New Upper Cretaceous Amphineura (Mollusca)
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New Upper Cretaceous Amphineura (Mollusca) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 593-G New Upper Cretaceous Amphineura (Mollusca) By ALLYN G. SMITH, NORMAN F. SOHL, and ELLIS L. YOCHELSON CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 593-G Description of chitons from the Gulf Coastal Plain and Puerto Rico UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON 1968 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 30 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS Page Abstract___________________________________________________________________ Gl Introduction_______________________________________________________________ 1 Geologic occurrence_ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ 1 Coastal Plain province____ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ 1 Caribbean province_____________________________________________________ 2 Previous reports of Cretaceous Amphineura (Polyplacophora) _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ 3 Systematic paleontology_____________________________________________________ 3 References cited____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ 7 Index_____________________________________________________________________ 8 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plate follows index] Page PLATE 1. Chiton (Chiton} and Aulachochiton. FIGURE 1. Sketch map showing USGS Mesozoic locality 25923___________________ G2 2. Sketch map showing USGS Mesozoic locality 29075___ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ 2 III CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY NEW UPPER CRETACEOUS AMPHINEURA (MOLLUSCA) By ALLYN G. SMITH;1 NORMAN F. SoHL, and ELLIS L. Y OCHELSON ABSTRACT Present-day Amphineura live mostly in shallow water, Cretaceous Amphineura are extremely rare; the North Ameri but some species are abyssal; one has been found at a ican record previously conls,isted of two va,lves referred to a depth of 12,000 feet. single species. Five isolated valves from the Ripley Formation in Georgia are here assi'gned to the new S!pecies Chiton (Chiton) The meager geologie record of Cretaceous Amphi berryi. Three additional valves from the San German Formation neura may be used as an argument for a worldwide pau as used by Mattson ( 1960) in Puerto Rico are placed in two city of rocky shore habitats during th31t period. How addi1tiona1 new Slpecies., C. (Chi-ton) rossi and Au~achochiton ever, all the new Creta;ceous amphineur31n species herein prae.cursor. described have well-developed suturalla.minae and are The first two new species constitute the second and third re of sufficiently large size to indicate a habitat on a fairly ports of Chiton in the Cretaceous of North America. The dis covery of Aulachochiton praecursor in the San German Forma extensive solid or rooky substrate. tion in Puerto Rico extends the range of th,at genus into the The terminology and supraspecific classification here Mesozoic; heretoflore, it had been knoiWll fosiSH only from ,belds used follow Smith (1960). in Tasmania as old a:s early Miocene. GEOLOGIC OCCURRENCE INTRODUCTION The two occurrences of Upper Cretaceous Amphi Although authentic examples of Amphineura valves neura here recorded are similar in age range but come are known from rocks as old as youngest Cambrian, the from distinct, sharply sepa,rated faunal provinces and, geologic record of this class is mea;ger. Representatives individually, from deposits representing decidedly dif are among the rarest of molluscan fossils, 'and it is hoped ferent ecologic situations. tlhat by directing attention to these occurrences addi tional specimens will be observed and collected. Pale COASTAL PLAIN PROVINCE ozoic amphineurans are better known and more aibun The five isolated valves of Chiton (Chiton) berryi dant than those of the Mesozoic. More than 100 Pale come from the medial pa.rt of the Ripley Formation at ozoic species are described, whereas only about '30 U.S. Geological Survey Mesozoic locality 25923 (fig. Mesozoic species have been reported. No undoubted 1), at the former site of Mercers Mill on Tabannee Amphineura have been reported from tJhe Triassic.. Creek, 0.2 mile upstream from the bridge of the Central Recent Amphineura occupy a variety of halbitats. of Georgia Railroad, near Georgetown, ·Quitman Most commonly, they cling to ~ocky subtrates, but a County, Ga. About 11 feet of dominantly dark-gray to few species are known tha,t adhere to dead shells and nearly black clayey silty micaceous fossiliferous sand isolated pebbles, live in holes in coral or burrow into are exposed in the streamJbanks at this locality. The spe tough algal holdfa;sts. The eight calcareous plates sur cimens of C. ( 0 hiton) berryi were coleo ted in a len rounded by a tough girdle allow for appreciable body ti'cular 9-inch bed of light-colored, argillaceous, and better sorted sand about 5 feet above the base of the see flexibility and permit the a.nimal to adhere ,to rough, tion. This sand contained a great eoncentration of shell irregular surfaces. Except for ,a few primitive genera, material that obviously had been size sorted, ·presum the modern amphineuran fauna is characterized by ably by current activity. anterior extensions or sutural laminae on seven of the Several hundred pounds of material was excavated eight separate plates which permit some small amorunt from this lens most of which was concentrated by siev- of ovedap, thereby increasing the strength of the ani ing and washing' at the outcrop. This concentrate was mal, without reducing its flexibility. pieked and prepared in the lruboratory. Thus, the five 1 California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Calif. isolated plates found constitute a very low numerical Gl G2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY 85 ° 10' 3l"IT--nt~~--------~.7:0~~~---~~~----~ The plates of 0. ( 0 hiton) berryi frotn the middle part 55' of the Ripley Formation are 'associruted with Exogyra costata and are of latest Campanian age. They occur at ~ stratigraphic level that lies between the Tennessee and Maryland units that have yielded 0. ( Ohiton) (ffetaceus. The two occurrences of 0. ( Ohiton) cretaceus are near the upper and lower limits of the Exogyra eostata zone. Berry (1940, p. 213) erred in assuming that both of his specimens came from beds of the same age. The speci men from the Coon Creek Tongue of the Ripley Forma tion of Tennessee occurs with Exogyra eancellata and is correlative with the lowest part of the E. costata zone of l3ite Campanian age. The Maryland specimen is from the Monmouth Formation from beds in the upper part of the Exogyra costata zone; it is associated with Sphenodiscus and scaphitid ammonites similar to forms N found in the B aculites clinoloba.tus zone of the upper most Pierre Shale of South Dakota. This association is suggestive of an early Maestrichtian age. r CARIBBEAN PROVINCE 0 2 3 MILES Ohi-&on ( Ohiton) rossi and Aulaehochiton praecursor come from silicified limestones of the San German FIGURE 1.-Map showing USGS Mesozoic locality 25923, Quit Formation as used by Mattson (1960) in the Sabana man County, Ga. Grande quadrangle of southwestern Puerto Rico. The samples were collected from U.S. Geological Survey representation rel~ative to the abundance of other mol Mesozoic locality 29075 (fig. 2) in the saddle near the lusks. Inasmuch as these plates are part of a transported 50-meter-high hill east of Quebrada Jicara, about 2.95 shell concentrate, it is unlikely that they belonged to the miles southwest of Sabana Grande, Barrio Lajas Arriba, same individual; excellent preserva,tion exhibited by these plates and the associated shell material precludes 94 000 METERS E tvansport for any gre·at distance. The a;ssociated diverse assemblage of mollusks con tains a typical Ripley Formation association as described by Wade (1926) and Sohl (1960; 1964), and is a sha.llow-water inner shelf assemblage. Ohiton (Ohiton) cretaceus Berry (1940, p. 211-213) is based upon two plates, one from the Coon Creek Tongue of the Ripley Formation on Coon Creek, Tenn. ( Sohl, 1960, p. 27), and the other from the Monmouth Formation near Brightseat, Md. (Gardner, 1916). Both specimens occur in sands lithologically similar to those in which 0. ( Ohiton) berryi was collected. The associated fauna is similar in composition, and thus the tendency is to infer that all lived under virtually simi lar ecologic conditions. Although no indication of proximity to a rocky in tertidal habitat is present in any of the three deposits, the anomalous occurrence of chitons of this size requires at least the local aV<ailability of a rocky substrate more 0 ¥2 MILE extensive than mere random distribution of scattered large shells or pebbles. Shells or cobbles would provide FIGURE 2.-Map showing USGS Mesozoic locality 29075, firm attachment spots but insufficient grazing areas for Municipio de Lajas, P.R. Base from U.S. Geological Survey feeding (Spencer Thorpe, written commun., 1967). Sab•ana Grande, P.R., 71f2-minute quadrangle. NEW UPPER CRETACEOUS AMPHINEURA (MOLLUSCA) G3 Municipio de Lajas (Puerto Rico Meter Grid 95,280 levis, and four unnamed species that were referred in E, 21,900 N). All amphineuran specimens have been formally to "Chiton." Not all the unnamed material was recovered from the residue of acidized limestone blocks figured, and none can be assigned with certainty to any and are silicified. The outcrops of the limestone at this particular genus. The large number of monotypic genera locality are obscured by slope wash and very dense over described by Bergenhayn is an indication of the paucity growth.