The Bermuda Race Organizing Committee's Records Reflect An

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The Bermuda Race Organizing Committee's Records Reflect An The Bermuda Race Organizing Committee’s records reflect an invalid or expired Sailor Classification for the sailors listed below. Sailors without a valid Sailor Classification, or one that expires before June 25, 2016, are not eligible to compete, as per Notice of Race 5.3(a). All competitors must submit their valid Sailor ID not later than 1700 on June 3, 2016. Check your or your crew’s Sailor Classification by logging in to, clicking Crews; the boat name; the sailor’s name; and “Misc info and qualification.” Yacht First Last Sailor ID Grp Expiration Matador Luke Ackerman Weatherly Robin Akeroyd High Noon Collin Alexander Dream Crusher Benny Allen High Noon Guillermo Altadill Bandera Jacob Andrew USAJA92 Hakuna Matata Christopher Andrews USACA9 1 21/05/2016 Challenger Burt Apfelbaum Farfarer David Arenburg Comanche Pablo Arrarte Wizard Ally Askew Time Out Christopher Avallone Jambi Henry Backe USAHB4 1 17/06/2010 Christopher Dragon Ed Bahen Donnybrook Eric Ballard Wizard Arnis Baltins USAAB74 1 07/02/2015 Proteus Stu Bannatyne Crossfire Eddie Bardgett Vamp Cole Barney USACB140 1 22/04/2016 Indra Stephen Barry USASB24 Fearless Nick Barta Shinnecock Jonathan Bartlett Charlie V Joel Basilion NEWPORT BERMUDA RACE 2016 List of Sailors Without Valid Sailor Classification Status Records Yacht First Last Sailor ID Grp Expiration Charlie V Nicholas Basilion Nix Charles Baum Jacqueline IV Chris Baxter Bella Mente James Baxter Bermuda Oyster Roger Beach Wizard Matt Beck USAMB129 1 01/05/2015 Selkie Annie Becker High Noon Key Becker Why Not Michael Bell-wright Bermuda Oyster Stephen Benn Beam Reach Michael Berg Hiro Maru James Berge USAJB280 1 29/05/2016 Bermudez De Momo Roberto Castro Munoz ESPRB17 3 22/03/2015 Hakuna Matata Chip Bettencourt Momo Pawel Bielecki Gold Digger James Bishop USAJB2 1 13/05/2016 Shearwater June Bjerregaard Shearwater Kate Bjerregaard Shearwater Ted Bjerregaard Farfarer Frank Blair Ice Bear Eileen Blute Nix Joby Boland Nix Michael Boland Simon Says Sjoerd Bos Sail La Vie James Boudreau Proteus Richard Bouzaid NZLRB13 3 13/05/2016 Shinnecock Cam Bowdren Challenger Lee Bowes Varuna Jim Boyle Sugar & Spice Pedro Boyra Orca Chip Bradish Glory Riely Brande Inigo Montoya Robert Breslin USARB155 1 04/05/2016 Heron Leah Bright Kurranulla Kevin Brinker USAKB8 Nix Charles Brooks Garnet Ed Bruenjes Andiamo Morgan Buffum Page 2 of 17 NEWPORT BERMUDA RACE 2016 List of Sailors Without Valid Sailor Classification Status Records Yacht First Last Sailor ID Grp Expiration Bella PITA Nathanael Burke Challenger Robert Burnes White Rhino 2 Timothy Burrell Busch- Simon Says Lau petersen Defiance Andrew Camargo Salty Goose Eric Camiel USAEC10 1 21/05/2015 Hooligan Devin Camlin USADC164 Elysium Dominick Cannavo Bella Mente Michele Cannoni ITAMC7 1 21/05/2016 Valkyrie Michael Capitain Glory Jonathan Cardinal Spookie Doug Carey Windborn Chip Carr Dharma Michael Carroll Selkie Sam Carter USASC109 1 17/06/2016 Challenger Steve Cashdollar Miracle Finnian Cashel Miracle Sean Cashel Lady B Peter Cassidy USAPC14 1 20/06/2016 Toothface 2 John Caunter Jambi Ryan Caywood USARC137 Dreamcatcher Bruce Chafee USABC24 1 24/04/2016 Donnybrook Chia Chang Hakuna Matata Eric Chevalier Triple Lindy Andrew Childs Cholerton - Sunset Child Marcus Brown GBRMC96 Deviation Sean Christie Bluemoon Mark Chudy Momo Maciel Cicchetti 3 Comanche Richard Clarke CANRC5 3 08/01/2012 Bella Mente Sean Clarkson Hakuna Matata John Clauson Selemat John Clayman Comanche Justin " Juggy" Clougher Varuna James Coffman Momo Sebastien Col Oakcliff Farr 40 - John Colburn Page 3 of 17 NEWPORT BERMUDA RACE 2016 List of Sailors Without Valid Sailor Classification Status Records Yacht First Last Sailor ID Grp Expiration Blue Proteus Reginald Cole Glory William Colomb Actaea Michael Cone USAMC24 1 05/05/2016 Elysium Andrew Connell Lir Bob Connell August West Daniel Cooney USADC58 1 13/06/2015 Shazaam! Jim Cooper Defiance Joshua Corbett Simon Says Anne Corvi Momo Donald Cowie Donnybrook Jeff Craig Challenger Joanna Cranfield Andiamo Nick Creed Araucaria Pierrick Cruzol Wizard David Culver USADC47 3 05/04/2008 Dogsled Greg Currie Slide Rule Jeffrey Curtis Christopher Dragon Lawrence Cutler USALC 1 28/08/2014 Froya Christopher Cyr USACC131 Bella Mente James Dagg Comanche Nick Dana Attitude Charles Barns Davis USACD84 1 12/05/2016 Toothface 2 Simon Day Maximizer Jose De Diego-arozamena Comanche Dirk De Ridder Donnybrook Emily Decker Aggressive Roger Defelice Morgan Of Marietta John Dennerlein Magic Paul Denslow GBRPD41 1 23/05/2016 Salty Goose Erik Derecktor Salty Goose Paul Derecktor Salty Goose Tom Derecktor Crazy Horse Jon Desmond USAJD26 1 14/12/2014 Finesse Timothy Desmond Andiamo Bill Dickinson USAWD35 1 04/05/2016 Simon Says Mark Disanti Liberty Call Michael Diverde Kenai Brian Dobbs USABD28 1 29/05/2016 Page 4 of 17 NEWPORT BERMUDA RACE 2016 List of Sailors Without Valid Sailor Classification Status Records Yacht First Last Sailor ID Grp Expiration Donnybrook Scott Dodge Donnybrook John Dodger Hooligan Matthew Dods USAMD140 Salty Goose Adam Donahue Jambi John Donovan Simpatico Peter Donovan Checkmate Rob Douglas Oakcliff Farr 40 - Black Roby Douglas Lir Donald Dowd Proteus Robert Doyle Stormy Weather Peter Dragonas Toothface 2 Mike Dreese Reindeer Peter Driscoll USAPD41 1 12/05/2016 Weatherly John Duerden Toujours Paul Duffy Jambi John Dumke Privateer John Dunn Jr Bella PITA Harry Dunning USAHD17 1 11/07/2015 Charlie V Charles Dupin MD Checkmate Don Dwyer Temptation - Oakcliff Philip Dyer Gold Digger Tim Ebert Temptation - Oakcliff Lj Edgcomb Temptation - Oakcliff Scott Edgcomb USASE37 1 14/05/2016 Hooligan Alexander Ehrenberg USAAE34 Isola Howard Eisenberg USAHE8 1 12/05/2016 Fearless Shaun Ensor USASE36 1 13/05/2016 Charlie V Christopher Ercole Why Not Niels Espeland Old School John Evans USAJE79 1 04/06/2016 Old School Trammell Evans Chaotic Flux Will Faison Comanche Shannon Falcone Glim Peter Fallon Comanche Joseph Fanelli USAJF121 1 13/05/2016 Page 5 of 17 NEWPORT BERMUDA RACE 2016 List of Sailors Without Valid Sailor Classification Status Records Yacht First Last Sailor ID Grp Expiration Temptress Brendan Faria USABF14 1 30/05/2016 Miracle William Feldman Metolius Tim Fetsch Jambo Michael Filimon Selkie Brian Firth Privateer Peter Fletcher Stormy Weather Peter Fletcher Comanche Warwick Fleury NZLWF3 3 Beam Reach Edward Flocco Beam Reach Thomas Flocco Beam Reach Thomas Flocco Jr Beam Reach Thomas Flocco Jr Finesse Caperton Flood Soulmates William Florio Momo Daniel Fong Jacqueline IV Trip Forman Shearwater Richard Formica Black Watch Lars Forsberg Black Watch Peter Forsberg Christopher Dragon Larry Fox USALF7 1 15/02/2016 Selemat David Fraizer Hooligan Pat Francis Defiance Alex Fridell Tarahumara Jesse Fulmer Privateer Karl Funk USAKF9 3 26/02/2016 Kenai Mark Funk Carina William Gahagan Flying Lady Bruce Galaski USABG59 1 24/03/2016 YYZ Michael Galaty Why Not Brian Gallagher Shazaam! Catherine Gatewood Challenger Jacques Gelinas Bella Mente Greg Gendell Flyer Henner Gibbons-neff Bella PITA Scott Gibbs USASG74 3 14/05/2016 Proteus Jim Gibson Après Tyler Gibson USATG74 Glory James Gigantelli Bella J Meredith Gilmore CANMG38 Page 6 of 17 NEWPORT BERMUDA RACE 2016 List of Sailors Without Valid Sailor Classification Status Records Yacht First Last Sailor ID Grp Expiration Bella Mente Federico Giovanelli Soulmates Gerard Girstl USAGG34 1 29/05/2016 Bermuda Oyster Michael Gladwin Flying Lady Richard Gleason USARG76 1 13/05/2016 Comanche Ryan Godfrey August West William Godfrey USAWG32 1 06/05/2016 Maximizer Jesus Gonzalez Charlie V Alex Goodman Hooligan Gabriel Gosney Challenger Eric Gouin Soulmates David Greenhouse USADG73 1 06/10/2011 Soulmates Dwight Greenhouse Soulmates Timothy Greenhouse Garnet Joe Grenier Fearless Roland Grenningloh Dream Crusher Gregg Griffin USAGG52 3 29/05/2016 Dreamcatcher Paul Grimes Charlie V Christine Gross Dream Crusher Gijs Gunneman Lir Jamie Gurnell Hiro Maru David Gurney USADG90 1 14/03/2016 Bella PITA Theodore Haaland Momo Gerd Habermueller Lir Jim Hahn Swift Pierson Haines Momo Ross Halcrow Azura Thomas Hall Bella J Gaelle Halliday CANGH15 Lucy Georgina Toby Halsey Kiva Hank Halsted USAHH7 1 15/05/2016 Jeroboam Russ Hancock USARH129 1 15/05/2016 Azura Joseph Hanna USAJH297 1 03/02/2016 Chaotic Flux Mathew Hansen Moxiee John Hanson USAJH307 1 25/06/2016 Comanche Phillip Harmer AUSPH11 3 10/05/2012 Old School Liam Harr Comanche Kelvin Harrap Isola Lonergan Harrington USALH44 1 28/05/2016 Indra Kenneth Harvey Page 7 of 17 NEWPORT BERMUDA RACE 2016 List of Sailors Without Valid Sailor Classification Status Records Yacht First Last Sailor ID Grp Expiration Blue Russ Hayden Bella PITA James Hedleston Haerlem Jack Helmly USAJJ109 1 09/04/2014 Bella Mente Peter Henderson Blue Note Henry Henning Charlie V John Hession Fearless Pete Hickey Fearless Nathan Hinchliffe Kenai David Hinrichsen Maximizer John Hoekman USAJH197 Eliminator Michael Hoey Gold Digger Andrew Holt Gold Digger Christopher Holt USACH47 1 28/05/2016 Kyrie Richard Holwell Helios Court Hoover Shazaam! David Hopper USAGH14 1 16/04/2010 Charlie V Alan Horowitz Altair Steven Horrobin GBRSH103 Hooligan Gunnar Hough Azura David Houle USADH180 Wizard Michael Howard Metolius Dale Howe Bermuda Oyster Paul Hubbard BERPH2 1 29/05/2011 Nicole Andrew Hughes Temptress Robert Hunte Shazaam! Scott Hurst Bella Mente Terry Hutchinson Carina Cam Hutton Metolius Gary Ince Momo Michele Ivaldi Fearless Ikay Iwobi Odette Kyle Jachney Lady B Murray Jacob Valkyrie Bill Johnson Garnet

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