QUARTERLY OF THE INDUSTRIAL DESIGNERS SOCIETY OF AMERICA WINTER 2015 50/35/50 50 NOTABLE MEMBERS 35 YEARS OF DESIGN EXCELLENCE 50 MEMORABLE MOMENTS QUARTERLY OF THE INDUSTRIAL DESIGNERS SOCIETY OF AMERICA WINTER 2015 ® Publisher Executive Editor Sr. Creative Director Advertising Annual Subscriptions IDSA Mark Dziersk, FIDSA Karen Berube Katrina Kona Within the US $85 555 Grove St., Suite 200 Managing Director IDSA IDSA Canada & Mexico $100 Herndon, VA 20170 LUNAR | Chicago 703.707.6000 x102 703.707.6000 x100 International $150 P: 703.707.6000
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] F: 703.787.8501 Single Copies www.innovationjournal.org Advisory Council Contributing Editor Subscriptions/Copies Fall/Yearbook $50+ S&H www.idsa.org Gregg Davis, IDSA Jennifer Evans Yankopolus IDSA All others $25+ S&H Alistair Hamilton, IDSA
[email protected] 703.707.6000 678.612.7463
[email protected] ® The quarterly publication of the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA), INNOVATION provides in-depth cover- age of design issues and long-term trends while communicating the value of design to business and society at large. 50/35/50 14 In Memory IN EVERY ISSUE IDSA AMBASSADORS Carroll Gantz, FIDSA 4 From the Editor 3M, St. Paul, MN By Bret Smith, IDSA, and By Mark Dziersk, FIDSA Banner & Witcoff, Chicago; Washington, DC; Vicki Matranga, H/IDSA 15 What a Difference 50 Years 6 Design Defined Boston; Portland, OR Makes! By Byron Bloch, IDSA Cesaroni Design Associates Inc., Glenview, IL; By Carroll Gantz, FIDSA 8 Beautility Santa Barbara,