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Continue Theoretically, any computer running Linux can be customized and configured to the very last bit. In fact, for the first time a Linux user wants to grab a set CD, get a desktop, and do their own stuff from there. Many Linux distributions make statements that they are easy to use, fast or stable, but what does it mean for a non-software system to try out Linux for the first time? Today, we look at the real differences between the three popular open source software distributions, and offering our readers their chance to weigh up why they love their own particular open source OS. Editor's note: The resumes below are by no means definitive, and each one is based on the default setting, the GNOME-based desktop of each distribution editor trying to keep an open mind. As with most Linux things, your mileage will vary depending on hardware support, application preferences and patience limits. Fedora Background: Fedora is a free, consumer-oriented off-shoot enterprise Red Hat system, and is funded and founded by the same group. There's a focus on the latest free software and technology to get to the desktop quickly, and it supports Intel's 32- and 64-bit platforms, along with PowerPC-based Mac hardware-core Linux maker Linus Torvalds uses Fedora 9. Live CD/Installation: Fedora gets bonus points for being one of the first to put a persistent Fedora 9 on a USB drive possible with a few clicks in Windows. The real environment is pretty fast for some sort, and all but heavy applications (OpenOffice, for example) are included for games with. Installer itself streamlined and sleek-Linux veterans can get geeky with network gear, re-sized and removal sections if they want, but inattentive turbo-clicking Next can still create a working system without compromising existing Windows installations. Encryption customization is one option to check, and there aren't any really confusing moments. Default desktop: Fedora 9 places the most common icons on your desktop - your computer, your home folder, and your shopping cart. Most of the desktop has a blue-and-white theme to it, but standard (and well-tested) GNOME icons are used for many applications. I like the minimalist entry screen, and nothing is too distracting except for the giant Security update available pop-ups in the bottom right corner. Apps and features: Fedora, from conversational evidence, the second distro most app developers are likely to pre-assemble their stuff for, but the designers themselves are doing pretty The job of packaging breaking releases for Fedora. Excellent tools such as AWN and GNOME Do have, there's a custom full-screen front end for the KDE player Amarok, and Fedora's preference to work toward security and connection-phone manager, authorization switch files and network access, and simplified personal exchange settings. Which Which Like this: Anyone who likes their Linux on USB Stick (with constant data and installation) and those who want to try the common goals of the Linux Distribution without the monkey around too many tweaks. OpenSUSE Background: SUSE began as a German consulting firm Unix/Linux in the early 1990s, and became a commercial distribution of Red-Hat-esque. It is now owned by the network and software giant Novell, which formed a somewhat controversial partnership with Microsoft aimed at Windows/Linux compatibility and was freely released under the OpenSUSE label. Live CD/Installation: There's a Help button to explain every step of the process, but anyone looking for a manual setup is in for disappointment. The default installation is to destroy the partitions and set over them, which isn't quite up to life until the New MS-friendliness of OpenSUSE. While nothing made final until the very last Set click, a few buttons and tweaks on each screen leave a sneaking suspicion that something has been forgotten. Default desktop: While the look, layout and operation of Ubuntu and Fedora are cut from the same basic fabric in the style of GNOME, OpenSUSE has its own thing going on. The configuration and operation of the system is controlled by the YaST system, the top bar is removed, and the menus similar to Windows, with favorite programs, shared links and other controls stored in the bottom left corner. Almost every desktop feature and app has received a graphic remix of SUSE, although the basic controls remain intact. From uns learnable observations, the system responds a little slower to clicks and action than Fedora or Ubuntu, but some may find one, all-large menu more convenient. Apps and features: All bases are covered, and many more media players () and tons of audio control, full OpenOffice and the evolution of office packages and to make manager, webcam manager, and far more system and utility configuration than you'll ever need. Packages are installed faster than in previous SUSE disstros using the Yapp tool, but the best thing is installing 1-click through the OpenSUSE website. There's also legal support for MP3 through Fluendo licensing. Who would like it: Anyone interested in trying out virtualization tools-OpenSUSE has a serious Jones for VMware and similar tools, or any PowerPC users who don't actually dig Fedora. Also, given the roughly 22,000 packages in OpenSUSE, anyone missing a key piece of connectivity or functionality that just can't be found elsewhere. Ubuntu Background: Founded by millionaire businessman Mark Shuttleworth after selling his web security firm (and walking into space), Ubuntu was originally based largely on but grew into the most popular Linux distribution around. Attribute some of it to its focus on Linux for people, i.e. Linux, which tries not to show its terminal/text text parties too often. LiveCD/Installation: If you install Ubuntu as the only system on the hard drive, then make it through Ubuntu's Ubiquity installer should be a breeze, even with seemingly more CD hovering than other ditroy. If you're trying to double download with Windows, however, tread carefully when it comes to sections, how the manual actually means we'll do it for you, and explain it a little later. If that sounds scary, luckily Ubuntu can also install in Windows without spoiling things using the Wubi installation tool. Default desktop: Similar to Fedora, with a universal orange-brown color and an icon-painting scheme. Not many desktop apps are set by default like OpenSUSE, and there are certainly many more explanations for what is happening throughout the system and the tools of preference. Those with more powerful graphics cards get graphic effects through Compiz, but tweaking and tweaking it can be a royal pain. Apps and features: Because of its popularity and viral growth, Ubuntu is a Linux system most likely pre-built packages of all the latest and coolest software as well as instructions and is somehow written about getting it to work with any applications that don't support it. Its collection of default applications is fairly standard for the GNOME distribution, but the polish put in the Ubuntu preference menu and the configuration tools give the distribution its reputation for ease of use. Who would like it: Beginners in the Linux game, especially those who want to double download or repeat as many Windows applications in Linux as possible. Your choice I made is quite pontificating about the differences between three of the most popular distributions- now we want to hear what Linux distribution you use and why you stick to it. Throw the ballots below and justify your choice in the comments. If you've heard anything at all about Linux, you've probably heard about Linux distributions - often shrinking to Linux distributions. When deciding whether to use Linux on a desktop computer or server, you first need to choose a distribution. For many people, Ubuntu has become synonymous with Linux. But Ubuntu is one of many distributions, and you have a lot of choice when it comes to Linux. What is Linux Distribution, anyway? Linux is not like Windows or Mac OS X. Microsoft combines all the bits of Windows internally to produce every new Windows release and distributes it as a single package. If you need Windows, you need to choose one of the versions that Microsoft offers. Linux works differently. Linux is not manufactured by one organization. Different organizations and people work in different parts. There is a Linux kernel (the core of the ), utilities GNU (terminal interface and many of the commands you use), X server (which produces a graphics desktop), (which works on the X server to provide security graphics desktop) and more. System services, graphics programs, terminal commands - many of them are developed independently of others. All of them are open source software distributed in the form of source codes. If you want, you can capture the source code for the Linux kernel, the GNU utility, the Xorg X server and all the other programs in the Linux system, collecting it all on your own. However, compiling the software will take a long time - not to mention the work involved in ensuring that all the different programs work properly together. Linux distributions do the hard work for you, taking all the code from open source projects and compiling it for you, combining it into a single operating system that you can download and install. They also make choices for you, such as choosing the default desktop environment, browser, and other software. Most distributions add their finishing touches, such as themes and custom software, such as the Unity Ubuntu desktop environment. If you want to install new software or update new software with important security updates, your Linux distribution provides them in pre-packaged form. These packages are quick and easy to install, saving you from doing the hard work yourself. What's the difference between Distros? There are several different Linux distributions. Many of them have different philosophies - some, like Fedora, refuse to include closed source software, while others, like Mint, include closed source stuff to make it easier for users. They include various default programs - like how Ubuntu includes Unity, Ubuntu derivatives include other desktop environments, Fedora includes GNOME Shell, and Mint includes cinnamon or MATE. Many also use different package managers, utility configurations and other software. Some distributions bleed the edges and will not receive support for a very long time. Others, such as Ubuntu LTS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux, are designed for stable distributions that will be supported with security updates and bug fixes for years to come. Some Linux distributions are for desktop computers, some for servers without a graphical interface, and others for special purposes such as home-based PC cinema. Some are designed to work out of the box - like Ubuntu - while others require a bit more customization, such as Arch Linux. Which distro should you choose? Different Linux distributions are suitable for a variety of purposes. What kind of Linux distribution should you will depend on what you do with it and your personal preferences. If you're a desktop user, you'll probably want something as simple as Ubuntu or Mint. Some people may prefer Fedora, OpenSUSE, or Mageia (based on Mandriva Linux). People looking for a more stable, well-tested system may want to go with Debian, CentOS (a free version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux) or even Ubuntu LTS. There's no one there. distribution to everyone, although everyone has a favorite. Linux distributions offer choices that can be messy but also very useful. Anyone can make their own distribution by collecting it from source code themselves, or even taking an existing distribution and changing it - that's why there are so many Linux distributions. Distribution.

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