European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2014 About Ecfr

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European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2014 About Ecfr EUROPEAN FOREIGN POLICY SCORECARD 2014 ABOUT ECFR The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is the first pan-European think-tank. Launched in October 2007, its objective is to conduct research and promote informed debate across Europe on the development of coherent, effective and values-based European foreign policy. ECFR has developed a strategy with three distinctive elements that define its activities: • A pan-European Council. ECFR has brought together a distinguished Council of over two hundred Members – politicians, decision makers, thinkers and business people from the EU’s member states and candidate countries – which meets once a year as a full body. Through geographical and thematic task forces, members provide ECFR staff with advice and feedback on policy ideas and help with ECFR’s activities within their own countries. The Council is chaired by Martti Ahtisaari, Joschka Fischer and Mabel van Oranje. • A physical presence in the main EU member states. ECFR, uniquely among European think-tanks, has offices in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Sofia and Warsaw. Our offices are platforms for research, debate, advocacy and communications. • A distinctive research and policy development process. ECFR has brought together a team of distinguished researchers and practitioners from all over Europe to advance its objectives through innovative projects with a pan-European focus. ECFR’s activities include primary research, publication of policy reports, private meetings and public debates, ‘friends of ECFR’ gatherings in EU capitals and outreach to strategic media outlets. ECFR is a registered charity funded by the Open Society Foundations and other generous foundations, individuals and corporate entities. These donors allow us to publish our ideas and advocate for a values- based EU foreign policy. ECFR works in partnership with other think tanks and organisations but does not make grants to individuals or institutions. EUROPEAN FOREIGN POLICY SCORECARD 2014 Copyright of this publication is held by the European Council on Foreign Relations. You may not copy, reproduce, republish or circulate in any way the content from this publication except for your own personal and non-commercial use. Any other use requires the prior written permission of the European Council on Foreign Relations. © ECFR January 2014. Published by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) 35 Old Queen Street London SW1H 9JA [email protected] ISBN: 978-1-906538-94-1 EUROPEAN FOREIGN POLICY SCORECARD 2014 STEERING GROUP Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (co-chair) Vaira Vike-Freiberga (co-chair), Lluís Bassets, Franziska Brantner, Robert Cooper, Heather Grabbe, Jean-Marie Guéhenno, Jytte Gutland, István Gyamarti , Wolfgang Ischinger, Sylvie Kaufmann, Gerald Knaus, Nils Muiznieks, Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Christine Ockrent, Albert Rohan, Nicolò Russo Perez, Marietje Schaake, Klaus Scharioth, Aleksander Smolar, Paweł Swieboda,´ Teija Tiilikainen, Nathalie Tocci, Antonio Vitorino ECFR DIRECTOR Mark Leonard ECFR RESEARCH TEAM Susi Dennison (project leader) Hans Kundnani (editor) Dina Pardijs (data management coordinator) Kadri Liik (Russia), François Godement, Artur Gradziuk (China), Susi Dennison, Julien Barnes-Dacey, Anthony Dworkin, Ellie Geranmayeh, Andrew Hammond, Daniel Levy, Mattia Toaldo, Nick Witney (Middle East and North Africa), Thomas Wright (United States), Dimitar Bechev (Wider Europe), Stefan Meister (Wider Europe and Russia), Richard Gowan (Multilateral Issues and Crisis Management). RESEARCHERS IN MEMBER STATES Arnold Kammel (Austria), Tim Haesebrouck (Belgium and Luxembourg), Marin Lessenski (Bulgaria), Filippos Savvides (Cyprus), Vladimír Bartovic (Czech Republic), Rebecca Adler-Nissen (Denmark), Andres Kasekamp (Estonia), Teemu Rantanen (Finland), Hewane Serequeberhan (France), Sebastian Feyock (Germany), George Tzogopoulos (Greece), Zsuzsanna Végh (Hungary), Ben Tonra (Ireland), Andrea Dessi (Italy), Diana Potjomkina (Latvia), Marius Laurinavicius (Lithuania), Daniel Mainwaring (Malta), Saskia van Genugten (Netherlands), Lívia Franco (Portugal), Irina Angelescu (Romania), Sabina Lange (Croatia and Slovenia), Teodor Gyelník (Slovakia), Paula de Castro (Spain), Jan Joel Andersson (Sweden), Catarina Tulley (United Kingdom). Acknowledgements The authors would above all like to thank the Steering Group for their advice and input, which has been an enormous help as always. Numerous ECFR staff members apart from the authors themselves contributed to the project and helped keep the project on track. Piotr Buras, François Godement, Borja Lasheras, Marta Makowska, Angela Stanzel and Vessela Tcherneva commented on parts of the text. Janek Lasocki provided organisational and research support. Lorenzo Marini and Andreas Mullerleile kept up their great work in developing and managing the Scorecard website. James Clasper’s proofreading and David Carroll’s design were amazing as always. The support of Alba Lamberti in the early stages of the report was invaluable. Artur Gradziuk would like to thank PISM for the time they have allowed him to work on the project in a personal capacity. Thomas Wright was helped by Rob Keane, Antoine DeSaintPhalle, Nicole Yeo, and Angie Ro on his research on the transatlantic chapter. Jana Kobzova also provided useful feedback. Even though producing this year’s Scorecard was a collective effort, any mistakes in the text remain the responsibility of the authors. Contents Foreword 6 Preface 7 Introduction 9 Chapter 1: China 22 Chapter 2: Russia 36 Chapter 3: United States 50 Chapter 4: Wider Europe 66 Chapter 5: Middle East and North Africa 82 Chapter 6: Multilateral Issues and Crisis Management 96 Scores and Grades 113 (complete tables) Classification of Member States 118 (complete tables) Abbreviations 124 About the authors 125 Foreword The Compagnia di San Paolo is one of the largest independent foundations in Europe and one of the main private funders of research in the fields of EU affairs and international relations. Over the past few years, the Compagnia has progressively consolidated its profile in these fields, signing strategic partnership agreements with institutions such as the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Istituto Affari Internazionali. Our overall goal is to foster a truly European debate on the main issues the EU faces and to encourage the emergence of a European political space. It is against this background and as part of the Compagnia’s commitment to support research on the European integration process, that we continued the co-operation with the European Council on Foreign Relations on the fourth edition of the European Foreign Policy Scorecard. We highly appreciate this co-operation with ECFR and we sincerely hope that this project will intensify the dialogue among various European stakeholders - both institutional and from the civil society - with the goal of strengthening our understanding of Europe’s role as a global player. Piero Gastaldo Secretary General Compagnia di San Paolo 6 EUROPEAN FOREIGN POLICY SCORECARD 2014 Preface It is a pleasure for us to present the 2014 edition of the European Foreign Policy Scorecard, an ECFR initiative that aims to achieve an overall evaluation of the foreign-policy effectiveness of the EU during the course of the past year. We were particularly pleased to note that Europe’s overall foreign-policy performance was markedly better in 2013 than in 2012, partly because of some high-profile successes. Now in its fourth year, the Scorecard continues to be an important tool for tracking trends in the development of European foreign policy. We therefore put emphasis in continuity in the methodology in order to enable meaningful comparison between European foreign-policy performance in 2013 and the previous three years. As in the first three years of the Scorecard, we assessed the performance of EU actors as a collective, rather than looking at any institution or member state in particular. We focused on policies and results rather than on institutional processes in our evaluation of the effectiveness of Europe as a global actor. European policies were assigned ‘unity’ and ‘resources’ scores, each graded out of 5, with a third score, ‘outcome’, measured out of 10, which was used to determine results. The sum of these scores was then translated into a letter grade for each component. The role played by individual member states on individual components, slimmed down from 80 to 66 to make the document as a whole more streamlined, continued to be evaluated. Researchers in each of the now 28 member states helped to classify each member state into three nominal categories: as being either a ‘leader’, a ‘supporter’, or a ‘slacker’ on a selection of these components. EUROPEAN FOREIGN POLICY SCORECARD 2014 7 Whereas such a categorisation involves political judgments, we have made sure to explain our reasoning for each of the categorisation in the relevant components. A full description of the methodology of the Scorecard can be found on ECFR’s website at As always, the Scorecard project will continue to transform as the EU itself transforms, and any views and feedback on the findings in this year’s edition and the way it assesses European foreign- policy performance are most welcome. Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Jaap de Hoop Scheffer January 2014 8 EUROPEAN FOREIGN POLICY SCORECARD 2014 Introduction Europeans had two remarkable foreign-policy successes in 2013. In April, High Representative Catherine Ashton announced an agreement
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