Extensions of Remarks E491 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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April 3, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E491 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A TRIBUTE TO JESSICA standing New Yorker who has devoted himself civic activists like Mr. Levinsohn was finally re- SELESTINE JENKINS in service to others throughout his career. alized in 1977 under the leadership of former Robert Levinsohn has distinguished himself New York County Democratic Party Chair- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS both as an attorney in private practice and as woman Miriam Bockman. The judicial reform package promoted so OF NEW YORK a driving force behind New York County’s pio- neering role in fostering a reform of its judicial ably by Robert J. Levinsohn and like-minded IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES culture, rendering it free of corruption and un- advocates of good government succeeded in Monday, April 3, 2006 warranted partisan political influence. establishing ‘‘doubleblind’’ independent judicial Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in A member of our Nation’s greatest genera- screening panels that effectively removed par- recognition of Jessica Selestine Jenkins. I tion, Robert J. Levinsohn proudly served his tisan political considerations from the judicial hope my colleagues will join me in recognizing country in the United States Army during nominating process in New York County. Mr. the impressive accomplishments of this young World War II. He went on to graduate with a Levinsohn’s efforts to ensure the independ- woman. bachelor of arts degree from Yale College in ence of the judiciary was further ratified after Jessica Selestine Jenkins was born on Sep- 1946 and from the Columbia University School a fellow reform advocate, Congressman Ed- tember 10, 1987 in Brooklyn, NY. She is the of Law in 1948, where he was named editor ward I. Koch, was elected mayor of New York daughter of proud parents, Moszetia Ahay and of the prestigious Columbia Law Review. City and instituted a merit selection process Ronald Jenkins. In 1952, Robert J. Levinsohn joined for mayoral appointees to the bench. The re- Jessica is a role model for her family and Proskauer Rose LLP, one of the Nation’s old- forms advocated by Robert J. Levinsohn have young people in her community. In her quiet est, largest and most highly respected law now become a model which is the envy of and studious manner, Jessica was educated firms, and one of the first in the Nation to de- every other county in the Empire State. in the private and public schools of Brooklyn, velop a specialized practice in tax law, which Mr. Speaker, I ask that my distinguished NY. She attended Phyls Academy, Parkway became Mr. Levinsohn’s area of professional colleagues join me recognizing the enormous Elementary School, Ebenezer Junior High expertise. Named a partner of the firm in contributions to our civic and political life made School and Boys and Girls High School. 1963, he continues to represent clients in the by Mr. Robert J. Levinsohn, a true reformer in Jessica has always maintained honor roll firm’s New York office to this day. In addition, the finest traditions of our great republic. status throughout her schooling. She is a 2005 Mr. Levensohn’s professional qualifications f and impeccable reputation for probity and in- Arista Honor Roll graduate of Boys and Girls COLLEGE ACCESS AND tegrity have led his colleagues to name him to High School with an average of 91 percent. OPPORTUNITY ACT OF 2005 Her awards, plaques and recognitions are nu- numerous leadership positions in the New merous. Some of her most cherished are the York State and City Bar Associations as well SPEECH OF Martin Luther King Essay and Community as the New York County Lawyers’ Association. Service Award, the Elliot Spitzer Triple ‘‘C’’ A lifelong activist devoted to the highest HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO Award, Student of the Month, Community ideals of the Democratic Party, Robert J. OF CONNECTICUT Service Award and Perfect Attendance Award Levinsohn naturally assumed a series of im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to name a few. Jessica is a member of portant positions of leadership in the world of Thursday, March 30, 2006 Berean Baptist Church where she participates politics and public policy. An active member The House in Committee of the Whole in the Youth Ministry. and longtime Executive Committee member of House on the State of the Union had under Jessica loves to work with and teach chil- the Lexington Democratic Club, one of the first consideration the bill (H.R. 609) to amend dren. She has been employed with the Berean political organizations in the Nation devoted to and extend the Higher Education Act of 1965: Summer Day Camp since 2003. Her favorite reform of the political and judicial system, Mr. Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Chairman, only 2 scripture is ‘‘Train up a child in the way he Levinsohn also served as president of the Co- months after Congress cut $12 billion in stu- should go, and when he is old he would not lumbia Law School Democratic Club; president dent loan assistance, this Republican majority depart from it.’’ (Proverbs 22:6) Her favorite of the New York Young Democratic Club; chief wants the American people to understand how song is ‘‘All of My Help Cometh From the campaign legal aide to the late, much beloved, much they appreciate the vital connection be- Lord.’’ Her favorite motto is, ‘‘I can do all Manhattan Congressman William Fitts Ryan; tween higher education and solving the most things through Christ who strengthens me.’’ cochairman of the Committee for Democratic pressing problems of our communities and the Jessica is presently a freshman at New York Voters and of the New Democratic Coalition; country. City College of Technology where she is cochairman of the New York County Demo- But let me be clear—they don’t. If this ma- studying to be a registered nurse. She chose cratic Committee’s Law Committee; vice chair- jority understood the extent to which access to this field because of her desire to help others man and member of the New York City Coun- a quality education is inseparable from our and make a difference in someone’s day and/ cil Districting Commission; and a delegate to economic prosperity, national security, and or life. Jessica’s hobbies include reading, lis- New York County Democratic Party judicial civic health, they would not be failing to make tening to music and dancing. conventions for more than 35 years. Through- college loans more affordable with this bill. If Jessica’s proud younger siblings, Jani and out his professional and civic obligations, Mr. this misguided majority believed that a quality Jeffery Ahay look up to her as a great sister. Levinsohn remains devoted to his beloved college degree were the cornerstone of the Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is incumbent wife, Louise Katz. American dream, opening the door to job op- on this body to recognize the accomplish- It is in Robert Levinsohn’s extraordinary portunity and professional fulfillment, they ments of Jessica Selestine Jenkins. success in reforming New York’s judicial and would not be freezing the authorized level of f political culture that he will undoubtedly be- the maximum Pell Grant at just $200 above stow his most enduring legacy on the citizens current levels through 2013. As if the cost of IN RECOGNITION OF ROBERT J. of our Nation’s greatest metropolis. A leader of college will only rise by $200 in the next 7 LEVINSOHN Manhattan’s postwar political reform move- years—over the next two decades, the cost of ment from its first origins, Mr. Levinsohn a public university is expected to rise to HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY helped spearhead the drive to remove the $50,000 for a public university and more than OF NEW YORK taint of political influence from New York’s ju- a quarter million dollars for a private school. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dicial branch. The key to this movement’s ulti- When this historic law was first passed in mate success was the reform of the process 1965, President Johnson promised that, ‘‘a Monday, April 3, 2006 selecting nominees for judicial office through high school senior anywhere in this great land Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay the establishment of nonpartisan judicial of ours can apply to any college or any univer- tribute to Mr. Robert J. Levinsohn, an out- screening panels. This long-sought goal of sity in any of the 50 states and not be turned ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:27 Apr 04, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03AP8.001 E03APPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS.