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The Ledger and Times, March 31, 1959

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41). •

MARCH 30, 1959 .) •• CLASSIFIEDS Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky •••.. Community Newst_pir God's Word First... - Murray, Ky. with Largest 7:00 p.m. Circulation In ME! Local News The City 41, and Largest Local Pictures Circulation In y Salon The County r. Mason Office) United IN OUR Press International 80th YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afte MURRAY iNA HUIE oon, March 31, 1959 POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXX No. 77 •ators

& HITE RETAIL MERCHANTS GROUP IS FORMED TAURA NT MTS Students Beta Club Week Christineti Jorgense n STEAKS - Gospel Meeting CHOPS - Is Observed Plans Marriage Initial Meeting Is Held Last IRS - SANDWICHES Represented NEW YORK (UPI, The fiance NTRY This week, March 30th to HAM Will Begin At of Christine Jurg, risen hustled Night; Others Invited To Join April 6th, has been declared as Off to Chicago today in search Food County Beta Club Week, and Served of the divorce papers he must tn Festival each chapter of the club plans A Local Church submit before he can marry the retail merchants association felons; Lubie Veale. Lancaster nd Courteously some special observation. The was manturned-weenan. formed last night in a meet- Veale; Alma Tracy. Tracys; Joe week will culminate in, a tnty ing Two hundred and fifty appear Christine, 33. put six attorneys at the Murray City Hall at tLittleton, Littleton's; Maurice banquet and installatikin of coun- 7/30 ances by Murray Training School squarely .on the spot Monday by p.m. Crass, Crass Furniture Co. Ed ty officers a: the Kentucky Col- students will be made during the sheweng up at the Municipal Fenton, Fenton's onel on April 6th. Vernon Hale, owner of the Na- Firestone. State Music contest fn be held Building with Howard J. Knox The Bea' Club was tional Stores, was named as" chair- begun in Waukegan, Ill., and asking for Of man d Maurice Crass, Jr of campus on 'April 2, 3, and 4, . the Murray Training School rass urniture Company. secre- Murray Training School students as But the lawyers were saved charter chapter. It is an no- tary. Maurice Ryan of Ryan's uneral Held agil be represented in 9 solos, 10 from making an on-the-spot de- secret, leadership, service organi- Shoe Store was named as teasurer. intees Membles. 2 choruses, band and cision on the unusual case when zation, and stresses Character. !`.0 The dues of the organization orchestra. they discoverd that Knox had Leadership. and Achievement a were set at $5.00 per year. For The following students will ap- been previously married and that Resident its - three goals. It is open pear as soloists: he didn't have his divorce papers It was agreed that Members any high ::chool • student we:, James Cherry, Baritone solo: with him. The law eays any di- of- the Retail Merchants Associa- an average of B. and that aver- John Darnall. Snare Drum solo; vorced person seeking a marriage not.. would close each Thursday age must be maintained as Mrs. Sandra Smith, Twirling: Patsy lone license must submit proof of di- afternoon, Elmo Cochran Sledd, age these? as the student begining the first is an active mem- 73, died Sunday at Winchester, Twirling: Susan Ev- vorce. Thu.-J.:ay in May. 7:45 p. m at ber. Chapters now are found . her home at 405 ans. Twirling: Nore Winter, Oboe A spokesman for Christine said The motion was made that six Elm Street. Her in Murray Training School, New I • .1 death vaas attributed solo; John Winter. Violoncello; Knox might not get back from holidays would be taken during to a Pos- 4i, leyinn Grove, sible heart Virginia Robertson, Double Bass Chicago with the papers before the year. They are New Year, ..attack. Mrs. Sledd a K:rksey, and a county Alsno,nd char- was the wife rho; James Thornt, n, Trumpet Friday. which would give city at- Mermrial Day. July 4, Labor Day, of the late Elm.) ter has been formed with officers Sledd wha sigo. a torneys time to figure things Thanisgiving, Christmas. This also died on Easter -nt all and tamps The following ensembles .,are to member schools. Sunday, April 2. 1956. eut. •• motion was tabled for further The Beta Club fills a deep Survivors are; be represented: Mike MeCasey, Christine. an ex-G.I. named study by the group. one sister, Mrs. need in schools, in that it Spencer Nancy Gibbs. Sandra Gibbs, „ferry gives George Jorgenzen Jr.. who under- Edwards. Stella, and on.!, prestige and status to those stud- The group also agreed that stores brother. Adams (String Quartet ; Ralph went a series of • treatments in Joe Cottadn. Muer.:e ent; who do not excell would close on Thursday after- Route Oliver, John Darnall. Ca r 01 y n in athlet- Denmark in 1950 and then an- one. ics, but whose goal is noon during the summer, regard- Mrs. Wood. John Winter, Virginia 11,1a- scholar- nouno4 neat his sex riad been Sledd was a member ,C ship. less of whether a holiday fell the Rose ertson (String Quintet); Charles chervi . from male to female. Bewer Baptist Chur.h- Paul in the same week or not. in Robertson. James Thornton, John Matthews appearedat the Municipal Biuld- Marshall County. The funei Chairman Hale appointed the will be Winter. Tommy Lassiter (Brass ing with hair in a stylish eel- conducted at the Max 11 A Gospel Meeting has been fcllowing group chairmen. Maurice iielawartet). Judy Clark, Greta Biooks. Second Program Of fure and a mink coat. Churchill Funeral Home Chat. seheduled for the College Church Ryan, Russell Johnson, Hershel with Bro. Ally Thomas, Mary Ann Craw- Fine Patricia Wilson, Christine's _Norman Culpepper o This six Arts Festival of Christ from April 1 to April Corn. Earl Littleton. Maurice Crass, charge of ford (Girls Quartet); Mike Alex- TANKED DOWN — -story building in New York manager in her new carter as a the service. The tuner 8. The speaker for this meeting Sr.. Everett Jones, Boody Russell. ander, Dan Steely, Jane Miller, only about half its former self after a 10,000-gallon wat/tr To Be Presented show business entertainer, said will be held Tuesday at 2:00 tank crashed from roof will be Paul Matthews. minister Nix Crawford. m Burial Mary Beth Robertson (Clarinet the through the top three fl rs Christine and her fiance both had will be in the Muriel; and knocked out the rear wall. Eleven persons were injured. The second fot the Seventh and Poplar Church city Quartet); Judy Clark. Karen Co- program in the cur- been given pre-marriage pflysical No indication was given as to cemetery. rent of Before coming to Mur- vey, Mary Ann Crawfrd. Norma festival of like, arts will be examinations', including blood when the next meeting of the Pallbearers: Buster Cope. N -- presented this ray last June Mr. Matthews 'ban Cope, Jean Curd. Ann Evans, Virginia evening in the tests, by Dr. Henry Ross of New group would be held. Ted Cope, Lynn Ee- Recital preached for the church in Sparta, wards, Fielder, Phyllis Maupin. Barbara Hall, Fine Arts Building. York. All retail establishments have Cliff Cochran, and Cha - Murray Hospital I at 8:15. Tennessee for about six years. es Cochran. Ray, Patsy Rayburn. Jan Waldrop I Frank Ellis Ross refused to cotnmet. been invited to join the Retail Friends may call .it The program Mr. Matthews is an experienced the Max (Girls Ensemble); James Cherry. will be 3 film. Merchants Association. Churchill Fuenarl Home fol- 111.1.6wrought Silver", A realaege teacher, lecturer, and gos- the John Darnall. Sherrill Hicks. Chris Monday's complete record vet7 diTerthants present were: Matte weal service hour. well photographed pel teacher. Max D. Parker. Bobby lows: demonstration rice Ryan, Ryan. Shoe Store; Speaker At elf fine craftsmanship in the The College Church of Christ Sly. Charles Robertson (Boys En- Census 42 rais- Clothing Bank Russell Johnson, The Style Shop; ing of a silver bowl extends to you a cordial invitation semble). Adult 'lards 85 from the Mrs Bertha Jones, Julia Ann Shop; Potluck Supper To original piece of sterling silver. to hear Mr Matthews speak on Emergency Beds 23 William Flitches. Furches Jew- Hazel William Bennett. a contemporary a vital subject each night at 7:00 Be Held Thursday Patients Admitted 3 Dinner Formed Here elery; J. I). Murphy. Murray's English silversmith, is the artist- P.M. a Patients Dismissed .... 0 Home & Auto; Stub Wilson, Mur- craftsman. The festival is presen,- His subjects for each night are: w Ci:izens 0 Frank Eilis, ray Supply; Galen Thurman. Third Concert Administrative ed by the Fine Arts Department —Wed — "Characteristics of a admitted from A meeting was held last night Patients Friday Assistant to Frank Stubblefield. Thurman Furniture; Baxter Bil- The Friendship Class in cooperation with the AAUW. Strong Church" te form a clathing bank for Cal- of tlie 9:00 a. in. to %14 ond a y 9:30 a. m. Cengressman from the First Con- brey, lielbrey's; Boody Russell, First Methodist —Thurs. — "Who Is A Chris- loway County, in the Circuit Church will h•• d Mrs. Helen Clark. Dexter; Miss gressional District, spoke to the A. B Beale & Son; Nix Craw- a potluck supper Thursday For Children tian?" Court room of the court house. nig ••, Sammy Lane Jones. Rt. 1, Har- Hazel Alumni Association at their ford, Western Auto; Jack Be- Apr.I 2nd at —Fri. — Obedience. What Is It?" decided that the drive 6:30 in the soc .1. din; Mrs. Thomas Wheatley and dinner meeting at Hazel High Water Safety Course It was tote, Purdem's; Hershel Corn, hall —Sat. — "The Church In A for surplus clothing would be baby girl. ett. 3.. Benton; Mrs. School, Saturday night. Maroh Will Corn-Austin; Vernon Hale, Na- All members are Be Given Here Changing World." held from April 6 through Apirl urged to is To Be Given Octa Curd, 103 No. 6th.; Mrs. 28th. tional Stores, Marjorie Crass. Ler- present. ---Sun. A.M. — The Parable of 11. Gerald Walker. Rt. 1; Jeese L. Mr. Ellis spoke on "Behind the Week Of April 20 The Sower" The clothing bank is a func- Jones, Rt. 5. Bentonte*Irs. Wayne Scenes in Washington'. and dis- Sun. P.M. — The Parable of of Calloway County Soc- Henson and baby by, Rt. 2,i cussed how the Washington re- Springtime is officially here tion the in the Vine and the Branches" Service Committee which was Another Musical treat is Benton; Roger Franklle Hughes, presentation of the various in- and the cold March winds will ial Washington Origin, Mission Report —Mon. — The provide assistance to pore for the school children i of 208 Irvan St ; Mrs. C. C. Runyon dustrial groups affected soon be behind us. All of which set up to both the and Deeneey of Man. Division ralloway County Wednesllay and baby girl. Rt. 3; Thomas is leading up to say that every- the local (Alice Of the by Congressman Frank A. legislative and executive branch —Tues — Salvation* By Grace Stubblefield riling at 9:30 a. m. when the Miller Marshall, Box 84; Hazel; of the Government. one will very soon be spending of Public Assistance. Through Faith. Mrs. Marjorie Barnett, field Urray State College Synephohe Dianne Bauer Horneby. 332 No. The dinner was attended by more and more time out cd doors, Tobacco Hearings they were in the process of ne- Shahan cen- — Wed. — The Rich Man and worker in the office said that The Jennings Bill. H Band, Prof. Paul W. 7th.; Alvin S. Rickman, Palmers; approximately 100 former Ha- and especially enjoying water R. 5058, gotiating for TVA power. Lazarus. paint had been donated for a to stabilize ductor, pres+nts, the third Child- vills. Tenn.; Mrs. Keith Nors- zel students and the Scholarship sports. and protect the price I am going to try to amend the Mr. Matthews will also speak on tht third floor of the support level for ..Concert in )se College Au- worthy and baby boy, Rt. I. Fund was continued to assist The Calloway County Chapter room tobacco was bill on the Floor of the Meuse so each day at 12:15 to the college* court house %here the clothing wholeheartedly supported by rep- ofitoriurn• Benton; Mrs. John Coleman and another Hazel High School grad- of the American Red Cross again as to make it possible for all the students at the College Church will be kept. Painters and resentatives Featured on theiRIREalm• which baby girl. Rt. 1, Dexter; John uate his college work. is interested in the welfare and bank testifying on behalf towns in the -.TVA area to obtain Building. The public is also in- college fraternity have also of all the tobacco grower organi- is given in conjunction with the H. Hicks, Re 1. Big Sandy, Tenn.; Preston Perry, Hazel Postmast- safety of the people. Louis Gel- a TVA power If lhey so desire. It Murray vited. indicated they will donate their zations and farm organizations MIAsic Department of Richard Dale Hurt. 1300 Wells er and President of the Associa- lespie, Safety Service. Director is not my purpose to advocate "The for service in cleaning and painting from the major tobacco producing Woman's. Club, will be Blvd.; Joe Walter Fridy, Rt. 1; tion for 1959 served as Toast- Western Kentucky. will be that any town or county sec k in the room. states. Man Who Invented Music," a Patients dismissed from IFirday master and the following officers Murray during the week of TVA power, but I do feel very narrative to music with Prof. Monday 9:30 p. m. April 20th to conduct the Water The clothing bank will be strongly that the 9:00 a. m. to were elected for 1960: Gene Mil- Word Received In addition to the members (f Federal Govern- Robert K. Bear as "the old Safety Instructors Course. opened at specified times for. ment should Thomas Harrison Crider. Rt. ler, President, Myrtle Whte. our Tobacco Subcommittee, a num- not prohibit the peo- grandfather'. arid Miss Sally Mor- The Senior Indigent person to obtain cloth- ple in Dna Jackson (Erpired) Rt. 5; Vice- President. Harvey Ellis, Life Savings class On Death Of ber the area from using TVA grandaughter. is ing. These times will be announ- of Membel's of Congress from ris as Wendy, the eseie L. Jones, Rt. 4. Benton; Treasurer and Mrs. Calvin Key, in progress and will be com- power if they desire to d•• so. later date. Kentucky and other tobacco grow- Olher popular music to be play- Joe Henley Wade. Rt. 1, Benton; Secretary. pleted this week This will be Dr. Riley Nix ced at a Hesrd Mayfield Native Preach sewing machine has also ing states attended the hearing. .will be: "The Blue Tail Fly," Mrs. Reuben Chrisman and baby followed by the above mention- A On March 18 we attended the donated so that ggrments Ravel's "Mother Goose Suite" boy, Rt. 3. Hazel; Mrs. Stanford ed Water Safety Instructors been Leaders supporting the bill from National City Christian Church to Several clubs and "The Children'. Album" by Sehroader and baby boy, Rt. 1, Course. can be repaired. Kentucky included Holmes Ellis, hear the Reverend Jack Barorn, Former Countian .. Word ha, been received in they . will Make Bela Bartok. Dexter, Artie D. Hale, 107 No. Anyone who is quali- have indicated Western Dark Fired Tobacco Grow- a native et Mayfield. Kentucky, Murray by relatives that Dr. donations so that clothing This concert. the final one 6th.; Mrs. Edmona Spann. Gen. Dies; Funeral Is .. fied and interested in the First cash ers Association; R. A. Hammack, conduct the evening service. His Riley F. Nix of Lamesa, Texas can be purchased. for the year, is designed for Del.; Mrs. Sem Calhotin, 215 So. Aid Instructors course should item needed Eastern Dark Fired TobaceM Grow- most interesting and timely subject Held Yesterday passed away Monday night. received dur- children in the first six grades 12th.; David Lee Paschall. Rt. I. call the local Red Cross office Clothing will be ers Association: Clarence Maloney, related to his expenences wh le (Telephone March 30 at 11:30 p. m. follow- ing the week at the public as- of Calloway County Schools. As Lynn Grove; Miss Saineny Lane Funeral services No. PL-3-I421) im- Stealing Tobacco Growers Associa- in mission work in Africa. werbeld yes- ing a heart attack at a hospital sistance office on the second in all past concerts, the auditor- Jones,. Rt. I. Hardin; Mrs. Bur- terday mediately. tion: John Berry. Burley Tgbaceo We enjoyed seeing many old at 3:30 p.m at the Martins in Lamesea. Dr. Nix will be re- just ium will be almost filled with Ion Holsapple and baby girl. Bee Qualifications for this course floor of the court house Growers Association: and Burl St. friends from the Mayfield area Chapel Methodist Church for Mrs. mmnbered in Murray and Cal- young people from 4hroughout are CURRENT standard opposite, from the county school Clair. president of the Kentucky who are 83. Heal; Mrs. Jay Warren and Eunice Luter. age 72. The service and ad- born now living in Washington concerts, three vanced certificates. loway. County as he was superintendent's c Nice. Farm Bureau. county. The baby girl. Rt. 4: Mrs. Jack El- was conducted by Bro. L. D. Hen- Those hold- at the service including Charl.e ing these and reared at Kirksey, Ky. He On Saturday offices on the 5cJi yeae,.. are given by the kins, Rt. 6; Master Roger Frank- eon and burial was in the Martins certificates that will Rogers. Mrs. Gertrude Pickering. have was the son of the late Myers lower floor of the court house A spokesman for the national FitTe Arts-Department of Murray lin Hiuges, 206 Irvan; Mrs. Wil- Chapel Cemetery. expired by April 20th will Mrs. Frances Harris Farmer. and cooperation be required and Betty Nix of Kirksey. He will accept the clothing. office of the National Farm Bureau State Collage in with liam Nelson, 1109 Elm; Mrs. Mn. Luter, wife of the late to take a refresher Mrs. Laura Barron Hinds. Laura Depart- course at left Calloway County in 1918 Last night area chairman for Federation opposed the Jennings the Woman's Club Music David Johnson and baby girl. Claude Luter who died in 1949, the time Mr. Gellespie found it difficult to conceal her Rudy is in Murray. and has made his home in Texas the collection of clothing were Bill and offered a substitute pro- ment. Mrs. James Allbrit- Buchanan, Tenn.; Mrs. Edward was a former pride in her brother fallowing resident of this s.nce that time. appointed. These chairmen and posal to "freeze" supports for 1959 ten is cheirman Of the Music De- Turner. Rt. 2. county. She died at a nursing Inspirational message Jack is pres- Dr. Nix is survived by his the collection, points will be des- only. 1 am confident the Tobacco partment. Mr. Richard Farrell home in Marlinton. West Virginia. ently minister of the Ftrst Chri,- wife, Mrs. Fay Houston Nix, La- ignated in a later article. Subcommittee and the full Agri- Is head of the Fine Arts Depart- death was attributed to com- tian Church in Independence, Kan- Her Civitan messa. Texas, she is the sister A.proximately 40 persons at- culture Committee reach the House ment of the College. Mrs. Ho- Day n& Graveside Services plications following an extended of Mrs. Mavis, Morris, Mrs. culture Committee will favor the ward Olila and Mrs. John Win- tended the meeting last night. Report ea Tobacco Export Trade illness. George Upchurch and Mies Ruth • Jennings Bill over the substitute ter are in charge of the Child- Are Held For Infant A report on "International Trade A members of the Emmanuel Houston of Murray; one son, proposal. This legislation should rw's Concerts for the club. Big COLT A CEMETERY SALESMAN in Tobacco and Its Uni- Chore bin Charleston, West Success Effect on Baptist Nix, Lamesa, Texas and two House Floor for a vote Bill reach the ted States Leaf Production" was Virginia. Mrs. Luter was a mem- grand-children and daughter-in BALTIMORE. Md. (UPI) — Jim sometime in April. Graveside services were held issued last week by the House ber of the Locust Grove Baptist The Civitan Pancake Day was a low. Mrs. Bill Nix, one sister. Parker, all league offensive tackle this m.,rning at 11:00 o'clock at county for Agriculture Committee. This re- Church of this several big success according to members Mrs. Will Washer. He was the for pro football's Baltimore Colts, TVA Self-Financing Bill Weather Sink:ng Spring Ccaneteryfor Paul port was made by a -Special sub- years. of the civic organization. brother or the late. Mrs. Noble is selling cemetery plots during David Wareen. infant son of one The `ri/A Self-Financing Bill is committee appointed to- study Vote Survivors include daughter, The event was, held at the Roberts and Gus Nix. He also the off-season. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Wareen of expected to be reported by the subject consisting of Congressmsts Report Mrs. Ed Bucy, Charleston, West Kentucky Colonel ind Rudy's Res- neices nephews, has several and Rules Committee and come to a John C. Watts of Kentucky. chair- International RFD 4. Murray. Paul. David Virginia. two brothers. Tom Tay- taurant and a -steady flow of United Press including Mrs. Autry Farmer, IN MEMORIAM vote sometime during the latter man, Congressman Ross Bass of only lived 5 hours. lor and Bud Taylor both of Mur- "customers" were on hand all day Merlin Washer and Rue Nix half of April. As previously re- Other than his parents he Is ray Route four and three grand- long beginning Tennessee, and Congressman Pat Southwest Kentucky — shortly after 4:00 of Muray. YONKERS, N. Y (UPI) — Pat- Partly survived by grandparents. Mr. children. a.m p, rted, this bill, designed to put Jennings of Virginia. I am sure cloudy and warmer today with Funeral services .will be held ricia Murphy, who lost her hus- TVA on its own feet financially, this excellent study will be of and Mrs. Johnny Warren, RFD Active pallbearers were: Verble Members of t h e organization higIs in low 70s. Increasing cloudi- in Lamesa Wednesday. April 1st band to heart disease a year ago, has determined opposition. This interest to everyone connect., e 4, Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Wilburn Farris. Carnie worked at waiters or assisted in nilis with showers and thunder- at the. First Baptist Church at has erected a permanent wishing opposition was able to force the with the tobacco industry. and I Paul Spann, Lynn Grove. Andrus. Taylor Gooch, Luther the kitchen. Business was so good storms tonight and Wednesday. 3 o'clock, and burial will be in well in her restaurant in his House Public Works Committee to have a number of copies Bra. Notinan Culpepper of- Geoch and Jake Stiles. during the one day event available Low tonight in mid 50s. A little that Lamesa. memory. All contributions go di- add a rigid territorial freeze pro- 9*4 ficiated at the Service, and the The Max H. Churchill Funeral some of for distribution. If you would like cooler Wednesday. the wives of members Rue Nix left by train Monday rectly to the Heart Fund. To date, High in low Miller Funeral Home had vision to the bill. H. R. 3460, as to get this report, please let me charge Home Was in charge of the ar- were called in foi- 'assistance. Some night OW. to attend the funeral of the well has yielded $18,000 for reported, made , an exception for know, and I will be gbd to send of funeral arrangements. ments. Continued on Back Page his uncle. the charity. Paducah and Princeton because you a copy.

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• AM! TWO LEDGER st TIMES — MURRAY, •EM, .••••=•. KENTUCKY TUESDAY — MARCH 31, 1956 -• ••1111.••••=1..111•14.110.111, ,rt:t MI-EDGER Today's & TIMES Sports Parade Morelli Was PUBLISHED by LEDGER & TIMES PL/191-111111,40 COMPANY, Tea consolidation of the Murray Ledger, The Calloway Timis, sad The By OSCAR Times-Herald, October 2a, 192A F'RALEY e end the West roi Kantucklem. igers Jereeseg re a 1. 1942 United Press International Aid To Bobo NEW YORK al - It begais to JAMES C. IA ILLIAIIS, PUBLISH= d dFak Howe d 9 We reserve the right to rejes any Advertising. Letters te Ilefor, Says :•acie the right Calhoun • choice when be r Pubbc Voice items which, la err slyenson. am ma Sr IBS WM a --Yankees Rival .• aed Chief Pennant over pro 'basket- Interest et our readers. . _ _ By EKE!) DOWN all out on the. St. Louis Cardinals limited the Cardinals to six hits. Dale Long two of the eight RATIONAL REPRISENTATIV/M: i WALLACE WITMER 1,911 There was. of course. that with a I5-hi( attack that produced Chia k Cattier handled 13 chances mers as the Cubs and Gianta Ifiamese, khostpkis. $IM.- SAN FRANCISCO aT1) - As far l'nited Press internal/rat Tama, Me Perk Awe, Nam "aft ill 1I 000 bonus to sign into the 1.05 flawlessly to further his bid for played a weird dust-filled game, a .1 1 pia Ave.. Chisser N Bel7sban IR, as Rory Calhoun is concerned. Carl Seeker. Angeles Dodger chain. But Their sharpest critics the Breves' regular second-base Ernie Banks and George Annum PERSON, aside 4Bobo) Olson can beat Archie concede Satered at ! am the cold cash, the law the -.oat Tigers won't Jib also connected for the Cubs and ISS Pest Office, Murray, Kentucky. kr Marmareion. re of Moore for the world lightheavy- roll over monograr Second Clem Matter averages is against the human ilk ittens when the Bob Speake, Jackie Brandt. Eddie Weight title tomorrow - as Ling American Times 0 skyscapers making a big splash .enue season gets The New York Yankees blanked Bressoud and Willie McCovey SUBSCRIPTION *ATM:PyCarder as referee Pete Morelli is on underway.' Self adhi la Marrag, par mesh MM, per :r. baseball, hand t . 4-0, the Bos- homered for the Giants. esesdk RA kCeSeerelly sod adlaialag samillas. to help him. proof. S pan. *Mt alms Ger.e Conley is the * Tabbad as perhaps the New ton Red Sox pulled out a. ninth' mama WM. only court Olson, 1741,4. pounded brief ca to•hemoth out a York Yankees' chief pennant ri- 6-5 decision over the Cleve- Jack, impressive Waslim to really make good in 'grueling 10 Os, gift -round decision, over val. the Tigers have won seven . land Indians. the Chicago Cube ington rookie, allowed one scratelr the major leagues and the 6-foot, Calhoun. ercraft, TUESDAY - MARCH - H 1959 1681a, Monday night at of their last nine exhibition games outslugged the San Francisco hit until the Phillies rocked hot 8-inch Milwaukee Braves the Cow optical Palace to win his faurth and have an overall 114 Grape- Giants, 10-8. in a near dust storm, for six runs in the sixth inniag hasn't exactly 'threatened to reach fight in as sporting many starts a a come- fruit league record., They've Jed the beat the Ed Bouchee's two-run homer in • he Hall f Fame. back attempt. See ther But "whist:ing Charlie" Dressen. uniformly good pitching and ail Washington Senators. 11-7. the the eighth put the finishing touches IMPROVEMENTS The former middleweight cham- AUTHORIZED .e Demosthenes of the diamond. Ka:ine now shcws promise of down ed the on the Phillies' win. Kralick had pion had the free swinging ••sists that the 6-foot, 6 and one- Cal- making a fast start. Baltimore Orioles, 8-4, and the pitched 16 scoreless this WILL DI houn down front a left New School Buildings . $130,000 olf inch Howard well could be hook far Chicago White Sax edged out the spring before the Phillies caught or do alt what :Morelli said was a five CJUnt Kline. who got off to a woeful Planning Commission with Professional • 7.e man to finally wipe out Babe Kansas City Athletics, 8-7, in other up to him. in the seventh round and start last season, drove in five aaith's most prized record of 60 rocked ' games. ConAultation the White Plains. N.Y..' boxer runs with two doubles and a Kline Goes Distance --me runs .in a season in link Aaron SALE 0 the second and fifth heats. sacrifice fly Monciay when the Winning Streak Ends Percr. Comdination Crates Ron Kline became the secon• •omatii IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED But Calhoun, who also was dock- Tigers -scored an 8-4 victory over 'He has the power and. belies. Bobby Shantz yielded five hits Pittsburgh pitcher to go nine inn- 1 only. C two points for low blws.o the, Los Angeles Dodgers. It was a 12-2 triumph. Hank Aaron's Industrial • he strangely enough has the in seven shutout innings for the ings although tapped for 14 hits Expan*on e' ethdthinks thatMorelli went a long , he stiaight lass _for the three-run homer and four hits by .- ordination to be a great base- Yankees and Virgil Trucks com- by the Orioles. It was a messy Sidewalks, Curbs and way toward helping Olson post Dodgers who won 10 - of -their Del Rice sparked the assault tehile Gutters .111, player." Dressen insists. pleted t h e whitewashing. Don game in .which the Pirates com- a unanimous decision. first 13 ,;ames, Carlton Willey and Bob Rush Widened Streets In Some Areas The record is strictly against "Every i Newcombe allowed four runs and bined eight hits, five walk; and time I'd tiy and start Continned --.ese economy sized gents hitting to as many hits in seven innings three Baltimore errors for their Home Building punch the referee would tel • '1(,• tog league top. however. Con- for the Reds, whose ave.-game iuns. Ted Kluszewski had three Airport For 3furraj me tc watch it or something." Fight Results ‘y has come closest and yet the Pittsburgh's hits und Kline Calhoun said afterward. winning streak was ended. of City Auditorium Wasattagton state -pitcher never has '1 never fought with drove in three runs. inch an official around I Awls White's: iasaeg beforre an my 46 other fights. Sure, league promise. At Toleo in 1953 United Press International drove Dick Dick Donovan allowed one run Olson will beat Mo in 'Gernert with'-he I he won 23 against nine losses but oe tamorrow PRQVIDENCE, R. I. MPS -Chico if that referee is in Red Sox' winning run but Boston I and six hits in seven inalngs fa • ---4111=1111111111 his best in the majors has been I. there." Vejar. 155. Stamford, Conn., stop- Billy Newman. lost its third left the White Sox, who scored all 14-9 while last season, shackled Olson's ebullient ped Sergia Rias, 151, Havana, -fielder in Lair BIBLE THOUGHT FOR manager, saica that Garver. The TODAY by arm trouble. he, lost six, with- Moore had Cuba i6). days when left-fielder Gary Gieger their runs off Ned verbally agreed to out a victory. defend his 175- was injured in a collision with White Sox announced after the Unto pound title again against God would I commit my cause. ' Six-foot. 5-inch Howie Schultz Ols...n NEW YORK an - Candy Mc- that they are sending rook:es this. December. shortstop Don Buddin. Geirger was I game made • it for a wh'ile with. the In the meantiaie, Failand. 13514, Philadelphia, out- — Job 5:8. the ,baldIng unconscious for ,.1.5 minutea and Jim McAnany, Joe Hicks and war-time Mothers and 6-fo t. 4- Hawaiian is leavin.: . painted Chico Rollins, 135/12. New for a two weeks vacation in Bono- eventually was •taken from Scotts- Chuck Lindstrom to their Miner God will judge our cause t hether we inch Preston Ward had a run ; York (l0i. with the 'Cubs .but neither ever 'ulu then is SIPP,Ked to have a dale to Phoenix, Ariz., for X-rays.1 league camp at Holly d Fla. commit it to Him or not. Better adopt a sound statthreatened to become all-time all- couple of tuneop fiahts before t'e era CHICAGO - Joe Hemphill, cause. Moore rematch Paul Foyt i.12. Roa kford. Ill., 0 u t p o n te d Ancient Arch.e flattened °Leon !Chuck Garret, 187. Chicago (fte ANAVAV•WAY,,/ /~/./.., The tall buys osuallv go the Tigers WW•444461WINWASIMIIVA4g/A44•••••••4•44,A4,/,, other way, heading for the hoop. in tareerounds their preview Paul N.o• is it to be overlooked that title encounter in 1955. roytack. a 15-game winner . , SAN FRANCISCO tONI - List this can't be described as settling sea son, became the seeraid Olson. 1741a, Sin Francisco. out- Detroit ositch r to go Ten Years Ago Today for peanuts what with the average nine innings ,,. aited R.ry Calhoun, 1681o, White a with a steady-enough pro salary being $10.000. ' HARNESS RACER DIU I 10-hitter. Hain!. NV 110). FRIDAY Johnny Podres. Recommeeded Ts Warders BOSTON VT a- Police reported who inherited a 1-0 lead from Art Foaler LEDGER & TIMES FILE Bal Sharman of the pastor. Cel- Monday the death of Edwin S. in th fifth in :ing JO V, tics was a fine outfielder at South- I Mier Jr.. 45.71 Bridgeville, Del' was hammered f six runs and 1 ern California and went into the one of the nation's top and seven hits in thre. harness Techr Dodger chain He performed satis- racing drivers. Innings. 3rd. Myers body APRIL was the V factorily with St Paul but then. .,found !it ,*he shores of the Charles.' Funeral servlitia.%.veasaArid tilts Braves Mast Cards afternoon at 3 o'clock •Ithoeigh. he in ttonly" '5. fee& 20 Leer.. near flossers Brighton_ see- Open 6:15 Start • • for Mrs. Mollie Brandon. 85, The Pi-ilwaukee Braves. smarting wno died at the Murray .nehes tall. he decided to take tart He reportedly died of natural Hospital yesterday ander champ s that they were Now Open Ever!), Nite! afternoon where she bad been a pa- !he $20.000 a yezr which.. pro bas- causes. tient aeifing 'in spr r.g training. took it since breaking an arm on March 10. ketb al offered - /7177,, P.M. SiV -5' '0'. B. rich Neil Johnston of 8:00 Since March 15 the residents of Orchard Heights. the Paatadelphia Warriors prefer- LAST TIMES TON1TE veterans housing unit of Murray State College, have gone red •o be a ball player after he all out in a contest to improve the living conditions there. left Ma, State But then his '"CANYON RIVER' Prizes have been arm went bad as he toiled on a offered to the families living in the The , I GEORGE MONTGOMERY Phalan' and, Weekend winning barracks. farm while he had played only one year of basketball in Technicolor The Murray Hospital is sending three of its employees .1 coneie. the Phillips rec orr - to Lotrimille men 1 him to the Wariors and a • 7•7 this week to attend the annual convention • of ' haloes basketball career result. : the Kentucky Hospital Association, Mrs. Whitt Imes, lac mischance. orts WED. - THURS. R.N.. Summary Supervisor of Nurses. Miss Judy Allbritten, Medical Mo.y 1 n e college basketball Record Librarian. and Mr. harry • Miller, Administrator. players. n4est of them too small I MURRAY STATE ! Pitt/ SPRING. Tex 61P6 -' Glenn WILMINGTON. N. C aff - art or too slow for pro basketball. Dava. Mr. George Lay-cock died at his home appearing in his last col- Wall Jr took a ave-strcke lead SPORTS west of Kirksey have gone into baseball This list last Friday afternoon. Funeral i legate track -meet, anchored 01i10 at the three-quartet mark of the services were held at the includes. such iss-Lesi BanntreatL- ARENA t.., Church of Christ State relay teams to records, in 72-hole Azalea Open, golf tourna- at Coldwater Sunday afternoon. Frankie Baumholtz. Ralph: Beard the mile and sprint medley in the ment. letis 7119 aoes followed by di' - Mrs. and Haot Evers. Bie they did not 14th annual ABC relays. BE Newell Kemp- of Sulvester. %Vest Mite S urhoks 214. Ci01 Virginia, was have the , in rxceptianal height wf.'.ch '(Si Murray last %seek with her sister. Mrs. Opal Pitman usually has been to, much 10 If McCuiston. The RALEIGHT. N C - Hank MINNEAPOLIS. Mimi ,0111 - Kemps formerly resided in this city. handle on a major league dia- Stein of X.ivier. onio scored see- The M enmity-ins Lakers won the Die rnond. en points in overtime .ta gar the aIi NBA's western division 1 title by , GOOSED TATUM Dr Matthews To North a 114-109 victory in the elimina:ing the St. Louis Hawks 1011 Preach God's Word I second annual North-South All- AN HIS (hr trom tt vans: 104-104. gra at, Plucking Political Star baskotba1I game. Lai College Church of Christ - Murray. Ky. a rano 1 ROYALTON. N. Y .UPI i her April 1 - 8 gandir 7:00 p.m. Royalten Superv.sor Francis A. SYRACUSE. N. la VII - The Whatever VE PLAN TO COME! Wittaker said the town would not Syracuse Nationals tied the eastern Happened 7====Z2Zr.,= HARLEM STARS r,. fil: an authorized $8.000 -year finals of the National To -1 Iltt'-k BOU('HER post of Welfare Officer because Basketball Assn. playoffs at three- ( Tt Press international It1'l1111 ANN tit SiTureTo. town welfare officers "have ab- all - with a 133-121 triuMph over Frank Boucher w hackey's solutely nothing the Boston Celtics. to do." "gentleman on skates" during his AMUR AVMS :HANWEi playing days with the New York ff1HOayWo0D! 6 Rangers in the late 20's and early MURRAY KNIGHTS 4111 301. He won the Lady • Bynk PASCHALL fiportsmanshipi Trophy seven "l times in eight years and was a La league all-star center for three US to straight years He was coach of the aimgers• Stanley Cup cham- to pionship team in MO' and later SA CLEANERS served as general manager of the to club. THANKS! Whatever happened to Frank • Or Bauctie•r? He is stil: in lecke', rn serval), as general manager of the from the CIVITAN CLUB SI Going Out of Business Saskataon Quakers in the Western t'_!,0( 1 To Everyone Who Helped Make A Success Of We are going out of the cleaning busi- Tigers Will Play Si ness, due to ill health. We wish to Gold-White Cirite PAN CAKE DAY thank The Miiroo. High t eotiaill team our many friends and will have on inter-squad game to- for night it 741:1 between the Gold and • givul. g us their business during the White The game fallow, (he spring Kentucky Colonel - Rudy's Restaurant practice of the Tiger grid squad. past 23 years. It has been a pleasure A 'mall admissicos charge will be And made. Everyone is invited to at- SAUSAGE COFFEE to serve - - Sou. Edwards Packing Co., Madi-Donors Continental Coffee Co. sonville, Tenn. ICE CREAM GENE TIERNEY i,dis(dy- \ an Heflin, ing her BACON Mid-West CLOTHES IN THE SHOP husband and a Broadway theatrical producer. jui' u1.. DID Ice Cream Co. in Reelfoot Packing Co., Union -Black Widow" the CinemaScope mystery thriller c ...1 APRONS AND LINEN F ' YOU City, Tenn. in color by De Luxe showing at the Murray Drive-In F. Ctle ADDREssLaundry 0 may be picked up i x UP i KNOW? PANCAKE MIX Theatre Wednesday and Thursday. PUBLIC SVSTM Murray Wholesale Grocery Co. Bunny Any Day This Week SYRUP Bread Co. 1. We deliver In 'Barmy Murray Wholesale Grocery 1. We open at Co., (12 gals.), G al Foods 7:00 a.m. a NOW OPE) 3. You tan charge It Corp. (12 gals. Wigwam BREADDOHUGnyeNUTS Crusttl AND SUGAR PASCHALL BOONE'S 4. We u 111 "lay it sway" syrup) Johnson's Grocery, Snow's CLEANERS Automatic Coin-Operated 5. Parking is no problem EGGS Grocery, Ed's Food Market, a We rent floor buffers Lynn Grove Feed Co. McClain's Grocery, A&P Food 7. We rent Lawn Rollers Mr. and Do-it-Yourself BUTTER Store, Carson's Grocery, Stop Mrs. Otrie Paschall Laundry . R. THT4PRICE IS RIGHT Porker Grocery (7-lbs.) end Shop Grocery, White 13th & Main Streets BUILDING AT Dairy Brand (7-lbs.) House Grocery, Horn's Groc- NOW FOR RENt - NOW OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY Ryan Milk Co. (30-lbs.) ery, Kroger's Grocery, Out- Leave Cleaning or Laundry With Attendant STARKS 1111ill'WARE MILK AND CREAM land Bakery, Murray Wnole- 13th & Main 7:00 to 5:30 lath g Poplir Ryan Milk Co. sale.

• alearosItiseo • aa's • • as ••••••••14, • • • 7•••••

-arrnr•-••••••••• . .•••••• •: • ft, • ease a;.JMI.o; .J'r41FLaw• • I



I. 7 •• , * 4-- •••••••


• MARC!! 31, 1959 TUESDAY MARC11- 3i;- 1959 LEDGER dr TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY PAGE THEE? FOR RENT—I As The COMPLETELY FURNISHED apart- ment, electrically equipped, electric heat, large window fan. Available now. 512 Broad stret, E. F. Babrey. TFC val • SEVEN ROOM HOUSE- WITH 3 17157 or PLaza 3-5480, 201 South Comfort Co., 108 S. 12th St. Ph Rickman PL 3-5344, Bill Presson Long hit two of the eight garden near Lynn Grove. Phone 13th St., Murray. F TFC PL 3-3607. TFC PL 3-5731 nites. 4-2C 3-5177. 4-1P s as the Cubs and Giants —FIOTICE PL a weird dust-filled game. I FOR ANY TYPE OF ELECTRICAL GOOD USED UPRIGHT PIANO, ELECTRICAL DRINK BOX. Ex- SMALL FURNISHED Apartment Banks and George Altman work, day or night service. See Phone PL 3-3589. TFC cellent condition. Cail f-Laza 3- PERSONALIZE WITH METAL 4.2c for a couple or one. Stoker heat. !onnected for the Cubs :aid monograms from .he Ledger and Brandon Dill Phone PL 3-2930. 5595, Murray, Kentucky. 2 WHEEL ENCLOSED CAMPING 505 Poplar. Call PLaza 3-1784. TFC lpeake, Jackie Brandt. Eddie Times Office Supply Department. TFC trailer. Very good condition. Phone 4 ROOM HOUSE, BATH. HALF slic- )ud and Willie McCovey Sell adhesing, bevelled edge, rust M HOUSE. $50 PER DEAD STOCK REMOVED FREE. HY 2-3120. 4-1P basement. All newly sheet rocked •ed for the Giants. proof. Suitable for Automobiles, month. 113 North 9th St. Call Prompt service. Trucks dispatched and painted. Floors sanded, varn- brief cases, cameras, compacts, UNDERWOOD LEADER Portable PLaza 3-1346. 4-1C Kralick, impressive Wast by two-way radio. Call collect ished and tiled. Frant and back Os, gifts, hobbies, luggage, teeth- typewriter. Only one year old. scratelr i rookie, allowed one Mayfield, Phone 433. If no answer porch. Smokehouse, chicken house THREE ROOM GARAGE apart- ercraft, metalcrafts, motorcycles, Call PLaza 3-4945. 4-1P til the Phillies rocked tam collect City. and garage. 2 wells, 3 acres of ment. 313 16th, PLaza optical cases, office supplies, call Union Tennessee. North phone x runs in the sixth inniiig. phone TU 5 9361. TFC - land, on mail and school bus 3-3749. 4-1C spurting goods, typewriter cases. MOTORCYCLE, HARLEY David- ;ouchee's two-run homer in route. 4 hundred yards north See them today. son, Good condition. 213 S. 11th. TFC TWO ROOM APARTMENT, every- ghth put the finishing touches 4-1NC Martins Chapel Church. 1/12 miles 3-2865, 4-2P, thing furnished. Call PLaza 3-4635 Stewart and Kim Novak e Philliete win. Kralick had FOR SALE from city limits. PL NO BAGHDAD IN BAGHDAD PACT Iraqi Premier Abdul James scoreless innings this or see at earner or 12th & Olive. star in 'Columbia Pictures' new d la WILL DO BABY SITTING, IRON r FIVE ROOM HOME, 2 ACRES Karim Kassem (right) smilingly leaves his car in Baghdad caught 4-1C Technicolor comedy, "Bell, Beak ; before the Phillies or do alterations. Phone PL 3-2531. ALUM AWNINGS WILL SAVE land, stock barn, chicken hause, 100 ACRE FARM /12 in branch to make his way through an enthusiastic throng. Later the Jack him. 4-2C you cistern water, near Faxon School, announced it was quitting the Baghdad and Candle." Co-starred are money this month. Have bottom land. A real tractor farm. UNFURNISHED APT. Kassem government 3 ROOM Lemmon ain Ernie Kavaca "BELL several sizes in stock, also Alum 7 miles from Murray. $3800 if sold in 30 days. 1/12 miles pact, which the U. S. supports and which Ruszita denounces. Kline Goes Distance Private entrance, garden & garage now ONE EIGHT ROOM HOME, 8th BOOK AND CANDiLE" is SALE OF SALES. NEW SINGER siding, 7 colors, 10 Alum windows, from Springville. Tennessee. Leon available. 405 N. 5th., Phone PL and Sycamore streets, lot 190x100, shawing at the VARSITY. Kline became the secone 4111lontatiC console, reduced $239.50. 1 door $199.00 installed. No down McDaniel, Springville, Tennessee. 3-1270. 3-31P nomies Bureau of"The Northwest- heat and urgh pitcher to go nine inn- 1 only. Contact Bill Adams. PLaza payment 36 months to pay. Home 2 bath rooms, fuel oil 4-2C Report Describes ern National.- Life Insurance Co.. although tapped for 14 hits tavo grates. FIVE ROOM laNfurnished house, Inflation Damage Minneapolis, goes on to say that ONE LOT 75x140 ON FARMER be converted in" two apart- le Orioles. It was a messy CHILD'S NICE HIGH CHAIR. could when the government raiseS the and 17th. 5 rooms. bath, utility ments. 708 Main Street. PE 3-5759. in which the Pirates corn- Blend wood. $6.00. Phone PLaza • MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) — When bi'lion dollars the "easy," pop- hits, five walki and room, F.H.A. Loan, can take over 4-2C spends — by borrowing it — AT eight government ula.. way ,ALE 3-1329. 4-2C the • Federal bal $4000. Baltimore errors for their one billion dollars and lmances it the resultant dose of inflation BEDROOM ON Kluszewski had three EIGHT ROOM, 5 tOST & FOUND I unpopular way — by Ted the hard, the same family, up to and 17th streets. A nice REDUCED $20 - $30. NEW Singe; can cost ittsburgh's hits and Kline Hamilton r taxation — it costs the average your home, electric heat. vacuum cleaners. Just add to $40 a year in higher living costs in three runs. RED BONE Dog. U.S. family a'bout $20 AUCTION money deityn, no in- FOUND: STRAY & TAT1Tm unt No Bee I r yo..-s -to corro! crease in payments. Singer Sewing ner ca a op ar. —4-- k Donovan allowed one fun 106 Gatlin Building Ph. PL 3-1974 4-2C Machine representative, Bill Ad- ix hits in seven maings foe LOST,: GOLD MASONIC Rirrc.. Put, 2 p.m. Friday, ams. Ball PLaza 3-1757 or PLaza Answer tc Saturday's with diamond setting, Monday CROSSWORD PUZZLE Vagite Sox. who scored all 3-5480, 201 South 13th St., Murray. April 3, 1959 morning in downtawn Murray. ACRES OF LAND new four • ts E tg runs off Ned Garver. The 20 TFC ACROSS Ai room house. stock barn, chicken Liberal Reward. Call GRover 4- he ma E R after the I..L; The City of Murray Sox announced 2223. 4-2P 1-Harvest D Ii 'Lt and smoke house, young orchard, goddess ,..11,1l1.•11.11ts that they are send:ng rook:es fenced, 14 acres sowed down, three 4-Skins• 7-it:.tek and Will Sell at Auction FEMALE HELP1 9-Weaken blue McAnany, Joe Hicks and miles of Murray on good gravel , Wanted 12-Obese 11-i nit price. 13-Larigusge of 9-Shack c Lindstrom to their rhinor read. $5250 full anc.eot itorne 10-1:e ill E S • 1 USED 1957 233 ACRE FARM, MODERN house, 14-11a-sten 11-Foothlre part -atjt e camp at Hollywood, Fla. INDIAN HEAD PENNIES AND 16-solennti oath new stock barn ,tobacco barn, 96 15-Taste LEA4 OLD COINS.'PleaSe call James C. 17-Parts Dm NE E FORD MOTOR acres in .Clark's Raver bottom, 62 $3OO PER MONTH C821.•ntial to 2.-Soak $ Williams at PL 3-3147 after 5:00 NlNI 14 I give posses- Salary plus car mileage and a thing's Ills 21 -i1urdi out / acre crop base. Will 4-4NC 19-Cut 2!-Strufirig, voice A T_T generous bonuses for energetic p.m. and - sion for '59 crop. A good buy at SO-Mature • 23-Noel TIOIR L Arf - slowly 25-Anunated 1916,500. wcman desiring Sales Manage- AND order- 21-Cook 10 GARDEN BREAKING 23-Article of of new and ment career as District Manager pepper I WE HAVE SEVERAL ing. Thomas Lamb. Phone Mrs. furniture • I USED JAEGER room with fast growing Cdsenetic IN-Pierce nearly new three and foal- A. 13 Hart PL 3-2273, 4-2P 27-Writing ' 25-1'triirikard• 38-Repulse - 41-Cry of dove Experience recruit- brick h_mes. Well locrete:d as well Company. Implement eetheart ollun CONCRETE 22-iluge 40-tiltain buys. Check ing and supervising direct-to- 28-Torrid 41-Rodent as many other good Male Help Wanted 35-Fashion 35-Setted 42-i:tamping 47-11endow home. sales ladies desirable.. No 314-World temporarily vice . MIXER, 1 i -yard wiqt Roberts Realty far all your IS-Shade tree personal selling or evening work organizathm 36-Mournful 43-2.:ew JO VAN FLEET, left, Silvana Mangano, Anthony ,Perkins. Tight, home needs. 27-Christian England St -Parent required Car needed for local FARM HAND FOR CENTRAL 31-Ordinance miiverrity teoliou.) capacity powered and Richard Conte star in "This Angry Age," a Technirama- _ it0HERTS REALTY feot iva for and grain farm. 22-Gem•-= of PL 3-1851 days or Hoyt area. Unusual opportunity 1111ni is livestock Technicolor love story of today's yopth, starting Wednesday at Phone eat! • 5 5 7 8 ::.;1 19 It) 11 by two cylinder t 3-3924. Jimmie woman who feels She has never Married, not more than 2 children. 33-Pr, • 1 2 3 7,;.'.',.) 4 the Varsity. Roberta PLaza ....-.. had true chance to prove her Give education, experience, ref- ....1 garmerit s 12 t3 --'514 gas motor • • real ability.' For interview write erences, when available. Address 311-Pose for 3-31C portrait .75-17 18 _plE21101.1, LAMM L. D. Kennedy. Gen. Sales Mgr., box 32-F, Murray. Ky. 37-010's name 5 6 Crot Inc.. 153 Harvard Ave., 23-British Sale will be held at 1 STEAM FINISHER. Inquire at streetcar 9 '4'' 10 ea_AminnciaLSCSIIRt S' d, (a an. 4-1C 39-Tattered !,....i'. Boone Laundry and Cleaners. TFC - cloth ,4 , 75 26 City Barn near Thur- 40-Irishman 21 22 ;.-...!5:$2 8Y 'V TINY 41-Rescued 'J.-- C. TALL TREE 41-Affirmative 27 ': .•i 79 mond's Mill on South .re..„— bzr—brz..t.. Services Offered 1I-Strong .. , .,,,.'.....: PORTLAND. Ore. — CUD — scented herb 13Q 33 2nd St. Both items may Ernie Kolbe, chief forester for the 46-ill econcert •••T nta n‘rrEarn _,Itrue England, righting for her ready tapping Alt a r,•-••••-•nr ) 131"'-...... :36.• •'a tioo,:lAs • Association, la a s 3 rouirg Scofro be-i ble as an island nation. tad ai agaiilbt Iii pal.,m I to WASH DAY IS NO PROALEM Western Pine 15-Number 34 of mariner is relating a story that 10-Part of be inspected the day gins in MB when the ship R110-E. -ways taken a long view on rna• ahnnk back in terror, I focused ta hen you use our self .service ccme up with a hybrid ponderosa j Dow 38 r tx.. 29 1::-:. 40 Ll"FC is arriving in Neer York. Dick's vateers It was common practice my gaze on the truncheon — laundrette. wash 20e. Dry I0e. We tree. His tree, five years old, 52-Lamprey sale at the City Barn. first spto on a se..ret monition to Made- to g...siat we Oas plunged mite the ad- to attack merchant vessels of . knowing full well he meant never close. Speed Wash,. 2e7 stands about 15/12 feet tall. Ordi- 42 i:.;.: 43 corner 74-Ptiff 'up ' ''' Venture blindly ASINCIlha 10 earn other countries. if those coun- distract me thus From true nary panderosa pines of this age 65-Mate sheep :••• :',.':•.,. '..,;••• Seller reserves the gold South Seventh Street. 4-23C with Artoeandt to merry h•i tweet- or an eye I saw the second foot- 44 45 47 48 heart to Scotl and settle down , tries were belligerents, aria to would be about knee-high. Kolbe pad rise on. tiptoe and move to DOWN _ !"....til pek is to recewe ft.rehei orders from Sells their cargoe. outright oat- reports. His fast-growing ponde- right to reject all bids ,. Luke Metcalf the FAst India urally. the practice was flagrant- my left. Clearly .ar intended to I-Awav! ,...,..:, Company agent ii. New York WOULD LIKE TO KEEP SMALL rosa has been crossed with a Jef- 'ronv ly abused in waters reyond the strike trom the rear While ma 2-o While ftW 11.1DIOLUTE Ilea outside child in my home See Annette frey pine. from California and is colloo 53 oi;•:.- 15 the harbor becalmed Dick is dirArreI, control of the so-called civilized companion held my attention 3-l'art of :':':':54 — CITY OF MURRAY from thouahrs of his socethogri fly Ccles at 420 South 8th Street. groWina in the rich ground of an nowor • powers. Moat of the lout on elia• riveted. , United Feature Siri5.,•'. tht tight of a stunningly oeautitui TFNC cld chicken yard. 4-Furrow girt who is staring at him Pon, the play tn_re, I was positive, flail been It was an ancient dodge and I deck 'ii • trier. hint ship STAR OF pirated outright and resold under tile trap closed. BENGAL. that A piloted draringiy was ready beture NANCY by Ernie Bushman'. close to the REISOIXTF. As • rata forged bills of lading. When my second enemy charged asigno arse. It. ST Aft,, steals the "Will you look further, Mr. me from behind, I dropped to one wind s,rid lane past the RESOLUTE. ( LAST WEEK TEN FANS MY DAD • wth the E.ri Miscue/4 a taunt at Douglas? Or may 1 shut up knee to receive the rush Time Dick When the ft--t01-U1'E is fin- shop?" man's club was raised to strike _ WE RE HURT IN THE WAS HURT •11) wrist near •he ..trlAn• docks. when I swiveled beneath it—trip- ATM • I Inrin thought 10 of the girl He I glanced about me. Engrossed HUGE CROWDS TRY'NG catching nim sego be, 'is''Ilk lb. STAR with • in my cataloguing of McLane's ping him neatly and WHEN HE three-man retinue and nesttant to by the fleets in the same lunge. THE net then 4...e• to Rot me. booty, I had not realized his staff TO HEAR HIM HEARD HIM •prrnach beat Lan. ter sidurnisirou Bob identifies had withdrawn. Using his body aa a club. I ROCK 'N' ROLL het as Senhorits flouts Damao who back the rush 0t the iarget bully, on the IMAIRTM '13c you lock up yourself sir ?" K ID I I. to be • passenger Who was now moving in to siatirun- 1, ENTUftE an outs:. tn. Fast India • Compan) stop Sir-Lane arrecabli sot "Always. It's a chore 4'11 trust aster the heath Inn.% nib conteder- ;TARS fniaes Dirk with the news that Dick to no one else." , nail tailed to deliver The vic- ommand the PILORIII VEN- ate TURE. . I tollowed nim-au silence while tim's head, colliding with my neiy he tefted the bars on .!ach wirolow .assatlant'a moinft at the top of CHAPTER 5 and snade sure ma iron shutters the swing, doubled nim like a •"NOY I see Sir Luke before were bolted on the iroode. This )ackknife, with his Wind spilled. a rL sr • 1111 morning?" I asked Bob Mc- dine, ne escorted me through a Before either could; reef/vet I Lane. kind of postern gate that gave to my knees again -ersiash- NIGHTS was on -E-AVviE "At the moment." said McLane, an alley bordering the narbor. Mg a. fist downward at the base -117: e rests on a (arm ne owns an ou Il excuse me if I flurry, at the smaller man's skull with 1.1..riem —a village to the north of Mr. Douglas? I've a meeting at enough force to stun him. Then, IC us. I'll loan you a trap If you wish the Governor's house — and It prying the black jack from his to call there " can't wait." fingers, I cracked the second "My friend is ordering rooms In "Go by all means," I said. "I bravo across the pate — hard ABM an' SLATS by Rambures Van Buren town," I said "Unless we're to can find my way to Culpepper enough to render him hors de no_ reason Lane." sail with the tide, I see combat without breaking a bone. ALWAVS VAND I'M THANK - --THAT PAID OFF IN SAVING talickfahda." "So you can," he said—and DIDN'T YOU HEAR THE I'LL tth -11r journey to the A blow above the ear of the other AW! Flk THAT NE'WAD OUR LIVES!! LONG UVE (S08) j most comic haste BROADCAST'? SATHLESS-GROGGIN5 'REGRET THAT I. "Nor do I," said McLane. "Go moved w th footpad 'Unshed what my flat had MEAN -HOORAY FOR SACRIFICED HiS LIFE 'T. LEAD THAT CONSIDERED A LOATHING FOR I 1111 on to sirs. Pettinglira. by all toward t4e alley's mouth, where begun. Five seconds after lointr.g TOWN RIGHT HIM A NO- SOAP AND SATHLESS.I.' means. With luck. you may join a rig an coachman were waiting. battle I found myself in posses- SOAPY MESS OUT 0' AW GOOD BUM- WATER -•-f Senhonta Damao at table." He was gone on the Instant with sion of the field—and got to my SMACK INTO BOTTOMLESS "May I ase,your wares before a great rattling of ironshod feet to make sure the rascals RAVINE - - - I go?" 'I asked. "YMi realize of wheels on cobbles. were otherwise linemen Then I course, that your fame has long At the time l saw nothing odd turied again to the shadow.N1 cess Of the fact I had been deserted In '1 sane reached Scotland?" In arch. to search out ther assail- 7_ 1 "I'm proud ot rig.i reputation this noisome cul-de-sac, with no an's I had not long to wait. "Follow me, exit but an archway that gave to there,- sato McLane. The en-my who now trod be. bit the loading platform of the ware- Mr Douglas The light's it tween me kid safety was tall son , house proper. AY dim. but I'll show you what I wiry, with fanatic's eyes in • Curiously enough, I felt no urge can." dead-white lace and rtervous half hour we tc hasten to Mrs. Pettingill's For the next hands. His close-cropped poll sug- • storerooms boarding establishment. While I roamed through the. gested that he was a man of qon where weighed the problems that ob- ot his thltat eatabllehment, ity minus his wtg, though hip staurant scured my future I sat on a bol- he proved the most knowledge- clothes and boots seemed rough. Yet. try as I lard arid watched the powerful able of guides Under his arm tie carried a pair (.5. 5.1 Po - could not pierce his ar• tug of that tide -in a river that .11.• fl!5s,thONN 1,..ewet might. I ot naked cutlasses Without a the prodigal was no river at all, but an arm mor as he displayed word, no flung one of the blades of nil wares of the ever,restleas sea. ffee Co. abundance at me—then stood en garde rising "You say these goods are from After striking a spark froth a bit on his toes, like a tiger I ventured. "Why my tinderbox and smoking a pipe wrecked ships,- about to spring. LIL' ABNER is Al Capp :ream Co. are they undamaged?" ot Virginia shag, I managed to - - - - yourself, sir," he said. "My agents buy only the pick shake off my gloom. Evening had "Defend fight." It was WHAT? A GROUP 0'FELLOW- of the salvage, Mr Douglas." closed in on the alley while I "You'll get a fair GASP!f-THERE'S ROME. er5"0- the voice of a gentleman, and the "How can you be sure these sat there, hut there was light ONE'NORD ON THE NO HARM AMER,C_ANS, WAITIN' • SYSTht order was given in the most coot'. tROME!!f— GEORGIA? things weren't pirated'!" enough to guide me among the DONE!! TQ GREET ME!! teous of tones. Yet this new threat OTHER SIDE OP HIS 2 0. The factor's smile vas bland as bales to Front Street. Only when OUT!! ?-WE DEPORTED chilled me far more than the WI' A 21-GUN Devon cream "1 can t be Sure— I moved Mtn the deeper shadow DEPORTATION HIM TO crude attack of the.footpads. SALUTE,ITSEEms!! In every case. Still, If the bill of of the arch was I consclona that OPDFR THE WRONG welcome. "D'you want my purse too?" I sale is stamped and In order, the I had outstayed my "GEORGIA'!! ROMEft SUGAR seller', record Is clean. That's all There was no mistaking the in- asked. handle a cut- ery, Snow's I'm concerned shout." tent of the two figures who closed "Prove you can "Which means you're willing to In to bar my further progress. lass," he said. "or you'll never 'ood Market, buy from privateers—not from Even without their truncheons I learn." Ile charged me with that try, A&P Food outright Watts?" could guess they were footpads, ultimatum. aiming a great swing- Grocery, Stop "Privateer fto a weird thht cov- with but one end In view. ing blow that would have split sr)', ers many sins" said McLane. "May I pass, gentlemen ?" head from body had it landed Horn's Groc- "Naturally, in the unsettled state said—if only to test their motives, fairly. The rirtg of steel, when I et world trade, cargoes may "Not without your purse," said lifted my blade to Itliwr My Hie, ,rocery, Out- change hands often befoee they one of them. set the echoes flying in that con- lurray Wnole- reach the market. Or—to put the “And a bit of your hide, If you fined space: a score of gulls, matter in other terms--goods can show tight," saki the other, leaving thrar perches on the. ware. be resold u1. finitely, it the spirit My hand dropped to my sWbrd Nurse roof, circled wildly above US our Admiralty taw is ritaserVed." before I recalled I was vtiarmed. before spurting into the blue. .• z. int be Vtle4 ! 4 ••• What the rogue paid was ciultk The larger of the bullies WWI 111- (Continued Tomorrow)

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4 PAGE FOUR MEP LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY !CAhniccinaegot U. Gets TTIF.SDAV — MARCH 31, 195f. Faithful Ledger •, CHICAGO nUrli - The latest Teachers addition ipaithe treasure-store of 'documents in PERSONALS a steel vault at Harpea Memorial Library Its HURON JIFF:RFS' of the University of Chicago is Students retuining today to Seperinterident of a - busi- Tkok the ness ledger kept by a farm University if Kentucky are Jennye Calloway County Schools man- ager of 1.000 years ago. Sue Stubblefield, A. Wer SiMmons, a. teacher apprec.a ition -Robe* Rosenthal. Edwina Kirk, John Ietie. , time when the library's Preston Ord- each of us epecial'enllection way, should .nclicate curator, said the and Betsy Howton. in some approp- • riate two yellowed, tattered sheets, • • way - a notes'. a gift. a personal 1714 by 8la inches, are papyrus thank you, that we are Bill McKeel, Northville, Mich., indebted account books and date back to these people who to arrived for four days visit with teach "about 158 A.D." our children. Yet, thinking a his mother, Mrs. Eula McKeel Rosenthal said the back across the years, and, ledgers .are and sister, Mrs. Goldia -the "accounts written Curd. many teachers who in (amen which • • • • helped to were kept shape and influence in the form of double our lives. a entries. Mr .and note Cr gift seems They record the Cod of Mrs. Dave Tobias and poor repayment daughter, of a debt. processing oil, wine. and grains Garden City, Michigan, for market and spent the Easter holidays When the word "teacher" the income from with her is the sales of these parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'mentioned. so many things commodities Charlie -come over several months." Shroat and other relatives. to our mind. faces half-forgotten, • The papyri were • • • • vo.ces hard to recall. th-e- written in room aernell" Greek. Rosenthal added, because Of -Thins. desk. ChM Charlie Waters. Murray, was rec- nbells. that was the language 1 stuffy rooms, , Lang winter of Egypt ently released from- the hospital days and time. lain sunlight, Teachers at in Little Rock. Ark., following an -so the many teachers to whom -we operation. He will be at the home owe c• • so much, and to whom we of his son, Taman Waters in can never say even "thank yau". it‘itan Little Rock. until he is able to I'm aafr3.c1 we are .•• return not grateful to Murray. Friends may enough for our teachers. write him at 10411 Slyvan Hills By J Our mind' torn, .backw.,ret Highway. North to Cort..t..ed Iron.- Page Little Rock, Ark. U nitec just a raw ,.f the One IC3Cht't'S merr.been-of the Cadiz C:vitan remember thraugh the • years. Club aasa came to Mirray to help le at eigh Then, was the m.aaerly Dr. Roy Beaman of lady who aout. New Orle- nities an manned k.ndness, faith ans. La., visited and jus*,,ce The event was so successful in Murray last hundreds in our hearts because she week with relatitves and was , that it will be an annual money friends. and Okla always kind and faithful. • Tn, ratsang -project of the club. Win- • • • • They k. there was the kindly man villa ners of the ticket selling - teams and injui taught us the love of nature Mr. Ned Beaman he- in the club. will be treated to of Houston, them cr cause he stutind the trees, Texas visited nnears, steak citr.ner -and the losers over the week-end birds. and will were ash ,the great out-of-door's have a bean supper. :n Murray with us. JUST DUCKY struck. Then there was the The dab expressed for small fry, this dress their'. thanks_ TISSUE GLIGMAILinaaaainaianel-white A torna Fr-1111,-11,4T: who mime -etrenTS iao purehased tickets for is Used for a delightfully nines bet taught us( the meaning of obeca- the crisp little frock. pancalce, day. to RuclY's and ly SUSAN BARDEN lb in cei ier.ce. nat because he was stern the Kentucky Colonel for their FREE than tha and harsh, but because we adrrar- generous vfOTHERS will love new . cooperation, and to the top creates a dressy pinafore It accour ed his strong character and 11.1 fashions for little girls. derdress. Embroidery and his many companies and firms •who look. This crisp bib Is banded Val dead and fine qualities. All of They're feminine and fetch- lace trim are used from A complete them endow- donated the tood which was with white. A white band collar ed uf.with, patience serv- ing, bound to make budding is to hem. Sleeves are That to and willir.g- ed. also used to define waistline edged ness. for when we beauties look completely en- with lace and formed bile front were wayward, The club is runn:r.g and edge cuffs. in Chiropractic stubborn an adver- chanting when it's time to pleasing puffs that will flat- C. B. Bru and restless. theit pa- tisement in Lance today's issue dress up for parties or visits Pretty toe PortIss ter plump little arms. Connally and self_-control seeded end- lathe nanata A flan Rami,s desen,.. - --to-fazaeraciodernrearttives. - -Spring cheeks show Examination Surgeon:- • • Wiiign is a up In One frock for example, really navy and white fin small and two So is pretty frock for parties. fry to y u teachers toctiy: .n brown dotted Swiss. A in a dress with a sion. you:- steadfastness to- :deals. splash It's white organza white em- It drovi ackn,wledgemern to what of White organdy over a broidered collar including all x-rays you your en:ling:less to across the pale yellow cotton and front A TINY CHARMER , tiv body have meant to your sacrifice for -satin un- panel Ls all set for-a birthday community. the pr vtiege of her party dress celebration in M11.1M. for r loyalty serving, you are of snowy white organza over • to you • - ' neck yellow cotton. at the Hillsboro "pin ctfsh East !laze! Club Air OAKLEY Thet ear .1leets have In Home Of GREEN CREEK conl .1Irs. H. i//iam . GARAGE WITH HOUSE an Air F( .-I dams j Lochie Landolt, Editor Phone PL 3-4707 NEWS Killeen. ^, The East Hazel Homemakers CHIROPRACTIC men were club killed. met recently, in the home LONDON (UPI) of Mrs. Well we have some - The fol- William Adams. Presiding Easter weat- lowing advertisement The tot was the her today after appeared preatdent. Mrs Leland a few days of Alton. #01464 warm sun in the personal column of the shine Hope CLINIC The roll ca:1 was answered cold spell Times: • ' doesn't last too long. nine memta in telling ' State the name Not so a spring tanker much sickness at "Untitled old Etonian time, this forced Aurora, The just bad colds. to sell garaga Kentucky devot.onal taken from in .heart of West Sectic Psalms Mr and Mrs. Tom Gordon End; three and the •thought for the have bedroom hauar: thrown ...been visiting their in. No appointment rranth "Keeper of My children in - • At K Home" Alton. Ill., this past avert given by Mrs Hertle evening. Hostesses will be Mes- week. Some Crajgn of the children brought Mrs Hoyt Cra:g led in prayer. Social Calendar dames H. W. Wilson. Will Frank them and necessary spent the week-end. The The lessor, on Steely. Galen Thurman. MAX Ke 'Sewing Machine Jr.. and Mr „Gordon H. attachment was Bill Thurman. and his son-in-law tion's Spi presented by Mrs. i Tuesday. Mareb visited Huston CHURCHILL H ours Irus Sills and 31st . Mrs Jessie Cole, Miller Saturday aft- College an Mass-ffilda . The Temple 11.1: cnapter South Eighth ernoon. They demonstrated OES i Street at 730 in FUNERAL held inewing lace, 1No. 511 will bold the evening. ,Mr. HOME inserams a Friendship • • • • Tuesday, Apte '141k and Min. Charley Culp 10:00 • priday al making Woks, and night at 7:30 have a.m. - 8:00 p.m. us- pm. Ra.nbnw glrls The Murray Star fbeen Sick with colds. "THIl announces ir g different son hemmers l 'ram Monday. April It& chapter N. FRIENDLY and Murray will be In cearge 433 OES will met ' The revival meeting man of th binder!. The Cora Graves Circle of the at the Masonic is in prog- FUNMA.L HOME" Monday, Wednesday, of the program. All Masons and hall at 710 ress at !Locust addi' Mrs. Rertle Craig College Presbyterian Church pm. Grove this week. In gave land- Eastern Stars are invited. will • • • • Mr. Bert scaping notes. meet with Mrs. Eleanor Hodges and Huston , Thursday, and Section al • • • • Larson as1T Miller gardened lit Friday A salad hostess. The program h e Pottertown Homemakers some Thursday, ' Librarians plate and e !fee were will be on SUPERIOR 1 April let "Political club will meet in the home also Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culp. to attend served by the haress aas.stecisby Tbe Circles". of AMBULANCE 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Gta., Wyatt c.rc:e of the Mn. Grace Robertson Mr and Mrs Herman librarians Mrs. Mary Hawth.rne. • • • • at 10:30 in Edwards College Presbyterian Class the morning. and Rebel SERVICE will Circle Six of the Gibson were recent • present. 1 meet It 930 im. WMS. First • • 'visitors Equipped Sundays :r. the h ane of Baptist • • of Mr. and Mrs. Huston With Follow/1i Mrs. church. wall meet at 7:30 I Raphael -Jones. The Five Circles Miller. OXYGEN in the evening Hostesses will of the WMS. on Frida • • • • be First Baptist Mrs. Robert Gohene KNOWS Mrs. A. W. Russell and Mrs. church will meet at and Nancy I Phone El 4-4155, le two HU* .4,1J111 Thursday. April Glen 2:4, in were visitors led Hodges Program leader the afternoon inthe fol- of Mr. and Mrs. Phone PL groups. ' The Garden department is Mrs. lowing Charley 3-4612 of the J. B. Burkeen places' Circle one with Culp while Robert was 311 N. 4th jars. "Lb'r „11•-• Murray Woman's club Mrs. away winning - Murray, Ky. Fairdealing Exchange will meet The Suburban Homemaker, Owen Bithngton, Circle Two the,State Basketball tServices." CINCINNATI. Ohio at 230 p.m, at the club dut with Mrs. tournament. Pf - Carl house. will meet at 7 p.m. S. S. Herndon, Circle 2ation ai Rich was granting Hostesses will be in the horns Mr. 011ie Shockley,. Mesdames L. A. of Mrs. David Three with Mrs. Carl Kingins, and. Mm" Bert Hodges visit- Streareli 68. a divorce Moore, Carl Lockhart. Thompson, 507 ed from his wife Jodie W H Mae Whitnell Avenue. Circle Four with Mn. &fetus Linn, their daughter Vernet] Snow Belle, when son. J. E. he saw snrneth,ng Littleton. and Cliford • • • and Circle Five at the First Tuesday morning. the Melugin. • Baptist Corner at 4th court records that made Mission. People are beginning to & Main Phone PLaza 3-2547 him ii•e• Circle Seven of the First Bap- talk tist church • • •• about little chicks. but 'think there "You will meet at 7:30 in died in 1933. Mr.Shock- the evening Thursday. April win" be time for that after Easter. ley," Erlday. April 3rd Hariesses are Mrs. 11I1h arad the judge. Hunter The H..rne Department Dave Harmon was a visitor The Jessie Houston Service Love and Mrs. E. D. Ship- of the of SCOTT "If .1 dot I didn't club Murray Woman': Huston Miller last week. ABORTIONIST DRUG CO. know any- of the Supreme ley. Leader will be Club will meet HELD - Death of thing abaut Forest %Cadman Mn, Graves Mrs Ellen 16 - year • it.- Shockley repLed.Circle Medd. at 2.30 in the afternoon at the Hodges is able to be -old Brenda Emerson will meet in the home of out some. (upper), "PRESCRIPTION •• • • club house. Hostesses are Mes- pretty bride whose SPECIALISTS" dames Joe Parker, body was found on a Burbank, Tuesday, -April, 7th Nat Ryan DOG Hughes, Maynard Ragsdale, Calif., hospital lawn, is bLamed Matthews To Preach The executive board of the John ::1Ps:11.113.0 :Thf ren°ti.YDr. dy e n:Lb.mlistiertekli.mK.oiabAh io.mcuoaerl God's Word United Reale. E W. Riley. on an abortionist by investi- Church Women will meet Frank Hal- GROWERS College comb. rnn Tommy RED-FACED gators. Under arrest Is Mrs, Church of Christ - Murray, at ten o'clock in the Presbyterian Lavender. JACKSONVILLE. Ky. • • • Fla al -The Ruth Davidson, 42, (lower), April 1 Manse. Florida who - 8 7:00 p.m. Watermelon Growers and served an abortion •• •• Saturday. April lath Distributors term in 1955. PLAN Association had to fly II! TO COME! The Murray The Woodman Circle Juniors Assembly of Rain- watermelons fr •rn Cuba to serve Dr. bow will meet at 2 `pm. in the for Girls will meet in the Ameri- at its annual convention because POWER OF THE PRESS Sweater Girls can Masonic Hall at Legion Hall. 7 p.m. not a melon could be found in •• • • •• PREFER •• Florida. alrbanqi Tuesday. The Delta Department of April 2Is1 HARTFORD, the The Music Coma - cipal at Murray Woman's club department of the will meet After a month of snowless winter be Dr. at the Woman'si club will meet at 7 SANITONE club house at 7.30 in the 30 in weather, the Hartford even.rg. the evening at the Times prira Murray Hostesses are Mesdames club home for picture a program on ed a of a sled on hair encl. D4 Holmes Ellis, A. "Grand Opera". D Butterworth. Hastesses ground wah the caption' "When Sol,-See an aTh, A. B. Austin and wall be Mesdamea Albert - VarOflay C. B. Ford. , the 'mown' Restore the final Concl • S •-• Tracy. Glindel Reaves. Mary Alex- edi- ander. John Winter, tion. It started to snow and a DRY CLEANING be a The Jessie Lad-wick H W. Wilson, circle of Irvin Gilson next day the Times printed an, morn in the Colege Presbyterian and Earl Douglas. church • • • • er picture of the sled, this ta Leaders "LAST TIME'STIME'SJAMES will meet at STEwART and MC IPA 2 p.m. covered with snow, It makes their NOVAK in • • Thursday. April and the ca, Status, TONIGHT "BELL, • • 23rd tion: "We BOOK & CANDLE" The Magazine Club asked for it." sweaters "Its 0 - color The WSCS of the Twat will meet Metho- at 2.30 in the afternoon Gitler. I dist church will meet in the with Mrs. color-bright ... Little Cullen Phillips Accredi Chapel in 10:45 as hostess. Guest in the morning. speaker Zeta Department cashmere soft! rotary, I • • • • will be Mrs. C. S. Lowry WEDNESDAY and on "A Dash Of Comedy". — SPECIALS Americ THURSDAY Thursday. April Ws Hears Mrs. Lowry TODAY THRU SAT. — • • • • • E J. I The Supr,•me Forest Woodma NOY S HOTTEST YOUNG STAR Friday. April Speak On Japan SWEATERS Depart Circle Will meet at the Wornan'S Mb only 45e IN THE The Zeta Department of Univen LOVE STORY OF OUR AGE! club house at 7 30 :n the evening. the Mrs. C. S. Lowry spoke to Woman's club will meet a BLANKETS ney B. • • • • at the recent meeting of the Zeta only 99( club house at 1:30 in the de- State ' , The South Murray Homemakers evening partment dif the Murray I for a dessert bridge Woman's PLAIN SKIRTS Woads, l club will meet in the home Hostesses are club and showed slides only 490 of yrs. John Pasco. on France 3i Mrs Jewell Evans, Mrs. Pat Wallis, and Japan. The BED SPREADS nscon North 16th 'Mrs. M C meeting was held Street Extended Ellis, Mrs Robert at 7:30 only 99t • nei, Miller, in the evening at the Club • • • • Mrs. Dan Hutson. mei. House. SHIRTS Louis' Stark Erwin, only 45t The North Mrs. L. D. Miller, During the moden Murray Homemakers Mrs. Conrad business meeting CAR club will Jones. Mid John Mrs COATS 79( Miss meet in the home of Quertermous, Alfred 1.indsey presided only Mts. ,riara and Mrs Chanel Names for of the Workman at 1.30 in the Clark. membership were tat. DRAPERIES (1x2/12 afternoon. ed and the library yds.) only '1.00 mittee • • • • - service proa • • •• was discussed. SHOWER fiaturday. April -PROOF any The Paris R oa d Homemakers 15th Garment . 75t Fl The Alpha department Plans were :nub will meet in of the made for the benefit ur the home of Murray Woman's (These Prices Cash Mrs. Pat stub will meet bridge party to be sponsored by & Carry) im Thompsfin in the Kgr • • • club house at 000 in the C'hecks brighten the Zeta department April for Aso • evening a belted. seml- 24 at th for a pot luck supper. fitted suit the club house. T t ',.11,1K:01011• Monday. April Ilth Hostesses in lacy loop British voa t are Mesdames D. T. woolen IMO ME • YIN The Sigma department of the mohair. See cover photo Hostesses Boone n SAISII McConnell, Cleo Hester.. for the evening IA Cleaners Nil Murray Wrienan'e Benjamin for another view of aegrei Club will meet Keys, C. the suit, By Mesdames Rob Hole. Alvis Jon's, at the L. Scarbrough, Misses Arthur Jablow; club house at 7.30 in the Cappie hat by John Fred- Glen C. Hodges, warm Beale and Rubie Smith. erica. James Rudy All- South Side Square Phone britten and Miss Vivian Hale. PL 3-2552 day-t after. one f


•1111•••••.• • ' • 1' ""7. ,11•INPIE;-

