Does Nittxeevthe Event Ol-Last Year
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THIRTEENTH YEAR, NO. 183; ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1899.—EIGHT PAGES. T W O C E N T S SUMMER SCHOOL LECTURES A MIDNIGHT ADVENTURE. DIED ON COTTAGE PORCH. W a n t e d LAKE CARNIVAL AUGUST IS SCABS FAIL TO APPEAR. JOINT COMMITTEE, HELD A DEAN J. E. PRICE DELIVERS OFFICER THOUGHT GUEST WHILE RESTING FROM SUI»- LOCAL NEWSBOYS FIRM IN D o N o t $ 9 ,0 0 0 MEETING XA8T NIGHT. THE FIRST ONE. / IVAS A BUUGLAR. ...... DEN WEAKNESS. THEIR RESOLVE. Let the chance to $ 5 ,0 0 0 Officers Selected and Same' Sub Gives “Christian Science" a Hard Locked Out of Room by Sleep Heat;t Disease Cauwed Sudden De Inducements Offered them to Sell committee! as hast Y ear A ppoint* Rap—What He Sajs About Faith injc Brother, 'a Vlsiroi’ej Pedullar mise cf au Afrput Brooklyn Visitor Y tjH te rd a j’* E litlon of the Penny own a home slip by. H ere is Healing—Pr.,Parves and Or. Fnl- Action on Horel Cornice Brought ar Ocean Grove — Ajje Was ’ Dreadfuls Indignantly Spurned. K* . ed'-— Plaiti . of Carnival and tbe 80 k Frlz'a^jtVili Bo Largely the Same ton Gave Fine Addresses—Evening Policeman on . Scene—Had io be Years— Relatives of Deceased Have Iu.proraptu Parade W«th Banners. one. Two houses On one lot Identified. Been Notified. On first mortgage, with Bond a*' Therefore a Y ear A bo. Ijecitxre—Program for Today. ■ Papers Unsalable at the Newsstands. In North Asbury, in fine order The > * • Wesley lake carnival will Promptly dt 10.15 yesterday morning Clarence Fisher, who, with his brother, The sudden death of Mrs. Hester Wilkey- The New York newsboys who wrre ad Search and Insurance Policy,, take place' shts year- on Tuesday evening, B'Bhop Fitzgerald greeted the iat'ga audi George Fiaher, is enjoying seashore life at? son at Ocean Grove last night will prove a vertised by Mr. Bradley to appear in this and condition. Occupy the tbe Wellington, had rather a peculiar ex* August 15, and promises to equal. If It ence which bad assembled in the Ocean sad blow to her relatives and friends. The city yesterday for the purpose of selling1 one; the rental from the othei These are gilt edge securities does nittxeeVthe event ol-last year. Tbe Grove temple to participate In the flrst ses. perience Tuefiday night, which lias caused deceased was atiout 80 years of age, but up yellow Journals, under- police protection, and will bear investigation* carnival comiElttee held a meeting ia the slpn of tho Sommer School ot Theology. him no end of annoyance on the part of to a short time before her death seemed did not piit in an appearance. About 100 of sufficient to carry the invest- Association hall, Ocean Grove, last night. The bishop welcomed the sohool as its presi the hotel guests, wh‘ofare continually pok in fairly good health. the local boys who are on strike congre T. F ran k Appleby w as named as chairm an, dent and also In tho name of the Ocean ing fun a t him. > Mrs. Wllkeyson's late residence was a t 818 gated at tho depot during the afternoon, as ment. .Price low and terms W. E. Bedell, secretary, - and P. M. Day. Grove association, and said that he felt Clarence bad been:out 6pentling / the eve Broadway, Brooklyn. Just a week ago she one little fellow put it, to await the arrival treasurer. proud to have the honor of doing so. He ning, and it was neat midnight when he came to Ocean-Grove as a guest of Rev. of the ‘'scabs.” easy. Let us give you par The sub committees which served with also boped that the results gained in higher reached his hotel. Upon going to hi3 room William Hamilton, pastor of the Third The strikers, In many cases, carried ban commendable credit last year were reap biblical knowledge during the progress of he found that his brother had locked the Street Methodist church of Brooklyn, who ners bearing such inscriptions as “The ticulars. Apply to i, pointed as follows: the flne lectures to te given would result In door on the Inside and retired. He did not occupies a summer cottage at No. 20 Ab World and Journal are scab papers; please .Finance—P. M. Day, G. S. Steiner, A. 0. great good to the publlo at large. want to awake him and at the same time bott avenue. She seemed- to bo enjoying don’t buy them;” “Buy the Telegram and Fields, W. E. Bedell, A. H. De Haven; dec Dr. J. E. Price was introduced, who de disturb the other guest**, and therefore her visit and Bpoke of the -beneficial effects help tbe newsboy;rt “Please don't buy tbe D. C. COVERT orations, A. C. Fields, H..C, Windsor, livered the flrst leoture before the school. sought some other method of gaining an of the change of climate and the salt air. World and Journal.” Two young, fellows, MILAN ROSS AGENCY George W. Evans, T. J. Preston; prizes, Sis subject wjts “Christian Science and entrance. Early last evening she vlBlted Lillagore’s claiming to represent the circulation de In making a hurried survey of the situa 208 Bond Street Jam es A. Bradley, A. C. Atkina, O. C. Faith Healing," and In the cpurse of an able pavilion and spent a few pleasant hours partment of the two metropolitan papers, 208 Main Street Clayton; advertising, T. J,.Preston, W. E. address he kdd: tion Fisher found that the window in the watching the crowd and listening to the were at the depot, nnd were the subject of Bedell. - "FaltS healing teaches the privilege of south end of the hall opened out upon a music. About 9 o’clock she started for much unfavorable comment onjthe p.irt of ‘ The boat prizes this year will be tho 'restoration of the body from disease, anti fire escape. A cornice about two feet wide home. After going a short distance she*ex the young strikers. continued preservation ,in. health without extends around the house. The young inan perienced a peculiar feeling and became same, viz: First prize, tSS; second, ISO; the*use of moans, and througii the efficacy The first edition of _ the Nevi York papers concluded to walk around the cornice and very weak. Stopping at a cottage on the Monmouth Trast third. «16| fourth, *10; fifth, 15. The flr of Christ’s atonepaent.. Christian sclosca arrived about 2.30 o’clock, b u t the Import KEITH’S EXPRESS est Ijouse decoration will receive a rewatd and mind cura differ from faith , cure to the gain an entrance thKmgh the window. * corner of Ocean and Abbott avenues she re ed newsboys came not Newsdealer Smith A N D t of $10. The second prize is (5. E ach boat recognition of means. Christian Bclence, He crawled oat upap the fire escape and quested that she be allowed'to sit on the received the papers and carried tbem to ASBURY PARK anS OCEAN S r 6 v 2 which iiseladea mind cure, directs the pa Slowly made his wayi along the side of the In line gets, 50 cents. tient to:fix his thought upoa ‘.hedivine porch and rest. An easy chair was pro his Btand, followed by theyooys. Several The idea Is to carry ont the same plan principle. These heaiors call themselves house. As Ije neared the window a police vided andjMrs.Wilkeyson dropped helplessly of the lads were offered inducements to Sale Deposit Company (Hotel Brunswlok,. man In the street below saw him, and feel- Gm cits ■( Ball road Depot ®sd which proved successful last- year. The Christian 'Scientists because they stand Into it Her condition was seen to be criti carry the papers, but In nearly every case {1814 iw a a e . upon the same plane aa Christ himself. The ing^assured that the fellow’s actions were cal and a physician was sent for, but the decorations, flreworkis, music, etc., will be real basis >;;£ Christian science Is the Song the offers were indignantly refused. As a £Monmonth Building', Asbnry Park, M, J , Principal Offloe.... 806 MAIN STREET fully c p to the standard. ago esploded philosophy of Ixtrd Berkeley, suspicious, began to pjreparo for action. old lady died before he arrived without re result few of the papers were put on the Stood* stored at reasohablorate*, . An invitation will be extended to Prof. Bishop of Ciloyne, who w as born in I68E. He pulled his gun* ^nd leveling it at Fish gaining consciousness. * * streets. , Tele phono connection. Christian science is really a hodge-podge of Morgan and the Ocean Grove choir tp oc er shouted, MhaltPf The young man turned Coroner Herbert was summoned and an Chief Smith and Ofllcen Canse and Van CAPITAL, $ 100,000. P. a BOX 667, - - - - AflBTOY PABR Berkteyen.phllosophy, Pantheism and Em- te Bee where the command came from. He cupy seats along,the lake and render some ersonlanism. investigation disclosed the fact that death Wlokle were on the scene, prepared to stop SURPLUS, $ 25,000 music. Officer Plttenger and Hoagland “With regard to faith healing, we saw the brass buttons and shining revolver had been caused by heart disease. Funeral any disorder and to keep the sidewalks should rem em ber there no longer exTate the and began to tremble yrlth fear. were authorised to receive subscriptions for Director Sexton took charge of the remains clear.