15 CFR Ch. VII (1–1–15 Edition) Pt. 744, Supp. 3
Pt. 744, Supp. 3 15 CFR Ch. VII (1–1–15 Edition) (ii) 6C992 Optical sensing fibers not con- (9) Category 9—Propulsion Systems, Space trolled by 6A002.d.3 which are modified struc- Vehicles and Related Equipment turally to have a ‘‘beat length’’ of less than 500 mm (high birefringence) or optical sensor (i) 9A991 Limited to ‘‘aircraft’’, n.e.s., and materials not described in 6C002.b and having gas turbine engines not controlled by 9A001 a zinc content of equal to or more than 6% or 9A101. by ‘‘mole fraction.’’ (ii) 9D991 ‘‘Software’’, for the ‘‘develop- (iii) 6A993 Cameras, not controlled by 6A003 ment’’ or ‘‘production’’ of equipment con- or 6A203 as follows (see List of Items Con- trolled by 9A991 or 9B991. trolled). (iii) 9E991 ‘‘Technology’’, for the ‘‘devel- opment’’, ‘‘production’’ or ‘‘use’’ of equip- (7) Category 7—Navigation and Avionics ment controlled by 9A991 or 9B991. (i) 7A994 Other navigation direction find- ing equipment, airborne communication [72 FR 33658, June 19, 2007, as amended at 73 equipment, all aircraft inertial navigation FR 36, Jan. 2, 2008; 74 FR 23948, May 22, 2009; systems not controlled under 7A003 or 7A103, 75 FR 54277, Sept. 7, 2010; 78 FR 13469, Feb. 28, and other avionic equipment, including parts 2013; 79 FR 23, Jan. 2, 2014] and components, n.e.s. (ii) 7B994 Other equipment for the test, SUPPLEMENT NO. 3 TO PART 744—COUN- inspection, or ‘‘production’’ of navigation TRIES NOT SUBJECT TO CERTAIN NU- and avionics equipment. CLEAR END-USE RESTRICTIONS IN (iii) 7D994 ‘‘Software’’, n.e.s., for the ‘‘de- velopment’’, ‘‘production’’, or ‘‘use’’ of navi- § 744.2(a) gation, airborne communication and other Australia Italy (includes San avionics.
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