gold purchasing W. A. Giills, 145 Commercial street. As it Between the Policemen of best that 1ms been Transpired tho attendance was the it the yet hold. The Day Was a Record Breaker Jii Countries. unit. value. power. Frank Freeman. DJO largest L In the Oxford Monetary Brackett street. and the Policemen of Port- veterans themselves Bolivia.Boliviano. §0.936 $0,407 John 11. Allen, street. Lewiston of the association. enjoyed greatly at the County and Other Points—Usual 381% Congress history Num- British India.Rupee.444 .230 Lumet & Co. the Florist, 046 Congress street land in Which Lewiston Found itself Costa .497 "• At noon there wre about 125 veterans ber of Deaths in New York. Rica.Peso.935 ;>• Hodgson, 90% Portland street Guatemala.Peso.935 .497 i. M. Outclassed. and neuri all Glendening, Long Island. present y of them were Honduras.Peso.035 .497 I. L. Bracket,t. Peaks Island. Norway,- August 13.—In some ...... 497 L. L. a rich of six tin a accompanied by thoir wives and parts of' Nicaragua —Peso.035 Littlefield, 189 Congress street. After repast cans, around ouco and four and tallied daugh- more, oounty the roso Salvador.Peso.035 .497 Hanuon, ills street. of discarded eersfats and a of ters, so it was a which tho ineroury at noon in C. L. Congress pair plug times. very merry party China.Shanghai Tael. 1.394 .735 Morrill & 1.131A Congress eight the sun to 124. The street. Hawkshaw, the mascot of assembled aioud the tables to sam- highest ever prev- Colombia.Peso.935 .497 Congress street. tobacco, goat That settled the and long V' »,’22 game, thereafter known Ecuador.. Sucre.035 .407 221 street, Police Baseball laid ple tho good which had been iously was 129. In some villages Mrs xI°°M ni?’ Spring tho Portland team, it was a case of l tome fnn things pro- Japan.Yen. 1.008 .530 Mckelm8' arr. paltry hut none of a sorious are jonnJohn CoYUIyat ox. 23 MCustom comes to him whose Col. E. A. True and W. C. nature reported. Russia.Ruble.743 .398 Monument square. sleep, which day’s so that the wife, Cross, Enough score was 13 to 20 Uruguay.Peso. 1.035 .550 IJemiett. the Florist. 603 Congress street. J. H. H. The Androscoggin, Swift und Crooked J. r. when it was all Boston; flowett, Thomaston; Hutchinson. 12 him street. over. are H. B. wife a ud two rivers unusually low, nnd many new stunus m tue The of nud Sawyer, daughters, (Wmf's!!!?, Falmouth, batting Thompson Craig wells and springs in the rural 1Lie and United States E. C. Spearing and wife, Captain Hilnian especially O UNTR1ESON A SILVER BASIS. COUNTRIES ON A GOLD 3ASI3. hotel:!..uid1 (1hqcnil Liam! 1 was something awful, but the battery districts have failed or bocorne too low hmkand Union Demits, and wile, Auburn; W. H. Pinkhuin, it can also be obtained of Chisholm BroS work of Ross and Phillips was what real- for use. BRAZIL. agents on all trains of the Maine CenSi’ Oakland; William Caswell, Wilton; H. AUSTRIA. Grand Trunk and Portland & ly beat the visitors. Elyim made a good This is Koehester rail’ A. a. B. Livermore Falls, 13.—The ther- country nominally on a gold aUU 0f afieats uu auy of Phiibrook,' Orono; Kogers August This a 1Si Bolton catoli in left field and Manning played a country is now on gold bnsis, basis, but the ourrouoy is uamt and wife, C. A. mometer was 100 lu the shade. There depreciated for Portland; Robinson, but the silver standard to paper. Unskilled 50 to 00 cants l lie Press can also be found regular Herman Loug gaum at short six prevailed up labor, at the followuuw Shermun; F. O. l.arrabee. New Glou- were prostrations. At Petersons Rips, per day; skilled labor, 75 cents to piabes out side the cl the Lewistous. August, 1892. It is shown as a silver $2.25 cester^. L. Emerson, wife and three an Italian, died. per day. Commerce, $279,557,031. Anhurn—J c. HaskeiL The Htar foacure of the visitors’ play country, because the latent statistics as Augusta—J. T\ Pierce, J. H. Llvett aud Fairfield, August 12—This has been Bath—John O. Shaw. daughters, Auburn; to the of are and it is none the less so beoause it cut rate wages available for BELGIUM. tho hottest day of tho and one Berlin Falls, N. H.—C. S. Clark. wife, Klttery; Randall Gallison, Lisbon season, of the little was Marshal Teel’s slide numMia year 1891, when the silver standard Unskilled 60 to 00 oents Biddeford—A. M. BurnnariL very ice, the hottest ever known here. The mer- labor, per day; Falls; T. S. Brown, wife and two chil- for un- skilled 75 cents to W. T. Bardsioy. to third in the seventh. The game was Capt. Gee. XI. Growl), prevailed. Average daily waRes labor, $1.50 por day. W. Mrs. Carrie oury was 98 In tho Bhndo at 3 p. m. Estimated BrUlgton—A. Ingalls. dren, Greenwood, Belmont; skilled from 40 to 50 cents wealth, $5,020,000,000. Com- Brunswick—F. P. Shaw. already neyond reach of the visitors, but on Peaks and with their labor, per L. W. oottage old com- merce, $104,185,822. & Hackett, Saoo; J. C. Littlefield New"" h ere “were"28 skilled 50 oents to $1.30 Cape Elizabeth—Dyer Jose. with a zeal worthy a better cause, the wives and children TorkTA ugustT3.'—T day; labor, per Cumberland Mills—H. task has been well ami faithfully per- and North rades, passed a very G. Starr. wife,Melrose; George S.Heath, deaths from heut in this day. Estimated Lewis. Lewiston chief hit a dean two bagger At dinner time reported city wealth, $18,375,000,000. DENMARK. Camden—Fred formed. Berwick, O.B. Can- happy day. the annual J. H. Gould, a Ezra Clark, Alfred; today up to 1, and 80 prostrations. In oommerce and made desperate dive for third. feast was Foreign $303,579,754 annually. Unskilled labor, 00 to 75 oents per L. Brown." However much the victory which the spread by the ladies of the reg- day; Cornish—E. well, Dorchester, Mass.; Kondull Pollard Brooklyn up to noon there were ten skilled labor, 75 oents to Deering—N. J. The hall went into the left field and was and it was $1.60 per day Scanion. of Portland won and Mass, iment, greatly enjoyed. At Estimated Heeding Center—A. A. coppers Metropolitan Madden to wife, Swampsoott, j Capt. C. deaths a nd 20 prostrations. From Jersey CHINA. wealth, $2,020,000,000. Com- McCone. Lewis- quickly passed by Aloxander, the businoss meeting, which followed the merce, Danaanscotta—E. VV. UiuiDar. over the coppers of Cosmopolitan C. Perry, Patten; Charles two deaths and 15 $104,185,882. and by him to Cousins. It got there in Robinson, City prostrations were Fairfield—E. H. Evans. duo to tho dinner the following officers were elect- Unskilled labor, 10 to 30 oents per day; ton may have been prowess Sherman Mills; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. The thermometer in Fanning ion—H. P. Whits & Got and th e broke the reported. this oity FRANCE. of Portland time, play complete,ly ed for the ensuing year: skilled labor, 20 to 40 cents per day, Frcenort—A. W. Mitchell. of the ind’vidual members Libby and family, Saugus, Mass.; Mr. climbed hearts of the already despairing Lewis- steadily throughout the day. Unskilled labor, 00 to 75 cents Frye burg—A. C. Frye. ball it wont do to leave President—Frank F. Goss, Auburn. Commerce, $230,754,858. per day; premier team, and Mrs. A. O. Bills, Freeport; Wallace At 2 it indicated 93 in the shade and at skilled labor, 80 oents to $2 Es- Fryeburg—J. T. Whitmore. tous. \ lee Presidents—B. Now por day Gardiner—Bussell Bros. Hawkshaw out of account in giving S. Hammond, timated woaltb. in Smith; Auburn; George Smith and Gloucester; William D. Adams, Auburn. 3 it was two degrees higher. $42,990,000,000. Com- Green’s Landing—S. W. Toe visitors appeared white sheeting merce, Fifield. credit to whom credit is due. family, North Berwick; William E.Jones Secretary and Treasurer—George E. RUSSIA. $1,721,463,500. JOGorham— L. J. Lermond. tiousers, woven especially for them in •• Fi. H.—S. M. Leavitt When the team was made up, and this and family, Salem; W. C. Al- Brown, Portland. & Son. the AndroscoggiD mill. The Portlands Taylor, INDIAN DIVORCES. This oountry is nominally on a silver GERMANY. Kennebunk—J. H. Otis. beast who had been heretofore a plain fred; J. W. Treadwell, West Kennebunkport—C. E. Miller. looked sweet In brown Kuickerbookers Kennebunk; basis, though preparing to adopt the gold Unskilled labor, 40 to 70 cents no wid- per day Livermore Falls—C. Flewnian. every day goat with a reputation Charles Horace She In Which the skilled and black shirts. Bennett, Alfred; Pratt, Smsmary Way Aborig standard in the near future. The cur- labor, 75 contt to $2 per day l.pwiston—Chandler & Winshin. for first se- striped er than a Populist oaudidate Diifleld; W. Coffers and Inal Makes Himself Single. is Estimated wealth, $32,185,000,000. Com- Long island—Hugney Bros. After the game the Lewiston officers George wife, rency all paper, and, in anticipation was merce, Limerick—S. A. Graut. lectman in a country town, assigned Lewiston; Gideon R. With most of the plains Indians of the $1,878,982,030. were taken down to Peaks where Littlefield, Wells; marriage adoption of the gold standard, Mechanic Falls—Merrill & of it island, Denning. to the important position mascot, «i. rnr. aim .urs. consists simply of picking out the maiden, No. Deering—A. C. Noyes. three was in ovucarey Mill,, the paper ruble, though legally redeem- ITALY. evening spent anjenjoyable her to a cabin or North Stratfora. N. II.—J. C. was done with the full understanding ana Da- leading wigwam and in- llucktm, manner. A sboro dinner was Delaney Young wife. Auburn; able in silver, has la value Unskilled labor, 30 to 70 cents Norway—F. F. Stone. he should served at stalling her as mistress of the house and appreciated per day- on his part that if he failed vid S. South B. Wood- skilled 40 cents to A. O. Co. > Austin, Berwick; uhtil it has the value of labor, $1.25 pur Noyes the Peaks Island house. The party re- sometimes with tho approximated day’ & i as a burnt with all cornfield, necessary Estimated Old Orchard—Fogg bby. he offered ud offering ard, Lisbon Falls; Samuel C. Larrabee, the wealth. $^4,815,000,000. Com- turned on the nine o’clock boat, and the preliminary of paying the father a pony oi gold ruble. Wages being paid Ricnmond—A. K. Willett. the solemnities attending suoh rites, but merce, $409,382,915. L. Frederick O. Larrabee, Poabody, Mass.; or an n Rumford Falls—H. Elliott. visitors took the Pullman home. two installment of and oc- paper, have increased in •* cans blankets, purchasing —C. A. Clifford. if won he should have all the tin W. B. A. Marshal of Lewis- Goodwin, Brunswick; Capt. casionally with some slight ceremony per- power with the increase in the value HOLLAND. Rockland—Dunn & Carr. shells that he Ex-City McDonough and hriok hats and D. formed a chief or a medicine man. And A. J. Huston. cl^m and Frank Barnes of Millett, Burnham; George Perry, by of the paper ruble. Unskilled 40 Unskilled labor, 00 to 85 cents ton, Portland um- labor, per day Sanford—F. H. Wingate. wanted to eat for the next thirty days. Portland. when tho brave grows tired of his partner, skilled labor, 8!) oents to $1.25 the game in an artistic mannur. It to 50 oents per day; skilled labor, 50 cents per day’ Skowhegan—Bixby & Buck. his pired he can rid of Estimated How well Hawkshaw performed After dinner the veterans assembled in get her as easily as he wor wealth, $4,700,000,000. Com- South Portland—J. F. Merriman. is not too mucn indeed to to $1 per day. Estimated wealth, say that tbo her. $20,- merce, $1,035,382,090. H. Ricker & task it is now’ my humble though the memorial ball and held their Son. was as as large 445,000,000. >^outh Windham—J. W. Read. umpiring just good the play- The people who aro now flocking to th( Commeroe, $613,0(9,000. pleasuroable duty to relate. annual business at which the UNITED South Paris—A. I). Sturtevant. The souro: meeting Dakotas or Oklahoma to divorces would KINGDOM. won this ng. get South Paris—F. A. Shurtleff. In the first place Portland officers were elected for the en- Unskilled 00 following be supremely happy if they could throw ofl CENTRAL AMERICA. labor, to 85 cents por South Water boro—G. C. Downs. ball a score, of 20 to 13. It is the PORTLAND. skilled B. game by suing year: tho bonds of wedlock as af day; labor, $1 to *2 por day. IN- Saco—H. Kendricks & Co. galling easily With the of Costa Unrated E. L. Preble. third of a series between the police offi- Ali R BH PO A K of does the reservation exception Rica, wealth, $47,000,000,003. Com- President—Delanoy Young Auburn. Indian. The fact hav- South Bristol—N. W. Gamage. is the Vice which quite recently adopted the gold merce, $3,319,588,940. cers of Lewiston and Portland,an! Thompson, lb, (i 4 6 12 0 8 Pesidunts—Hiram Parker of Glen- ing been formally announced by the head Thomaston—E. Walsn. C. C. of Patten and all the countries of Central Vinal Haver.—A. B. Vinal. one which decides beyond peradventurs p, 6 G 2 2 4 0 burn, Me., Perry man of the clan, the divorce takes tandard, Ross, place ARGENTINA. Waldoboro—Geo. Bliss. 5 3 1 1 0 Jonas C. Littlefield of Melrose, Mass. when tho America have the silver that Portland’s Is by far the better team. Fail, 2b, 2 tribe is gathered at a dance. standard. In This VVaterville—W. D. Secretary and Treasuror— Hillman country is nominally on a Spalding. Phillips, o, 5 10 6 11 When all are assembled and the circle ihese countries the of unskilled gold Westbrook—W. B. The game was called at 2 o’clock, that Auburn Lieut. wages basis, but the money in circulation is Bootiiby. Alexander, ss, 4 1114 4 Smith, Richard C. Shannon. S. formed, the discontented warrior strikes 8 labor from 12 1-5 to 80 cents ohiefly Winthrop—F. Jackson. hour being selected beoause from a care 3b 4 2 3 2 3 1 Kxeontive Committee—T. S. Brown, average per depreciated paper. Unskilled & I Cousins, Committee of drum used the s 70 oents Woodtords—Chapman Wyman. of the 4 0 10 Belmont, Mass.; Miles Bhodes, North Arrangements—Thomas by revelers, gives away day, and for skilled labor from $1 to $2.50 labor, to.$l,30 per day; skilled YarmouLhville—G. Howard ful comparison of the reoords Madden, if, 10 $1 to j Humphrey. Berwiok ; David Auubrn. Ward, LewiBton; James E. Hayes, tow presents (oft-times making a present to labor, $3per day. Estimated Craig, cf, 6 3 3 0 0 C Spearing, per day. The combined annual wealth, weather bureau for the past seventy-five Pleasantdale; George F. A burn. the he intends to take foreign $2,545,000,000. Moulton, rf, 6 3 2 0 0 0 A characteristic incident occurred dur- True, squaw next), and Commerce, $187,009,929. was that oommerce of Costa years, it was founel tfiat it then The ladies’ Association elected the fol- then, in a short-, bombastic speech, he stig Rica, Guatemala, Totals, 44 20 18 21 14 t ing this meeting wblcb well iiustrates NORWAY AND SWEDEN. tho rays of the sun got in their work lowing offioerB: matizes his wife by giving her over to tin Honduras, Nicaragua und Salvador the big heartednoes of some i# the LEWISTON. boys President—Mrs.rJ. B. New tender mercies of other while amounts to Unskilled labor, 50 to 75 06nts por day most effectually. Hammond, braves, they $50,000,000. skilled in blue. The association was found to Gloucester. Vico Presidout—Mrs. look him and labor, 75 cents to $1.50 por PORTLAND POST OFFICE The had an in this. AB R BH PO A E George upon enviously consider that day’ policemen objeot Estimated wealth. $4,400,000,000. Com- be in debt to the extent of $15.33, and no E.lBrown, Portland. ho has performed an act of in hil You have heard all these silly, foolish Scott, lb, 4 2 1 10 0 1 bravery PERSIA. merce, $267,710,516. sooner wus this fact learned than one Secretary—Mrs. Nelson Tenney, Port desortion. 6 1 2 0 3 1 yarns about police officers holding tif Green, 2b, land. Unskilled 20 3b, 4 112 11 gentleman wearing a big sombero and Often as many as half a dozon divorcee labor, to 35 cents per on hot and that sort Kearns, Trea8urer—Mrs. Robert M. SPAIN. s!>ady corners days, Stevons, are thus obtained at a dance. No skilled labor 40 to 70 Manning, ss, 4 1 0 0 3 0 looking for all tne world liko a typioal Portlnnd. single day; cents per day. Unskilled 40 but alter ball labor, to 65 cents per day; of thing, seeing yesterday’s Roberge, if, 4 1 0 0 0 0 tedious waiting, no courts, no lawyers and Commerce $25,500,000. skilled OFFICE HOURS. westerner, altbougb be really hails from This ended the reunion labor, 60 cents to $1.10 par day' won’t believe any such things Hanseom, cf, 4 2 1 2 0 6 proper,although no trouble about or the ol game you said: lets raise the alimony custody Estimated wealth, $12,680,000,000. Com- Flynn, If, 3 2 2 1 0 0 Auburn, “Boys the children. And tho will you? « squaws thus cast merce, $285,101,890. Sayers, c, 4 2 16 10 debt. Hera’s a dollar towards it,’’ and PERU. Coshier’s Office, (Sundays excepted), 7.30 a as off as a general thing seem to take it as a The sun never humped Itself it did 4 m. to 7.00 p. m.; order 9 a Teel, p 12 0 12 in a trice the whole sum had been raised Money department, matter of course and before the close of Unskilled labor, 40 to 60 oents per day; TURKEY. m. to 5.00 m. yosterday, it never so striotly attended to p. Registry department, 9.00 Totals, 86 13 10 21 9 1C without other than this. the danco are the wiles skilled 50 a. m. to 6.00 p. m, any appeal usihg known and labor, cents to $3.50 per day. Unskilled labor, 23 to 60 cents per day; 0 5 5 8 0 1 1-2C used skilled 50 General Portland, Among those present at the business by tho women of tho world over in an Commeroe, $35,935,000. labor, cents to $1.25 per dav' Delivery. (Sundays excepted) 7.30 1 4 2 1 1 2 2—13 Estimated a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Sunday 9.00 to 10.00 a. m. Lewiston, was Gen. H. of effort to repair as speedily as possible the wealth, $2,905,000,000, Com- meeting George Nye Cari'iem’ Earned break in their hearts and matrimonial merce, D-liveries, (Sundays excepted)—In runs—Portland, 4; Lewiston, the Tenth and ex- $176,152,820. business 3. Two base First, Twenty-ninth reg- section of the city between High aud In- hits—Thompson 3, Fell, perience. URAGUAY. streets at iments. He went into the war as a 7.00 and 9.15 a. m. 12m. l.oo Cousins, Craig, Ross, Scott, Green, Teel With PORTUGAL. aiul 5.15 the taking of land in severalty and Unskilled 50 cents to p. n.; in other sections at 8.00 2, Alexander. Three baso and came out as a brevet labor, $1 per day; 1-30 hits—Craig, private major on of the In- Unskilled 16 to 40 cents p. .si. Sunday delivery at Cousins. Stolon putting citizonshlj), however, skilled 75 cents to labor, per dav* Office bases—Thompson 2, One of the oomrades on labor, $1.50 per day. skilled 50 window, 9.00 to 10.00 a. m. Collections general. called dian ilnds that ho has cemented the ties labor, cents to $2 per day’ Ross, Fell, Cousine, Madden, Scott, $55,275,085. Estimated froPL street boxes at 11.00 a. m.. 4.oo Gen. for a He said: “I that were so loose for Commeroe, wealth, $3,040,000,000. Com- m. Marshal Teel’s Slide to Third, Green, Hanseom 2, Flynn 4. Base on Nye Kpeeoh. before, the courts ftnd&OOp. Collection from Atlantic to merce, $89,417,800. Grove balls—Off Teel, Madden, have seen many old oomrades and friends everywhere are deciding that the tribal on Congress, 6. a. m. Sunday, 6.00 p. and not a Foil,Ross,Flynn. m. business, yet copper quivered, aro only. Hit by pitched ball—By Teel, Cousins, hero tdoay, and among them is a lady marriages legal and binding upon the MEXICO. not a CANADA. policeman iiincked Alexander. Base on Indian who becomes a ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF errois—Portland, whom had not seen for citizen. And if the MAILS. I forty years, ■ Tho Lewiston1 team 6; 6. Struck Unskilled labor, 45 to 60 oents per day; Unskilled labor, $1 to $1.25 was handicapped Lewiston, out—By Rosa, weight of one legal marriage wears some- per day Boston, Southern and Western, intermediate when I used to live in LewistoD, and ! skilled 50 oents to skilled labor, $1.25 to $3 Keurns, Manning, Roberge, Hanseom, \ what a labor, $1.80 per per day. Esti- offices and connections via Boston & slightly by the absence of one of its heavily upon white man, how must day. mated Maine Madden when 1 think how a of wealth, $4,800,000,000. Commerco railroad Arrive at J a.m Sayers; by Teel, Phillips 2, 2, boys long period it be with the red man Estimated (Eastern division) 12.30. French who is off with a brass- l'liv. HI. C. who has contacted wealth, $4,000,000,000. Corn- coachers, Wild Rcsb 3; by Teel, AVentwortli, $230,618,932. 5, and 11.00 p. m.; close 8 a. m. ana 11.30 Craig. pitches—By time forty years is it makes me feel old or even band somewhere,but what this cost them 1. Passed balls—By Sayers 8. Time—2 two, three, four, more alliances mere^, $58,762,096. a. in. 1.00, 5.00 and 9.00 p. m.; Sunday, arrive indeed. Some of us are growing bald the veterans lounged about the oottage which the court now declares and at I. 00 p. m.; close 4.30 and 9.00 p. m. was more than recompensed by ths fact hours, 60 minutes. Umpires—McDon- legal SWITZERLAND. and the hair of everv one of ns has a few for several hours and of the same time Southern and ough, and Barnes. ntauy th6iu will takes away his former ave- Unskilled 30 to 60 Boston, Western, and Inter- that City Marshal Teel into the box labor, cents per day mediate offices and got remain on the island nue of relief?—St. Louis COLOMBIA. connections, via Boston and silver threads. Our shoulders are stoop- for„aeveral days. Globe-Democrat. skilled labor, 50 cents to $3 per Maine railroad (Western for the visitors nnd pumped ourves at his day’ division)—Arrive at and our dim. Unskilled labor, 25 to 50 cents per Estimated wealth, $2,470,000,000. Com- II, 30a.m.. 12.30, 5.30 and S.30 p. m.; close catcher all ing eye sight day; that hot livelong afternoon. WESTBROOK. THOSE RUNAWAY merce, 6 and 8.00 a. m.. and 2.30 and 5 m. We couldn’t stand the long and cold GIRLS- AN ALPINE MORTUARY. skilled labor, 60 oents to $1.75 per day. $310,770,013. p. Just think of it a city marshal working Eastern, via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive marches that wo once hut we Commeroe, made, A Place Wliero $29,342,030 VENEZUELA. ouu ~ y. iu., ciuaci like that. How desperate indeed had Westbrook lodge, No. 21, K. of P., de- They Are In the Possession of Their Pu- Ghastly the Dead Await God bless 12.00 m. and 9.00 p. m. love the old flag yet. it. I Recognition For Years. Unskilled 80 cents to j Lewiston become. dicated their new quarters in Brigham’s ttiers. labor, $1 per day Avgusta, intermediate offices and connections think it was in 1800 when I was with my skilled labor, $1.50 to $& Commerce' via Maine Central The first each side block last evening with exer- In a powerful sketch of tho famous St. JAPAN. railroad—Arrive at 2.00 and inning devoted to pleasing 0.00a. m. 12.30 and 6.00 at Arlington, S. C., and we Bernard’s on $39,928,000. p. m.; close at 6.00 regiment Lottie and Mamie monastery tho Alps, a writer, а. working itself out getting ready for the oises. The programme of exercises con- Dudley McCluskey Unskilled labor, 15 to 20 oents per day; m.. 12.00 m„ 4.10 and 9.00 p. m. held one day a flag raising. Chaplain after telling how lie spent the says: raoe which was not on sisted of an address of welcome Dis- are in Boston, in charge of Mr. night, UNITED STATES. Farm ington, intermediate offices and connec- really until the by Dudley. arose skilled labor, 30 to 50 cents per day. of the 3tUh Massachusetts “I at dawn. The snow had ceased tions. via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive at second. Then Portland lined trict G. P. which was Wbittemorc The in the Unskilled labor, $1 to $1.50 per up. Alex Deputy Woodman, despatch published PBESS Somo Commeroe, $119,422,975. day 12.00 m. ana a. made the and Prof. to fall. instinct drew me to a small skilled to 6.00 p. m.; close at 8.00 m., ander started of with a double, and then to on the of tho visitors speech Chandler, announced the labor, $1.50 $5. Estimated and 12.00 in. responded part yesterday morning em- stone about tho size of a work- the base hits rained once at the head of Chandler’s band of building wealth, $64,120,000,000. fairly down until all Mr. Holt at Commerce Rockland, intermediate offices and connection* by Grand Chancellor Edwin Parsons, ployment by the Palmer man’s cottago a few paces from the hos- via Knox had struck around and Portland had five Portland furnished the music. And boys $1,547,135,194. and Lincoln railroad—Arrive 12.30 runs. followed by a short musical and literary house, Cralgvill, as table girls. They pice. On tho apex stood a cross. About INDIA. and 6 p. m.; close at 6.00 a. m. and 12.30 p. m. when that old glory was bauleil up the of a were taken by a detective to three feet from the ground the building Skouhcgan, intermediate offices and connec- entertainment, consisting song by Hyanis Unskilled from 11 to 17 cents CHILI. an old grey haired fell a a labor, tions, via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at E. Mrs. Maud flag pole negro where tlielr fathers was pierced by window couple of feet M. Jackson, reading by Tuesday night found skilled 23 to 45 Unskilled 90 conts to 12.00 m.; close at 12.30 p. in. on his knees beneaeth the and crossed thick wooden per day; labor, cents per labor, $1.10 per dowu flag The square, by bars. I Ayer, solo by Mr. Eugene Pdlsso, and a them. Dudley girl begged hor fath- day, skilled labor, $1.25 to $1.60 per dav Island Pond, Vt, intermediate offices and with trembling voice thanked God bo peered through the bars. It was dark and day. Commerce, $472,690,118. Trunk recitation Mr. W. W. Webb. er to take her home. Commeroe, $46,381,430. connections, via Grand Railway—Ar Cures by After as bare as a rive at 12.oo 1.00 m. bad lived to see the day when that flag hayloft. m.; close at p. Electricity remarks Rev. C. E. have been offices and con- by Mayor Cutter, They travelling under an “When my eyes tho of Gorham, K. H., intermediate should mean as muoh to him as it did pierced mystery WHEN as half nections, via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive a. ALL ELSE FAILS. Bean and others, the company adjourned nssumei name, and sisters, Mamie tho gloom, I shuddered. It contained a ECUADOR. AUSTRALASIA. to white folks. God bless old and 8.40 a.m. and 12.00 m.; close at 8 a. in. line glory was Bessie or so of to the banquet rooms where a spread McCluskey Gilbert and Lot- scoro dead—men, women and chil- Unskilled 20 to 50 oents Unskilled labor, $1.60 to $1.60 per 1.00 and 7.30 p. m. the Union.” labor, per day; day- Gilbert. dren. or in a semi- skilled labor, $2 to $5 Mont r r v e m. and 6.00 was awaiting. Mr. W. P. Hodsdon act- tie was Flossie They stood, reclined, skilled labor, 60 oents to $1.25 par day. Estimat- real*—A at 7.00 a, p.m of per day. ed cose at 8 a. m. in. At the the wtia mw... circle round the dim 7.30 ed as caterer. mooting corporation Whan T.ntfin Ruknd vnat'.nrrlnw chamber. The snow, woalth, $6,865,000,000. Commerce p. Commeroe, $8,737,000. $561,294,945. Suanton. intermediate offices and con- which owns the Eighth reigmont cottage not their enemy, blew past me through the Vt., Among the prominent guests of tho ing whether she was afraid to go so nections, via Mountain Division M. C. R. R.— the were elected officers for the crossbars in little drifts, circling evening were Grand Chancellor Edwin following far from she replied: playfully Arrive at 8.u0 p. m.; close at 8.00 a. ra. home, “You can’t about its harvest of victims. Parsons, Grand Yioo Cliancllor E. M. ensuing year: N, II.. intermediate offices and con- lose me. I’m big enough to^take oare of Bartlett, Grand Prelate Rev. “There, frozen into nections via Mountain Division M. C. R. 11.— Robinson, (acting), President—Col. E. A. True of Boston. ” incorruptibility, U. E. Grand of mysolf. these friondless Arrive at 9.00 a. m. 12.30 and 8.u0 p. m.; Beau, Keeper Records Vico Presiaeut—W. R. Pinkham of they stand, and forlorn and close at b.00 a. m. and 12.30 p. m. Seal C. A. Moses, (acting). Grand Oaklund. Mr. Dudley left Boston last night with dead, whom no one has claimed. As they Muster at Arms B. T. that Rochester, Nr. II. intermediate offices and con- Chase, (acting), '1’roaHurer—Captain Hillman Smith of the girls. looked at supreme moment, when railroad—Ar- DR. SANDEN'SELECTRIC BELTS Grand Master of I.D. nections, via Portland ^'Rochester Exchequer Leigh- Auburn. their poor mortality put on G.OU close at 6.30 and ton, (acting). Immortality, rive at. 1.4B and p. m.; Clerk—Major. J. H. H. Hewett o Reunion ot Pilgrim Descendants. so look now—so will 11.30 a. in. CURE WITHOUT MEDICINE Mrs. Huldah E. Cloudman widow of they they always Thomaston. Rev. H. A. tho shall Mills Gorham and Westbrook tho late Josiali Phllbrook, Rockland, August 12.—The second look till valleys be exalted and Cumberland Cloudman, died at her L. B. an- Arrive S.45 a. m. 1.46 and Rheumatism, Orouo; Capt. Rogers of Patten; shall bo no more snow. (Saccarappa)— home,on Pleasant morn- Kuos there Frozen into a. m. street, yesterday II. B. Sawyer of Auubrn, num reuuiou of the oounty descen- б, 00 p.m.; close 6.30 and 11.30 and 5.30 Lumbago, Lame 77 and 11 Iielanoy stono which never thaws, have been Back; ing, aged years months. One Young of Auburn, J. H. Swettiof Klt- dants of the Plymouth they p. m. of Pilgrims of at tho last instant of Sciatica. son, Dana, Atlanta, Go., and four O. P. Richardson of caught their poor South Portland and Willard—Arrive at Mrs. tery, Waterville, Vinal Haven today, wan attended 400 daughters, Robert Farrar of Port- Dr. Benjamin Williams of Rookland, by lives. A mother presses her baby to her 7.30, 11.00 a. in.. 8.00 p. m.; close 7.00 a.m., Kidney Complaint, land, Mrs. wifo of Rev. Mr. In- An immense and 6.15 p. m. Ingalls, people. plcnio dinnor was withered breast. An old man drags a tat- 1.30 Stomach Mrs. Daniel Knowlton and Mrs. and Cash Corner—Arrive or Liver IBs, galls, served followed by the following eieroises tered handkerchief about his throat. A Pleasanldale 7.45 Abbey Hodgkins of this oity. Tho de- a. m. and 4.30 p. ra.; close 8.00 a* m. and 1.30 Nervousness. / at the hall. The address of raises his head, eager for the ceased was one of the oldest members of weloome was peasant last p. m. to be satisfied or—ended. AUGUST 20 AND ’96. Nervous Debility, the Westbrook Congregational church. by W. H. Littlefield; oration, Judge curiosity There, 17,18, 19, 21, Pleasanldale (additional)— Arrive at 11.15 but not m. About 150 wero included in tho easily recognizable, easily forgot- a. m., close at 6.30 p. Drains, Losses. party Oliver G. II. Hall, Augusta; poem, L. that left the city on tho merchants’ ex- wait those friendless and forlorn dead F. Ks., ten, STAGE MAILS. Lost Vigor. cursion The excursionists Starrett, Rockland; remarks, calls.” yesterday. till God Live Stock or that of last took tho electrics in this and were Gen. J. P. Cilley, W. I. equalling exceeding year, now en- Dr. Sandra's inventions for Eieetrlnal Belf. oity Fuller, Jr., Somo of the bodies have waited there for Bowery Beach—Arrive i.t 5.30 p. in.; ciose at Treatment have cured al convoyed diteot to the Casco Com- H. Burtou Warren, Gen. tered. 327 horses nominated to in the 15 m. thousands ter all other Buy Adelbert Ames, 530 years, frozen and preserved by the in- compete races. San- 2.00 p. known treatments had failed. where were taken They are fully- punys’ wharf, they by Lowell, Mass. Letters cf born’s French stud and Hood’s Cape Elizabeth and KcJghtvllle—Arrive at warranted. Let me send you a regret were tense cold. coaching Jersey Cattle and Berk- neat, illustrated the steamer Forest Queen to Long isl- s 7.30 a. m. and 6.30 p. m ; close at 6a u a. b -k all about and reoelved from Gov. are m. explaining them, containing and. The feature ot tho day was the Cleaves, Hon. Nelson shire Swine coining. Johnson the world’s and 2.00 p. m. several hundred testimonials from Maine an3 champion bicyclist, of ball between tho Dingley, Jr., Gon. Elli* Pride’s vicinity. Free by mall on application. game proprietors’ Spear, Washing- Macdonald, Weinig and several French and English come Duck Pond, Corner, Windham, No. nine and a team made from tho experts Windham. Raymond and Smith A FEW MAINE PEOPLE up ton, D. C. Casco—Arrive NOTE CURED. direct from to race here. and 10.30 a. close at clerks. The proprietors won the game Europe Eddy Lampson vie in flying at m.; 2.00 p. m. C. W Morrill, Monson, Maine, a score of 23 to 17. Donations various air vehicles. ISLAND MAILS. Jason M. Bragdon, Dexter, easily by WORCESTER machines, kites aud Prof, and Madame La of Hannaford A Fiendish I. A. Small. Guilford fruit, etc., by Brothers, Plot. Boux make ascensions Peak’s Island—Arrive at 10.00 a. m. and u daily balloon and Col. H. T. Portland. Morrill & Soul & Sturti- “I parachute jumps. 4.15 p. ra.; close 8.30 a. m. and 2.45 ni. Woods, Co., KebiusoD, thought her father was so POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, p. Thomas Hendorsoa, Eastport, vant& Noiton,wholesalers,were »• enraged Brigham, Olive Thorne Miller and advocates of deliver and grateful- over the elopement that ho WORCESTER, MASS. good roads long Chebeaque Island Arrive at 9 30 I. R Blethen. Thorndike, would never a. in. and 7 ly received. »d FIVE OOlinSHS OK STUD V. addresses. Hall with p. in; close at 8.30 a. m. and 1.30 E. R. Monson, forgive them, and now he Citj replete high class exhibits. The lead- m. Haynes, The heat was so intense in this has given them Civil and Electrical p. oity a brand Mechanical, Engineering. Men the slightest weakness should x new bicycle apiece. 158-Pago bands in the state All the Cousin’s suffering yesterday that all operations where tho Chemistry. General Scientific Course. ing engaged. novelties secured. Island—Arrive at 9.30 a. m.; close •ead book, “THREE CLASSES OF MEN.* Of different secured 2.15 m. my labors were at all to Ihe diroct makes, mind you Thov Catalogue, showing aDpointments by and p. pocket edition free. Sealed, by mail. Address exposed 29th Remember, everything everybody attends the New Eng- of the had to be Will bo fighting like cats graduates, mailed free, expenses low. year Eastport via rays sun, suspended by and dogs before land Fair. Steamer—Arrive 10 a. m DS. A. T. SANDEN, 824 Broadway, New York. the middle of the forenoon. ft week.’’-London Tit-Bits. T. C, MENDENHALL, President. rues, and Sat.; close 3.30 p. m., Tues. and _■ may** WS&3Qt aug7eod7t Lp JttlSClSULAJfEOyS. THE GRAND ARMY. contend that silver remained demonet- Maine Farmers ami Free Silver, M.iscjsLXA'siso'ns. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. __ btisckixamtsous._ ized as much as I just before the act was To the Editor of the Press: rhe Commander’s framed. One reason for the act of 1834 Department Encamp- is to was to the The present political campaign If makes no wliaf It cures from head foot* ment Orders. antipathy banks, bnt there difference of to the farmers of Mai no. The were others. However, the reasons are danger its and your pocket contains, not important here. The fact is that National Demooraoy by plaftorm oi this, the aimed another deadly Millions Genoral Orders No. 5 have been is- the act placed the country to all iutonts candidates have | blow interests of d most famous and of all TCPtSE mass iuod by Col. L. D. Carver, Department and purposes on a gold basis,and further- at the agricultural popular % Puritana we are Maine. The Democratic tariff G. A. H. The orders eay more that was the intention of its au- Joimnander, as cigars, are sold each in New thors. No doubt some now under, or dying under, year £ n part: people think that liviDg | GOLD, blow to The Department Commander and if free coinage had been continued by the you choose to say. was a hard This is the best of on the England. cigar % Staff, delagatas to the National iiJnoamp- act of 1873 it would have prevented the agrloulture, but it is a gentle pat | nent, other and their wives, that which now ^ comrades, decline of Bilver, just as there are people cheek, compared with *1 all cigars—a fact that their ;he btate President ot the W. S. K. C. from ^ SILVER or who think free will now lift threatens to hit yon in the vitals icd and frieuds, will leave Union coinage Staff, the heels Consid- Station, Portland, Saturday morning, silver to a parity. The suggestion of of tho Populistio ass. enormous sales every- IlKUrlotlS com- Aug. 29, at 8.45, on a special through stealth in oonneotion with the not of 1873 er the magnitude of your interests I | buffet car. Assistant ooun- where palace sleeping crops out la this letter. The silver people pared with any other in our vast substantiate. ^ Adjutant General Miller will have charge smoke at a to that as a try. Of our entire 37.8 per jf tbe and every effort will be cling drowning man clutches population J party, *s> GREENBACKS, cent, are only % made for a comfortable and enjoyable at a straw. For a long time Ernest Seyd engaged in agriculture, i.67 was pointed to as the‘‘occult influence,” per oent. are carpenters and joiners, iow is what of the route is as follows: price f with UThe itinerary but it I. 53 per cent, are miners. Offlolals of [iff deposited 39—Leave Portland turned out that he was a bimetal- us,] Saturday, Aug. banks was not so insurance, 3.45 a. m; arrive at Fabyans 13 60 p. id. list,and in the country and he trade, transportation, 30—Arrive at Buffalo trust and other but everybody enjoys of a Sunday, Aug. oould be worked no longer. Still the oompanles constitute | The purchasing power unit of either is a 9.15 s.iu. ; arrive at Niagara Falls 11.16 i). 17 oeut. aud merchants “oooult influonoe” was clung to and al- per wholesale little stronger and will cover a little a. loave Niagara Falls, 4.13 p. in., larger in.; will and bankers and brokers constitute but when the arrive in Detroit 10.50 p. in. ways be. It Is the figment of some- smoking space of your floor with J. 13 oent of number Monday, Aug. 31—Arrive in Chicago body’s Imagination,however. The bill was per our people. The | a. leave 6.30 m. of votes the per- 7.50 in.; Chicago p. before Congress for several years, and as your corresponds with Tuesday, Sept. 1—Arrive iu Si. Paul of tho classes. Mr. Reed pointed out in his speeoh the centage votes of these other a# Brunswick Cigars, a. m. i 7.45 It is olear that other day, the Congressional in a Heoord upon your votes depends WIiOEESAEE To make the cure of any disease com- The route selected is known as the DEPOT, | contains 196 columns of the result of the election soon to oc- v plete and permanent, the purifying, cor- ‘Maine Central Niagara Falls Route” closely printed J. E. GOOLD & CO., ? So Cbioago,thence to St. Paul via the Chi- of and debates it. cur. must reports spoeches upon PortlsiuU, Me. # recting and building-up process begin and Great Western. It combines the our And now is a time for you to cago —Ed.] How insignicant the total votes of & New York. $ just good prove and end in the Stomach. jrand scenery of the White Jacob Stahl, Jr. Co., Makers, the Mountains, wholesale merchants, bankers and brok- stubbornness of the fact, for we’ve an ex- trip through the famous Crawford s Free far- new of all sickness is caused by over the Coinage. Brs compared with the votes of the i.M fine line of fall patterns. S'oteh, wonderful Frankenstein ceptionally V* a Stomach. Puritana a wrong trestle, view of the Green Mountains To the Editor of the Press: mers makes the Heart right, the af Vermont and Lake and / C? Champlain, Why 37.38 per oent. to 0.13 per cent, or the Liver the Blood m opportunity to visit all of in- In response to numerous Lungs right, right, points inquiries about 287 to 1. All miners have but :urest at America's greatest natural won- the the right, the Nerves right, the and re- right, Kidneys concerning meaning possible 1.53 oent. to 37.38 the Health because it makes the ler, Niagara Balls. At Chicago a wholo per the farmers per LARSON RANGES AND right, is sults ol the tree coinage of silver, with STOVEO Stomach right. lay givuu to sightseeing in the great oent. Why should the farmers of Maine g mmmercial permission I will to make olear city of the West. your try vote to boom the interest at the bottle of mining MOT The Puritana treatment consists of one The Department Commander has ao- suoh facts as are understood today, with g ONE one one hottl® tremendous Puritana, bottle of Puritana Pills, and the invitation of the slap whioh would inevitably all in one Price jepted no intention of or H. J. BAILEY & Puritana $1. bias. J of Tablets, package. argument party result 2l11 Maine comrades residing in Minneap- to their own interest. druggists. seems as if there a 199-192 Middle Street. CO., olis to entertain It ought to be non- the Maine dele- Everybody knows or should Snow be- und of these aug8.11-13 gation department officers and their partisan presentation truths for fore he votes this year, the faot, which Hives CLARION during the Nntional Enoampment all. For, while we must realize what Thomas Gresham who lived iu the dayH in i St. Paul. This ontertainment is un- the of of Quean Elizabeth discovered, and which ieistood result foreign investors in our rail- to include suppers, lodgings and is now known as Gresham’s law. This or roads and whose 5; Range Stove REMOVAL SALE, jreakfasts. Maine headquarters in corporations dividends is Gresham’s law. When gold and silver g will are Minneapolis ho at 612 Corn Kx- now payable In gold would be if ooin are both legal tender, the least valua- o is sold that is not , VI OUR PATTERN ohange. their shares were immediately thrown ble ooln intrinsically will remain in cir- OFFER. Comrades and others wishing hotel ac- culation and the coin which is worth upon the market, our Western (and iommodations in St. Paul should ad- more intrinsically, that is in the bullion iress WARRANTED. E As I shall move into the new C. W. Horr, ohairiuan accommoda- many Eastern) countrymen seem almost market as merchandise, will be sold in | ;ion St. Minn. that out of Baxter in oommittoe, Paul, desperate to bring the hold of foreign market and, consequently, go Q Think of the thousands Building September, Headquarters of the Department of oiroulation as become demonet- The Latest Demorest Patterns Can Be capital to an end here. Let the subject money,or Obtained the balance of stock of sum- Maine will he opened at Boom No. 262, ized in faot iu spiro of all the laws that O in use and ask dealer my Hotel be understood by the voters without re- your Y Byan, St. Paul, Tuesday, Sept. 1. Congress or Parliament can onaot to the Through This Department* mer goods will be sold at a great Accommodations for a few guests may gard to party and there will he the true contrary. The law of selfishness oannot O about them. If he does not B bo secured at this hotel, the best in St. he If a man have or sil- reduction from former patriotlo feeling manifested at tho polls. repealed. gold 5 have them write to prices. Paul, by application to the Assistant ver and both the mint and the market the The standard silver dollar is now worth I have also some choice Fall and Adjutant General. are open to him for its disposal, he will GOLD manufacturers. about oents. THE CLASSOH. We have made bv we are All friends of the Grand Army are cor- fifty Free coinage means dispose of it where ho oan get the moat arrangements which offering to our readers § ho Demorest Cut Winter Goods which will be dis- dially invited to join the Department of that the government shall receive all the far it. If a gold eagle is worth but ten Paper Patterns, which are worth from 20 cents to 50 Maine on this trip, and they will receive dollars to buy goods or pay debts,with,and B INCORPORATED 1894. I0G0 St BISHOP Maine, v ;ents each, thus making every copy of this paperwortli from 20 cents to 50 cents of at a discount silver which may be presented, and upon GO,, Bangor, posed very great all the advantages ana attentions acoord- the Waltham Watch company will give it 10 cents each. Cut out the coupon below and mail according to directions and every fifty cents’ worth the of ©oooooooocooocx)00oooooooooooc50ooqooooooooo<3oocxx)o for the next thirty ad to oomrades except free entertainment put stamp him ton dollars and fifty cents for it ind you will reoeivo by an early mail the pattern in the size chosen. days. at oue dollar. a man will Minneapolis. Nobody, howeve’-, expects sensible sell it for that prioo. Inclose 10 oents in stamps or silver to pay for mailing, handling, etc. Without All are Under Gresham’s law with the free coin- For Sale by A. R. invited to take ad- The following additional appointments all suali to be coined. It really meaus ALEXANDER, he coupon the patterns would cost you from 20 cents to 50 cents each. age of both silver and gold the entire vol- of Aides-de-Camp on|the reoommondation then that the government shall issue its 33 Monument Square. Portland Maine, vantage of this opportunity to ume of our gold money, of Post Commanders, are hereby an- note for one dollar in exohange for fifty estimated from five obtain first class at a variously goods very nounced: oents’ worth of bullion, and that this hundred and fifty millions to six hundred and millions of dollars ow price. B. H. Swift, Post 6, HonBOD. note which the lucky owner of bullion twenty A SIMMFR FANCY. Albert E. Ellis, Post 14, Wnterville. would go out of oiroulation as money for fifty oents’ worth of his metal Wm. D. Mitchell, Post 32, Hartland. gets thus contracting the quantity of our Winfiulrl S Hiiivm. Punt; 41. Riimfnrd. shall be made tender for one dollar goooooooooootooooooooooooog legal money to that extent. The contraction 978—SONJA BASQUE. more of Levi W. Hughes, Post 102, Mapleton. when we wish to purchase with it. The would nmount to than one tnird Daniel H. Post Randolph. the entire money of the United States In Jones, 143, result of this would he a forced circula- Thd appoitment of J. A. Chase, Post oiroulation I Sizes For 34, 3G, 39 and 40 Inches Bust tion of a cent dollar. This debase- 108, as additional Aide, has been re- fifty So well established is Gresham' law by Measure. 5641-2 voked. ment of the unit of value would oause tbu experience of mankind since the day Congress St., of Thomas and so certain is its A charming model, the, “Sonja” The following information is request- a violent disturbance of all values. Gresham, Near Oak Street. that a man who calls that law One hundred and fifty Odd Coats at $3 and each. and oom bined must lose for operation, $2, $4 tasque Ingleliart’’ skirt, dim ed: People again oonfidenoe, in himself in the Vests to match at 75c and question now, places 50c, $1. iuitable for general or dressy wear, and By Edward A. Vose, Grant House, there would be no seourity, and prosper!- fame category with “uncle Joe Holden” to and material se- South Boston, Mass., the address of any in his contention that the earth is flat. X Some of these can be matched with pants, others cannot, tncording trimming member of the 2nd Maine Cavalry, who What all the disastrous effects of the If can find size a You’d better ected. Our illustration is of dark blue the silver coins or silver certificates, you your you’ll get bargain, knew George F. Tompson, Co. M., of sudden loss of more that one third pari hurry up they won’t last long at these prices. canvass, the sleeves matching the skirt, that have been, and are, kept at par in our 9^ regiment. of our monetary circulation would be. no uid the waist of white satin veiled with BE., By Mrs. K, L. E.igeoomb, Boston, in- money clrculation'ht the ratio of IS to 1, one can foresee. But there is no silver 6RIDGTQN, on of the location of her ■triped gauze, put with slight full- «»■« formation husband, to tins dark cloud that threatens hUWWii«iii»i»i.i»» »u ■rnwroiTT.iw rrt — because we have limited the coinage or lining Elmer L. wbo a and and in front over a — Kdgeoomb, disappeared to be continental financial cyclone, iess, opening the TERMINUS OF THE .. because we in some purchase, have maintained from his home Boston three wisdom suggests, as it seems to me, that rest of plaited ohiffon. The shoulder ool- years ago, in a disturbed mental con- the gold reserve, pledged the whole ored- this be net unprecedented experiment ar Is of Venetian bordered with dition. He was a sod of O. B. point, Edge- it and power of the government to do so. tried. 500 8t. k Saco River R, R. comb. Co. 1st Maine Ad- would © JL Fs HILL Hi Congress © ohiffon. A full frill of the striped BrlSgton H., Regiment. The free coinago of silver by the United One thing Inevitably happen to 60b, plaited dress Mrs. E. L. Edgeoomb, care Shep- our farmers’ interest. Everything which augSdlw ;auze surrounds the waist. The stock States alone either cause tho en- tr ard, Norweli & Co., Winter'street, Bos- might have to sell would a lower 3 Trains each way Daily they bring collar matches the deep one, and plaitings except Sunday. ton. tire volume of silver in the world to rise than now. Just as well established price ©000000-0000010000000000000® jf chiffon finish the wrists. About A Hours Hide From Portland. to the standard of gold, or drag the as Gresham’s law is that other law much The Act of 1834. little und low A illustration and full direc- Tnrousbt Tioltets sold at Boston & Maine and Unitod States down to tho silver stand- money high prices, money special Maine Central Stations. pi loss. Jj'rom gAristole ( to the present ;ion about the will be found on the Editor the ard. Uncle if free We are anxious to be pattern To of Press: Sam, coinage results, day all economists agree that this is an A. SI. P. SI. P. 51 :he envelope in which it is enclosed. Leans Portland (stcr.B) 8.45 1.25 5.56 will stand ready to coin all the $4,0U0, inexorable law. If Mnlne farmers wish I am surprised at your assertion thnt for Arrive Bridgtou 11.07 3.34 8.14 000,000 present visible stock of silver of to avoid lower prices tho commodities Hatter. a. si. it was the act of 1834, (changing they sell vote against free silver. your 957—IjSGLEHART SKIItT. Leave 6.10 3 0.03 the world, that may be-sent to his mints. Bridgtou 6.40 the ratio of silver to gold from 15 to 1, Consider that the falling prices of the P. 51.* While it is now at a ratio of 32 to 1 last thirteen months have keut Arrive at Portland (sici’.R) 8.25 12.12 to 1(3 to 1. that demonetized silver. equal reduced our Medium and 7.41 we must lift it to Having Sizes Large. J. A. BENNETT, up equivalence with steps with the contraction of the circu- skirts is a ten or twelve inch faoing of The effect of that aot was to remove gold—16 to 1. We must expect to stimu- lation of the which has keen Supt. 11. Sc S. K. K. K. country A popular design having seven goored haircloth, crinoline, or canvass, and vel- June 29,18PC. ]e27dtt silver from our currency, but not to late and inflate our own produot and about one hundred millions of dollars stock of present brown about six veteen or cotton reoeive the silver of other ooun oreadths and measuring yards binding. Silk, woolen, dumonetize it. It was accepted, the world surplus for the thirteen months ending Aug. 1 tries besides. In the Bank of Franoe The demonetization of silver in 1873 has iround the bottom. It fits trimly around fabrios may be used for the model, and it over as. on the basis of to 1. money 15J4 ure of silvsr looked tbe to stiff bats in can $250,000,000 up, absolutely nothing do with tho con- price you ;he waist, but additional fullness is added may be worn with any style of a coat, prior to 1373. The fixing of 16 to 1 as Bank of Germany, more than traction now on. $150,000,- going on the sido or waist tho Bank of about below the hips in plaits, basque, SUfif^ER the ratio by our government was purely 000; Spain, $50,000,- L. B. DENNETT. 000; of and now save a little. leams. The fullness in the back is laid A special illustration and full direc- It was uot the commercial or Netherlands, $35,000,000; quite arbltary; others have varying amounts. In the Bryanisms, u side-plates turned toward the centre, tions about tho pattern will be found the French ratio. nine banking houses there are not far TOURISTS for fhe popular finish for tho bottom of the on the envelope In which it is enolosed. The *ct of 1834 purposly under-valued from $450,000,000 stowed away. This To the Editor of the Press: $2.00 $1.00, $2.50 silver is not worth a cent for its one his on his Are invited to our store silver for political reasons. It was tho except In of little speeohes way opposite bullion value. It is their “reserve” for for of the Jacksonian party against to New York, Mr. Bryan is roported to $1.50, $3 for $2. the light their paper money; but if they could ex- bank money, rather than against silver, change it for gold they could sustain have said: “This silver question is that fixed the impracticable ratio of 16 more paper. If this country votes freo based on tho great principles of Jesus FOR SMALL GIRLS. PREBLE silver will havo an HOUSE,CONGRESS ST. to 1. When Germany aud France closed they suoh opportuni- Christ; we ask you to settle it by settling their mints to the coinage of silver aud ty. They will have to simply send it to Anti will find a it right, and that we believe is by restor- 3VE ERR 984-NYDU FROCK. they complete as- its fall our ratio of 16 to 1 the Philadelphia mint, have it coined in- Y, precipitated the and silver of sortment of would have quickly become operative to United States money, exchanged for ing gold standard the and in the juugm6nt of those who have gold and returned. Europe, ever since Constitution.’’ ignoruuce and blasphemy HATTER AND FURNISHER, Sizes For 3 and 4 Tears. attention bimetallism was has been al- giveu the subject most would abandoned, seem to be equally displayed here. What most 237. 239 MIDDLE BOOKS AND have controlled the price of silver to the fighting for gold. If independent ST., FOETLASD, Lawns, cambrics, Ohamberles, and fine STATIONERY free is in this constitution oun he refer to? Has Mr. augleod present day in spite of its greatly in- coinage adopted oountry are all suitable fabrics toTmaka now on ever read the of the ginghams UAOUi*CU. tho struggle going there will at Bryan Constitution use. piUUUUIliWU. this attractive model. Tho for their Also many other controlled some once grow because it would indi- in by uniquo £ But our governmnt, by fiercer, United States? Where did he find that This Famooa Remedy cures quicR- cause is the full- articles needed at this season of oocult influence, contrary to its interest, cate that the of bimetallism is instrument anything about the gold and fc'SSmST'S t£2*a£ag?rly. pormanenily ull nervous diseases. feature of the frouk Empire overthrown. When France had coin- Weak Loss of Bruin Power, Headache, Wakefulness, LOST followed leadership, closed its free sliver standard p.t 16 to 1 or any other Memory, ness in front tho ’full the foreign FITAJLITL impoteucy and wasting diseases caused by youthfu* given by extending year. mints to silver and us our age Germany demonetized her silver and ratio? lie should attenu a brought upou Evidently errors or exccBNeu. Contains no opiates. Is a nerve tonic and skirt to the yoko line. There is a plain, present calamities. exchanged for gold. Shall the United “woman’s school’’ in some ouuutry dis- SSJLOCJD BUI LEMS®. cum to R/E* “fTLSK? pale and puny strong and cur- a Siun rled In vest pocket. short to the bottom of whioh the States mints be made likewise a sink for trict a few terms. G. A. H. plump. Easily waist, S. W. T. @1 box; €5for®5. with a written guarantee With free It would per By mail prepaid is in the baek and on the all.Europe? coinage to cure or money refunded. Don’t delay, write to-day for tree skirt sewed on the definition of dem- be to lose the and medical with testimonials and [It depends very, very easy gold, book, sent sealed, plain wrapper, an as it extends across the front it SHORT financial si les, IHARIOIL we references. Wo charge Rffia S? iA LUNG, our statement that the being deprived of gold would no onetize whether for cou riKtatlonu. Bewareof W CARli yl 1 BW81W holds the fullness in Tho shoulder juiyGeodtt have a place longer monetary medium with imltutioun. Sold by us and our udverd^sd agents. Address act of 1834 demonetized silver be ^ with really the other important countries. WTESjaLVaGB S323JE530 00.. Masonic -imple, ClftIGACHDb ruflle and ouffs are trimmed Inser- correct or not. Webster’s Dictionary Russia has been a valuable friend to frill of Sold in Portland, Me. by E. E. Foss, 653 Congress St., and by E. C, Fowler tion and a narrow embroidery. defines it“to with- this country: kept England at (pretty good authority) bay Druggist. The edge of tho skirt is always a plain during our Civil War, and since has ex- draw from uso as money.” Now the be headed tucks or tended timely assistance. She is making hem, but this may by of 1884 was to withdraw New effect of the act all possible progress toward the gold insertion, when desired. England the silver dollar from use as money in standard. One of her representatives and full Fair, A illustration directions special recently said: “Every country of Europe this country. Mr. Thaxtar, himself, about the will be found on the has silver enough. Already Russia has HAMMGOKS, 1 pattern admits that it removed silver from our is CITY HALL EXHIBIT, been asking to join in a movement in envelope in whioh it enolosed. currency. Prof. MoMaator in his chapter case the Americans adopt free coinage, for to unload ou the United States; but this 1n|e|A Tj 1 on “A Century’s Struggle Silver,” action would bring calamity. I sincere- 75c to $3.50. says: “But the gold coinage act of 1834 17,18,19, 20, 21, 1896. ly hope the United States will make no Aug. slowly demonetized silver.’ It is true such mistake.” PR i T i N G &c. |N that the right of free coinage of silver Yes, with free coinage the surplus sil- Window Screens, Doors, ver of the world would flow existed on the statuto book until 1873,but infallibly to our shores. This would be its one this date the after the It was surrounded PAYS On and after year 1834, market at a reasonable great prioa __ with conditions that nullified for all. C. S. M Pattern will an praotically enough Coupon Order, management open Me. it, so that very few silver dollars were Freeport, N. M. PERKINS & One Demorest Pattern. E. Pinkfeara's CO., Entitling the Holder to office at the head of the coined and praotically none were used Lydia Vegetable Compound do it Chief of Police Joseph Lambert of Ber- female 8 Street. W|e1 as money. If Congress should pass an Will cure the worst forms of Hardware Healers, Free main stairs at City Hail, N. £L, arrived in Auburn act which restored the of free coin- lin, Tuesday, all ovarian troubles, in- jyJOUtf right complaints, von desire, aud with Edward Ballard, the horse thirft in and Fill in below the number and size of the pattern mail this coupon to exhibitors age of silver and attach to it conditions flammation and ulceration, falling this office with ten cents in stamps or silver, to pay tor mailing, handling, etc. Be sure to thereby giving He turned the custody. man over to of the and conse- t|h'|E| give your name and full Post Ojice address, aud choose one of the sizes that is printed that would displacements womb, an secure prevont anybody’s bringing •with each design. opportunity to Deputy Marsha! Jenkins, who locked and is silver to the mint, or should fix such a quent spinal weakness, pecu- ANDERSON, ADAMS & 00. POST OFFICE ADDRESS. him up in tho station. to the of life. THURSTON ftcor and wall space and ratio to gol:l that every dollar coined liarly adapted change Ballard is the man who stole a hand- Number of 1 would be sold for the bullion in it and Every time it will cure Backache. Fire Insurance Agency, in foal l'attecn. )_ obtain premium lists. some bay oclt to the stallion Nel- more cases of leucor- no one of them got into circulation we It has cured 3* Exchange Street. son, August 3, securing a wagon and rh nea the cause, than any 1 NT All exhibits must be duly imagine that the free silver people would by removing Horace in stables near Anderson. _PR Slzo 1 harness by. Tho horso remedy the world has ever known ; it Desired. I_ ____ arranged noon of the was stolen from a pasture in cases. It Thomas J. Little. Me by BELIEF IN' SIX HOURS Auburn is almost infallible in such Portland, about 9.30 o’olook Monday night. Au- dissolves and expels tumors from the opening day, excepting cut Distressing Kidney and Bladder dls-ases 3, and was the property W. an relieved in six hours by ihe -‘NEW CHEAT gust of,Geo. uterus in early stage of develop- flowers which will be re* AMERICAN KIDNEY 1 Bowker of 40 Oak street, to can- SOUTH CURE.” be Lewiston. The ment, and checks any tendency “HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS I new Is a great on account remedy surprise mare was brown and is six This is for any Demorest Pattern that has been or may bo published in celved on its in years old cerous humors. Lydia E. Pinkharn’s Coupon good until of exceeding promptness relieving sent with the ten cents to Tuesday a tan muzzle and two the CLEAN this pape'rif requisite pay expenses pain in the bladder, kidneys,back and evry with white ankles Liver Pi’ls work in unison with SUCCESSFULLY.” HOUSE WITH noon. of tile urinary passages in male or fe- part and weighs 950. The was the are cure for male. It relieves retention of water and carriage Compound, and a sure of C. K. pain in passing it almost immediately. If property Vickery of Minot ave- and sick headache. Mrs. You must use the coupon printed above which is our order on the publishers. and constipation * you want quick relief cure this is Headers will bear in mind thatall orders for are transmitted to New York H. F. your nue, aud the harness has not been Pinkham’s Sanative Wash is of please patterns Maw. remedy. Sold by .C H. HUFFY CO. Drug- great and lilied there. A lew days’ de'ay is unavoidable. So allow at least a week from the time the FARNHAM, olalmed. aug4 and Auction Sales, $2.00 per depreciating? This has been on of the of his ashes, a Corporation Amusements goiug resting place says for some Not Narcotic. PortlandClias. C. Theatre or years It is on to- I Tukesbury, g Bw s- Fourth District—CHARLES A. BOU- dulge iu this: Descriptive pamphlet just issued 1824. ,, It is hard to mailed upon application. Incorporated TELLE, of Bangor. We have fait$; that the majority of the tell sometimes CAPITAL AND 8URFLU1 poople of this country will stand up for EVENING. a .foliar that cannot be controlled, chat whether the | will not them to the dictation of or the REPUBLICAN APPOINTMENTS. subject shopper I VOCAL SOLOS, DUETS AND TRIOS, gold which will make it saleswoman feels monopolists, .but Bicycle Co., « BELL FLUTE, i’Ji !■ NCII HORN AND possible to meet their obligating when the effect of shop- SpencerTrask& 1 CORN Li SOLO? AND MANY OTHER ICON. LEE FAII! of ONE MILLION CHILD, California, due oven though they are obliged to ping the most. 27 and 29 Pine St., New York, JiUSICAL NOVELTIES. will speak at make sacrifices at this time. The people Even the mean are no to pleas- State & Janies Cumberland Centre.Aug. 24th business,' they longer ant of it in- *<.ni?aat6’ v*tc“tea Sts., Albany. ..A AFTEUNOONi" Gray Corner.Aug. 26th aohtinuo under the yoke of part 1uy2leodtf gold syndi- volves wait- cates and bloated capitaists, and no mat- standing, HON. GEO.L.WELLINGTON,of Blarylund, DOLLARS. I ter how many circulars may be sent out ing, weariness for both will speak at by bankers .and life insurance institu- of them and more or EXCURSIONS. AND^ Current Aceeanta received on favorable Freeport. .Aug. 26th tions have enriched at less and "““‘“"j themselves hurry t^at neglect terms. BL of tho farmers and the oom- v* GEN. N. CUKTIS, New York, ft **•auu theveXTOSjlg-of Interest allowed en Time will speak at mon of this country, they will regular habits. This DAY Deposits. stamtaMftw.h'vt bellieve it to be for TRIP TO Correspondence solicited [from Individu- Yarmouth.Aug. 27th they leads to dyspepsia or McCullum’s Theatre, als, Corporations, Banks, and others de- PEAKS ISLAND, USE. hov bfnrv cannT T.nnr.u .fir... constipation or both; this bank are two links in siring to open accounts, as well as from will at aid, and nil it they the chain of indi- 9th SEASON 9th speak those to transact busi- men whose another link is head- BOSTON, wishing Banking BARTLEY McCULLUM, J'ortUud.Aug. 2Gth duKMfto notify notes were gestion; biliousness; Manager. is ness of any description through this Bank. that, it wanted its in ache another; then follows backache, Week HON. WILLIAM P. FRYE, oWjfate pay Commencing Monday Evening, Aug. 1 Oti, drowsiness, dizziness, an irritable temper Tuesdays and Saturdays, at 10 a. m. will speak at d^&j^ieqna] in purchasing power to tile The Great American Success, ar.d the “blues,” all links of one chain -BY THE- STEPHEN II SMALL, Bruuswlek.Aug. 28th dolffo*£v5i lent. From a political stann- Preside binding down your energies and Bridgtou.Aug. 31st have teen unwise making MARSHALL & -yxriiifc'il'mHy to send life a burden. The to throw off the International Steamers* G0DIN3, Cash's! SEKENO E. of New way Ian* HON. PAINE, York, out this ciffiular, but from a business whole trouble at once is to put the bow- _dt> THE CHARITY BALL will at speak standpoint it was quite a natural thing els and stomach into condition again. By Permission of Mr. Frolnnau. South WE A LIMITED Matinee J)av Portland.Sept. 2nd to do! A bank in others Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets do this FARE $1.00. OFFER AMOUNT Every Except Monday. using people’s First time here o£ the Great New York success. HON. WARNER MILLER, of New more and more York, money, on the promise that it will return quicker, comfortably Run in Boston about 6 p. m. Tickets Splendid Company, Magnificent. Costumes, will at than other in the Excellent speak it when it is asked for, and is under the naturally any remedy at Pine Tree Ticket Office, Monument Scenery. Cumberland world. cure The entire production under the di- Mills.Sept. 6th They actually on steamers. personal strongest hind of a moral and egil obli- constipation Square, and board jyl3tf rection of Mr. McCulIum. so it don’t a We are HON. HERBERT of stays cured;' you become slave for the Boston Patent Take Casco M.HEATH, Augusta, to fulfill its not in agents Bay steamers. New play every gation promises only to their the intes- week. Music will speak at use; they strengthen Pant and Suit. Of all the Reserved seats at Stockbridge’s the letter but in the spirit as well. Free tines to do their own tone the Bieyefle bicycle Store. Yarmouth.Sept. 9th work, CAMP _ju29tf threatened the in this stomach and stimulate the suits in the market is the suit. MEETING ooinago depositors gently liver. this AT Town of Falmouth tV. THOMAS. of HON. W. JR., Portland, hank with the confiscation of half the They are mild hut sure, like Nature it- Will speak at self. Don’t let Patent adjustable bottom, making it money deposited, and it was the duty any druggist give you a Danforth.Aug. 24tli griping pill. Insist on Dr. Pierce’* for Golf or LEAGUE GAMES NOT IN IT. Eobbinston.Aug. 25tU of its officers to try anil protect them having Bicycle Use, patent adjustable West Baldwin E ist Pleasant Pellets. Manillas.Aug. 2Gth from this loss. A bank owes something and in has more and com- COMMENCES 27th waist, fact, style NOTES, For fun on the ball field see the Harrington.Aug. The Common Sense Medical Adviser to the men who lend to It us well as to People’s Jouesport.Aug. 28th gives more plain useful information about the fort than any suit made. Saturday, August 8th, Steuben.Aug, 29th the men who borrow from It. Asa busi- and all the ailments PORTLAND FINEST human-body — AND CLOSES to which it is than to a to net 4 1*8 per cent. ness transaction the action of the bank subject any Prices ranging 4rom $4.00 $7.00 other single book in the English Monday, August 17th, 1896. Total debt $8,500. Play the Kansas in one of tbo States that is is not open to criticism. The only language. It is really a medical Suit, also Caps 40 cents each. in one volume, a Maine Central R. R. will sell tickets lor tilts POLICE. to be saturated with solid objection that oan be made to it, is encyclopedia LEWISTON oupposod thoroughly large heavy book of 1008 pages, meeting at one fare the round trip, sale com- under the circumstances it with over illustrations. 6th and until the free silver heresy, yet the flopubliean that might 300 The mencing August continuing This is the game that breaks the tie. Hear of time and effort August 17th, tickets good for return until the Also a choice list of home State bo construed as an to oontrol outlay money, the Lewiston French coaehers. See Phillips resolved squarely attempt in this book was 18t ooavgntion producing great h. bonds payable In and Ross, Portland’s crack battery. against the free coinage of silver by the men’s political action, and if done for paid for by the sale of the first edition of 680,000 at : : EASTERN FOR : : United States that it was copies $1.50 AGENTS SUNDAY, AUG. alone. The truth is that purpose improper. each; and the profit has been 16th, AT PORTLAND GROUNDS, the free coinage sentiment in the west But what shall we say of the advice used in publishing the present A Special Train edition of half-a-million to be sent abso- m. copies will be run tor this meeting, and for the Uni- 12, at 2 p. has been exaggerated reason of the of this editor which is substantially to without to all who will remit Wed., Aug. sharp. by lutely price the versalists Grove Meeting at Sebago Lake. small of 21 cents in one-cent to Ladies free. fact tbafc its advooates have done most of refuse to pay debts until they can be charge stamps Leave Portland,8.46 a. m.,Cumberland Mills, Admission 25 cents. pay the cost of mailing only. Address, with auglOdtd at half are 8.65. South Windham, 9.06, Newall 9.08,White the talking. When the time for voting paid price? Farmers credi- stamps, World’s Dispensary Medical Association, JOHN P. LOVELL Rock, 9.13, Sebago Lake, 9,20, Steep Falls, as No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. comes the opponents of free coinage will tors well as debtors. Are they going 9.35, Mattocks, 9.40 Cornish, 9.60, West Bald- island. 9.56. Return, leave West Baldwin 5 FOREST m ake themselves beard efiectively, and to espouse the doctrine that it is perfect- win, p.m., ciTYliNKTPeaksMANAGES. 180 and Street. arriving at Portland 6.05. GEO. W. GORDON;_- there will be lots of them. ly legitimate for a debtorg|to resort to 182 Middle Also rates to West and re- AUCTION SALES. aue8 special Baldwin Every Evening for the Week, commencing sort of a hocus to turn, 13th Portland Trust An*. lO, sonic down good August only. Co. Monday. i, any pocus augl dtf Adults. Children. EDISON’S LATAS'FMARVEL, A bout all that the rush to see Bryan his debts a third or a half? Farmers are By F. 0. BAILEY & CO., Auctioneers. Portland, 75c 40c THE VIT2\.SiCOr*E, means is that there are a number henust mon. Are MAGNETIC largo generally thoy going 75c 40c ’96. The Fad of ASSIGNEE’S SALE OF Cumberland Mills, Tiie Wonder of the Airier of in this to look the for a South 65c 35c MA^rilESTSEfilT^ people country ourious to see upon ngltation dollar of Windham, lean Feople. Newhall, 60o 30c of the a IIto Presidential candidate. If half the purchasing power of the dollar Valuable : Real : Estate. NERVINE The exact reproduction originals, any- White Rock, 60c 25o Being: appreciated outside of detail of changing Great Chebeague Island, Me., Tues- showing every expression body imagines that it signifies that there they borrowed, for tlio purpose of scaling Sebago Lake, 60c 26c and movement. A few of the scenes to be ON day, Aug. 18, at 3 p. in., I shall sell pre- Permanently Restored. Steep Falls, 36c 20c are White Wings /New Y’ork is to be a rush to the polls in November to down dobts with favor? Wo on the one-half interest in Easily, Quickly, NEW sented Street Imagine; premises common Lost Vitality Nervous Debility, Insomnia, Falling Memory, and all Mattocks, 30c loc ENGLAND. Parade). Fire IfeScue Scene, Black, and undivided in and to a certain lot of land In resulting from early or later Sweepers' vote for him he is very much mistaken. not.jj We imagine that. the editor who Wasting Diseases and ail Weaknesses Cornish, 10c 5c smith Shop. Army Trouble, (Fancy Dances Cumberland, at Littlefield’s Lauding, Great excesses. for Mailed to address by 6c THE MUTUAL In when Horace Jj pe,- b0x, 6 $5. any Brtdgton Jc. 10c LIFE INSURANCE CO. with Colored Light Effects.) 1872 tireeley toured t he thinks he commends himself to the farm- Chebeague Island, conveyed to William ,1. ine Japanese File St. Paul, Minn. Cure Company, PAYSON TUCKER. F. E. BOOTHBY, ,’f New Dancing—Tuesday and Friday evenings 9.20 such crowds Currett and W. F. Perry by Carolina York, country just greeted him ing population by baldly suggesting that Bennett, For sale in Portland by JOHN D. Middle and JOHN WILLIAMSON V. P. & Gen’l G. P. & T. A. to 11. Frank C. Manley. and recorded in the Cumberland of KEEFE 250 St., Mgr. having recently increased Its Investment in Promptor. and his Registry 659 Congress street. Augl2d4t Music by YVellcome’s Orchestra, 8 applauded speaohos. But whor they refuse to pay their debts until Deeds, hook G08, page 319. Said property BANGOR & AROOSTOOK R. R. CO. First pieces. Tobogganing and Skating every alternooa sold subject to said deed. Terms at mortgage 5 cent Gold now November came the enthusiasm was all money is cheapened so that they can sale. per Bonds, until it and evening. angl2dtd CEO. 11. holds more tnan $300,000. Tills indicates that Horace ALLAN, Assignee. WOOD MAlTELS Admissiouto liink 10c or Boat gone, and poor got hardly an scale them down one half takes altogeth- the large moneyed institutions are their coupon. turning Dancing. Gentlemen 20c; Ladies free. attention to the Fast as this is electoral vote. One ot the •meet- er too low a view of the farmer’s in- for investments Casco biggest and first New Take Bay steamers. Boats leave at TILING. file York life Insurance Company close of dance. lugs ever seen in New York was that at telligence and honesty. We say intelli- F, O. BAILEY & CO., RESTORED MANHOOD to invest in Maine Securities. pffs Samples and Salesroom, which Butler in 1884 should Gen. spoke when gence for if the farmor consult The great remedy for nervous prostration and ail nervot»dlsei»»e»of for sake by Auctioneers and Commission Merchants the generative of either sex. such as Nervous hd was a Presidential candidate. But but self ho were intel- orgens ftojjMiJfS,'Errors, H. E. nothing Interest,if ing or Lost Manhood, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, Youthful 424 CONGRESS TEMPLE, which Con- ST., CORNER HUTSON B. SAUNBERS, WI5LL.S, when election day came he got only three ligent, he would want to return the full Salesroom 4(i Montal Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Opium, leaf*10 ExckaugelStreet. sumption and insanity. With every SB order we give awrlUenguar. Investment Securities, Plano thousand votes In the whole oity. value of wlint ho received. The to Tuner ability F. O. BAILEY. c. W. ALLEN W. Order slate at A. 51 1-2 Exchange Street Portland. Me Chanpler’s Music Store, -tsl People tarn out to sue Presidential cun- •borrow is of oredit mrli 4. dtt For sale ALLEN, great value; i by Lander* and Babbidge, 17 Monument Square. TT&3 Foot Preble of Street octadtf. juS TJi&STtf Congress street wudft THE GOLD DEM OCBATS. A BRUTAL DRIVER. INTENSE EXCITEMENT. N0T FOR FREE SILVER. THE smith prize. MEW ADVERTiSJSMENTS. HEW ADVEKTIOEBEESTTS. yEW AJOVEKTISEMENTS.

Sailed for Maliciously Maltreats a Horse by Stabbing Mr. Seth Mllltken, the Great Dry Goods Yesterday by the Sirocco and A Mass Meeting to Be Called in This Commercial:Street Has a Genuine Him. Merchant, Makes His Views Plain. Mariotta. ♦ City August 20. Sensation. ~ummieTs the rumors that have been In Yesterday morning at 10 o’oiook the WHEN YOUR A brutal Among and aggravated case of cruelty gun was tired People Startled by the Loud Report of a circulation Is one to the effect that from the Portland Yacht Bynum of Indiana is Expected to Bo Pres- to club animals, was brought before tho mu- house for tho second-class Gun—Looked Like a Tragedy and It Mr. Seth M. Millikenj of New York, yachts ■ ent—Reports From tire ludiapolis Con- nicipal oonrt thut DRIVER STARTS yesterday morning by the tho well and intended to for the White Was! The Tragedy of the “Bursted known dry goods inerobaut, compete elegant f Store, ference Encourages C. Vey Holman. Portland ♦ police department. connected with tho firm of ileering & prize offered to tho successful one by Mr. The Barrel,” out with a load of don’t x man’s name was Andrew V. Mar- to James Hopkins Smith. The is a goods, you Milllkeu of this city, is fnvorablo prize kuow what is going to happen. Before Z 516 St. The standard Demorcats of Maine tin, aged BO, and a farmer and teamster It was and on solid silver he Congress gold sultry quiet Coimneorlal froe silver ooinuge. Mr. Milliken is so fruit dish, in open work de- gets back all sorts of things may X for the of a occur. The teamster hurt, or X are taking steps holding residing in West Gorham. Ho is the street yesterday morning. Everybody well sign, twelve inolies uiue and may get known in Maine and his standing long by somebody else may bo injured while X mass iueetin g and the of dele- owner of ohosing three horses. who could get Inside doors did so to avoid as a one-half iu and It the goods are in transit or while business man so higli that his opin- breadth, quite deep. they X to the national convention of anti- ha cams to Portland with a tlie beat, and meerbants were is a most are being unloaded. X gates Tuesday ooinplaln- ions would bo to carry great graceful design, a worth prize which will likely Injuries mean law suits, f.aw suits ♦ Bryan Democrats, meet at load of potatoes in a small farm wagon. ing that tilings were so very quiet. Those to be sailed for. weight. Hence wo publish the following are expensive luxuries. Whether you ♦ MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Indianapolis. C. Vey of Book- His horse was on Commercial in the of Portland Fier two win or ♦ Holman, standing vicinity were personal letter from stating Only yachts entered for the rao.\ lose, you’re out a great deal back from the him, more than it costs to insure ♦ land, came IndianapolisUcon street near W. L. Blake & Co. ’s store destined to have exoitemont enough be- his the Commodore Me.riii, who against position on the silver question. Sirooco, such accidents. y ference much encouraged by the when tho animal took and ran up fore the was over had with and Morrill Corset Covers, sizes 32 to 42, differ- outlook, fright morning though. It will be seen that it contains no com- him Harry Hounds We sell Teams Insurance. We X and ready for energetic effort to The was cover the owner’s get gtho Pearl street to Foro. wagon At just 10.15 the people were startled fort for the free The Dunn, and the Mariotta, Capt W. H. liability lully. We X ent styles, trimmed with Hamburg, 19c, Democrats of this coinage people. take the risk. Z gold State into line. smashed and the horse, with only the by the loud of a and Clifford, whose were Willard report gun, people letter was writen to ene of his brothers Jr., guests Wo areiaiways ready to talk about it. 25c quality. Ho is to issue a X expected oall for the shafts and whiffle tree attached to him, were seen running toward the head of in this Keith, Percy Camp and Mr. Richard- * city: Cadies’ mass meetiug, and it is quite ran Fare and turned into York the son. Chemise, plain, 15c likely that along pier. Somenody shot! Somebody Now York, 3, 1896. the call will August appear today. Tho meeting street. Ha oame to a standstill in a yard shot! yelled the men as they poured Yours, saying it is reported that 1 am It was “hotter than health demands.” each. will bo in favor of the at probably called for this oity Au- on tho latter street. out and’stores and rushed to- free coinage of silver, The sun was reflected from the mirror DOW & ! ofjjodices hand. PINKHAM, Children’s Drawers, plain with It was gust aotb. hoped to have City In the meantime Martin bad started in ward the spot, and Officers Frank and like surface of the harbor with such force & I am neither for the free coinago of sil- 35 Exchange Street. * also trimmed with Hall; but as that Is his horse. that tucks, Hamburg edge, eugaged by the fair pursuit and got He brought Morse hurried to the scene. ver, nor for the Wilson Tariff Bill. Since it blistered face and hands of those Mission back to stable I have been in □n sizes 1 to 19c Gospel Hall, across the street, him Ingalls’s and was [A man was seen moving around the business, a free trader the boats, and there waB hardly a 7, each. has been secure. liitoh him to a wrote, asking why there should be such about to wagon secured dock in a half bewildered manner oov- breath of wind stirring. When the sec- Children's a on Waists, sizes 1 to 5, is largo duty silk goods, when there It expected that there when the horse beoame ered with foam. The ond was fired at 1.30 a. m. the two MARRIAGES. Ex-Congressman uneasy. yellow man had oould not be a pieoe made in this oountry gun IV. D. 15c. Bynum, of ludlana, will be .pres- Martin became aimiy and seizing a whip been hit and hit hard, but he didn’t Now, about $8U,060,000 worth of silks are crafts had to orawl some distance up tho ent. started in to beat the horse when one consumed in this each year, and harbor to a run In this Aug- Leonard McKenuey and Infants’ Long Dresses, Hamburg yoke, of know what had hit him. There was no country make good over the city. 11, & Sensation It Sa the the stable over half are manufactured here, and Miss Annie N. Maddox. opinion of Mr. C. Vey Hol- men took It away from him. piooo of heavy artillery visible anywhere line, and tho wind failing, they anchored Frederick E. Donahue ruffle round neck and 15 and oven with the large duty on Imported In Biddeford, Aug. 10, of keenest satisfaction comes with sleeves, Hetheu took a and man, informally expressed to friends in jackknife and stabbed the from which the volloy could have beeu silks, the goods sell for about one-third waited for another cat’s paw. At and Miss Amelia Oldtead. In Saco, 10. 31. Wyeth of Som- of Williams’ Root 19c. this of the State that and what, did when that was 10.45 August Joseph every glass Beer. part the anti-Bryan quivering frightened animal repeat- fired. they question they struggled over tho line, neck erville and Miss EttaM. Hendrickson of Boston. movement lu the asked; and the of silvei- and Lewis Burke ot to A variety of Ladies’ Corset Cov- is very strong in the country. edly side and in the flank, his There was a mystery in the ease. What inconsistency neck, and then came a drifting race In Cherryfteld, Aug. 2, Cherry- Keep it in the house ready quench largo will look four years hence just as incon- field and Mrs. Emma N. Googlns of North Han- Jit is said that private assurances have side being covered with blood. The was it? an witness of tho over the course. and lace 32 Finally eye sistent as the question concerning Bilk | your thirst. Your whole family will 3i-s, Hamburg trimmed,,sizes been rsoeived to the effect David B. --r jjuioo uuui as soon as The In 10: Fred It- Bradbury of that anaj affair appeared and he could does today; and by this,we can.very read- Course was through White Head Fryeburg, Aug. to 25c. Denmark and Miss Edith M. Brown- it. It is a 44, of New is with the anti- him and after ily sue how a theorist can be wrong Wbltujyof enjoy temperance drink, Hill, York, washing and putting oil control his emotions he told this story ot passage around G reen Island and to field. when he starts with the theory, Cadies’ 3 25c and will manoeuvre in New on the wound, put him In a the wrong Reef .In Fairfield. 9. William of Fair- and You Chemise, Btyles, Bryan party, stall. tragedy. and such Trundy’s and return. The time Aug. Phillips clear, bright sparkling. is the ease with the silver meu. field and Mary A. Lamore. York State to work out its wishes. Tho police station was notified and As he was the his limit wai hours. sach. an passing along street They start out with tho supposition tnat oight In Hermon, Aug. 10, Marshall L. Tibbetts of are drinking to your own health Tlie mass in this will officer went down and a and siiver are the Tho Boston and Miss Alice L. Tibbetts of Hermon. meetiug city Lbe arrested Martin attention was called to wagon being gold equal; such is not * Sirooco had everything her own Children’s Drawers, made of the caee. All In Solon, Aug. 6. Charles Mao kill) of Madison when drink for Democrats. and loekbd him a the great nations have dem- you strictly auti-Bryau Only up. Deputy Hartnett driven along iho street with barrel of wuy from start to fluish. In the light of onetized silver, and Is the only and Miss Lillie Curtis Bingham. best underwear such as refuse to nom- went to the gold breezes In Bowdoin. M. Arno and Miss making cotton, tucked, support'che ticket stable and examined tho beer set in the rear end and being very world’s she encountered down the bay Aug. 4, Burley standard,and this oountry, there- Sarah K. Clark. inated at will bo invited to horse. Ho found the beer exerted a sort of she was more a trimmed with hamburg, 25c. Chicago par- animal in a bad thirsty the hypnotic foie, is not responsible for tho present than match lor tho Mari- At Tenant’s Harbor, July 28. Edmund F. Ped- of and it more ticipate. shape, suffering from eight or nine stop iniluenoe over the man, which kept his price silver, oannot any otta, and the race was simply a proces- rick of Beverly, Mass., and Miss Lillian W. A 50c Corset Cover for 33c. The ho kept on a parity with gold than oats Pcdrick of Tenant’s Harbor. leaders of tbo movement in this wounds. He ordered the animal to be eyes fastened on the kog. The wagon sion. Tho Sirooco came in a winner in can be kept at the same prioe as wheat. SI.00 and 1.25 Night Robes for 75c city are very will the best of 40 minutes and 5 uotive,and undoubtedly given care, and swore out a turned down the pier and the thirsty It may be for to bellove seoonds. These are the easy people and have a largo and interesting meeting. complaint against Martin. gaze of the weary pilgrim still followed thut six inches make a foot and eight offioial figures. DEATHS. $1.00. ounces a and cents worth of Attorney Chapman appeared for the it. Suddenly, without a second’s warn- pound fifty Elapsed Corrected Children’s White and colored sliver a Drosses, dollar, and when the people in Start. Finish, time. time. In this Aug, 13th, Miss Margaret J. De NEW ENGLAND FAIR. Prevention of Cruelty Two of ing there was a tromendous explosion,and city, Sooiety. Maine believe that. 1 shall nroBnblv Be- CostM. aged 20 years and 10 months. ages from 1 to 5 years marked down to the Marietta, 10.45 4.08.03 6.33.03 4.44.34 stable boys told practically the same clear up to tho fourth story of tho ad- lieve in the free coinage nf silver. .Notice of funeral hereafrer. Sirocco, 10.45 3.36.40 4.51.40 3.57.40 WILLIAMS & CA.RLETOST CO., MFES, close. story. shot a The people in Maine are general/ right In this 12, wife of William J. Some of tlie Maine Horses Entered for tlie jacent building sheet of yollow city. Aug. Ellen, Hartford, Conu. on all public questions, especially when Delaney, aged 57 years. Martin said that ho stabbed the foam and it proceeded from the top of One lot White Lawn Aprons, two llaces.—Notes of the Show. horse, they vote, and l even doubt if the ship TROLLING FISH WITH KITES- Funeral from her late residence No. 56 Salem but that he was angry at having his that keg. It frightened the horses; it builders in Bath believe six inches inako street. Friday morning at 8,30 o’clock. inch for 10c each. mass at St. Dominic’s church tucks, a foot or can be made to believe that [Requiem high wagon, upon which he had ex- paralyzed the driver, it startled the A Fisherman's at 9 o’clock. The list for the races at the New recently Jersey Original Scheme. and Girls’ Blouses and Shirt entry by their leading man. In this Michael son of Cath- Boys’ pended HO, smashed up. Ho was very neighbors and it sent the pigeons scurry- city. Aug. 12, T.f England Fair include the erine and the late Bartholomew 33 Bnil following when the in Yours vory truly. Foley, aged Mth Waists, at Special Prices to close. penitent recorder told him that from tboir shady hiding places the Sysla Maine horses: ing S. M. MILLIKEN. (From the New York Sun.) years, 11 months he oould bind of funeral hereafter.! him over to the grand eaves ot the buildings. Old timers and what are [Notice The great Half Price Sale of Ladies’ Trilby, b r, f by Alsaltan, A. H. and irreverently [Boston papers please copy. jury. Now this sound like a llsb Wni. Shaw, Bath. may story, Another Gala Day at Peaks Island. styled moss haoks” were stuitlod the In this city, Aug.v 12. Ralph Fuller Fogg, Dress Skirts, in Silk, Silk and Wool, Neile b Hobinson Recorder Turner but if is true and the and youngest son of G. L. ana Octavia Fogg, aged 8 S., ni., by D., J. E. gave him a severe loc- absolutely keg The Casoo other day by a man on the south shore Bay steamboat company months. GHEAPEXGURSION ill Wool and Cotton and blaok Libby, Portland, Me. and to his marks of tho on tho Wool, tnre, owing being a poor man. the spray buildings have to make the announcement of of the Haritan bay who fished for Weak- [Notice of funeral hereafter. r g., J. E. only Spaulding, Libby, Portland, Martin was fined and are corroborative eviaouce. [Boston papeis pleaes copy. md is now on. Me. $5 costs and was unimpeachable their for oaoh to fish with a kite. Tho heavens were ex- colors, going programme Saturday In this city, Aug. 11. Mehitable Dennison, warned that he will be Tbe boer was and well for it Albert H, br g., by W'arrener, A. H. watched in the hop named, be sure that their steamers will carry pected to foil, and a squall did come up Half Price is what we ask you for and W. M. Me. future. itself a rod oak [Funeral afternoon at 2.30 o’clock, Shaw, Bath, hopped through cask, crowds of to Peaks island. Next in tho evening, at which the said old Thursday Grace ch people from No. 71 Melbourne street. Aug. 9th, 16th, 23d and in our all the Paul, in., by Prinoess, Edwin the head over three inches thick aotnal 30th, inything stock, including will the timers shook their heads as at a in this 11. Stella infant Parsons, Kennebunk, Me. MUSIC AND Saturday be sixth grand gala presage city, Aug. C., daughter DRAMA. measurement. of Mrs. Hattie Clark, aged 1 year, 1 month, 24 come in the Phenoll. of the season. Those of future evil. When interviewed the latest, which,have past bg., by Prescott, Blackslrap day Japanese fire- days. 1896. West The driver of the team doesn’t Farm, ralmouth. hardly works have been so to all that kite man announced his intention of Funeral Thursday forenoon at 10.30 o’clock, week. br pleasing Queen Wilkes, ni., by Messeuger know yet what happened. havoc with from No. 22 Everett street. -FROM- Fred E. Portland Theatre. have seen them that it has been decided playing the blue fish when Wilses, Dwinal, Mechanic Falls, In this city, Aug. 11. Carl Christian, twin son Whoever made that beer should get a in the and said that Island Mo. The Portland theatre will to give another exhibition in the after- they appeared bay, of Hans Peter aim Betty M. Larsen, aged 1 year, Pond and intermediate stations to open for the to Nibs, br g., W. contract from the government furnish at be is bis 4 months. 4 Portland, making connections for the by Harry Lumps, season of noon from the pleasure grounds op- present simply trying ’pren- days. 1896-97 on next Monday even- [Funeral services this afternoon at 2 o’cIock Islands and Old Orchard lSeacli. Ohnpniu, Bethel, ,Mo. it to ho used as an explosive for blasting tice band on the Mr. posite the rink. weakfisn. at the parents’ residence, No. 26 Tate street. Kittie S., b m., by Brown Bolfe, Ed- ing. Tukesbury, the manager, will purposes. His method of was to con- In this city, Aug. 11, John C. Church, aged 64 WINDOW SCREENS win Me. a of a of of that In the evening it is desired that every- operation Parsons, Kennebunk, provide host of attractions for the sea- The ofl'oets oouplo quarts years. Leave Island Pond, 4.30 a. m. b J. beor inside of a man ore tuo terrible to one will illuminate their hotel or struct a kite of about three feet Arrive at JEinma Westland, f., by Westland, son and the house on the old oottage. by two, [Funeral private. Portland, 9.30 a.m. h. stand, at 6. and Barrett, Deeiing. 'oauiiemplate. It is the custom now at all the five-sided, of oiled silk which he prepared In Knightville, Aug. H. Phillip Ashton, child Returning p. m., arriving at Island Half Price to Close. Eddie b C. S. whloh has boon renovated, and the seats popular o' Edwaad 1). and Hattie E. Pond 11 p. m. B., g., by P., Balph which Clun, aged lOmos., watering places to set apart one day in himself, was simply to render it a 4 days, Fare from Foster, Lewiston, Mo. freshly upholstered, will draw large au- Island Pond, *1.50 WEDDINGS. little more on afternoon 2 Fare from Fnnoy Boy, b h., by Robinson A. diences. the height of the season for illumina- impervious to water in caso of [Funeral Friday aj o’clock, Berlin, 1.00 D., The opening night of tho sea- from No. 3 Anthoin E. Mo. a sudden fall iu the wind and oounse- parents’ residence, street. And from intermediate stations at Russell, Buckfield, son is the tion day in whioh everyone takes a great In North Falmouth. Aug. 12, luezM., correspond Little b C. opening night of tho New quent drooping of tho kits into tho water daughter ingly low rates. For further particulars Miss, in., by Wilkes, H. T rafton—>Ieserve, deal of in thell of W. H. and the late Edna Lufkin, 20 apply fair and “Grimes’ pride making houses and Tho were made ruboor dissolved aged to agents. Nelson, Waterville, Me. England Cellar door” joints by years 7 months. JulylGtu.th.sa.taugSO as as in Conquest Star, b c., by Nelson, C. H. will be the bill. The most brilliant wedding whioh grounds look beautiful possible. bisulphide of carbon, instead of paste, In Lewiston, Aug. 10, Mary Ryan, aged 63 Mo. Westbrook has seen for some time was cel- Peaks island is now known for tho same reason. A small tail or years. Nelson, Waterville, Mnokio is remembered here everywhere b J. E. favorably balance was attached and the kite was Jn Biddeford, Aug. 8, Mrs. George B. Cutter. Pullman, g., by Volute, Libby, ebrated ot three o’olouk Wednesday at as the island in Casco bay where the In for bis inimitable work us “Grimesey Mo flown on a short U-fcot line, which w»3 Richmond, July 31. Mrs. Sarah A. Bouteile, f-.hn nlno’rtiit. maw hnmo nf h Via for their annual and aged 76 years. *» ^uoi/u strangers go outing, varied to tiio of tile NSilver b tj., G. H, wi AVUJr UUh as according strength Excursion Street, by Nelson, B, In East Orrington. Joseph A. Smith, aged 78 Sunday Waterville. ou Main street. Mr. Otis S. in order to be in the swim it must have wind and tho spoed at which it was de- TO clson, strong a hit as ha was in that parties years. piece bis sired to have the bait turvel. Instead of ABlaok Nathan, bin., by Bobinson a of the Westbrook Us and it. Chandler’s In West Peru, Aug. 6, Mrs. Bessie Austin, D., work in his new Trafton, graduate day oelebrate PopliMDii Bcacli, Island P. E. Buckfleid. part, “Billy Grimes” the" flyiugcord’’ coming to tho baud, it 25 years. Squirrel Bueseil, school of the class of and since band a concert and who owns High ’94, will] give splendid and was attached to a cube In Water vilie, Aug. 9. William Booilibay Harbor. T. T., bl m., by Eclair, J E. Libby, the Cellar Door, totally eclips- of eurk Welch, aged in of a into 62 years. Me. es all of his graduation the employ Mauson G. there will be fine display of fireworks which could he THE FINE NEW Portland, former efforts, and is a con- In Hallowed, Aug. 7, Mrs. Sarah br of was the Now one slipped lead sinkers to vary the to Gilman, Harry P., g., by Hyronemous. H. tinuation of Larrabee Portland, groom, to oioso the day. let every weight aged 67 years. B. Me. fun, frolio, good nature, any degree, according to the of the Phillips, Ellsworth, and the beautiful and accomplished Miss that lives at Peaks island take pride in drag In Ellsworth, Aug. 9, Eugene WIswell. atred Merrill, eh h., by Nelsou, F. J. Mer- laughable complication#, and original kite, running buck from tills cork was 21 years. STEAMER SALACIA Mattie E. Meserve was the bride. this and make Peaks island '96 rill, Uauiariscotta, Me. songs aud dances. Mackie is Fully day ofj the fish line proper to a length of about lu Greenville, Aug. S. Mary A. Barrowes. smart In WILL LEAVE FRANKLIN fcnrsh b C. H. a hundred guests assembled to witness one long to be remembered. 30 feet, terminating iu the usual gut Togus, Aug. 6. William Kendrick. WHARF, Eulier, in., by Nelson, to see the of a Half Price! enough necessity thor- In Hallowed. Mrs. James Me. loader, spreader, and books, the spreader Aug. 8, Tracy,aged STTN-rJAV AT 9 A. Nelson, Waterville, the ceremony. 66 years. 3Mt.; cti Bobinson A. oughly good compauy nil round and boiug enlarged to about five inches so as Chestnut, h., by D., Miss Etta D. Trafton the wed- of Columbus Field Day. In Haverhill. Mass.. Aug. 7, Rev. O. T. Moul- Arriving at Boothbay Harbor about 12.30 p m E. has one of the played Knights to avoid a which would not be Bussell, Bucklield, Me. engaged strongest musical tangle ton, formerly of Saco, aged 75 years. Returning, leave Boothbay Harbor at 2 p. m. ding march. The little flower girls One of the of the season likely in an line and bait In at comedy companies iu America, jolliest parties idly floating BucUsport. Aug. 7. Mrs. Josephine M. arriving Portland about 5.30 p. m. regardless under circumstances, tiix feet Stover, 48 ■were followed by Mr. Charles A. Trafton, was the of Colmbus and their ordinary aged years. Camp of cost. The will be seen Knights Meetings. piece two from tho spreader was a feather from a In Saco, Aug. 8, Mrs. Lucy A. Boothby, aged FIFTY brother of the groom, as and fo?0au£ydto^etrd CENTS. Best Girl’s a New Yorker. and tiokets are bestman, ladies, as they sailed down the harbor crows’ and this 66 years. O. C. OLIVER. R. My The Maine Central has made arrange- nights ready at the box wing, was attached to CHAS. LEWIS. Miss Eva Crockett, bridesmaid, and the yesterday afternoon on the steamer Mer- the line by a neat eoctmtt'io and automat- jlvSdtf President. Treasurer. Dad’s the ments to sell tickets for the camp meet- office. My Engineer. bride and groom. A most beautiful The consisted of shout ic books that it lay flat by the line until at West riooneag. party That ings Baldwin, that commenced The Dazzler. a jerk came sueli as a fish or obstruction Just Tell Them You Saw Me. floral arch formed the bow of promise, 160 members and invited After last and guosts. would and Saturday closes next Monday, and Thursday next “The give, thou it stood upright She Have Seen Better Wednesday ner which were spoken the words by a sail of about two hours the excursion- and i S May Days. at ouo faro for the round by the foroe of tho water aud its trip, and on Dazzler” will lie seen at Portland Thea- Rev. Win. G. Mann that made Mr. Traf- ists landed at Long where, de- struggles for buoyancy owing to a cork A.. Oh! Mx-. Austin. next will run a train for island, and Sunday special tre. An “The it rau the During exchange says: Dazzler,” ton and Miss Meserve man and wife. the an of ball base, slowly up lino to tbe cork July this spite heat, exciting game | | The Streets of meeting and fur the UniverMlist broezier than cube, showing from time to time that , (Vocal.) brighter, funnier, ever, Mr. Frank Swan and Mr. Linn was The was then i we will close Abbot, played. party photo- was hooked. August I Grove Meeting at Sebago Lake. The came to Fulton something Doris. the Opera house ou acted as ushers. An informal after which MISS A. L. SAWYER’S train will leave Union reoeptioji graphed by Barber, they pre- Portland, Station, and made a Saturdays at 5 o’clock. Thursday night pronounced followed, and then a most dainty lunch. pared to Cushing’s large dining hall | \ SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND AND I Loved You Bettor Than You Knew. Sunday at 8.43 a. m., and French Dram Clock. TYPEWRITING returning a large audience.lt is the old a * sucoessjwith The happy oouple will take short wed- and partook of an excellent snore dinner. 1 The Sweetest Ever leave West Baldwin at As r _ r Told. 3 p. m., arriving iu name been is known, there is a small French Also, Headquarters for Shorthand Work Story piece only, having entirely ding trip and then mako their home at There were no after dinner and at Portland at 6.05 m. The speeohes clock, inclosed in a brass case and Typewriting. p. advertise- re-written and with a new cylindrical Queen of All the Girls. supplied plot Cumberland Mills. the hall was soon cleared for ment will givo full particular;. dining called the “drum clock.” Its chief distin- CENTENNIAL BLOCK. 93 EXCHANGE ST and new music by Frank Jr. The were and testified to 1 janl eod The Little Lost Child. Tannohill, gifts many dancing when,inspired by the enlivening guishing feature is that it never goes for 2 The were the specialties exoellent, cos- the great esteem in whioh the young musio of the any length of time. Tho is a Heart of Heart. l-lO-'iUtli Annual Reunion. Garrity’s orchestra, gallant escapement 1 W. L. Sly tumes very handsome, and the wittioisms are held. Among them was the and their ladies the continued source of trouble to clock re- CARD. people Knights tripped The The annual reunion of the 1-10 29th and of the newest and pairers. It receives at other Stranger’s Story. songs brightest. hundsome home lust completed on Main light fantastio toe until a late hour. impulse every Maine association will be vibration Tho clocks | regiment held have Billy Watts was seen in Joe Ott’s old one only. going El street, of the most convenient, mcs The merry oompany returned to the city 5 Capitan. at Long Island today. Casco Bay boats role of Ezekiel in him Ott barrels and tho idea of the escapement ap- Merchant PNEUMATIC PILLOWS Pipes,and has substantial and best looatou bouses in at 11 o’olook Wfth Tailor, Directorate Starch. thoroughly pleased to bo that a «. leave Custom House wharf every pears by providing long fric- nearly a worthy successor. He possesses that the city, by Mr. James the fnu. given Trafton, day’s tional rest at one of the pallets, the extra j Cotton Sfareh. and tlio | hour Harpswell beats will also called King quality “personal magnetism” in fatLor of the bridegroom. Oue of the features of the eve- of the wheel tooth when the members. The special pressure scape carry cottage of tho a aud this und his skill as 46 Free St. Liberty Bell March. large degree, Mclteniioy-Maddoi. ning was the singing of the Bride of Se- mainspring is fully wound will bo suffi- Af dec4 \s ladies of the 1-10 29th will Auxiliary be a comedian immediately won the hearts cient to any considerable increase ® • Post. On last at tbo residence of ville ohorus, hy the young ladies and prevent IMPORTED Washington open on reunion day, August and of his well and Monday in the of the 13th, auditors. He sang did a who this in Fort- arc of vibration pendulum. all ladies of the comrades Mrs. O. C. Maddox, 49 Chestnut street, gentlemeu gave opera Ben Ilur Starch. are invited to wonderful acrobatic dance. Miss Ida But the clocks often stop from land last winter, a comio Eddie deficiency be and tho Miss Annio N. Maddox, cashier at W. L. song hy of is CONVENIENT, present join auxiliary, go a soubretto power when the spring nearly down What Could the Poor Girl Do? ifa Rogers, vivacious with a Quinn, recitations hy Benny Callan, disposed. Wilson’s grocery store and Mr. Leonard and stop when they are fully wound, be- pleasing voice and nimble foot, was exoel- Geo. Florence Drlsooll and oth- STRONG, McKenney, clerk for G. H. Lord were Dawson, cause the small and light pendulum has Portland Health, lent as the Dazzler. married by Rev. Matt S. Hughes of Min- ers, made the sail home pleasant. As not energy enough to unlock the pallet. DON’T BUY COMFORTABLE, For the four weeks ending Saturduy the boat with the Knights on board left The best that can be dono is to alter the Forest City Kink, neapolis, Minn. Only the immediate August 8, there were 78 deaths in this thu the salute resting to a straight form and see OR RENT A LIGHT. family and friends were present. The island, cottagers rendered pallet PIANO that are oity against 70 for the Attractions That is a settled fact the wheel teeth and pallets well Until you have examined our stock of corresponding peri- pay. wore by blowing horns and burning a plenti- Fold Four bride organdie muslin and carried Circular. Compactly, Weight Comple’e Ounces. od a year ago. at the and the is a ful of red polished.—Jewelers’ rink, Vitescope big a of sweet The supply fire. Steinway & lor LARRABEE’S bouquet peas. groom Sons, Admirably adapted Baby Carriages, Ham- Thirteen died in Ward 1, 11 in 7 in card. Great crowds have been etc. ter 2, drawing wore conventional black. The house Her Reason. mocks, Indispensable travellers and in 6 Hardman, BacOn, vacationists. ,3j 12 in 4, 12 in 5, 3 and 20 in 7. to sea this wonder. Each eveniDg this lioxing Exhibition. ■ was decorated with out flowers and pot- The young man picked up his hat and Standard, Gabelr Of contagious diseases, there were two week large audiences were present. Lost White ted plants. Mr. and Mrs. McKenney Last evening Mr. Miohael F. Barry re- looked sadly at tho lining. and other high grade Store, scarlet fever, three of diptheria and evening “The Wave” had to be repeated. • left on the noon train for Boston to re- ceived a telegram from George Dixon, “There is no hope for me?” he asked IMPORTED • six of fever. An entire will ho 516 St. typhoid change of programme main two woeks. the ohanipiou featherweight, stating that faintly. Congress given this at 9.15 o’olock and on “None the beautiful evening he, together with Joe Waloott, Joe Kims, whatever, replied Park Notes. State Heard of Fliarmacy. girl, her filled with Friday evening the dance night, the Vit- Billy Hennessey, Frank Steele and two eyes compassion. The at Oaks When ho reached the door, he turned to- 1.00. elderly porcupine Deering escope will be shown at 8,45. So go early The state board of pbarmaoy met in other well-known will be’ in PIANOS pugilists ward her has died. for your scats. A summer ball this at the again. PRICER grand city yesterday City building. this on 18th oity Tuosday night, August “I have to thank you for one thing,” he All Styles. All Prices. Some now guinea pigs have been add- will be given 20th. The Seven candidates for August Edge- registered phar- under the management of Mr. Barry, said ed to the at the Oaks. bitterly. Cash or community wood boys will have charge that evening. macist were examined. and will exhibit- “What Easy Payments. | givo a first-class boxing is that?” she inquired. ion of “You have not told me that would Call and see the Wonderful —I—!!■ irw.i ■!——maw— in the skating rink at the oorner you tie a Bister to Lincoln and Pearl streets. Mr. Barry me. fiEO.XFRYE II Hundreds of Children “I of she hur- WORMSand adnlts have worm. VI thought that,” rejoined U but are treated for “ stated to a PRESS reporter last night 320 CONGRESS ST. other diseases, Thesvmn- ttl /EOLiANL a Pure and Sure.” riedly, “but I suddonly remembered.” je2m.w&fr,tf II t0?.“ ^e-'bdieestion, -with variable ap- gl that he intended to make this exhibition II petite, foul tongue; offensive breath; hard W “What?” ho asked shortly, as she stop- Write for Catalogue If you cannot call. II and full belly, with been occasional griping* and the finest of the kind that has ever ped. M pains aoout the navel; boat and itching sensa- I tion m the tectum ami about the eves lift seen Fred the WlIlTE'S V anus; in Portland. Plaistod, “That I promised this morning to M heavy and anil; itching of thonose; short, Ary //I M. cough; grinding of the teeth; Ul well-known oarsman, will act as master marry your father Life. STEINERT^l SONS I// starting during ”—Brooklyn GO., j sleep; slow fever; and often in children, con- 517 SI. SALE OF RUSSETT FOOTWEAR, vulsions. ihe of ceremonies For further particulars Congress ill best worm remedy made is nr see adv. iu this morning’s issue. A Story of Blaekie. T. C. NfcCOULDRlC, * During August wo will soil all our Wom’ens P,N WORM Not long ago Professor John Stuart MaxLaser. ITDIIE’Q | Blaekie Misses’ and Children’s, Boys’ and Youths’ Rus- Little Dock Aleak. paid a visit to tho sanctum of an S Bis ©ELIXIR Dry Springs set Goods at cost. This is a bona fide offer, Edinburgh publisher and mentioned that Mlf It has been in uso 45 yTS. is purely vegetable, /WI The little dry dook sprung aleak Tues- ho had ONE HONEST MAN. Our reasons for doing the same is, that we are fu harmless and effectual. Where no worms are vi lectured the on Scot- IX present itacts as a Tonic and corrects the previous night Pear Editor: Please inform your readers that if for of con- /I the water in so fast tish preparing our extensive line Fall and dition of the mucous membrane of the day night, coming homo rule. “1 am said written to I will mail in a scaled letter jhj atom- y| astonished,” conlldrntlally, ach and bowels. A nl the which I was Winter Footwear. Iff positive-—_—-— that the schooner in for had to the plan pursued by permanently restored euro repairs publisher, “at your fondness for mak- and for Constipation and to health manly vigor, afteryearsof sutTeringfrom Watch for our fall in ladies’ and Id/») y/ ing an Nervous styles gentle- Biliousness, and a valuable be taken out. exhibition of yourself. Professsor "Weakness, night, losses and weak, shrunken in all the /( parts. men’s footwear. remedy common Blaekie, without another turned on word, I have no scheme to extort money from anvone. I A forfeit of from his heel and went was robbed and swindled by tlio quacks until f~60 each contestant away, slamming the linearly K DR ‘J TRUE W. door. lost faith in mankind, but thank Heaven, I urn now !f! tvTcO.. Baking must be Sam O. Austin of he came thrust in || Powder. postedwith Presently back, well, vigorous and strong, and anxious to make this WHITE’S the Polico Uazette as a guarantee of a his head and “Do certain means of euro known to all. IA For Tape worms we have ipfefayagBl » said, you know, that’s a Having nothing to sell or send C.O.D.. I want no if, special treatment. Write |# rounded side bet. Kllrain will start iu training Just what my wife {°r Only are tolls mo. money. Address, JA3. A. HAHRls. Opp, Preble House, Portland, Maine. P.mplllvt, TR.O C-IR.R* U spoonfuls required—not heaping spoonfuls. at once. Bos 350. Delray, Mich. augS eo dtf ~

MISCELLANEOUS. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. FOR SALS. _^ISClOJLAJCKtHJS.___MISCKU.A1VKOTTS._ | _ftllSCBaLLAyBOTTS._ Bridgewater—Albeit L. Chandler ~~ Made.” Van Buren—Fred B. Violette. Forty word* inserted under this head j “Best Liver Pill cash in advance. flAINE TOWNS. Presque Isle—George Ii. Smith aimST smcATRA sconnhjcticut? one week for 25 cent*?, J Woodland—Henry B. Pratt. m Fort Kent—William Dickey. Have ail contributed to the successful production of the S. & C. Long Havana filler—s-3 ected Caribou—Judah Cigar. Connecticut SALE—Confectionery and ice cream D. Teague. binder—imported Sumartra the & C. H. wrapper—are used in S. (5c. straight) Cigar. FOltstore. Sevention years successful busi- 60 Mrs. Ricker had been Houlton—George Gilman. Positively core biliousness and sick headache, FREEEPOKT. 30, aged years. Smyrna—A. P. Daggett. ness one of the best locations in the city vrith liver and bowel complaints. They expel all 1m purities failing in health for more than a year, Fort Fairfield—IS. L. good chance to manufacture. Small capital blood. Delicate women dud relief from Houghton ft-oxn the Julia but was able to bo around and do con- Linneus—Major W. Bither. equired. Communicate to 419 CONGRESS Using them. Price ‘Z> cts.; five $1.00. Pamphlet free. Freeport, Aug.3.—Mrs. Spear siderable work. £he had a shook Madawaska—Rcmi A. I s 30H VSONr A CO., 22 Custom House St.. Boston. and Vida will take their slight Daigle. STREET.__13-1 daughter outing she Masardls—Newell D. Smith. of paralysis last winter from which OOR SALE—One Orient Bicyele, 1895 make, at Wells Beach from the middle of the never fully recovered. She went out in a CUMBERLAND COUNTY. F in good condition for sale cheap at J. B. month. Mr. wiil not take bis not far from the house after DON NELL & Commercial street. 13-1 1 Spear pasture very ™ CO.. 79 Portland—Seth L. Lnrrabee, William J vacation till later in the tea to pick some blueberries and not re- year, when he Knowlton, Frederick D. I?ARM FOR SALK—100 acres excellent land, as 800u was Winslow, Arthui A turning as expected search Howard *- proposes to visit the hospitals of New W. Merrill, John Hill, Wilbur C 500 cords wood, some hard and soft t in- made, and she was found dead. Dr. Wlielden. outbid Id- York Wholesale JOHN F. & ier, two story house, 8 rooms, ample and Philadelphia for advanced pro- Grose was called in aud said it was a South Portland—Melville B. Depot, NICKERSON CO., Boston, Mass. in 20 mi lei Fuller. Sold at Retail ngs perfect repair, good location, i fessional work. case of heart failure. .She will be sadly Casco—Richard Cook. by First Class dealers.—Costs too much for others. >ut; price $2000; photograph at ofiiee. W. II. Its province is to cure inflammation special missed not only by her husband, sons, Cumberland—Nelson M. Shaw. WALDRON & CO., 180 Middle street. 12-1 both Internal and External. It is the best, Professor Robert F. Pennell of Chicago Westbrook—Thurston S. Burns. the It is unlike other. adoptedgdaughter, brother and live sisters, the oldest, original. any will the week at tlirop L. Fogg. spend Pleasaut but the church of which she was a Freeport—Win pOR SALE—One fruit, cigar and confection- me to about three weeks since by Searboro—John Albert Permit say Snow. cry store, a good stand, will sell cheap if Liniment saved the life of Hill. worthy member and the whole commun- Larrabee. Johnson’s Anodyne Sebago—P. T. TO LET, SUMMER RESORTS. *old at once. Inquire at No. 7 FORTLAND my wife while ’suffering from a complication The funeral of the late Jeannette Dyer ity in which she lived. Yarmouth—Harlem P. Prince. ST. 12-1 of diseases, tonsilitis, bronchitis and influenza. Brunswick—S. L. Holbrook. relict of O. Israel will occur at the words icesrtdd under this head ORNISH, MAINE—BOYNTON HOUSE- E. A. Perrexot, Rockport, Texas. Dyer REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS* Bridgton—Winburn N. Staples. Forty *»ne week for '$'> cents cash in advance. Furnishes large rooms, good table, at T?OR SALE—Steam Launch, 32 feet long; and directions on bottle. residence of Mr. W. C. Windham—Joseph L. Robinson. -k- T!ic Doctor’s signature every Ringroso Thurs- E_ moderate Address MRS. E. D. built four years cost will sell prices. BOYN- ago; $1200: Ill'st'd Pamphlet tree. Sold every where. Price, 35 cents. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Standish—William S. Tliompson. twelve] Box Six bottles I. S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Mass. day, 3 p. in. The burial will be in the to-** < TQN, 185.8-1 £* V1NT0N EARLE, Deering Gray—James 1). Hancock. mo LET—A desirable front room Centre8310* Senators—A. R. Wes- Moore. very large cemetery near the residence of Mr. Ring- Savage, Auburn; J, Decring—Myron E. A with alcove; also room on third floor. HOUSE—I offer the above named Webster. large ley Maxwell, Gorham—Elbridge M. Wilson. if YEARS Call at 34 1'INE ST. LIMERICKstand at private sale. Situated in one of ALE-—Double tenement house and rose, where hor home has Deon sinoo her Sheriff—B. J. Hill, Auburn. _aug!3dtf the finest towns in Maine. in at FRANKLIN Buildings good v Woodfords; built two (2) years ohildhood. Judge of Probate—F. M. Drew, Lewiston. COUNTY. LET—To a house No. 371 A f°1’ | small family repair. Livery in connection. good oppor- $26.00 a month; lot 50xl<>0; Treasurer—Noel B. Potter, Lewiston. TO Cumberland street. Price §22 a month. to to in hotel Freenoit has a large number of visitors, Strong—J. Harvey Conant. tunity anyone wishing engage and hath room; will sell lor Attorney—W. H. Judkins, Lewiston. Farmington—George M. Currier. AGO E. O. IIAWKES, 32 Cross street. 13-1 business. Write for information to S. E. $-300. E. \ iRTON EARLE, Peering Centre. Rev.Mr. Blair at A. L. Dennison’s; John Register of Probate—Fred O. Watson, Au- N. Blanchard. GRANT, Limerick, Maine.29-4 burn. Wilton—Cyrus ____12-1 Lane, wife and daughter Grade at the New Vineyard—Samuel B. Luce. rjno LET—Great Diamond Island, cottage Leeds. l_ one of the best Ioca- old homestead at Pleasant Mrs Commisioner—George Parcher, -f completely furnished, /JLOVER COTTAGE,Greenwood Hill,Hebron 'V^V buy spruce clapboards Hill; HANCOCK COUNTY. tions, near price §25.00 balance of Maine, located on high ground, best of for Goo. Grant and Prof. Will Cur- AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Was the last time a / | landing, finely sup- SS5* ^2U c,au huythe pine family; premium ! the season, open fires for cool weather. W. H. plied with pure water from a mineral spring, * a,so have 100 cords of drv tis Ellsworth—H. B. Saunders. The latest and family at J. D. Curtis, The Senators—Louis WALDRON & CO., ISO Middle street, 12-1 pleasant drives, good in connection with beacb birch and Also in C. Stearns, Caribou, Henry Brooksville—Melton D. Chatto. had been to livery r «ft if, id^°Sd’ maple. Novelty Misses at Geo. Dockams’a; 3. Montieello. paid the Union l j house, magnificent view of White Mountains, round Leightons Sharp, Blue P. DA\a ID L, boards, edge. D. Curtis at of Hill—Harvey Hinckley. LET—At Woodfords Corner, Deering, two good table.free to and from R.R. RLaSKLL, ?vle. 11-1 Art also Em- his fathers, Win. Curtis. Judge Probate—Nicholas Fessenden, D. Britton. £ rpO transportation Waterboro, Goods, Fort Fairfield. Bucksport—Isaac Mutual under No. > f A new stores fronting the electric rail- station. Special rates to families; refer to Mrs. IS. D. Kinerson and daughter of policy 26,090, large 10 of M. Sullivan—Henry Boynton. ! road and adapted to the increasing business of Fred Brunell, Gen. Agt., New England Mutual 3; per cent, discount my Chelsea, made a visit upon her Register Probate—Henry Briggs, Bar Harbor—Eaward B. Rodick. stock ot and Cotton in .short Houl ton. when the died \ ! the Also one smail store adjoining Life Ins. Co.. Portland. Me. For terms address light heavy weight over- broidery grand cousin Dr. this weok. Deer B. Thurlow. yet Policy-holder locality. coatings. and Spear Attorney—Wallace R. Isle—Stephen > suited to or office use. Also F. R. GLOVER, Hebron, Me. suitings trouserings. Clothing Lumbert, Caribou, M. Hutchins. millinery, tailoring jly8dtf cleansed, repaired and colors to match The recent showers have kept the foli- Treasurer—L. O. Penobscot—Joseph in four excellent house rents with modern con- pressed at short notice, designs. Ludwig, Houlton. Amherst—Dr. J. H. Patten. April, J896, almost \ F- in oondition The formers’ Commissioner—James It. Eight §12 and month. All of the W.LROSSTUCK, Merchant Tailor, 10 Free age good Thurlougli, Fort veniences, §16 per street near of at Middle, up one flight. 10_1 We have them in Cushion crops are looking flue. The hay Fairfield. KENNEBEC COUNTY. Hundred Dollars was paid to S above are at the exact center business OPEN FOR THE SEASON. crop just housed is ao good as any for Sheriff—Levi H. Gary, Caribou. Woodfords. Inquire of E. C. JORDAN, 31^ Augusta—George E. Willian street, Me. aug!2dtf SALE—A great bargain In a farm sit- three years and has boon out in line con- Macomber, the beneficiaries. The Insur- s Exchange Portland, Covers, Center (Pieces CUMBERLAND COUNTY. H. Williams. I^ORuated on the Sandy river,Franklin countv dition. Waterville—W. C. mo LET-Furnished rooms, 142 PLEASANT Me., 12o acres, new set or farm Senators—Josiali H. Philbrook. was The buildings i>6 Drummond Jr., Port- ance in force acres in and Table Covers. Blackberries and blueberries are plenty Hallowell—D. K. Jewell. kept by the ? STREET, Corner Park.11-1 timber and wood, balance tillage and land; Edward C. Reynolds, South Portland. Checkiey cuts and pickers are improving their time in Gardiner—J. S. Maxcy. pasture, 40 tons hay can be made to cut Cyrus*S. Witliam, liaymond; Matthew W. terms of the LET—At No. 98 Oxford street, upper PROUTS Fine getting a Wagon loads of Chelsea—Thomas Searles. S NECK, ME. spring water. N. S. GARDINER, Our stock (Batten- supply. Morrill, Gray. TO tenement of 6 all in repair; 18o Middle street. of visit Bruuswiok and otber Randolph—Barrett A. Cox. rooms, good 10-1 people plains Attorney—George Libby, Portland. water closet on same floor. A very desirable IRA C. FOSS. Proprietor and Sheriff—Samuel Benton—G. F. Tarbeli. (Point places express themselves well repaid D. Plummer, Scarboro. MAINE < rent; small wanted. Apply at NO. 28 SALE—The beautiful new residence 89 burg, Purling, of W. Golder. family rltaugl3 for the work. Judge Probate—Henry C. Peabody, Belgrade—Henry BOYD STREET, (ring right hand bell.) 11-1 FORNorth street. Large corner lot. Portland. Manchester—Charles S. Pope. every- and Honiton Linen The heat of the past three days has thing .modern and up-to-date. Will lease to Lace, Treasurer—Daniel D. Chenery, Litchfield Plains—Oramandal Smith. NON-FORFEITURE $ LET—A lower tenement of five for term of -been more than usually experienced here Deering. good OPEN FOR THE SEASON. right party years if not sold by Sep- Register of ITobate-Joseph B. Reed, Port- Mt. Vernon-L-Albion P. Cram. 110 rooms, centrally located. Inquire of J. C. tember 1. H. (Braids (Buttons in the month of H. SHAW, 164 Middle street or and during August. [ land. 105 1-2 street. 11-1 92 North street. m KNOX COUNTY. 5 LAW, ? WOODMAN, Exchange MILO. Commissioner—Gardner Walker, Deering. white and cream, with Rockland—Fred R. Spear, W. H. Fogler. RENT—Several well located houses in Peaks Island TDOR SALE—New brick house, 70 Neal St., FRANKLIN COUNTY. Mouse, has 12.—The of Kockport—C. E. McIntyre. FORthe western part of the city ranging from 11 rooms, besides bath and abundance Milo, Aug. Republicans \ which to \ ol Senator—Nathan U. Thom as ton—1Thomas S. Singer. I applies every policy §300 to §450 per year. Parties desiring houses closets. Thoroughly heated with hot water, Milo will open the campaign on Monday, Hinkley, Phillips. has patterns of Collars, Judge of Probate—James Phil- Union—Benjamin Burton. in this section can secure same by applying to PEAKS ME. laundry aud many other conveniences in with a and Momsou, ISLAND, August 17, grand rally flag- lips. Thurston. S issued by the 3 Real Estate Office, First National Bank Build- cellar. Is a very desirable house. WILLIAM will be ths Appleton—Milton E. A. SAWYER, Proprietor Handkerchiefs, (Doylies, raising. Hon. Wm. P. Frye Sheriff—Jardine Blake, Farmington. St. George—J. Edward Shrader. ing, FREDERICK 8. VAILL.10-1 BURROWES. 187 Vaughan St. of the occasion. Milo is the Pop- Commissioner—Daniel W. Vinalhaven—Fred E. Littlefield. May 29, 1896. may29 dtf speaker Berry, Carthage. TiOR SALE—A is now and ulist of county. Attorney—Elmer E. LET—Nice lower small but well established &-c.,, full stronghold Piscataquis Richards, Farmington. LINCOLN l UNION MUTUAL LIFE \ convenient flat,6 rooms, a COUNTY. business. Smith, the 60 votes at the last election. Treasurer—Daniel M. Bonney, Farmington. TO 299 Cumberland street, $20. The best sawcutter aud tiler, They polled UNION MOUSE at 31 Temple street, will sell out. Rent $5 attention. The will no doubt be Incro&sed P. §10 rent In town, lower rent; 1 Sumner court. per worthy of number HANCOCK COUNTY. Southport—Austin Greenleaf, month. Call soon if you want it. 7-1 iu the addition JeiTerson—Albert J. Ames. ) INSURANCE < H. II. SHAW, 154 to 160 Middle street or 92 the coming September by CO,, 1 Peaks File. Senators—Gilbert E. Simpson, ullivan : Noble boro—Thomas J. York. North street. 10 Isiand, Every day of the 26 who voted the Democratic tick- lots at brings Rufus P. Grin Blue -i/iwiku SALE—Building Oakuale. The die, Hill. luaouu, OPEN JIIEY 1st, <896. ApOR et, with a few Republicans. Sheriff—Lewis F. ) ** LET—Tenement No. 78 Atlantic street, Deering Land Co. offer for sale on favor- new to Hooper, Ellsworth. Edgecomb—Ephraim Burnham. PORTLAND, T1AINE, ) TO 7 able terms desirable something Building operations in town are going Register of Probate—Charles 1‘. Hiram—Aim on rooms, very convenient, sunny exposure. Extensive Sanitary Improvements, building lots on Forest Dorr, Young. Price Falmouth. on as briskly as usual. The town has Ellsworth. Gilead—Harlan 1J. §12, including water. C. W. ALLEN, to date in all Avenue, Fessenden, Pitt, William, Wheeler. up respects. Kates 8 to and / ... \ 46 street. 7-1 Deering streets, Oakdale. to never a boom but baa bad a Commissioner—John P. Eldridge, Ells- but not to the policies of Exchange 12 dollars week. Apply CtlAS. FITZ GET experienced OXFORD COUNTY. per D. ADAMS. Treas., 31 Exchange street. ALT, of about half a dozen steady growth LET—In new block on Washburne Ave., JAMES B. jeleowk20wk Attorney—John F. Bunker, Jr., Bar Har- Andover—C. E. any other company. Its value 3 JOJfES, Proprietor, houses a year for the pnst 10 years. bor. Cushman. / TO near Union Dmnnt and Fleotrin rar« 2 hie’. jiyi dtt sev- Milton PI.—George E. Brown. >, 336 Congress St., Taxes are lower this year than for | nice, first story flats, sunny and pleasant, six _ SALE—Or will for Treasurer—Omar W. Tapley, Ellsworth. Greenwood—Edward W. c as a beneficent feature of Union 3 |?OR exchange City Prop- eral in of the introduction Penley. rooms with complete bath room and set A in or years past spite Paris—Isaac Rounds. each, erty Portland, Deering Westbrook, a City of concrete sidewaks, and the improve- KENNEBEC COUNTY. 3 Mutual has been tubs; more rooms ou third story if wanted. farm containing one hundred acres within 8 policies 3 WN. BURRO 187 St. 10-1 miles of cuts a ments on the streets. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. again WES, Vaughan Portland, good crop of hay and Senators—Martin L. Reynolds, Sidney O. las a good orchard. Buildings in fair repair. JlySSdtI Several gentlemen who were once Milo B. ( and demonstrated. 3 Ciason, Gardiner; Perham S. Heald, Wat- Bangor—Joab W. Palmer, Charles S. Pearl again LET—On Commercial wharf, store for- GRANITE SPRING Inquire of* A. C. LIBBY. 42 1-2 Exchange boys have been home spending their vaca- erville. F. A. Porter, F. H. Isaiah rjlO HOTEL, street. Parkhurst, K, JL occupied by the late Charles P. Iu g-2 tions. W. Flavijs merly Attorney—George Heselton, Gardiner. Stetson, O. Beal. graham, suitable for business or storage. Also Judge ot Probate—G. T. W. Long Island. The several lakes in the Katabdin Iron Stevens, Augusta Mattawanrkeag—Janies Hamilton. store lately occupied by C. W. Lombard. Also SALE—In \armouth, at the corner of Treasurer—.lames E. Maxfield—Eben S. Shore Dinners and Clam Works region, with Scboodic, Sebeeis Blaueliard, Chelsea Goodrich. stores suitable for storage. Apply to B. W. Bakes a specialty, FORPark and Main Sts., near the G. T. R. Clerk of Courts—IV. S.- Au- Levant—Charles W. Fernald. Sundays included. Parties and are for Choate, .JONES, 90 Commercial street. jly21dtf desiring Banquets iepot, a thoroughly built and well finished two Mattamiscotl, unsurpassed gusta. W. Knowlton. or Dinners can to E. 125 NEW YORK and the exoellencs of Newburg—Amos mimim! apply Bono*, Com- story honse and stable, with ample grounds, beauty, the lishing. Sheriff—Andrew L. Corinna—William I. mercial street, or at the McFadden.-Waterville. Burrel. Hotel; also of Wm. w. including garden. This is very desirable All, too, are easy of exceBs, and there Register of Deeds—Walter Carrol—A. M. Tolman. 86 prop- A. Newcomb, LOST AND FOUND. Ruby, Exchange street. Granite Spring erty, the location being one ot the best in the are excellent in nil Augusta. Corintb—Ira \Vr. [.sportsmen’s camps Davis. tillage. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to localities. Commissioner—Sewall Pettingill, Wayne. Brewer—Frank A. Floyd. Cafe._jly4-2m 2H ARLES W. Yarmouthville. words inserted under this JORDAN, Berries of nl! kinds were never so abund- Lincoln—N. M. Jones. Forty head 22-4 KNOX COUNTY. Orono—A. J. BICYCLISTS one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. WANTED. ant in this are this season Durgin. looalityas they W. Smith. E^OR SALE OR TO S. Hampden—George LET—The Homestead Blaokberries are espeiialty plentiful. Tbs Senator—F. Walls, Vinalhaven. Garland—Andrew 1 of the late P. Andrews. words inserted under this Thomas Quinby, near Stroud* nlso to lie Judge of Probate—0. E. Meservey, South Milford—William Simonton’s Cove, Willard, a, Forty head apple crop promises good. A. Austin. one week for 25 cents, cash vaterin Deering. Four acres of land with Tbomaston. FOUND—Atsmall pupDy, white and tan color. in advance. Hay has not been up to the average of Old Town—George P. Longley. Enquire ;ood house. On line of street cars; 10 Register of Probate—E. K. Rock- at Post Willard. 12-1 former but still there is a fair Gould, Office, '---] olnutes from Union drain- years, crop. land. PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. station; perfect age; Sebago water. As fine a location as Grain is looking well iu most localities, Sheriff—W. N. Ulmer, Rockland Dover—Frank E. cat LOST—On Wednesday, July cere is in Deering. Apply to ANDREW and is ripening rapidly Clerk of Courts—R. R. Ulmer, Rockland, Guernsey. ANGORAa and 50 Ofs. Guilford—Marcellus L. Hussey. 29, yellow white Angora cat. Re- IA WES, Stroudwater.dec27-tf The has in the vioin- Commissioner—T. S. Branhall street MARRY ME ! mercruy lingered Bowdeu, Wasliington. Medford—David A. Hatliorn. When you ride out through turn to 25 and receive reward. ARRABELLA ity of 98 in the shade for several days Treasurer—L. R.Campbell, liockland. Willimantic—Hiram 112-1 SALE—A line stock of (Fifty Cents.) Y. Hathaway. I will such a consisting The shower of Sunday did not Attorney—Washington R, Prescott, Rock- Woodl'ords add to the buy you pretty ring at stoves, paints, oils and for- past. pleas- AND A thousand of the bea FOR hardware, seem to reduce the to land. SAGADAHOC COUNTY. LOST—A light coat tied In a bundle McKenney’s. them, j merly owned by the late R. II. McQuillan of temperature any the largest, tile prettiest stock. ■ ures of the ride !>y stopping was lost Sunday between Gorham and Engagement farm oath, Me. This stock is in a store, extent. LINCOLN H. Purinton. COAT and a good COUNTY. Topsham—F. Standlsh. Return to F. P. 17 Preble Wedding. rings speciality. McKBNNY situated in Yarmouth The B. and A. R. R. are a Bath—John O. William JOLLEY, The Monument deasantly village, building Patten, T. Doimell, at MOODY’S for a GLASS of street.10-1 Jeweler, Square jaulSIt vhich store will be sold or leased to Senator—H. II. Camberlain, Bristol. Richmond—Noble parties new stutlon here to take the place of the Maxwell. as Judge of Probate—Geo. B.“ jurchasing they desire. This is a grand Kenniston, COLD REFRESHING SODA. Union Station 7, black 'll'ANTED—One live person male or ; little coop built iu the early days of the Bootbbay Harbor. SOMERSET COUNTY. Aug. pock- female, diance for any one to engage in business in IOST—InJ etbook with ticket to Haverhill and about good talker to represent Boston business Katabdin Iron Works road Sheriff—Chas. R. Piper, Damayiscotta. he above named line ot goods. This sale SEELY G. Weeks. A wheel rack is there to hold $8. Return to shoe store of Cyrus Lowell, house on new quick selling articles S3 to S3 vill be made in order to ''settle an estate. HARO RUBBER TRUSS Improvements are also being made in Commissioner—H. W. Clary, Jefferson. Fairfield—George Skowlieaan—L. L. Walton. Congress street, and be rewarded.10-1 daily. Steady work; call 8 to 9 a. m., or wrlie, V.pply at once to GEORGE F. M’QUILL AN, the railroad yard, —the spur track of tho Attorney—Emerson Hilton, Wiscasset. 1 Pittsfield—Alonzo H. Burse. your wheels aud a pump is at KELLER MFG. CO., Raymond House. CO street, Portland, Me. 30-tf Boston Exloelsior com Treasurer—Joseph Call, Wiscasset, Exchange puny.L'elng'cbangad Moscow—Danville S. Moore. cat, white paws and breast; Free St., Portland. Ii-i to a near Gould’s and if tires point crossing, OXFORD COUNTY. Norridgewock—H. L. Whiting. your disposal your LOST—Graytorn place in one ear; answers to name of SALE—Five shares Portland Loan & running from the other direction. Cornville—C. C. Kinsman. * Timmie. Finder please leave at MRS. TRAF- AV A NTED dramatio people for repertoir FORBuilding Association stock, fifth series. Senator—O. B. Poor, Andover need it. | . ■ ■ • « '• Ail at Harmony—Ruel H. Reed. TON’S, 656 Congress street, and receive Call at Preble House Sunday at 2 p. m >aid to date. SOUTHWORTH lOo others prices corres- Treasurer—Geo. H. Paris. BROS, CUMBERLAND. Atwood, reward. 8-1 MARIE ARKWRIGHT. 8-1 diddle Street. 8-1 low. Attorney—John S. Harlow, Dixlield WALDO COUNTY. pondingly D. Sheriff—Fred A. ltumford Falls West Cumberland, Aug.ll.—Mrs. L. Porter, LADY would like a room and board In a Register of Probate—A lbert Frankfort—Albert Pierce. SALE—New houses in Deering for Shaw and Miss Emma Shaw are spend- D. Park, Paris. A family where there are one or two ladles AAAAAAAA Judge of Probate—S. 8. Belfast—W. L. Littlefield. FOR$775, £1400. $1500, $1800 and §3500. wwwvv a few weeks at: Rookland. Stearns, Norway. MISCELLANEOUS,_ Steam heat. Answer at this Office. ing Commissioner—John M. Thorndike—S. A. Coffin. LADY-. Uso many others. Terms to suit purcheser. Miss Sadie Morrill of Woodfords Philhrook, Bethel. 7-1 spent Northport—Phineas G. Hurd. Forty words or less inserted under this Everyone is going to Deering, ana we are PENOBSCOT at her father’s Mr. Levi Morrill. COUNTY. Searsport—James H. Kneeland. Drugs!, Head for ono week for 25 ots. in advance. leadquarters for all kinds of real estate in that Sunday H0G2Y, Invalid or to Rev. W (!. W'entworth of the Liberty—Arthur V. Martin. elderly lady lection. C. B. DALTON & CO., 4781 Con- pastor Senators— Win. Engel, A R WANTED—Anboard in a private family. A nice Bangor; Day quiet gress street, opp. Preble. 8-1 M. E. Churoh is taking a three weeks Corinna: Edgar B. Weeks, Old Town.’ WASHINGTON COUNTY. WOOD FORDS. XTOTICE—Dr. W. R. Evans will resume the home for the right party. Apply at No. 258 vacation. Sherilf—Charles R. apl7dt! Li of the first dav of Cumberland street, left hand hell. 7-1 Brown, Springfield. practice Deutistry lands for Miss May Morrill is spending the week Attorney—Bertram L. Smith, Patten. Calais—George A. Murchie. September. Office at his residence, 525 New sale-$ioo buys GEO. C. of Macliias—W. R. Pattingall. land enough for a farm. 1 have 200 acres at Cumberland Foreaide. Judge Probate—J. H. Burgess, Bangor Notice. Cumberland street, corner of Mellon. 11-1 Florida FRYE, Pembroke—B. B. J?lesseiii?erJs )f best fruit and vegetable lands near the town Treasurer—H. L. Stubbs, Bang, r Murray. The farmers in this vicinity are busy E. Newcomb. jL.Grove City, subdivided into ten acre tracts 320 Congress Street. Commissioner—L. C. Whitten, Carmel. Easfrport—Everard of the Sheriff of Cumberland EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD—A few good their Addison—Osmond A. Office County, * it $10 acre. One mile from Lemon harvesting grain. Holmes. 1 rooms. 301 CUMBERLAND ST. 7-1 75C. per Bay; jnTeoddft Steuben—Ro ben State of Maine, Cumberland ss., August MAINSPRINGS, wo miles from Gulf Mexico. Finest all the PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. A. Davis. New Resilient Waltham 3ANDFORD. 5tU A. D. 1896. Mainsprings, the ■ear climate. below frost- The R. Gardner. TO LOAN on in best warranted. Practically Senator—Willis Dennysville—Lyman is to give notice that on the 4th day of gilt edge property made, only 75c., McKEN- E. Parsons, Foxeroft, Brookton—Lewis A. Dudley. fflHIS MONEYthe at 5 and has natural drainage, and all the timber A. D. a warrant in In- city per cent in large sums, in NKY, the jeweler. Monument Sq. augSdtf Aug. 11.—The hot wave Attorney—C. W. Foxeroft Cutler—Horace S. Stevens. JL August. 1896, lecessary for building and fenciug purposes, Springvale, Hayes, the Insol- smaller mortgages at 6 per cent. Notes dis- OVER to all ol solvency was issued out of Court of law near Now while lands are 6,000 did not turn a cold shoulder iu this Judge Probate—George W. Howe, Milo counted at reasonable rates. Loans on other TtiTANTED—To buy from $ioo() to $l5-.d(Jo mill by. cheap of YORK COUNTY. vency for said County of Cumberland, against in the vicinity, but gave us a very warm greet- Register Probate—C. iV. Brown, Dover’ good collaterals. N. S. 185 Mid-1 ▼ I worth of cast off clothing. I pay the high- a the time to secure a farm this, coming Clerk the estate of GARDINEli, est leetion of the South Gulf Coast. D. W. offlCourts—H. B. Flint, Foxeroft Acton—S. H. Garvin. die street, room 4. 7-2 cash prices for ladies’dresses, gent's and National Cash ing. Treasurer—C. C. Dover. WILLIAM M. EDSON of children’s and Grove DeSoto Co., Florida. Registers, Beacon Silas B. Ridley and wife of Hull, Buxton—Samuel B. Shepherd. Westbrook, clothing gent’s winter overcoats. ^.RLINE, City, Sheriff—Zenas B. Poole, Dover Call or or 8-*2 Newlielde—Gorge E. Mitchell. to bean Insolvent Debtor, on petition EASY CURE—Double chloride of Gold address letter postal to MR. and Portland were in town lust week. adjudged MRS. DF. DROOT 7fi Middip «frPPt. Q_o -SOLD FROM- Commissioner—A. c. Curtis, 'Wellington. E. Coffin. of said Debtor, which was filed on AN cures drunkenness, and SALE—In Casco 10 lots A. and wife, Shapleigh—James petition Tablets, morphine Bay, cottage George Goodwin, Esq., E. Rowell. the 4th day of August. A. D. 1896, to which tobacco habits. The tablets are $1.00 a pack- FORof half acre each, excellent soil for lawns, vacation at Wells’ SAGADAHOC COUNTY. Kittery—Frank ■Ilf ANTED—Every one to know we can are spending their F. Fred date interest on claims is to be computed. age, mailed to any address on of sup- »n the shore of a promontory In the direct lan. 1st. to May 1st., 1896. Biddet'ord—Benjamin Hamilton, receipt price. ply you with the best of for the benoh. Senator—M. H. M. O’Neil. That the of debts to or C. K. BEaN, Manufacturers’ 23 Pros-1 Help ! oute of steamers, 8 miles from I’ort- 2 Ferguson, Phippsburg payment any Agent. Beaches, Mountains and Lakes in short notice. Harpsvvell Rev. William Wood of South Portland Sheriff—John W. Ballou, Bath. Kennebunk—Chares K. Littlefield. said Debtor, and the transfer and of nect street. Portland. Me. 7-2 and, and commanding extensive ocean views; by delivery HARTFORD & CORN ILL, Lewiston, Me. 4-4 the pulpit of the Free Baptist Treasurer—F. W. Weeks, Bath. South Berwick—Albert Goodwin, any property by him are forbidden by law, >rice S200 each. \V. H. WALDRON, & CO., supplied A/, 1- TVwm-m W ivinumi TlvjT *1 nuiAtinir nf tlia ni*uilitArc at cuiu Attorney—Grant Rogers. Richmond massage moves the muscles .80 Middle street.8-1 churoh last Sunday in the absenoe of the rvf \\r Lyman—Cyrus W. Murpliy. Debtor, to prove their debts and choose one MECHANICALby machinery. It is exercise without who is away ou a vacation. SALE—The mare "Black Beauty,” very R. H. pastor Commissioner—F. S. Adams, Bowdoin. Sanford—Willis E. Sanborn. or more assignees of his estate will be held effort. Professional and business men take JORDAN, Mrs. Abbott and son’s wife of FORstylish, high headed, and a good loader, Angela Berwick—Edward F. Gcwe. at a Court of Insolvency to he liolden at Probate it to preserve health. Invalid* take it to i vetghs one thousand ponnds. 8 years old in STATE snapieign are viEiciug mis. ivory nun SOMERSET COUNTY. Saco—Joseph H. Shaw. Court Room, in said Portland, in said County of regain health. It cures rheumatism, AGEKT. Oil for or short time. hme, perfectly kind in stable and out; just the in Kennebunk. Cumberland, on the 7 th of mortgages long Parties and neuralgia. It is and 1 Senators—Milton L. St. Albans: day September, dyspensia agreeable Lorse for a doctor. S. F. PEARSON, t.ospe! Merrill, A. D.. 1890, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. wishing to build, or to borrow money on real reliable. 642 streeet. 27-4 No. 104 Alton Farwell is very sick of consump- Tilson 1). Madison. Congress or 125 Park street.8-1 Salley, under hand the date first estate security can obtain funds on favorable Mission, Exchange St., tion with no of recovery. Clerk of Courts—Newell W. PEERING. Given my above prospeot Brainard, written. C. L. BUCKNAM. terms. SCARBOROUGH BROS. & CO., 88 1-2 persons desirous of acquir- LiOR SALE—Lot of Household Goods, con- Portland, Me. Mrs. Charles H. Pieroe who has been Skowhegan. ^ Deputy Sheriff, as Messenger of the Court of Exchange Street. aug5dtf WANTED—Alling good health, improvement in slating of Upholstered Partor Suit. Bed- mayl2 dtf lias so far recovered Sheriff—Edward P. Viles, sick several weeks Skowhegan. Insolvency for said County of Cumberland. morals, obtaining happy homes, to go to the s teads, Beds, Feather Beds. Tables, Chairs, tu Judge of Probate—Edward F. Danforth, Institute at Parlor as to be able to start tills morning Miss Bell Kearney, the talented lectur augO&l.'J IF YOUR WATCH KICK Keeley Deering, Maine, and be- .ounges, Marble Clocks, &c., Range, Skowhegan. come cured of the diseases from 1 to an estate. Call at visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Hanson of arising the itoves, Scc.y close up Register Probate—Nathan Fowler,Skow- er of is the of is hereby that the will take the kick out of it and excessive use of in Malden, Mass. Mississippi, guest Mrs. L. given, make!} Rum, Opium, Tobacco and LOOM 6. Oxford Building.8-1 % hegan. Noticesubscriber has been duly appointed WE keep good time. Mainsprings 76o, clean Cigarettes. Do it. 22-tf NOTICE. Secretary D. M. Frye of the Attorney—C. O. Small, Madison. M. N. Stevens. Supreme and taken upon himself the trust of ad- Ing $1.00; mainspring and cleaning combined Treasurer—R. T. I want to New England Order of Protection spent Patten, Skowhegan. Mrs. Charles Root of Barro, is ministrator with the will annexed of the es- $1.50; all work nrstolass. McKENNEY. The buv from Comissioner—Alonzo Mass., WANTED—Bicycles.to worth of BATH’S MYSTERY. part of his vacation here last week and Smith, Comville. tate of Jeweler, Monument Square. janlStf $5,000 $10,000 bicycles, new spending the month of August with hoi old, damaged. Pay the FOB highest price. Call or SALE. went from here to Old Orchard. HANNAH M. late of Portland Mrs. Dill. BRADFORD, send postal forme to call; also ex- The Citizens Reform have nom- WALDO COUNTY. parents Mr. aud C. SHOEING—Four shoes $1.00; fancy bicycles Party in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and changed, and a big line for sale. No I>K, A. R. GILMORE, for HORSEshoeing $1.26; first class work. Give me business inated E. H.Emery of Sanford Sheriff Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodion of bonds as the law directs. All done on Saturday. 411 Fore street, M. D. B. Senator—A. J. Billings, Freedom. Steej given persons a call. J. H. CLAYTON, 601 Fore street, oppo- BERN- Eandolph—Henry Ayer. of York County. If ho is elected the rum- with demands upon the estate of said de- STEIN, Proprietor. The entire of E. Harford JOHN P. Judge of Probate—George E. Johnson, Falls spout Sunday Mrs. M. J, having site Delano’3 mill. jeiy-8 property PETERS. sellers will be pretty sure to find that Belfast. ceased, are required to exhibit the same; and Sstate. 2 1-2 wooden Stroudwater. indebted TTTANTED—All persons in want of story house, means business. of D. Belfast. Millikeu, all persons to said estate are called trunks the Mysterious Healer and Painless Dentist he Register Probate—J. Parker, IF WE WANTED A f V and to call on E. 128 Pearl street, two minutes wall * of to make payment to CLOCK bags D. REYNOLDS that has been sucli marvelous cures in The members of the San- Commissioner—Frank A. Cushman, Mont- Mr. Tristram Stevens upon making Springvale Portland, 593 Congress street, one door above Shaw’s rom City Hail, sunny exposure, steain Porllaud and other will return wore very ville. JULIKN M. BRADFORD, Admr. e. t. a Would go to McKenney’s because he has elites,by request ford Relief Corps pleasantly oalled ou relativas at Stroud Tues grocery store, as we manufacture our house in ard be at Bowden, Belfast. water, Portland, July 25, lg’JO WE more up-to-date Clocks than all the other goods teat, hath room, &e„ goal Congress Square Hotel, August 8tli, entertained at a lawn party given by County Attorney—Ellery d]ly3°law8wTh* and can therefore give bottom 9th 10th and 11th. call and read the testimo- Treasurer—Alfred A. Small, Belfast. day, it being his eighty-fifth stores combined. His 96c alarm clock is wak- prices desirable as a home or an Mrs. Mary Butler last Monday even- birthday. Trunks repaireu. Open evenings. We frame ■epair, very nials of people that have been cured by this Sheriff—Samuel G. Norton, Palermo. Marcotte of WANTED—MADE HJSDP. ing up the town. Clocks, 96c to $50.00, uvestmeut. Also brick house, 12$ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Strondwatei pictures. fed4-5 mysterious power in PortlamJ and other cities. McKENNEY, The Jeweler, Monument Square. 'earl mansard roof, steal# Diseases ot all kinds that have baffled the Mrs. Sarah rGrant, wife of Deacon spent Saturday and Sunday with friends janl 6tf street, WASH INGTON CO UNT Y. sober, industrious men of cold hath most skilled physicians for years have been Thatcher Ricker of Emery’s Mills, Shap- at Lewiston. teat, hot and water, room, cured WANTED—Twoaddress and business for fine law by this marvelous power and you may leigh, passed away very suddenly July good ability ONEY TO LOAN—On first or second mort- fee., house in perfect repair, There was a outside To the Senators—Charles A. McCullough, Calais; quite delegation froir light employment. right parties Ha gages on real estate, stocks, n front both rents fo« steady and bonds, of houses; Teeth extracted absolutely without path or Edgar A. Wyman, Milbridge. we will give employment will pay life insurance or Stroudwater, who attended the to with policies any good securities. BLANCHARD Also bloc’i no ability. Apply reference to 5300.00, occupied. pay. Two Lives Saved. Sheriff—Isaac P. Longfellow, Macliiafc twenty according Notes discounted at low rate of interest. always Office hours 9 to 12 a. 2 to 5 I. first of the Maine GAT ELY & O’GORMAN, 47 Middle street, 48 of William if three stores on Middle street, be, m., and 7 to 9 Attorney—Fred Campbell, Cherrylield. annivorsary Women’* I. P. BUTLER, Exchange street. 14-4 Heirs wanted L. Blanchard age P> >n. Clerk of Courts—Phineas H. Longfellow, Portland, a native of and for ween Vine anil Deer: rents foe aug6d2w Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction Christian Temperance Union at Oid Or Me._7-1 58, Maine, many years a was told Machias. HRISTIAN MAN WANTED, not resident of Boston and New York. Address a ail Als; City, 111., by her doctors she had of employed visiting Boston mav obtain ele 5450.00 year, occupied. Judge Probate—George R. Gardiner, chavd, Tuesday. known among Church people, SIS GEORGE A. SMYTHE, on Consumption and that there was no hope per PARTIESgantly furnished rooms with all modern Counsellor-at-Law l 1-2 story wooden house Vint Calais. The Stroudwater \V. C. T. week. Write Standard Manufacturing Co., 11 No. 110 Ames Building, Boston, Mass. for her, but two bottles Dr. Now of Probate—William M. U. held ar conveniences at low rates. 38 HANCOCK ST. rents from 813 to 815 a mouth, FIRST CLASS King’s Register Bradbury, Franklin street, Boston Mass, Beacon Hill.4-4 eodGt street, Discovery completely cured hor and she Machias. Interesting meeting last week, at th< augS__ • as not been vacant hut one month i#, it saved her life. Mr. Treasurer—Austin Harris, East je!)dlawlOwTn says Thus. Eggers. Machias, home of Mrs. Gertrude Stevens 462 Congress street, massage machines ,en most convenient and pleas- IP X <3 JS Commissioner—Jethro B. Leavitt, MAN WANTED—A man to WANTED—FEMALE years, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered Nutt, Perry. youDg AT are run by electric power. Call and HELP, for the in the take an Interest in a well established mt house price city* from a dreadful cold, approaching Con- YOUNGto see them and get a circular explaining this For YORK CO UNT Y. in this city. Moderate capital re- sold to settle estate. particular* tried without result every- business treatment. It cures difficult cases of Forty words Inserted tinder this FOR SALE OR ALSO sumption, SCHOOL Address with real name and referen- head of G. A. RENT; else then Senators—Frank H. cuired. rdeumatism, and dyspepsia. It is not a tem- one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. nquire HAKFOitl), Custom thing bought one bottle of Dr. Hargraves, Buxton; T. at Press Office.7-1 North ces, W. porary but a cure. 27-4 louse Wharf. King’s New Discovery and in two weeks Daniel A. Hurd, Berwick; Leroy F. relief, augdtf O n Gr A M l’lke, Cornish. _ s was cured. He is naturally thankful NEW Wanted In every towu of Probate—Nathaniel North E. B. REED, scientific and magnetic W"ANTED—Strong .healthy young woman to WAXXJED—SITUATION'S, It is such of which Judge Hobbs, Maine a hustler to sell the Hunter ▼ * take care of children. results, these are Berwick. WESTBROOK SEMINARY- SOMETHINGIn DR.healer, 113 Free street, corner of Oak Must have some or Plain at Comb. No trouble experience and good reference. Very l'kiicy samples, that prove the wonderful effi- of Probate—Frank San- Toothless Curry selling street, Portland, Me., treats ail diseases that Address H Register Wilson, as trying them wants one C., Press office. of this medicine in and A Home School for these goods everyone flesh is heir to. Second consultation 13. t Forty words inievtccl under this head cacy .Coughs ford. Both Sexes. For address Box sight or more. particulars 839, free. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 12 1 me week for 25 cents, cash in NQ. 554 1-2 EXCHANGE ST. Colds. Free trial bottles al l. P. ri. Commissioner—Stephen L.Purington, Lim- 7-1 in.; p. advance. * for the best Portland. Me. to 9 Goold’s drug store, 577 Congress street, ington. Prepares colleges and scientific m., p. m. 8-tf GIRLS schools. Opportunity for three rpWO WANTED—One for kitchen under Attorney—Willis T. Emmons, Saco. years In Frenel a work and and Congress Square Hotel. Regular under an smart, capable, strong young laundry, one for dining room NT EL>—Young married woman would Treasurer—Charles H. Adams, Limerick, and German accomplished sneciaMsi WANTED—A PICTURES! FREE! Pictures! We frame work r\TA size 50c. and td.00. and II man to do work at No. 88 Park principally. None but good practical f T like plain sewing, taking care of chiht- Sheriff—Usher B. Thompson, Chemistry physics, with Laboratory wort general them! Those in want of pictures should need Newfield., feature. at once. jly23-tf call Parties apply. Call at KEELEY INST1- r en or old lady or any light work. a special Regular systematic tralnim street. Apply ou us before going elsewhere. The picture Apply to P. Buckien’s Arnica SaEve, TUTE, Deering, Me. 12-1 ] IRS. T. V. T., 40 Brown street, 7 1 W. HASTlNfiS’. ,n and we English, oratory physical3 culturecu it re ,.Thorough-bred” given with every picture to the throughout the courses. for life of frame. AH kinds of easels from Soc E. D. N T — THE BEST SALVE in the world for Representatives Legislature. Wanted—solicitors up. ED mhiediately, a general hele teachers. II MAJOR the next president, REYNOLDS. 693 next door to a Swedish girl REMOVAL. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Experienced Thorough instruc- McKINLEY, Congress St., must be good cook and laundress, threp iVA?‘SITUATION—By Cuts, Bruises, Rheum, tion Beautiful grounds. Murat Chauncy Depew, Foraker, Shaw’s Store. feb24-wG li at ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Healthful bv Halstead, Grocery family, Ola Orchard Beach, wages $3.50 ( Fever Sores, Tetter, Hands, with land and sea location, biography Chapped breezes. Homelike air and Jolm Sherman and Mark Hanna,with a week; answer with good references to MR, Corns and all Skin Lewiston—Frank Fur- oil cl fcXc ter. and A Chilblains, Erup- L. Noble, George W. oi Hobart. Contains speeches platform. BELA SCO, Box293. Old Orchard Beach, 5-1 Charles for THE MONSON-BURMAH SLATE CO tions, and positively cures Piles, or no bush, A. Forest, Archie L. Talbot. bonanza for agents, a gold mine workers, Auburn—B. F. J. P. Hutchinson. pay required. It is guaranteed to give Briggs, 63d Year Begins 8. Only *1.60, The only authorized book,60 per LADY stenographer and typewriter Manufacturers ot all kinds of Slat© work, are Lisbon—Walter E. Plummer. September Credit given. Outfit free. wanted class Perfect satisfaction or money refunded, cent. Freight paid. MAIN SPRINGS 75c, YOUNG by the proprietor of a first located in the building situated oa the corner Turner—Almon C. Day. now with choice of territory. Permanent, summer hotel, for the balance of the season, hoHe" 05 cents box. For sale H. P. taf0rmatlo“ *. Begin Commerotat and Center streets, entrance to price per by East Livermore—T. A. work Thh National Genuine within oj Rowell, thep”saiden°rV,!tbfUU profitable for ’9(1. Address. Waltham Kasilient Mainsprings twenty miles of Portland. Address in All the .good ones in silver, gold filled and sil- office Iso. 291 Commercial street. S. Goold, 577 Congress St, under Con- Poland—B. M. Fernald. HEV. H. ti. only 75e, warranted tor one own \ and factory WHITMAN, Dccving, Me. Book Concern, Star Building. Chicago. year. M’KENNRY handwriting, stating previous experience, er cases Single aud split seconds. McKE.N- tues,tbur&frilmo Hotel. [ W. • july.Sl gress Square Wales—Joseph Sawyer, jly20dlia augo-2it theJewoler, Monumeutsquaro- je26dtf X. Y. Z., Press Office. 8h 3 EX the Jeweler. Je20pt* Sausage meat. 7c. Etruria.New York. 5 .Livernool... Sep STEAMERS. STEAMERS. STEAMKES. lRSr.v.::::!SBg Lard. tc3,4*/*c; pails, Mohawk.New York. .Louuon.Sep C .-MrscaixAincoTm.__ I.fglit. .. 4%@5%c:lf, 6%'»7V4 .24®25iCloves.14816 Beef steers. New York.. o Mia weight-24,3251 G(#7V*. Amsterdam... Rotterdam. Sep Ginger.r7®81 Lambs, spring 8 a 10. Coleridge.New York..Pernambuco.Sep 6 OA8LY : MAINE 00. FREEPORT AND JwZy,H>.24*26! starch nogs, dressed,city, lb; country, 4c. Mobile.New York.. London.Sep 1~ EXCURSION COASflAVIGATION FALMOUTH FORESIDE. ■- STEAMERS STEAMER MADELEINE Cnion Turkeys, Western,iced 10<#l2c. TO- The EOR Am. packs.. ,S2®35lGlos3....8%®7% North, Popular Liuo for Popham .. lo of Products in the calf.. UOjgl.oo Tobacco, Chickens, broilers, 16#i8c. will make daily excursions Quotations Staple Turkeys, frozen, —#.— MINIATURE ALMANAC. AUG. 13. Harpswell Center, Free- Best, brands... .50*69 Beach, Squirrel Island, sheer Lea<(;.., __ Chickens. Western,iced‘;il@l2c* Sunrises ..4 I_1 46 harps well port, Fal- a.*®®1.6%@T Medium.BGn.40 fiO|M,„hHigh water nd Chefoeague, Center _ Harbor Leading Markets. Common.26*30 Fowls. Northern, 13(#14e. Sunsets.R j 2 IE Class Shore Dinner at Merry Boothbay mouth Harpswell y oe.6*4*6 1 Kail 1 coneajj Foreside and Alnc. Vs ttSVi Natural af... .60*70 Fowls, Western,iced Vic. Moon rises. 8bllBeight_ 0.3-0.1 House-All for One Dollar. and Wiseasset. at 1) a. m. and 2 p. m. PRODtJCK. Steamboat Go. Steamers Diamond Island. Fare for round trip, 50 cent*. Fare for frnr£k6p?^!l'swe11irom Portland Ask for tickets On and after 25, round trip including first class dinner at Mere ana Marine. Gram Butter. Northern cream, choice, Pier. dinner SUMMER July New roi lt stock Money Quotations, lGVi@17c, ARRANGEMENT. Point Mere I/oint, or Merrill’s restau- Butter, fair to good, I5(#16c. je3odtf7thp Strars. Madeleine, Phantom and Alice House, MARINE ISTEWIS rant, Bustin’s or Gem Cottage, Free- CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Butter. Eastern crm i4#i5c. /AN and after Portland Pier. island (By Telegraph. Monday. June 29th, 1S96, the port, 3*i.oo. jylO dtf Tuesday's quotations. Butter, unit, crm. Il@i2c. y new ami fast steamer SAI.ACl A will leave Summer Time Table—Leave Portland. NEW YCKK, Aug. 12. Ladle 9# 10. hr a ii kiln WHU'I. packed PORT OF PORTLAND. Wharf, Portland, daily, except Sun- For Diamond Island at 5.45, 7.00, 9.05 a. at 2 Vi '4 percent: last , new, Northern choice at day at ; ft. m., for Money easier loan Aug. Sept. 6V*®7; West, Popham Beach, Squirrel Is- 111., 12.10, 2.00, 4.10, 5.00 6.10 p. m. new GVic. litnu, Boothbay Harbor and closing at 3 per cent. 1 rime mer- Opening.'.5644 66% COFFEE! Wiseasset. Return=Leave Diamond Island. 6.30. 7.20 3ipereent„ choice. East 12. ave ALLAH LINE. 66% Eggs, hennery 00@20*. lG@17c, WEDNESDAY, August Returning—l- Wiseasset daily, except Sun- 8.00, 9.30 a. m., 1.40, 4.30, 5.20, 6.40 p. in. EOYA^^.sl“M; cantile paper quoted at 6®GV4 per cent. Ster- Cosing....60% Eggs. Mich, choice, 13@13Vac. day, at 12.15 Arrived. p. in., touching at above landings, For Falmouth, 5.45, 9.00 a. in., 12.10, 2.00, uuii Montreal Royal CORK, Western fresh ^*° you a delicious of cof at Liverpool, Quebec ling Exchange was steady, with actual 12Vs«13c. enjoy cup arriving Portland about 5.30 p. m. 5.00, 6.10 p. 111. Mail Jobs. M*@ilc Tork— fpel Connections—at .Service,Calling at Londonderry. in bankers bills 4 8GV2 o 4 Aug Sept. higher. Steamship Cottage City. Bennett. New Then try those fine Mocha, Java, Squirrel Island, for Heron Return—Leave Falmouth, 6.00, 7.40 a. in., business 86»4 (or Oi OOtol 1 Island, From enlng.23*4 235/s Beans, pea.l 36:mediums, C0#1 60. passengers and mdse to J B Coyle. Maracaibo Christmas Cove and At l. 05, 2.40. 6.15 p. m. From From bills and 4 87%®4 87V4 for and Kio Coffees, roasted Pemaquid. 60-day ^demand; Closing.2314 23% Beans, yei. eves, 116(#i 30:red kid.l 00#116. Steamer Portland, Peering, Boston. and Wiseasset, lor all stations on Wiseasset and For Prince’s Point, 5.45, 9.00 a. in., 2.00. 6.1C Liverpool Steamship Montreal Quebec ground at Quebec K. R. rates at 4 87®4 881/”.; Commervial bills California, 1 45# 1 66. Sch Addie Charleson, Smith, Philadelphia, daily At Boothbay Harbor on Mon- p. m. 7 posted OATS. Ujiy«. May Parisian, 23 May 24 May 9 a in 4 Hay—New York and Canada, choice $18&$19. coal to Me Cent RE. Wednesdays,Fridays and Saturdays, with Return—Leave Prince’s Point, 7.20 a. m.. 14 60-davs 85V4@4 80V4. Uuvernmeut Bonds steamer May Laurentian 30 May 31 May 9 a m Aug. Sept. Fair to good Sl6:a$17. Sch Cinderella, Round Pond. Silver Star for New Harbor, Round **2.24 p. m. 21 itallroads firm. 16% M'onroe, Miay ^Mongolian 6 June G June 3 pm quiet, Opening.li>% Lower grades $12#*Id. Sell Hattie Maud, shore 60bbls mack- lond, friendship, Port Clyde, Tenants Harbor For Ch^beague, 9.30 a. m., 2.00, 5.00 m. 28 16% fishing, and p. May Sardinian, 13 June 14 June 9 am Bar sliver 67s,4. C'osiug.16% Rye straw—$164817 00. erel. 1 Rockland. At Portland, with Boston and Sunset 9.30 a. in. 4 New York Landing. June *Numid:an, 20 June 20June3pm rout. Oat straw 00. RIAN steamers. Return—Leave 6.55 a. $0vfi,$9 & KELSEY’S 1.50, 11 June Mexican dollars 62. is Chebeaguo, m,, Parisian 27 June 28 June 9 am Potatoes—Bristol Ferry.cboice 1 44@160. Cleared. Sundays—will leave Portland at 9 for 5.50 p. in. Sunset 7 20 a. 12.5c Silver at the Board Sept pbbl a.m., Landing, m., was weak. 01 enlng. 6 60 Potatoes, Norfolk,choice 1 00. Popham Beach, Squirrel Island and Boothbay p. m. Tbe%>aloous and Siatorooms are in the cen- Sch Margaret, Strout, Bangor—Doten Grain HEAD OF PORTLAND PIER. Harbor. tral where At Loudon to-day bar silver was Closing. C 45 com to good,75@90c. For Cousins' and Littlejohn’s Islands, 9.0C part, least motion is felt. Eiec- quoted Co. tricity is used for Apples, new Ibl l 0U®«1 60. Sen of Watch them grind it by electricity, Returning—leave Boothbay Harbor at 2 9.30 a. m.. 2.00, 5.00 p. m. lighting the ships through- at 31 Vad t> oz., quiet. Wedueay’s quotations. Queen the West, Dyer, Franklin—Doten p. m. out. the Their are Return-Leave Cousins’ and Is, lights being at the command of the WHJ8AT. Grain Co. Teas also unsurpassed ii Littlejohns at Fares, Popham Beach, 75c. round trip §1.25. lands, 7.05 a. m., 12.35, 2.00, 6.55 p. in. P passengers any hour of the night. Music Exports. Aug. Domestic Markets. SAILED—Sch Lewis H Goward. F H Emer- the city. Kooms and Sept Squirrel Island, Boothbay Harbor and Wis- For Freeport,9.00, *9.30 a. m.,*2.00, 5.00 p. m. Smoking Kooms outlie promenade son. aug7dlmo easset round deck. The DEMERARA. Sclir Florence—549 tons ice Opening.....63% 66*4 (By Telegrapn.* $1.00, trip $1.50. Rockland $1.75, Wolf's Neck **'9.00, **9.30 a. m. Saloons and staterooms are heated round steam. 484 bales liay z60 pckg provisions 123.639 ft Closing.53% 54% AUGUST 12. 1896. trip $3.00. Return— Leave Freepoit, 6.20, *11.00 by lumber 1600 rum excursions. Round a. in.. Kates of passage and A re- pun shocks with heads 12 CORK. NEW FORK—The Flour mantel — receipts our Stockholders’ Meeting:. Popular daily trip to any *1.00. 5.10 p. m. Wolf’s Neck. **6.25 $">0 upwards. [from correspondents.] duction is made on kegs rivets. $1.00. Good for one day only. **11.10* a. m., **l.2o. **5.od m. Round Trip Tickets ex-. Sept. 29,147 packages; exports 29UO bbls and 12,- RED 11—Ar.scli J A Stetson, adjourned Aunual Meeting of the Stock landiug, p. May. BEACH, Aug rglllE For further information apply at company' For Bustiu’s 9.30 5.00 cept on the lowest rate. % 876 sacks; sales 6.3u0 packages; unchanged, HalloweIl. Lubec to for holders of the Maine Coast Island, 9.00, a.m., *2.00, Opening.23% 27% load Boston. Navigation office, Franklin Wharf. m. Second Cabin—To Liverpool and Londonder- Retail Orocerd Ciosmg. 23 dull and steady. Sid. sch Grecian NS. Company, for the election of officers and the p. angar Rated. 27 Bend, Laylun, Windsor. O C. OLIVER, CHAS. R. Return—Leave Bustin’s ry, $30; return, $<>C. riour quotations—low extras at 17002 60; transaction of such other business as LEWIS, Island—6.05 *11.15 Portland market—cut loaf 8; confectioners at OATS. ROCKFORT sells B R Wood- may President. а. 4.45 m. Steerage—To London. nulls extra at 0 00#3 city mills Aug 10—Ar, come before called Treasurer. 111., 1.30, p. Liverpool, Glasgow city 90; patents properly tt, at the Fal- Belfast or Londonderry, 6c: side, McLean. Boston; Ethel Merriam, New- j»25dtf. For Harpswell Centre and Mere 9.00 a. including every re- pulverised 70s powered, 7c; granulated Aug. Sept. 4 10&4 35: winter wheat low grades at 1 70# mouth Hotel, Portland, on Saturday. August Foint, man, ido; Herald, Veazle, H F Kimball, m. 2.00, 5.00 p. m. quisite for iie voyage $24.60 apd $25.60. Si-jCOlfee crushed 6V4c: yellow Opening. I 16% 2 60; fair to fancy at 2 40#8 40: patents 3 4o(g‘ do; at 2 o’clock, p. m., will be 4V4c. X.aue, Exeter. 8’«r. adjourned Return—I.eavH centre and Steerage rates Parisian” $1.00 higher. Closing. 16 Vs 3 75 ; Minnesota clear at 2 40#2 SO: straights without action, to meet at Falmouth Hotel, Harpswell Mere per1* Point, 5.30, 11.50 a. m.. 4.15 m. For tickets or further information POSE. at 2 95#S 40: do patent* at 3 15#4 20 do rye WISCASSET, Aug 12—Ar 10th. sells Niger, Portland, on at 2 p. Railroad Receipts. Thursday, August 13,1896, For Mack worth’s apply to T. P. MoMOWAN. 418 Congress St. mixtures 2 90: superfine at 1 C0«#2 16; Adams, Boston; Abbie Philadel- o’clock, p. in. Island, 5.45, 9.00 a m.t 2,00. Sept. 40#2 11th, Bowker, б. 00 J.B. St PORTLAND. 12 line 1 00. Southern hour is and phia. 7t p. in. KEATING, olVa Exchange Aug. Opening. 6 36 60#2 steady augO CHARLES JR. LEWIS, Clerk. H. & A. Return—Leave Mackworth’s 8.15 a ALLAN, Montreal Receipts Maine Central R. |K.—For Borl- Closing. 6 37 dull; common to fair extra 2 00@2 60; good Island, ) by DIRECT STEAMSHIP LISE. **5.30 u. m. ! and 92 State to choice at 2 60#2 90. Rye flour quiet. Corn- EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. in., St., and, 183 cars miscellaneous merchandise; for feblldtf ? Boston. meal quiet. Wheat—receipts 45,- Ar RAILROADS. Time Table Leave Portland. Portland Stock List. quiet. Rye at Port Spain previous to Aug 10, barque Sunday connecting roads 110 cars. 326 bush: sales From exports 41,110 bu3h; 32,000 Lapland, Cates, from Santos. Boston every and For Diamond 10.00 a. in. return 5 30 Corrected by Swam & Bankers and Wednesday Saturday. Island, Barrett, bush: quiet, weaker, f o b at 66'/s ; No 1 North- p. m. Portland Wholesale ilfark#*, brokers, ISO Middle street. ern at 64V*. Com—receipts 54,000 bush: ex- Memoranda. From Philadelphia every Wednesday For Falmouth. Cousins, Littlejohn’s and Free- 112.706 bush; sales bush: more HARPSWELL STEAMBOATCOl ports 1896. 6X OCRS. 162,000 port tlO.CO a. m.. 2.10 p. in. For Bustin’s PORTLAND. Aug, 12. active for No 2 at Boston, 11—A claim for export,weaker. 29a/4C elev, Aug SG900 damages Island and Harpswell Cent-e, 10.00 a. m. are Description. Par and Saturday. The following to-day's wholesale prices of Value. Bid. Asked 303* c afloat. Oats—receipts 95,000 bush, ex- has been entered against the schooner Nellie T GRAND Return—Leave Falmouth i-oreside. The 3G5 Island Route. IRON! From 12.30 Central 3 Canal National Bank.100 lift 118 29 bush: sales Morse the owners of the sch Wharf, Boston, p.m. From Provisions Groceries, tee.; ports 738 20,000 bush: dull, by Galatea, which 6.00 p. m., Freeport, 11.15 a. m, 4.00 Casco National Bank.100 9ft loo Pino Street Wharf. Philadelphia, at 3 p, ru. in- p. in.’ neavy,lower; No 2 at 2l(#21Vac;do White at vessel was badly damaged by collision with the Harpswell Centre 3.10 m. and Flour. Gram ( umberland surance one-half the rate of sailing vessel. p. Bustin’s National Bank.. 40 S3 36 26c; No 2 No 3 at 20V«c: do morse on ronocK itip recently, it is anegea Railway System. 3.30 ni. Beginning June, 2S, 1S%, steamers will Superfine &- Wheat. 60-fb9. @00 Chicago 22Vic; for the West the Penn. R. and p. Chapman N ationai Bank.100 00 9fi White Mixed Western do White that the crew of the Morse were and Freights by R., Leave Icav Portland as follows: low 24c; 22(#23c; negligent, Freeport for Bustin’s Island and Pier, Portland, grades.2 75*3 CO Corn, car .... 34*35 First National that On and after MONDAY. June South Dy connecting lines, forwarded free of Harps- Bank.100 98 100 and White State al 22&30n. Beef steady, nnlei: In consequence the collision occurred. The 22nd, 1806, well Centre, 11.15 a. m. For LONG Is LAND. 5.50, 9.00, 10.25 a. Spring Wneat DaK- Corn. Dag lots.. @38 trains will run as follows; mmml"sion. Meronants’National Bank.. 75 113 115 family 8 6oi0$9; extra at $6a$7; beef hams Morse was attached this week at Philadelphia Return—Leave 2.00, 5.25. C IS p. m. ers.ciana st3 50<&375 lots..35@36 $10.00. Round $18-00. Harpswell Centre, 3.10 p. m. Meaj, bag National Traders’ B»nk....l00 98 100 tierced Deef cut meats and by a U S Deputy but was released Fausage Trip *Via For CHEBEAGUE HARPSWELL Patent horn? car lots quiet: steddy; quiet Marshal, LEAVE, Meals and room Harpswell Center. I„ Oats, @28 included. IMirt Portland National Bank... .100 100 102 steady; pickle bellies 12 lbs 47sc; do shoulder* after giving security for $8500. + ir» n-notUr... BAILEY'S ,and OKit’S IS., 9.00,10.25 a. m. Wneat... 4 lu@4 26 Oats, bag lots 80@31 For freight or passage apply to F. P. WING, Portland Trust Co.100 112 116 3 Vs@3% : do bams Lard quiet and For Auburn aud Lewiston 7.10, 8.40 a. m.; .Porter's 2.00, 5.25 p. m. Mich. str’stn Cotton Seec- 9Vi@10. Agent, Central Wharf, Boston. Landing. Portland Gas Company. 50 195 10 easier; Western steam closed at 3 Domestic Ports. l. 10, 1.30, e.20 and 8.20 p. m. **Signal Steamer. For HOPE I., 9.00 a. m., 2.00 p. m. roiler.... 3 75@3 86 car lots .22 00*22 50 57Mi; city E. B. SAMPSON, Treasurer and General Portland Railroad Company 100 110 116 3 26;retined active 4 16 ;S A at For Gorham 8.40 a. m.; 1,30, 5.20 and 8,30 p. connection For CLIFF I.. 10.25 a. m.. 2.00 p. m. & clear do.. .3 65*3 76 bag lota 0000*23 00 fairly ;Contlnent NEW YORK-Ar llth. schs Wm Manager, State St„ Fislte Building, Boston. Carriage with all steamers for Portland Water Co.100 lu2 104 4 76,compound3*/[email protected]—Pork quiet Pickering, m. Freeport Corner. For LITTLEFIELD’S, GT. CHEBEAGUE I., ctLouis srgi Sacked Br’r Hammond. Ellsworth for Rondout; sch For Mass. ooi22dtf 10.25 BONDS and old mess at 25 ;iiew8 also, Berlin and Island Pond 8.40 a. m.; 1.30 Unavoidable and to a, u:., 2.00, 5.26 p. 111. roller... 3 73(6-3 85 car lote. 11 60*13 uO steady, 8@8 00&8 75, Hammond. delays excepted subject Butter Is liam, and State dairy at Lucy and 8.30 p. m. without notice. RETURN FOR PORTLAND. Leave ORR’S clear do.. 3 65*3 76 bag lote.. il 6® 17 OO Portland 6s, 1897.101 102 quiet; Sid llth. sens Belle change City crm Wooster, Philadelphia; For Gorham and Berlin 7.30 a. in. ISLAND, 5,45. 1 .00. a. in., 1.45, 4.00 p.m. nt'i wheal Middlings..si4*16 00 Portland 6s. I0@l4c; do 11Vs@15VsC: Western dairy 9 Clara Sundays E. It. NORTON, Manager. 1907.120 122 Jane, Maloney, Calais. For Montreal F'AILBOADS. i.v. DAii.r.i 3 iu.ra a. @12c; do crm at HVa(»15V4 ; do factory7V*@ and Chicago 8.40 a. in.; and j., b.ut), in., L'.uo, 8.4o patents. 410(614 25 bag ots. .$15*17 00 Portland 4s. 1802—1912 Funding 103 104Ys Ar 12th, schs Silver Heels, _juiyiidtf m. lie; at 16Vs. Cheese and Rockland; Mary 8.30 p. m. p. Lv. So. HARPSWELL. a. in., Fish. Coffee. Portland 4s, 1913, Funding.lo5 107 Elgins firm, quiet; Ellen, New Bedford. State do small Fe- For Quebec 8.40 a. in.; aud 8.30 p. m. 2.20, 4.25 p. m Lv. LITTLE IKLD’S. GT. (Buying& selling price) Rio.roasted 19*22 1 angor 6s, 1899. It. K. aid.104 105 large 6@75/sc; 6%@7%c. BOSTON-Ar 12th, soils Flora Condon. Sell- r ole urn dull, steady; united at 1 08Mi. Coffee— CHEBEAGUE. 6.45. 11.50 a. m,, 2.46, 4.50 p. Coc—Larga Java&Mocha do28*32 Bangor 6s. 1906. Water.115 117 ers, Port Johuson (at Jas R Talbot. ARRIVALS. m. Rio dull and steady ;No7 at HIngham); Lv. JENKS’, GT. CHEBEAGUE, 7.00a. Shore .... 4 60*600 afolaiees. Bath 6s. 1888. K. K. 11@11V4C. Sugar- New MAINE CENTRAL R. R. aid.103 105 Averill, York; Georgia. Longmire, Port m.. 12.00, 3.00, 5,00 p. m. Lv. CLIFF 7.10 small do. .1 76 Porto Bath raw easier and quiet; leftneddull, From Lewiston and Auburn 8.20 and L, 50*3 Rico.27*33 6s. 1897, Municipal..10G 101 unchanged; Johnson. 6.40, a. 3.10 m. No 6 aL4 No 7 at 11.30 a. in., p. Lv. HOPE J., I2.05.U05 p. ... .1 9-lttc; 4*/sc; No 8 at 4%c; m.; 5.16 and 5.30 m. Pollock 60*2 76 Barbaaoes.26*28 Batti 4yss, 1907, Municipal.100 102 schs Helena, Maud 3.06, p. m. No 4. 3-16c: 10 at Cld, Wentworth, Bangor; In Effoot Juno 2D. 189G. Lv, LITTLE CHEBEAGUE. 7.26 a. m., Haddock.. .1 60*2 00 BatU 9, No 4Vs ; No 11 at4 1-16c> Kennebec and From Island Pond, Berlin anil Gorham 6.40 Fancy.36*38 4s, 1921, Refunding.IOU 102 Sherwood, Philadelphia. leave 12.15. .3.25, 5.15 p. m. Lv. LONG 00 Tea. No 12 at 4c; No io at 3 16-16;off A 4. 1913. Municipal.101 103 by.refiners Poland. New York. The 8.30 d. m. train runs to Montreal Popham Beach, Rockland, Augusta, Water- one-pneebasis under the of October loth. through Snore 23 J?14 00*816 Sugar. Saco 4s. 1901. Municipal.100 101 plan ATLANTIC CITY—Ar llth, sells Lucy Nick- daily, Sundays included. Attached to this vilfe: Skowhegan, Lisbon Fails, Lewiston via Lv. PORTLAND for HARPSWELL and in- New' standard Gran 4 99 1896 which makes large dealers ana wholesale tram Brunswick. .. termediate large Ha, 11**13 Maine Central K. R. 7s. 1898,1st. mtgl04 108 erson, Kennebec; Wm H Davenport. Stacy, do. is a Pullman for Montreal; also a landings, 10.00, 10.40 a. n:., 2.00 p. Produce. line 6 05 " grocers agents of the Trust handling on 8.30 k. m. F'or Ibanvillo Jc. Daily Sundays m. Ex‘-ouality "7s. 1912. oons. mtgi34 13« sugars BALTIMORE—Sid 11. sch Fortuna, Boston. through Pullman for Chicago daily, (Poland Springs) Line, XncTmled. Return iron) Harpswell arrive Portland, Cape 10(3811 Extra 4 62 consignment, and who are at stated times of Sundays Mechanic Rumford Lew- THE NEW AND Cran'brsS C.... BATH—Ar lltli, schs W S Jordan, Portland, included, arriving at Chicago the second day at Falls, Falls, Bernis, PALATIAL STEAMERS 1.00, 5.30 p. m. "4% s.104 106 settlement allowed a commission of 3-16c lb. iston. Livermore BAY STATE Jersey,cte 2 50®$3 00 & passed up; Lawrence Haynes, do; Anna IS J 1.60 p. m. Falls, Farmington, Phillips AND PORTLAND, S riling trip down Hie Bay every pleasant ‘,4s cons. mtg... .IOIMi 102Vj There is also a trade 1 on New Vork l Seed. discount of per cent Mojse, do; do. and Rang9ley. alternately leave P'ranklin Wharf, Portland, Suuday, leave Portland. 2.15 p. m. "g6s, 1900, extens’nlOG 108 loo bbi lots 1 Hope Haynes, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Return, Pea Beans,1 3 6@1 Timothy. 4 00@4 26 and per cent for earn if paid with- BANGOR—Ar llth, schs Maud Wins- Night 11.10 a. in. Express for Danville Jc. (Po- every evening at 7 o’clock, arriving in season 5.30 p. m. F'are only 25 cents. 20j Leods & Farmington R. K. 6g. x896.100 101 in Briggs, trains and parlor cars on day trains for Yellow lives. 1 40.O/1 60 Clover,West, 6 *9 seven days, and no trade discount on smaller low, Perth Amboy; land Springs), Low Is ton, Waterville, Moose- connections with earliest trains for points Daily excursions 22 miles down the Bay. Portland dt Ogd'gg6s, 1900. IstmtglOG 108 No Norombega, Armstrong, TICKET OFFICE NO. 177 MIDDLE Cal Pea- *1 60 do N. Y. 9a'9% quantities. sales less than 25 barrels. For New John F head Lake via. Foxcrott, ML Kiuco House, beyond. Round trip tickets only 50 ets. ex- Portland WaterCo’g York; Randall, Crocker, Philadel- STREET, AND DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA Sunday Irish Potal’s. bbl Alsike, 9 6s, 1899.103 ’06 sugar packed in bags there is no additional Bangor, Bar Harboi, Old town, Fort Through tickets for Providence, Lowell, cursions to 35 *uV2 Portland Water Co’s 4s. phia. STREET. Houlton, Harpswell. cts.. other landings New $1 Red 1927..... 100 102 charges on granulated or softs from 1 to 14 in- Ashland and Caribou via. B. & A. R. Worcester, New York, etc. 25 cts. 36*150 Top, 15@18 Cld, schs Lunet, Simpson, New York; Vicks- CHAS. M. Geu’l Fairfield, sweets. Vineland 0 00 Provisions. clusive. and other grades V«c & lb additional. HAYS, Manager. K. and SL St. Returning, leave India Wharf. ISAIAH burg, Nye, coastwise. Portland. June 1890. Woodstock, Stephen. Andrews, Boston, DANIELS, Gen’l Manager. do Norfolk 2 0002 £ Pork- Freights to Liverpool linn—grain 22nl, Je22tf Si, John and Haliiax. every Evening at 7 o’clock. BostonStock Market. duiec, by CAMDEN—Ar lltli, sch Ralph 1C Grant, Sim- je27 Utf Onions—Havana clear.. 10CO(§l0 steam 2 Vi cl. 12.60 p. in. Express for Brunswick, Lisbon J, B. COYLE, Manager. 5o mons, Boston. foil* 11.. HM_,_ Bermuda. u0 '®O0( backs ..10 00*10 60 The following are the latest closing J. F. LISCOMB, Gen. Agt quota CHICAGO—The Flour market to-day was Sid.-sch Laura Chester, Beale, Boston. 0 tions of stocks at Boston: via. Bar Harbor Oct. 1, 1896. Egyptian, Dags 135,medium 00*9 60 easy,unchanged :hard white spring patents 3 45 HYANNIS—Ar 10th, sch Jonathan Cone, fm uidtown, Bangor, ami Old- Chickens 60 Mexican Central ;4s. 62 town. Spring 20(oi^2|Beef—light..8 00<&8 3 66; soft wheat patents at $3 26®3 40; hard Hoboken. Boston & RAaine R. R. CASCO BAY Wes. Atchison, o.Tp & Uanta.Fe- It. 1.00 m.. For Danville Poland STEAMBOAT Turkevs, x7@l8ej heavy,.0 00*960 lOVi wheat bakers 2 25@2 46 in sacks: soft wheat Ar at Cotult llth, sch Jos p. Jc., Springs CO., Boston & Luther, Crosby, station. Mechanics Rumford MAINE Fowls.... I4@15cl Bnlests MibS 5 75@ Maine.lfto-' bakers 20; Winter wheat at 3 Bath, for a southern in Effect June 1896. Falls, Falls, STEAMSHIP CO. do pfd $2$s2 00@3 25in port. 21, Lewiston. Apples. x.ard. tcs ana wood. Wheat—No 2 spring at 63% Passed east, schs C R Lawrence and C K Farmington, Kingfield, Carrabasset, Fancy. 25 Maine Central.130 @55Vs c; Ray- Phillips aud Rangeley. New York Direct Line. 200*2 Vi bbi.pure 4kfr04% No 2 Red at 6«®59% c. Corn—No 2 at mond. WESTERN DIVISION. CUSTOM HOUSE WHARF fl (IO ’n(l AJ/j Union r,iA 22V2@ 1.80 p, m. For Freeport. Au- Pacific. 23VaC. Oats—No 2 at 16V*. No 2 at NEWPORT NEWS—Cld sch William Trains leave Uulou Brunswick, A1UC1 tutu UCU Rye 28c; 10th. II Portland. station, (oi Baldwins.. $0 00*0 00 paus.compd 4% ®5Vi ...... § m 2 gusta, Bath, Boothbay, Popham Beach, Rock- LONG ISLAND SOUND BY DAYLIGHT American No Barley 32®33o. No 1 Flaxseed at 69V2C; Clifford, Bangor. Scarboro Crossing, 9.05, 10.00 a. m.. 12.00. Evap © lb. g7c pails, pura 6Vi®6Ve Sugar, common.! iSVi land and ail stations on Knox & Lincoln Mess pork at 6 26@6 30. Lard 3 16@3 17 Va ; PERTH AMBOY—Ar 10th, sell Henry R Til- 1.15,3.55, 7.10 o. m.; Scar- Lemons. pure If Sugar, Did. 96 5.16,5.50,6.20, division. Watervilie, Bkowhegun. Belfast Dov- Week Day Time Table. 8%®8% short rib sides 3 26^3 36. ton, Rundlett. New York. boro Beaob, Fine 9.06, and Sea 4 r>0 Cen Mass., Dry salted"meats— Point, 7.00, 7.10, er and Delightful Invigorating Trip. Messina 60g6 Hams.... ooxtoo pfd. Sid 1 ft Art o m 1 O HO 1 1 c o o/> ore C It r,, Foxcroft, Greenville, Bangor, Buck- do shoulders 3%;g4 00; short clear sides 3 76(g) llth, sch Clara Jane. Calais. and The Palermo— 4 60®5 6u aocor’rd .. 11 Vagi2 common.. 10 sport. Oldtown Mattewamkeag. Steamships Manhattan and Cottage 3 87Va. Sid 12th, schs Henry R Tilton, Hor- 6.20, 7.10, 8.00 v m.; Old Orchard tie.nr la, Summer 1S96. Oranges. Oil. Mexican Central. 7 Portland; 1.25 p. in. Express lor Danville Jc., Lewis- City leave Franklin wharf Tuesdays, Thurs- Arrangements, July 4, Receipts—Flour, 6,800 bblsr wheat. 174.400 tensia. Cole. do. 4.05, 7.00, 7.10, 8.40, 9.05, 10.00 n. 12.00. Caliiorma. 0 00*0 00 Eerosenel20ts 9% Eastern Railroad 1st 6s. 1906.117% ni., ton. WinthroD, Oakland, Bingham, Watervilie, days and Saturdays at 6 p. m. Returning, leave bush: corn. 846.500 bush oats.714.00U hush: PORT READING-Ar llth, sch William F 12.20, l.lo, 1.45, 3.30, 3.55, 5.50, 6.05. Pier East For Forest Messina... .4 01)0,5 Ou Ligonta. Maine Central R 6s. Poinnlioll Qtrrtiif VrtWr 5.15, Skowhegan. Bangor and Mauawamkeag. 38, River, same days at 5. p. m. Citv Landing, Peaks’Island,5.45, 9% i898...102% 18,300 bush Parley. 11.000 nusU. 6.20, 7.10, 8.00 p. in. Saco. 9.05. Surrento. 3 00 Centennial. rye. 7.00, 8.40, 5.05 p. m. For Brunswick. Lisbon Fare to New York, one way, Round 0.40, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, *10.30 11.00 a. M., 9% — 10.00 a Bath, $5.0U; Shipnvenlb—Flour 14.300 utils ;wheat 139.100 PHILADELPHIA Ar 12th, sch Henry W in., 12.00, 12.20, 1.15, 3.30, 3.55, 6.15; Falls, Augusta and Watervilie. $8,00. 12.00, 12.30, *1.45, 3 *3.45 Eggs. Pratt’s Ast.ial ..11% Now York Quotation, on stocks and trip 2.15, 00, 4.30, Ronds > «■<** vui u< WU'JU! uatj UUt,UPU UUSUi Crowley. Bangor. 5.50, 6.05, 8.00 m. Biddeford, Nearuv.... @18 Devoe’s brilliant Crump. 6.20, p. 7.00, 5.10 p, m.. For New Gloucester, Danville J. B. COYLE, Manager. 5.00, 5.45, 6.15, *7.00. 7.30, *8.00. 9.30 p. m. 11% rye. 10,700 busUibarley 2100 bush. PORTSMOUTH. NH-Cld sch a. m., 1.15, Eastern extra.- @17; In half libls lc extra (By Telegraph.) 11th, Young 12.00,12.20, Junction, Poland Springs station, Mechanic J. F. LISCOMB, General Agant. nov2dtf Return—6 20, 7.20, 8.30, 9.30. 10.20. *11.00 Brothers. Snow, Kennebec (not previously.) 3.30, 3.55, 5.15, 5.50,6.20, 8.00 p. m.; K«m- and Fresli Western... 14 Raisins. The are ST. LOUIS—The Flour market to-day was Falls, Auburn Lewiston, and to Rumford 11.30, A. M.. 12.20, i.00. *2.15, following to-day’s closing quotations PORT TAMPA—Ar 11th. sch C S Bebunk. 7.00, 10.00 a. 2.45,3.20, Held. Mnsctl.60 lb bxs4V2@6 of Bonds: uDchanired, dull; patents at 3 00@3 16. extra (Hidden, 8.40;, m.f 12.20,3.30. Falls Saturdays only. *4.15 5.00, 5.30, 6.05, 6.30^*7.30. 8.20, *9.00‘ @ Fales from Baltimore 6.15, 6.05, 6.20 p.m.; Batter. London lay’rll 60@176 faney2 70®3 06; tancy at 2 40®2 60; choice 2 Kemiebunkport, 7.00, 11.00 p. m, Night Express, sleeping cars, for 10.15 p. m., orat close of entertainment. Aug 12. i Aug 11. Sid, sch St Thomas, 8.40, 10.00 a. in., 12.20, 6.05, 6.20 m.; River Steamboat Go. Creamerv.lncy..lR®Hi CoaL New 4’s 10;i2 20. Wheat lower; Aug at osise. Corn Hammett, Philadelphia. 3.30, p. Lewiston, Augusta, Watervilie. Bangor, Bar Presumpscot For Cushing’s Island,6.40, 8.00, 9.00, *10.30 reg.*106 *105 ROCKLAND—Ar 11th, sells Wells Beach, 7.00,8.40 a.m.. 3.30, 5.15 p. m.; Bucks GUtEnae Vr’mt.l7®.i8 Betail—delivered. New 4’s lower, Aug 21Vsc, cats lower; Aug 18c.Pork- Mary Brewer, Harbor. port. Vanceboro, St. Stephens, 11.00 a. M., 12.30, 2.15, 3.00, 4.30, 6.15, coup..*106 @106 Thomas, New Cora C North Berwick, Dover, St Choice. * 17 Cumberland 60 new $0 60; olu at 6 121a. Lard, steam York; Meader, Meader, 4.05, 7.00, 8.40, John and all Aroostook County. Halifax STEAMER SANTA MARIA *7.00, *8.00, 9.30 P. M. 000*4 United Statesinew 4s reg.112 132 prime do; Sardinian. Halversen, Hard a. m.; 12.20, 3.30, 6.05 Somers- Cheese. Chestnut.... tSti 00 3 10; choice 3 16. do; Chance, 5.15, p. Hi.; and the Provinces. The Saturday night train Return—7.00, 8.15, 9.15, *10.45, 11.20 A. M., Central Pacifie .1st*. 98 95 Bacon—shoulders4Is; longs & worth. 4.05, a. Will leave Cumberland Mills, foot of Warren N. 1. 8 r raiutiln.,.. clear ribs sides Drv Salem; Francis Ecitb, Ryder, Bangor, hound 7.00, 8.40 in., 12.20, 3.3G does not run toBeifast, Dexter, Dover and Fox- 12.45. 3.30, tct-ry. ®-Vs 7 76 Delivers & R. G. 1st.10!) 109 3% ; 4Vs ;clear 414. salred 5.15 Avenue, Sundays as follows: 2.55, 4.45, 6.40, *7.20, 8.30, west. p.m.; Rochester, Farmington, Alton croft or beyond to daily. included, 9.45 P. M. Vermont... 9 ®9% Lehin...,. fat;oO meats—shoulders 3lac; longs 314 ; clear ribs Bangor, excepting Bar Har- For Pride’s Kiverton lirle;2ds. 65Vi 66% SALEM—Ar sell J I) Bay, Wolf boro, 8.40 a. m.. 12.20, 3.30 p.m.; bor. Bridge, Park, West Fal- For 'l base .... 9V4SI0 Pea. 4 00 33A ; clear sides 4c. 10th, Ingraham, Lewis, refethen’s, Evergreen, Little and Kansas Pacific Consols. 68 66 Kennebec for Litkeport, 8.40 mouth, Lower Falls and Pleasant Hill, at 10 a. 2400 bb!s: wheat Y'iueyard Haven. Laconia, Weirs, Plymouth, 12.55 a. m., midnight, Mi. Desert special, Great Diamond Islands, 5.30, 6 00, 7.00, Bread Lumber Oregon fiav. lists.103Vi 104 Receipts—Flour 78,669 VINEYARD-HAVEN Ar a. m., 12.20 p. in.; m. and 2 p. m. Dusn;coru 141,916 hush; oat?56,43'l 11th, sells O D Wolfboro, Long Island, for Brunswick. Rockland, Augnsta, Watervilie, 8.00, 9.00, 10.30 A. M., 12.00 M., 2.00, *3.15, Pilot sup....7 @7Va! Wldtewood— Union P, lsts of 1896. 96 100 hush; rye for Center Harbor, (via Alton and steamer. To make close connection with this Steamer — bush. Witherell, Howard, Philadelphia Salem; bay Bangor and Bar Harbor, connecting at Rock- 4.20. 5 45, 6.15, 7.30. *9.30 P. M, do sq.0 No 1&2. l-ln$32@S35 NortueruPaclfic cous 6s.... 40 8.40 a.m., 12 in. take Westbrook Electrics leaving Head of 39% Ella Clifton, Strout, Perth Amboy for Bar Har- 20p. Wore©*ter(Via Somors- land Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn- Return—Leave Trefethon’s,6.20. 7.00, 8.00, Crackers— 4 Vi @5 Vi Sans.1-in. 826**28 Shipments—Flour 66,737 bbls; wheat 13,410 worth&nd Preble St., Portland, at 9.10 a, m. and 1.10 C.o-ing quotations of stocks bor; July Fourth, Whituey, Port Johnson for Rochester,) 7.00 a. m.; Blanches ings with Steamer Frank for p. 9.10. 10.20. 11.50 a. 31.. 1-m bush;eorn_146.140 bush;oat! Jones, Castine, m. 1.05, 3.20, *4.35, Cooperage. Com’n, 823*826 15,745 bush; rye Bangor. ter, Concord, (via hockingkam Junut.) 7.00 a. Bar Harbor and hds— tchlson. —hush. Machlasport and all landings. 5.25, 6.40, 7.00, 8.35. *10.25 P. M. lihltd sliooks & 1V4, lVi&2- 10% 10% Ar sells Geo E m., 3.30 p. m.; (via Lawrence) 8.40 a. Leave Riverton Park for all landings down dams 12th, Dudley. Wilson, YVood’s in, Return—Leave Evergreen, 6.15, 6.55, Mol.city. 1 00*1 76 in, Nol&2883S$35 Express...138 14o' DETROIT—Wheat—No 2 Red at 6Jc: No Holl for 12.20 p. ni.; White Mountain X’ivision. river, at 10.30 a. ni., 2.30, 4.30 p. m. 1 Boston; Falmouth, Wallace, Philadel- Rockingham Junction, Exeter, 7.55, 9.06, 10.15, 11.45 A. 85 ®1 00 1%.1%&2-1u merman Express...106 105 White at 61c. Corn—No 2 at Haverhill, To make close connections with Steamer at M., J.00, 3.15, Sug.count'y 25c, Oats—No 2 phia for Portland Rogers, Port Lawrence, Lowell, Boston, 8.45 a. m. For 8.30, #10.20 P. osion ft Maine.149% 149 Geopgia Berry, Bridgton. B'abyans, Burling, Riverton or *4.30, 6.20, 6.45, M. Country MoL Saps, $28*830 White 231-20. Johnson for do; Mary II t4.05, f7.00, t8.40a. m., §12.20. 3.80 t6.05 p. Park, take Deering Riverteu Elec- entrai Pacific. 13 Lynch, Merry, Wea- ton, Lancaster, St Johnsbury, Sherbrooke- Return—Leave Little Ditiiiioml, 6:30, 7.10, hbdsnooKs Squares, $36*888 13 m. Arrive in 10.16 trics leaving Head of Piebie St. at 9.b0 a. in., hawken for Augusta. Boston, 7.25, a. m, Montreal, Chicago, St. Paul and 8.10. 9.20, 10 30 A. M., 12.00 M., hhd hdgml nes. sc onto..... 12% 13% Minneapolis 1.30 and 3.30 p. m. 1.15, 3.30, Cypress— teuton Santee* Sid, sc hB O D Witherell, Ella Clifton, George 12.50, 4.02, 7.16, 9.30 p. m. Leave Boston and all points west, 5.3. 8.45. *10.35 P. M. 82 n. 1-in No 1&2 lor *4.45, 6.55; 24*26 836®.$36 Carnage ft Alton.146 146 E Dudley, Fourth, Portland, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30 a. 1.00, 1.25 m. North Con -RETURNING- & 2- tBy Telegraph.) July Falmouth, Georgia p. Bridgton, wav, Fa- Return—Leave Great Diamond, 6.25. 7.05. Sughd35tn 21*23 lVi.lVr do pfd 170 170 and Mary E 4.15, 6.01 p. m. byans, Lancaster. Colebrook and 26*30 in.Nol452 *34®*36 Berry, Lyncn. Quebec. Leave Lower Falls, or Pleasant Hill, at 11.30 8.05, 9.15, 10.25, 11.55 A. M., 1.10, 3.25, Iloopsl4ft. Chicago. Burlington ft Quincy 65% AUGUST 12. 1886. YVASHINGTON—Ar sch John W SUNDAY TRAINS. 3.20 P. M. For "North 12 ft. 06% llth, Lin Conway. Bartlett, a. m., 3.30 and 5.30 p. m. *4.40, 5.30, 6.35. 8.40, *)0.30P. M. ,, 26*28 2yz, 3&4-mS40®*46 Delaware ft, Hudson Ciuial Co.llO NEWYORK—The Cotton market to-day was nell. Bath. Profile 116% Handy. For Scarboro a. B'abyans, Bethlehem, House, Lancaster, Leave Riverton for Cumberland Mills at For Ponce’s Landing Long island, 5.30, 8 t, 8 ta'J S’tlt pine-*25*$36 & Westl38 1-lOc sales 77 Crossing 9.00, 10,10 ni., Delaware,Laoltawana 138 dull, lower; Dales; middling up- Cld, sch E Morse, Norfolk. Beecher Falls and Quebec. 1.G.V/V Cordage. Clear nine— Mary Newbury, 2.00. 3.40, 7.15 p. m.; ■*ca; boro til., O.VU JJ. III. 6.00, 7.00. 8.00. 9.00, 10.30 A. M.. 12.00 M., Denver ft Rio Grande. 10 middling uplands 8c; gulf do 814 c. 5.00, 6.15, 5.55 m For 10% Pine 9.00. 10.10 a. p. Sebago Lake, Coinish. Bridg and Saturn ay the 2.00, *3.15, 4.20, 5.45, 7.,30, *0.3o P. M. Amer'nCilb 10 ®li tuppers.*55*65 Beach, Point, 7.10. in., tnn Krvohnrtr \nrth Cnnuron i>nH Every Thursday evenings, Erie. 11 % 12% NEW ORLEANS—The Colon market Foreijrn Ports. Let urn—Leave Manilla... 6Vi*7Vi iSelect.*46®65 to-dav 1.00, 2.00, 3.40, 4.15, 5.00, 6.15, 7.15 p. Steamer Santa Maria will leave Cumberland Ponce’s Landing, Long 00 preferred 28 28 was easier 7 6-16c.| 8.45 I*. M. Express for Sebago Lake, Frye- Mills for Riverton Park at Island. 7.45, 8.50. 9.50, 11.20 a. Manilla bolt | Fine common. .842*45 ;middling Sid fm Willie It m.; Old Orchard Beach, 4 05, 7.10, 9.00, 7.30 o’clock, return- 6.05, 6.40, Illinois Central. 85 8-1 Shanghai Aug 8, barque burg. No. Comvay, St. at close of 8.20. *10.15 rope. 00®8Vs (Spruce. 813 ®14 00 CHARLESTON—The Cotton market Hume, Port Townsend. 10.10 a. m.. 1.00, 2.00, 3.40, 4.15, 5.00, 5.30, Fabyans, Johti3bury, ing Entertainment. M., 12.50, 2.50, *4.05, 5.10, 6.35, lake Krietft West. 12% to-day Montreal ami Toronto. p. m. Bussia do.18 ®18% 13% was 714s. 6.15, 7.15 p. ni.; Saco, Biddeford, 10.10 Steamers can be chartered for evening saiis : iHemlocK..$11@12 Lake Shore.136 firm; middling Ar at Barbados July 28, barque Shawmut. 9.00, b.sai...... Clapboards— 137 a.m., 5.00. 5.30, at low rates. For Marriner’s Landing. Long Island, 5Vs*0Vs( Louis ft Nash. 40 SAVANNAH—The Cotton market Allen, Bahia (and sailed for Orchilla); sch Jen- 1.00, 2.00,3.40,4.15, 6.15, SUNDAY TRAINS* Bruits and Byes. 41% to-day 7.15 p. m.; 1.00, 5 30 jeSOdtf C. L. COODRIDGE. Manager. 9.00, 10.30 A. M., 2.00, *3 15. 5.45 P. M. (Spruce. X.$32^,35 was nie A Stubbs, sailed for Kennebunk, 4.15, p.m.; Mains Central K. quiet; Middling TV&a. Dorr, Cayenne (and ~ o Acid Oxalic... .121*14(Clear.S2S®:to North Berwick, Dover, 4.05, a. in., 1.00, 7.20 a. in., paper train for Brunswick An urn—Leave Mavriner’s Landing, Long MOBILE—The was Turks Island). Mexican Central. 6% Cotton market, to-day Watervilie and i• ,uv .~x. u.ti- Acid tart.33*301 ad clear.*26*27 6% Ar p. Hi.; Rochester, Farmington, gusta, Bangor. -ni*, Hi., a.iu, Michigan Central. 65 85 nominal: middling 714c. at;st John, NB, Aug 11, sch Ida I) Sturgis, 7.25 a. Ammonia.ib@20|No 1.Ji6®20 Alton Bay, 4.15 p. 111.; Exeter, Haverhill, m., paper train lor Lewiston and Rp. M. Minn ft St. L. 13 14 MEMPHIS—The Kerrigan, Portsmouth. i’ enes. pot-6% a 81 pine.825*50 Cotton [market to-day was Lawrence, Lowell, Boston, 4.05 a. m., 1.00. Farmington. SEBAGO UKlUOmT Minn, ft 5o Bals eoDabla.. .65*60! Shingles— St., Loulspf. 66 6teudy; middlings 7140, 5.30 p. m. Arrive iu Boston, 7.25 a, 12.50 p. m. For Brunswick. Lisbon Falls, Sunday Time Table. Missouri raciflc. Spoken. m., 6.29, Beeswax.37 *42, X cedar_3 00*8 50 16% 16 9.68 p. m. Lewiston, Bath, Augusta. WatorvUle, Bangor, New Jersey Central. Bar For Forest City Peaks’ Island Blob powders... 7*0|Clear cedar.2 76*300 89% 90% Aug 11, at 2 p m. about 16 mllos cast from Boston for Portland, 3.45 a. w. Harbor and Olatown. STEAMER HAWTHORNE Landing;, Northern Pacfic Borax. SglGlXNol.1 85®2 25 common....; 3% 3yh Live stock Nantucket South Shoal sch Wm B 0.00 p: m., for Lewiston. 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.0J A. M 12.20, +*1.30, An nrnfnrra.1 ‘■*1 1 1/, 1 1 Chicago Market. Lightship, EASTERN DIVISION, /*•» 8.45 P. M. For 2.15, *3.15, 3.45. 4.45, 6.15. 7.30 p. n. Brimstone. ..2 <*2% iNo 1 cedar..1 26®1 75 Herrick, Capt, Kelley, from Kennebec for Phila- White Mountain Division Will commence regular trips over the beaut Northwestern. K9% (By Telegrapai f rom Union Station for Biddeford. New- Montreal and Toronto. For 8.00. 9.00. 11.00 A. Cochlueat.40 *431 Spruce.1 26*1 60 90% delphia. All Well. iul lakes and rivers of the Sebago Lake oute Cushing’s Island, M., Northwestern buryport. Amesbury, Salem, Lynn, 2,00, 11.00 12.20, 7.30 p. M. Copperas.... lVi® 2 i Laths.spce. .1 90®2 00 pfa.14f 148 Chicago, Aug. lap 1896.—Cattle—receipts 15- p. m.. Might Express with sleeping on Monday, June 22d. 2.15, 3.45,4.45, 6.15, New York Centra;. fc( luc common to 9.00 a. in.; 12.30,6.00 p. m. Portsmouth, cars for all For Little and Cream tartar... .29*3; 1 Lime—Centeni. 99% 000; lower; extra steers at points. Leave Lake Station for Naples, Bridgeton, Trefetkeu’s, Evergreen, &BU Louis 9 3 46 84 Stockers and Boston, t2.00, f9.00, a. m., $1.45 |6.0(J 12.55 a. in., Mt. Desert for Great Diamond Islands. Ex logwood... ,12glb Lime.® csk.90® Now:York.CUioago 9% 45; feeders at 2 30.83 66' §12.30, special Rockland, North Bridgeton and Harrison on arrival 01 7.00, 8.00, 9.30, uo 1st 61 cows and bulls 1 Old Arrive in Boston, 6.68 a. in., 12.51, 4.0o, 4.30. and Bar Harbor. 10.30 A. 5.15, Oumarabto.. ,70®1 22ICemens.125® pta. 69 26gJ3 25; calves 3 26,0,5 60 People. Bangor 1.25 p. m. tram from Portland. M., 12.15, 2.00, *3.15, 4.20, New York & N E 35 Texaus at 1 16 9.20 p. m. Leave Boston lor Portland. 7.30, 6.15. *7.30 P. M. Glycerine ,26 ®75i Matches. 34 60@3 (Western rangers at 2 26 Leave Harrison every day (except Sunday) at Old ,a4 00. Old people who require mediolne to reg- 9.00 a. m., 12.30, 7.00. 9.30 p. m. ARRIVALS IN TORTLANO. For Ponce’s Island, 7.00, Aioesicane.15®26! Star, 1? gross 66 Colony..175 174 7.46 a. m., North Bridgeton at 8 a. m., Bridge- Landing, Long ulate the bowels and will find SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.00. 9.30. 10.30 A. 2.00, ••••• UU 17,000; 5 kidneys From Montreal and M., 12.15, t*1.30„ ViUUMUUl iW'Wt'1! 1KU. UO Ont. ft Western. 11% 12% Hogs—receipts easy, tolOc lower For Fabyans, 0.50 a. m. ton at 8.8o a. in., and Naples at 9.16 a.m., and lots 2 the true in Klectria Blttors. This Biddeford. Portsmouth. Newbury- and *3,15, 5.15, *7.30 p. M. Mjrtrh..., ». 62*56: Excelsior.60 Pacific Mail... 17Vi 17% heavypacking shipping at S6®3 20 remedy Daily. Bartlett Bridgion, 8.25 a. m.; Lew- connecting at Sebago Lake Station with 11.45 4.20, common to choice .mixed at and For Marriner’s Landing, Long Island, Opium... » 2.60*3 601 Metalg. Putman Palace.139 130 2 «0ix3 371/2 iston Mechanics Falls, 8.30 a. m.. Wr.ier- a. m. train for Portland and Boston. choice P. pi. Arrive in Boston, 5.58 a. m., 4.00 p. 9.30, 10.30. A. 2.00. 4.20, 5.15 P. Shellac.46@60i Copper- Keauina. 9 assorted at 3 3683 40; light 3 00:83 46 no nor other but ville and Augusta, 8.36 a. m.; Lewiston. Sun- Parties can leave Portland on the 1.25 p, m. M., *3.15, u% whiskey Intoxicants, Leave Boston for I'oi *9.00 a. M. 2 45. flami, nt., 7.00, 10.00 a. train, make the to Indigo.85c@fc 1114*48 com.... 00(3)16 Kockilslaud.51% pigsjat 60(0,3 acta as a acts day only, in.; Kiugfield, Phillips, trip Bridgton via steamer, 63 ■' tonic and alternative. It 9.30 p. m. iodine.4*84 26 Polished copper. 23 Sheep—receipts 1S.000: 6c. lie Farmington, Bemis, Rumford Falls, Lewiston. back all rail same afternoon. 8t. Paul. 625/a lower, mildly on the stomaoh and bowels, add- tCcnntets with Kail Lln-« lor New York, *Not, run In stormy or foggy weather. Ipecac.176*2 00‘Bolts. 16 64% ferior to choice 1 76 o3 00; lambs3 66. 11.40 a. m.; Skowhegan ana Lewiston, 11.45 Stage connections at Harrison for Waterford. and do bid.1.120 00&6 and tone the or- South anti West 1.For Forest City Landing, Peaks’ Island, Licorice, rt. .16*20|Y M sheath.... 22 120% ing strength giving to a. m.; Mattawamkeagaud 12.00 (Sun- Tickets for sale at Union Station. & Omaha. 33 with Sound Lines lor New York. Bangor, Ponce’s Landing, Long Island, only. Lac M Bolts. 12 St.Paul 33 gans thereby Nature iu tire per- SConnoeta days 12.10) Quebec, St. SEBAGO ex.84*401Y European Markets. aiding to North Berwick. p. m., Johnsburv,Lan- julGdtf STEAMBOAT CG do prfd.125 tWesteru division caster to Morphine... 1 7 6®2 001 Bottoms .. .,..22*24 formance of the functions. Eleotrio Bit- andSBridgton. 12.12 p. m.; Express, Tickets sold over this line Greenwood St Paul. Minn. & Mann.106 104 (By •Western Division ftrom Norm Berwick Sun- Oil her gam ot2 7633 201 Ingot.... 11 Telegraph.! is an di- Bar Harbor, Mt. Kineo, Greenvihe. Garden, Forest Kink anti @12 ters excellent appetizer and aids Says only. Bangor, City Nor.CodUver2 50@275l Tin— Sugar,common. 98% 100% LONDON, Aug. 12. 1886.—Cousols 112 18-lfld Old Augusta, 1.20 p. m.; Lancaster. Fabyans. Pavilion Theatre. Taxas Paclhe.1. gestion. Peoplo find it just what tlokoto to all points Soutn and Lemou.1 752 265i Straits. ..15y2@16Vi 6% 6 for money and 112 lo-l6d for the account. Tlirough Bartlett, Mo. Conway, Frye Sebago need. Price oonts and West lor at Ticket Office Union Station. burg, International Go. Unavoidable delays excepted and subject Olive.l 60 UnionPaciflc. new. 6% 5% they fifty $1.00 per sale Lake 4.51 p. in.: Water Steaiasnip 00*2 j English. LIVEKPOOL.Aug. 12, istts.—Cotton market D. J. i\ and X. Bostoa. Skowhegan, vilie, FOR to without notice. 261 L Co.. 50 U. 5. Exm-ess. SO SO hottlo at H. P.f.S. Goold.-.Drug Store, 577 FLANDEKS. G. A.. 5.26 p. m. and change Reppt. ....300*3 Char. @6 lower; American at 4 1 Rockland, daily; Farmington .. middling ll-32d; sales ie2l dt General 001 Char. 1. X.. @7 25 Wabash- 4% 5 Congress streot, under Lewiston. Sundays only, m.; St.Jolin, C. TV. T. GOi.>I>G, Manager. Wlutergreenl5*2 10,000 hale; speculation and export 500 Congress Square 6.20p. Eaaftort, Lubes. Calais. SUshn, \IX, Halifax,N.y Potass nr'mde. 46@47*Terne.6 00*8 50 do prfd. 12% IS Hotel. Bar Harbor, Caribou ana Moosehead Lake july5 dtf hales, ami all parts of New Nova Sco- Chlorate.242 281 Antimony... 12@14 Western Union. 75% 76% viaB. & A.. Bangor, 6.35 p, in.; Brunswick, Quotations Winter Wheat at Range ley, ria, Prince Edward and Brot- Iodide.2 88 a8 Cok** .4 76*5 00 tticmnonadc West Point. r>sl%d@5s Farmington, Rumford Falls, 5.45 Island, Cape oO| Bs Lewiston, oa. The favorite route to ao 3Vsd. SprmgWheat Ol/fcd®6s l%d. Worcester Line Campobello and .. 4 Portland & p. and Montreal and all Quicksilver. 70*801 Spelter.... 603455 prfd. m.; Chicago White St. 1 Andrews. N. B» Portland and Steamboat Go Quinine .67 Vz *40 Va »holdery* x 12 @14 Mountain points. 7.A*. j>. m.; Mattawainkeag. Boothbay rt.7fcc@l 6ui Nails. 'Jix-div Bar Harbor, Rockland. 1.40 a. m. daily; ex- Summer Klieubarb, OCEAN sTBS VS Ell MOVE Ilk s Arrangement. Rt 70*2 80 FORTUM & R. 11 press, Halifax, St. John. Vanceboro. Bar Har- snake.3o@40!Cask.ct.base2 ROCHESTER On and alter Monday, June steamei fcaltpetre.8 #121 wire.. 2 96@3 05 FHOM FOB bor, Watervilie aDd Augusta, 3.50 a. m, 29th, Mining Stocks. daily. will leave Portland on Xuesduv3 and Friday: UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Naval Stores. Campania.... Now York. .Liverpool.. .Aug if Senna.25*301 NEW YORK. lAug. 12. 1896.—Th«l STATION FOOT STREET. PAYSON TUCKER. V. P. & G. M. at 4.00 p. m. Canary seed.... 4@5 Tar & bbl ...2 75@3 00 following Ethiopia.New York. .Glasgow .. .Aug If leave j are lo-day's closing quotations 01 mining stocks’ QF_PK£BLE F. E. bOOTHBY, G. P. & T. A. Returning St. John and Eastport Mon C ardamons 1 00*1 76 Coal tar-6 00®5 25 Massachusetts New York. London .Aug If Col. Coal. On Portland, June 18, 1S90. days and Fridays. Steamer Pitch.2 7500 Normandie... .New York..Havre .... If and after Sunday, June 21, 189 G Soda, by-carb8% @684 Hocking Aug dtf Through tickets issued and checked Enterprise Pitch. .2 7o@3 00 Coal.. y_ Prussia .New York. Hamburg... Aug If Passenger trains will Reave Portlaad: jel7 baggage bai.2%@3IWil. • to destination. iar“ Freight received o Homestake. 34 York.. If For Clinton, up 3.3C Will leave East boothbay every Monday at Rosin.3 00@4 00 •Niagara.New Nassau.Aug Worwter, Ayer Junction, p. m. SuDhur.2J| @23A j Ontario .. 7.15 a. m. lor Portland, at South li% Trave.New York.. Bremen .. Aug If Is*wanna, Windham and Eppinji at 7.30 a. touching Bugar lead.20*2 id I Tupentmc, gal.. 8i#i4l Special Notice. Heron Quicksilver. St Paul.New York. is m. and 12.30 p. in. Bristol, Island, Boothbay Harbor and Vi bite wax.... 60*65 Oakum.... 7 i&6 .So’ampton..Aug Until Island. S23ido pld.. Westeruland .New York. .Antwerp.. 1; For Manchester, Concord, and points North further notice steamers will leave Port Squirrel Vitrol. blue_6 fa'81 OIL ex .Aug man. York.. at 7.30 a. m. and 12.3C m. land tor Boston ane at it Tuesdays will leave Franklin Wharf. Port* Vaulha.oean.. Linseed.34(g)39 Britannic.New Liverpool.. .Aug 1 s p. Tuesdays Satuidays $103)181 Victor Y'ork. ror Alfred, Water, a. m. land, at 7 a. m. for Pemaquid, touching at lluck. 'Boiled.38*43 Ilevelius.New iiio Janeiro Aug 2< Rochester, Spriugyale. Portland & Rumford Falls boro and 3noo River at a. in. 12.30 ana Until further notice a steamer will leave foi Squirrel Island, Harbor. Heron No 1 55 FBlsmarck.. .New York. .Hamburg 7.30 R'y. Boothbay l.321Sperm. ,.Aug2( 5.30 In Effect June 183G, St. John direct Island. *C.'.risimas Cove. South Bristol and No Boston Produce Umbria.New York. Liverpool.. .Aug 25 t». m. 22, Saturdays at 4.00 p.m. 3....281 Whale.46@65 Market. For For East .. Headache and Gorham at 7.30 and 9.45 a. m., Tickets and at the Bcothbiy. No 10.20 Bank.30@3o Furnesia.New York..Glasgow .Aug 25 It cures Constipation, Sick 12.301 DEPARTURES. Staterooms, apply BOSTON, Aug. 12, 1896.—The following aro New York. and 6.20 m. Pine lreo Ticket Monument Wrdn* .->vinys will leave Pemaquid at 6 a. m. 8 Philadelphia.. waguayra... Aug 25 a way 3.00,5.30, p, Office, Square oz.13 Shore.. »25(8)30 Biliousness in such gentle, coaxing ror or lor other for Portland aud above to-day’s quotations of ... .New York. Cumberland Mill*, West* 8.30 A. M. & 1.00 1*. M. From Union Station information at Office. landings. 10 oz.10 Provisions, etc.; Maasdam .Rotterdam. Aug 25 Westbrook, Company’s pome.. .80*86 that the results of more active orook J auction at for Railroad foot of State street. Thursday* will leave Portland at 7 a. m. for 4036U FLOCK, Manitoba.New York.. London-Aug 25 unpleasant and Woodford’s 7.30, Poland, Mechanic Fails, BuckiicltL Can- Wharf, Gunpowder—Shot. Lara.* Sold bv Druggist- 9.4ET &. 5.30 and je26dtf J. Man. East Boothbay, touching at Squirrel 10 Aller.New York. Bremen 25 remedies are avoided. m., 12.30. 3.00. ton. Dixtieid and Rmaiord Falls. Also B.COYLK.Geu. Islahd, Blasting ...3 60*4 00 Castor.jl 00@1 Spring patents. 3 70i*$4 19. Aug for 60 years. 6.20 Harbor. Heron York. .Havre.Aug 25 o. ca. forRoxbury, Byron, Houghton, Bemis and Boothbay Island, *Christmas bp',rung. .4 60@6 50 Neatsfoot ... 45c*65 Spring, elearlaud 3 0033 Gascogne.New straight, 60. York. Tho 12.30 p. m. train from Portland connects Lakes via R. F. and R. L. R. Cove and South Bristol. lnop shot,25 ins. 1 SO Winter, clear aim Fulda.New .Genoa.Aug 25 TOO Kaugeley points Klame.'& straight,:: 3 <1*3 70 York. "IT TASTES GOOD, at Ayer Junction with “Hootsso Tanned Fridays will leave East Boothbay at 7.15 fcucK.b. SB. Paints. 3 76*4 Phoenicia.New Hamburg. ..Aug 25 Winter; patents, no Route” for tho West and at Union Station, 8.30 a. 1.00 and *5.10 m, From UP THE RIVER a,, m. for Portland, touching at South Bristol, I’ll- Spree .New York. Bremen .... 2£ m., p. Union PRESUHPSCOT f.155 Lead— Extra and Seconds 2 26®3 00 Aug for York. Heron Harbor and Paris.Now York. 2f Worcester, Providence and New Station lor Mechanic Falls and intermediate Island, Boothbay Squirrel flay. Pure ground.6 2535 76 Fine and —. S’thamuton.Aug V?a 1 Supers Y'ork. .Liverpool.. ‘Providence JLino,” for Norwich and stations. On and this date steamer ls'jind. lessen.81b@17| Ked.6 26*5 75 Add 26c to the above for tho Majestic.New Aug2t after Loose Jobbing rates. York. ttrk» “Norwich Une” with Kostou *0n Saturdays train leaving Portland at Saturdays will leave Portland at 7 a. in. for Hav *J«%s:»|EDit Ven rie. Tennant’s Harbor, Head, *: *, *:f vf> Saleratus .... o@5V2 Bacon.7 Vs @9% Lalm.. New York. Bremen.. a11 Points West Spruce Rockland, J.1jCn.Russlalo /2*14 Sep ”1 Kon?hTl®ket8 Traffic Green’s Spices. Pork, salt 6%c. St. Louis.. .New York.. JOB H‘ COL™ Tli:k#l B. C. BBADFOKD. Mgr. Viiuilbaven, Hurricane, Landing, Amcii cnRussiallvrtli S’thaninton.. Sep 5 BO0K[ flS® Swan Island, Castine, Brookiin, S, Cassia, pure... .17(319 Briskets, salt 6%. Germanic ... N ew York.. PBljiTEf! E3&*8BSUV- ForUnud, Maine Surray, ^v.5 Liverpool Sen i HarboL*. Vs &7 Mace. 1 00 Sausages, 7%c. Noordlaud.New York., j. W. PETER3, Supk E. L. LOVEJOY, Superintendent, J. H. Hezefton. W. Harbor and Bar Antwerp.. .Sep i No. 37 PJ-UM STREET. je21 dlt Eumlord Prop.* ALFRED RACE, 1 junta falls. Maine julySddiu Manager* J «

% THE FiESEBtt. the service all tnat oould be desired. WORK SUSPENDED. MISSING GIRL. NEW AOVEWriSEHEKNTS. J NEW ADVKItTJUSBlttlENTSL j NEW AD V EltTlSEMLEN’l'S. TWO DROWNED. No wonder so many avail themselves of this pleasure. Next Sunday the largest It is Thought She May be in I'ortland. NEW ADYJCKTISJSJCESTS TODAY. The Heat Reached Its :rowd of the season is expected at Climax On Willard. Bo suro and attend. Jfloronce May Collins, a handsome *wen. Moore A Co. Yesterday. flastman Bros. & Bancroft. young girl, has boeD missing from her Standard Clothing AT LONG ISLAND. ,T. R. Libby. They Were Youag Men at borne, 33 Cottage street, East Boston, Lariabee. Bathing Even the Children ol Sunny Italy Seek the slnoe 1. Her Sfandard Clothing Co. Field aud Annual Saturday, August father, Day Meeting Cumber- Shade—N otes of tne l>ay. Steamer Madeleine. the Old Canal Basin. James Collins, Is a oar repairer in the Maine Central excursion. land County Association, S. of V. Uuiversalist Campmeetiug. employ of the New York, New Haven FINANCIAL. THE hot wave & Hurtford.roilroad. Both of the girl’s The second annual meeting and field Harris & Co. are much worried DON’T W. apparently reached about her. PLEASE »j. of the parents very DON’T, ONE AND DRAGGED lay Cumberland County Associa- its AMUSEMENTS, SLIPPED THE climax in Port- The missing girl is 17 years old, a little tion, S. of V., was held yesterday at Grand Aquutic Sports, land below the medium with wdl- because wo advertise at low to the conclusion Band yesterday. height, clothing prices lump t haddler’s Concert—Willard OTHER DOWN. Long Island. The members of the Asso- While Peaks Island Gala Day. the heat of rounded, graceful figure and handsome that it is poorly made—for there’s off but the jiation with their friends from Freeport, really nothing price. Monday and Tues- face. She has dark hair and eyes, and Such ou Gorham and de- prices reputable clothing are unusual ever for ordinary Westbrook, Portland, was To For day oppressive, fresh, healthy Joomplexion. When she rather New Wants, I.et, Sale, Lost, Found parted from Portland pier via steamer clothing—we’d take these little now than littler ones and Similar advertisements will It did not home M iss prices be found under roach the left Collins wore a light shirt later—that’s the reason. lieir appropriate neadson Page 6. The Victim Were Thomas J. and Sebasoodegan at d.o’nlock, arriving at the Viotory intensity of yester- waist, dark skirt and light sailor hat. sland at The White Duck the dollar William 9.HO, company went at Trousers, kind, 50c Montgomery Employed at the day. It is a rare Her people say that she had no money, per pair. mce to Ponce’s grounds where things (Sizes 30 to 44 waist measure.) BRIEF JOTTINGS. Congress Square Hotel—The Bodies thing in this reg- and they are therefore muoh were made very puz- ready for the ovent of the ion Lot of Odd Summer Vests, 33 to 38 Soon Recovered. for work to bo zled regarding her whereabouts. They sizes, $1.00, lay—the ball game. H. E. Harris of $2.50 and $3.50 * suspended on ao” do not believe that she oould have ($2.00, qualities.) Portland gone The old Canal baaln has been the scone oaptained one of the nines, Last Friday evening count of the heat; but there far. The was in Men’s Fine All Wool Summer Sack sizes 34 to the Colesworthy’s while yesterday missing^ girl employed Suits, 40, of another in which the other was oarried to defeat by store on Exchunge street was broken In- drowning accident, was a very general suspension. Early in the book bindery of Barnard & Co., $12.00 and $15.00 kinds, $7.50 each. one nmn lost his life while Capt. Flye and his team of untrained to and five dollars in cash was stolen be- youDg trying the forenoon the large orew of men on- Province street, Boston. Her employer Men’s and Hoys’ Golf and Bicycle marked down. All of the of Suits, to gave that of his companion. The players. soience and skill of tides a number of knives. gaged in laying the track the eleotrio speaks very highly of her. He says that Boys’ Washable Suits, ages 4 to 10 years, 50c, 70je, $1.00 and 1.25, about Half Price. men were the game was exhibited by the Harris ag- committee on young Thomas J. Viotory and on Forest in was one J5The publio buildings railway avenue, Deering, she of the best workers that be 200 Pairs FINE TROUSERS, Gentlemen’s and Young Men’s sizes, $6.50 and 8.00 William both of whom gregation, but occasionally a good play quality been examining lots for u site fot Montgomery, suspended work duriDg the day. Most had and seemed to be an unusually offered und was made some reduced, seliing at only $4.00 and 5.00 ^havo woro natives of Ireland. In by member of the oppos- per pair. the new school house on the hill. compauy of the men are natives of sunny Italy, modest and well behaved girl. Everyone nine. The game iastort for five inn- inducements offered to of and Children’s Summer with C. P. a friend of about ing Special buyers Roys’ for FRI- Atlantic lodge went out to Mitobell’s Dontney, and there was a shout of dolight as In the a deal ot her. Clothing and abounded in brilliant they place thought great DAY and SATURDAY. A few their own the men ings playing Roys’ Fine Summer Overcoats, ages 6 to 10 5.00 and 6.50 iit and held their age, young went to got the word to leave oil work. On the she years, Spurwink yesterday in the but in the They Saturday that disappeared the Basin in the afternoon. It will fielding, particularly were qualities, only $1.00 each. annual clambake. About 200 were pres- early looking with perspiration and she drew her as and while numerous heavy hits that were made. pay, usual, be remembered that near the railroad some of them would ent. probably have suf- doing so asked for a dollar which Some of the boys insist that the game extra, round there is a in the fered had STRICTLY ONE PRICE. house, bridge they continued, work. Mr, Barnard gave her. ALL CLOTHING WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, was played without an error, but judging willingly 0 PERSONAL. railway embankment, under whloh is At noon Superintendent Staples oalled On the morning horn the soore it was but fair to presume following Monday a sluice which the tide runs off ail men way through the at work on the streets of Miss Collins oame to the and shat some of those runs must bindery in and and have been out. Viotory Montgomery Portland. worked all the this the week nade on errors. The would morning, earning Dr. J. W. Whiddeu starts next went into water on the Fore river game hardly the At .the factory of the Portland Stove extra dollar which her had lo credit to a it is employer on bis annual camping trip. side of the and on professional team, yet railway embankment, Foundry,the heat was so unbearable that given her oziSaturday. Miss^Collins told Fled L. The Thurston mmored that some of the players hope dower, manager the of the deep by the the men refused to work on STANDARD 79 edge channoljmade both Tues- one of the she worked with that GLOTiM sometime to blossom out as in girls augl3d4t Priut, has turned hit back upon the ag- water which the sluice at players 007 pours through day and yesterday. The of the her head felt bad and that she was and she National melting going gravations of the printing business, tide. Mr. who is an ex- League, every Uoutney, iron of course added to the heat, pro- to see a dootor. She also told her fellow Is bites in The next event of importance that was feverishly awaiting pickerel pert swimmer, had made his way through ducing a temperature of 125 workman that she had tired of work- announced was to the effect that dinner degrees got The weather Wold pond. the sluice and swam some distance away even. today ing in Boston for the money she was re- is likely to be Miss Lizzie W. Brown of Portland, the in the Basin was ready. The company soon arranged proper. Montgomery was The heat ranged all the way from 90 ceiving, and was to leave. She said fair at shemselves in the rooms of Vin- going J. R. LIBBY. soprano singer, will pass a vaoation on a stone or some other dining standing objeot to 95 degrees. The thermometer of the she was to where she ex- | Portland, Aug 13,1898. >eut and it is needless to going Portland, this summer. She expects in the water near the bank Mountfort, say Farmington just before Weather on the roof of the to find a a where shat Bureau, First pected plaoo in bindery Co do concert work the coming fall and the Near him stood they were hungry mortals, as one drowning. Viotory. National bank building, reached its high- she oould obtain much higher wages. are for and will travel with a first class 3ould judge by the rapid disappearance As as Buckwheat Cakes and you looking winter, Suddenly Montgomery slipped and fell est at 1 m., when it None of the various binderies in Port- surely suggest jf the abundant reading p, registered uompany of artists through the Western into water A of supply of viands. some deep group young boys about 90 degrees. This is a very conser- as far as had any demand syrup, so certainly do hot IF odd, pretty, Dinner over the association held its land, ascertained,have August days states. She made A success of her trip on the bank above saw him Mont- grasp vative thermometer. It has not gone so from such wom- winter. business at whioh time several application any young suggest and demand SHIRT-WAISTS. little to New Mexico and Texas last the arm us he went down. meeting inexpensive gomery by high before this season, the highest for au for work. There was a.young woman & Calhoun have secured tho con- natters of importance were attended to • Willoy Then the horror stricken boys saw two Tuesday been 89 and for rifle to take to ind CAVA) ill nan) namaa matviKAeoKin having degrees, applied at Loring, Short & Harmon’s, home, tract for the erection of a complete sys- THOUGHT that out months ago, and this forms oome nearly to the surface of the Monday;^ degrees. but Mr. Hnrrnon told her to her in the were and and tbe old put send to a distant tem of heating and ventilating war,ftp. tho arms nf nn« armin'! th« n«nlr proposed accepted, vast of Shirt friend,or Last year the months of July and Au- application in and send it to him aggregation Beauty Waists is in this and board of officers re-elected. writing First Parish ohurob city, of the other. Once or twice Among a or occa- again they gust did not begin to furnish such as he was very busy just then. She did the result of that for whist tho same. she list of hers were W. A. thinking. prize have began work upon came near to the surface to be honorarySmem enough weather. The hottest day of last so, but to her name and ad- 31nrk and A. M.Heseltine of Portland. August forget sign sion are Members of tho signal corps ware prac- then sank to the souvenir, you seen, they slimy mud the mercury reaohed 83 on dress to the Western After the business session the Casino degrees,;and application. ARE SELLING, but huncreds are with heliographs on the at the of tising bottom the ohannel, and a rush one day of July of last year it reaohed 85 more to find exact- Two in- was to the order likely Promenade Tuesday afternoon. arranged preparatory jLieserieu uer I'Uiiu. still here, and the assortment is unbroken. of bubbles to tbe top of the water mark- degrees. HUNDREDS feet >t dances which wore taken struments were set up about 2C0 ed the beneath outside immediately But of the of a break the want at spot which, just Of course tho thermometers down on When the noon train, eastern division, because possinility in ly thing you apart anti messages flashed back and the the bodies. jp. bridge, lay Benny Foster, the streets where men live and move are Boston & reached Portsmouth wave we have the Shirt-Waist- our Silver coun- used. At the intermisson the assembled Maine, the hot dropped Sterling forth, the Morss.telegraph being son of Mr. B. F. Foster of Grant party street, much nearer the real heat which we en- yesterday, a young'woman rushed Jlnto Portland jut of doors in front of the Casino to Price. Transactions at the clearing was the first of the to what ter than where else. hoys {[realize dure. The thermometer at Center's store the car, laid a plump baby on a seat any an witness an„'exhibitlon of and an house yesterday amounted to $187,209, was and the alarm. Be strength Dollar Shirt Waists now at 63 cts. happening, give on Exchange street, a glass that is a and then slipped off the train as if to get go Silver is so the for the letermination of purpose, way of and increascde of $8,891 in figures shouted that the two men were by cheap drowning. familiar acquaintance to many Portland a ticket. The train proceeded. The week a tjtug of war. Lieut. Welch manned one day of the year a Laundered collar and cuffs, made of handsome Percale and Dimity, newest the for it so corresponding Edward Davis, twelve year old boy business 94 in woman never came back. child was shapes, is much sf the orews and Past men, registered degrees ^Tha See samples in,the west window. liking ago. who lives at 395 Capt. Goff, [the St. John street, also saw the shade at 2.30 m. The thermometer brought to Portland. It had on a dress sne of determination. p. in fashion manufac- Mrs. R. P. Noyes and daughters, Mrs. the accident. now, of the Casoo Tanning Company at the of pink chiffron, and was provided with James P. Butler and Mrs. 1’. E. Rideout, ! The test was for the best two out of DOLLAR WAISTS price-cut to $1.00 Mr. Doutney said after the accident: foot of Green reaohed 95 a bottle of milk. A on the train turers of forks and ;hree and at the first street, degrees lady spoons are several weeks at New Glou- attempt Capt. GoS The assortment of sizes and of spending “I heard the Doysxryiug that the £ men in the shade. took charge of the boy until the train styles these ind his determined followers were suo- TWO and the other every co: ter. were aud as as day drowning, went fast X At noon, on Pleasant street, In Deer- reaohed Portland, whon she turned him elegant garments is perfect. TEdwin P. Tuttle of Uxbridge, Mass., sessful, but the remaining two tests could to the railway bridge, but they the 94 in the shade. over to Miss matron of the Y, silver are showed that the of and Ing, flgures’were Hussey, things giving is spending a few weeks with his Juncle, had sank from the time I boys strength sight by got The oases of by the heat W. C. A., who cared until after- isl- lourage were the victors. A prostration forjhim SHIRT WAISTS on “Bargain-apolis” Thurs- their ro C. W. Gilbert at Little (Jhobeague there. could swim as three-legged entire attention Viottory perhaps were not numerous. The general suspen- noon when ho was taken to the Tempo- and. ace was then entered by Brothers H. All our Soft Shirt Waists (about in g far as across the street. When I saw the of Home. The inatter hag been in day. ninety J. Means of sion work undoubtedly prevented rary put SOFT out novelties, and The following were among the arrivals Freeport and E. F. Tuttle turning two last, Victory was urging Montgom- the hands of the and an eilort will all) will be fooled away on Bargain-apolis” and Messrs.McGune and many prostrations. polioe at the Falmouth hotel yesterday: C. E. to let him teach to ■^Massachusetts the result is the most ery Montgomery An elderly man was overcome on In- be made to find the woman. as follows: A. W. Merrill, M. S. Coni in, G. ilorrison cf Camp Columbia. The race North, swim. 1 only Know what I was told dia street near the Grand Trunk. was and contested and Two Colored were 75c wonderful assortment of \V. Nichols, J. H. Fahey, G. R. Gardi- about the of I had interesting closely Republican Speakers. Thirty-eight Waists, and drowning course. who were In the Gen. won by the former. The defeat of the longahoremon lounging ner of Boston; W. W. Whitmans!), the of tho two victims taken to Chairman Manley has scoured the ser- now 50c useful and olothing shade of a tree near the Allan line $1.00, dainty, quaint, R. Columbia boys was too much for office, Geo. E. Beal, Norway; Mr. and Mrs. the a Jarap vices of Prof. Maine Central shops and message knew what to do and did it Henry Crosby Emery, pro- Colored were $1.25 and ■hern and they were determined to just they Thirty-four Waists, artistic iittle silver arti- N. Durborng, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lane, sent to Mr. the undertaker.” gain fessor of eoonomios and in Rich, the man sooiology ;heir laurels in another so quiokly. They pioked up and now 75c Philadelphia^ W. S. Manning, Albany; Thomas and Bovinet dlreotion, they Bowuion college, who will speak several 1.50, cles ever Foley Henry him under the street fountain near you’ve ■hallenged the S. Y. to a of put seenfand Thomas Griffin, A. M. Griffin, Wey- as soon as heard of the tug war, times In this state. Prof. is a Seventeen Colored were $1.75 and they aecident, The man reoovered and too k Emery Waists, which was and after by. quiokly so mouth; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Armstrong, hastened form the Maine Central ohallenge aocepted, young man.of marked ability, who has cheap. shops a car for town. now $1.00 few moments it was shown up 2.00, Mr. nud Mrs. Fulton Paul, Mr. and.Mrs. clearly that taken a rank in his and procured a boat and iron for grap- A in very high specialties Side combs with silver n that tost the longshoreman employed unload- W. H. Adams, W. S. Manning, Mr. and Columbia boys and will be heard with interest pling, so that by the tinio that Mr. Rich salt from tha Italian bark at Lord great were too much for the S. as ing Mrs. J. E. Baker, Miss Myers, Miss Van- and Marshal Y., they auo- wherever ho Leather Deputy Sterling arrived, was overcome and had to be speaks. mountings. :eeded in the aoross the Brothers, J. R. derbilt, Dr. anu Mrs. Atwell, Mr. and the bodies hud been recovered. But drawing boys Hon. Carleton of will LIBBY. taken out of the hold. After a liberal L.i,T. Winthrop match cases silver Mr. and Mrs. ine and winning for themselves a de- pocket Mrs. R. S. Marshall, C. had lain in the water so that also speak several times this con- they long sousing he recovered and went home. during W. Now Mr. and Mrs. served honor as most excellent masters of Abrams, York; F. there was no chance for a spark of life to test and Hon. John Ualzell of Pennsyl- mounted. Silk garters and vim. The There was a general feeling of relief Wyman, Chicago. be strength intermission bo- vania will make threo left. all those who read the speeches in the with silver ng declared over the as- among predictions buckles, Mayor Baxter has gono out of towa to has liverd In this coun- oompany again state. glove Young Vicftory of tho weather man that tho cold wave ANNUAL EXCURSION sembled in the dance hall where TIE be away until Satfcrday. for some time. He went home to dauoing button nail try from the of Manitoba would he hooks, hooks, was again resumed until the arrival of regions A Poster Exhibition. -TO- Mr. Percy Richardson, C. E., of the Ireland on a to this coun- visit,returning here today. This oold wave has been firm & is at Ber- ;he boat. files, manicure buffers, V^Jordan Richardson, try last winter. With him came Mont- The ladies, summer residents of Dia- The returned to the idling away its time around the metro- lin Mills, N. H., with tho celebrated and party city footsore mond have another gomery F. .1. Dunn. Victory had Medicine in those island, got up lechor- rattles, md weary, is the ball polis of Hat, regions, whistles, baby engineer, Mr. Fanning, who is looking been in Portland hotels of late (that players), che entertainment at Elwell employed and is a little late is here. The hall, con- til declaring that the had been one getting candle match box. over tho sit of a further development of day a AR sticks, had of of HARBOR the cigar stand at of 400 having ohargu Northern Atlantic which has been sisting display ploture.:posters. Mills water ■f great pleasure and profit. coast, tho Berlin Company’s power. the Congress Square. had These are the fruits of collections Will Be Kun the Montgomery suffering worst, is ready to weloome tho by by es, pocket knives,hair pin Mi. Charles H. Gilman of High street, been at the but had Messrs. S. D. and H. W. employed Preble, cold wave. Rumery Bry- is threatened with a fever. Death of the Stallion Merman at tea strain- quite ill, left there within the few and Old Or- ant the 12 com- boxes,tea balls, past days The following Maine Central ooal during past months, and MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD had secured a position in the hotel with chard. choice Clam Bake at Wiliiard. shovellers required medioal attention prise many specimens designed by ers, salve pots, mucilage his friend. who came to this The valuable Grasset Wm. H. -ON- Dunn, trotting stallion Merman, Patriok 25 Eugene Stelnlor, Low, The fancy clam bake as Willard Beach, Tuesday night: Gorham, SPECIALTIES country with them, wus living at 155 ■wned at Macon, Georgia, and being Peniield, Carqueville, J. J. Gould, Jr., bottles, brandy flasks, will be served Union street; T. H. Gorham, 7 Cotton Saturday, August 15tb, East *9th New for he ■rained Ethel Louis J. street, York, by Roy Miller, died Tuesday Michael 14 South Keod, Rhead. Cheret. on und«r the shade of the Wil- street; Weloi), street; O 9 the beach at the and for tlie hot weather. eight kite track. Merman, whose 43 Centre George W. Edwards, other greater or low Trees if tho weather is if Michael Flaherty, street; pleasant; the of ast lesser in the art r pockets Montgomery's clothing public appearance was at Rinbv Thomas 103 York street lights poster world. berry forks,coffee spoons, on tho Casino Norton, and Express leaves Portland 7.20 a. m., Freeport nnpleasaut piazzas. was fouud a and aii'eetionate The Madeline will long letter, iark, was given four repeating miles make an extra trip 7,66 a. m.; faro $2.00. Brunswick 8.15 a. m.; We have received a Pi'ivatfl t.whlft with Rnpr-.ial sfirvirm nan Martin Flaherty, 10 Pleasant street. Of just large ship- souvenir cush- from his Mrs. Portland fare $1.76. spoons,pin mother, E. Mongomery, Iluesday afternoon, tbo last In 2.18, last named is leaving pier'at 7.45 o’olook. be secured at the office this number the last the worst Express to Bar Harbor, arriving at 1.40 p. m. ment of fine upon application South Circular Dublin. It will be lalf in 1.06 and the last road, quarter in 32 it doubtful last Returning leave Bar Harbor at 4.10 p. m. ions, thermometers, of the Portland & Elizabeth Fiail- ofi, being very night If Excursions to Ear Harbor. pho- Cape sad n6VFs whioh the answer to that ieuonds when he distressed From White Mountains Division. letter, appeared in he would recover. No. id Monument square. Next Sunday the Maine Central will train to tooth road, writton an unfamiliar band, will car- out and was taken with a Passengers come on regular morning frames, blotters, by ;ooling con- The calkers who were at work A fetv of six to twelve eaoli can on the its annual excursion to Bar Harbor. Sunday and as there is no return service Sun- Turkish Bath parties to the home in far off Dubliu. gestive in at give Towels ry chill,dying great pain about schooner B. F. Pettigrew at the Marine day night, tickets wiil be good for return Mon- saws, stamp boxes, hair secure especially choice locations on the This is a wonderfully cheap trip to a V ictory and Montgomery have been ) p. m. Dr. Bailey was summoned yes- day at following rates: elevated under tho willow trees railroad, suspended work on account of resort of America. The Bartlett. Glen, Intervale, North Conway. vhich we offer at these very low clean- ground with Mrs. J. B. Irish, at 26 to hold an great pleasure prices1 curlers, seals, hoarding :erday morning autopsy aud the heat. Redstone. Conway t enter, Fryeburg, $3.00; pipe by applying early. train will leave Portland at 7.80 a. m. West 12 Green street. Mrs. Irish says that they 'ound aoute congestion of the lungs, to- Brownfield. Hiram, Bridgton .function, 3c, 10c, l-2c, 15c, 20c, 25c, coa$ Don’t miss the best clam take of tho and leave Bar Harbor on the return at Baldwtu, 82.76; Cornish, Mattocks, Steep ers, bicycle straps, were talking at dinner of going in bath- with clear evidences of jether endoarnitls. Yacht Arrivals. Falls, $2.60; Sebago Lake. White Rock, South 30c, 63c, 75c and $1.00 each. season ot ltfJii. 4.10 p. m. See the advertisement. Every hat ing at the Basin. Mrs. Irish, however, l'ho heart, which in well brod horses is Windham, Cumberland Mills, $2. hangers, markers, See advertisement for water and The Lasoa of New ariived PAYSON TUCKER. 3ne of which you will find to be well polo knew little about the men or their if an of 6 3-4 yaoht Yoik, young average weight pounds, e Vice President and General Manager. heart other acquatic sports after the clam yesterday and sailed again. The Lasoa the pins, lockets, key families. vaa found to weigh 9 3-4 pounds, and F. E. BOOTHBY, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agt. worth price. had on board Mr. and Mrs. Watson aug!3tol5 bake. n and x It is said that Viotory’s father is this nas much enlarged. Sevoral of the umbrella ______chains, straps, Mr. and Mr*. Morton of New York. They are on sale in our Linen Mt. lMeasaut House. country, being in the employ of a life in- shordic tendinae in the right ventricle Dept. The sohooner Oriole of arrived letter calendars, surance in the West. vere Boston, Brown St. Store. “The Bee clips, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker arrived company Montgom- also found to be diseased, which Hive.” Paysun about 4.30 p. in. The Oriole is a hand- Biliousness ery’s father is said to be the owner of a locounts for the distressed etc. in thci-r car at the Mt. Pleasant partly condit- Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges- darners, etc., private some notioeable for a tali fore- wholesale tea store in Dublin. on in which the yaelit, food to house last Their con- largo horse died. Merman was tion and permits ferment and putrify in ^JiOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000*000^ Sunday. patty mast and a short mainmast. or The removal of the bodies attracted a Then follow monogram sisted of son »wned by M. M. Plank, a banker of the stomach. dizziness, headache, Initial, ot John A. Lowell Boston, Yum with Cnticura crowd of the morbid and curious. The Yura Messrs. Charles Soap, of tho lata Abner Lowell of great ilacon, Ga., who also owns a stock farm while Portland; Carter of Auburn and Beo. cipher, engraved The little on the embank- W. Bean, g SOMEONE l Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and bridge railway n that place, and $8000 had boon refused This is a Mersey Bangor, of on board, is fitting companion for ment Is a of a mile from or Jr., Lewiston, anchored wait. Mrs. Ceo. E. Mr. Charles D. nearly quarter him. you Bardiug, house. ure ASKED US :he Towels and adds to the nearest but before the bodies off the olub They bound for greatly the Barrows, and Mr. Arthur hi. Bosworth, house, | were recovered a of 40 or 50 Kiverton Park. Harpswell. of the bath. Portland. Sunday and groun persons iHioocfe A DAY OR TWO I uxury They pussed nervousness, and, was of them womon the kindness of insomina, and standing by, many Through Mr. William Notes. dozen on sale in our Monday at the Mt. Pleasant house, Harbor it not relieved, bilious fever Fiity Toilet whose light summer dresses and col- i. Wood, of the Portland Kaii- & CO. then went to Mr. Tucker’s beautiful gay presiaent Hood’s AGO, OWEN, MOORE The sohooner John B. Coylo has oorns or blood poisoning. at ored seemed out of ; ■oad a welcome Department only summer parasols strangely Company, very excursion the | home at stimulate stomach, Conway. out of the dry dock and will finish her Fills plaoe. io Kiverton was given on 4tli to cure Mr. N. \V. Mice, of the weal- August rouse the liver, heartache, dizziness, con- l'I)o you keep Jly paper?” 9 15 cents cake. Boston, repairs on the railway. Tne water etc- 25 cents. Sold all per Last evening Mr. Costello of the Preble .he inmates of the Home for Aged Worn- stipation, by druggists. Wo lost no time in 9 thy leather merchant, with Mrs. and troubled in the dock. The only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. replying bouse ami Mr. decided to cable m. The careful attention of both the that we and the Mrs. is a liiob, did, supplying J Also a of Bice, guest at the Mt. Pleasant Kandall & McAllister were great vartety other fine at and conductor of the road to lightering needed amount. But it set us 9 house. Beth Mr. aud Montgomery’s family Dubliu, Ireland, nanager Mrs. Bice were coal to the Atalanta all to would have Toilet Soaps. Bay Rum, Witch who are woil to what dis- ;he oomfort of their made yacht day yester- IS thinking. We 9 Hazel, of do, asking guests, the tiip NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. formerly Portland, Mrs. Bice being a been no more surprised if we 2 Violet should be made of the reinaius. me, which will always be re- day. Ammonia, Waters. All the of the late Daniel F. position gratefully had been asked if we 5 daughter Emery, The Mary W. Libby took a kept Montgomerys’ father is Mr Patrick Mon- : nem bored. pleasure O Esq., of the Him o£ & Water- harbor drugs. We thought everyone oopular Perfumes, Face Powders, Emery 3 party down the yesterday. Steamer Madeleine gomery of Ko. Dean street, Dublin. A party of 30 Fraternity boys spent knew we did. Then we re- 9 house. Unirasalist rooth and Hair Brushes, combs, WILL MAKE Arrangements will probably be made to he day at Kiverton Tuesday under escort Gamp Meeting; mombered that, we were only 2 McCuIlum’s -AT -— fv'ew Theatre. one corner out of o Durlers, England Fair. take cure of the remains till an answer >f Mrs. E. C. Jordan, Miss Jeanette pharmacy and-and——oh! please TWO EXCURSIONS Lots ot peo- 9 remains 300 were fifty hereabouts, :ome in and — The aquarian at the New fair is received. Victory’s will prob- Jayson and Herr von Wierin. They wont Fully unable to sooure re- see, for we can’t mention DOWN THIS — England pie didn’t even know us and 2 will be a be buried at Calvary. >ui on a cur at served seats to see Mr. p this year pvoably great success. ably speoial 10.30, dinod at 1, Belasoo’s groat SEBAGO LAKE, I6 we should keep telling them 6 half of the dainty little articles INNER RAY TO both the kept FREEPORT, There will bo eleven tanks ranging from Victory and Montgomery lived at mjoyed the entertainment and returnod drama Charity Bull at MoCullum’s The annual grove meeting at Sebago Lake 9 about all that we can O supply. n our Sunday, Augr. 16, 96. Green street. it last will occur If wo the largest four feet square, to the Mr. Thuxter’s on 4.30 after a most enjoyable day. theatre night. The house was 9 you need any fly paper 9 Connecting: at Freeport, with Steamer inches Corouer Littlefield considered an in- The to the doors and sell two double sheets 2 Toilet for smallest, eleven square. The Evergreen cemetery street sprink- packed even standing 15 and 96. 2 large Department. Phantom, IJarpswell Center wad AUGUST 14, 9 (about a of catch- 5 E-u.■stiii » Island on fish will be hero or is used to the the room was not for sale square yard forenoon tsvp. commissioners today quest unnecessary. being lay dust along before the curtain south side of will be devoted to sermons and ad- 9 ing surface) for Sc. Wo have 9 Front Center Main Store. Leaving Portland Pier at 10 a and make tor the iroad drives in the and in this went up. The mombers of Friday Counter, m. and 2.10 m. preparations tanka, grounds, the company will be Temperance Day, 2 all the other killers. p. Hand Concert dresses. Saturday fly 2 Return—Leave which be near the rear ol Sunday nay are cool and wore fully at home in invited. Kev. Harpswell Centor at 3 10 d* will :^ced the they kept aud hard their different Good Templars’ lodges specially in. G. of one of crowds of the season and a most Henrietta Moore Springfield. Ohio, Leave ball. will bo fitted with fresh One of the largest he disagreeable dust is avoided. parts admirable 5 o Freeport at 11.15 m They perform- ou tils will bo a. and 4 n.1 the greatest speakers platform, ni- water for the exhibit will be one of all attended the lino concert last The foundation for the handsome now ance was given. There Kev. Geo. \V. I deUnell, D. D., is ex- rhinday were many bou- present. First class dinner in On Sunday Dr. Shinn. Miss Moore and served at Gem Cottage kinds of fresh fish found Maine, and given by Chandler’s baud. ianoe house which is to bo built quets for different pected. H. H. HAY 8 I reeport, for 50 cents. Everybody upon members of the oom- will speak. Half fare on Maine & Middle Si. others Central, SON, I1 are for the the kmi>-\vill be lighted by electrcity. was ..'.leased The ii.de was cool and ;ho river hank is pauy. train on the 16th. asg!3d3t l Itounu Trip only 23 cents. progressing rapidly. special Sunday, ^oooooooooooooooooooooooo£ auglouot /