The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus R=%sH-- Tsim^s-'S#5:V , Vol. 31, No. 6—Nov.-Dec, 1953 mds ^^' Notre Dame umnus t%« »/nin.-! ''•fjftti ::ymk r^J -ij irrtrrt %-^ ?<ivi5 lif ^. m s"rd :f^m Notre Dame Alumni dedicate Universal Communion Sunday, December 6th, to the success of the forthcoming Marian Year proclaimed by His Holiness Pope Pius XII. wm^ :N^^ )ei;-^mm§ v» i^c-ijia^s-j m i ^? i^m^ V- it^^^ rf^;rmm c;^' >^N^ •sf^ 1f^ DIRECTORS TO 1954 JOSEPH S. MORRISSEY, '28 . .49 Race St.. Cincinnati 2, Ohio the J^otre "Dame MummsJOH N H. NEESOX, JR., '35.. 167 Summit Lane, Bala Cynwyd, Pa. LUTHER M. SW^-GERT, '27..,. .. Dune Acres, Chesterton, Ind. WILLIAM C. SCHMITT, '10............2765 AMI'. Nicolai, Portland, Ore. VoL 31, No. 6 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1953 DIRECTORS TO 1955 J. RALPH CORV.X, '22.J._.._.._....; -..J>545 I3th Ajie., iMoline, III. JoH.v W. CouRT.\-EY. '25... .401 S. Highland, Dearborn, Mich. James E. Armstrong, '25, Editor JAMES G. MCGOLDRICK, '39...:2675H. Hudson Pkwy.. New York 63 John N. Cacklcy, Jr., '37, Associate Editor DIRECTORS TO 1956 DA.XIEL CULHA.NE, '23. _..;„.../30 Bradley Lane, Chevy Chase, Md. This magazine is published bi-monthly by the University of Notre RT. REV. MSGR. J. B. TOOMEY, 26..26J E. Onondaga, Syracuse, jV. 1'. Dame, Notre' Dame, Ind. Entered as second class matter Oct. 1, JoH.v F.