St.John's College
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CATALOGUE -.-OF- St.John's College ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND -FOR THE- Academic Year, 1918-i919 AND :::Prospectus, 1919-1920::: Presa of .•.ANNAPOLIS PUBLISHING COMPANY •.. Annapolis, Md. pt ! LETTER FROM PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON. 1919. CALENDAR. 1920. 1919 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 .......... Smrnmer School opens. 31 July, 1918. TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 ............ Summer School closes. "I am pleased to know that despite the uuusual burdens WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 17 ... Opening of Session and Reception imposed upon our people by the war they have maintained of Candidates for Admission. their schools and other agencies of education so nearly at THURSDAY, SEPTE.MiBER 18 ..... Examination. for conditioned and their normal efficiency. That this should be continued through- unexamined students in Latin and Greek. out the war and that, in so far as the draft law will permit, there should be no falling off in ,attendance in elementary FRIDAY, SEPT'EMBER 19 ........ '.. Examination for conditioned and unexamined students in English, schools, high. schools or colleges is a matter of the very great- History and Science. est importance, affecting both our strength in war and our SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 ..... Examination for conditioned and national welfare and efficiency when the war is over. S,o long unexamined students in Mathe- as the war continues thm·e will be constant need of very large matics. numbers of men and women of the highest and most thorough THURSDAY, NOVEMBEiR 27 ...... Thanksgiving Day. training for war service in many lines. After the war there TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23. Commencement of Christmas Vaca- will be urgent need not only for trained leadership in all lines tion. of industrial, commercial, social amd civic life, but for a very 1920 high average of intelligence and preparation on the part of all TUESDAY, JANUARY 6 ........... Resumption of College Exercises. the people. I wouJd therefore urge that the people continue to give generous support to their schools of all grades and that MONDAY, FE1BRUARY 2 .......... Second Term ,begins. the schools adjust themselves as wisely as possible to the new WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1. ......... Easter Va~ation begins 12 mid- conditions to the end that no boy or girl shall have less day. opportunity for education because of the war and that the WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 ........... Easter Vacation terminates at 7.00 Nation may be strengthened as it can only be through the P. M. right education of all its people. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 .......... Commencement Day. ''Cordially and sincerely yours, "WOODROW WILSON." - . .1 4 CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 'CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 5 ·ORGANIZATION. The charter of St. John's College was granted in 1784, and the institution opened in 1789. But under another form and name it had been doing its work during nearly a hundred pre- BOARD OF VISITORS AND GOVERNORR vious years, and is, therefore, one of the oldest colleges in the country. At the city of St. Mary's, then the capital of Mary- land, as early as 1671, the Upper House of the General .As- PRESIDENT - sembly' passed an Act ''for founding and erecting a school or (Under the Charter elected annually.) college for the education of youth in learning and virtue:'' His ExCEuLENCY, EME~SON c. HARRINGTON . ' This was followed by the Act of 1696., establishing KING WIL- The Governor of Maryland, LIAM'S SCHOOL, which was opened 1701. Here were educated Annapolis, Md., 1917. some of the most distinguished sons of Maryland-physicians, lawyers, statesmen, clergymen-and pre-eminent among the PRESIDENT brilliant number was William Pinkney, whose learning and : eloquence have a- national fame. KING WILLIAM'S SCHOOL (Pro-tem.) HoN. ROBERT MOSS, was, in 1784, merged into St. John's College, which has thus Annapolis, Md. been connected with the State of Maryland from the early times of colonial history. Francis Scott Key, author· of our favorite national ode, and Reverdy Johnson, distinguished as SECRETARY. a lawyer and a statesman, are among the alumni, and many L. DORSEY GASSAWAY, E·SQ., others, scarcely less eminent, could be mentioned. :Annapolis, Md., 1891. LOCATION AND ACCESS. (Ex-Officio.} (Ex-Officio.) The college is pleasantly situated at Annapolis, on the Hmr. PETER J. CAMPBELL, HoN. JOHN P. BRISOOE, President of the Senate, banks of the Severn river, a few miles from the Chesapeake Judge Court of Appeals, Baltimore, Md. Prince Frederick, Md . Bay. Nothing in the country surpasses the picturesque beauty of its situation. The college green is spacious, amply shaded, HON, HiERIBER:T R. WiOODEN, HON.' JOHN R. PATTISON, and most attractive to the eye, while the campus, in the rear, Speaker of the House of Delegates, Jud•ge Court of Appeals, is admirably adapted for sports. Bordering the grounds, Carroll County. Cambridge, Md. ''College Creek,'' a branch of the Severn, affords every fa- cility for swimming and boating. Indeed, the situation com- HoN. A. HUNTER BOYD, HON. WM. H. THOMAS, Chief Judge Court of Appeals, Jud·ge Court of Appeals, bines every advantage desirable for a college. The buildings Cumberland, Md. are. large, commodious, and well adapted for purposes of both Westminster, Md. classical and technical education, ·and accommodate two hun- HoN.RENRY•S'I10CKBRIDGE,J:&., HoN. WILLIAM H. ADKINS . ' dred and fifty students. Judge Oourt of Appeals, Judge Oourt of AI?peels, Annapolis has hourly trolley communication with Balti- Baltimore, Md. Elkton, Md. · ' more and', Washington; daily steamboat connection I with· theI former city, and telephonic and telegraphic connection with HoN. N. CHARLES BURKE, HoN. HAMMOND URNER, JL, Judge Oourt of Appeals, every part of the country. Judge Court of Appeals, ' Tow110n, Md. Frederick, Md. .. I~ 6 CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 7 BOARD OF VISITORS AND GOVERNOR'S. -+------~TANDING COMMITTEES OF THE (OONTINUED.) BOARD OF VISITORS. L. DORISEY GASSAWAY, NEVE~T STEE:i:-E, Annapolis, Md., 1891. Annapolis, Md., 1907. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. HoN. JOHN G. ROGE,RS, .TORN L. CHEW, , I Ellicott City, Md., 1894. MESSRS. Moss, Chairman;- STEELE, HOPKINS, DAWKINS, NYDEGGER, Annapolis, Md., 1908. WOODWARD, KEMP. JAMES M. MUNROE, WILLIAM WOODWARD, FAOULTY AND INSTRUCTION. Annapolis, Md., 1896. New York, N. Y., 1910. MESSRS. MUNROE, Chairman; CHEW, KEMP, GREEN, RANDALL. HoN. ROBERT MOSS, ;BRUNER R. ANDERSON, Annapolis, Md., 1897. Baltimore, Md., 1910. MILITARY DEPARTMENT AND DISCIPLINE. MESSRS. STOCKETT, Chairman; .STEELE, FELDMEYER, FRANK H., STOCKETT, HoN. EMERSON C. HARRINGTON, GASSAWAY, WOODWARD. Annapolis, Md., 1897. Cambridge; Md., 1912. FINANCE. JAMES A. FECHTIG, RoN. JOSEPH H. BELLIS, MESSRS. HOPKINS, Gilhairman; STOCKETT, FELDMEYER, Gor,DSBOROUGH, New York Oity, 1899. Annapolis, Md., 1912. BELLIS. CHARLE.S G. FELDMEYER, DANIEL R. RANDALL, DEGREES. Annapolis, Md., 1899. Annapolis, Md., 1913. MESSRS. GASSAWAY, Chq.irman; MUNROE, GREEN, ANDERSON, DAWKINS. NICHOLAS H. GREEN, HoN. WALTER I. DAWKI;NS, CATALOGUE. Annapolis, Md., 1901. Baltimore, Md., 1913. MESSRS. FELDMEYER, Chairman; KEMP,'Clrnw. HARRY J. HOPKINS, W. THOMAS KEMP, ' Annapoli!', Md., 1902. Baltimore, Md., 1914. LIBRARY. MESSRS. CHEW, Chairman; STEELE, CLARKE. STEVENSON A. WILLIAMS, JAMErS A, NYDEGGER, M.D. Bel Air, Md., 1904. Baltimore, Md., 1915. ENDOWMENT. LOUIS T. CLARK, PHILIPS LEE GOLDSBOROUGH, MESSRS. NYDEGGER, Chairman; MUNROE, STOCKETT. Ellicott City, Md., 1905. Baltimore, Md., 1918. , VACANCIES IN BOARD. · WM. N. WOODWARD, MESSRS. FELDMEYER, Chairman; MUNROE, STEELE. Annapolis, Md., 1918. PUBLICITY AND SECURING NEW STUDENTS. MESSRS. GREEN, Chairman; CHEW, STEELE, FECHTIG, KEMP. I ON TffiEl PART OF THE ALUMNI. MESSRS. Rr!DGELY P. MELVIN, Annapolis, Chairman; WM. C. DEVECMON, Cumberland, Md.; REV. JOHN YELLOTT, Bel Air, Md.; VERNON S. BruJ>LEY, Cambridge, Md.; PETmR P. BLANCHARD, Baltimore, Md.; EDWIN H. BROWN, Centreville, Md.; JOHN BOSLEY, Baltim?re, M:ci·; OSCAR B. COBLENTZ, Frederick, M-d.; EDWARD T. CLARK, Ellmott City, Md.; RICHARD J. DUVALL, Annapolis, Md.; J. VINCENT JAMISON, JR., Hagerstown, Md.; JOHN F. Munn, LaPlata, Md.; NICHOLAS 0!11.EM, Easton, Md.; JOHN S. NEW]>!:AN, Frederick, Md.; WILLIAM STANLEY, Laurel, Md.; AMOS W. WOODCOCK, Salisbury, Md.; WM. o. SPATES, Poolesville, Md.; E. CLARK FONTAINE, Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. ; HENRY c. RUHL, Baltimore, Md.; EDWIN WARFIELD, Baltimore, Md. 8 CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. cirncuLAR oF ST. JOHN 's COLLEGE. 9 --<-----------WAVI'ER F. CLAYTON, LL.B., M.Se., PH.D. (Gradl!.ate of Hamilton College and Columbia University.) Professor of Chem.istry. THE FACULTY. THOMAS L. GLADDEN, M.A. As.~t. Professor in Latin and Mathematics. ROSCOE E. GROVE, B.A. (Graduate of St. John's ·College.) THOMAcS FBLL, M.A., PH.D., LL.D., D.C.L ................. President Assistant Professor in Physics and English. · Professor of Moral Science. ' MAURIOE S. WHITE, B.1S., B.D. JOHN BROCKWAY RIPPERIE, B.A., M.A. : ••••••••••• Vice-President 1 (Graduate of University of Pennsylvania and of Princeton Theological (Graduate of Wesleyan University.) · Seminary.) Professor of Larin: · Assistant Professor of English. JOHN B. WHITE, M.A., r,.H.D. JOHN S. SOWiEHS, B.A., PH.D. ( Gra:duate of Geneva College.) (Graduate of Richmond Ool,lege. Doctor of Theology S. B. Professor of Greek and.Latin. Theological Seminary.) Assistant Professor of History and Mathematics. BENJAMIN HARRI.SON WADD~LL, M.A., L.H.D. WILLIAM L. MARCY, (Graduate of Washington and Lee Univel'sity.) (Graduate Pennsylvania Military College and International Professor of Mathematics. · . Institute of Pharmacy.) Instructor in Sanitation ~nd Hygiene, and Assistant in Chemistry. REGINALD H. RIDGELY, B.S., M.A. ( Gradull!te of .St. J1ohn 's- College.) BENJAMIN F . .SCHWEYER, U.S.A. Professor of Biology. Lieutenant U. S. Army. Assistant to the Commandant. \ SIDNEY S. HANDY, B.A., M.A. I (Graduate of Columbia University.) SARAH BERRY. Professor of English. Registrar and Secretary for th~ President. HAROLD BRENTON ·SCARBOROUGH,, B.A., M.A. ( Gradua•te of St. John's Oollege.) Professor of Drawing and Physics. OLARIENOE WILSON STRYKER, B.A., M.A. (Graduate of Unfon College and Columbia University.) Professor of History and Political Economy.