co ~u m P0 z ! O, 0 ~ -- 0 m -~ r- m ~0~ m 7’ __--.I 0 0 0 X X Izl I-! X 1.4 I-I L-4 0 i-J ~o 0 H 0 0 1-3 DW1982161Add. English (1) Table I: UNDP: Cost of Subcontreats awarded bY sector of projects and by headquarters of contractor, 1981 . Table 2: URDP: Subcontracts awarded, by contractors’ headquarters and name, cost of contrast and project, 1981 ....... 2 - 22 Table 3: UNDP: Major eqtd~aent orders for proJe~s, by name of supplier, cost of orders, and description of equipment, 1981. ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 23 - 37 See easo DP/1982/6/Add. 2 - Basic Pro&T~e Data and DP/1982/6/Add. 3 - Supplementary Pro&Ta~e Data. Sector A~ultuz~, Fozestry 5,700 ~ 7,986 1,374 1,323 1,413 77 21 - - - - 2,740 22,~x and Fisheries Agriculturaldeve- lopmmt s~pozt services - 578 - 804 881 682 382 37 21 - . - - 1,133 4,518 Crops 5,70~/ 595 15 - 48 24 17 40 .... 322 6,761 Livestock - 7,95~/ 570 3% ...... 110 9,024 Fisheries .... - 5 .... 384 389 Forestry - 21 - - 707 ...... 791 1,519 - 1,142 62__2 30 2,589 588 535 IndustrialDevelop- meatstlpport se~ces 5,250 472 - 522 610 129 475 90 - - 125 - 1,175 8,848 Venufacturing industries I, 231 583 - 620 12 30 2,589 459 60 1,264 - 505 665 - 2,062 10,081 Nsturall~souzces - 2,920 -. ~ 44__17 ~ 722 ~ - - 39 460 104 - 2.517 11.959 Land mdwater - 544 - 1,879 143 64 - 765 - 6 - 39 - - - 767 4,207 Mineralzesou~es - 1,633 - I - 135 ...
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