Beginner’s Class DAY 1 Contents

What is chess? 1

How do I play? 2

What’s next? 3

3 Introductions Requirements

4 Important Information

learning the game of chess basics strategies educational tool competitive chess world Chess is a miniature version of life. To be successful, you need to be disciplined, assess resources, consider responsible choices and adjust when circumstances change.

6 1. What is chess?

A board game of strategic skill for two players, played on a checkerboard. Each player begins the game with sixteen pieces that are moved and used to capture opposing pieces according to precise rules. The object is to put the opponent's under a direct attack from which escape is impossible. Here’s What You Need To Know

The game is played by 2 people with 16 pieces on each side.

The goal is to your opponent's king.

What is checkmate? The king is under attack and can’t move.

8 2. How do I play?



9 Important Terms

10 Let’s play! DAY 2 3. What’s next?

Opening End-Game Tactics Principles Strategies

13 Opening Principles

What is an opening?

→ → →

14 The very beginning!

15 Let’s play! DAY 3 ENDGAMES

Simple Mate-In-One: A mate-in-one is a checkmate in one move.

King and King and King and two Rooks King and King, Queen and or King and two Bishops King and two Knights King with a Bishop or Knight

18 Let’s play! DAY 4 A tactic is a specific strategy used by white or black to gain An attack on two or advantage more pieces at the same time. against their opponent. Tactics

PIN A piece is attacking An attack upon two another piece that can’t pieces on the same move without exposing file, rank, or diagonal. a piece of more value.

21 Let’s play! DAY 5 Notation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a b c d e f g h


Let’s play! DAY 6 Strategy

What is it? What’s a goal?

28 The Chess Scale

Best Move Worse Move Possible Possible

29 Big Questions of Chess

Where did my Why did they move Are they checking me? opponent move? there? What’s their Attacking me? goal?

Can I anything? What does my What’s my goal? Can I threaten opponent want to do? anything?

30 Let’s play! DAY 7 Review

Opening Principles & Tactics & Pieces & Board End-Games Strategies

33 Let’s play!