Baseball Starts but a Great Softball Season Is Already Ending by Bob Rittner for Many Seniors, Baseball Has Al- Ways Been the National Game
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April 2015 Published Since 1968 Only Good News for 47 Years Volume 47 No. 4 Baseball starts but a great softball season is already ending By Bob Rittner For many seniors, baseball has al- ways been the national game. We played every variety as chil- dren - from softball to stickball to one o’ cat and more. For us, baseball is no longer an option, but with softball, and modi- fications to account for age, the sport remains a way to excite us and engage Above, Joe Farrell has his eyes on the ball for an infield catch. John Schneider, cen- us. ter, was also moving in on the play and Howard Huff was backing up both players Why do we get up at 7 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday to play? from the outfield. Below, second baseman Guy Bertuzzi prepares to catch a fly ball, “We have fun,” said President Guy Bertuzzi. “This has been the most suc- while shortstop Paul Fice and outfielder Allan Bendert hope for a good finish. cessful season of my 16 years in On Top of the World softball. We have added (OTOW News photos by Doug Kates) many new players and they acclimate quickly to our style - competitive but always friendly.” The morning starts out with 30 young men. Teams are divided equally and everyone plays. There can be as many as five outfielders or five infielders, but no one sits the bench. There are home runs, catches on the fly in the outfield, fantastic defensive scoops in the infield, and aggressive baserunning which would make any wife hold her breath. Tony Caputo, treasurer and longest term player with 21 years, agrees this has been a great winter. “More players, few rainouts and exciting games made this one of the best seasons I have experienced,” Tony said. “Of course, I am sorry to see the season end,” Guy said, “but with so many players leaving for the north, it is probably the right time to end it.” Sure, there is a humorous side when a bunch of veterans get together and pretend they are all 20 years old again. You can get one person’s point of view in Doug Kates’ column on page 14. But for real, next time it’s 8 a.m., think about what you’re doing and then realize these guys are taking batting practice, cleaning their cleats or warming up their arms. Sure, baseball season starts this month, but it’s a little late. Another great season has already taken place. John Schneider, a rookie, reflects the attitude of many when he says he loves the laughs and the camaraderie ... “A fellow Canadian told me what fun it is and he sure was right,” John said. “And don’t forget,” added Jim Kemp, “after the game, we go for a convivial breakfast.” Page 2 / April 2015 ON TOP OF THE WORLD NEWS ON TOP OF THE WORLD NEWS April 2015 / Page 3 Preparations before you head north March provided us with great weather to kick off the community’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The community showed up in force and green was the theme for the day. Our thanks go out to the Irish Club for organizing and hosting the festivi- ties. Not only do they coordinate all of the participants from local marching bands to the ladies golf leagues, they provide free beer and pretzels for resi- dents at the parades end. it is more than 15 years old, it should We also want to thank our many probably be replaced. volunteers who helped the manage- While we do recommend the use ment personnel with traffic control. of residential water leak detectors, the Their efforts ensured the parade was a smaller, inexpensive models are good safe and fun event. only if someone is home to hear the It’s hard to believe it’s that time of alarm. There are, however, many types year again when our winter residents of residential leak detectors on the mar- prepare to head north for the summer ket and a few companies do offer units season. To give you peace of mind, This is a seriously degraded electrical meter and is a risk for caus- that can transfer alarm information via ing a fire.If you have a similar-looking unit, call a licensed electri- the “Summerize” checklist has been your home phone. We recommend that included on page 6 in this newspaper you contact your local plumbing supply cian for an inspection. to help you prepare your homes for store to determine if a water leak detec- the hot summer months when you are tor may be right for you. problem with my electric service? your vehicle would need to be moved away. While there is no guarantee that Usually, the first warning is when to accommodate work crews. This in- your unit won’t experience water intru- Electrical Awareness you first turn on the heat or air condi- formation should be passed along to sion in your absence, taking the time Without a doubt, all our build- tioning, and your lights dim or flicker, the Community Service Office or the to review and implement the items on ings are constructed in a sound man- call an electrician to determine the Association. the checklist can help prevent many ner and clearly stand the test of time. health of your electrical panel. The management company has concerns. That said, the individual non-structur- Now is also a good time to update another aggressive paving schedule Dealing long distance with water al components do require attention your emergency contact phone num- this spring and it is critical that all ve- intrusion, and the possibility of mold over time. bers or any outdated phone numbers hicles are removed from the parking growth that is secondary to water I have written extensively about we may have on file for you. Please lots during this process. damage, is burdensome and costly. I the air conditioning systems and their submit these forms to the Community The east gate and attached fencing cannot stress enough the importance need for regular maintenance and Service Office or the Association prior at Belcher Road will be replaced this of having a reliable friend or neighbor eventual replacement. to your return north. Included in this month. This work will allow for greater inspect your unit on a regular basis (no I have also written informational newspaper are the OTOW Seasonal visibility at the Belcher Road intersec- less than once a week). Ask them to in- pieces about window replacement and Resident Address Change Form (page tion. Landscape material will be added spect all of the rooms and all sources the positive benefit that may have on 74) and Emergency Contact Update following the gate installation and we for water intrusion, including under your recurring electrical costs. Form (Page 17). ask that you take extra care when work sinks, toilets, HVAC units, hot water I have also focused on washer and If you are leaving your vehicle crews are present in this area of high heater pan and windows. dryers installed post-construction and in your parking space for the sum- traffic volume. There are many sources for po- the risk that poses to the electrical sys- mer, make sure you leave an extra set In closing, I wish you all a safe trip tential water leaks and intrusion. The tem in your condo. of keys with a neighbor in the event home and a fun-filled summer. most common by far is improperly Recently, while making a minor maintained air conditioning units. drywall repair following a water leak Make sure you have your air condi- in an adjoining unit, an astute employ- tioner serviced before you leave for an ee noticed the electrical panel in the How do I know if I have a latent extended period. condo was warm to the touch. Upon A poorly-fitted replacement win- further investigation, it was found that problem with my electric service? dow may be another source of water the main lead from the electric meter intrusion. Proper window caulking to the apartment panel was seriously material, acrylic urethane or poly ure- degraded and at risk for causing a fire. thane (outlined in previous published Fortunately, the repair was not ex- Usually, the first warning bulletins) should be utilized. pensive. It was a matter of the owner is when you first turn on the heat If you are like me, you never think bringing in a licensed electrical contrac- about your water heater. Water heater tor. The electrical contractor was able or AC and your lights dim or flicker. leaks are a common cause of water to change out the connection by using a leaks in OTOW. The tank is not im- blank available in the same panel. Call an electrician to determine the mune from corrosion and rust. If your So you are probably asking your- health of your electrical panel. water heater is more than 10 years old, self the question (at least I hope you it needs a yearly visual inspection. If are): How do I know if I have a latent Page 4 / April 2015 ON TOP OF THE WORLD NEWS Surprises may pop up even when preventative measures are taken Despite adhering to rigorous pre- April. management company representative dictive and preventative maintenance Building 10 is the next structure has removed all the barricades at their schedules on elevators, roofs and slated for improvements and work parking lot before venturing onto the buildings, the management of the should begin in mid to late April, pend- new asphalt.