American Legion Convention, New York City, September 20-23, 1937 He Took His Brewery with Him
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AMERICAN LEGION CONVENTION, NEW YORK CITY, SEPTEMBER 20-23, 1937 HE TOOK HIS BREWERY WITH HIM . but the Legionnaires will find Budweiser in New York # Make the Hotel Lexington your New York Head quarters! Here you will find perfect, personalized service to meet your every need. Centrally located, in the heart of the Grand Central Area, you are near to all means of transportation. 801 cheery outside rooms, each with radio, and combination tub and shower. Rates from $3.50 a day. Visit,the Famous On your next trip to New York be sure to see Manhattan's most unique restaurant. An authentic Hawaiian setting, even to a tropical hurricane. It has "taken the town by storm." Dining and dancing nightly/ LEXINGTON AVE. at 48th STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. Charles E. Rochester, Managing Director I MAKE THIS TEST! | DRINK Budweiser FOR FIVE DAYS. | ON THE SIXTH DAY TRY TO DRINK I A SWEET BEER • YOU WILL WANT Hecker & Eagan, Inc* I Budweiser's FLAVOR THEREAFTER. 17 EAST 22nd STREET NEW YORK CITY Wholesale Distributors to the The Emperor Charlemagne had to travel to build his Army—Navy—Marine Corps—C. C. C. empire. Although beer was well established in Europe in 800 A. D., Charlemagne refused to experiment with local brews. He took his brewmaster with him . Legionnaires from everywhere know BUDWEISER. They won't have to bring it with them to New York. You can make them CAPS—SLACKS—SHIRTS feel at home by giving them the beer they drink at home. Yes, BUDWEISER is all America's Social Companion— KHAKI— SERGE—ELASTIQUE—CAVALRY TWILL one beer that everybody from everywhere knows. You're going to make this Convention a real party. You're going to really live! So, call for BUDWEISER. It's an important part of good living. Special Prices to NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARD Budweiser ORGANIZATIONS KING OF BOTTLED BEER ANHEUSER-BUSCH • ST. LOUIS September, 1937 THE NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARDSMAN 1 Circulation 21,000 Established 1924 CONTENTS SEPTEMBER, 1937 AMERICAN LEGION CONVENTION 3, 25 SONS OF ORION H. E. Smith 4, 5, 24 THE ARMY IN TIME OF PEACE 6, 26 MILITARY HEADGEAR Lt. D. F. Munster 7, 2? INVISIBLE ENEMIES AND THE CARE OF THE TEETH Capt. H- M. Angel 8, 28 TEST OF NEW DIVISION 9 SERGEANT: What does it spell? THE SEVENTH GOES TO PINE CAMP 11, 20 EDITORIALS 12 ROOKIE: It spells OLD GOLD to me! GENERAL HASKELL'S MESSAGE 13, 22 "FRESH" is the word for Old Golds, because WAR MEMORIAL DEDICATION 14, 15, 20 that is the way they always reach you. THE BREAKING OF THE HINDENBURG LINE 16, 17 Two jackets of moisture-proof, dust-proof THE INFANTRY SCHOOL Maj. W. H. Kelly 18 Cellophane double-seal in the freshness of these OUR RELIEF SOCIETY 21 throat-easy cigarettes, so that neither tropic FROM AN OFFICER'S SCRAP BOOK, rains nor desert dryness can steal the double- Lt. C. O. Kates 23, 26 mellow goodness from Old Gold's prize crop COMMANDER SAUNDERS OF THE FIRST NAVAL BATTALION 30 tobaccos. NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR 31 Try a pack of "Double-Mellows" today. Ask for The 162nd Issue Vol. XIV, No. 6 them at your Post Ex ... Whether you're a buck private or a top sergeant, they'll surely be "tops" "For the propagation of one policy and only one: with you! 'Better Guardsmanship and Better Citizenship!'" THE NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARDSMAN is published monthly by the State of New York at 80 Centre Street, New York City, N. Y. Printed in New York City, N. Y. The only publication authorized by the National Guard of the State of New York. Lt. Col. H. E. Suavet, Editor; Lt. Col. E. Bowditch, Associate Editor; Lt. Col. W. J. Mangine, Advertising Manager; Major E. C. Dreher, New York City, Advertising Manager. Single copy, 10 cents. Subscription price in the United States $1.00; Canada, $1.50; foreign, $2.00 a year. Subscriptions FRESHNESS INSURED! Ev sry pack of 1937 payable in advance. Advertising rates on request. Listed in Double-Mellow OLD GOLDS is wrapped in Two Jackets—Dou ble Cellophane. That EXTRA jacket keeps OLD GOLDS in prime Standard Rate and Data Service. condition in any climate. You can't buy a stale OLD GOLD Copyright, 1937, by THE NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARDSMAN. anywhere in the II. S. A. It's the extra jacket that does ltl GDANQSTAN D 60ANQ5TAND C"5NjDAL pAC^s AVE-. *7777T7777rri/n//ih/mini/ii:.'u r.vii>iuii>.-i>iiintnti,1179-771 :ttm/r///i. fcr1 o AMOUNTED ESCOQT - 830 AM 50UTW DAKOTA d.'45 AM 3fc. KENTUCKY 12. NiOOlV B LE6IOK1 POSTS POLICE DEPf 10. GPAVJD MAtfSWALS&iTAFpi. 11. NEW HAMPSHIRE 37. PENNSYLVANIA C.DETACHMENTS-U 5 ARMY, 6.3o AM MAINE 36. MASSACHUSETTS NAVY AND MA8INE5 . 12. i:i5^K INDIANA - 9'<3o AM 39- COLORADO D NATIONAL CHAMPION OPUM a:3o AM 13. AND BUGLE CORP^ 14-. WISCONSIN 40- NEW MEXICO E NATIONAL C0U3USA NATIONAL - 'V3<"> AM i5. FLOPlDA 41. VIRGINIA B.IFLE TEAM A5 ESCORT lb. SOUTH CAROLINA 42. MICHIGAN Z'A5A>W NATIONAL COMMANDER 17. LOUISIANA 43. UTAH NATIONAL CHAMP ~>N AMERICAN I f:GlON .BAND IS. MINNESOTA 44. MISSOURI •PAST r<ATiONALC'y»iMA^x»fcQ5 19. OKLAHOMA 4fe. RHQPE ISLAND 2.0. KAN5A5 10'. 15 AM 47. NEW JERSEY F. FOPtIGN DEPARTMtNli> 8.00AM 21. MONTANA 46. MACYLANP ALASKA CANADA 22. DELAWARE 49. TEXAS FRANCE HAWAI I 23. ARKANSAS 45. NEW YORK - £:0 0>PM - 2.9TH ST ITALY 2/4-5-PM - 3o ST MEXICO 24. NOi?Tl-ICAC0LlNA , sT PANAMA 3:30 4?h- 31ST ST PHILIPPINES 25. OREGON PUERTO PKC 26. ILLINOIS 1. MISSISSIPPI ft'45AM 27. ALABAMA 2. VERMONT 25. DiSTRICT 0EC0LUMI31,W ffiQQf\M 3. NORTHDAKOTA £9. CEOPGIA 4. NEVADA 30. <\#&3T VIRGINIA 5. IOWA 31. WASHINGTON AMERICANI ILEGION O.NEBe^SKA 32. CALIEODN1A 7. IDAHO 33. OWIO ^fic\J\Oripti CONVENTION' 6. TENNESSEE 34. WYOMING 9. ARIZONA 35, CONNECTICUT -'12. NOO NEW YO£K CITY SEPTEMBER 2.1,1937. PLAN OF AMERICAN LEGION PARADE By Lieut. Col. G. W. Kelley -J September, 1937 THE NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARDSMAN $ Up Ti-fotk -@venue -fiaain in 1937 in the history of Father Knickerbocker, will be staged by the Legionnaires during this Convention. The parade, of which Major General William N. Haskell is Grand Marshal, will go on night and day for twenty-four hours. Thousands of men who in 1917, 1918 and 1919 marched to the strains of martial music, up and down Fifth Avenue twenty years ago, will return again to participate in this allegorical pag eant—figurative of the services they gave to obtain peace. The theme of this pageant will be dedicated to the fact that the United States has remained unselfish and neutral to the nations that have been rattling the sabre and to emphasize the fact that the United States can live at peace with the rest of the world. There will be several hundred drum and bugle corps representative of every State in the Union in marching ranks. Floats depicting the historic back ground of the States of the Union and many other decorative contributions of the States will be in the line of march. The presence of the Governors with their staffs from thirty-seven States is already assured and representa tives of the American insu lar possessions such as the Philippine Islands, Hawaii, Guam, Alaska, Puerto Rico, the Canal Zone and Virgin Islands, have al ready made reservations. The twenty-four hour New York parade will re flect a dignity and colorful- ness unequalled in the his tory of any similar pageant. It will manifestly be a par ade of the States of the Na tion—"Up Fifth Avenue Again in 1937." The Convention Corpor ation under the Legion rules will prohibit advertis ing on any float or unit that would have for its pur pose commercial advertis Harry N. Colmery ing. This parade in review K[ational Commander American Legion will also emphasize not only an unparalleled peace time demonstration as far as America is concerned but will also demonstrate a united citizenship and a united nation with peace and contentment. It is ex pected that the parade will be reviewed along the line of march by at least three million persons. The line of march will approximately be two miles long. The assembly area for parading units will ex- (Continued on page 25) 4 THE NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARDSMAN September, 1937 by Herbert E. Smith Title by GEORGE GRAY FOREWORD The Fates were kind again. Once more Caswell Other articles depicting how, vJhen and where men of the war' brought his man in in safety, and saw this second time 27th Division won the D.S.C. in combat action overseas wounded man he had rescued turned over to the effi will appear in subsequqent issues under this same title, "SOT^S cient medicos at the nearby dressing station. OF ORIOH" One would have said that Corporal Caswell had done a fine day's work, that afternoon. There still HE Distinguished Service Cross is the second remained the night, however. And that same night highest award for valor within the gift of the United this intrepid New Yorker led an ammunition detail States Government. Only the Congressional Medal forward through a murderous machine-gun fire, in of Honor tops it. It—the D.S.C. can be won only on suring a steady supply of grenades to the hard-pressed the field of battle, in actual combat action against an outposts.