OFFICIAL LEAGUE BALL Mare Idlewild, Died Feb

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OFFICIAL LEAGUE BALL Mare Idlewild, Died Feb THEdonna"', UHf, n T» SPO»TIM« Lin Pviurana Co. SPORTING LIFE.IMTIMD a I HIIA. fan Orrici AJ «oosr> CLASH m VOLUME 6, NO. 23. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH 17, 1886. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. fir-t btwe: Bawtt, second base; Donnelly, third; Rad- found in their accustomed places. Big Gllleapie ami f-nt, Itft; Ro*e, centre, and Lillie, right. Taken as a Mike Korean are two more that ar« holding back with whole, this ia a pretty atrong tttirn, and there in no rea­ the expectation of getting the'-limit,'and rather than BASE BALL. son wuy they should not do good work. In addition BAMLEY'S BLUFF. lose them ilia thought tha' Mr. Day will weaken and MIM)H LEAGUES. ;o these, a firat-clatw abort gtop »ill be secured, as also c nisent to each oneuf these valuable players signing a *ever*tl yuung players, and, should their work prove ti 000 contract. Of course the-'limit" it all that »nv of sa'i-fjictory duiing the April exhibition games, they tliem are looking for, hence the delay in signing will be reUineJ. Am*»ng the aspirants ate Harry He Threatens the Associa­ The rules of the League will be carried ont to the letter Ail the News of a Week /ell, of Davton, O., and John A. Healy, ef Dea Moineg, of the law. The Spring Meeting of the la. ( doth of which claim to be pitchers of ability, and You may talk about your big champion Chicago Club, W. Butler, uf Denver, who played short for the tion With a Suit. youi celebrated Detroit*, your renowned Philadelphia;, Compiled; Denvers AM! Leattvillee last season. and your eriu-k Bostons, not to mention your famous Eastern League. I was "peaking to Me^r-i. Whittield ftnd Mr Kirn to- St. Louis "black diamond!," but you must not overlook » lay. Ti e laiier said -'the grounds w; >uld bo ready for our arrAy of talent or you will certainly get left inyour iiiitii-n game* April 1, as an aimy of men would im­ The Threat Ignored by the Am­ calculations. With such; batsmen as Connor. The Northwestern League Or­ Gathered by Reporters, Corres­ mediately be put to work. Our grand etatid will te on O'Kourke, Ett'ing, Gillespie, Porgaii, cot to mention the the order of th*- Chicago one and will be first-class in lesser lights, it will require a pitcher of caat iroo nerve pondents and the Telegraph every particular," then he fled for other quarters. ericans Who Will Make to confroLt. In batting we cau compare with any club ganized at Last—Notes of The schedule is nil satisfactory; we have a few contVct- in the League, and in fielding we are fully able to hold ing dales while iu New Yt rk, but it matters not. The no Concession. our own. There are one or two positions that oonid be From All Points. permission to play Sunday game* before and after the materially strengthened we will acknowledge, but Other Leagues. championship season me-ts our approval, and, of course, nevertheless we feel confident that we can go through the season without even blushing, as we consider our­ we'll take advantage of same. These games (will draw S»m Barkley the player, who in 18SJ, gave the THE EASTERN LEAGUE MEETING. THE LOCAL CLUBS. immensely withuitt the shadow of a doubt. selves the equals of the very ben clubs in the League, I notice an article ia the Kansas City Times, of this Louisville Club the goo*e, and who not long ago and the superiors of not a few of them. In fact the The Philadelphia* >tart South This Week— date, iu which the manager of the Washington Club repeated the operation on the Baltimore Club, by strengthening of Detroit, Bo«t»n, Philadelphia and St. No Schedule Yet — Important Changes In The Athletic Club Programme. thinks that "Kaoas City can pick tbe best team at its signing an agreement to play with that club, ac­ Lonis will, it anything, work to the advantage of the Rule*—Other Baginrgs. ifpoaal and we uhe- Washington's) can beat it ten cepting advance money and then deliberately, New Y, rks. Last year these clubs were all afraid of Manager Wright has everything in proper traight games." It ii useless tV/r me to say anything the Chicagos, and in uiue out of ten of their games they The special meeting of the Eastern League was shape for the Southern trip of the "Phillies/'and regarding this foolish remark. I will let the readers of notwithstanding due warning, violated that agree­ were freightentd out of their shoe*, and were virtually held acuording to call at the St. James Hotel, New the team will leave for Charleston by rail on Tues­ THE SPORTING LIFE compare the players of both team--, ment by signing another contract with the>Pitts- beaten before they went on the held. The New Yirks York, March 11. President Ballard was in the day next, March lf>, arriving in Charleston on the when the fully of this statement will be plainly percep- bnrg Club, relying upon that club's influence to luore than held their own with every club they came in chair, and J. W. Collins, of Newark, acted as tible.aa the strength in every respect of the Kansas City contact last season, beating them all and even the morning of the 17th. The men who will go are escape the consequences of bis act, now squeals at secretary. The following delegates were-present: Club iii far superior to lbat of the Washington*. If the punishment hi* protectors were powerless to Chicagos in their individual series. They will do the Ferguson, I>aily, Casey, Titcomb, Clements, Me- they win two out of six games from u$ they will do im­ same thing agaiu this seasou, and if the other clubs will Dr. S. M. Jones and Mr. C. M. Hackett, for tha Ouire, 'fuehrer, Bignali, Farrar, (probably), Far- mensely. shield him from, and is making a grand bluff. take an occasional game from the Chicagos, the New Newark Club; Messrs. U. J. Brown and Joseph rell, Irwin, Mulvey, Andrews, Fogarty and Wood. Manager Rowe will probably return home to-morrow He turned up in Pittsburg last week and informed Yorks will ''copper" the pennant just aa easy as rolling Simmons, of Waterbury; Mr. P. T. Powers, for off a log. The latter has sigred with the club. Daily, Far- evening. He will come direct from Detroit via Chicago. President McKnight of his intention to enter suit Jersey City; Messrs. E. White and James Con- Exhibition games fur April will then be arranged. unless reinstated, failing which an appeal to the The Chicagos will find that it will be no easy matter nelly, of Bridgeport; Messrs. C. F. Sweet and John reil, Mulvey and Fogarty are already in town, L. J. K. to bulldoze their opponents tbis season, and when it j.n-1 the others, except Irwin, who is already in courts would be made for an injunction restrain­ comea right straight down to hard ball playing there J. Remsen, of Hartford; Messrs. C. F. Crawford the South, will report Monday. Farrar, Man­ FALLS CITY NEWS. ing the Association from suspending him, as well is not a club in the country that the bottom will drop and E. E. Smith, of Providence; Messrs. J. An­ ning, Bastian, Meyers and Cusick are still un- as individual suits for damages and slander en­ out quicker than it will ont of this great champion dersen and W. H. Burnham, Meriden, and Messrs. The Louisville Club off on its First Trip— tered. McKnight became unnecessarily excited Chicago Club. They have this quick, wiry strength, W. Brown and James Jackson, of Troy. signed. Meyers will be released to Kansas City, which is simply astonishing, but when they get a club and either Cu?k*k or (ianzel will be given to Miscellaneous Items. over the matter, judging from the following notice alongside of them that has ihe grit to stay there, it is The most important matter before the meeting \VasLington, which will badly need a catcher LOUISVILLE, March 10.—Editor SPORTISS LIFE: which he immediately sent to the clubs of the As­ just as astonishing to see how quick they weaken. was the framing and adoption of the champion­ —The Louisville Club, under the pilotage of sociation: The New Yoiks p'ay a steady game, and there is no ship schedule, The schedule committee, however^ had since the slip up on Haokett. The others, Mr. not been able to get the matter into satisfactory gbap«, Wright thinks, will eome te terms in due time. Manager Hart, started on the first trip of the "PIITSBVRO, March 6.—I have been called upon to­ reason to fear that they will not occupy an enviable day byS W. Barkley ane his attorney. They deny that position at the close of the season. They are not vir­ and was allowed time until March 22, when the League The etub has but two regular games arranged for season last Saturday, Savannah being their Baiklt-y'a conduct was deserving of punishment under tually au experimental team of first-claso professional will again meat at Bridgeport. the Southern trip, viz.: A game with Pitsburg on destination. They will there play four games, our rules, and notify me that if he is not reinstated by players, as a the case with some of the League clubs, Many changes were made in the rules with the inten­ the 2fkb, and one with Charleston on the 27th.
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