Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 3-31-1959 The Ledger and Times, March 31, 1959 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, March 31, 1959" (1959). The Ledger & Times. 3576. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3576 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. s, 41). • • MARCH 30, 1959 .) •• CLASSIFIEDS Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky •••.. Community Newst_pir God's Word First... - Murray, Ky. with Largest 7:00 p.m. Circulation In ME! Local News The City 41, and Largest Local Pictures Circulation In y Salon The County r. Mason Office) United IN OUR Press International 80th YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afte MURRAY iNA HUIE oon, March 31, 1959 POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXX No. 77 •ators & HITE RETAIL MERCHANTS GROUP IS FORMED TAURA NT MTS Students Beta Club Week Christineti Jorgense n STEAKS - Gospel Meeting CHOPS - Is Observed Plans Marriage Initial Meeting Is Held Last IRS - SANDWICHES Represented NEW YORK (UPI, The fiance NTRY This week, March 30th to HAM Will Begin At of Christine Jurg, risen hustled Night; Others Invited To Join April 6th, has been declared as Off to Chicago today in search Food County Beta Club Week, and Served of the divorce papers he must tn Festival each chapter of the club plans A Local Church submit before he can marry the retail merchants association felons; Lubie Veale. Lancaster nd Courteously some special observation. The was manturned-weenan. formed last night in a meet- Veale; Alma Tracy. Tracys; Joe week will culminate in, a tnty ing Two hundred and fifty appear Christine, 33. put six attorneys at the Murray City Hall at tLittleton, Littleton's; Maurice banquet and installatikin of coun- 7/30 ances by Murray Training School squarely .on the spot Monday by p.m. Crass, Crass Furniture Co. Ed ty officers a: the Kentucky Col- students will be made during the sheweng up at the Municipal Fenton, Fenton's onel on April 6th. Vernon Hale, owner of the Na- Firestone. State Music contest fn be held Building with Howard J. Knox The Bea' Club was tional Stores, was named as" chair- begun in Waukegan, Ill., and asking for Of man d Maurice Crass, Jr of campus on 'April 2, 3, and 4, . the Murray Training School rass urniture Company. secre- Murray Training School students as But the lawyers were saved charter chapter. It is an no- tary. Maurice Ryan of Ryan's uneral Held agil be represented in 9 solos, 10 from making an on-the-spot de- secret, leadership, service organi- Shoe Store was named as teasurer. intees Membles. 2 choruses, band and cision on the unusual case when zation, and stresses Character. !`.0 The dues of the organization orchestra. they discoverd that Knox had Leadership. and Achievement a were set at $5.00 per year. For The following students will ap- been previously married and that Resident its - three goals. It is open pear as soloists: he didn't have his divorce papers It was agreed that Members any high ::chool • student we:, James Cherry, Baritone solo: with him. The law eays any di- of- the Retail Merchants Associa- an average of B. and that aver- John Darnall. Snare Drum solo; vorced person seeking a marriage not.. would close each Thursday age must be maintained as Mrs. Sandra Smith, Twirling: Patsy lone license must submit proof of di- afternoon, Elmo Cochran Sledd, age these? as the student begining the first is an active mem- 73, died Sunday at Winchester, Twirling: Susan Ev- vorce. Thu.-J.:ay in May. 7:45 p. m at ber. Chapters now are found . her home at 405 ans. Twirling: Nore Winter, Oboe A spokesman for Christine said The motion was made that six Elm Street. Her in Murray Training School, New I • .1 death vaas attributed solo; John Winter. Violoncello; Knox might not get back from holidays would be taken during to a Pos- C.A....nc 4i, leyinn Grove, sible heart Virginia Robertson, Double Bass Chicago with the papers before the year. They are New Year, ..attack. Mrs. Sledd a K:rksey, and a county Alsno,nd char- was the wife rho; James Thornt, n, Trumpet Friday. which would give city at- Mermrial Day. July 4, Labor Day, of the late Elm.) ter has been formed with officers Sledd wha sigo. a torneys time to figure things Thanisgiving, Christmas. This also died on Easter -nt all and tamps The following ensembles .,are to member schools. Sunday, April 2. 1956. eut. •• motion was tabled for further The Beta Club fills a deep Survivors are; be represented: Mike MeCasey, Christine. an ex-G.I. named study by the group. one sister, Mrs. need in schools, in that it Spencer Nancy Gibbs. Sandra Gibbs, „ferry gives George Jorgenzen Jr.. who under- Edwards. Stella, and on.!, prestige and status to those stud- The group also agreed that stores brother. Adams (String Quartet ; Ralph went a series of • treatments in Joe Cottadn. Muer.:e ent; who do not excell would close on Thursday after- Route Oliver, John Darnall. Ca r 01 y n in athlet- Denmark in 1950 and then an- one. ics, but whose goal is noon during the summer, regard- Mrs. Wood. John Winter, Virginia 11,1a- scholar- nouno4 neat his sex riad been Sledd was a member ,C ship. less of whether a holiday fell the Rose ertson (String Quintet); Charles chervi . from male to female. Bewer Baptist Chur.h- Paul in the same week or not. in Robertson. James Thornton, John Matthews appearedat the Municipal Biuld- Marshall County. The funei Chairman Hale appointed the will be Winter. Tommy Lassiter (Brass ing with hair in a stylish eel- conducted at the Max 11 A Gospel Meeting has been fcllowing group chairmen. Maurice iielawartet). Judy Clark, Greta Biooks. Second Program Of fure and wear.ng a mink coat. Churchill Funeral Home Chat. seheduled for the College Church Ryan, Russell Johnson, Hershel with Bro. Ally Thomas, Mary Ann Craw- Fine Patricia Wilson, Christine's _Norman Culpepper o This six Arts Festival of Christ from April 1 to April Corn. Earl Littleton. Maurice Crass, charge of ford (Girls Quartet); Mike Alex- TANKED DOWN — -story building in New York manager in her new carter as a the service. The tuner 8. The speaker for this meeting Sr.. Everett Jones, Boody Russell. ander, Dan Steely, Jane Miller, only about half its former self after a 10,000-gallon wat/tr To Be Presented show business entertainer, said will be held Tuesday at 2:00 tank crashed from roof will be Paul Matthews. minister Nix Crawford. m Burial Mary Beth Robertson (Clarinet the through the top three fl rs Christine and her fiance both had will be in the Muriel; and knocked out the rear wall. Eleven persons were injured. The second fot the Seventh and Poplar Church city Quartet); Judy Clark. Karen Co- program in the cur- been given pre-marriage pflysical No indication was given as to cemetery. rent of Chr.st. Before coming to Mur- vey, Mary Ann Crawfrd. Norma festival of like, arts will be examinations', including blood when the next meeting of the Pallbearers: Buster Cope. N -- presented this ray last June Mr. Matthews 'ban Cope, Jean Curd. Ann Evans, Virginia evening in the tests, by Dr. Henry Ross of New group would be held. Ted Cope, Lynn Ee- Recital preached for the church in Sparta, wards, Fielder, Phyllis Maupin. Barbara Hall, Fine Arts Building. York. All retail establishments have Cliff Cochran, and Cha - Murray Hospital I at 8:15. Tennessee for about six years. es Cochran. Ray, Patsy Rayburn. Jan Waldrop I Frank Ellis Ross refused to cotnmet. been invited to join the Retail Friends may call .it The program Mr. Matthews is an experienced the Max (Girls Ensemble); James Cherry. will be 3 film. Merchants Association. Churchill Fuenarl Home fol- 111.1.6wrought Silver", A realaege teacher, lecturer, and gos- the John Darnall. Sherrill Hicks. Chris Monday's complete record vet7 diTerthants present were: Matte weal service hour. well photographed pel teacher. Max D. Parker. Bobby lows: demonstration rice Ryan, Ryan. Shoe Store; Speaker At elf fine craftsmanship in the The College Church of Christ Sly. Charles Robertson (Boys En- Census 42 rais- Clothing Bank Russell Johnson, The Style Shop; ing of a silver bowl extends to you a cordial invitation semble). Adult 'lards 85 from the Mrs Bertha Jones, Julia Ann Shop; Potluck Supper To original piece of sterling silver. to hear Mr Matthews speak on Emergency Beds 23 William Flitches. Furches Jew- Hazel William Bennett. a contemporary a vital subject each night at 7:00 Be Held Thursday Patients Admitted 3 Dinner Formed Here elery; J. I). Murphy. Murray's English silversmith, is the artist- P.M. a Patients Dismissed .... 0 Home & Auto; Stub Wilson, Mur- craftsman. The festival is presen,- His subjects for each night are: w Ci:izens 0 Frank Eilis, ray Supply; Galen Thurman. Third Concert Administrative ed by the Fine Arts Department —Wed — "Characteristics of a admitted from A meeting was held last night Patients Friday Assistant to Frank Stubblefield. Thurman Furniture; Baxter Bil- The Friendship Class in cooperation with the AAUW. Strong Church" te form a clathing bank for Cal- of tlie 9:00 a. in.
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