Rick Priestley with Stephan Hess & Alessio Cavatore
01-03 INTRODUCTION TO W RM STER 7/21/04 12:34 PM Page 1 ® By Rick Priestley with Stephan Hess & Alessio Cavatore COVER ART ARTISTS Geoff Taylor John Blanche, Alex Boyd, David Gallagher, Nuala Kennedy, Neil Hodgson, Karl Kopinski & John Wigley GRAPHIC DESIGN John Blanche, Alan Merrett & Talima Fox MODEL MAKERS Chris Smart & Mark Jones MINIATURES DESIGNERS Dave Andrews, Gary Morley, Trish Morrison, PAINTERS Alan Perry, Tim Adcock, Colin Grayson, Mark Bedford, Richard Baker, Neil Green, Martin Footitt, Matt Parkes, Mark Harrison, Alex Hedström, Juan Diaz & Shane Hoyle. Keith Robertson, Chris Smart & Dave Thomas Special thanks to: Rob Broome, Warhammer Players Society, Jervis Johnson, Gordon Davidson, Tim Huckelbery, Jeremy Vetock, Jim Butler, Mark Anscombe, Gary Peterson, John Ratcliffe, Steve Weaver, Matthew Sully and everyone involved at Games Workshop for their help, encouragement and enthusiasm. PRODUCED BY GAMES WORKSHOP Citadel & the Citadel logo, ’Eavy Metal, Games Workshop & the Games Workshop logo, Warhammer and Warmaster are trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd registered in the UK and elsewhere in the world. Bone Giant, Dragon Riders, Empire Steam Tank, Flame Cannon, Gyrocopter, Helblaster, Liche Priest, Nagash, Pistoliers, Reavers, Rock Lobber, Silver Helms, Skull Chukka and Zombie Dragon are all trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd. All artwork in all Games Workshop products and the images contained therein have been produced either in-house or as work for hire. The copyright in the artwork and the images it depicts is the exclusive property of Games Workshop Ltd. © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd, 2000. All rights reserved. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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