Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt 27(3), 1819-1827, 2019

Website: 1819

PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF SOME EXTRACTS ON IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS [145] Fatma M. Abo El-Magd*, Tawfik M.F., Moawad F.G. and Ali N.E. Agric. Biochemistry Dept., Fac. of Agric., Ain Shams Univ., P.O. Box 68, Hadayek Shobra 11241, Cairo, Egypt

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received 9 September, 2019 Accepted 16 September, 2019

ABSTRACT tive control group. The protective effects of various plant extracts were established by appearance the

levels of and other kidney function tests Hyperuricemia (elevated serum levels of uric near to their normal values which appeared in the acid) is a key risk factor for the development of normal control group. The different plant extracts gout, and has been linked to renal dysfunction, exhibited protective effects against hyperuricemia cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes in variant efficacies compared to . These and metabolic syndrome. Hyperuricemia was in- efficacies were in the following order: fig > allopuri- duced by oxonic acid (uricase inhibitor) in experi- nol > celery ≈ parsley. Comparatively, the different mental rats to evaluate the protective effect of al- plant extracts exhibited inhibitory effects on the coholic extracts from parsley shoots, celery seeds activity of liver oxidase in variant and fig leaves. The rats were divided into 6 groups, efficacies compared to allopurinol. These efficacies and the first one served as a normal control group. were in the following order: allopurinol > fig > cel- Three groups of rats were given various plant ex- ery ≈ parsley. It can be noticed that fig extract was tracts (celery, parsley and fig) by oral administra- the most effective treatment against hyperuricemia tion using a stomach tube at a dose of 250 mg/kg. while allopurinol was the strongest inhibitor against A positive control group of rats was administered xanthine oxidase activity. orally the hypouricemic , allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor) at a dose of 100 mg/kg. A nega- Keywords: Allopurinol, Celery, Fig, Hyperurice- tive control group did not receive any plant extracts mia, Oxonic acid, Parsley, Rats, Uric acid, Xan- or . The various plant extracts and the drug thine oxidase. were administered for the rats every day for 9 days. On the 10th day, all groups except the normal INTRODUCTION control received a single dose of oxonic acid (250 mg/kg) by intraperitoneal injection to induce hype- Uric acid is produced by metabolism. ruricemia. After two hours of hyperuricemia induc- When is catabolized, is con- tion by oxonic acid injection, blood samples were verted to , and then to , which collected from all rat groups. The protective effects is in turn oxidized by xanthine oxidase (XO) to of various plant extracts were monitored through generate xanthine, and then uric acid. The catabo- measurement of uric acid and other blood bio- lism of starts with conversion to xanthine chemical analyses for the rats as well as assay of and then to uric acid, with the second step also xanthine oxidase enzyme in liver tissues. The data being catalyzed by XO (Cleland et al 1995). In indicated a significant (P<0.05) increase in the many mammals, uricase converts uric acid into levels of uric acid, urea, creatinine and potassium, allantoin, which has higher solubility and no obvi- and a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the levels of ous adverse effect (Sherman et al 2008). Uric acid total calcium in serum of hyperuricemic rats (nega- is the end product of nucleic acid metabolism in tive control) compared to the normal control group. human with the loss of uricase. Uric acid is formed These results indicated that oxonic acid caused from nucleic acid either endogenously from cell hyperuricemia and renal dysfunction in the nega- breakdown or exogenously from metabolism of

1820 Fatma Abo El-Magd;Tawfik; Moawad and Ali

food (Choi et al 2005). The amount of urate in the of allopurinol, but not more effective than higher blood depends on the dietary intake of , doses of allopurinol (Love et al 2010). urate biosynthesis, and the rate of urate excretion. Using of medicinal in the treatment of Over-production or under-excretion of uric acid hyperuricemia and gout need to scientific evidenc- leads to hyperuricemia (Wang et al 2008). es. Several studies are achieved to identify their Hyperuricemia is a key risk factor for the devel- phytochemicals, that inhibits XO activity and there- opment of gout, and has been linked to renal dys- by reduce the uric acid levels (Kong et al 2000; function, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, Sweeney et al 2001). Flavonoids are widely found diabetes and metabolic syndrome (Choi and Ford, in a number of medicinal plants. Some of these 2007; Johnson et al 2005; Short and Tuttle, flavonoids are found to inhibit XO activities and 2005). Hyperuricemia is a common metabolic dis- diminish serum uric acid, which may be new thera- order in human. It occurs as a result of over- peutic agents for hyperuricemia and gout (Lin et al production of uric acid and impaired renal uric acid 2002; Mo et al 2007; Van Hoorn et al 2002). excretion (Terkeltaub, 2003). Increasing in uric Phytochemical studies on Fig (Ficus carica) acid level also leads to form monosodium urate fruits and leaves showed that plant contains of monohydrate (MSU) crystals in the joints, causing numerous bioactive compounds such as phenolic gout, and in the kidney, predisposing to urate compounds, organic acids, anthocyanin composi- nephrolithiasis (Merry et al 2007; Preitner et al tion, phytosterols, triterpenoids, coumarins, and 2009). Recently, hyperuricemia linked to cardio- volatile compounds such as aliphatic alcohols and vascular diseases (Jin et al 2012). hydrpcarbons (Gibernau et al 1997; Oliveira et al Gout is one of the most common metabolic 2009). Morin and are major flavonoids disorders with a worldwide distribution and contin- found in fig (Ficus carica) fruits and leaves (Kang ues to be a major health problem. It affects around et al 2004). Leaves, fruits and roots of F. carica 13% of men and 5% of the women (Arromede et are used in native medicine in different disorders al 2002). Gout is a metabolic disease caused by such as gastro-intestinal, cardiovascular and res- long-term purine metabolic disorders and elevated piratory disorders. F. carica possess hypo- uric acid. Gout is characterized by an excessive lipidemic effect, antioxidant activity, anti-bacterial concentration of uric acid in the blood, causing the activity, anti-cancer activity, hypoglycemic activity, accumulation of monosodium urate crystals in the anti-fungal activity, anti-pyretic activity, anti- joints and kidneys leading to acute gouty arthritis spasmodic effect and anti-platelet activity, anti- and uric acid nephrolithiasis (Kramer and Curhan, mutagenic activity (Shuk et al 2013). 2002). Celery seed is used for treating arthritis and Xanthine oxidase (XO) is a molybdenum- gout, and to help reduce muscle spasms, and re- containing enzyme, and catalyzes the oxidation of duce inflammation (Hanaa et al 2015). Celery ex- hypoxanthine to xanthine then uric acid (Masuoka tracts inhibited liver XO activity, lowered serum uric et al 2012). Inhibitors of XO are widely used to acid level, and decreased liver lipid peroxidation in treat hyperuricemia and gout such as allopurinol mice treated with oxonic acid. These effects may (Pacher et al 2006). Allopurinol is a purine selec- be due to the presence of several active ingredi- tive inhibitor of XO, works by a competitive inhibi- ents in celery leaves and seeds such as furocou- tion mechanism, and blocks the synthesis of uric marins (umbelliferone, apigravin & celerin), flavo- acid (Riegersperger et al 2011). However, the use noids (, luteolin & ), phenolic of allopurinol can be related to a number of side compounds (coumaric acid, & ferulic effects, indicating renal toxicity, even fatal liver acid), and tannins. Apigenin decreased serum uric necrosis and allergic reactions, such as skin rash. acid and inhibited liver XO activity by 38.4% in In some cases more severe hypersensitivity reac- hyperuricemic mice. Concerning the inhibitory ac- tions may be seen, such as Steven-Johnson Syn- tions on liver XO, kaempferol and luteolin were drome (Fagugli et al 2008). is also less effective than apigenin (Karim et al 2018). used to treat chronic gout and hyperuricemia. It is Parsley shoots contain several active ingredi- a non-purine selective inhibitor of XO, and works ents such as volatile oils, phenols, tannins and by non-competitive inhibition mechanism. Febuxo- flavonoids. Flavones (apigenin and luteolin), and stat is typically only recommended in those who flavonols (kaempferol and quercetin) which occur cannot tolerate allopurinol because febuxostat may in glycosidic form, are major flavonoids found in cause severe side effects such as heart attack. parsley. Parsley is known as one of the antioxidant Febuxostat is more effective than standard doses rich foods that may help in reducing inflammation

AUJASCI, Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 27(3), 2019 Protective Effect of Some Plant Extracts on Hyperuricemia in 1821 Experimental Animals in joints. The leaf part of parsley contains great Biological evaluation amount of polyphenols and has been shown to possess high antioxidant activity (Wong and Kitts, Experimental animals 2006; Marín et al 2016). Parsley administration to hyperuricemic rats, lower serum uric acid with the Thirty male Albino rats of Wistar strain weigh- highest reduction from dosage of 7.0 g/kg/day ing about 100g were obtained from the farm of compared to 3.5 g/kg/day and 10.5 g/kg/day. How- experimental animals in Helwan, Cairo, Egypt. The ever, 5 mg/kg/day allopurinol drug was the most rats were housed under normal laboratory condi- effective in reducing serum uric acid level in hype- tions. The rats had free access food and water ad ruricemic rats (Rahmat et al 2018). libitum during the experimental period. Parsley shoots, celery seeds, fig leaves and mulberry twigs are commonly used in Egyptian folk Experimental design medicine to treat gout and kidney stones. There- fore, the present study was carried out to evaluate Rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, and the protective effects of flavonoids and other active the first one served as a normal control group. Be- ingredients extracted from fig leaves, parsley fore induction of hyperuricemia, three groups of shoots and celery seeds against hyperuricemia rats were given various plant extracts (celery, pars- induced by injection of rats with oxonic acid. This ley or fig) by oral administration using a stomach study was also aimed to compare among the effi- tube at a dose of 250 mg/kg. A positive control cacies of these plant extracts and the most com- group of rats was administered orally the hypouri- mon drug in this respect, allopurinol against hype- cemic drug, allopurinol at a dose of 100 mg/kg. A ruricemia in the rats. negative control group did not receive any plant extracts or drugs then it was affected with hyperu- MATERIALS AND METHODS ricemia. The various plant extracts and the drug were administered for the rats every day for 9 Materials days. On the 10th day, all groups except the normal control received a single dose of oxonic acid (250 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) shoots and fig mg/kg) by intraperitoneal injection to induce hype- (Ficus carica) leaves were obtained from a local ruricemia. After two hours of hyperuricemia induc- market, Cairo, Egypt. Celery (Apium graveolens) tion by oxonic acid injection, blood samples were seeds were purchased from Agricultural Seeds, collected from all rat groups to evaluate the Spices and Medicinal Plants Co., Al-Azhar St., hypouricemic effect of different plant extracts com- Cairo, Egypt. Oxonic acid and xanthine were pur- pared to allopurinol (Haidari et al 2008). chased from Sigma Chemical Company (St. Louis, Mo). Urea, creatinine, uric acid, potassium and Blood sampling and biochemical assays calcium kits were obtained from Egyptian Compa- ny for Biotechnology, Obour city, Industrial area, Blood samples were collected in clean centri- Block 19A, Cairo, Egypt. All other chemicals and fuge tubes from retro-orbital venous plexus of all solvents used in this work were of analytical grade. animals by using capillary tubes. After that, serum was separated from the collected blood samples Methods by centrifugation and kept in a refrigerator at 4oC until analysis. Chemical measurements of Urea Preparation of plant extracts (Tietz, 1990), Creatinine (Bowers and Wong, 1980), uric acid (Jung and Parekh, 1970), potas- Five hundred grams of ground parsley shoots, sium (Hillman et al 1967) and calcium (Gitelman, fig leaves or celery seeds were extracted twice 1967) were applied. with 2:1 of ethanol (70%) for 24 hours at room temperature (25oC), and the samples were filtered Assay of liver xanthine oxidase (XO) activity after each extraction. Solvent was removed from the combined extracts with a vacuum rotary evapo- Extraction of xanthine oxidase (XO) from liver rator at 40oC to obtain crude plant extracts. The Rat livers were excised immediately after blood dried extracts were weighed and stored at –20oC collection, washed in 0.9% cold saline and rapidly until use (Tsai et al 2004). stored at – 80o C until further handling. Enzyme extraction has been performed as described by

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Zhu et al (2004). Briefly, livers were homogenized 1. Effect of parsley, celery and fig extracts on (10% w/v) using 80 mM sodium phosphate buffer the levels of uric acid in serum of hyperurice- (pH 7.5) and then the homogenate was centrifuged mic rats at 5000 g for 10 min. at 4o C. Lipid layer was care- Table (1) shows the protective effect of alco- fully removed, and supernatant was further centri- holic extracts of parsley, celery and fig on the lev- fuged at 5000 g for 10 min. at 4oC. The final su- els of uric acid in serum of rats affected with hype- pernatant was used for enzyme assays. ruricemia induced by oxonic acid. The data

showed a significant (P<0.05) increase in the lev- Determination of xanthine oxidase (XO) activity els of uric acid (8.5 ± 0.28 mg/dl) in serum of rats

treated with oxonic acid only (negative control) in XO activity was assayed by monitoring uric ac- comparison with untreated rats (normal control) id formation from xanthine, as described by Hall et (3.2 ± 0.21 mg/dl). These results indicated that al (1990). The reaction mixture contained 1.75 ml oxonic acid caused hyperuricemia in the negative of 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.5), 0.25 ml of control group. The protective effects of various liver homogenate and 0.5 ml of 1 mM potassium plant extracts were established by appearance the oxonate to avoid the oxidation of uric acid to allan- levels of uric acid in serum of rats treated with toin. After preincubation for 15 min at 37ºC, the these plant extracts near to its normal value which reaction was initiated by the addition of 0.5 ml of appeared in the normal control group. The different 250 μM xanthine (dissolved in phosphate buffer, plant extracts possessed protective effects against pH 7.5). After 10 min, the reaction was stopped by hyperuricemia in variant efficacies compared to the addition 0.25 ml of 0.6 M HCl and the solution allopurinol. These efficacies were in the following was centrifuged at 5000 g for 5 min. The absorb- order: fig > allopurinol > celery ≈ parsley. It is evi- ance of the supernatant was measured at 290 nm dent that fig extract was the most effective treat- against the blank (2.25 ml of phosphate buffer, ment against hyperuricemia followed by allopurinol 0.25 ml of liver homogenate, 0.5 ml of potassium then celery and parsley extracts. The hypouricemic oxonate and 0.25 ml of 0.6 M HCl). XO activity was activity of fig extract may be due to the presence of expressed as micrograms of uric acid formed per flavonoids such as quercetin and morin (Kang et 10 min per milligram protein. The amount of uric al 2004) while the hypouricemic activity of parsley acid was calculated by comparing the absorbance and celery extracts may be ascribed to the pres- with a standard curve of uric acid. Protein concen- ence of flavonoids such as apigenin, luteolin, quer- tration was determined by the method of Bradford cetin, and kaempferol in variant percent- (1976) using bovine serum albumin as standard. ages (Wong and Kitts, 2006; Marín et al 2016; Statistical analysis Karim et al 2018).

The data are presented as means ± SE of three replicates. The recorded data were treated Table 1. Protective effect of alcoholic extracts of statistically using the one way analysis of variance parsley, celery and fig on the levels of uric acid in (ANOVA). The means were compared by Least serum of rats treated with oxonic acid Significant Difference test (LSD) at P<0.05. Statis- tical analyses were performed using SPSS statisti- Treatments Uric acid (mg/dl) cal software (IBM SPSS Statistics, version 20) Control 3.2 ± 0.21 d (Snedecor and Cochran, 1980). a Oxonic acid (OA) 8.5 ± 0.28 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Allopurinol + OA 4.4 ± 0.23 c Fig + OA 3.2 ± 0.41 d Protective effects of alcoholic extracts of fig Celery + OA 5.5 ± 0.27 b leaves, parsley shoots and celery seeds against Parsley + OA 5.3 ± 0.16 b hyperuricemia induced by injection of rats with oxonic acid were monitored through measurement The data are presented as means ± SE calculated from of the levels of uric acid, urea, creatinine, potassi- three replicates. um and calcium in serum of rats as well as assay Different letters refer to significant differences at of xanthine oxidase (XO) enzyme in liver tissues. (P<0.05). The obtained data were classified into the following items:

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2. Effect of parsley, celery and fig extracts on potassium (6.5 ± 0.05 mg/dl) in serum of rats treat- the levels of urea and creatinine in serum of ed with oxonic acid (negative control) in compari- hyperuricemic rats son with untreated rats (normal control) (9.9 ± 0.18 & 5.1 ± 0.06 mg/dl, respectively). This may be at- Table (2) reveals the protective effect of alco- tributed to that oxonic acid caused hyperuricemia holic extracts of parsley, celery and fig on the lev- and consequently renal dysfunction in the negative els of urea and creatinine in serum of rats affected control group which led to reduction of calcium with hyperuricemia induced by oxonic acid. The levels (hypocalcemia), and elevation of potassium data revealed a significant (P<0.05) increase in the levels (hyperkalemia) in serum of rats of this group. levels of urea (96.0 ± 5.7 mg/dl) and creatinine (1.1 The protective effects of various plant extracts ± 0.03 mg/dl) in serum of rats treated with oxonic were established by appearance the levels of cal- acid (negative control) in comparison with untreat- cium and potassium in serum of rats treated with ed rats (normal control) (42.0 ± 1.5 & 0.6 ± 0.03 these plant extracts near to their normal values mg/dl, respectively). This may be attributed to that which appeared in the normal control group. The oxonic acid caused hyperuricemia and conse- kidney function tests (urea, creatinine, calcium and quently renal dysfunction in the negative control potassium) confirmed that the different plant ex- group which led to elevation of urea and creatinine tracts possessed protective effects against hyperu- levels in serum of rats of this group. The protective ricemia in the same order of efficacies as previous- effects of various plant extracts were established ly recorded by measurement of uric acid compared by appearance the levels of urea and creatinine in to allopurinol. serum of rats treated with these plant extracts near to their normal values which appeared in the nor- Table 3. Protective effect of alcoholic extracts of mal control group. parsley, celery and fig on the levels of potassium and calcium in serum of rats treated with oxonic Table 2. Protective effect of alcoholic extracts of acid parsley, celery and fig on the levels of urea and creatinine in serum of rats treated with oxonic acid Calcium Potassium Treatments (mg/dl) (mmol/L) Urea Creatinine Treatments Control 9.9 ± 0.18 a 5.1 ± 0.06 d (mg/dl) (mg/dl) Oxonic acid (OA) 7.7 ± 0.15 d 6.5 ± 0.05 a Control 42.0 ± 1.5 d 0.6 ± 0.03 d Allopurinol + OA 8.9 ± 0.14 b 5.6 ± 0.04 c Oxonic acid (OA) 96.0 ± 5.7 a 1.1 ± 0.03 a a d Allopurinol + OA 61.6 ± 2.3 c 0.7 ± 0.05 c Fig + OA 9.6 ± 0.12 5.3 ± 0.03 c b Fig + OA 47.3 ± 1.8 d 0.6 ± 0.03 d Celery + OA 8.2 ± 0.17 5.8 ± 0.06 Celery + OA 73.6 ± 4.3 b 0.8 ± 0.04 b Parsley + OA 8.2 ± 0.16 c 6.0 ± 0.03 b Parsley + OA 77.7 ± 5.5 b 0.8 ± 0.06 b The data are presented as means ± SE calculated from The data are presented as means ± SE calculated from three replicates. three replicates. Different letters refer to significant differences at Different letters refer to significant differences at (P<0.05). (P<0.05). 4. Inhibitory effect of parsley, celery and fig extracts on the activity of xanthine oxidase 3. Effect of parsley, celery and fig extracts on (XO) in liver of hyperuricemic rats the levels of potassium and calcium in serum of hyperuricemic rats Table (4) illustrates the inhibitory effect of alco- holic extracts of parsley, celery and fig on the activ- Table (3) indicates the protective effect of al- ities of xanthine oxidase (XO) enzyme in liver of coholic extracts of parsley, celery and fig on the rats (in vivo) affected with hyperuricemia induced levels of calcium and potassium in serum of rats by oxonic acid. The results illustrated a significant affected with hyperuricemia induced by oxonic (P<0.05) increase in the activities of XO (0.729 ± acid. The results indicated a significant (P<0.05) 0.007 μg uric acid/10 min/mg protein) in liver of decrease in the levels of calcium (7.7 ± 0.15 mg/dl) rats treated with oxonic acid only (negative control) and a significant (P<0.05) increase in the levels of in comparison with untreated rats (normal control)

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(0.114 ± 0.003 μg uric acid/10 min/mg protein). Table 4. Inhibitory effect of alcoholic extracts of These results are in agreement with those ob- parsley, celery and fig on the activity of xanthine tained by Huang et al (2008); Raju et al (2012) oxidase (XO) in liver of rats treated with oxonic and Souza et al (2012) who reported that oxonic acid acid (uricase inhibitor) caused great increases in the activity of XO in liver of mice treated with this Xanthine oxidase (XO) compound in comparison with untreated rats. Ob- Treatments activity (μg uric acid /10 viously, allopurinol exhibited the strongest inhibito- ry effect on the activity of XO in liver of rats treated min/mg protein) with this compound (0.191 ± 0.005 μg uric acid/10 Control 0.114 ± 0.003 e min/mg protein). Concerning the inhibitory effects Oxonic acid (OA) 0.729 ± 0.007 a of synthetic and natural compounds on XO activity Allopurinol + OA 0.191 ± 0.005 d in mouse liver in vivo, Souza et al. (2012) reported c that allopurinol recorded high inhibition percentage Fig + OA 0.404 ± 0.003 (85.5%) while apigenin recoded 38.4 %. Compara- Celery + OA 0.476 ± 0.004 c tively, the different plant extracts exhibited inhibito- Parsley + OA 0.491 ± 0.006 b ry effects on the activity of liver xanthine oxidase The data are presented as means ± SE calculated from enzyme in variant efficacies compared to allopuri- three replicates. nol. These efficacies were in the following order: Different letters refer to significant differences at allopurinol > fig > celery ≈ parsley. Evidently, fig (P<0.05). extract was the most effective treatment against hyperuricemia while allopurinol was the strongest REFERENCES inhibitor against xanthine oxidase activity. This may be due to that fig extract possessed a dual Arromede E., Michet C.J., Crowson C.S., action as hypouricemic agent (inhibition of xan- O’Fallon W.M. and Gabriel S.E. 2002. Epide- thine oxidase which led to decreasing of uric acid miology of gout: is the incidence rising? J. synthesis in liver, and inhibition of uric acid reab- Rheumatol., 29, 2403-2406. sorption in kidney which led to increasing of uric Choi H.K. and Ford E.S. 2007. Prevalence of the acid excretion in urine) while allopurinol possessed metabolic syndrome in individuals with hyperu- the first action only as hypouricemic agent. The ricemia. American J. of Medicine, 120, 442- hypouricemic activity of fig extract may be due to 447. the presence of flavonoids especially morin. This Choi H.K., Mount D.B. and Reginato A.M. 2005. illustration are supported by Yu et al. (2006) who American College of Physicians; American reported that morin (3,5,7,2`,4`-pentahydroxy fla- Physiological Society. Pathogenesis of gout. vone), which occurs in the twigs of mulberry (Mo- Ann Intern Med., 143(7), 499-516. rus alba) exhibits XO inhibitory activity and also Cleland L.G., Hill C.L. and James M.J. 1995. Diet exerts potent inhibitory action on urate uptake in and arthritis. Bailliere’s Clinical Rheumatolo- rat renal brushborder membrane vesicles, indicat- gy, 9, 771-785. ing that this compound acts on the kidney to inhibit Fagugli R.M., Gentile G., Ferrara G. and Brug- urate reabsorption. On the other side, the moder- nano R. 2008. Acute renal and hepatic failure ate hypouricemic activity of parsley and celery ex- associated with allopurinol treatment. Clin tracts may be ascribed to the presence of other Nephrol, 70(6), 523-526. flavonoids such as apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, Gibernau M., Buser H.R., Frey J.E. and Hos- myricetin and kaempferol in variant percentages. saert-McKey M. 1997. Volatile compounds Our results demonstrated that parsley, celery and from extracts of figs of Ficus carica, Phyto- especially fig extracts possessed pronounced chemistry. 46(2), 241-244. hypouricemic activity compared to the common Hanna S.M. Abd El-Rahman and Abd-El Hak hypouricemic drug, allopurinol. A.M. 2015. Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity and antigout of celery, leek, parsley and molo- khia. Advances in Biochemistry. 3(4), 40-50.

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مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للعلوم الزراعية ، جامعة عين شمس، القاهرة، مصر

مجلد)72(، عدد)3(، 8172-8181، 7181

Website: 7281

التأثير الوقائى لبعض المستخلصات النباتية على حمض اليوريك المرتفع فى حيوانات التجارب [841] فاطمه محمد أبوالمجد* - مجدى فؤاد توفيق – فاروق جندي معوض – نجاح الشحات على قسم الكيمياء الحيوية الزراعية- كلية الزراعة – جامعة عين شمس – ص.ب 86 - حدائق شبرا 11211 - القاهرة - مصر *Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received 9 September, 2019 Accepted 16 September, 2019

الموجـــــــــــــــــز ساعتين فقط من الحقن البريتونى تم سحب عينات الدم وتشريح الفئران للحصول على عينات الكبد من كل تسبب زيادة حمض اليوريك فى الدم كثير من المجموعات. أشارت النتائج إلى وجود زيادة معنوية فى األمراض مثل النقرس وقصور وظائف الكلى وأمراض مستويات كل من اليوريك واليوريا والكرياتينين القلب وإرتفاع ضغط الدم والسكر من النوع الثانى والبوتاسيوم ونقص معنوى فى مستوى الكالسيوم الكلى ومتالزمة األيض وغيرها. تم إصابة فئران التجارب فى سيرم الدم المجموعة الضابطة السلبى بالمقارنة مع بارتفاع حمض اليوريك فى الدم بواسطة حمض المجموعة الضابطة العادى. أثبتت النتائج التأثير األكسونيك )مثبط إلنزيم اليوريكيز( وذلك لتقييم التأثير الوقائى للمستخلصات النباتية المختلفة من خالل ظهور الوقائى للمستخلصات الكحولية ألوراق التين وبذور مستويات حمض اليوريك واختبارات وظائف الكلى الكرفس ونبات البقدونس. تم تقسيم الفئران إلى 8 األخرى قريبة من مستوياتها الطبيعية التى ظهرت فى مجموعات تغذت على علف قياسى طول فترة التجربة المجموعة الضابطة العادى. ظهرت التأثيرات الوقائية )11 أيام(. المجموعة الضابطة العادى هى مجموعة لم للمستخلصات النباتية الثالثة بكفاءات مختلفة بالمقارنة تتناول أدوية أو مستخلصات نباتية ولم يحدث لها مع دواء األلوبيورينول. كانت هذه الكفاءات بالترتيب إصابة. المجموعة الضابطة السلبى هى مجموعة لم التالى: التين < األلوبيورينول < الكرفس ≈ البقدونس. تتناول أدوية أو مستخلصات نباتية وحدث لها إصابة. من ناحية أخرى أظهرت المستخلصات النباتية تأثيرات المجموعة الضابطة اإليجابى هى مجموعة تم إعطا ؤها مثبطة إلنزيم الزانثين أكسيديز فى الكبد بكفاءات دواء األلوبيورينول المخفض لحمض اليوريك )مثبط مختلفة بالمقارنة مع دواء األلوبيورينول. كانت هذه إلنزيم الزانثين أكسيديز( بأنبوبة المعدة بتركيز 111 الكفاءات بالترتيب التالى: األلوبيورينول < التين < مجم/كجم. تم تغذية المجموعات الثالثة األخيرة على الكرفس ≈ البقدونس. لوحظ أن مستخلص أوراق التين المستخلصات النباتية الثالثة بأنبوبة المعدة بتركيز كان أكثر كفاءة من األلوبيورينول فى خفض مستوى 251 مجم/ كجم. تم إعطاء الدواء والمستخلصات حمض اليوريك المرتفع فى الدم بينما األلوبيورينول كان النباتية للفئران بصورة يومية لمدة 9 أيام وفى اليوم أكثر كفاءة من مستخلص أوراق التين فى تثبيط إنزيم العاشر تم إحداث اإلصابة بزيادة حمض اليوريك فى الزانثين أكسيديز فى الكبد. الدم للفئران فى كل المجموعات ما عدا المجموعة الكلمات الدالة: األلوبيورينول، البقدونس، التين، الضابطة العادى بواسطة الحقن البريتونى مرة واحدة حمض األكسونيك، حمض اليوريك، الفئران، الكرفس، بحمض األكسونيك بتركيز 251 مجم/كجم. بعد الزانثين أكسيديز

تحكيم: ا.د عماد صبري شاكر ا.د محمد أحمد طه عبدالرحيم