Comparative Parasitology 67(2)
July 2000 Number 2 Comparative Parasitology Formerly the Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington CONTENTS KRITSKY, D. C., F. A. JIMENEZ-RUIZ, AND O. SEY. Diplectanids (Monogenoidea: Dactyl- ogyridea) from the Gills of Marine Fishes of the Persian Gulf off Kuwait 145 DAILEY, M. D., AND S. R. GOLDBERG. Langeronia burseyi sp. n. (Trematoda: Lecitho- dendriidae) from the California Treefrog, Hyla cadaverina (Anura: Hylidae), with Revision of the Genus Langeronia Caballero and Bravo-Hollis, 1949 165 BOUAMER, S., AND S. MoRAND. Oxyuroids of Palearctic Testudinidae: New Definition 'of the Genus Thaparia Ortlepp, 1933 (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae), Redescription of Thaparia thapari thapari, and Descriptions of Two New Species 169 MUZZALL, P. M. Parasites of Farm-Raised Trout in Michigan, U.S.A. 181 BULLARD, S. A., G. W. BENZ, R. M. OVERSTREET, E. H. WILLIAMS, JR., AND J. HEMDAL. Six New Host Records and an Updated List of Wild Hosts for Neobenedenia melleni (MacCallum) (Monogenea: Capsalidae) . _ DUCLOS, L. M., AND D. J. RICHARDSON. Hymenolepis nana in Pet Store Rodents BOLEK, M. G., AND J. R. COGGINS. Seasonal Occurrence and Community Structure of Helminth Parasites from the Eastern American Toad, Bufo americanus americanus, from Southeastern Wisconsin, U.S.A 202 MACHADO, P. M., S. C. DE ALMEIDA, G. C. PAVANELLI, AND R. M. TAKEMOTO. Ecological Aspects of Endohelminths Parasitizing Cichla monoculus Spix, 1831 (Perciformes: Cichlidae) in the Parana River near Porto Rico, State of Parana, Brazil 210 LYONS, E. T, T. R. SPRAKER, K. D. OLSON, S. C. TOLLIVER, AND H. D. BAIR. Prevalence of Hookworms (Uncinaria lucasi Stiles) in Northern Fur Seal (Callorhinus ursinus Linnaeus) Pups on St.
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