TEN-T Multi-Annual Programme New railway line -Ringsted (detailed

planning phase): access lines to the future Member States involved: Fehmarn Belt fixed link

Implementation schedule 2012-DK-20010-S Start date: January 2012 Part of Priority Project 20 End date: December 2015

Budget: State budget: €30,584,000

Total project cost covered by this Decision: €61,168,000

EU contribution: €30,584,000

Percentage of EU support: Studies: 50%

Additional information: European Commission, DG MOVE http://ec.europa.eu/transport/ index_en.html

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) http://inea.ec.europa.eu

Beneficiary and Implementing body: Rail Net Denmark The existing main line that runs from Copenhagen to Ringsted via is www.bane.dk one of Denmark’s most heavily used and strategically important routes. It is used by commuters between Copenhagen and the rest of as well as for nationwide and international passenger and freight traffic. The Danish

Parliament passed the Construction Act for the New Line Copenhagen-Ringsted on the 26th of May 2010 and the opening is expected by 2018. The new line will result in a significantly improved timetable with more departures, shorter travel times and fewer delays, in short delivering a far better rail capacity. The new rail line will consist of approx. 60 km’s of electrified double track, including changes of the existing track structures at Køge and Ringsted.

The Action consists of detailed planning phase studies of a new high speed railway between Copenhagen and Ringsted, a vital part of the PP20 (Railway axis Fehmarn Belt) in Denmark. These studies consist of three main activities: i) Project management, ii) Detailed design for construction work and iii) Tender packages.

State of progress on 31 December2014: The action is advanced. The contracts for all major civil works are signed. Archaeological surveys and excavations are completed, and utility relocations are in progress.

Update: May 2014