Ambitious 101015 M Lust 0 : the Ambitious Lovers (Arto Lindsay and Peter Scherer) Make Music at Once Tropical and Metropolitan, Sophisticated and Savage
$4.50 (U.S.), $5.50 (CAN.), L3.50 (U.K.) IN THIS ISSUE 35 FM, 16.50 Dfl, DK 59.50, DM20, 12,000 Lire ,r,,* ;::: :x:x::--F 9 C f Now Madonna Faces )=:3-D1GIT Jr o0oe1773 4401 9103 McN`1Y cr.lII.LY Anti -Semitism Charge A TT For `Justify' Remix 3 7 4 C :I. N CA 90807 LCNG E)°FCY PAGE S MCA Cassette Singles Hiked To $3.49 List PAGE 10 R THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSWEEKLY OF MUSIC AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT JANUARY 19, 1991 ADVERTISEMENTS Global Piracy More Menacing Than Ever BY JEFF CLARK -MEADS gest impact in Africa, where, the um' has become the major format for IFPI warns, the legitimate industry pirates operating in Western mar - LONDON- Record piracy is costing is on the verge of "imminent col- kets. For example, in Germany CDs RIM: Retailers the world music industry $1.1 billion lapse." account for more than half of the to- a year, according to figures just re- The new figures reveal that 477 tal piracy figure in units sold, with a leased by the IFPI. million pieces of pirate product were value of more than $28 million. This Can Help Fight The latest statistics, which cover circulating worldwide in 1989. Within represents more than a third of the 1989, show a 10% rise in pirated music that total, there has been a switch of legitimate industry's revenue from Bogus Tapes sales compared with 1987, the year emphasis from cassettes to CDs. CDs. for which totals were last collated. Says the IFPI, "Over the last two "The recent upsurge in the for - BY MELINDA NEWMAN They also indicate that counterfeit years, pirates, like the consumer, tunes of the recording industry has CDs are a potential disaster for the have moved into compact disc tech- been the result of CD sales, and NEW YORK Trying to enlist re- FISHBONE.
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