Images to Decisions: Remote Sensing Foundations for GIS Applications September 12-16, 2004 Final Program Kansas City, Missouri ASPRS 2004 Fall Conference Take Me Out To The Ball Game Kansas City Royals VS. New York Yankies Monday September 13th, 7:10 pm The Kansas City Royals take on the New York Yankees at Kauffman Stadium A limited number of tickets will be available. Tickets are $12 and may be purchased at the ASPRS Registration Desk during registration hours. Kincaid Bus service from the Hyatt Regency to the game and return service will be provided by Aerial Data Service and Western Air Maps, Inc. The bus will leave the Hyatt at 6:00 pm The game starts at 7:10 pm Tailgating before the game in Parking Lot N, Spot 45-F provided by Intergraph. Catered by Brownie’s Sweet & Sassy Bar- B-Q. Cover images courtesy of Airborne 1 and Stockbyte. 1 Conference Committee 2 Welcome Letter 3 General Information 5 My Day-at-a-Glance Sunday 8 Monday 12 Tuesday 16 Wednesday 24 Thursday 36 Program 9 Exhibit Hall Floor Plan 46 Exhibitor Directory 47 Hotel Floor Plan 56 table of contents ASPRS and the conference planners would like to thank PCI Geomatics for their sponsorship of the conference lanyards 1 Technical Program Co-Chairs Marguerite Madden
[email protected] Daniel L. Civco
[email protected] ASPRS National Workshop Coordinator Russell Congalton
[email protected] Social Event Chairs and Regional Hosts Scott Perkins
[email protected] Matthew D. Reed
[email protected] Volunteer Coordinator Ludmila “Monika” Moskal
[email protected]