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Xerox University Microfilms 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 I I 77-24,683 PARSONS, James Eugene, 1939- TRANSLOCATION AS MEDIATED BY METABIOSIS.

The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1977 Microbiology

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© 1977




Presented in Partial Fulfillm ent of the Requirements for

the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate

School of The Ohio State University


James Eugene Parsons, B.S., M.S.


The Ohio State University


Reading Committee: Approved By

J .I. Frea R.M. P fister M.S. Rheins

Adviser Department of Microbiology 11 '"Twinkle, twinkle, little bat? How I wonder what you're at? Up above the world you f ly , Like a teatray in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle

To the Mad Hatter (90), who through his quixotic actions and incoherent poetry (see above) gave us an accurate portrayal of mercury poisoning. Had he desired, no doubt, he could have conjured up via phyllomancy of his beloved tea ( Thea sinensis) an early glimpse of a sleeping giant, viz. : environmental mercury pollution. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

In the autumn of 1972 Dr. Robert M. P fister accepted a unique challenge when he agreed to take a "non-traditional" student em­ barking on the road to opsimathy. The transition and educational process necessary to convert an "old timer" into a neanthropic scien tist progressed quite s a tis fa c to rily , and the thought processes required to transform such an individual into a person who "thinks young" has occurred gradually and progressively. In addition to your faith and friendship, Dr. Pfister, I thank you for your guidance, encouragement, support, and most of a l l , for the oppor­ tunity to expand my experiences in understanding the relationships that exist between microbial structure and function.

Realizing that I am but one of the multitude of graduate students ministered to by the Department of Microbiology's

Graduate Committee, I wish to thank its members for allowing me to create and pursue an individualized, unique doctoral program, i.e . in my opinion the perfect of administration, teaching and research.

In addition, I wish to express my deep gratitude to the State of Ohio, The United States Government and to each individual

iv taxpayer of this great country for providing such an educational

opportunity. To my fellow graduate students, this advice — a fonte puro pura defluit aqua — drink freely of it.

For their individual encouragement and inspiration as out­

standing teachers, I thank three (3) high school teachers: Ms.

Nora Keville, Ms. Mary Belle Linnell, Mr. George G. Maxfield;

three (3) university professors: Dr. James I. Frea, Dr. Wolfram

Kretschmar, Dr. Melvin S. Rheins, and one (1) university adminis­

tra to r: Dr. Arliss L. Roaden.

The patience and interest my family has demonstrated is appreciated. For accepting my routine neglect as a necessary sacrifice from which I hope all will eventually benefit, I am also grateful.

To that cadre of friends that has made l i f e in Columbus an experience in living and not merely existing, a special thanks goes.

And last, but certainly not least, to Patricia S. Camana who through her rendering of the Mad Hatter has v iv id ly demonstrated to us all just what the ancient Roman knew all along — aliena optimum frui insania.


November 10, 1939 ...... Born - Lima, Ohio

1 9 6 1 ...... B.S., The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

1963 ...... M.S., The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

1964-196 5...... Teaching Assistant, De­ partment of Microbiology, The University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska

1965-196 7 ...... National Aeronautics and Space Administration Trainee, Department of Microbiology, The Univer­ s ity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska

1967-196 8 ...... Chief Bacteriologist, State of Nebraska, Depart­ ment of Health, Division of Laboratories, Lincoln, Nebraska

1968-197 1 ...... Instructor of Medical Microbiology, Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska

1972-1973 ...... Teaching Associate, De­ partment of Microbiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

vi 1973-197 4 ...... Trainee in University Admin­ is tra tio n , Graduate School, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

1974-197 5 ...... Teaching Associate, Depart­ ment of Microbiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

1975-197 7 ...... Director, George Wells Knight International House and Center, The Ohio State U niversity, Columbus, Ohio

1977 ...... Administrative Assistant, Department of Microbiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio


Schmitt, J .A ., R.A. Zabransky, A.S. Janidlo, and J.E. Parsons. 1962. Experimental maduromycosis in the laboratory mouse. Mycopath. Mycol. App. 18:164-168.

Stamm, J.M ., W.E. Engelhard, and J.E. Parsons. 1969. Micro­ biological study of water-softener resins. Appl. Microbiol. 18:376-386.


Major Field: Microbial Cytology

Studies in Electron Microscopy. Professor Robert M. P fister

Studies in Morphology, Fine Structure and Cell Function. Professor Robert M. P fis te r Studies in Bacterial Physiology and Genetics. Professors James I . Frea and James C. Copeland

Studies in Microbial Parasitism. Professor Melvin S. Rheins

Studies in Clinical Parasitology. Professor Wolfram Kretschmar

Studies in Clinical Virology. Professor Roberta J. White




VITA...... vi

LIST OF TABLES...... x iii




Mercury and its compounds ...... 7

Metallic mercury ...... 7 Inorganic mercury compounds ...... 9 Complex ions of mercury ...... 9 Organic mercury compounds ...... 10

Agricultural use of mercury ...... 11 Industrial use of mercury ...... 12 Mercury in medicine ...... 13 Sources of mercury in the environment...... 14 Mercury transformation in the biosphere ...... 19 Conversion between inorganic forms ...... 22

Hg2 + - H g S i 2 2

HgS+ ------► Hg2 + ...... 22

Hg2 + ------> Hgo ...... 2 2

Hg° Hg2 + ...... 23

Conversions between organic and inorganic forms ...... 23

CH3 0CH2 CH2 Hg+ ► Hg2 + ...... 23

ix TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)


CH3 Hg+, C2 H5 Hg+, C6 H5 Hg+ Hg2+ and/or Hg°. . . 24

Hg° and/or Hg2+ >- CH3 Hg+ and/or CH3 HgCH3 ...... 25

Conversions between organic forms ...... 27

C6 H5 Hg+------► CH3 Hg+~ ------* CH3 HgCH3 ...... 27

C6 H5 Hg+; z = ? C6 H5 HgC6 H5 ...... 28

CH3 Hg+ ------► CH3 HgCH3 ...... 28

CH3 HgCH3------► CH3 Hg+ ...... 28

Other Conversions in nature ...... 29

(C2h5>4 Pb + Hg2+ ► (C2 H5) 3Pb + C2 H5 Hg+ ..... 29

Interaction between mercury and organisms ...... 29 Detection of mercury and its compounds ...... 31


Sample collection ...... 34 Sample processing ...... 34 Total mercury determination ...... 37 "Mercury-free diluent" ...... 40 Aquarium (model la k e ) ...... 40 General layout ...... 40

Aeration ...... 40 F iltra tio n ...... 49 Illumination ...... 49 Temperature ...... 49 W a te r ...... 50

Sediment b e d ...... 50

Aquarium gravel ...... 50 Aquarium pebbles ...... 51 Olentangy River mud ...... 51 Potting soil...... 51 Sand ...... 52



Ecosystem ...... 52 Regulated mercury s p ill ...... 52 Sam pling ...... 52

Attached planktonic biomass ...... 52 F ilte r entrapped detritus ...... 53 Goldfish...... 53 Sediment cores ...... 53 Snails ...... 54 W a te r ...... 54

Volume measurements ...... 54 Weight measurements ...... 54 Weight vs. volume measurements ...... 55 Scanning electron microscopy ...... 55

Solid specimens ...... 55 Liquid specimens ...... 56

X-ray microanalysis ...... 56

RESULTS...... 58


SUMMARY...... 101

EPILOG...... 103

APPENDICES...... 104

Appendix A Calculation of the potential necessary for oxidation of metallic mercury into divalent m ercury ...... 104

Appendix B Interaction of mercury with biological systems. . . 107

Appendix C Ancillary data for water samples collected from the western basin of Lake E rie ...... 126

Appendix D Data obtained through x-ray microprobe analysis . . 129

xi TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)


Appendix E Mathematical expression fo r mercury translocation in model lake bed sediments ...... 136



Table No. Title Page

1 Sample collection information ...... 60

2 Mercury determination of fractional components - 1 62

3 Mercury determination of fractional components - II ...... 64

4 Mercury level of model components ...... 67

5 Interaction of mercury with biological systems . . 108

6 Physical factors ...... 127

7 Chemical factors ...... 128

8 SAMPLE IDENTITY: Filamentous alga with epiphytic bacteria in s -itu...... 130

9 SAMPLE IDENTITY: Fusiform diatom, in situ...... 131

10 SAMPLE IDENTITY: Pseudomonad isolated from model and cultivated in Hg-containing medium ...... 132

11 SAMPLE IDENTITY: Staphylococcus isolated from model and cultivated in Hg-containing medium . . . 133

12 SAMPLE IDENTITY: Pseudomonad isolated from model and cultivated in Hg-free medium ...... 134

13 SAMPLE IDENTITY: Staphylococcus isolated from model and cultivated in Hg-free medium ...... 135

xi* ai i • LIST OF FIGURES

Figure No. Title Page

1 Mercury transformation in the biosphere ...... 21

2 Flow diagram of procedure u tiliz e d during experimentation ...... 36

3 Schematic of apparatus employed to measure to tal mercury via the cold vapor atomic adsorption spectrophotometric technique ...... 39

4 Calibration curve for a typical mercury standard, absorbance a t 2537 A ...... 42

5 Functional elements of the model lake ...... 44

6 Cross-sectional diagram of s tra tifie d model lake, bed sediments showing depth and composition of each l a y e r ...... 46

7 Illustration of aquarium floor plan ...... 48

8 Kinetics of mercury translocation through model lake bed sediments ...... 69

9 P article mediated mercury m obility in the water column...... 71

10 Mercury accumulation in model lake gastropods. . . 74

11 Mercury accumulation in the model lake fish ( Carrassius auratus) population ...... 76

12 The effect of particle volume on its associated mercury content ...... 79

13 The effect of particle weight on its associated mercury content ...... 81

xiv LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)

Figure No. Title Page

14 P article volume versus particle weight for a given mercury b u rd e n ...... 83

15 Scanning electron micrograph of filamentous alga (FA) with an "Auswuehs" of epiphytic bacteria (B) ...... 85

16A Scanning electron micrograph of a pseudomonad isolated from the model lake benthos ...... 8 8

16B Scanning electron micrograph of a staphylococcus isolated from the model lake benthos ...... 8 8

17 Arhythmic feedback cycle fo r mercury conversion proposed fo r the model employed herein ...... 94

18 Mathematical expression of the interrelationship seen between Time (T) and Distance (D) involved in the translocation of mercury through model lake sediment beds ...... 140


Man's environmental manipulations have continued in greater

or lesser degrees for numerous chiliads, but only recently has an

increased awareness of the repercussions of these manipulations

surfaced in the popular consciousness. F irs t man encountered the

inorganic pollutants such as mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and asbestos; then the advent of Pandora's panacea, viz., the organic compounds—fa r too numerous to mention herein.

In the 1960's we sparred with the biocides—organophosphates, organochlorines, and herbicides. Grace a Rachel Carson (58), the world became aware of the grim realities resulting from mass indiscriminate spraying.

Again in the 1970's we encounter yet further examples of man's foibles. F irs t in 1973, through a human error no doubt, a toxic f ir e retardant known chemically as polybrominated biphenyl

(PBB) was added to livestock feed. Spontaneous abortions, breeding problems, and/or death of dairy c a ttle focused attention on this problem. Man is now monitoring with horror the movement of the aforementioned chemical through the food chain and the resultant health problems in Homo sapiens. Earlier this year (1977) we began to detect significant amounts of pentachlorophenol (PCP or

1 penta) in milk. PCP, itself a widely used wood preservative

(acquired by cows which rub up against, lick or breathe fumes from wood in feeders and barns), does not appear to be a cause for alarm; dioxins, a by-product of penta manufacture and contaminant, however, are. The la tte r , among man's most toxic poisons, has already made an in it ia l appearance in affected cow's m ilk. At this time it is too early to predict the effects that this, the latest of man's traumas to the environment will have on the food chain or even man himself.

Traditionally speaking, pollution, like prostitution, is any departure from purity. In the environment, however, it has come to mean departure from a normal rather than a pure state; otherwise we would have to say that a given environment is polluted by the organisms, both micro- and macro-, contained therein. If man is to be victorious over his violations of our virginal environment, he must profit from his past indiscretions. Armed with such foreknowledge, we should be able to avoid disaster, or at least defend ourselves against some of its worst consequences. So le t it be with mercury as a pollutant.

Environmental mercury contamination, whether by elemental, inorganic or organometallic compounds, has been recognized recently as a serious water quality problem in many areas of the world. In the past, the general consensus had been that trace metals entering rivers, lakes, or the ocean were rapidly removed from the water phase by eith er chemical or physical interactions with suspended solids and underlying sediments (61). Furthermore,

i t was assumed that once contained in the sediments i t remained in a relatively inert, biologically unavailable form. Recent studies, however, have shown that the aforementioned is not the case; trace metals are readily translocated through the water column (305), mercury its e lf being concentrated via the food chain (72, 97, 133,

145, 180, 182, 210, 281, 351, 352, 402), and subsequently reach as well as accumulate in man (15, 33-36, 59, 65-67, 87, 107, 108,

125-127, 130, 131, 138, 153, 195, 196, 217, 218, 240, 242, 260,

266, 267, 326, 330-332, 336, 343, 377). Although the interest in mercury as a pollutant is re la tiv e ly new to the western hemisphere, this has not been the case in other areas of the world. Japan and

Sweden have had to cope with the problem for years.

The most notable examples of environmental contamination with mercury occurred in Japan between 1953 and 1970. In Minamata

(168-170, 219, 353-356), between 1953 and 1961, 121 fishermen or a member of a fisherman's family were stricken with a mysterious illness characterized by cerebellar ataxia, constriction of visual fields, and dysarthria. Of these 121 cases, a total of 46 deaths resulted. Additional cases of mercury induced poisoning, termed

"Minamata Disease," were seen in the coastal town of Niigata and in the riverside villages along the Agano River (165, 374, 375) between 1965 and 1970. Six persons died and another forty-one were irreversibly poisoned. In both incidents, the syndrome appeared mainly among fishermen and their families, and also among other people who fished frequently and/or liked to eat locally

caught aquatic produce. C h aracteristically, the patients in the

Minamata area of Kyushu Island as well as in Niigata Prefecture

had eaten copious amounts of fish and/or shellfish from contaminated


Even though no deaths were reported in Sweden, the mercury

pollution problem became apparent after seed-eating bird populations

began to decrease drastically (243). This conclusion resulted from

a study of museum specimens (31) which showed that mercury levels

in bird feathers were nearly constant from 1840 to 1940, but in­

creased twenty-fold between 1940 and 1965, coincident with the

introduction of alkylmercury compounds as antifungal seed dressings

(31, 42, 185, 360, 361).

Although mercury and its compounds have long been known to be

toxic, only recently has the genetic basis (294, 295, 297) for

said toxicity been established. Utilizing the root cells of

AVliwn cepa organic mercury compounds have been shown to give rise

to c-mitosis and polyploidy (296) in such a mitotic system, whereas

a meiotic system consisting of Drosophila melanogastev, exhibited

unequal recovery of reciprocal gametes due to preferential segrega­

tion at firs t meiosis as well as the altered segregation of non-

disjunctional chromosomes in inversion heterozygotes (298). The

la tte r presumably is caused by the changed meiotic synapsis and/or

a changed kinetic activity of the centromeres. I t has not been generally recognized that hazards could arise

from the disposal of mercurials into aquatic biosphere nor was i t

recognized that mercury could undergo a myriad of biochemical

transformations (177, 179, 200, 246). Recent studies (99, 175,

383) indicate that many common inorganic and organic mercury com­

pounds which are discharged by industry into public waters, settle

in bottom muds and are converted into alkylmercury compounds, i.e.

mono- and dimethylmercury. Even though both inorganic and organic

compounds enter natural waters, mono- and d i-a lk y l forms of

mercury present the greatest threat to a ll food chains due to

their mobility in water and their solubility in membrane lipids.

Mercury present in fish as well as other aquatic organisms is

almost en tire ly in the methylmercury form.

In order to overcome environmental problems caused by mercury

i t is essential to understand the fate of mercury in aquatic eco­

systems. Several interesting questions have been posed by these

observations, and therefore the objectives of this research were:

(a) to study the dynamics of inorganic % organic mercury trans­

formations in situ, in a model lacustrine environment; (b) to

follow the fate of mercury, so mobilized through the various

trophic levels of a typical food chain; (e) to elucidate the role

of microparticulates in the active and/or passive transport of mercury; (d) to study cell-mercury interactions; and (e) to

evaluate the hypothesis that a mercury cycle, as such, does indeed exist in nature. Utilizing recent advances made in the microbiologist's armamentarium of techniques, the following

study was initiated. LITERATURE REVIEW

Mercury and Its Compounds

M etallic Mercury

Mercury, also called quicksilver, is a noble metal (128) with the unique characteristic of being a silverw hite liquid at ambient temperatures. This element (symbol, Hg; at. wt., 200.61; at no.,

80; sp. gr., 13.595; melt, pt., -38.87°C; boil. pt. 356.9°C) is soluble only in oxidizing solutions and readily forms alloys called amalgams with some metals, namely: gold, silver, platinum, uranium, copper, lead, sodium and potassium. In addition to occurring naturally as a mixture of isotopes, mercury has a uniform volume expansion over its entire liquid range. This latter property in conjunction with its high surface tension, and inability to wet and/or cling to glass surfaces, makes it extremely useful in the manufacture of measuring devices.

In dry a ir , m etallic mercury is not oxidized, however, after prolonged standing in moist a ir the metal's surface becomes coated with a thin layer of oxide. The metal does not dissolve in a ir- free hydrochloric acid or dilute sulfuric acid, whereas oxidizing acids (nitric, concentrated sulfuric, and aqua regia) when present

7 1n excess w ill yield the corresponding mercury salts. With

chlorine and other halogens, mercury reacts quite read ily.

Many mercury salts exhibit catalytic effects, e.g. :

a. mercuric chloride loaded on activated charcoal for the production of vinyl chloride by the following reaction:

HgClo CH =. CHt + HC1 CH2 = CHC1

(acetylene) (vinyl chloride)

b. mercuric sulfate utilized in the formation of acetaldehyde:

HgS04 CH = CH+ + H20 CH3 CHO

(acetylene) (acetaldehyde)

Mercury is generally classed as a chalcophilic element, that

is, one that tends to concentrate in sulfides. There are two mercuric sulfides, HgS, that have the same composition but different

c ry s ta llin e forms. A few ores (193, 293) contain free mercury, but most of the metal is found as cinnabar, the red sulfide HgS. Arch-

eologists have found it used as a pigment in the ruins of ancient

Egypt, Babylon and at Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan. In the halcyon days

of ancient Rome, much powdered cinnabar was sent there from the

Sierra Morena region of Spain - the mine at Alamden is s till pro­

ducing today - for direct use as a cosmetic. Cinnabar is s t ill

employed as a pigment (verm ilion), but its use as a cosmetic has 9 declined due to health and legal considerations. The black sulfide, metacinnabarite, is only occasionally found in mineral deposits.

Inorganic Mercury Compounds

Mercury forms compounds in which i t may have a valence number of eith er 1+ (mercurous) or 2+ (mercuric). The mercurous ion is peculiar in that it is associated into the double ion (Hg 2 ) > not only in solution, but in the solid state of its compounds as well.

Conductivity of mercurous compounds in solutions indicate that they are bivalent electrolytes and x-ray analysis of mercurous crystals confirm that the Hg atoms invariably occur in pairs.

Most mercury compounds are v o la tile , usually decomposing to mercury. A few, notably the halides, sublime without decomposition.

Mercuric compounds are readily reduced to the mercurous state and further to the metal. Conversely, some mercurous compounds (not­ ably the oxide, and sulfide) are unstable and undergo spontaneous decomposition to the corresponding mercuric compound and free mercury. Mercuric compounds (excepting the halides) hydrolyze readily in aqueous solution, and in most cases are soluble only in the presence of excess acid. Most mercury compounds show a strong tendency to form complexes.

Complex Ions of Mercury

Mercury complexes are f a ir ly numerous. Complexes in which the coordination number is four and the metal is bonded to carbon ( 1 n the cyanides), nitrogen, sulfur or the halogens are among the most important.

The halide complexes exist in two forms, [Hg {Hal)^\ and

Hg (NH3 ) 2 {Hal) 2, where M can be cadmium, potassium or zinc, and the Hal moiety - bromide, chloride, iodide or cyanide.

Mercury has long been known to have a stronger a ffin ity for sulfur than fo r oxygen. Mercaptans, or sulfhydryl groups, as they are more commonly called, have an exceedingly high a ffin ity for mercurials. Almost every toxic action of mercurials is to some extent automatically attributed to an interaction with these ligands to form a complex known as a mercaptide.

In biological systems, sulfhydryl groups are found in a few d iffu s ib le low molecular weight substances such as cysteine, reduced glutathione, CoA, lipoate, and thioglycolate, but the pre­ dominant sulfhydryl constituents are the proteins. The primary targets fo r interaction and fo r consequent toxicological effects of the mercurials are therefore the proteins. For this reason, it is not surprising that these interactions (1, 19, 29, 37, 166,

308, 309, 316, 346, 348, 362) are especially popular agents for study.

Organic Mercury Compounds

Organic mercury compounds, having the general structure i?-Hg-J, consist of an organic radical such as alkyl, alkoxyalkyl or aryl substituted for R. The X moiety, an anion originating 11 from organic or inorganic substances with a dissociable hydrogen ion {e.g., acids, amides, phenols, th io ls , eta.), is bonded similarly to a salt. Their solubility in water and organic solvents depends on the nature of R and X as does their volatility. For example, the s o lu b ility of phenyl mercury salts in water is lower than that of alkylmercury salts with the same anion; the latter, as a result, are more suitable for water-based fungicidal formula­ tions.

In general, the short-chain alkylmercury derivatives have a greater v o la tility than phenyl and methoxyethyl mercury compounds.

This difference can, in effect, approach parity by combining an anion such as dicyandiamide with the alkyl radical.

Both aryl and alkyl salts are easily reduced to their diaryl or dialkyl counterparts, and through a series of reactions, elemental mercury. The stability of this group of mercurials varies considerably.

Agricultural Use of Mercury

For more than h a lf a century, mercury fungicides have been utilized for treatment of seeds (20, 94, 233, 303, 306, 307, 387).

In view of the large scale of use, their safety record is notably good, except for the alkylmercury compounds. High levels of such products in the fish (9, 14, 32, 53, 120, 151, 186, 263, 394-396,

398) of industrialized regions, agricultural products (42, 243,

293, 360, 395, 397, 398) of the terrestrial food chain, as well 12

as severe accidents in which hundreds of people in developing

countries have died due to the consumption of cereals (24)

treated by methylmercury or to the consumption of animals (293)

which have consumed such cereals, have recently focused attention

on mercury fungicides. As a re s u lt, the agricultural usage of

alkylmercury compounds has been discouraged. Even though there is much less risk involved with alkoxyalkyl and arylmercury compounds,

their use is still under scrutiny.

Industrial Use of Mercury

The physical properties of mercury are uniquely suited to the demands of the electronic industry (193, 239). This element and/or its derivatives are used to manufacture fluorescent, germicidal, and high-intensity lamps; silent switches; and alkaline batteries.

Several commercial chemical processes also use mercury and its compounds on a large scale. The best known of these is in mercury- cell chlorine-alkali production (315). In this process, chlorine and caustic soda are produced by the following reactions:

Electrolysis NaCl * ClgHanode)

Electrolysis NaCl + NaFta (mercury cathode) SC

H20 NaH9* +• NaOH + #Hg + hHgj- 13

Mercury, as previously stated, is also employed as a catalyst in

several other industrial processes.

There are also other uses of mercurials such as in the amalgamation industry, pharmaceuticals th at produce diuretics

(50, 95, 123, 129, 132, 135, 152, 229, 231, 261, 262, 393) and antiseptics (109), the cosmetic industry, and in the manufacturing of paints.

Mercury in Medicine

In the closing years of the 15th century, descriptions of a new disease began to appear in the lite ra tu re of the day. The f ir s t mention of such a disease is found in an edict issued by the

Diet of Worms on October 7, 1495. In said document, this disease was referred to as "bosen Blattem" (the evil pox); today i t is known as syphylis. As early as 1497 mercury (379) was being advocated by at least two physicians, Johannes Widmann and Corradino

Gilino for syphilotherapy and in 1498 the firs t major book on syphilis was written by Francisco Lopez de Villalobos. In its text, he recognized not only the venereal mode of transmission, described the skin manifestations and later complications of the syndrome, but also deduced the idea of treatment with mercury from a study of the old Arabic literature.

Up to the early years of the 20th century, mercury (192) was the only effective drug available for the treatment of this scourge.

Given per os, in unction, parenterally or via inhalation, its toxic 14

effects on skin, mucous membranes and/or the intestines often out­ weighed its therapeutic value. In any case, its effects were

suppressive rather than curative.

In recent years, with the advent of modern chemotherapy,

this mode of therapy has been supplanted.

Historically, some of the therapeutic uses (109) of elemental mercury, its inorganic salts, and/or organomercurials are as follows: antiseptic ointments, cathartics, diuretics, germicides, spirochaeticides and in the preparation of dental amalgam. Except for topical use, dental amalgams, and as a disinfectant, mercury compounds are seldom, i f at a l l , employed in modern therapy.

Sources of Mercury in the Environment

Prior to the turn of the century (31, 257, 293, 363), mercury release into the environment was largely accounted for as the result of natural actions, viz. via', (a) the weathering of crustal rocks (7, 57, 105, 124, 143, 147, 188, 289, 345, 359, 372) and (b) vulcanism (400), and/or vaporized metal carried into the atmosphere

(7, 244) from deposits. The form in which mercury appears in rock is not entirely clear; however, it is probably reduced to the metallic form at magmatic temperatures, volatilized, and eventually combined with residual sulfur to form the sulfide, cinnabar (124).

In weathering reactions, these sulfides may be oxidized to the metal (Hg°) or to the soluble mercuric ion (Hg2+).

Natural surface waters (10, 76, 81, 96, 104, 110, 118, 119,

148, 150, 159, 174, 213, 241, 378, 391) contain tolerably small 15 concentrations of mercury except in areas draining mercury deposits.

In d u s tria l, a g ric u ltu ra l, s c ie n tific , and medical uses of mercury and mercury compounds introduce additional quantities of the metal into surface waters. Regardless of its source, the dissipation of mercury in solution appears to be through d ilu tio n , as well as by absorption and/or adsorption on suspended particulate matter and bottom sediments (8, 16, 43, 60, 68, 69, 178, 208, 211, 212, 216,

237, 273, 278, 314, 363, 364).

Trace metals exist in a myriad of different forms within the sediment-water system. Part may stay in the interstitial water as free (or complexed) ions, adsorbed on solids, or attached to surficial ligands on particulates. Some may incorporate with in­ soluble organic or inorganic matters of authigenic solids. Others may imbed in the crystalline matrix of the sediment. The current awareness of mercury as a pollutant of aquatic systems has aroused much interest in the exchange of metallic moieties between the sediment-water interface. This so called benthic boundary layer is considered to be the site of important interactions which greatly affect the behavior of trace metals in the overlying water.

Various mechanisms of metal m obilization have been proposed, for example, diffusion (292), desorption (305), dissolution (49,

163), redox reaction (347), complex formation (69, 101, 234, 264,

305, 325), biological effects (70, 164), or physical disturbance.

Although lim ited to areas with a winter snow problem, a unique form of mercury desorption, as a result of s a lt pollution, 16

1s being encountered. With the increased usage of sodium chloride—calcium chloride as a highway deicing agent, excessive amounts of chloride (C l- ) ion are encountered in waterways. Due to its strong affinity for mercury, release from polluted bed sediments occurs. In addition to being a serious contaminant itself, road salt in natural waters can acerbate contamination by mercury and undoubtedly by other toxic heavy metals.

With the advent of civilization, human activities have had a profound impact on the release of mercury and/or its compounds into the environment. For centuries, man's contribution was mainly limited to its release through the atmosphere (13, 173, 198) from fossil fuels (88, 184, 197), lig n ite and/or petroleum (22).

Mercury in the atmosphere ultim ately reaches the earth either by dry fallout or by precipitation where it is captured by the soil.

Rainfall-induced erosion and leaching return it, in part, to these same streams or other waters.

As industrialization developed, smelting processes for other metals, the ores of which contain mercury, added to our contribu­ tion. Gradually, as man developed sophisticated needs, numerous and varied uses for mercurials were found. While some are conservative of the metal, others allow leakage, and s till others deliberately introduce mercury compounds into the environment.

Among those promoting leakage, the use of the flow mercury cathode cell in the c h io r-a lk a li industry is the greatest offender (n). 17

Recognition that m etallic mercury through its oligodynamic

action could function as an insecticide (227) opened the door for the use of mercurials in the agriculture industry. Use of mercury compounds in the production of fungicides, which are employed as seed dressings, foliage sprays, and for garden-lawn applications, as well as slimicides in the pulp-paper industry

(46) are among the major deliberately introduced sources of this element in the environment.

Due to'their indiscriminate discharge into nature, man often finds himself bearing the brunt of his accidental exposure to mercury and/or its compounds (357). Although probably not major contributors to environmental pollution, effluents from hospitals, dental fa c ilitie s (276), chemical laboratories, and homes should not be ignored.

Several of mankind's most heinous encounters with mercury poisoning have been as a direct result of the interjection of anthropogenic mercury into his food chain. The firs t indication that methylmercury may present a threat to public health came from the epidemics of Minamata Bay (168-170, 219, 353-356) on the

Shiranuhi Sea and Niigata (165, 374, 375), Japan. In both instances the etiology was traced to the release of methylmercury compounds and/or their precursors from plastic industries in which inorganic mercury compounds were used as catalysts. In these instances, the transfer of mercury from the factory effluent to those a fflic te d was mediated by edible aquatic animals. Consumption 18

of pork products (155, 293) from hogs fed on treated seed wheat

and homemade bread (24) prepared from similar grain (i.e.-treated

with methyl- or ethylmercury fungicides) were responsible for out­

breaks in Iraq , Guatemala, Pakistan and New Mexico. Since these

tragic occurrences of mercury poisoning, considerable attention

has been directed towards an elim ination and understanding of the

occurrence of these complexes in the environment.

Almost simultaneously, the Swedes (31, 185, 243) demonstrated

that mercury to x ic ity was the cause of widespread m ortality f ir s t

in seed-eating birds, followed by the predators. The appearance

of this phenomenon correlates closely with the introduction of

mercurial fungicides, such as methylmercury dicyandiamide, as

seed dressings in their agrarian programs. Decisive action did

not follow immediately. The event that finally triggered Sweden's

sweeping assault on mercury pollution was the impounding of a

carload of imported Swedish eggs by the health authorities in

Vienna. Following the appearance of mercury in eggs and other

Swedish foodstuffs (32, 42, 186, 243, 360, 394-398), Sweden

embarked on one of the most far reaching and effective environmental

cleanup programs to date.

More recently, detection of abnormally high concentrations of mercury in fish caught in Lake St. C la ir and Lake Erie brought the

problem of mercury contamination of natural water systems to public

attention in North America (11, 23, 41, 74, 92, 134, 248, 321, 376,

401). In retrospect, i t appears that the North American continent

is no exception to trends seen elsewhere in the world—considerable

amounts of mercury and/or its compounds have also been released

into the environment, and of that, most has found its way into

natural water systems. This has been documented in the United

States (12, 64, 84, 230, 407) and is undoubtedly true in other countri es.

Mercury Transformation in the Biosphere (Figure 1)

Generally speaking, one finds mercury being discharged into nature in one of the following forms: (a) as m etallic mercury,

Hg°; (b) as inorganic divalent mercury, Hg2+; (a) as phenylmercury,

C6H5Hg+; (d) as methylmercury, CH 3 Hg+; (e) as ethylmercury, C 2 H5 Hg+ or (f) as methoxyethylmercury, CH 3 0 CH2 CH2 Hg+.

To understand the ecological effects on the d iffere n t kinds of discharges and the risk factors involved, the transforming reactions between the d iffe re n t compounds of mercury in nature are of central significance. The consequences of these transforming reactions are p a rtic u la rly obvious when i t concerns the deposits of mercury in the bed sediments of waterways, which can be mobilized through conversion to other, more biologically active forms. These deposits are prim arily made up of phenylmercury found in fib e r banks, downstream from pulp-paper m ills , and inorganic mercury, either metallic or divalent with its high affinity for organic mud. Figure 1. Mercury transformation in the biosphere. • Inorganic Compounds □ ■ Organic Compounds

i- _i ©

[>0 22

Conversion Between Inorganic Forms

Hg° Hg2+—------> HgS*

Hg2+— - > HgS+ (176)

I f sulfide ions (S^_) are present mercuric su lfid e, with an

extremely low aquatic solubility, is formed. Under anaerobic

conditions, such as those prevailing in bottom muds, mercuric

sulfide seems to be stable.

HgST— > Hg2* (99, 176)

Normally, under aerobic conditions, mercuric sulfide is slowly

• oxidized to sulfite (SC^") and/or sulfate (SO^- ). The conversion

of to divalent ions—complexed to other compounds--prepares

mercury for further conversion. Direct methylation of mercuric

sulfide has also been reported, however, at a much slower rate.

H g 2 + - — , Hgo (4} 5 is 205, 247, 369, 380, 414)

Reduction of divalent mercury may occur in nature under re­

ducing conditions where the redox potential is in favor of this

transformation. Bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas have also been

shown as a method of detoxification, to carry out this conversion.

The extent to which this conversion occurs naturally, and its 23

significance for the turnover of mercury in the environment is not


Hg° ► Hg2+ (162, 177)

Conversion of m etallic mercury to divalent mercury ions can and has been shown to occur under conditions present at the bottoms of lakes and rivers. This is an oxidation and, as such, dependent upon the redox-potential in the medium. The potential necessary for this reaction to occur can be calculated from the following formula:

E = 850 + 30 log a where the coefficient a is a measure of the binding strength of the complexes between divalent mercury and the available complexing agents. For mercury complexes with organic mud, the coefficient a 21 has been calculated to be > 10 . This means that oxidation of m etallic mercury to inorganic divalent mercury w ill take place in an aquatic environment [see Appendix A] i f organic substances and oxygen are present.

Conversions Between Organic and Inorganic Forms

CH30CH2CH2Hg+ ------* Hg2+ (176)

In an acid medium, a ll alkoxyalkylmercury compounds decompose in a manner sim ilar to that seen with methoxyethylmercury below: 24

CH30CH2CH2Hg+ + H+ * CH30H + CH2 = CH2f + Hg2+.

CHoHg , C,H,-Hg , C6H5Hg+ *• Hg2+ and/or Hg° (40, 100, 114, — ------— ------115, 191, 339- 342, 366, 367, 369, 404, 414)

A ll known organometallic compounds can be degraded into inor­ ganic mercury either biologically, chemically and/or physically

(by UV light). The stability of the organomercurials, however, is very different. In general, it can be said that the short-chain alkylmercury compounds are the most stable, and that stability increases as the carbon chain decreases.

Evidence suggests that microbial decomposition of organomer- p. p+ curials involves cleavage of the C-Hg bond, reduction of Hg to

Hg°, and liberation of the corresponding alkanes (114). For example, a member of the genus Pseudomonas isolated from the soil and grown in a medium containing phenylmercuric acetate (PMA) appeared to bind PMA to the cell surface prior to being reduced to metallic mercury (368). It was shown that a reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) generating system and a sulfhydryl com­ pound were required to form Hg°. Thus, the common in tra c e llu la r reductant NADH may be responsible fo r mercury metabolism in micro­ organisms. Sim ilarly, C2H 5 Hg+, C5 H5 Hg+, and CH3Hg+ were degraded to Hg° and ethane, , and methane, respectively (114).

Relatedly, Spangler et al (340) isolated 207 bacterial cultures from fish and sediments taken from Lake St. C la ir. Thirty 25 cultures were capable of aerobic demethyl ation with twenty-two and twenty-one of the above thirty being facultative anaerobes and anaerobes, respectively. These authors further confirmed that the degradation of methylmercury was a reductive demethyla- tion reaction resulting in the formation of methane and inorganic

(Hg° or Hg2+) mercury.

Hg° and/or Hg2+ ------► CH3Hg+ and/or CHoHgCHo (99, 139, 181, ------“ 183, 225, 304, 339, 383)

The idea that mercury could be biologically methylated was f ir s t proposed by Japanese engineers to explain "Minamata Disease".

However, during the investigation, they found that it was possible to conclude the formation of methylmercury had occurred within the factory. Subsequently, Swedish researchers gave new impetus to the study of the diagenetic process of biological methylation. In the bottom sediments from aquaria and/or natural bodies of water, the net result of the process could be mono- or dimethylmercury, and the rate of biological methylation of mercury was found to be well correlated with general microbiological activity in the sediment.

The mechanism of methylation was later the subject for many studies. Among the earlier reports was that of Woods and his co-workers (409) who showed nonenzymatic methylation of mercury by c e ll-fre e extracts of a methanogenic bacterium. Methylcobalamin served as the donor of methyl groups in the presence of ATP and a mild reductant. Several years later it was found that mercury 26

could also be methylated in a neutral water solution by a purely abiotic reaction (38, 167). Again the methyl donor was methyl- cobalamin; the reaction progressed both aerobically and anaerobical­ ly . Another rather unique mechanism of in vivo methylation was studied in aerobic cultures of Neurospora arassa (224). Through a series of experiments, the methylation of mercury was termed an

"incorrect" synthesis of methionine. A more complete picture of the mechanisms involved in the methylation of mercury under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions has been provided by Wood et ai

(410) and Dunlap (91).

The a b ility to methyl ate mercury does not seem to be restricted to one or a few types of microorganisms, but seems to be a wide­ spread process. Thus the mercury methylation a c tiv ity in the environment is enhanced by the same conditions as the general microbiological activity. This also means that the highest methyla- tion rate in the aquatic environment occurs in the uppermost part of the organic sediment and on suspended organic particulates. In natural waters, when oxygen is exhausted, hydrogen sulfide starts to be formed and the divalent mercury is bound as mercuric sulfide.

In this form mercury is generally not available for methylation under anaerobic conditions, and even under aerobic conditions the methylation rate is low. Investigations (409) have shown that Hg2+, whether discharged in itially in this state or chemically oxidized from m etallic mercury, is in fact methylated in waters and natural 27

sediments by bacteria under anaerobic conditions, be it enzymatically

as with the methanogenic bacteria or non-enzymatic via the transfer

of methyl groups from Co3+ to Hg2+ in biological systems. Fagerstrom and Jernelov (99) reported that methylation also occurred in the top

layer of sediments i f they were continuously oxygenated. Further­ more, a ll microorganisms capable of synthesizing alkyl B-12 type compounds are capable of CH 3 Hg+ synthesis (167, 407). From experi­ mental data i t appears that a ll forms of mercury may be converted directly or indirectly to either mono- or dimethylmercury. An alkaline pH favors a higher proportion of CHgHgC^ as related to

CH3 Hg+ because the former is rapidly degraded to the la tte r in an acidic environment. Additionally, it has been found (225) that mercury methylation rates are influenced by a number of environ­ mental and biological parameters, such as: (a) temperature; (b) pH; (a) organic concentration expressed as organic sediment index i.e ., the product of the percent organic carbon and organic nitrogen in a given sample; (d) microbial activity; and (e) con­ centration of available mercury.

In addition to the aforementioned, microorganisms residing in the intestine and in the slime on fish have been shown to methyl ate mercury; however, the fish itself does not seem to do so (282).

Conversions Between Organic Forms

C6H5H9+ ------*■ ch3h9+ <____ — CH3HgCH3 (177) 28

The conversion in bottom sediment of phenylmercury to mono-

and dimethylmercury has been studied and shown to occur. The

p o s s ib ility that the formation of both end products proceeds along more than one synthetic pathway exists.

C6H5Hg+ > C6H5HgC6H5 (250, 368)

Phenylmercuric acetate, an organomercurial that has been widely used as a fungicide and slimicide, was found to be metabolized quickly by soil and aquatic microorganisms. One of the major meta­ bolic products was id en tified to be diphenylmercury. Subsequently this reaction has been shown to be reversible.

CH3Hg+ ------► CH3HgCH3 (177)

Dimethylmercury has been shown to be formed from monomethyl - mercury in decomposing fish and from inorganic mercury in sediments.

Here the formation of dimethylmercury from inorganic mercury is regarded as a two-step process with monomethylmercury as an in te r­ mediate product.

CH3HgCH3 ------»■ CH3Hg+ (176)

At low pH (< 5.6) dimethylmercury breaks down to monomethyl­ mercury. Exposure of CH3HgCH3 to UV lig h t yields m etallic mercury with the monomethyl-derivative serving as an intermediate. 29

Other Conversions in Nature

(C2H5 ) 4 Pb + Hg2+ ------► (c2h5>3 Pb + C2H5Hg+

Transalkylation of divalent inorganic mercury with tetraethyl

lead, from gasoline additives, yields monoethylmercury as one of

its byproducts.

Interaction Between Mercury and Organisms

In the current literature numerous accounts of the inter­ actions between mercury and organisms at a ll levels are related; the most current of these citations are presented in tabular form

in Appendix B.

Certain general observations, however, can be made in relation to aquatic organisms. Microbial conversions of inorganic reserves to compounds concurrently demonstrate increased s o lu b ility in the overlying water, thus improving elemental m obility within the suspending matrix, in addition to increasing their solu­ b ility in the lipid components of biologically active membranes.

Whether the aquatic protists can extract methylated mercury com­ pounds from water in preference to the assimilation of inorganic compounds directly from the surrounding medium or not, they are able to concentrate (382) the mercury within themselves to levels considerably higher than those prevailing in th eir environment.

Further up the food chain, the mercury concentration in organisms 30

(214) increases either by absorption directly from the milieu, with

food sources from lower trophic levels (133), or by a combination

of both means. Should these organisms, by they macro- or micro- in

nature, remain in the same locale u n til th e ir demise, the mercury

in their cells and/or tissues can be returned to nature in several

ways, namely: (a) evaporation as mono- or dimethylmercury through

decomposition, (b) return to the sediment pool via reductive

demethylation, or (a) volatilization of methylated mercury compounds

in sediments and/or soils.

What, then, is the ultimate fate of the mercury contaminated

aquatic environment? Although a modicum of mercury is no doubt

removed from a given locale through vaporization and movement of macroflora and macrofauna, m obility of the biomass and colloidal

particulates, be it voluntary or not, is likely to remove more mercury. Thus, i f a mercury source is depleted, a body of water

theo retically could be expected to cleanse it s e lf of its mercury

burden. In fa c t, however, the likelihood of this occurring has recently been demonstrated to be low by experiments showing the rate with which microbial methylation in bottom sediments brings about the mobilization of bound mercury (177), the presence of a depot of readily available mercury within the sediment bed, and the replenishment of said depot by reductive demethylation. 31

Detection of Mercury and its Compounds

There are three methods commonly used for the determination of mercury in biological samples: CaJ colorimetric determination with dithizone (116), (b) neutron activation analysis (73, 82, 93, 102,

137, 255, 290, 311, 392), and (a) atomic absorption spectrophotometry

(3, 146, 202, 275). Numerous new techniques (18, 63, 79, 117, 144,

154, 160, 187, 220, 235, 236, 337, 338, 358, 371), many of which employ thin layer and gas chromatography, have been introduced in hopes of not only increasing sensitivity but also differentiating between organic and inorganic forms of mercury. Several papers (62,

75, 149, 228, 319, 370) recently have also pointed out sources for error in our standard methods.

Colorimetric analysis of mercury is the traditional method, and it is s till used occasionally today because of its low cost, simplicity and sensitivity (0.01 ppm). However, the use of this method has declined since the advent of atomic absorption spectro­ photometry.

Determination of trace amounts of mercury can also be accom­ plished by neutron activation analysis. The concentration of mercury in the sample is determined by irrad iatin g the samples and then detecting the gamma radiation from the resulting radioactive species with a Ge(Li) detector. The primary advantage of neutron activation analysis is its extreme s e n s itiv ity . As l i t t l e as 0.5 ppb of mercury can be measured. However, the disadvantages are that i t 32

1s a time consuming procedure, it is expensive, and it has to be

run by skilled and experienced personnel. Therefore, for the

present, its complexity and cost lim it its use.

By fa r, the most popular and common method of determining

trace amounts of mercury in biological samples is by employing

atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The concepts relating to atomic absorption are based on the premise that i f a solution containing a metallic species is aspirated into a flame, an atomic vapor of the metal w ill be formed. Some of these m etallic atoms w ill be excited to higher energy levels, but an overwhelmingly larger percentage w ill remain in the ground state. These ground- state atoms of a particular element will absorb light radiation, from a source other than the flame, in th e ir own specific resonance wavelength, i.e., the wavelength of light emitted when an atom returns from its lowest excited state to the ground state. Thus, i f lig h t of this wavelength is passed through a flame containing atoms of the element, part of that light will be absorbed and the absorption will be proportional to the density of the atoms in the flame.

When the flame is used to produce the atomic vapor this method is termed flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry.

Another procedure has been developed for mercury wherein the atomic vapor is produced from mercury in solution by reduction of

Hg^+ to Hg° followed by aeration of the solution. This does not 33

involve the use of a flame and is termed flame!ess or cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In using this procedure, as l i t t l e as 0.2 ppb of mercury can be measured in water samples.

The detection portion of an analysis takes less than a minute to perform, but additional time is needed for sample prepara­ tio n . However, this is usually less time consuming than both the dithizone method and the neutron activation method. Atomic absorp­ tion spectrophotometry is more sensitive and also more expensive than the dithizone method. It is not as expensive as neutron activation analysis, nor are highly qu alified personnel needed to perform the analysis; but, neutron activation is more sensitive than atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the analysis of biological samples. At the present time, flameless atomic absorp­ tion spectrophotometry is the preferred method for total mercury analysis, and it is the method of choice for this study. MATERIALS AND METHODS

Sample Collection

Between September, 1967 and June, 1969, 5 gallon water samples were collected by boat at various stations in the western basin of

Lake E rie. Each sample was collected using a hand pump from midway between the water surface and the lake bottom (usually 15 to 20 feet in the western basin). All samples were stored in chemically cleaned glassware at 4°C until transportation, processing and/or testing could be accomplished. Many of the 360 samples analyzed were collected prior to and during the major mercury scare in the lake.

Sample Processing (Figure 2)

Upon reaching the laboratory, 100 ml aliquots of each sample were removed fo r analysis (see Appendix C_). The remainder of each

5 gallon sample was processed by continuous-flow high-speed centrifugation (Sorvall RC-2B equipped with a Szent-Gorgi continuous- flow attachment) at 4°C with a 45 ml per minute flow rate and a gravitational force of 27,000. This permitted the removal of particles down to 0.5 pm. The supernatant was then passed through

34 • Figure 2. Flow diagram of procedure u tiliz e d during


35 Centrifugation 27,000 x g - flow rate 45 ml/min. Pellet I Supernatant I |(D

Centrifugation 27,000 xg-flow rate llml/min. Sucrose Gradient Centrifugation 1,500 x g-l hour

1 Pellet II Supernatant n (j2)

Sucrose Gradient Centrifugation 1,500 x g -l hour

— @>

(# ) « Fraction Number 36

.Sample; *5 gallon' UJ

Centrifugation 27,000 x g - flow rate 45 ml/min. Pellet I Supernatant 1 |(D

Centrifugation 27,000 xg-flow rate llml/min. Sucrose Gradient Centrifugation 1,500 x g-l hour

Pellet H Supernatant II (*2) (D>- Sucrose Gradient Centrifugation 1,500 x g -l hour

— 0

(#) « Fraction Number the centrifuge at 27,000 x g with a flow rate of 11 ml/min to

affect the removal of colloids down to 0.1 pm. Solid residue

from these fractionations were subsequently placed on top of

gradients constructed of sucrose with a linear density of 1.0765

(19% wt/vol) to 1.2241 (49% wt/vol) and centrifuged at 1,500 x g

for 1 hour (221-223). Bands were collected by using a Beckman

tube-cutting device and the particulates contained therein were

either dialysed (utilizing Union Carbide dialysis tubing) against

or washed in "mercury-free diluent" (see below) by high-speed

centrifugation (27,000 x g for 30 min.).

Total Mercury Determination

Utilizing the technique of Hatch and Ott (146) in conjunction

with the apparatus described below (Figure 3) the total mercury

content of each fraction was determined by flame!ess or cold vapor

atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Aliquots of each specimen

under study were transferred to 250 ml round-bottomed flasks. To

the contents of each flask were added 25 ml 18 N sulfuric acid,

10 ml 7 N nitric acid, and enough "mercury-free diluent" to make

100 ml. Treating each reaction flask individually, 20 ml of a

sodium chloride-hydroxylamine sulfate solution (60 ml of a 25%, wt/vol, hydroxylamine sulfate and 50 ml of a 30%, wt/vol, sodium

chloride solution diluted to 500 ml with "mercury-free diluent")

followed by 10 ml of a 10% wt/vol stannous sulfate solution in Figure 3. Schematic of apparatus employed to measure total

mercury via the cold vapor atomic adsorption

spectrophotometric technique.

38 © Perkin Elmer 40 3 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Hollow Cathode Lamp Digital Readout

Absorption Cell

Air Intake

Exhaust Hood

Varistalic Drying Pump Agent Reaction Flask

CO 1 0 40

0.5 N sulfuric acid was added. Immediately the reaction vessel

was attached to the aeration apparatus forming a closed system.

The mercury vapor thus produced was analyzed fo r its absorption at o 2537 A in a quartz-windowed cell. Absorbance values displayed on

the digital readout were recorded for 4 min at 30 sec intervals.

These readings were averaged, reduced by that of the reagent

control and utilized for calculating the total mercury content of

a given sample by comparison with curves prepared from known

standards, e.g.: Figure 4.

"Mercury-Free Diluent11

All water utilized to make reagents as well as dilutions was

triple distilled, filtered via 0.45 ym membrane filtration (M in i­

pore) and steam sterilized (121°C, 15 psi).

Aquarium (Model Lake)

In an attempt to study a regulated mercury spill in a con­ trolled environment, a model lake was created in a 20 gallon aquarium (Figures 5 -7).

General Layout (Figure 5)


Laboratory a ir , a fte r passing through either the

fritted glass sparger or the filtration unit (packed

to a depth of 10 cm with Finny F ilte r Floss - Finney Figure 4. Calibration curve for a typical mercury standard, o absorbance at 2537 A.

41 M W at Absorbance

Total Mercury Ifiq) ZP Figure 5. Functional elements of the model lake.

43 ©

Air Pump


Suction-— =6=;

® ©

©______Top View

4S. Figure 6 Cross-sectional diagram of stratified model lake,

bed sediments showing depth and composition of

each layer.

45 46

© Depth of Layer Composition of Layer

to 2 7 .0 cm Water Column

2 .0 cm Aquarium Pebbles

1.5 cm Aquarium Gravel

0 cm Sand

0 .5 cm Potting Soil 0 .5 cm Olentangy River Mud 0 .5 cm Potting Soil

1.0 cm Sand Figure 7. Illustration of aquarium floor plan.

47 Aquarium Floor Plon


77.5 cm

Site of Regulated Mercury Fish Feeding Station (Hg°) Spill □ Sampling Site for Sediment Cores 49

Product, Inc.; 602 Main Street; Cincinnati, Ohio

45202) was adjusted to yield a to ta l flow rate of

500 ml/min.

F iltra tio n

F ilte r Floss, moistened with "mercury-free diluent" was packed to a depth of 10 cm and replaced every 7 days.

F ilte r entrapped detritus was dislodged from expended

floss by gentle washing with "mercury-free diluent."

Materials thusly collected were dried at 50°C for 24

hours, weighed, resuspended by vortex action in 65.0 ml of the same diluent and analyzed fo r to ta l mercury content.


Light was provided by means of a plant stimulating fluorescent bulb (Sylvania-Enhance) mounted in the aquarium cover. The distance from the bulb surface to the water interface was 6 cm. At weekly intervals, the lamp surface and both sides of its portal were cleaned with commercial window cleaner (Windex) to remove accumulated film s.


The aquarium and its contents were allowed to equilibrate to ambient laboratory temperatures and 50

kept within that range, i.e ., fluctuating between

20°C and 25°C.


A ll water u tilize d within the model was double

distilled, filtered (via 0.45 ym Mi H i pore) to remove

suspended particulates, and autoclaved (121°C, 15 psi)

to eliminate unwanted protists. The affluent to effluent

flow rate (Figure 5) was adjusted to 2.0 ml/min.

Sediment Bed (Figure 6)

The sediment bed of the model lake was constructed in the following manner, beginning at the bottom and progressing to the topmost, layers of sand (1.0 cm), potting soil (0.5 cm), Olentangy

River mud (0.5 cm), potting soil (0.5 cm), sand (1.0 cm), Aquarium

Gravel (1.5 cm), and Aquarium Pebbles (2.0 cm) were s tra tifie d .

Aquarium Gravel

Pure natural white Aquarium Gravel (Noah's Ark

Pet Center; 1603 West Lane Avenue, Columbus, Ohio

43221) with an average diameter of 2 mm was u tiliz e d .

Prior to usage, the gravel was washed three times in

"mercury-free diluent" and dried at 80°C. Aquarium Pebbles

Following a triple rinse with "mercury-free diluent" and drying at 80°C, Black Decorative Aquarium Pebbles

(Melody Brand Products; Maud, Ohio) having a mean diameter of 0.5 cm were employed as the top layer.

Olentangy River Mud

Mud collected immediately after the firs t Spring thaw (April 5, 1976) was obtained along the bank of the Olentangy River approximately 200 yards south of the Drake Union (The Ohio State University - Columbus

Campus). This layer served as our inoculum in that it contained in addition to the mercury methylating microbes found in most sediments (177); water mites of the genus T y rrellia\ several genera of gastropods, i . e . , Campeloma and Helisoma', and copious amounts of oligochaete worms, viz., Tubifex spp.

Potting Soil

Stim-U-Plant Potting Soil (Stim-U-Plant Labora­ tories, Inc.; Columbus, Ohio 43216) was employed throughout this study. 52


Pure s ilic a sand, 20-30 mesh (850-600 ym) was

thrice washed in "mercury-free diluent" and dried

at 80°C for use.


One week following the establishment of an equilibrium in

the aquarium, 36 goldfish (Carrassius auratus) averaging 4 g in

weight, were introduced into the ecosystem. Fish were fed Long-

liv e Shrimp-el-etts Pelleted Fish Food (The Hartz Mountain Corp.;

Harrison, New Jersey 02029) daily (1 pellet/fish) at the feeding

station (Figure 7). The ecosystem was then allowed to re­

equilibrate for a one-month period.

Regulated Mercury S pill

Following the removal of base lin e sediment cores, 1 gram of metallic mercury (Hg°) was introduced, at the appropriate site

(Figure 7), into the mud layer via a pyrex standpipe. Said glass

tube was gently removed by a twisting action to re-stratify the

bed sediment.


Attached Planktonic Biomass

At 7 day intervals, gelatinous materials attached

to the inner glass surface of the aquarium were removed using a single-edge razor blade (Gem). After drying

at 50°C for 24 hours and being weighed, specimens were

resuspended using a Vortex Mixer in 65 ml of "mercury-

free diluent" and analyzed for total mercury content.

F ilte r Entrapped Detritus

See previous section entitled "Filtration."


At the requisite time intervals, individual fish

were sacrificed by placing them in liquid nitrogen

(-196°C), dried at 50°C for 48 hours, weighed and

suspended in 65 ml of "mercury-free diluent." Total mercury content was determined following digestion of

the entire specimen with 25 ml 18 N sulfuric acid and

10 ml 7 N nitric acid. A 48 hour digestion at ambient

temperature was employed.

Sediment Cores

U tilizin g a truncated 25 ml p ip ette, sediment

cores were taken weekly from pre-selected sites

(Figure 7). Following drying at 50°C for 24 hours,

samples were mechanically pulverized, weighed, and analyzed for total mercury content utilizing the

technique designed by Hatch and Ott (146) for rock

samples. 54


Gastropods were processed in the same fashion as

goldfish (see previous section), with one exception;

the digestion period at ambient temperatures was

shortened to 24 hours.


S ixty-five ml aliquots were processed in a manner

identical to those samples removed from the western

basin of Lake Erie.

Volume Measurements

Water suspended particulates were measured following vortex mixing by placing 10.0 ml in a 12 ml graduated (in 0.1 ml sub­

divisions) conical centrifuge tube and centrifuging (Sorvall GLC-1)

in a swinging-bucket head at 1000 rpm for 10 min. When measurements were completed, the sediment was resuspended and the en tire 10.0 ml specimen was diluted to a fin al volume of 65 ml with "mercury-free diluent" and analyzed for total mercury content.

Weight Measurements

Removal of suspended particulates was accomplished by c e n tri­ fugation at 1000 rpm for 10 min. Following drying at 50°C for 24 hours each specimen was weighed. Aliquots were resuspended in 65 ml of "mercury-free diluent" and analyzed for mercury.- 55

Weight vs. Volume Measurements

Volume Measurements were made according to the aforementioned protocol; upon completion each sample was resuspended, dried at

50°C for 24 hours, and weighed.

Scanning Electron Microscopy

Solid Specimens

Colonies of bacteria isolated from the model lake

were cultivated on Trypticase Soy Agar (BioQuest,

Cockeysville, Maryland 21030) fo r 24 hours at 25°C,

fixed for 1 hour with 6% (vol/vol) glutaraldehyde, and

excised with a cork borer. Each cylinder so obtained

was dehydrated by passage through a series of graded

ethyl alcohol solutions (30%, 50%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%,

100% for 10 minutes each), placed in 100% amyl acetate

as an intermediate fluid (i.e . - one that is miscible with

both water and the transitional fluid [CO^]), and critical

point dried (Samdri; PVT-3 C ritic a l Point Drying Apparatus;

Biodynamics Research Corp., Rockville, Maryland 20852).

Dry samples were attached to aluminum "pin-type" specimen

mounts (Structure Probe, Inc.; West Chester, Pennsylvania

19380) with conducting paint and stored in a dessicator

un til sputter coated in a Hummer I I I DC Sputter Coater o (Technics; Alexander, Virginia 22310) with 200 A of gold. 56

Each specimen was examined in a Hitachi S-500

Scanning Electron Microscope (H itachi, Ltd.; Tokyo,

Japan) operating at 20 KV, and specimen images were

recorded on Poloroid Land Film Type 55/Positive-

Negative. Micrographs were made from the original

negatives directly on Ektamatic SCF paper.

Liquid Specimens

Two m illilite r s of the liquid specimens suspended

in 6% glutaraldehyde fixative and two 3.05 mm diameter

punched copper grids (0 Mesh) were placed in premoistened

Union Carbide dialysis tubing. Upon completion of dehy­

dration and critical point drying (see above) the tubing

was Cut, grids with adhering specimens removed, and the

la tte r mounted with conducting paint on aluminum "pin-

type" specimen stubs. At this point, liquid specimens

were treated in a manner identical to solid ones.

X-Ray Microanalysis

Liquid specimens consisting of either model lake samples or

Trypticase Soy Broth (BioQuest; Cockeysville, Maryland 21030)

cultures of isolates from said aquarium were washed three times

in "mercury-free diluent" to remove unwanted elements from the

suspending matrix. Following the final centrifugation at 15,000 g, a heavy suspension of each specimen was made in "mercury-free 57

diluent" and 0.5 ml was placed on pure carbon "pin-type" specimen mounts (Structure Probe, Inc.; W estchester, Pennsylvania 19380). o Each specimen was dried in vaeuo, sputter coated with 50 A of

carbon and analyzed using x-ray excitation with an energy dispersive

spectrometer. The electron probe microanalysis was conducted in a

Hitachi S-500 Scanning Electron Microscope with an ORTEC 6230 S i(L i)

X-ray Detector and a Multi-Channel (1024) Analyzer (Oak Ridge,

Tennessee 37830) under the auspices of Dr. Thomas N. Taylor, De­ partment of Botany, The Ohio State University.

In order to determine the fate of soluble mercury compounds found in the model lake's water column or their effect on microbial isolates, the latter were grown in Trypticase Soy Broth (25°C, 24 hrs) made with aquarium water and filte r sterilized (0.45 ym;

M illip o re ). Sample processing and examination were as previously mentioned. RESULTS

In it ia lly the work conducted for this project was concerned with the presence of mercury in the western basin of Lake Erie

(Table 1). Previous work has demonstrated: that mercury has been deposited into this area of the lake; that the aqueous environment of this region contains a large number of particulates (232, 287,

288), both inorganic and organic; and that there are microorganisms capable of methylating the mercury pool present in the sediment.

However, l i t t l e information was available concerning which, i f any, of the micro-components of the water column play a sig n ifican t role in mercury translocation. Utilizing the protocol delineated in

Figure 2 in conjunction with standard curves, mercury levels were determined for water samples and component fractions from pre­ determined sites in the western basin of Lake Erie (Tables 2 and 3).

The results of these analyses indicated that mercury is: (a) present in varying amounts and locales of the western basin, (b) consistently present in higher measurable levels in areas of the lake away from the stronger lake currents, i.e., in bays and/or harbors, (a) readily detectable for long periods of time, (d) particle associated, and

Ce) present in amounts directly related to particle density.

58 Table 1. Sample collection information.

59 60


Sample Date Number Location* Collected

16 B 9-09-67

39 A 6-10-68

42 B 6-17-68

43 B 6-21-68

51 B 7-02-68

69 B 8-02-68

91 A 8-26-68

105 D 10-15-68

106 A 10-22-68

107 C 10-29-68

115 B 5-16-69

122 B 6-26-69

A = Rattlesnake Island Area

B = Middle Island Area

C = Put-In-Bay and G ibraltar Island Harbor Area

D = Sandusky Bay Area Table 2. Mercury determination of fractional components - I.

61 TABLE 2

Sample Number

39______91______106______105 Total Mercury in Parts Per B illio n

X 34 51 63 564

2 22 33 42 372

3 10 16 19 181

4 1 1 1 12

5 1 2 2 16

6 1 2 2 19

7 1 2 2 23

8 2 3 3 37

9 2 4 4 46

10 4 7 8 79

11 9 12 19 131

12 8 14 16 167

13 1 0 2 11

14 0 1 1 6

15 0 1 1 9

16 0 1 1 13

17 0 1 1 14

18 1 1 2 17

19 1 1 2 20

20 2 2 3 35

21 3 5 5 51 Table 3. Mercury determination of fractional components - I I .

63 64


______Sample Number ______16 42 43 51 69 115 122 Total Mercury in Parts Per B illio n

1 56 139 200 260 383 398 452

2 42 98 172 182 290 347 388

3 11 39 21 74 91 41 57

4 1 3 3 3 15 16 15

5 2 4 3 5 18 17 16

6 2 7 6 6 20 19 18

7 4 9 14 8 22 21 26

8 4 11 19 11 32 31 33

9 5 14 24 17 36 36 41

10 8 19 39 49 49 73 84

11 15 31 58 81 97 127 147

12 8 28 13 63 79 32 46

13 2 9 5 9 11 4 10

14 0 1 0 3 0 0 1

15 0 1 0 4 3 0 1

16 0 2 0 5 4 1 1

17 0 2 0 6 7 1 1

18 1 3 1 6 9 2 2

19 1 4 2 8 12 3 4

20 3 7 3 13 17 6 8

21 3 8 7 17 26 19 27 65

In an attempt to observe the kinetics of mercury transloca­

tion throughout the bed sediment and its overlying water column as well as to study the entry of mercury into the food chain and its concentration via movement from lower to higher trophic levels, a laboratory model (Figures 5 and 7) of a lake was developed. After the bottom sediment was stratified (Figure 6), the flo ra and fauna added, and lake currents simulated, a 1 month period was allowed for an equilibrium to be established in the ecosystem. Once baseline data was obtained for a ll model components

(Table 4) a regulated mercury (Hg°) spill was introduced into the test system. U tiliz in g the techniques previously described, total mercury levels of the various components were monitored over a 10- month period.

As can be seen from the data in Figure 8, mercury is f ir s t detectable in sediment cores from Site #1 (Figure 7) 2 weeks post-introduction and shortly thereafter (+4 weeks) at the other

Sites. Equilibrium is reached throughout the entire sediment a fte r 13 weeks. Upon closer examination, i t appeared that mercury moved outward from its in itia l s ite in an in fin ite series of concentric circles and as the distance from said source increased, the time required for mercury to reach any subsequent sampling

Sites (Figure 7) decreased.

A fter traversing the entire sediment bed, mercury next appears in the overlying water column (Figure 9) and eventually reaches an equilibrium — 0.6 of that found in the sediment. Several weeks Table 4. Mercury level of model components.

66 TABLE 4

Total Mercury Sampl e in yg per gram

Aquarium Gravel 0.025

Aquarium Pebbles 0.041

Fish Food Pellets 0.005

Olentangy River Mud 0.013

Potting Soil 0.005

Sand 0.008

Test Sediment Core 0.027

Tubifex spp. 0.016

Water 0.000 Figure 8. Kinetics of mercury translocation through model

lake bed sediments.

68 fJLg, Hg 0.02 04 .0 0 6 .0 0 0.10 08 .0 0 0.12 0.14 Weeks ie*4 * Site ie*3 * Site 2 Site# I site

20 VO cn Figure 9. P article mediated mercury m obility in the water


70 fJLg /g , Hg 04 .0 0 8 .0 0 06 .0 0 002 IO . O 0* ak Water Tank itr Entrapped Filter tahd Planktonic Attached Biomass Detritus

Weeks JL-JI © 20 72 following the detection of mercury in tank water, we in itially detected the accumulation of a planktonic biomass attached to glass surfaces. Subsequent examination of this material showed that i t contained mercury (Figure 9) and its mode of accumulation suggested that i t was derived from the surrounding water matrix.

Approximately 4 weeks after the firs t appearance of an attached film on glass surfaces, both phytoplankton and zooplankton (con­ taining mercury) were visually detected in tank waters. Mechanical concentration of said suspended particulates occurred via f i l t r a ­ tion (Figure 9).

The gastropod components of our ecosystem thrived and produced numerous offspring throughout the time span of our experiment.

After an in itial lag period, both species concentrated mercury 1000 fold in relatio n to th e ir surrounding milieu (Figure 10). Mercury accumulation in both species closely corroborates what is known concerning th e ir feeding habits (C.B. Stein, Personal Communication), viz.'. mercury appears in Helisoma tvivolvis only after it appears in the periphyton film attached to glass, known to be a source of nutriment and in Campeloma deeisa subsequent to the appearance of a floe of decomposing organic matter deposited between the 2 2 nc* and

2 4 th Week on the underlying rocks. The latter snail is character­ is tic a lly found burrowing through soft mud and feeds on decomposing organic material present in or on it.

A similar case can be made for the model's ichthyic constituents

(Figure 11); once mercury accumulation and concentration (1000 x) is Figure 10. Mercury accumulation in model lake gastropods.

73 /X g /g , Hg 140 100 120 0 8 0 6 0 4 20 2 6 8 2 4 2 0 2 16 12 8 4 -«=»■- oplm decisa Compelomo eioa trivolvis Helisoma

Weeks 623 4 0 4 -p* Figure 11. Mercury accumulation in the model lake fish

(Carrassius auratus) population.

75 Carassius auratus

28 32 36 40

CT»•x i 77

in itia te d i t proceeds at a rate and to levels unaccountable for

by externally provided foodstuffs (Table 4).

As mentioned previously, data obtained from the fractionated

water samples collected in situ clearly suggested (Tables 2 and 3)

that the mercury load of a given sample is present in amounts

directly related to particle density. To test this hypothesis,

suspended elements (mostly organic plankton) of the model's eco­

system were scrutinized. A linear relationship between both

packed biomass volume (Figure 12) and dry particulate weight

(Figure 13) in relatio n to total mercury content was observed.

Finally by plotting the volume of suspended particulates against

th e ir dry weight (Figure 14) we note that the mercury load

carried, either actively or passively, via organic particles is

surface associated.

Further evidence to corroborate this hypothesis was gleaned

from energy dispersive x-ray analysis in the scanning electron microscope (313) of model lake particulates, in situ, and micro­

bial isolates from therein [ see Appendix d\. In sampling d irectly

from the aquarium, q u alitative detection of mercury was seen with

some particulates, such as a filamentous alga, but not with

others, e.g. the fusiform diatom. Close scrutiny of electron micrographs revealed the presence of an epiphytic film of bacteria

on the mercury containing alga (Figure 15).

As microorganisms are known to play an important role in the

transformation and mobilization of mercury, the epiphytic bacterium Figure 12. The effect of particle volume on its associated

mercury content.

78 0.14



0.08 o> I

J 0.06



O' Figure 13. The effect of particle weight on its associated

mercury content.

80 0.14



9 0.08

=*. 0.06



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 2.0

00 Figure 14 P article volume versus particle weight for a given

mercury burden.

82 83



•n-r cvj E

c m



CM CM Figure 15. Scanning electron micrograph of filamentous alga

(FA) with an "Auswuohs" of epiphytic bacteria (B).

84 10 MM 86 was isolated, id e n tifie d as a pseudomonad (Figure 16A), and sub­ sequently shown to contain mercury [ see Appendix d]. Other bacteria, including a Gram positive staphylococcus (Figure 16B)

[Appendix z5], have been isolated from the model lake environment and also demonstrate the a b ility to retain mercury. Figure 16A. Scanning electron micrograph of a pseudomonad

isolated from the model lake benthos.

Figure 16B. Scanning electron micrograph of a staphylococcus

isolated from the model lake benthos.


From the experiments evaluating the role played by particu­

lates in lacustrine mercury movement (Tables 1, 2, and 3), one

read ily notes that the mercury content of the western basin varies

with the location from which the specimen was taken as well as

the date. As to be expected, areas of the lake with diminished water flow, viz.'. the bays and/or the harbors have a tendency to

show elevated levels of mercury, whether this is due to entrapment of locally solubilized deposits, accumulation from external

sources, or by means of comparison, depletion of the mercury borne particulates in less quiescent areas by rapid surface movement is not discernable. Data contained herein is in concert with the observations of Kovacik and Walters (211) who showed, through th e ir work with sediment cores taken in the western basin, that Rattlesnake

Island lie s w ithin an area showing only background values of mercury whereas Middle Island is in a province rich in surface mercury pollution. The la tte r is due, no doubt in part, to contaminated waters from Lake St. C la ir entering via the Detroit River and traveling long-shoreward along the northern most or Canadian shore.

Through differential centrifugation it was shown that the majority of the mercury burden of a given water column lies within

8 9 the organic component (planktonic elements > 0.5 pm) while the

remaining amounts are associated with colloidal inorganics {e.g.

clay, 0.5-0.1 pm). No matter in which of the two distinct com­

ponents i t is found, mercury has unequivocally been shown to be

associated with suspended particulates; the amount on any one

given particle being directly correlated to its density. The mechanisms involved in this so called "particle adsorption" can

in part be explained by the affinity of mercury for the sulfhydryl

group which can bind i t to suspended organic matter, both liv in g ,

like plankton, or non-living, like peat and humus. No doubt, the

affinity for lipids of elemental mercury dissolved in water and

the predilection of mono- and dimethylmercury for these very same membrane components, relative to their solubility in water, fa c ili­

tates th e ir adsorption by aquatic organisms. Other than Krauskopf' observations (213) that microcrystalline iron oxides and mont- morillonite clay absorbed mercuric ion from water, little is known concerning the adsorption of mercury on inorganic substrates, their ion-exchange properties, or differential adsorption for the numerous inorganic species in solution and/or suspension. The probability, however, that microbes may colonize particulates - be they inorganic (71, 252-254, 403, 405, 406, 416) or organic (48) - or that through microbial metabolism a zoogloeal mass encases inorganic particles converting them to "pseudo-organic particulates should not be discounted. One example of such a relationship is 91 found herein (Figure 15), viz., that which the limnologist terms as an "Auswuohs" - the development of epiphytes on higher plants.

There are, unfortunately, few experimental analyses of the process

involved in attachment (44, 251); the well-defined chemical composition of resins, however, provides a reasonable model system for the study of such surface phenomenon (1, 344, 417).

Regardless of whether mercury is transported actively or passively (140), the initial contact with such an intermediary particle is surface-associated (280, 368); this is analogous to mechanisms reported for other ions (226, 310). X-ray analysis, with the beam voltages employed and their resultant information depth, presented herein [ see Appendix d\ confirm these observations.

Baseline mercury determinations (Table 4) of model lake components revealed our choice of inoculum, Olentangy River mud, to be low—0.013 yg/g—in mercury content. The validity of this information was confirmed by ascertaining the level of mercury accumulation in Tubifex species (Table 4) from their environment.

Concentration was shown to be by a factor of 1.23, well within the range (1.20±0.26) described by Jernelov (177).

After the introduction of mercury into the equilibrated ecosystem, one f ir s t detects the appearance of mercury migrating through the bed sediments (Figure 8 ). The initial time lag seen between the metal's introduction and its detection can be accounted fo r i f one considers the possible mechanisms involved in benthonic mediated mercury translocation. A priori evidence 92 suggests that a major factor in such mechanisms is the d iffe re n tia l s o lu b ility exhibited by the various mercury compounds. Although absorption by organisms may be facilitated by the affinity for lipids of elemental mercury dissolved in water, as already noted, it is not likely that this is an important factor since mercury occurs predominately in the mercuric form in oxygenated water where aquatic organisms must liv e . On the other hand, however, methylmercury compounds are more soluble in lipids than are mercuric ion or m etallic mercury in solution; they are also about

100 times more soluble in lipid s than in water (166). This allows methylmercury compounds to penetrate more readily than the inorganic forms of mercury into c e lls , and as a consequence increases the mobility. The key to this theory resides in the conversion of metallic (Hg°) mercury to methylated derivatives and its associated increase in solubility. By combining known facts concerning mercury methyl ation with the de facto data contained herein, we theorize that the following sequence of events (Figure 17) has occurred:

A. Upon exposure to the m etallic mercury, microorganisms

from the heterogenous population of the benthos are

selected that are tolerant of both inorganic and

organic mercury compounds, and capable of producing

CHgHg+ from eith er Hg° or Hg^+ . Figure 17. Arhythmic feedback cycle for mercury conversion

proposed for the model employed herein.

93 Gastropods



|2 +


( h^s)

lO -P* 95

B. An increase in numbers of the previously selected

microbes occurred with the concurrent establishment

of the necessary enzymatic machinery to bring about


C. Microbially mediated methylation of the inorganic

mercury in solution occurred in the top layer of

the continuously oxygenated sediment (99).

D. Biologically initiated autocatalytic mobilization

of methylated mercury occurs from the rapidly

advancing front of multiplying microbes.

E. In the lower layers of the sediment bed and/or areas

where microbial metabolism has depleted the oxygen

supply, microorganisms are selected (40) that while

being r e tr a c tile to both forms of mercury are n + capable of producing Hgu from either CHgHg or CH^HgCH^.

F. The increase in numbers of such microbial populations

(step E) is paralleled with a like increase in their

metabolic processes.

G. Reductive demethyl ation of methylmercury to methane

and inorganic mercury was promoted by the myriad of

bacteria thus stimulated (114, 340, 341, 367). i By coupling the concomitant methylation of inorganic mercury

and demethylation of methylmercury with the selection and growth

(or m otility) of specialized microbial populations, one can 96 readily visualize the cascade of events necessary to in itia te and bring about the translocation of mercury. Biocenological reactions such as the one proposed herein are fa r from unique in nature; in fact, due to the innate disposition of this particular pratityasamutpada, it can most accurately be termed an arhythmic feedback cycle (85, 388). Delays encountered between mercury's introduction into a test system such as ours and its detection, are most likely due to either of the following mechanisms, or a combination thereof: (a) sociological adaptation (413) i.e., a shift in species composition or species abundance in a community in relatio n to the environmental conditions; the process of adapta­ tion ending in the adapted or climax association which is in equilibrium with a certain combination of ecological factors actually dominating the environment for a s u fficien t period of time and/or (b) transfer of the extrachromosomal plasmid (141,

256, 268, 270, 327, 389) mediating metal resistance among the heterogeneous population via cotransduction in Gram positive staphylococci (206, 207, 258, 269, 271, 302, 349) and/or conjugation in the Gram negative bacilli (203, 204, 238, 334, 349,


Alteration of microbial populations via the transfer of plasmids fo r mercury resistance can now be shown to have an environmental impact as well as possible commercial value (317, 385, 386).

Following the accidental spillage of crude o il into a mercury contaminated environment, partitioning of mercury occurs in the 97 overlying layer. Even though concentration of mercury in the oil

is often 4,000 times higher than in the sediment and 300,000 times higher than the water milieu, mercury-resistant populations are

known to degrade the o il in toto. Insight into such permutations mediated by microorganisms within our environment should allow mankind the luxury of not being left floundering both in oil and a morass of ignorance.

Let us now fo r a moment consider our original mercury source— a 1 g sphere of m etallic mercury. In lig h t of our theory, what is its fate? With each cycle of the previously mentioned series of events the surface area of inorganic mercury increases; subsequent to and in conjunction with this change in availability of mercury we have an ever-increasing population of actively metabolizing microorganisms available to translocate said element, thus requiring less time. Examination of our data con­ cerning the dynamics of mercury in bed sediments allows us to predict its course mathematically using the following formula

[see Appendix e] : T = A ( l- e ~ ^ ) . Caution should, however, be employed in applying this relationship elsewhere.

Upon the establishment of a mercury equilibrium in the s tra tifie d , model lake sediments, mercury begins to appear in the overlying water column. Microscopic examination of the water matrix showed that the appearance of mercury correlated d ire c tly with the migration of the planktonic biomass composed of phytoplankton, protists, and zooplankton into the overlying layer. As these 98 particulates migrate through the fluid medium, they have a pre­ dilection for attachment to solid surfaces, mainly the aquarium glass. Once the periplankton film encases all exposed surfaces

(approximately 4 weeks after its in itial appearance), macroscopic examination of tank waters reveals an increasing population of mercury containing particulates readily removed by filtr a tio n

(Figure 9).

At this stage of the experimentation (Figure 10), mercury begins to appear in the brown, ramshorn-shaped gastropod, viz.:

Helisoma trivolvis. This flat-coiled snail is characteristically a browsing species which feeds on the algal component of the peri- plankton film with its own attached peri phytic, methyl ating bac­ teria. Aquarium enthusiasts employ this species for this very reason, to keep the glass clear of the algal film which otherwise obscures the view of fis h or other aquarium animals (C.B. Stein,

Personal Communication).

Between the 22nd and 24th weeks, a dense floe of organic, decomposing detritus appeared on the surface of the underlying stratum. Shortly thereafter, mercury was detected in ovate-conical, green-pigmented--

With the advent of unattached, organic micro-particulates in

the water column, one notices the simultaneous accumulation of

mercury in the resident goldfish ( Carassius auratus). This obser­

vation suggested two possible mechanisms for the mercury uptake

seen, i.e ., (a) mercury containing elements in suspension supple­

mented the diet of these fish, and/or (b) inorganic mercury in

solution was methylated and adsorbed by the fish directly from

water via bacteria growing on their slimy bodies. The linear

increase of mercury and its concentration in goldfish tissue

(Figure 11), may actually continue for years, rather than weeks,

as had been reported with other species of fish (21). From our

experiments we can only hypothesize the fate of mercury as it climbs one trophic level of the food chain and encounters Homo sapiens.

In an attempt to ascertain how a mercury burden is trans­ located via these water borne, organic particles, our attention was focused on th e ir physical attrib u tes, namely: volume and weight. Data contained herein (Figures 12-14) shows that while mercury increases with the weight of such particulates; a more profound relationship (increase), however, is demonstrated with their volume. Upon examination of a given sample for these two parameters, i t was observed that the weight of a given microbial population reached a plateau whereas the volume of the very same cells contained therein continued to increase. This clearly suggested that mercury translocation mediated via the particulates 100 under study was a surface related phenomenon. X-ray microanalysis v e rifie d the presence of particulates having a surface-associated mercury burden among the constituents of the biomass. Indeed, this is not a surprising observation since numerous other activities seen in protists are largely due to their high surface to volume ra tio .

In summary, mercury probably moves through the environment in a number of important ways, e.g. : (a) the translocation through the bottom sediments as described herein and which may be considered as a biologically autocatalytic process, (b) the translocation on micro- and macro-particulates in the water column in a relationship probably bearing upon surface to volume ratio, and/or (a) the mobilization of mercury in association with the motility of the benthonic macrofauna, such as oligochaete worms, gastropods and fis h . SUMMARY

1. The mercury burden found in water columns of Lake Erie's

western basin is particle associated; whether inorganic or

organic in nature, the load carried by individual particles

is directly related to their density.

2. Through the use of a model lake, i t has been theorized that

mercury translocation within the underlying bed sediments is

cyclical in nature, i.e. the concomitant methylation of in­

organic mercury in aerobic conditions and demethyl ation of

methylmercury compounds where the oxygen level is low or

depleted, and the result of microbial initiation in the


3. Translocation of mercury in the model lake bed sediments

was expressed mathematically.

4. Observations on the time interval required to translocate

mercury by biocenosis are suggestive of either sociological

adaptation or plasmid mediated resistance.

5. Mercury translocation mediated via organic particulates in

the model's water column--be it active or passive--was a

101 surface related phenomenon largely due to their high

surface to volume ratio.

X-ray microanalysis verifie d the presence of particulates

having a surface-associated mercury burden among the constituents of the model's biomass.

Mercury concentration was observed as the element moved from lower to higher levels of a typical food chain

(procaryotes »- eucaryotes >• gastropods and/or fis h ). EPILOG

. .T o the wide world and

all her fading sweets ..."

W. Shakespeare (324)





An important qu ality about divalent inorganic mercury is its affinity for organic mud. This binding to organic mud is extremely strong, with an a-coefficient (i.e.--a-coefficient is a measure of 21 the binding strength of a complex) greater than 1 0 in comparison to other complexes. As reported by Jernelov (177), Werner sug­ gested that the potential necessary for the oxidation of

o * HgO >- Hg ions could, under certain conditions, be written as follows:

fHq2* Total! E = 850 + 30 log a

Utilizing a theoretical value of 2 ppm for [Hg2+ TotalJ which r 21 is s 1 0 ~ 3 M and an a-coefficient of 1 0 , the potential necessary to oxidize m etallic mercury to divalent mercury ions is:

[io-51 E = 850 + 30 log 10

E = < + 80 mv

It is, therefore, readily apparent that this potential (80 mv) favors the oxidation of mercury fa r more than the original EQ (850 mv).

105 106

APPENDIX A (Continued)

^ 2^ The complex formation forces the reaction Hg° h Hg + p i 2e" to the rig h t by reducing [Hg J and, hence, altering the oxida- 2+ tion potential to an obtainable level in sediments. If the [Hg

Total] is lowered by any means, the potential necessary for the oxidation is, of course, further decreased. APPENDIX B

Table 5. Interaction of mercury with biological systems.

107 TABLE 5


Abvamis bvarna bream 394, 395

Accipiter gentilis goshawk 384

Acinetobactev spp. bacterium 386

Actitis macularia spotted sandpiper 92

Aldrovandia macrochir halosaur 26

Alectovis graeca chukar 335

Allium cepa onion 294-296, 298

Alnus crispa alder 323

Aloe arborescens aloe 156

Alosa pseudoharengus alewife 161, 199

Axribloplites vupestris rock bass 161, 199

Amia calva bowfi n 199

- - - amoeba 328

Ammotretis spp. flounder 299

Anas acuta pintail duck 17

Anas discovs blue-winged teal 17

Anas platyrhynchos mallard 17, 92, 245

Anquilla anquilla eel 45

Anquilla vostvata American eel 161, 415

Anquilla vulgaris eel 171, 395

108 109



Antarctophthirus callorhini sucking lic e 190

Antimora rostrata morid 26, 77

Aplodinotus grunniens sheepshead, 199, 320 freshwater drum

Ardea herodias great blue heron 92, 158

Argyropleecus spp. hatchet fish 402

Arthrobacter spp. bacterium 385

Arvipis trutta Australian salmon 299

Avtemia spp. brine shrimp 328

Asclepias tuberosa butterfly weed 156

Asellus aquaticus hogslater 186

Asio otus long-eared owl 31

Aspergillus clavatus mold 328

Aspergillus niger mold 19, 383

Aspergillus spp. mold 303, 342

Astaaus fluviatilis freshwater crayfish 161

Aythya affinis lesser scaup 92

Azolla spp. plant 328

Bacillus megaterium bacterium 162, 303,

Bacillus spp. bacterium 139, 342

Bacillus subtilis bacterium 162, 247,

barley seed 328 110



Bathylogus spp. bathypelagic fish 402

Bathysaurus agassizi benthopelagic fish 26

Betula nana dwarf birch 323

Be tula papyrifera subsp. humilis white birch 323

Botaurus lentiginosus American bittern 92

Bougainvillaea spp. bougainvillea 328

Branta canadensis Canada goose 92

Brevoortia tyrannus menhaden 161

Bruchid quadrimaculatus weevil 227

Bubo bubo eagle owl 31

Bursavia spp. protozoa 328

Buteo buteo buzzard 31

Callovhinus ursinus Northern fu r seal 6 , 157, 190, 384

Callorynchus milii elephant shark 299

Cambavus spp. crayfish 92

Cancer magister crab 279

Cancer productus crab 279

Carassius auratus goldfish 161, 199

Carcinus maena shore crab 171

Carpiodes cyprinus q u ill back 199 Ill



CasmevodLus albus American egret 92, 158

Catostomus oommersoni white (yellow) sucker 320

Catostomus spp. sucker 199

Ceratophyllum demevsim coontail 1 0 0

Cevatopteris spp. plant 328

Chaetoceros costatum marine diatom 1 2 2

ChaVinwea brevibarbis macrourid 26

Chalinura earapina macrourid 26

Charadrius ahloropus common gallinule 92

- - - Chinese radish 328

Chironomus spp. chironomid larvae 333

Chlcmydomonas veinhavdi alga 28

Chlccrnydornonas spp. alga 272, 328

Chlidonias nigev black tern 92

Chlovella pyvenoidosa alga 25, 189, 249

Chlorella spp. alga 272

Chryptoohironornus spp. chironomid larvae 333

Civous ayaneus hen harrier 31

Citvobactev spp. bacterium 162, 385

Cladophova spp. alga 328

Clostvidiwn cochleavium bacterium 340, 341

Clostvidiwn sticklandii bacterium 91, 249 112



Clostridium thermoacet-ieum bacterium 91, 249

Clupea harengus Atlantic herring 92, 161

Clupea sprattus sprat 83

Clupeidae herring 92

Codhliobotus miyabeanus brown spot of rice 303

Coelotanypus spp. chironomid larvae 333

Codiaeum spp. croton 156

Coleus spp. coleus 328

Coregonus albuta whitefish 384, 395

Coregonus artedii tu llib e e 320

Coregonus elupeaformis lake whitefish 199, 320

Coregonus lavaretus whitefish 395

Coregus artedii cisco 199

corn plant and seed 328

Corydalus spp. hellgrammite 92

coturnix quail 245

Crangon orangon shrimp 83

Crassostvea gigas Pacific oyster 279, 322

Crassostrea wirginioa Eastern oyster 80, 209, 318

Crassuta spp. plant 328

Cryptoaoocus spp. yeast 51

cucumber plant and seed 328

Cyolothone Spp. fish 402 113



Cyprinidae mi nnow 92

Cyprinus carpio carp 199, 259

Daphnia magna copepod 39

Detichon urbica house martin 361

Dendrobivm spp. orchid 328

Diaphus theta myctophid 201

Drosophila melanogaster f r u it fly 294, 295 297, 298

Etodea canadensis el odea 100

Erriberiza calandra corn bunting 31

Engrautis japonica anchovy 351, 352

Engrautis mordax anchovy 161, 2 0 1

Enterobacter aerogenes bacterium 139, 383

Entevobaoter spp. bacterium 139, 380, 385

Erol-ia alpina dunlin 92

Escherichia coli bacterium 162, 203-205, 247, 303, 334, 348-350, 362, 368, 383

Escherichia spp. bacterium 139

Esox lucius Northern pike 98, 161, 171, 186, 199, 320, 384, 394, 395

Esox masquinongy muskellunge 199 114



Esox nigev chain pickerel 161, 415

Euoophia spp. mysid 402

Euthynnus pelanris skipjack tuna 402

Falao peregrinus peregrine 31, 361

Flavobaeterium spp. bacterium 385

FontinaZis spp. moss 186

Fusavivm nivale snow mold 233, 303

Fvsavivm spp. seedling blight mold 303

Gadus aeglefinus haddock 394

Gadus morhua cod 83, 142, 161, 394, 395

GaZeovhinus australis school shark 299

GaZZinuZa chlovopus common gallin ule 92

Galtus galtus domestic fowl 360

grey partridges 245

Haii-aetus alh-ic%Vla white-tailed (sea) eagle 31, 384

HaZiohoevus grypus grey seal 161

Hadera helix English ivy 156

Helianthus debilis sunflower 156

Heliosoma eampanulata snail 100 115



Helminthosporiwn avenae le a f spot of oats 303

Helminthosporium gramineum leaf stripe of barley 233, 303

Helminthosporium sigmoideum stem rot of rice 303

Helminthosporium spp. le a f spot of maize 303

Helminthosporium teres net blotch of barley 303

Helobdella spp. leech 186

Hiodon alosoides goldeye 320

Hiodon tergisus mooneye 199

Holosteum umbellatum jagged chickweed 323

Homarus vulgaris lobster 161

Hydropsyche pelluciduta caddisfly 186

Ictalurus punctatus channel catfish 199

Ictalurus spp. bullhead 199

Ictiobus spp. buffalo 199

Irisine spp. plant 328

Isoperla spp. stonefly 186

Juniperus virginiana red cedar 323

Klebsiella aerogenes bacterium 247 TABLE 5


Lagopus lagopus willow grouse 31, 361

Lampanyctus ritteri myctophid 2 0 1

Larus delawarensis ring-billed gull 92

Latridopsis forsteri trumpeter 299

Lebistes reticulata guppies 1 0 0 , 215

Ledum palustre subsp. decumbens Labrador tea 323

Leionura atun snoek 299

Lerrma spp. plant 328

Lepomis gibbosus pumpkinseed 199

Lepomis macrochirus bluegill 56

lettuce seed 328

Leucothrix mucor bacterium 386

Ligustrum spp. privet 156

Lota lota burbot 199, 320

Lota vulgaris eel pout 394, 395

Lucioperca sandra pike-perch 394, 395

Lumbricidae earthworm 92

Lupinus luteus lupine 303

Lutra lutra o tter 384

Lycopersicon esculentum tomato 156

Macrocystis pyrifera macroalga 2 0 1

Mareca spp. widgeon 17 % 117



- - - marigold seed 328

Mentha crispa mi nt 156

Mentha piperita peppermint 156

Mentha spicata spearmint 25

MerZangus merZangus whiting 83

Me thanobaeteriwn omeZianskii bacterium 27, 52, 249, 408, 409, 411

Mioropterus doZomieui smallmouth bass 199

Mieropterus saZmonoides largemouth bass 199

Morone americana white perch 415

Morone saxatiZis striped bass 77

MotaeiZZa aZba white wagtail 361

Moxostoma spp. redhorse 199

MugiZ cephaZus sea mullet 299

MusteZa vison mink 384

MusteZus antarotious gummy shark 299

Mya arenaria clam 279

Mycobacterium phZei bacterium 383

MytiZus eduZis mussel 8 6 , 279

MytiZus gaZZoprovinciaZis mussel 8 6

Nansenia spp. fish 402

Navodon spp. leatherjackets 299

NemadactyZus maaropterus perch 299 118



Neomys fodiens water shrew 361

Nephrolepis exalta Boston fern 156

Neurospora orassa mold 224

Noeardia astevoides actinomycete 386

Nocavdia covall'ina actinomycete 386

NoQardia otitidis-oaviarwi actinomycete 386

Notemigonus ovysoleuaas golden shiner 92

Notropis atherinoides Lake Emerald shiner 92

Notropis spp. shiner 199

Nyoticopax nyet'Caorax black-crowned night heron 92, 158

Nymphea alba water l i l y 186

Ommastrophes bartamii. squid 402

Oncovhyndhus kisutoh coho salmon 199

Oncorhynchus nevka sockeye salmon 312

onion seeds 328

Oniscus spp. land isopod 328

Ophiophalis spp. brittle star 402

Opuntia spp. prickly pear cactus 328

Oxalis covnioulata oxalis 156

Padhysandra terminalis pach.ysandra 156 TABLE 5


Pagophilus groenlandicus harp seal 161

Palaemonetes vulgaris grass shrimp 300

Pandion haliaetus osprey 384

Parus coeruleus blue t i t 361

Parus mac or great tit 361

Pelargonium spp. geranium 156

Peniaillium roqueforti mold 303, 368

Penioillium spp. mold 303, 342

Perea flaveseens yellow perch 92, 199, 320, 415

Perea fluviatilis perch 384, 394, 395

Perdix perdix Hungarian partridge 31, 361, 390

Phaeodaetyturn tricornutum phytoplankton 201, 272

Phasianus colchieus pheasant 2, 31, 47, 53, 136, 194, 245, 265, 335, 361, 384

Philodlna spp. invertebrate 328

Phoma betae black leg of sugarbeet 233

Physieulus barbatus cod 299

_ _ _ pinto bean plant 328

Pirieularia oryzea rice blast 303

Pisea mariana black spruce 323

Pisum sativum pea 303

- — — planaria 328 120



Platyoephalus bassensis sand flathead 89, 299

Pleuroneotes flesus flounder 171

Pleuroneotes platessa plaice 83, 142, 283, 285, 286, 395

Podieeps oris talus great-created grebe 384

Podilymbus podiceps pied-billed grebe 92

Podooarpus spp. plant 328

Pomatomus saltatrix bluefish 77

Pomoxis Spp. crappie 199

Proechinophthirus fluctus sucking lic e 190

Proteus spp. bacterium 247

Prunus persioa peach 156

Pseudolabrus spp. parrot fish 299

Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium 37, 162, 238 303, 349, 368 386

Pseudomonas fluoresaens bacterium 25, 162, 383

Pseudomonas pyocyanea bacterium 247

Pseudomonas spp. bacterium 114, 115, 303 318, 366-368, 385, 386

Pusa hispida saimensis ring seal 161, 171, 190 384

Pyrenophora avenae mold 307, 308

Pythium ultimwn mold 19 TABLE 5


Querous alba white oak 323

Querous lyrata over-up oak 323

Querous Spp. oak 156

Querous stellata post oak 323

Rasa clavata thornback ray 284

Rana catesbeiana bullfroq 92

Rana pipiens leopard frog 92

Rhizobium leguminosarum root nodule bacterium 386

Rhizobium melitoti root nodule bacterium 386

Rhizobium solani root nodule bacterium 19

Rhizobium spp. root nodule bacterium 303

Rhodopseudomonas capsulata bacterium 172

Rhus copallina winged sumac 323

Rhus glabra smooth sumac 323

Rooous ohrysops white bass 199, 412

Rooous mississippiensis yellow bass 199

- - - rose 156

- - - rye seed 328

Saocharotmyces cerevisiae baker's yeast 280, 329, 383 I



Salmo gairdneri rainbow trout 121, 199, 274 282, 312

Salmo ocla sea trout 399

Salmo salar A tlantic salmon 161, 399, 415

Salmo salvelinus char 395

Salmo trutta brown trout 199

Salmonella spp. bacterium 334

Salmonella typhimurium bacterium 247

Salmonella typhosa bacterium 362

Salvelinus fontinalis brook trout 161, 199, 415

Salvelinus namaycush lake trout 21, 161, 199, 320, 389

Scarabaeidae beetles 92

Sclerotinia borealis snow mold 303

Scopulariopsis brevicaulis mold 383

Selenastrum capricornutum alga 103

Semotilus spp. dace 92

Seriola quinqueradiata yellow tail 351, 352

Seriolella maculata . mackerel 299

Sewanus s err anus sea perch 171

Serrivomer sector snipe eel 402

Sialis spp. ald e rfly 186

Sillaginodes punctatus spotted whiting 299

Sorex minutus pygmy shrew 361 I




Spiraea beauverdiana spi raea 323

Spiraea salicifolia spiraea 156

Spirodela spp. plant 328

Squalus acanthius spiny dogfish 106

Squalus spp. dog shark 299

Staphylococcus aureus bacterium 30, 206, 247, 258, 271, 302 303, 348, 349 362, 368

Staphylococcus spp. bacterium 139

Stenobrachius leucopsaris myctophid 2 0 1

Stentor spp. protozoan 328

Sterna hirundo common tern 92

Stizostedion canadense sauger 199, 320

Stizostedion vitreum vitreum walleye 199, 320

Streptococcus faecalis bacterium 247

Streptococcus spp. bacterium 139

Strix aluco tawny owl 31

Sus scrofa pig 291, 373

Synedra ulna diatom 1 1 1 , 1 1 2

Synedra ulna var. danica diatom 113

Tarletonbeania crenularis myctophid 2 0 1

Tetrahymena pyriformis protozoan 365 TABLE 5


Thamnophis sirtalis gardersnake 92

Thunnus atatunga tuna 77

Thunnus albaaares yellowfin tuna 77, 277

Thunnus albacora tuna 77

Thunnus thynnus tuna 77

Titletia caries wheat bunt 233

Titletio foetida wheat bunt 303

Titletia tritici wheat bunt 303

Trachrus japonicus jack mackerel 351

Turbatrix spp. invertebrate 328

Turdus merula blackbird 361

turnip seed 328

Typhula spp. snow mold 303

Uca pugitator fid d le r crab 381

Urocystis occulata stripe smut of rye 303

Ustilago avenae loose smut of oats 233, 303

Ustilago hordei covered smut in barley 233, 303

Vanellus vaneltus lapwing 361

Vibrio spp. bacterium 385, 386 125



Vioia faba broad bean 156

Volvox spp. alga 328

Xvphias gladius swordfish 301

Zalophus californianus California sea lion 55 0




Table 6 . Physical factors.

Table 7. Chemical factors.

126 TABLE 6



16 B 0 0 0 76 71 15 06

39 A 8 05 80 62 15 09

42 B 3 1 0 63 65 30 05

43 B 4 15 6 8 67 15 04

51 B 7 15 76 69 15 05

69 B 4 08 75 74 15 08

91 A 1 2 0 63 76 15 0 2

105 D 5 1 0 75 61 15 03

106 A 5 2 0 61 59 04 1 1

107 C 7 30 45 51 1 0 04

115 B 7 0 2 80 56 15 07

1 2 2 B 6 1 0 76 6 6 15 07

NUM = Sample Number VE = Wind Velocity LOC = Location TE = A ir Temperatu re DI = Wind Direction WT = Water Temperature 1 = North DPT = Depth 2 = Northeast T = Turbidity With Secchi 3 = East Disc 4 = Southeast 5 = South 6 = Southwest 7 = West 8 = Northwest

127 9



16 B 8 . 0 0 .150 .300 .013 1 0 0 19 15

39 A 7.90 .150 4.08 .015 1 0 0 23 23

42 B 8.45 .150 4.99 .008 90 32 25

43 B 8.40 .180 27.5 .049 90 40 25

51 B 7.90 .190 4.98 . 0 2 2 90 31 25

69 B 7.30 . 2 0 0 4.98 .015 90 26 20

91 A 8.30 .310 4.99 .005 90 31 25

105 D 8.60 .300 4.00 . 0 0 0 90 50 26

106 A 8.50 .200 .100 .010 70 2 0 20

107 C 8.45 .300 9.00 .004 90 32 25

115 B 7.30 .180 7.50 . 0 1 2 90 2 2 20

1 2 2 B 8.70 . 1 0 0 4.50 .007 90 19 20

NUM = Sample Number LOC = Location pH = -log [H+] PO4 = Phosphate NOo = Nitrate NO2 = N itrite ALK = Total Alkalinity SO4 = Sulfate CL = Chloride

128 0



Table 8 . SAMPLE IDENTITY: Filamentous alga with epiphytic

bacteria, in situ.

Table 9. SAMPLE IDENTITY: Fusiform diatom, in situ.

Table 10. SAMPLE IDENTITY: Pseudomonad isolated from model and

cultivated in Hg-containing medium.

Table 11. SAMPLE IDENTITY: Staphylococcus isolated from model

and cultivated in Hg-containing


Table 12. SAMPLE IDENTITY: Pseudomonad isolated from model and

cultivated in Hg-free medium.

Table 13. SAMPLE IDENTITY: Staphylococcus isolated from model and

cultivated in Hg-free medium.

129 0


SAMPLE IDENTITY: Filamentous alga with epiphytic bacteria, in s itu



SI Kal 1.740 18.030 49.064 K&l 1.836 0.240 13.933

P Kal 2.013 64.439 12.678 KBl 2.139 1.215 17.292

S Kal 2.307 205.165 24.771 K31 2.464 9.235 17.374

CL Kal 2.622 7.228 2.969 Ka2 2.620 3.615 2.969 K31 2.815 0.567 0.384

FE Kal 6.403 3.300 0.762 Ka2 6.390 1.649 0.762 KBl 7.057 0.681 0.218

HG Lai 9.987 1.240 0.603 La2 9.896 0.124 0.489 LB1 11.821 0.661 1.076 L82 11.992 0.265 1.058 LB3 11.993 0.080 0.966 L34 11.561 0.052 0.158 Lyl 13.828 0.141 0.127 Ly 2 14.160 0.014 0.050 LX 8.720 0.035 0.017 Ma 2.195 20.854 26.442 M3 2.282 10.133 26.082 MY 2.487 0.579 15.833


130 TABLE 9

SAMPLE IDENTITY: Fusiform diatom, in s itu



SI Kal 1.740 1985.919 686.875 KBl 1.836 26.484 577.390

s Kal 2.307 524.046 161.950 KBl 2.464 23.582 75.035

FE Kal 6.403 1.408 0.530 Ka2 6.390 0.703 0.530 KBl 7.057 0.290 0.091

TOTAL CHI-SQ: 204.520

131 TABLE 10

SAMPLE IDENTITY: Pseudomonad isolated from model and cultivated in Hg-containing medium



SI Kal 1.740 4.270 1.787 KBl 1.836 0.057 2.399

S Kal 2.307 70.158 130.136 KBl 2.464 3.153 128.961

CR Kal 5.414 0.936 4.079 Ka2 5.405 0.468 4.079 KBl 5.946 0.173 0.328

FE Kal 6.403 0.708 37.839 Ka2 6.390 0.354 37.839 KBl 7.057 0.146 0.513

CU Lai 0.930 1.502 8.103 LB1 0.950 0.301 8.328 LB3 1.023 0.015 7.504 LX 0.811 0.074 876.026

HG Lai 9.987 0.222 30.819 La2 9.896 0.022 2.269 LB1 11.821 0.119 2.415 LB2 11.922 0.048 11.262 LB3 11.993 0.014 17.684 LB4 11.561 0.009 0.066 Lyl 13.828 0.025 0.024 Ly2 14.160 0.003 0.198 LX 8.720 0.006 0.012 Ma 2.195 2.672 80.558 MB 2.282 1.297 129.319 My 2.487 0.074 125.541

TOTAL CHI-SQ: 38.757

132 TABLE 11

SAMPLE IDENTITY: Staphylococcus isolated from model and cultivated in Hg-containing medium



SI Kal 1.740 17.120 70.330 KBl 1.836 0.228 32.999

S Kal 2.307 423.602 64.663 KBl 2.464 19.060 13.216

FE Kal 6.403 1.063 0.283 Ka2 6.390 0.531 0.283 KBl 7.057 0.219 0.044

HG Lai 9.987 0.957 0.407 La2 9.896 0.095 0.255 LBl 11.821 0.510 0.529 LB2 11.922 0.205 0.709 LB3 11.993 0.062 0.603 LB4 11.561 0.040 0.293 ly i 13.828 0.108 0.077 Ly 2 14.160 0 . 0 1 1 0.134 LX 8.720 0.027 0.063 Ma 2.195 18.979 76.226 MB 2.282 9.220 72.413 My 2.487 0.527 10.914


133 TABLE 12

SAMPLE IDENTITY: Pseudomonad isolated from model and cultivated in Hg-free medium



NA Kal 1.041 6.600 33.068

MG Kal 1.253 23.369 18.311

AL Kal 1.486 11.699 28.183

P Kal 2.013 423.135 176.700 KBl 2.139 7.975 82.608

S Kal 2.307 53.484 56.127 KBl 2.464 2.407 1.554

CL Kal 2.622 5.241 2.723 Ka2 2.620 2.621 2.723 KBl 2.815 0.411 6.588

K Kal 3.313 187.398 230.122 Ka2 3.310 93.698 230.122 KBl 3.589 28.219 120.856

CA Kal 3.691 7.044 4.595 Ka2 3.687 3.522 5.561 KBl 4.012 1.068 0.520

TOTAL CHI-SQ: 101.321

134 TABLE 13

SAMPLE IDENTITY: Staphylococcus isolated from model and cultivated in Hg-free medium



NA Kal 1.041 10.683 38.589

MG Kal 1.253 37.000 54.036

P Kal 2.013 400.716 195.990 KBl 2.139 7.552 83.168

S Kal 2.307 60.570 51.926 KBl . 2.464 2.726 2.250

CL Kal 2.622 19.799 3.310 Ka2 2.620 9.902 3.310 KBl 2.815 1.554 2.094

K Kal 3.313 37.336 31.598 Ka2 3.310 18.668 31.598 KBl 3.589 5.622 18.712

CA Kal 3.691 22.585 6.358 Ka2 3.687 11.291 6.333 KBl 4.012 3.426 0.809

TOTAL CHI-SQ: 72.693







Graphic representation [see Figure 18) of the kinetics of mercury translocation through model lake bed sediments (Figure

8 ), plotting Time (expressed in weeks) on the y-axis and distance

(expressed in centimeters) on the x-axis at any one given mercury

concentration yields the following mathematical expression (78) of the functions:

T = A (l-e"kD)

T = value on the y-axis (Time)

D = value on the x-axis (Distance)

k = constant

A = Asymptote (Figure 18)

Using the aforementioned equation, solving for k:

T = A (l-e“kD)

T = A-Ae~kD

T-A = -Ae"kD

137 APPENDIX E (Continued)

I f ex = y, then log^ y = x, yielding:

logN [TiAj = . kD

Substituting actual data from Figure 8 , viz.: T = 5 weeks and

D = 17 cm with the Asymptote from Figure 18, one determines that:

k (constant) = 0.0408

Now by utilizing our in itia l equation: T = A (l-e "^ ) with experimental findings from our model, we can now determine the course of mercury mobility, -i.e., when (T) mercury w ill arrive at any given point (D) within the sediment bed or vice versa. Figure 18. Mathematical expression of the interrelationship

seen between Time (T) and Distance (D) involved

in the translocation of mercury through model lake

sediment beds.

139 Asymptote

Point from Actual Data Point from Mathematical Extrapolation

20 40 60 90 IOC cm


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