West Hallam & Mapperley Village Diaries April 2020 West Hallam & Mapperley Church & Community Magazine Thurs 2nd St. Wilfrid’s News chat Punch Bowl 10.30am – 12.00 Award Winning Sunday 5th WH Walking & Rural Walk, meet at Dales Lower area Society 10am Monday 6th WH History Society Methodist Church Hall 7.30 pm Stephen Flinders ‘My kind of Paris’ Tuesday 7th West Hallam Flower Club ‘Easter’ Wed 8th WH Women’s Institute ‘Off the boats’ Elizabeth Holloway Village Hall 7.30 pm Tues 14th W H Parish Council Mtg. Powtrell Pavilion 7pm Fri 17th WH Craft Group Methodist Church Hall 10am – 12.00 ‘Quilling’ Monday WH Amateur Gardening Methodist Chuch 7.30 pm 16th Soc. Anthony Norman ‘Evergreen plants for small gardens’ Weds 29th W H & District Coffee Club Methodist Church 10am ‘A face in the crowd’ May Sun 3rd WH Walking & Rural Walk, meet at Dales lower area Society 10am Mon 4th West Hallam Parish Powtrell pavilion 7pm Council Mtg. Tues 5th WH Flower club ‘Carnival’ Thurs 7th St. Wilfrid’s news chat Punch Bowl 10.30 am – 12.00 Copy Date Midday Useful Phone April 2020 Wednesday 15th April Numbers on page 27 40 Magazine Enquiries WHM (West Hallam & Mapperley) SERVICES Email:
[email protected] Sunday ST WILFRID’S HOLY TRINITY METHODIST Editor: June Thornton - 07752837084 CHURCH Commercial Advertising: Roger Wood - 932 6193 5th April 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30am Morning Praise 10.30 am Distribution & to subscribe: Jill & Peter Steiner - 930 3426 (Red) 11am Holy Communion Liturgy of the Palms Revd Peter Willis (£10 per year or £1 per copy)