Asp ects of

Physics in the Early


PhD Thesis

Steen Hannestad

Institute of Physics and Astronomy

University of Aarhus

Octob er


Preface v

Intro duction

Primordial Nucleosynthesis

Thesis Outline

Particle Dynamics in the Expanding

Global Evolution Equations

The Boltzmann Equation

Basic Nucleosynthesis



Dirac and Ma jorana Neutrino Interactions

Denition and Prop erties of Neutrino Fields

Neutrino Weak Interactions

Mixed Neutrinos

Decaying Neutrinos

Neutrino in the Standard Mo del

Fundamental Equations

Numerical Results

Discussion and Conclusions

Massive Stable Neutrinos in BBN

Numerical Calculations

Mass Limits

Decaying Neutrinos in BBN

Necessary formalism

Numerical Results

Nucleosynthesis Eects

Conclusion iii

Neutrino Lasing

The Basic Scenario

The Level Laser

Numerical Results



Outlo ok


A Mathematical Formalism

A Dirac Matrices and Their Algebra

A Dirac Spinors

A Creation and Annihilation Op erators

B Phasespace Integrals

C English Resume



The present thesis is a summation of the work carried out during my PhD

study The bulk of the work has b een p erformed in collab oration with my su

p ervisor Jes Madsen at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy at the University

of Aarhus However some of the work has b een done during a six month stay

at the Max Planck Institut fur Physik in Munich during the spring and summer

of where I also had the pleasure of collab orating with Georg Raelt in the

eld of sup ernova neutrino physics

Chapters contain an intro duction to various key issues connected with

neutrino physics and Chapters are essentially

reprints of pap ers as describ ed b elow

Finally there is a thesis conclusion in Chapter and an outlo ok to p ossible

future work in Chapter There are three app endices at the end app endices

A and B contain various mathematical details and App endix C contains a brief

summary of the thesis work

Note that throughout I use natural units where c ~ k


List of Publications

I S Hannestad and J Madsen Neutrino Decoupling in the Early Universe

Published in Phys Rev D

I I S Hannestad and J Madsen Nucleosynthesis and the Mass of the Tau

Neutrino Published in Phys Rev Lett Erratum published

in Phys Rev Lett

I I I S Hannestad and J Madsen Nucleosynthesis and the Mass of the Tau

Neutrino Revisited Published in Phys Rev D

IV S Hannestad and J Madsen A Cosmological Three Level Neutrino Laser

Published in Phys Rev D v

vi Preface

V S Hannestad Tau Neutrino Decays and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis accepted

for publication in Phys Rev D

VI S Hannestad Can Neutrinos be Majorana Particles hepph not

intended for publication

VI I S Hannestad and G Raelt Supernova Neutrino Opacity from Inverse

NucleonNucleon Bremsstrahlung in preparation

The contents of pap er I have b een describ ed in detail in Chapter pap ers II

and III have b een summarised in Chapter pap er IV is contained in Chapter

and nally Chapter describ es pap er V Some of the contents of pap er VI

have b een included in Chapter Note that pap er VI I ab out sup ernova neutrino

physics has not b een included in the thesis The eld it covers is somewhat

disjoint from that of the thesis and for this reason I have left it out

Chapter I

Intro duction

One of the most succesful areas of mo dern physics is the interface b etween parti

cle physics and astrophysics This eld includes such phenomena as sup ernovae

active galactic nuclei and p erhaps most notably the early Universe It is also

a relatively new eld that has only existed for less than years so that there

are still big white sp ots left on the map making it a very interesting eld of


The present thesis deals with dierent asp ects of the physics of the parti

cles called neutrinos in the early Universe esp ecially in connection with the

formation of light elements


Neutrinos are chargeless spin fermions b elonging to the family of leptons

There are three known sp ecies of neutrinos corresp onding to the three known

charged leptons They are group ed together in three generations



with corresp onding antiparticles These three generations corresp ond to the

three quark generations

u c t

d s b

It is not known whether there are additional generations of fermions but since

the fermion masses increase with generation any new generation would likely

b e extremely heavy In any case they would have to b e so in order not to have

b een detected in accelerator exp eriments

Neutrinos are unique among the known fermions in that they do not p ossess

electric charge meaning that they have no electromagnetic interactions at tree

level The only interactions that neutrinos have are weak interactions and since

Chapter Intro duction

the weak coupling constant G is very small neutrinos interact only very weakly


with the other fermions

Neutrinos can b e pro duced on earth for example in nuclear reactors How

ever the most constant neutrino source we have is the Sun where

neutrinos are pro duced by the nuclear burning of hydrogen via the reaction

p He e


yielding a neutrino ux of more than cm s on earth The most p owerful

neutrino sources known are the core collapse typ e I I sup ernovae They emit

a burst of neutrinos from the neutronisation reaction

p e n


lasting a few seconds During this p erio d roughly ergs are emitted in

neutrino radiation giving the sup ernova a neutrino luminosity comparable to

the optical luminosity of the whole visible Universe

Even though neutrinos are so abundant in the Universe their very weak

interactions mean that they are extremely dicult to detect in the lab oratory

Typically one needs many tons of detection material to achieve a detection rate

of a few p er day even with the huge neutrino ux coming from the Sun

For the same reason very little is known ab out the prop erties of neutrinos In

the standard mo del of neutrinos are strictly massless However

there is no a priori reason why this should b e so and in many extensions of the

standard mo del neutrinos do indeed have mass A great numb er of exp eriments

have b een made in order to constrain fundamental parameters like mass and

magnetic moment of the dierent neutrino sp ecies However most of these

exp eriments are inecient b ecause of the very low counting statistics and this

is where indirect exp eriments enter the picture Neutrinos are thought to b e

of fundamental imp ortance in triggering the sup ernova explosions for example

Therefore observations of sup ernovae yield imp ortant information on neutrino

prop erties The other lab oratory where fundamental neutrino physics can b e

prob ed is the early Universe Here neutrinos are roughly as abundant as photons

and should therefore contribute signicantly to for example the cosmic energy

density This in turn leads to stringent limits on parameters like neutrino mass

Neutrinos are also of fundamental imp ortance in the formation of light elements

in the early Universe Constraints on neutrino prop erties coming from the study

of light element formation form the bulk part of the present work and will b e

describ ed in much more detail later

Primordial Nucleosynthesis

For many years was a research eld strongly lacking in observational

input However during the last decade numerous improvements have b een

made on this For example the cosmic microwave anisotropies were discovered

in by the COBE satellite and small scale anisotropies are exp ected

Primordial Nucleosynthesis

to b e observed by the next generation of satellites exp ected to y within

years time This has op ened up a completely new window on the physics of

the early Universe since the physical comp osition of the Universe at the time of

creation of the background radiation is imprinted in these anisotropies Thus

a new precision determination of such essential parameters as the cosmological

density parameter and the Hubble parameter H can b e exp ected

Another eld under rapid development is that of large scale galaxy redshift

surveys This is primarily due to new telescop e technology and observational

techniques that automate the pro cesses that earlier had to b e done manually

In this way redshifts of millions of galaxies can b e obtained and the physical

structure of the Universe mapp ed out This again tells something ab out the

matter content of the Universe b ecause that aects the way structures form

If the content of the Universe is mainly in the form of very light m eV

particles all imhomogeneities on small scales will have b een smeared out by the

free streaming of these particles This means that the rst structures to form are

very large roughly on the size of sup erclusters of galaxies Only subsequently

will these huge structures fragment to form galaxies This typ e of scenario is

called hot dark matter HDM The other p ossibility is that the matter content

is mainly in the form of very heavy particles These are almost at rest so that

no free streaming takes place and therefore the rst structures to form are of

subgalactic size From these subgalactic size initial structures larger and larger

structures are build This typ e of scenario is called hierarchical clustering or

cold dark matter CDM In Chapter we will go into a closer discussion of

these dierent mo dels

Both the ab ove techniques use the inhomogeneity and structure in our Uni

verse to say something ab out its comp osition There is a completely dierent

typ e of prob e that can b e used for this purp ose namely that of Big Bang nu

cleosynthesis These last few years have also seen strong improvements on the

determination of dierent nuclear abundances in the Universe and these pre

cision measurements have had a strong impact on Big Bang nucleosynthesis

Historically Big Bang nucleosynthesis was rst discussed by Gamow in

His idea was that as the Universe co ols down and expands nuclear reac

tions would pro ceed to build up abundances of the dierent nuclei Gamow

prop osed that essentially all the nuclei observed to day originated in the Big

Bang but it later b ecame clear that this is not p ossible The reason is that

there exist no stable elements with mass numb ers and and that heavier el

ements therefore must originate from three b o dy reactions like the triple alpha

pro cess that o ccurs in stars It turns out however that the numb er density of

particles at the time of nucleosynthesis is much to o low for such reactions to b e

eective and that therefore essentially no nuclei heavier than A are formed

All the heavy elements must therefore have b een formed subsequently in stars

and sup ernovae However we also know that almost all of the in the

Universe to day must have b een formed in the primordial nucleosynthesis phase

as it turns out that only a very small fraction can have b een pro duced in stars

later on

Chapter Intro duction

QCD Phase n−p Inflation Transition Freeze−Out CMBR EW Phase Neutrino Transition Decoupling BBN Now

14 2 −1 −1 −4

10 GeV 10 GeV 100 MeV 2 MeV 0.8 MeV 10 MeV 10 eV 10 eV

Figure Timeline showing dierent imp ortant events during the evolution

of our Universe The scale shown is the temp erature of the photon plasma the

drawing is not to scale

The predicted abundances of light elements dep end strongly on the physical

comp osition of the Universe at the ep o ch of nucleosynthesis meaning that if

the primordial abundances can b e somehow determined observationally we can

prob e the Universe at very early times

In Fig we show a timeline marking some of the imp ortant events during

the evolution of the Universe and in the following we try go give a brief sketch

of the event taking place during the ep o ch of primordial nucleosynthesis At

a temp erature of roughly MeV the plasma of quarks and gluons undergo es

a phase transition to a gas consisting of hadrons Since there is some degree of

baryon asymmetry in the Universe some and remain of this

gas even at temp eratures much lower than the transition temp erature These

protons and neutrons are kept in thermo dynamic equilibrium via the reactions

until a temp erature of roughly MeV and since the timetemp erature relation

is roughly

ts T MeV

this corresp onds to a time of roughly s During this p erio d the to

ratio is determined by their mass dierence alone through the Boltzmann



m m T

n p



When the temp erature drops b elow MeV however the weak reactions are

to o slow to maintain equilibrium and the protonneutron fraction remains xed

except for the free decay of neutrons At roughly the same time the weak

reactions keeping neutrinos in equilibrium with the cosmic plasma of photons

and p ositrons freeze out and the neutrinos b ecome sterile

Primordial Nucleosynthesis

As the temp erature drops to MeV the free nucleons start forming light

nuclei in abundance Deuterium is formed rst but is quickly pro cessed into

He and the end result is that roughly of the baryons are in He and a much

smaller fraction on the level is in the form of nuclei like D He

and Li When the temp erature reaches MeV nuclear reactions freeze out

b ecause the numb er densities b ecome to o small and primordial nucleosynthesis


A theoretical calculation of the exp ected yields of dierent nuclei from Big

Bang nucleosynthesis is rather easily done once the input physics is known

The basic input that is needed to calculate the nucleosynthesis scenario is a

sp ecication of the content of the Universe as a function of time or temp erature

By content we mean all particle sp ecies present and their relative abundance

as well as such more exotic comp onents as vacuum energy etc

Then if it is p ossible to determine somehow the primordial abundances from

observations this will put strong limits on the p ossible conguration of the

Universe during nucleosynthesis Unfortunately the main problem with using

nucleosynthesis as a prob e lies exactly in the observations What is observable

to day is primarily the element abundances in stellar atmospheres interstellar

clouds etc This means that the observations are p erformed in the lo cal Universe

which has an age of roughly years If one wants to relate the values observed

lo cally to the primordial values one has to take into account p ossible chemical

evolution since primordial nucleosynthesis to ok place The element comp osition

changes with time b ecause of nuclear burning in stars sup ernovae cosmic ray

pro cesses etc and therefore it is usually extremely dicult to pin down the

primordial values by observations

With the intro duction of a new generation of telescop es like the American

Keck telescop e and the Hubble Space Telescop e is has b ecome p ossible to study

light element abundances in much more distant systems Until now these ob

servations have concentrated on observing deuterium in what is called QSO

absorption systems These are huge clouds of gas lying in the line of sight to a

distant quasar When light from the quasar passes through such a system ab

sorption lines are pro duced by the material in the clouds and these can b e used

to determine element abundances in the absorbing cloud The advantage of this

is that the clouds lie at redshifts larger than z so that they are observed

at an earlier ep o ch than the present Universe Furthermore these absorption

systems are thought to b e systems that have not yet collapsed to form galaxies

and that there has therefore b een very little chemical pro cessing in them This

gives rise to the hop e that the abundances observed in such systems reect the

primordial much more closely than those observed lo cally In Fig we show

an example of a sp ectrum obtained from this typ e of observation repro duced

from Ref Unfortunately the results that have hitherto b een obtained are

quite controversial and do not agree with each other The main conclusion must

b e that this typ e of observations is an extremely promising technique but that

it is at present to o early to use the results at face value Hop efully the coming

few years will resolve the issue

Chapter Intro duction

Figure Sp ectrum obtained by Burles and Tytler at the Lick observatory of

an absorb er at redshift z The strong dip to the left is the Lyman limit

This gure was reprinted from Ref

Now the standard mo del of particle physics together with the theory of gen

eral relativity and the socalled cosmological principle stating that the Universe

should b e homogeneous and isotropic on large scales constitute what is known

as the standard mo del of cosmology Although there are still things that cannot

b e explained by this mo del like the initial density p erturbations needed to seed

galaxy formation and the asymmetry b etween particles and antiparticles it

do es account for almost all the observed features of the physical Universe At

the time of nucleosynthesis the standard mo del is that of a plasma of photons

electrons and p ositrons in complete thermo dynamic equilibrium together with

three massless neutrino sp ecies that have completely decoupled from the elec

tromagnetically interacting plasma In addition to this there is a small amount

of baryons present but since the exact amount is unknown the baryon content

is usually expressed in terms of an adjustable parameter

n n




where the value of is roughly

Thesis Outline

One of the amazing things ab out Big Bang nucleosynthesis is that the pre

dicted yields are actually very close to the observed abundances of light nuclei

This can b e taken as evidence that the standard mo del is at least fundamen

tally correct It also puts very strong b ounds of any physics b eyond the standard

mo del during nucleosynthesis and gives us an opp ortunity to constrain such new

physics by means that are complementary to lab oratory exp eriments One ex

ample is the limit to the numb er of massless neutrino sp ecies present during

nucleosynthesis Here observations are able to give the constraint


whereas the numb er of light neutrinos measured at LEP from the decay of Z



There are numerous other such constraints coming from nucleosynthesis and

some of them will b e discussed in more detail in Chapters A classic exam

ple is the p ossibility for a heavy neutrino where the mass constraints from

nucleosynthesis can b e used to complement the accelerator limits This is very

imp ortant to exp erimentalists trying to measure directly the mass and lifetime

of the neutrino b ecause the nucleosynthesis constraints can b e used to exclude

large masslifetime intervals thus making direct searches easier

Recently there has b een added a twist to this standard picture of primordial

nucleosynthesis As the observations have gradually improved over the years

there has b een growing evidence that something may not b e quite right after

all The trouble is that it app ears that the amount of helium predicted by BBN

calculations is somewhat larger than what is observed This has led some to

the conclusion that standard BBN is wrong and that some new element must

b e added However there still seems to b e quite large systematic uncertainties

in the helium observations so that it may after all turn out that the discrepancy

is due to some observational feature rather than new physics Still it may also

turn out that there is indeed such a nucleosynthesis crisis Therefore it is of

considerable interest to explore ways of changing the primordial abundances

relative to the standard value One such p ossibility is the decay of a heavy

tau neutrino during nucleosynthesis a p ossibility discussed in more detail in


Thesis Outline

The remainder of the thesis is structured in the following way Chapter con

tains a review of the dynamics of an expanding Universe as well as a discussion

of the Boltzmann equation that describ es particle interactions b etween dierent

sp ecies Chapter deals with the concepts of Big Bang nucleosynthesis theory

Furthermore it contains a discussion of the observational asp ects In Chapter

we review the denition of Dirac and Ma jorana neutrinos and discuss the dif

ferent p ossible interactions of neutrinos from the standard weak interactions to

Chapter Intro duction

neutrino decays Armed with the basic physical concepts intro duced in Chap

ter we pro ceed in Chapters to apply the formalism to actual problems

Chapter is ab out neutrino freezeout in the standard mo del Chapter deals

with massive but stable neutrinos in connection with primordial nucleosynthe

sis By use of nucleosynthesis arguments the tau neutrino mass is constrained

to b e b elow roughly MeV if it is stable during nucleosynthesis In Chapter

we go one step further to deal with p ossible neutrino decays during Big Bang

nucleosynthesis It is shown that such decays can lead to signicant changes in

the primordial abundances Chapter deals with a somewhat dierent asp ect

of neutrino physics in the early Universe namely that of neutrino lasing This

eect comes from the outofequilibrium decay of neutrinos to a nal state that

contains b osons Due to the stimulated emission factors in the phasespace in

tegrals for b osons such decays can pro duce large amounts of very cold b osons

resembling a condensate Chapters and contain a thesis conclusion and an

outlo ok to p ossible future research resp ectively Finally there are three app en

dices the rst two containing mathematical detail and the third containing an

english resume of the thesis work

Chapter II

Particle Dynamics in the Expanding Universe

Global Evolution Equations

Our present understanding of the evolution of our Universe is based on what is

called the Standard Hot Big Bang mo del There are two essential assumptions

that go into this mo del namely that

Einsteins theory of general relativity is correct

The Universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scales R Mp c

This is usually referred to as the cosmological principle

The most general structure of the line element ds then has the well known

Rob ertsonWalker shap e


dt r d r sin d ds R t

k r

where R is a quantity with dimension l R is usually referred to as the scale

factor and it is a measure of the expansion of the Universe The quantity k

measures the sign of gaussian curvature of the Universe so that it can take the

values k The global evolution of a homogeneous and isotropic Universe

is therefore describ ed in terms of R and k alone

Using the two ab ove assumptions the Einstein equation


reduces to two scalar equations in R and k the comp onent giving the

Friedmann equation

k G R


Chapter Particle Dynamics in the Expanding Universe

and the i i comp onent giving the equation

k R R



The two equations Eqs and assume a p erfect uid form of the

stressenergy tensor

T U U P g U U

where and P are the cosmic energy density and the pressure resp ectively

The second of the two ab ove equations Eq involves the second deriva

tive of the scale factor R It would b e of interest to nd instead an equation

involving only the rst derivative There are basically two ways to establish the

relation b etween time temp erature and scale factor in the early Universe during

the ep o ch of nucleosynthesis using only rst order equations The simplest way

to do it is via entropy conservation

As long as there is thermo dynamic equilibrium or all distribution functions

are describ ed by equilibrium distributions as in the case of totally decoupled

massless neutrinos entropy is conserved

This means that


dS d


where and P are the total energy density and pressure contributions from all

particle sp ecies present This conservation equation can b e used to calculate

the relation b etween the scale factor and the photon temp erature

In the following we shall assume that the neutrinos are completely decou

pled from the electromagnetic plasma long b efore the electrons and p ositrons

annihilate This only intro duces a small error in the nal results An error that

can b e quantied by use of the more correct equation of energy conservation

that is describ ed b elow

We can then rewrite the entropy conservation equation in the following way

Without loss of generality we can put R t where t is the starting p oint

of the calculation By using T R we then get


e e

C onstant T T t R R


where the constant can b e determined at the initial time Thus we now have

the scale factor as a function of photon temp erature but in order to calculate

it as a function of time we parametrise it as R t f tt where f t is the

deviation from the standard expansion of a radiation dominated Universe We


Eq can b e used to calculate the nal temp erature of completely decoupled neutrinos


The result is T T If Boltzmann statistics is used for all particle sp ecies Eq


2 2


4 4

3 3 3 3

e e

reads R T T t R C onstant and the result is T T


T 3 15 3 15


Global Evolution Equations

make the following go o d approximation f df dt t and the Friedmann

equation Eq then takes the form

G dR


dt R

This means that we can calculate tT and thus R t We have now established

a relationship b etween time temp erature and scale factor

However although the approximations made are very go o d for massless neu

trinos this is not necessarily the case for massive neutrinos In this case there

can b e signicant deviations from the ab ove equations

A pro cedure that do es not involve any approximations on this level is to use

energy conservation From the conservation of stressenergy


one nds the following equation if one assumes a p erfect uid form of the stress

energy tensor

d d

R p R

dt dt

where again and P are the total energy density and pressure contributions of

all particles This equation is an expanding Universe equivalent of the st law

of thermo dynamics

However we are not necessarily dealing with a p erfect uid Only if all

particle distributions are describ ed by equilibrium distribution functions or all

particle sp ecies are either massless or completely nonrelativistic not a mix of

relativistic and nonrelativistic particles will the uid b e p erfect Since we are

considering the p ossibility of nonequilibrium pro cesses with semirelativistic

particles there is no reason to assume that the p erfect uid approximation

should b e valid

Phenomena such as heat conduction shear viscosity and bulk viscosity may

o ccur in such a scenario However Weinb erg has shown that in a homoge

neous and isotropic Universe only the bulk viscosity can b e nonzero

Now in all that follows we shall assume that all particle sp ecies are describ

able by single particle distribution functions This approach of course assumes

that the particles do not interact apart from instantaneous collisions so that a

single particle distribution function makes sense at all However we shall always

use this approach in the present work For massless neutrinos it is denitely

justied but for massive neutrinos that can oscillate this is not necessarily the

case Furthermore we shall assume that all phase space distributions are

homogeneous in co ordinate space and isotropic in phase space

f x p t f p t

To see the eect of bulk viscosity we pro ceed in the following way We write

the distribution functions as

f f

i i i

Chapter Particle Dynamics in the Expanding Universe

f is an equilibrium distribution of the normal form









and parametrises the deviation from equilibrium There is however an


ambiguity in the denition of f as there are two unknown parameters and

i i

T These are usually xed by letting



f d p f E d p

i i i i

so that and n n The pressure is not determined by these

i i i i

conditions We still have


d p p

f P

i i i


Now if the s are not to o large as would b e exp ected unless some very extreme


pro cesses were o ccuring the deviation from a p erfect uid can b e describ ed by

rst order term in the stressenergy tensor T

T g U U U

where is called the co ecient of bulk viscosity The total stressenergy tensor

must then assume the form


T U U P g U U



g U U U U P


On the other hand the spatial comp onents of the stressenergy tensor are



d p d p p p


P T f f

i i i i


i i


Since we are in a comoving co ordinate system U and U This gives



d p R p


T P P f

i i






p R d p


i i





When dealing with general relativistic tensors Greek letter denominate all four spacetime

comp onents whereas Roman letters only denominate the three spatial comp onents

Global Evolution Equations

The energy conservation equation with bulk viscosity is then

R d


dt R





Altogether then the energy conservation equation is unchanged if we just use

the total pressure dened as



d p p

P f




As noted by Fields et al bulk viscosity can b e a p otentially serious prob

lem if one uses the standard way of solving the Boltzmann equation namely

by assuming complete kinetic equilibrium at all times that is working only

with distributions of the f form Using our metho d bulk viscosity is not a


problem b ecause we use the true distribution functions f directly without any


assumptions Thus when we calculate the pressure P the bulk viscosity is au

tomatically taken into account We can then still use the conservation equation

in our nonequilibrium case

We now intro duce the quantity r lnR in which case the conservation

equation can b e rewritten as




dT P

In addition to this we again use the Friedmann equation


G dR



or in terms of r





Combining the two equations we get

dT dr dt

dt dr dT

We thus have the two fundamental equations and describing

the time evolution of temp erature and scale factor without any approximations

One should p erhaps also note here that the problem of bulk viscosity do es

not app ear in the Friedmann equation since it only involves the energy density

and not the pressure


Note that we have actually made an approximation by assuming that a rst order bulk

viscosity term is sucient If the distributions deviate largely from kinetic shap es a rst

order term might not b e adequate Of course there is also still the approximation of a single

particle distribution function which may not b e adequate either

Chapter Particle Dynamics in the Expanding Universe

The Boltzmann Equation

The formalism describ ed ab ove describ es fully the global expansion of the Uni

verse assuming knowledge of and P as functions of time For a completely

noninteracting plasma these quantities are easy to calculate but since the early

Universe consists of a plasma of dierent interacting sp ecies the situation is not

so simple We need a transp ort equation that describ es the coupling of dier

ent particle sp ecies so as to calculate their relative abundances etc Such an

equation together with the evolution equations ab ove is enough to at least in

principle describ e the whole evolution of the Universe The equation needed

for this purp ose is the Boltzmann transp ort equation

Lf C f C f

coll dec

for the evolution of the single particle distribution function f of a particle

sp ecies In a homogeneous and isotropic Universe the Boltzmann equation as

sumes a fairly simple form the left hand side of the ab ove equation is the

Liouville op erator in an expanding Universe

dR f f

p Lf

t dt R p

The right hand side of Eq involves the sp ecic physics of the decay

pro cess as well as p ossible other collision pro cesses such as elastic scattering and

annihilation This set of equations together with the two equations Eqs

and in principle allows us to follow the evolution of all particle sp ecies

as well as the global expansion of the Universe However these equations are

usually tremendously dicult to solve except for a few sp ecial cases For that

reason one usually resorts to approximations for the Boltzmann equation If we

lo ok at suciently early times where the electromagnetic interaction timescale

is very short compared to the expansion timescale of the Universe T eV we

can always consider electromagnetically interacting particles such as photons

and e as b eing in p erfect thermo dynamic equilibrium

For particles that do not interact strongly but are not completely decoupled

either such as neutrinos the situation is much more complicated If we restrict

ourselves to lo ok only on particle reactions that is reactions like pair anni

a b b or elastic scattering a b a b the rst term on the hilation a

right hand side C can b e written as a dimensional phasespace integral



C f d p d p d p f f f f



p p p p S j M j

where f f f f f f f f f f f f is the

phase space factor including Pauli blo cking of the nal states and d p

d p E S is a symmetrisation factor of for each pair of iden

tical particles in initial or nal states and j M j is the

The Boltzmann Equation

matrix element squared and appropriately spin summed and averaged p is


the fourmomentum of particle i The standard way of simplifying the Boltz

mann equation for this case is to assume that elastic scattering reactions are

always much more imp ortant than numb er changing reactions If this is the

case one may assume that the given sp ecies is in kinetic equilibrium and that

its distribution functions is of equilibrium shap e with an added pseudo chemi

cal p otential This allows us to lo ok only on the numb er changing reactions

since the elastic scattering integrals all b ecome zero for distributions in kinetic

equilibrium kinetic equilibrium is sometimes also referred to as scattering equi

librium If one furthermore assumes Boltzmann statistics for all the particle

sp ecies present

E T z

f p e

where z is the pseudo chemical p otential it is p ossible to arrive at a relatively

simple set of evolution equations one for each sp ecies present by integrating

the Boltzmann equation


h v i n n n H n

ij i i

ieq i


where n is the thermo dynamic equilibrium numb er density and the sum is


over all annihilation channels h jv ji is the thermally averaged cross section for

the numb er changing reactions






ss m K s ds h jv ji



m TK mT T



where it has b een assumed that all annihilation pro ducts are massless The K s


are mo died Bessel functions of the second kind and s is dened in the standard

way as s p p with p b eing the fourmomentum of particle i


A step up from this approach is to relax the assumption of Boltzmann statis

tics which was rst done by Kainulainen and Dolgov and subsequently de

velop ed further by Fields Kainulainen and Olive In this case the particle

distributions are of the form

f p

E T z


This step is done at the exp ense of not b eing able to write the right hand side

of the Boltzmann equation in a simple form However since errors induced by

using Boltzmann statistics instead of FermiDirac or BoseEinstein are typically

of order it may b e necessary to use the full statistics The Boltzmann

equation then takes the form


n H n C

i i ij

In this case the left hand side is



n H n H J x z x J x z

i i i i i i


Chapter Particle Dynamics in the Expanding Universe

dz T

i i

J x z T J x z

i i i i

T dT


where x m T and

i i



2 2

x y z




J x z dy y x y


2 2

x y z


The right hand side is expressed as an integral of the same typ e as Eq but

integrated over momentum space for the incoming particle This integral

must then b e evaluated numerically Even for this more complicated equation

the evolution of particle sp ecies is relatively easy to follow numerically b ecause

one only needs to follow the functions z T which are functions of temp erature



However most of the present work deals with p ossible deviations from these

simple equations Eq and Eq If the distribution functions deviate

signicantly from kinetic equilibrium one is forced to use the full Boltzmann

equation which is numerically rather complicated b ecause one needs to use a

grid in momentum space and solve for the distribution function on this grid

meaning that eectively one has to solve a huge numb er of coupled dierential

equations App endix B is devoted to describing the analytical integration of the

collision terms for the case of neutrinos interacting through the weak interaction

We now return to the original Boltzmann equation and lo ok at the second

term on the right hand side C In general this term will have the same form


as the collision term Eq namely a large phase space integral of the

involved matrix element However we shall only need to lo ok at the case where

the decay is to a two particle nal state a b c We also restrict ourselves to

lo ok only at decays isotropic in the rest frame of the parent particle In this case

the collision term can b e simplied tremendously b ecause the decay strength is

fully describ ed by the rest frame decay lifetime The decay sp ectrum is then

determined by kinematics alone To b e sp ecic we lo ok at the decay


where H and F are b oth fermions and is a scalar particle The decay terms in

the Boltzmann equation have b een calculated by Starkman Kaiser and Malaney

to b e






C f dE f f f

dec H H F

m E p







m g



dE f f f C f

H H F dec F

g m E p








g m



C f dE f f f

dec H H F

g m E p


The Boltzmann Equation

where f f f f f f f f f and m m



m m m m m is the lifetime of the heavy neutrino and g


is the statistical weight of a given particle The integration limits are

m m


E m m E E

i i i




E m

i i



E m m p E E

H i H H




where the index i F

The formalism presented in this chapter gives us all the equations needed to

follow the evolution of neutrinos in the early Universe that will b e discussed in


Chapter Particle Dynamics in the Expanding Universe

Chapter III

Basic Big Bang Nucleosynthesis


At high temp eratures the baryon content of the Universe is in the form of a

free quarkgluon plasma However at a temp erature of MeV this plasma

undergo es a phase transition to a gas of b ound quark systems At rst this

plasma consists almost solely of pions but as the temp erature drops the pions

disapp ear and the gas then only consists of neutrons and protons that are left

over b ecause of the baryon asymmetry of our Universe These protons and

neutrons are kept in thermo dynamic equilibrium by the reactions

n p e


n p e


n e p


n e p


During this era the ratio of protons to neutrons is determined by the Boltzmann



expm m T

n p


alone Now since the rate for these interactions is roughly



and the expansion timescale of the Universe is





which is prop ortional to T in a radiation dominated Universe one arrives at

the relation



Chapter Basic Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

so that at a temp erature of roughly MeV the average time for n p conversion

will b e longer than the expansion time of the Universe At this p oint the con

versions can no longer maintain equilibrium and the neutron to proton fraction

freezes out From this p oint on the ratio of neutrons to protons remains con

stant except for the change due to free neutron decays However shortly after

this freezeout o ccurs all free neutrons are b ound in nuclei thereby preventing

further neutron decay

Because of the high entropy of the Universe free nucleons are preferred down

to very low temp eratures only at T MeV do es deuterium pro duction

commence This deuterium is quickly pro cessed into He but at higher A very

little happ ens The reason for this is easy to understand Because formation

of nuclei is suppressed down to very low temp eratures the numb er density is

very low so that triple reactions are unlikely Furthermore the Coulomb barrier

against nuclear reactions is typically very high compared with typical thermal

energies and there exist no stable A and A nuclei Small amounts of Li

Be and B are pro duced but b eyond this essentially nothing In Fig we show

the primary reaction network for primordial nucleosynthesis and in Fig we

show the buildup of light nuclei as the temp erature drops

The nal abundances stemming from BBN dep end sensitively on the baryon

tophoton ratio

n n




Therefore BBN in principle allows us to determine if the primordial abun

dances can somehow b e determined Furthermore the outcome esp ecially the

abundance of He dep ends on the numb er of particle sp ecies present during

nucleosynthesis The reason can b e seen from the Friedmann equation



If the numb er of particle sp ecies is increased during nucleosynthesis this in

creases and thereby H for given temp erature This again means that H

is decreased so that the weak interactions decouple earlier than usual Thus

increasing during nucleosynthesis has the eect of leaving more neutrons to

survive than normally meaning that in the end more helium is formed There

fore one can use Big Bang nucleosynthesis to put limits on novel physics by

limiting the numb er of particle sp ecies that can b e present during nucleosyn

thesis In Fig we show the primordial abundances after nucleosynthesis

b oth as functions of the baryontophoton ratio and of the equivalent numb er of

neutrinos N This quantity is just a measure of the energy density present


in neutrinos and all other nonelectromagnetic interacting particles during nu

cleosynthesis and is dened as







7 Be

7 Li

3 4 He He

3 p D H


Figure The most imp ortant reactions for primordial nucleosynthesis

where indicates a standard massless neutrino sp ecies X indicates novel

particles from physics b eyond the standard mo del that may b e present during

nucleosynthesis such as ma jorons axions etc

Finally it should also b e mentioned that nucleosynthesis is very sensitive

to the electron neutrino distribution b ecause this enters directly into the

conversion rates through the pro cess rate integrals of typ e


f E jM j E f

e e n pe

e e e

n pe


d p d p p p d p p p

e n p e n

e e

where d p d p E Thus one can also put strong limits on physical

i i i

pro cesses that change the electron neutrino distribution such as massive or

unstable neutrinos This is a p oint we shall return to in more detail later

Chapter Basic Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Figure The mass fraction of He as well as the numb er densities of dierent

light nuclei relative to H as a function of cosmic temp erature


A very imp ortant but also very dicult part of this game is the determination

of primordial abundances from observations in the present day Universe The

observations are made dicult by the fact that often the abundances of the

relevant elements such as lithium are extremely small However even more

dicult is the interpretation of the results The trouble is that the present day

Universe has evolved since the Big Bang Most of the material in the present day

Universe has b een pro cessed through stars and sup ernovae changing its chem

ical comp osition We will try to give a very brief resume of the observational

status of the most imp ortant Big Bang nucleosynthesis elements

The observation of He is relatively easy in the sense that the abundance of

He is large in all astrophysical systems However since the primordial helium

abundance is only weakly logarithmically dep endent on it is also necessary to

pin down the primordial fraction to very high precision if one wants to measure

the baryontophoton ratio Since He is extremely stable it is very dicult to

destroy and one can assume that it is only pro duced not destroyed We also

know that no elements with A are pro duced in the Big Bang Therefore


Figure Relic abundances of dierent nuclei as a function of the baryonto

photon ratio n n for dierent values of N The full lines

B eq

indicate the standard value N the dotted ones indicate N and the


dashed ones N


Chapter Basic Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Figure Observed abundance of He in a numb er of extragalactic HI I regions

as a function of metallicity The gure has b een repro duced from Ref

if one nds a system with very low abundance of these heavy elements relative

to the solar values it should indicate that very little pro cessing has taken place

and one may hop e that the measured helium abundance in these systems reects

the primordial abundance closely These observations are typically done in large

extragalactic HI I regions In Fig we show a typical example of such a set

of observations The diculties in pinning down the helium mass fraction

Y m HemH


from observations should b e obvious lo oking at the gure At present there are

two pap ers that reect the most up to date observational constraints Unfortu

nately these two pap ers do not agree with each other on the value found First

there are the results of Olive and Steigman who analyse existing data from

extragalactic HI I regions Doing this they nd a primordial helium value of



where the rst uncertainty is of purely statistical nature and the second is an

estimated systematical uncertainty The results of Izotov et al predict a

much higher value for the primordial helium abundance



In Fig we show the results of Izotov et al corresp onding to those shown in



Figure The results of Izotov et al for the abundance of helium The

gure has b een repro duced from Ref

There are two problems in b oth these results First of all the usual way of

getting the primordial value for helium is to do a linear t to the observational

data and interpret the yaxis crossing p oint as the primordial abundance This

assumes that a linear t makes sense at all which is by no means obvious The

other problem is the lack of very metal p o or HI I regions Ideally one should

nd just one extremely metal p o or ob ject and use the value obtained for helium

in this system as the primordial one This would eliminate the need for a linear

t using more metal rich ob jects but has unfortunately not b een p ossible so

far Thus it is not clear what the primordial abundance of helium actually is

Hop efully the coming years will show an increase in the numb er of metal p o or

ob jects known so that a more precise value can b e found There are several

ongoing pro jects with this goal

For deuterium the observations used to b e done in the solar neighb ourho o d

However since D is very fragile and no known pro cess can pro duce signicant

amounts of deuterium these observations give a lower limit to the primordial

abundance The values that have b een obtained from such observations are



In the last few years it has b ecome p ossible to observe deuterium in quasar

absorption systems at signicant redshift Since these systems have evolved very

little since the Big Bang one can hop e to pin down the primordial deuterium

abundance precisely Unfortunately the results so far are very controversial

Some of the observations indicate a high deuterium fraction in these clouds

Chapter Basic Big Bang Nucleosynthesis



However there are other observations mainly those by Tytler et al that

indicate a relatively low deuterium value


which is more consistent with the lo cal value This low value seems more reli

able since the analysis by Tytler et al has b een extremely careful Nevertheless

only a few systems have so far b een observed and more observations are greatly

needed It also app ears that there are problems in accomo dating a high pri

mordial deuterium value in mo dels of chemical evolution At present it thus

seems very dicult to draw any conclusions ab out the primordial value of D

He has b een used together with D in lo cal observations to put an upp er limit

on the combined abundance of D and He The argument here is that it seems

dicult to destroy D without at the same time pro ducing He However these

results dep end strongly on chemical evolution mo dels and therefore seem not

to o reliable either

For Li the situation is also quite muddy Until the early s it was thought

imp ossible to determine the primordial Li abundance from observations b ecause

Li is b oth pro duced and destroyed in astrophysical environments However in

results app eared by Spite and Spite indicating that in a certain group

of very old metal p o or halo stars the Li abundance is constant and do es not

dep end on metallicity This abundance is then interpreted as the primordial

abundance sub ject to rather small evolution eects compared with normal main

sequence stars The most recent published determination of the Li abundance

gives a value of

LiH stat syst

but the systematical uncertainties are of course dicult to estimate since they

involve chemical evolution The trouble is that there may still have b een sig

nicant depletion even in the plateau stars so that the value observed there is

smaller than the primordial value by some unknown factor It therefore seems

premature to use Li measurements to say anything ab out the value of In

Fig we show a typical measurement of the Li abundance in a group of old

halo stars At high masses almost all Li remains whereas at lower masses the

convection zone extends deep enough to disso ciate Li

In conclusion there is only one element namely He whose primordial abun

dance is known to any real precision However the trouble is that even here

there is controversy as to the primordial abundance so that a precision deter

mination of from the observational value of Y is not p ossible However the

abundance is still known suciently well that one may put rather stringent

limits on new physics At present one may fairly certainly conclude that




Figure The abundance of Li in old halo stars shown as a function of

surface temp erature The Spite plateau is clearly seen to the left at high surface

temp eratures The gure has b een repro duced from Ref

so that only the equivalent of one extra neutrino sp ecies may b e present during

BBN This b ound allows for a fairly large uncertainty in the observational pa

rameters However the value of N favoured is much lower than this even


somewhat b elow The reason for the low value is that the primordial he

lium fraction observed is to o low compared to the theoretical predictions This

may p oint to a coming crisis for standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis so that

new physics like decaying neutrinos must b e invoked to bring consistency At

this p oint however it is probably to o early to say that there is any real crisis

for the standard mo del of primordial nucleosynthesis Finally if the primordial

value of deuterium is ever determined to within a few tens of p ercent this will

pin down the value of very accurately b ecause the predicted D abundance

is a very steeply varying function of Until then it is very likely that not

much progress will b e made in determining the baryontophoton ratio using

Big Bang nucleosynthesis Nevertheless as previously mentioned there now

seems to b e some real hop e that it will actually b e p ossible to measure the

primordial deuterium abundance within the foreseeable future

Note that in Chapters nucleosynthesis limits will b e used several times

to constrain mo dels of neutrinos However for historical reasons the limits

used in the dierent chapters do not necessarily coincide but rather reect the

Chapter Basic Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

observational status at the time where the sp ecic pap er was written None

of the conclusions change in any signicant way by using the most up to date

observational values

Chapter IV

Dirac and Majorana Neutrino Interactions

Neutrinos are an integral part of the standard mo del of particle physics They

are spin leptons without electromagnetic charge As far as we know they

are also massless although there is no fundamental reason why this should b e so

In fact there are a numb er of indications that neutrinos have nonzero masses

These all come from the fact that if neutrinos are massive the dierent avour

states can mix b ecause these avour states do not necessarily corresp ond to

mass eigenstates

The rst piece of evidence is from the solar neutrinos Neutrinos emitted

from the Sun through the pp reaction can b e observed on earth using dierent

techniques A common feature of all these exp eriments is that fewer neutrinos

than exp ected from standard solar mo del calculations are seen It also app ears

that there is no astrophysical solution to this problem in the sense that no

solar mo dels have b een able to solve this discrepancy in a satisfactory way The

trouble is that the neutrino emission is very sensitive to the central temp erature

of the Sun but if that is changed in order to explain the neutrino ux other

visible eects will o ccur The explanation that seems most likely is that the

electron neutrinos emitted from the Sun mix with muon neutrinos which are

not observed on earth so that this app ears as an apparent decit in the numb er

of neutrinos emitted

The second place where evidence for neutrino mass is thought to b e seen

is the atmospheric neutrinos These are pro duced by cosmic rays that

interact with nuclei in the atmosphere to pro duce and the corresp onding


antineutrinos Water Cerenkov detectors like Sup erKamiokande see a strong

decit in the numb er of the observed ratio compared with the exp ected


ux and this can again b e taken as evidence for neutrino oscillations The last

indication is from the accelerator exp eriment at the LSND facility In this

case evidence for neutrino oscillations is claimed from a b eam

There has b een a large numb er of terrestrial exp eriments lo oking for neutrino

masses For the endp oint of the tritium decay sp ectrum is used to lo ok for


a nonzero mass b oth b ecause the decay is very simple and the Q value is very

low Q keV A small neutrino mass should show up as a decit

Chapter Dirac and Ma jorana Neutrino Interactions

in the electron sp ectrum near the endp oint energy However it turns out that

there is apparently a small surplus of electrons in this region corresp onding to

a negative neutrino mass squared This mystery has b een tried resolved for

example by invoking interactions with cosmic background neutrinos but this

eect should b e to o small by many orders of magnitude to explain the observed

eect So far no go o d explanation has b een pro duced

For the pion decay has b een used to constrain the mass

This is done by measuring the decay energy sp ectrum of the decay pro duct


To measure the mass decay of leptons is used The sp ecic decay is

and the measured quantities are the invariant mass as well as the

energy of the hadronic decay pro ducts Altogether the present upp er mass

limits are

eV m


keV m

MeV m

Denition and Prop erties of Neutrino Fields

Only two physical neutrino states are known the left handed neutrino and

the right handed anti neutrino The other fermions are known to b e Dirac

particles having b oth left and right handed particles and antiparticles but

p ossibly neutrinos are describable in a theory containing only two comp onents

We distinguish b etween these two fundamental ways of building the theory of

neutrinos the four comp onent Dirac neutrino and the two comp onent Ma jorana

neutrino Let us start out from the denition of the neutrino elds The Dirac

eld is dened in the same way as for the other fermions


h i


d p


ipx ipx

f u e f v e

s s s D




where u and v are the plane wave solutions to the Dirac equation for p ositive

and negative energy resp ectively

p mu p


p mv p



f is the particle annihilation op erator and f is the creation op erator for an




f pjp si ji



f pji jp si



This section b orrows heavily from Ref

Denition and Prop erties of Neutrino Fields

We use the standard normalisation of the Dirac spinors


0 0

p E u pu

ss s



0 0

p E v pv

ss s




p v pu



The Ma jorana eld on the other hand is dened using only two comp onents



d p

ipx y ipx

f u e f v e

D s s s




where is a phase called the creation phase factor It can b e chosen at will but

it is not always advantageous to cho ose it as For this reason it is usually

kept as a free parameter to dene The obvious dierence b etween Dirac and

Ma jorana elds is that the Ma jorana eld is dened by only two comp onents

Essentially this must also mean that a Ma jorana particle is its own antiparticle

To show this we need a few denitions We start with a spinor eld x

Under a Lorentz tranformation

x x x

the spinor eld transforms as


x x exp



To dene a conjugate eld that transforms in this way it is not enough to use

The reason is that do es not transform in the same way as under

Lorentz transformations instead it ob eys the transformation law



x exp

which is not the same as Eq We dene the conjugate eld as


where by we mean the column vector









Chapter Dirac and Ma jorana Neutrino Interactions

C is some op erator which will in a moment b e identied with the charge

conjugation op erator For consistency C must ob ey the condition


So far we have not discussed things in a sp ecic representation basis but we

now shift to the Dirac representation in which






where are the Pauli matrices In this basis we can cho ose C i so that


it ob eys the condition Eq Under the op eration of charge conjugation

any fermion eld transforms as



where is a phase factor Let us now check the eect of using our op erator


C on the Dirac eld to see that we can indeed make the identication C C

We do this by assuming C C and from there show that this identication

makes sense The right hand side of Eq gives

C i


and if we use the plane wave expansion



d p

ipx y ipx

f C u e f v e

s s

C C s s




u v

v u

On the other hand the left hand side gives


h i


d p


ipx D ipx

C f C u e C C C f C v e

s s s




Putting the two equations together we obtain the following relations for the

creation and annihilation op erators

C f C f


C s



f C C f


s s

The eect of C on a state jp si is then

C jp si jp si C

Neutrino Weak Interactions

Altogether then this means that the eect of C is to change a physical state

into a corresp onding state for the antiparticle justifying our identication of

the op erator C with the charge conjugation op erator C

Finally we are now ready to apply the same pro cedure to the Ma jorana

eld Here one nds that




where we have used our plane wave denition of the Ma jorana eld Eq

The Ma jorana eld is thus apart from a phase factor invariant under charge

conjugation In exactly the same way as for the Dirac eld one may show that

the following relations hold for the creation and annihilation op erators

C f C f

s C s

y y

C f C f


s s

If we now apply this to a free Ma jorana state we get

C jp si jp si


so we see that a free Ma jorana state is an eigenstate of charge conjugation

Similar relations apply for CP and CPT sp ecically for CPT one nds the



CPT jp si jp si


where is again a phase This indeed means that the left and right handed


states are particle and anti particle in the usual sense since application of the

CPT op erator on a left handed Ma jorana state turns it into a right handed

state with the same momentum

Neutrino Weak Interactions

Let us now lo ok at the interactions of neutrinos to see the dierence b etween

Dirac and Ma jorana neutrinos At suciently low energies neutrinos interact

via a currentcurrent interaction b ecause of the large masses of the gauge b osons

W Z so that the weak hamiltonian density to lowest order in the coupling

constant has the form




j xj x H


This interaction is describ ed by the standard V A theory In the present work

we are only interested in purely leptonic interactions meaning that the terms

we are interested in are the leptonic charged current



j x x


i e

Chapter Dirac and Ma jorana Neutrino Interactions

the charged fermion neutral current



j x g g x

V A i



and the neutrino neutral current



x x j




g and g are the charged fermion vector and axial vector neutral current cou


plings resp ectively They are given in terms of the Weinb erg angle sin



C sin




The S matrix is then given by


S i d xH


and from this all matrix elements are calculable

There is no a priori reason why Dirac and Ma jorana neutrinos should b ehave

the same under these interactions However b ecause of the left handedness of

the weak interactions it turns out that interactions that are dierent for Dirac

and Ma jorana neutrinos always scale as some p ower of neutrino mass This

means that for massless neutrinos Dirac and Ma jorana neutrinos are indistin

guishable However if neutrinos are massive Dirac and Ma jorana neutrinos

b ehave dierently For example there is no conserved lepton numb er if neutri

nos are Ma jorana particles b ecause neutrinos can ip their spin direction and

thereby violate lepton numb er by two units If we lo ok at Ma jorana neutri

nos it is straightforward to show that they p ossess no neutral current vector

interactions This is true b ecause of the relation



which holds for any fermion eld However since the ma jorana eld is invariant

under C up to a phase this implies that




Furthermore there is the dierence that the Ma jorana eld can b oth create


and destroy neutrino states as opp osed to the Dirac eld that only contains

the annihilation op erator for neutrinos

One should p erhaps think that this dierence leads to observable eects even

for massless neutrinos However for massless neutrinos there is no detectable

Neutrino Weak Interactions

dierence b etween Ma jorana and Dirac neutrinos Neutrinos are either created

in pairs via neutral current reactions or as a single neutrino or antineutrino via

charged current reactions In the case of neutral current reactions the neutrino

pair is not b orn with denite helicity This has nothing to do with lack of vector

current interactions but is rather an eect of wave packet sup erp osition and

is indep endent of whether neutrinos are of Dirac or Ma jorana typ e We now

lo ok at the detection of neutrinos created via neutral current reactions Since

the charged current is still left handed even for Ma jorana neutrinos if these

neutrinos are detected via charged current reactions only the left handed com

p onent will interact and one therefore detects either particles or antiparticles

but not b oth The left handedness of the charged current thus reintro duces

the vector current for Ma jorana neutrinos making them b ehave as Dirac parti

cles This means that there is absolutely no detectable dierence b etween Dirac

and Ma jorana neutrinos in this case If they are detected via neutral current

reactions there is no way to measure their helicity anyway and again there is

no detectable dierence Next we lo ok at neutrinos created via charged current

reactions These are b orn with denite helicity and even if detected by neu

tral current reactions still b ehave as if they do p ossess vector neutral current

interactions b ecause of the denite helicity of their initial state

Also of course the two sup eruous states for Dirac neutrinos the right

handed neutrino and the left handed anti neutrino are completely sterile if

neutrinos are massless b ecause of the factor in the weak current Thus

they are not relevant for the massless standard mo del neutrinos

This discussion ab out the p ossible dierences b etween Dirac and Ma jorana

neutrinos have given rise to some discussion recently It was claimed that

the measurement of the e vector neutral current coupling constant by the

CHARM II collab oration giving



excludes the neutrino as b eing a Ma jorana particle In light of the discussion

ab ove this cannot b e the case of course since the muon neutrinos observed by

CHARM II are pro duced by the charged current decays of charged kaons and

pions and therefore they are b orn with denite helicity Therefore they

are observed as having vector current interactions even if they are Ma jorana


For massive neutrinos the situation is much more complex Here all the

four states for Dirac neutrinos are active so that Ma jorana and Dirac neutrinos

b ehave dierently Also their weak interaction cross sections are dierent In

the early Universe it is therefore imp ortant to distinguish b etween Dirac and

Ma jorana neutrinos if their mass suciently large For Dirac neutrinos if the

mass is b elow roughly MeV the two sterile states decouple prior to the

QCD phase transition so that their numb er density is diluted by a large factor

b ecause of the entropy release from the phase transition In this case they do not

contribute to the cosmic energy density during nucleosynthesis Also the mass

is then suciently low that the Dirac and Ma jorana annihilation cross sections

Chapter Dirac and Ma jorana Neutrino Interactions

are practically identical until long after they have decoupled Therefore at

these low masses the two typ es are again indistinguishable For higher masses

one needs to do a full calculation for all four states of Dirac neutrinos and

one can exp ect that Dirac and Ma jorana neutrinos have a completely dierent

impact on nucleosynthesis In Fig we show the relic numb er density of

massive neutrinos during nucleosynthesis times neutrino mass This is a go o d

measure of the energy density contributed during BBN by a massive neutrino

either Ma jorana or Dirac It is seen that the Dirac neutrino in most of the

mass region contributes much more than the corresp onding Ma jorana neutrino

b ecause it has four interacting states For large masses however the Ma jorana

annihilation cross section is smaller than the Dirac one so that the Ma jorana

neutrinos actually contribute more to the cosmic energy density The cross

section for annihilation into massless nal states is for nonrelativistic neutrinos

given by


G m


C C h jv ji


V i Ai



G m


h jv ji C C

Ma jorana

V i Ai


where is the relative velo city of the incoming particles This shows the strong

dierence b etween Dirac and Ma jorana neutrinos in the nonrelativistic limit

The cross section is velo city dep endent for Ma jorana neutrinos whereas it is not

for Dirac neutrinos As the neutrino kinetic energy b ecomes smaller and smaller

relative to the mass the Dirac cross section is increased relative to the Ma jorana

one and this is the reason why very heavy Ma jorana neutrinos contribute more

than Dirac neutrinos at high mass

In the remainder of this work we shall only b e concerned with Ma jorana

typ e neutrinos The go o d thing ab out these is that one need only consider the

two usual states Furthermore since there is very little lepton asymmetry in the

early Universe Ma jorana neutrinos eectively b ehave as one single unp olarised

particle sp ecies Interaction cross sections and the like are therefore relatively

easy to calculate in this case

Mixed Neutrinos

If neutrinos are massive they may in principle mix The reason is that the

states pro duced by the weak interaction are not necessarily mass eigenstates

In general there exists a unitary transformation b etween the weak interaction

avour eigenstates and the mass eigenstates

j i U j i

f m

where U is a unitary matrix Therefore if neutrinos have mass the freely

propagating neutrinos may oscillate b etween dierent avours This is very

Decaying Neutrinos

Figure The numb er relic numb er density times mass of a massive neutrino

dened in units of the numb er density of a massless neutrino sp ecies r m

nnm m The full line is for Dirac neutrinos and the dotted for Ma jorana

neutrinos The discontinuity at m MeV for Dirac neutrinos indicate that

ab ove this mass all four states are in equilibrium b elow the QCD phase transition

temp erature The gure has b een reprinted from Ref

imp ortant for our understanding for example of the solar neutrino problem

They are of course p otentially very interesting for BBN as well However in

the present work we shall not deal with neutrino oscillations at all We shall

b e lo oking at mixed neutrinos in the context of neutrino decays but neglect the

p ossible oscillations b etween avours This particular area is however denitely

worthy of further study

Decaying Neutrinos

In the standard mo del neutrinos do not have mass and therefore they are ab

solutely stable However once a mass term is intro duced this is no longer so

Also if the mass is larger than roughly eV for any neutrino it must b e

unstable with a lifetime shorter than the Hubble expansion time in order not to

overclose the Universe but there are many p ossible decay mo des for such

Chapter Dirac and Ma jorana Neutrino Interactions

neutrinos For example within the standard mo del the decay e e is

i e

m and that the mixing amplitude p ossible at tree level provided that m



b etween the two neutrino avours is dierent from zero Another p ossibility is

the neutrino radiative decay which is mediated by interactions at lo op

i j

level If there exists a avour violating neutral current there is also the decay

to a three neutrino nal state Further b eyond the standard mo del

i j k k

there are decays like where is some new particle like the ma joron

i j

There is a large numb er of mo dels for physics b eyond the standard mo del

that predict dierent neutrino lifetimes to the dierent decay mo des Our ap

proach will b e to discuss the exp erimental limits to the dierent decay mo des

not so much to go into sp ecic physical mo dels of neutrino decays

We start out with the simplest p ossible decay namely e e This

i e

decay mo de is relatively easy to constrain b ecause the decay pro ducts interact

electromagnetically If we restrict ourselves to the three known neutrino gener

ations only the neutrino mass is not required to b e b elow the threshold for

this decay mo de Within the standard mo del the decay lifetime is given by

m s jU j m m


e MeV

where jU j is the mixing b etween electron and tau neutrino and is a phase


space factor dep endent on the tau neutrino mass

q q q q q


q q ln


Strong limits on this decay come from SNA b ecause of the very intense

tau neutrino pro duction from this source Furthermore a tau neutrino with mass

in the relevant region should decay suciently early that the decay pro ducts do

not overclose the Universe These limits have b een summarised by Raelt

and eectively this decay mo de has b een excluded by existing data In Fig

we show the excluded regions for this decay from b oth SNA cosmological

and other constraints

Next we turn to the radiative decay of heavy neutrinos Unless

i j

the neutrino p ossesses a small electromagnetic charge the radiative decay of

neutrinos pro ceed via lo op graphs Therefore the decay lifetime is exceedingly

long in all viable mo dels that have so far b een constructed From an argument

using the co oling of red giant stars it is p ossible to constrain severely the charge

of neutrinos The reason is that if neutrinos do p ossess charge they couple to

the photon at tree level and therefore plasma excitations can pro duce neutrino

pairs at a much higher rate than in the standard mo del This leads to a very

fast co oling of stars in conict with observations From this argument an

upp er b ound of q e on the neutrino charge can b e derived In

conclusion it do es not seem p ossible to construct mo dels that predict neutrino

radiative decay lifetimes shorter than the lifetime of the Universe

Decaying Neutrinos

Figure Exclusion plot for the decay e e The excluded region


indicated by the arrow to the right is from limits to the galactic p ositron anni

hilation line ux This gure has b een repro duced from Ref

The radiative decay is relatively easy to constrain exp erimentally b ecause

of the emitted photon that interacts electromagnetically In the most general

case the decay rate can b e expressed in terms of an eective electromagnetic

transition moment as


Bounds can b e placed on this transition moment from observations of SNA

These come from the gamma ray observations made by the solar maximum

mission satellite and have b een discussed in great detail by for example Raelt

However the most interesting limits come from cosmological considerations

esp ecially from observations of the cosmic microwave background and the dif

fuse photon background These mainly concern neutrinos with long lifetime

but since it is probably imp ossible to construct viable physical mo dels that pre

dict short neutrino lifetimes to radiative decay this is exactly the region we are

interested in constraining The relevant limits have b een compiled by for exam

ple Kolb and Turner Fig shows the excluded regions repro duced from

Chapter Dirac and Ma jorana Neutrino Interactions

Figure Exclusion plot for radiative decay of neutrinos from cosmological

considerations The excluded regions are within the b oxes This gure has b een

repro duced from Ref

If we discard the cosmologically allowed region for low masses on the the

oretical grounds discussed ab ove and use the MeV upp er limit on allowed

neutrino masses the only allowed region is in the upp er left corner of Fig

Thus the lifetime to radiative decay is constrained to b e larger than s

meaning that this particular decay mo de is completely uninteresting for BBN

However such a neutrino may still b e interesting for other reasons for example

as an explanation of the GunnPeterson eect Observations indicate that

at high redshift a surprisingly small fraction of the hydrogen is in the form of

neutral hydrogen and this is what is usually referred to as the GunnPeterson

eect This lack of neutral hydrogen indicates some ionising source which may

b e an early generation of stars Another explanation could b e a massive neu

trino with mass just large enough to ionise hydrogen decaying on a timescale

of roughly s

As for the decay to a three neutrino nal state this is very dicult to

constrain exp erimentally b ecause the decay pro ducts are invisible However it

of course requires the existence of a avour violating neutral current Such a

Decaying Neutrinos

current would also give rise to pro cesses like e e e which are strongly

constrained exp erimentally The b est constraints on the decay itself come

from BBN considerations the most recent calculation b eing that of Do delson

Gyuk and Turner In general neutrinos with mass in the MeV region are

excluded if their lifetime is to o long For very light neutrinos m MeV BBN

do es not in general exclude this typ e of decay b ecause it only b ecomes imp ortant

after BBN has already taken place

Finally in the present work we shall only deal with neutrino decays of the

typ e Exactly as for the previous decay mo de to three neutrinos

i j

this decay mo de is of course not easy to constrain since the decay pro ducts are

invisible For the class of mo dels called ma joron mo dels the ab ove coupling to

also leads to pro cesses like neutrinoless double b eta decay and from this some

constraints can b e put on the p ossible decay strength However these are very

weak and at the moment the b est constraints come from the BBN considerations

discussed in more detail in Chapters and

Chapter Dirac and Ma jorana Neutrino Interactions

Chapter V

Neutrino decoupling in the Standard Mo del

Essentially all of this chapter has app eared as the pap er Neutrino Decoupling

in the Early Universe Phys Rev D

Nonequilibrium thermo dynamics is fundamental to the understanding of the

early Universe There are many examples of this the quarkhadron phase tran

sition the electroweak phase transition ination etc Another example is the

decoupling of neutrinos from the electromagnetic plasma at a temp erature of

a few MeV The normal assumption is that neutrinos decouple completely

b efore the temp erature approaches the mass of the electron When the temp er

ature gets b elow the electron rest mass the electrons and p ositrons annihilate

and pump energy and entropy into other particles But since the neutrinos are

decoupled they do not share in this transfer Their nal distribution is there

fore still describ ed by an equilibrium distribution but with a lower temp erature

than the photon temp erature T T

However this is not the complete story The fact that the decoupling tem

p erature is of the same order as the electron mass means that neutrinos must

to some degree share the entropy transfer This phenomenon is known as neu

trino heating Because it has consequences for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis it has

b een investigated many times in the literature All of these investiga

tions have found that the change in neutrino energy density is of the order

relative to the standard case where total decoupling is assumed This is to o

small a change to have any noticeable eect on nucleosynthesis

One p ossible problem is however that they all assume that Boltzmann

statistics is a go o d approximation for all particle distribution functions This

means that eects that dep end on quantum statistics such as Pauli blo cking

of nal states are neglected Furthermore they also neglect the electron mass

in the weak interaction matrix elements This approximation is valid as long

as the temp erature is high but p ossibly not when it is comparable to or lower

than the electron mass

Since the neutrino distributions are imp ortant b oth for nucleosynthesis and

Chapter Neutrino decoupling in the Standard Mo del

structure formation mo dels it is of considerable interest to see if neutrino heat

ing has any consequences for either

Fundamental Equations

As explained in Chapter the equation necessary to describ e all the dier

ent particle interactions is the Boltzmann equation Since we are lo oking at

standard weak interactions at low energy all pro cesses can b e calculated using

simple VA theory as explained in Chapter To rst order in the weak coupling

constant G all interactions are twoparticle scatterings and annihilations and


the matrix elements therefore are all of the same typ e As an example we show

the matrix element for the neutral current pro cess

i j i j




u u u u M

i j i j

All the p ossible reactions and their corresp onding matrix elements have b een

summarised in Tables and Higher order corrections to these matrix

elements as well as electromagnetic corrections from plasma pro cesses are ne

glected The collision integral on the right hand side of the Boltzmann equation

then has the form given in Eq Assuming standard weak interactions as

describ ed in Chapter it is p ossible to analytically integrate this dimensional

integral down to two dimensions App endix B This makes the integral much

easier to evaluate numerically

The problem now is to evaluate R t This can basically b e done in two ways

using either entropy or energy conservation see Chapter As explained in

Ref the end result is almost the same for massless neutrinos

Numerical Results

We have solved the coupled Boltzmann equations together with the entropy

conservation equation to obtain numerical results The equations were solved

numerically by using a grid of p oints in momentum space and a RungeKutta

integrator to evolve the relevant quantities forward in time To compare with

previous results we have solved for several dierent cases m and


FD statistics m and FD statistics m and MB statistics

e e

m and MB statistics In all cases we assume zero chemical p otentials for


the particles involved at the initial temp erature Case is the approximation

used in previous studies Case is the correct approach

For each of these scenarios we have calculated the energy density deviation

as a function of the photon temp erature T dened as


is the energy density of a neutrino sp ecies that has decoupled long b efore


e annihilation

For electron neutrinos the result is shown in Fig whereas Fig shows

the result for muon and tau neutrinos In the limit of MB statistics and zero

Numerical Results

Table Possible electron neutrino pro cesses and the corresp onding matrix

elements for massless Dirac neutrinos is dened equal to the particle for

which we calculate C is the other incoming particle is dened as either


particle going out scattering or the outgoing lepton annihilation is

dened as either particle going out scattering or the outgoing antilepton

sin and annihilation We have intro duced the quantities C


C where sin p is the fourmomentum of particle i

A W i

Pro cess S j M j

G p p p p

e e e e


p p p p G

e e e e


p p p p G

e i e i


G p p p p

e i e i


C C p p p p e e G

A V e e


C C p p p p


C C m p p



e e G C C p p p p

e e A V


C C p p p p


p p C C m



e e G C C p p p p

e e A V


C C p p p p


C C m p p



G p p p p

e e i i


electron mass case we repro duce the results of Ref to within

This is quite reassuring as we use a completely dierent pro cedure for

solving the Boltzmann equations Do delson and Turner used a rst order

p erturbation expansion

p t p t f p f

i i


T T t

p t and t They then solved the p erturbation equations for


Using the correct quantum statistics and nonzero electron mass case

the nal result for the deviation in energy density is roughly




Generally it is seen that the deviation is smaller if Fermi statistics is used This

is b ecause the Pauli blo cking factors in the collision integral Eq damp en

the interactions Furthermore using the correct electron mass also lessens the

deviation b ecause the structure of the matrix elements changes

Chapter Neutrino decoupling in the Standard Mo del

Table Possible neutrino pro cesses and matrix elements The denition

of particle numb ers is the same as in table

Pro cess S j M j

p p p p G

i i i i


p p p p G

i j i j


G p p p p

i i i i


p p p p G

i j i j


p p p p G

i e i e


G p p p p

i e i e


e e G C C p p p p

i i V A


C C p p p p


C C m p p



e e G C C p p p p

i i V A


C C p p p p


C C m p p



C C p p p p e e G

V A i i


C C p p p p


p p C C m



G p p p p

i i e e


G p p p p

i i j j


Apart from the changes in energy density the shap e of the distribution

functions are changed from their equilibrium form We parametrise this change

by using an eective temp erature for the neutrino distributions dened as



T p


ln f p

for FermiDirac statistics and



T p


ln f p

for MaxwellBoltzmann statistics

Fig shows the eective temp erature using Fermi statistics b oth with

and without electron mass incorp orated Note that the eective temp erature

of a completely decoupled neutrino is T T Fig shows the same

but using Boltzmann statistics Notice the general oset in eective temp era

ture compared to Fig This is b ecause the nal eective temp erature of a

decoupled neutrino is T T if Boltzmann statistics is used see Chapter

We see that regardless of the statistics used the eective temp erature rises

with momentum for medium and high momentum states As noted in Refs

this is not surprising b ecause the weak cross sections are much larger

for large momenta The shap e of the eective temp erature curve is the same in

Discussion and Conclusions

Figure The evolution of for electron neutrinos The solid curve

corresp onds to case the dashed to case the dotted to case and the

dotdashed to case

all four cases but the actual numerical values are slightly dierent b eing higher

if the electron mass is neglected in C f This eect reects that the neutrino


energy density is slightly higher for massless electrons as seen in Fig

Discussion and Conclusions

We have calculated the decoupling of massless neutrinos in the early Universe

by solving the Boltzmann equations Our metho d diers from previous studies

in that it makes no approximations for the neutrino distribution functions and

the weak interaction matrix elements Although our results do not deviate

dramatically from these previous calculations we show that the inclusion of FD

statistics and nonzero electron mass reduce the eect of neutrino heating on

the relativistic neutrino energy density by almost for compared to the


results of Do delson Turner

We nd that the neutrino distribution after decoupling is nonthermal at

the level This is also in relatively go o d agreement with previous results

The eective temp erature grows with momentum for medium and large

Chapter Neutrino decoupling in the Standard Mo del

Figure The evolution of for muon and tau neutrinos The curve

lab els are as in Fig

momenta b ecause of the momentum dep endence of the weak interactions

The slight heating of neutrinos relative to the standard scenario has con

sequences for Big Bang nucleosynthesis We have changed the nucleosynthesis

co de of Kawano to include the eect of neutrino heating As discussed in

Ref there are several eects that combine to change the nucleosynthesis

scenario First of all the energy density in neutrinos is changed However this

has the consequence of lowering the energy density in photons and e b ecause

of energy conservation The result is if we use FD statistics and nonzero elec

tron mass that the photon temp erature go es up b ecause of e annihilations by

a factor of instead of the usual a change of Further

more the weak rates are changed b ecause of the dierent abundances of e and

With the relevant changes to the co de we obtain a change in the primordial


He abundance Y of Y This is in go o d agreement with Ref


They calculate a change of but with a larger neutrino

heating Other authors have found similar values A change in He

abundance of is much b elow current observational accuracies

The systematic uncertainty in the primordial He abundance is estimated to b e

as large as Y or more than a factor of larger sys

Discussion and Conclusions

Figure The eective neutrino temp erature after complete e annihilation

using FD statistics The solid line is for and case the dashed is for


also case The dotted is for and case the dotdashed for and case


than the change induced by neutrino heating

Another consequence of neutrino heating is that it increases the numb er

density of neutrinos If one of the neutrino sp ecies has a mass it will therefore

contribute slightly more than usually exp ected to the cosmological density

parameter In general it is p ossible to put a mass limit on a light neutrino that

is completely decoupled long b efore e annihilation The mass density of

such a sp ecies to day is

n m

Expressing this in terms of the photon density n T one gets


T m


where x is the Riemann zetafunction If the neutrinos decouple long b efore

e annihilation this can b e translated into the normal textb o ok relation

g m



Chapter Neutrino decoupling in the Standard Mo del

Figure The eective neutrino temp erature after complete e annihilation

using MB statistics The solid line is for and case the dashed is for


also case The dotted is for and case the dotdashed for and case


using a present photon temp erature of K h is the dimensionless Hubble

constant and g for one avour of neutrino and antineutrino Since obser

vations demand that h we have a mass limit on any given light

neutrino Because of neutrino heating this limit is changed by a small amount

Using FD statistics and nonzero m the nal numb er density of neutrinos


after decoupling deviates from the standard case by n n for and


n n for For electron neutrinos this changes Eq to

m g

e e




whereas for muon or tau neutrinos we nd

g m



As this is a very small change to the standard value neutrino heating do es not

alter the usual conclusion that electron neutrinos can not contribute more than

eV ab out using the current exp erimental upp er limit to its mass m


to whereas muon and tau neutrinos can

Discussion and Conclusions

The main conclusion is that it is safe to ignore neutrino heating when doing

nucleosynthesis and structure formation calculations However one should note

that neutrino heating is a nonnegligible eect if one wants to construct a high

precision BBN co de It should also b e noted that since this work was p erformed

new results by Dolgov et al have app eared They use the same basic

approach as ours but with much higher numerical precision and their results

conrm ours very nicely Their results for the neutrino energy density change

compared to our result of and are

e e e e

They nd a resulting increase in the primordial and

He pro duction of Y which is somewhat larger than our result

Y However their implementation into the nucleosynthesis

co de diers from ours to some extent which may explain this small dierence

Chapter Neutrino decoupling in the Standard Mo del

Chapter VI

Massive Stable Neutrinos in BBN

Essentially all of this chapter has app eared as the pap er Nucleosynthesis and

the Mass of the TauNeutrino Revisited Phys Rev D

The p ossibility of heavy neutrinos in the MeV region has b een investigated

many times in the literature primarily b ecause such a neutrino could have very

interesting consequences for b oth cosmology and sup ernovae In Chapter

we discussed the mass limits on the dierent neutrino sp ecies The b est current

exp erimental limit to the neutrino mass comes from the ALEPH collab ora

MeV with CL Primordial nucleosynthesis puts tion and is m

stringent limits on the mass and lifetime of the neutrino The

b ounds are most stringent for neutrinos in the MeV region b ecause their mass

is comparable to the weak decoupling temp erature This can b e seen from the

following argument As long as massive neutrinos are kept in weak equilib

rium with the relativistic sp ecies their numb er density is that of a sp ecies in

thermo dynamic equilibrium That is if the mass is much smaller than the tem

p erature the numb er density is roughly equivalent to that of a massless sp ecies

whereas if the mass is much larger than the temp erature the numb er density is

exp onentially suppressed





As so on as the massive neutrinos decouple their numb er density stays constant

relative to that of a massless sp ecies However their energy density starts grow

ing as the temp erature drops b ecause the energy density b ecomes dominated by

the rest mass term In this case the energy density scales as



whereas for relativistic sp ecies the energy density scales as



Chapter Massive Stable Neutrinos in BBN

b ecause of the redshift of the particle wavelength At late times the rest mass

term therefore dominates the cosmic energy density completely

Now if the rest mass of the neutrino is much smaller than the decoupling

temp erature its numb er density after decoupling is roughly that of a massless

sp ecies However since nucleosynthesis takes place not long after weak freeze

out the rest mass term will not have b ecome imp ortant at that time and the

neutrino b ehaves eectively as a massless sp ecies during nucleosynthesis On

the other hand if the rest mass is much larger than the freezeout temp erature

the numb er density is exp onentially suppressed by a large factor Therefore

even though the rest mass is large the numb er density is suciently small that

such a neutrino do es not play a role during nucleosynthesis If such a neutrino

sp ecies is one one the three known sp ecies we therefore eectively have only

neutrino sp ecies present during nucleosynthesis This is the reason why the

eect is exp ected to b e strongest for neutrinos with mass m few MeV

Some of the most recent investigations of the eects of a massive Ma jorana

neutrino in the MeV region on nucleosynthesis are those of Kolb et al

Dolgov and Rothstein and Kawasaki et al For a standard Ma jorana

neutrino that is stable on the timescale of nucleosynthesis Kolb et al nd an

excluded mass interval of MeV whereas Kawasaki et al nd an exclusion

interval of MeV Combined with the exp erimental data this means that

a massive neutrino with mass greater than MeV and lifetime greater

than s is excluded by nucleosynthesis However these calculations except

use the integrated Boltzmann equation Furthermore they assume that

the distribution functions are kept in kinetic equilibrium at all times by scat

tering reactions Kawasaki et al have used the full equations but

assuming only annihilation interactions no scattering Furthermore they use

Boltzmann statistics It is therefore imp ortant to see how these limits change

when we use the full set of Boltzmann equations with all p ossible interactions

Below we calculate the relic abundance of a massive Ma jorana neutrino with

lifetime longer than the time of nucleosynthesis s We then use nucle

osynthesis to put limits on the allowed mass range and nd that the resulting

limits are more stringent than those normally obtained from the integrated

Boltzmann equation but less stringent than found from the full Boltzmann

equations without inclusion of scattering

Numerical Calculations

As discussed in Chapter the fundamental way to go ab out calculating the

relic abundance of massive tau neutrinos is to solve the Boltzmann equation

Eq In addition to this we use the two indep endent evolution equations

for the cosmic expansion the Friedmann equation Eq and the equation

of energy conservation Eq Now with resp ect to the right hand side

collision integral Eq the matrix element for all the weak pro cesses can

b e calculated using the theory outlined in Chapter Since we are lo oking at

Ma jorana neutrinos and the lepton asymmetry of the early Universe is very

Numerical Calculations

small L we can as previously explained assume these neutrinos to

b e eectively one single unp olarised sp ecies In this case the interaction matrix

elements are rather simple to calculate and are given in Table

Table Possible neutrino pro cesses and the corresp onding matrix elements

is dened equal to the particle for which we calculate C is the other


incoming particle is dened as either particle going out scattering or

the outgoing lepton annihilation is dened as either particle going out

scattering or the outgoing antilepton annihilation We have intro duced the

sin and C where quantities C and C If then C

W A V A e V

sin and C For sin If then C


otherwise m p pro cesses involving neutrinos the parameter m m


is the fourmomentum of particle i

Pro cess S j M j

p p p p G


p p p p

m p p

G p p p p


p p p p

m p p

G p p p p

i i


p p p p

m p p

G p p p p

i i


p p p p

m p p

e e G fp p p p


p p p p

m p p gC C


fp p m g C C m



e e G fp p p p


p p p p

m p p gC C


C C m fp p m g



e e G fp p p p


p p p p

m p p gC C


C m fp p m g C



G p p p p

i i


p p p p

m p p

We parametrise the momenta of all particles in terms of the parameter z

Chapter Massive Stable Neutrinos in BBN

Figure The relic numb er density of massive neutrinos normalised to a

massless sp ecies times mass r m The solid curve is calculated using the full

Boltzmann equation and all interactions Dotted and dashed curves are adopted

from and

p T and use a grid of p oints to cover the range in z The system of

equations is then evolved in time by a RungeKutta integrator giving us the

distribution function of each particle sp ecies as well as the scale factor R as a

function of photon temp erature By doing it this way we have the advantage

that we know the sp ecic distribution functions for all neutrino sp ecies whereas

a treatment using the integrated Boltzmann equation has to make an assumption

of kinetic equilibrium giving only a rough approximation to the true distribution


Fig shows the nal relic density of b efore decay b ecomes imp ortant

r m is dened as r m m n n m We have compared our results to

those of Kolb et al and Dolgov and Rothstein who use the integrated

Boltzmann equation For small masses it is not imp ortant whether we use

the integrated or the full Boltzmann equation The reason is that the neutrino

decouples b efore annihilation really commences therefore the treatment of the

annihilation terms is not very imp ortant But for higher masses our results

exceed those obtained in earlier investigations This is to b e exp ected since our

Numerical Calculations

Figure The distribution of neutrinos of mass MeV at a photon tem

p erature of MeV The solid curve includes all p ossible interactions whereas

the dasheddotted curve only includes annihilations The dotted curve is a ki

netic equilibrium distribution with the same numb er density as that of the solid

curve and T T whereas the dashed curve has the same numb er and energy

densities as the solid with T and adjusted accordingly

inclusion of the full neutrino sp ectra should reduce the annihilation of neutrinos

as discussed b elow thereby p ermitting more neutrinos to survive Thus the

inclusion of sp ectral distortions leads in fact to a strengthening of previous limits

on MeV neutrinos from the integrated Boltzmann equation However for very

high masses there is still a dierence b etween our result and those of Kolb et

al and Dolgov and Rothstein At rst one should exp ect the results to

converge b ecause at high masses the deviations from equilibrium are exp ected

to b e small b ecause of the eectiveness of elastic scatterings However the

calculations of Refs and use Boltzmann statistics for all particles This

means that Pauli Blo cking of nal states is neglected increasing the annihilation

rate and giving a smaller nal abundance Our results app ear to agree well with

those of Fields et al who also use Fermi statistics although a direct comparison

is not p ossible

In Fig we show the distribution of a MeV The dierence b etween

Chapter Massive Stable Neutrinos in BBN

the distributions with and without scattering interactions is striking If only

annihilations are taken into account the high momentum states are almost

empty b ecause they cannot b e relled On the other hand the low momentum

states are highly p opulated b ecause they annihilate more slowly and cannot b e

scattered away That this should b e so can b e seen directly from the thermally

averaged annihilation cross section for heavy Ma jorana neutrinos In case of

nonrelativistic neutrinos the cross section for pair annihilation into massless

sp ecies is


G m


C C h jv ji



i i


where is the relative velo city of the incoming particles and the summation

index i runs over all annihilation channels The annihilation cross section is

therefore strongly increasing with neutrino kinetic energy and thus the high

momentum states annihilate more quickly Therefore calculations based on the

full Boltzmann equations without scattering underestimate the annihilation rate

Our neutrino distribution functions now dier less from kinetic equilibrium

than found in Deviations by a factor of app ear frequently when compared

to a kinetic equilibrium distribution f exp E T with the

same numb er density and T T as often assumed whereas the distribution is

close to that of a kinetic distribution with T and determined by the numb er

and energy densities

The resulting and distributions are signicantly heated relative to the


standard case with a massless For eVmass or this changes the present


day contribution to the cosmic density to h m eV with for

a massless and for


MeV h is the Hubbleparameter in units of km s for m

Mp c Later decay of can further increase the value of

Furthermore the and distribution functions b ecome nonthermal b e


cause the pairs created by annihilation of neutrinos cannot thermalise suf

ciently b efore the electron and muon neutrinos decouple completely This

nonthermality can have a signicant eect on the pro duction of light elements

esp ecially He b ecause the np converting reactions dep end not only on the

energy density of neutrinos but also on the sp ecic form of the distribution

function for which enters in the np conversion rate integrals Overall the


increase in the cosmic expansion rate due to the extra energy density in and

massless neutrinos which increases Hepro duction is to some extent com

p ensated by a decrease in neutronfraction due to the change in the np rate

integrals Notice also that for tau neutrino masses b elow MeV there is very

little eect from heating since almost no tau neutrinos annihilate b efore weak


freezeout For very large masses the eect is again small The reason here is

that although there is a signicant nonthermal contribution to the distri


bution from annihilations this is washed out b ecause the electron neutrinos

stay in thermo dynamic equilibrium with the photon plasma until long after the

annihilations of have ceased The biggest eect is in the intermediate regime

Mass Limits

where annihilations cease roughly at the same time as the electron neutrinos

drop out of equilibrium Also one should note that at low tau neutrino masses

N found from our approach is roughly the same as that found from bulk


heating The dierence b etween bulk heating and our approach is that bulk

heating neglects residual annihilations of tau neutrinos after weak decoupling

For low tau neutrino masses the pro duced electron neutrinos have energy not

much ab ove Q the protonneutron mass dierence Therefore they do not dis

the turb the neutronproton ratio very much On the other hand for large m

electron neutrinos have energy much larger than Q Now since the absorption

cross section at high energy is the same on neutrons and protons and there are

much fewer neutrons present the end result is that more neutrons are pro duced

This again pro duces more helium and therefore these residual annihilations go

in the direction of p ositive N For very large masses the eect disapp ears


b ecause there are so few of these residual annihilations that they do not eect

BBN at all

Mass Limits

In order to derive mass limits on we need to calculate the predicted abun

dances of the dierent light elements and compare them with observations To

do this we have changed the nucleosynthesis co de of Kawano to incorp orate

a massive Ma jorana neutrino As previously mentioned we assume that decay

has no eect during nucleosynthesis s Note that we not only have

to change the energy density of the neutrino but also the energy density in

of electron massless neutrinos as well as the sp ecic distribution function f


neutrinos in the nucleosynthesis co de

Fig illustrates the consequences for Big Bang nucleosynthesis in terms

of the equivalent numb er of massless neutrinos N needed to give a similar


pro duction of He at a baryontophoton ratio The revised

results with and without inclusion of the change in the numb er density are in


ne agreement with recent results based on the integrated Boltzmann equation

by Fields Kainulainen and Olive Including also the actual shap e of the

distribution to some extent comp ensates for the eect on the energy density


a result also found by Dolgov Pastor and Valle though we disagree by

several equivalent neutrino sp ecies with the total N found in and to some


extent also with the dierential changes in N quoted in We note that a


small overall increase in N due to these eects was estimated in a fo otnote in


This agrees with our results for large m

In conclusion our results show that no MeV neutrino with mass in the

region b etween MeV and the the exp erimental upp er limit of MeV and

lifetime longer than the timescale of nucleosynthesis is p ermitted unless more

than equivalent massless neutrino avours can b e accomo dated by nucleosyn

thesis observations Currently there is a lot of controversy as to the value of

N allowed by nucleosynthesis As discussed in Chapter there app ears to


b e a consensus that the maximum allowed value is denitely not larger than

Chapter Massive Stable Neutrinos in BBN

Figure Equivalent numb er of massless neutrinos shown as N N

eq eq

The dashed curve is without heating of the dotted with only the electron


neutrino numb er density changed and the solid curve with the full distribution



This means that we can fairly safely say that a tau neutrino with mass larger

than a few tenths of an MeV is not allowed by Big Bang nucleosynthesis if its

lifetime is longer than s

Chapter VI I

Decaying  Neutrinos in BBN

The contents of this chapter have b een submitted to Phys Rev D

In the last chapter we discussed the impact of a massive but stable tau neutrino

on nucleosynthesis From cosmology we have the well known limit on stable

low mass m GeV neutrinos

m g



using a present photon temp erature of K h is the dimensionless Hubble

constant and is the cosmological density parameter g for one avour

of neutrino and antineutrino Since observations demand that h

we have a mass limit on any given stable neutrino Thus any neutrino with

mass in the range eV MeV is necessarily unstable In Chapter we

discussed in some detail the p ossible generic typ es of neutrino decay First of

all there is the standard mo del decay e e if the mass is larger than

i j

m and the mixing angle b etween the two neutrinos is dierent from zero A


avour changing neutral current can also lead to the decay There

i j j j

can also b e other more exotic mo des of decay for example decay via emission

of scalars or pseudoscalars This decay mo de is generic for example in the

ma joron mo dels of neutrino mass

The eect of such unstable tau neutrinos on nucleosynthesis have b een in

vestigated many times in the literature the most recent inves

tigations b eing those of Do delson Gyuk and Turner and Kawasaki et al

Do delson Gyuk and Turner have p erformed a detailed study of several

p ossible decay mo des in the context of nonrelativistic decays whereas Kawasaki

et al have p erformed a calculation using the full Boltzmann equation for the

decay mo de In all cases it is found that it is p ossible to change

signicantly the primordial abundances via decay of the tau neutrino

1 +

Note that this relation changes slightly if the heating of neutrinos from e e annihilation

is included as discussed in Chapter

Chapter Decaying Neutrinos in BBN

In the present pap er we fo cus on the decay


where is assumed to b e a Ma jorana particle and is a light scalar or pseu

doscalar particle This diers from the decay in that it includes an

electron neutrino in the nal state Since enters directly into the weak inter


actions that interconvert neutrons and protons this decay can p otentially alter

the outcome of nucleosynthesis drastically Indeed the nonrelativistic results

of Do delson Gyuk and Turner indicate that the primordial helium abundance

Y can b e changed radically either increasing or decreasing Y dep ending on


the mass and lifetime of the tau neutrino

Now in the last few years evidence has b een gathering that the standard

picture of the way light nuclei are formed in the early Universe may b e facing

a crisis The main p oint is that helium is overpro duced relative to the other

light nuclei so that the standard theoretical predictions are only marginally con

sistent with the observational results Other measurements of the primordial

helium abundance do yield somewhat higher values and the unknown sys

tematical errors b oth in observations and in chemical evolution calculations may

however b e larger than presently assumed so that it is p erhaps premature to

talk of a real crisis for Big Bang nucleosynthesis

Our approach will not b e so much to discuss the sp ecic limits from nu

cleosynthesis since these are still quite uncertain as it will b e a discussion of

the dierences b etween our way of solving the Boltzmann equations and those

previously used Nevertheless in light of the p ossibility that some new element

is missing from the standard nucleosynthesis calculations we think that it is im

p ortant to try and nd metho ds of changing the nucleosynthesis predictions by

including plausible new physics in the calculations One p ossible way of doing

this is to include a massive and unstable tau neutrino

In order to obtain go o d ts to the observational data it is as just mentioned

necessary to lower the helium abundance somewhat compared to the other light

nuclei This can b e achieved by having relatively low mass tau neutrinos decay

while they are still relativistic or semirelativistic However this is exactly the

region where the nonrelativistic formalism breaks down b ecause it assumes a

delta function momentum distribution of the decay pro ducts and neglects in

verse decays It is therefore of signicant interest to investigate this decay using

the full Boltzmann equation in order to calculate abundances in this parameter


In the present chapter we calculate the exp ected primordial abundances

for a tau neutrino mass in the range MeV In Sec we describ e

the necessary formalism needed for this calculation In Sec we discuss

our numerical results Sec contains a description of our nucleosynthesis

calculations compared to the observational data and nally Sec contains a

summary and discussion

Necessary formalism

Necessary formalism

As usual the basic formalism is the one describ ed in chapter namely that of

the Boltzmann equation Again since we only consider particle interactions

like C can b e written as in Eq


Since we are only lo oking at Ma jorana neutrinos the decay terms are quite

simple Since there is almost no net lepton numb er in the early Universe the

Ma jorana neutrino is eectively an unp olarised sp ecies However this means

that there can b e no preferred direction in the rest frame of the parent particle

Therefore the decay is necessarily isotropic in this reference frame The decay

terms in this case were given in Chapter as





f f dE f C f



p m E







C f f f f dE


e e

p g m E


e e e






C f f f f dE



g m E p


m m f f f f f f f f where f

e e e

is the lifetime of the heavy neutrino and g m m m m m

e e

and g g is the statistical weight of a given particle We use g


corresp onding to This assumption is not signicant to the present

investigation Furthermore we shall assume that the masses of and are


eectively zero during nucleosynthesis

The integration limits are given by

m m

E m m E E

i i i



E m

i i



m m p E E E





where the index i


These Boltzmann equations are then solved together with the Friedmann

equation and the equation of energy conservation as discussed in Chapter

Chapter Decaying Neutrinos in BBN

Figure The electron neutrino distribution at asymptotically low temp era

ture after complete decay in units of the distribution of a standard massless

neutrino The tau neutrino mass is MeV The full line is for s the

dotted for s the dashed for s and the dotdashed for


Numerical Results

We have solved the Boltzmann equation for the evolution of distribution func

tions together with the energy conservation equation Eq and the Fried

mann equation Eq Sp ecically we have solved for masses of MeV

and lifetimes larger than s

In Fig we show the evolution of energy density in neutrinos and the

pseudoscalar particle for a tau neutrino mass of MeV The energy density

evolves quite dierently in the dierent cases Since the energy density in a

nonrelativistic sp ecies only decreases as R compared to R for relativistic

particles the rest mass energy of the tau neutrino will dominate completely at

late times if it is stable If it decays the rest mass energy is transferred into

relativistic energy so that the total energy density no longer increases relative

to that of a single standard massless neutrino sp ecies This dierence is clearly

seen b etween dierent tau neutrino lifetimes

Numerical Results

Figure The electron neutrino distribution at asymptotically low temp era

ture after complete decay in units of the distribution of a standard massless

neutrino The tau neutrino mass is MeV The full line is for s the

dotted for s the dashed for s and the dotdashed for


In Fig we show the sp ectral distribution of the electron neutrino for a

tau neutrino mass of MeV and dierent lifetimes To understand this plot

b etter we can dene a relativity parameter for the decay


MeV s

A particle shifts from relativistic to nonrelativistic at a temp erature of roughly

T m When the Universe is radiation dominated

t T

s MeV

Therefore if the decay is relativistic


s tT m


Chapter Decaying Neutrinos in BBN

Thus if the decay is relativistic whereas if it is nonrelativistic

i i

For lifetimes of and s the relativity parameters are resp ectively

and For nonrelativistic decays the decay neutrino dis

tribution assumes a rather narrow shap e coming from the delta function energy

distribution For very short lifetimes the decay installs an equilibrium b etween

and b ecause of rapid inverse decays This can lead to a signicant


depletion of high momentum electron neutrinos as also noted by Madsen

who treated this case of very short lifetimes using equilibrium thermo dynamics

Nucleosynthesis Eects

In order to estimate the eect on nucleosynthesis we have employed the nu

cleosynthesis co de of Kawano mo died in order to incorp orate a decaying

neutrino This includes taking into account the changing energy density as well

as the change in electron neutrino distribution

A decaying tau neutrino can aect nucleosynthesis in several dierent ways

Firstly the cosmic energy density is changed Since the cosmic expansion rate

is given directly in terms of this energy density via the Friedmann equation Eq

it is also changed It is a well known fact that increasing the energy density

leads to an earlier freezeout of the np conversion and therefore pro duces more

helium whereas decreasing the energy density decreases the helium fraction

This is the eect discussed by Kawasaki et al namely that an MeV neutrino

decaying into sterile daughter pro ducts while still relativistic or semirelativistic

can actually decrease the cosmic energy density thereby decreasing the helium


However there is also another another eect stemming from the change in

electron neutrino temp erature Since the electron neutrino enters directly into

the np pro cesses this can b e called a rst order eect and is p otentially much

more imp ortant than the second order eect of changing the energy density

This eect of change in the electron neutrino temp erature has already b een

discussed by several authors in the context of nonrelativistic decays

If the decay is nonrelativistic the energy of a pro duced electron neutrino

is m If this energy is signicantly ab ove the energy threshold for the two

pro cesses

n e p



p e n


the decaying tau neutrinos will act to pro duce more He The reason

is that the absorption cross section at high energies is the same on neutrons

and protons Since there are many more protons present than neutrons more

neutrons will b e pro duced In the end this leads to a higher helium fraction

However if the mass of the decaying neutrino is b elow this threshold the pro

duced electron neutrinos will stimulate the conversion of neutrons into protons

Nucleosynthesis Eects

Figure Helium abundance contours as a function of tau neutrino mass and

lifetime for a baryontophoton ratio of The full line is Y


the dotted is Y and the dashed is Y The value in the


standard mo del for this is Y


thereby actually decreasing the He abundance This eect then comp etes with

the rest mass eect which increases Y


If the decay is relativistic the electron neutrinos are pro duced at roughly

thermal energies Eectively this amounts to increasing the electron neutrino

temp erature This in turn leads to a decrease in helium pro duction If the

decay takes place at high temp eratures it is b ecause b eta equilibrium is kept

for a longer time whereas if the decay takes place at temp eratures b elow the

threshold for proton to neutron conversion it still leads to lower helium abun

dance b ecause an increase in the electron neutrino temp erature stimulates the

conversion of neutrons to protons over the inverse reaction

In Fig we show contour lines for the helium abundance as function of

neutrino mass and lifetime It is seen that helium can b e signicantly suppressed

relative to the standard case if the lifetime is short enough and increased if the

mass and lifetime are b oth high If the mass and lifetime are b oth suciently

high the helium abundance is instead increased Notice also that even for small

masses of the order MeV the helium abundance can b e changed signicantly

compared to the standard value for rather a large range of lifetimes

Our Fig should b e compared with for example the results of Terasawa

and Sato or Do delson Gyuk and Turner obtained using nonrelativistic

theory The most straightforward comparison is with Figs b and b in Ref

Chapter Decaying Neutrinos in BBN

For long lifetimes the dierence is quite small as would b e exp ected since

this is the nonrelativistic limit However for short lifetimes the dierence is

signicant For very short lifetimes our calculated He abundance is larger than

that of Terasawa and Sato The reason is that if one uses the full Boltzmann

equation in this case decays and inverse decays will bring the particle distribu

tions into equilibrium as discussed in Sec Thus if one keeps on going to

shorter and shorter lifetimes nothing new happ ens since it is already decay in

equilibrium Therefore our curve for He attens out instead of decreasing for

very short lifetimes For somewhat longer lifetimes our He abundance is on the

other hand smaller than that found by Terasawa and Sato The reason here

is that the decay pro duces a p eak of very low momentum electron neutrinos

and that these states are not upscattered b ecause the weak interactions have

already frozen out In the end this pro duces a somewhat colder electron neu

trino distribution than would have b een obtained using nonrelativistic theory

and therefore predicts less helium This low momentum p eak can b e seen in

Fig for the example of a MeV neutrino For nonrelativistic decays

this p eak disapp ears b ecause low momentum states are not energetically acces

sible In essence our predicted curve for the He abundance is therefore much

atter at short or intermediate lifetimes than what one would obtain using the

nonrelativistic formalism For very long lifetimes our calculation ts fairly well

with that obtained by Terasawa and Sato as could b e exp ected

In Fig we show the abundance of D He and Li for a sp ecic example

of m MeV We see that the abundances of these elements only change by

relatively small amounts even for great variations in neutrino lifetime Thus

the main eect of the decay is to lower the helium abundance while leaving the

other abundances more or less unchanged

The calculated abundances for dierent masses and lifetimes are compared

with observational limits Unfortunately there is a great deal of controversy con

nected with these However since our main emphasis is on the dierences b e

tween our approach to solving the Boltzmann equations and the nonrelativistic

approximations previously used and not so much on the sp ecic nucleosynthe

sis limits to tau neutrino mass and lifetime we will not go into to o much detail

regarding this p oint For He we use the value calculated by Hata et al of



For deuterium the situation is somewhat complicated From measurements in

the lo cal interstellar medium one can obtain a deuterium abundance of


which can b e viewed as a lower limit to the primordial abundance However

some recent results from QSO absorption systems seem to indicate a primordial

value much higher than this


Nucleosynthesis Eects

Figure The abundance of D He and Li as a function of tau neutrino

lifetime The curves have b een calculated for m MeV and

The full line shows DH the dashed shows D HeH and the

dotdashed shows LiH

Other similar observations yield much lower values closer to the lo cal one

In light of the controversy of using deuterium results from these measurements

we use the lo cally obtainable lower limit in the present pap er From evolu

tion arguments one can also obtain an upp er limit to the primordial D He

abundance of


Finally for the abundance of Li we use a b ound of


obtained by Copi Schramm and Turner

Altogether these are the observational values which the theoretical predic

tions should b e able to repro duce In the standard mo del the theoretical predic

tions are only marginally consistent with observations b ecause helium is over

pro duced compared to the other light nuclei In our scenario this problem is

resolved by having the tau neutrino decay during nucleosynthesis into an elec

tron neutrino nal state

In Fig we show the allowed region of lifetime versus mass for the tau

neutrino using the ab ove constraints In all the mass interval from MeV

it is p ossible to obtain a t to the observed abundances Note however that

Chapter Decaying Neutrinos in BBN

Figure Allowed region of tau neutrino mass and lifetime The allowed

region is b etween the two full lines

for masses in the high end of this region a t can only b e obtained in a very

narrow lifetime interval This is b ecause of the very steep dep endence of Y


on the lifetime in this region For lower masses a go o d t can b e obtained in a

broad region of lifetimes

Another imp ortant fact is that since the helium abundance is lowered with

out disturbing greatly the other abundances the upp er and lower b ound on the

baryontophoton ratio is now given essentially only by the limits coming

from D He and Li This also means that a relatively high value for can b e

accommo dated ab out coming from requiring that Li should not b e

overpro duced

In Fig we show the allowed region of as a function of tau neutrino

lifetime for three dierent masses We have also plotted the upp er and lower

limits to from the standard calculation


We have studied the decay of a relatively low mass tau neutrino into an electron

neutrino and a scalar or pseudoscalar particle using the full Boltzmann equation

It was found that the primordial helium abundance Y can change drastically


compared to the standard value This is in concordance with the ndings of

previous authors who used a nonrelativistic treatment Our actual


Figure Allowed regions of for dierent tau neutrino masses

and lifetimes The regions inside the full lines are allowed regions The vertical

dotted lines show the consistency interval for in the standard mo del for our

chosen observational constraints

numerical values dier signicantly from those previously obtained by use of

nonrelativistic formalism but the general trend is the same namely that low

mass neutrinos decaying while relativistic or semirelativistic lower the helium


The decay we have studied diers completely from the decay

studied by Kawasaki et al b ecause the electron neutrinos directly aect

the weak reaction rates that interconvert neutrons and protons Only if much

more reliable estimates of the primordial abundances are develop ed will it b e

p ossible to discern b etween the two dierent decay mo des

Our aim has mainly b een to discuss the dierences b etween using the full

Boltzmann formalism and using the nonrelativistic approximation in doing

these calculations We have not done very detailed statistical analysis in or

der to obtain strict nucleosynthesis limits

However it was shown that a go o d t to the observed primordial abundances

can b e achieved for a large range of dierent masses and lifetimes Given the

p ossibly large unknown systematical errors in the observations and chemical

evolution mo dels it is p erhaps to o early to talk of a real crisis for Big Bang

nucleosynthesis However once the observational b ounds b ecome more strict

there might very well turn out to b e such a crisis

In light of this p ossible discrepancy b etween observed and predicted abun

Chapter Decaying Neutrinos in BBN

dances we still feel that it is imp ortant to explore p ossible ways to change the

light element abundances via plausible intro duction of new physics The tau

neutrino decay into an electron neutrino nal state is just such a p ossibility

Perhaps one should also nally note that even if the helium abundance turns

out to have b een signicantly underestimated a tau neutrino decay of the typ e

we have discussed can still make nucleosynthesis predictions t the observations

but for completely dierent values of mass and lifetime

Chapter VI I I

Neutrino Lasing

Essentially all of this chapter has app eared as the pap er A Cosmological Three

Level Neutrino Laser Phys Rev D

In this chapter we wish to pro ceed further with a detailed discussion of neutrino

decays in the early Universe As discussed in detail in Chapter there are

several p ossible decay mo des for example the simple radiative decay

Another or the avour changing neutral current weak decay

p ossibility is the decay


where H is a heavy neutrino F is a light neutrino and is a light scalar particle

for example the ma joron It is not essential that the b oson should have spin

but it simplies calculations signicantly All of these decay mo des have b een

investigated in an early Universe context We cho ose to fo cus on the last

decay typ e in order to investigate some very interesting nonequilibrium eects

that p ertain to this decay It turns out that under the right circumstances the

heavy neutrino will decay by stimulated decay into F and instead of just

decaying thermally This runaway pro cess leads to the formation of a very low

momentum comp onent of the scalar particle while the rest are in an almost

thermal distribution The scenario has b een describ ed by Madsen and

subsequently in more detail by Kaiser Malaney and Starkman the idea

b eing that the particle could make up the dark matter in our Universe One

of the currently favoured mo dels of structure formation is the socalled Mixed

Dark Matter MDM mo del This is essentially a Cold Dark Matter CDM

mo del but with a small matter content of Hot Dark Matter HDM that lessen

the uctuations on small scales The particles could t b oth roles the cold

comp onent acts as cold dark matter and the thermal comp onent as hot dark


There are however several problems with this scenario First of all the

favoured mixed dark matter mo dels consist of roughly baryons HDM

Chapter Neutrino Lasing

and CDM If there is to o much HDM structure formation will b e aected

so as to pro duce to o little clustering on small scales if normalised to COBE

data The simple scenario of Refs predicts only ab out CDM

and HDM which is incompatible with the observed structure

We develop further this mo del and in Sec we list the relevant equations

for calculating the particle distribution functions resulting from the decay In

Sec we describ e a new way of pro ducing neutrino lasing that is very similar

to an atomic level laser Here it is p ossible to achieve lasing without invoking

new neutrinos and to increase the CDM fraction which however still remains

well b elow Sec contains a description of the numerical results from

our investigation of this level mo del and nally Sec contains a discussion

of the p ossible consequences of this typ e of decays as well as a discussion of

various astrophysical limits on them From this discussion it will b ecome clear

that lasing decays are most likely to take place after the ep o ch of nucleosynthesis

T MeV Of course they are also required to take place b efore matter

radiation equality T eV if the b osons are to act as ordinary MDM

The Basic Scenario

As previously we use the Boltzmann equation Eq to follow the evolution

of the dierent sp ecies as the Universe expands and co ols We shall assume that

the term C can b e neglected but p ossible limitations to this assumption will


b e discussed later For simplicity we assume that the decay is isotropic in the

restframe see however Refs for a discussion of the case of anisotropic


The decay terms are then given by Eqs and






dE f f f C f

a F dec a

m E p

a a






g m



dE f f f C f

a a F dec F

g m E p








m g



dE f f f C f

a a F dec

g m E p



where f f f f f f f f f m m m m

a F a F F a



is the lifetime of the heavy neutrino and g is the statistical m m m



weight of a given particle We use g g and g corresp onding to

a F

The integration limits are

m m


E E E m m

i i i




m E

i i


All calculations may b e redone using g The changes are not very signicant and

tend to lessen the lasing eect describ ed b elow

The Basic Scenario



E m m p E E

a i a a




where the index i F

For nonrelativistic decays E m T This means that the resulting


fraction of low momentum b osons is vanishing b ecause they are kinematically

inaccessible However for relativistic decays this is not the case Here the min

imum b oson energy is roughly E p m m m p E which



can b e seen from Eq This corresp onds to b osons b eing emitted back

wards relative to the direction of motion of the parent particle In relativistic

decays it is thus p ossible to access very low energy b oson states This is essential

for the phenomenon describ ed b elow

Something very interesting can happ en if there is initially an overabundance

of H over F To see this let us lo ok at the structure of the decay term for the b o

son Eq Following Ref we make the following rough approximation

f f The decay term then reduces to







f dE f f C f

H H F dec

m E p



If f f this indicates an exp onential growth of f This eect has b een called


neutrino lasing b ecause it is very similar to normal lasing the overabundance

of H over F corresp onding to a p opulation inversion Exactly as in a laser the

pro cess saturates when f f The remaining neutrinos will then decay to


an almost thermal distribution as they go nonrelativistic

Note that in all our actual calculations we use a zero initial abundance of

b osons b efore the decay commences This is not essential for the lasing phe

nomenon but the nal fraction of cold b osons is decreased if there is an initial

thermal p opulation In Ref it was assumed that the b osons decoupled prior

to the QCD phase transition so that their numb er density was depleted by a

factor of relative to the other sp ecies

The eect will b e larger for low momentum states b ecause of the E p

term This means that if the low momentum states are accessible the b osons

will cluster in these states and pro duce something similar to a Bose condensate

For this to happ en it is a necessary condition that the decay is relativistic

b ecause otherwise no low momentum states can b e accessed

This phenomenon was rst investigated in Refs However Ref

used a somewhat dierent approach namely equilibrium thermo dynamics

where the decays can lead to the formation of a true Bose condensate In the

ab ove scenario following Refs no assumption of equilibrium has to b e



Note that as mentioned we have only considered isotropic decays but as mentioned in

Ref even if the decay is fully p olarised and the b osons are emitted backwards there will

only b e a rather small increase in the numb er of low momentum b osons If the b osons are

preferentially emitted in the forward direction there will b e no lasing Refs have go o d

discussions of these p olarisation eects

Chapter Neutrino Lasing

The Level Laser

It was assumed in Refs that F is a hitherto unknown neutrino that

decouples prior to the QCD phase transition for example a right handed com

p onent of one of the known neutrinos This is the only way of achieving lasing

in the ab ove level decay However it is actually p ossible to obtain lasing

with only the three known neutrinos The eect is somewhat similar to an

atomic level laser where particles are pump ed from the ground state to the

top level From there they decay rapidly to the lasing state and from the lasing

state they decay by stimulated decay to the ground state Exactly the same

situation can o ccur for neutrinos if we have a three generation mass hierarchy

the stable particles and are of course required to have m m m



masses b elow the cosmological limit for stable particles m eV and can

therefore b e considered essentially massless in the calculations Let us assume

that we have the same generic decay mo de as b efore The p ossible ma joron

emitting decays are then



We shall assume that the second decay mo de Eq is suppressed so that

it is negligible relative to the rst Eq This assumption is not ruled out

by the physical mo dels describ ed later

If the decays are nonrelativistic nothing exciting happ ens and the decays

are thermal However if all the decays are relativistic and the free decay of

pro ceeds much faster than that of then we can achieve lasing The

neutrino now functions as the top level in a normal laser it feeds particles to

the lasing state Particles in this state then decay to the ground state by


f stimulated decay The condition for the lasing pro cess to work is that f


but b ecause of the fast decay of the neutrino this is automatically fullled for

and m a large temp erature range b etween m

Let us for the moment assume that the decays completely b efore b egins

to decay It is then easy to see why the amount of lasing increases if has

decayed relativistically We now start with a nonthermal distribution of muon

neutrinos If decays while still relativistic the distribution of will b e

signicantly colder than thermal If we again lo ok at the structure of Eq

we see that for n given the integral increases if the distribution of H gets


factor in the numb er density integral This means that colder b ecause of the p

the relativistic decay to muon neutrinos enhances the lasing from to The


eect is opp osite if the decay is nonrelativistic and the lasing diminishes or

disapp ears completely Fig shows the momentum distribution of the light

neutrino after complete decay of the heavy neutrino We see exactly that the


We cho ose to fo cus alone on the ma joron decays In principle there might b e other relevant

decay mo des as mentioned previously

Numerical Results

Figure The distribution function of the light neutrino F after complete

decay of the heavy neutrino H for dierent lifetimes of the heavy neutrino

using sp ecically m MeV m MeV and m MeV The full


curve is for s the dotted for s and the dashed for s


light neutrino distribution gets colder if the decay is relativistic and hotter if

it is nonrelativistic Of course it is always a necessary condition for lasing to

o ccur that decays relativistically b ecause otherwise it cannot p opulate low

momentum b oson states at all

Numerical Results

We have investigated numerically the b ehaviour of this level decay for dif

ferent parameters by solving explicitly the coupled Boltzmann equations Our

numerical routine uses a grid in comoving momentum space and evolves forward

in time using a RungeKutta integrator The time evolution of the scale factor

R and the photon temp erature T are found by use of the energy conservation

equation dR dt pdR dt and the Friedmann equation H G

In Fig we show an example of the numb er density evolution of the

dierent involved particles It is seen that in a large temp erature interval the

numb er density is slightly higher than that of This leads to a very fast


Chapter Neutrino Lasing

Figure The evolution of numb er density for the dierent involved particles

The full curve is the dotted the dashed and the dotdashed The


MeV and MeV m m MeV m parameters used are m


s s

growth of the b oson numb er density and is identied with the region where

lasing takes place The nal numb er density of and are the same b ecause


of neutrino numb er conservation neglecting a p ossible small initial abundance

of b ecause even though the abundance starts out higher three s are


pro duced for every two


Since b oth and are almost massless there are essentially four free pa


rameters in our equations The rst is the mass scale dened for example

by the neutrino mass This mass scale is unimp ortant for the shap e of the

sp ectra this is only true if the decays take place b elow the weak decoupling

temp erature T MeV If the free decay temp erature is larger than T

dec dec

the distribution will quickly thermalise Only well b elow T can the non


equilibrium lasing pro ceed but now with an initial thermal distribution In

our numerical work we cho ose that the free decay temp erature to b e lower than

the decoupling temp erature In Fig we show an example of changing the

by a factor of two This leads to an almost identical nal normalisation m

Numerical Results

Figure Final b oson distribution for two dierent decay mo dels The full

MeV m m MeV m curve is for the parameters m


MeV s The dashed curve is for m s MeV and

s Note that s MeV and MeV m m m


and which is orders of magnitude although we have chosen values for m


larger than the exp erimentalcosmological limit this do es not inuence the re

sults as long as the values are small compared to all other relevant masses and

temp eratures

b oson distribution The other three parameters are


MeV s


MeV s



The rst two parameters describ e how relativistic the free decays of the par

ticles are A thermal particle shifts from relativistic to nonrelativistic at a

Chapter Neutrino Lasing

Figure The momentum sp ectrum of after complete decay for dierent

and The decay parameters The full curve is

and The dashed is for dotted is for

and and The dotdashed is for

and The The dotdotdotdashed is for

longdashed is a thermal Bose distribution with the same numb er density

temp erature of roughly T m When the Universe is radiation dominated

t T

s MeV

Therefore if the decay is relativistic


s tT m


Thus if the decay is relativistic whereas if it is nonrelativistic

i i

The third parameter is just the dimensionless mass

Fig shows the nal b oson distribution after complete decay for several

dierent choices of decay parameters for comparison we have also shown a

thermal Bose distribution with the same numb er density It is seen that in

and order to get a large fraction of cold particles we need to have

Numerical Results

Figure Final momentum distribution of The full curve is for

and and The dotted curve is for

The reason for this was describ ed in the previous section Fig

shows the eect of changing the relative mass of the two heavy neutrinos We

m see here that to get a large cold fraction we also need to have m

This is also understandable if we lo ok at the allowed momentum range of the

pro duced b osons from Eq



p m



If is close to one we can get very cold b osons This means that the b osons will

tend to cluster in low momentum states but b ecause of energy conservation we

get a very hot distribution On the other hand if then the lowest

b oson states are unaccessible and we get instead a colder distribution This

in turn leads to more lasing in the lasing state and even though the fraction

of cold b osons coming from the initial decay gets smaller this is more than

comp ensated for by the larger fraction coming from the decay This is indeed

why the cold fraction increases when decreases

Chapter Neutrino Lasing

Figure The temp erature evolution of the distribution The decay pa

and The dotted curve is at rameters are

T MeV the dashed at T MeV and the dotdashed at T MeV

The full curve is the nal distribution after complete decay

Thus if we want to study the region of parameter space with p ossible in

terest for structure formation scenarios we have essentially limited ourselves

to the region of ultrarelativistic decays with a large mass dierence b etween

the two heavy neutrinos It is also interesting to follow the evolution of the

b oson distributions with temp erature to see how the dierent states p opulate

Fig shows the temp erature evolution of the b oson distribution for the decay

and parameters

The minimum p ossible b oson energy at a given temp erature is given by Eq

where instead of we use and for we use An approximate

T corresp onding roughly lower limit can b e calculated by setting p

to the mean value from a normal thermal distribution This lower limit is

an increasing function with decreasing temp erature and indicates roughly the

momentum where the distribution decouples decoupling here means that the

states are kinematically inaccessible at a given temp erature For the mo del

shown in Fig we get p T for photon temp eratures

of and MeV We see that the lower limit at a given temp erature

Numerical Results

Figure The temp erature evolution of the distribution The decay pa

rameters are as in Fig The full curve is the initial thermal distribution

The dotted curve is at T MeV the dashed at T MeV and the

dotdashed curve is at T MeV

corresp onds roughly to the momentum where the distribution decouples Of

course the lower limit will always b e somewhat higher than the actual decoupling

p oint but it helps to understand the evolution of the sp ectra Fig shows

the corresp onding evolution of We see the b efore mentioned eect of

decay pro ducing a cold distribution and thereby enhancing lasing

However even in the case where the decays are ultrarelativistic and the mass

ratio small the fraction of cold b osons is only mo derate For example in the

the fraction of b osons m and m case where

with p T is only If the b oson was to act as the dark matter


in our Universe a much larger fraction would b e needed Note however that

even if the obtainable cold fraction is to o small it is comparable with or larger

than that obtained in the mo del of Refs Furthermore it is achieved

without invoking an unknown neutrino state

Chapter Neutrino Lasing


We have develop ed further the scenario originally prop osed in Refs

by intro ducing a physically dierent way of obtaining neutrino lasing However

this mo del still suers from one of the same shortcomings that the original

mo del did namely that it is imp ossible to achieve suciently large fractions of

cold b osons for structure formation

An interesting consequence of the level decay is that the numb er density

of electron neutrinos is increased by a factor of almost three relative to the stan

dard case If the decay takes place b efore or during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

BBN then it can signicantly change the outcome b ecause the electron neu

trinos are very imp ortant for the neutron to proton conversion reactions The

higher than usual numb er of electron neutrinos will tend to keep equilibrium

longer than in the standard case meaning that less neutrons survive to form

helium The helium abundance will then b e lower than in the standard case

Furthermore the ratio of low energy electron neutrinos is signicantly higher

than normal This favours the neutron to proton reaction b ecause of the mass

dierence b etween the neutron and the proton and leads to the opp osite eect of

the one describ ed by Gyuk and Turner where a massive neutrino decays

to electron neutrinos thereby enhancing the neutron fraction and allowing a

very high baryon density without violating the BBN constraints However in

their scenario the decaying neutrino is nonrelativistic and the resulting electron

neutrinos therefore have very high energy the opp osite of our case

Decays pro ducing lasing eects are however not likely to take place during

BBN The reason is that neutrinos are kept in equilibrium by the weak reaction

until roughly T MeV All neutrino distributions are then of equilibrium

form and no lasing will take place If the mass of any of the heavy neutrinos

is of the same order or larger than this temp erature we will essentially have a

nonrelativistic decay after decoupling but this will not pro duce lasing Thus

the heaviest neutrino in our scenario must b e substantially lighter than MeV

thus making it improbable that it should decay during BBN In general neutrino

decays aecting BBN may well take place but then they will not pro duce lasing

eects Therefore we have not treated this case in the present pap er

If we turn to more sp ecic physical mo dels the most natural candidate for

the light scalar particle is the ma joron There exist several ma joron mo dels

all of them designed to explain the very small neutrino masses compared to the

other fermions In the simplest mo dels the decay is forbidden at

tree level making the lifetime to o long to b e of interest However there are

more complicated mo dels where the lifetime can b e short In the simplest case

the ma joron couples to the neutrino via a Yukawa interaction



hc J L i

From this generic interaction several limits to the coupling strength g and

therefore to the lifetime can b e derived For example neutrinoless double


decays give an upp er limit on g of roughly Other limits can b e

derived from the neutrino signal of SNA but as mentioned in Ref

it is very dicult to get a clear picture of the current limits A coupling

constant of gives a restframe decay lifetime of



g m eV

This limit is rather weak and leaves op en a large region of parameter space for

relativistic decays in the early Universe Note that for our mo del to work the

decay must b e suppressed This corresp onds to the coupling g b eing

e e

very small compared to the other coupling constants

Finally we have assumed that the scattering and annihilation reactions b e

tween neutrinos and ma jorons are weak compared with the decay reaction If

as we have assumed the decay is not forbidden at tree level this is the case

b ecause the scattering and annihilations all are of order g whereas the decays

are of order g Were the annihilation and scattering reactions to b e imp or

tant we would not obtain any cold b osons b ecause the low momentum states

would not b e decoupled Therefore it is absolutely necessary that the decays

are stronger than the scattering and annihilation reactions Note that even if

the decay is of order g and the scattering and annihilation g the decay rate

will b e damp ed by a factor mE which can b e very large if the decay

is extremely relativistic Thus in the limit of we have to account for

scatterings and annihilations but would have to b e extremely large b ecause

of the very small value of g

As far as the neutrino masses are concerned they are naturally explained

by seesaw mo dels Then only the left handed comp onents participate in the

interactions b ecause of the very large mass of the right handed comp onents

The p ossible Ma joron decays are then exactly


i j


j i

as required in our lasing mo del

In conclusion what we have shown is that it is p ossible to generate large non

equilibrium eects even starting from identical neutrino distributions Very few

netunings are necessary in order to achieve lasing Thus these eects may

b e present many places in early Universe physics b oth b ecause the decay typ es

are generic and b ecause the early Universe is an inherently nonequilibrium

environment This was also noted in Ref but our sp ecic mo del shows

that the relevant range of mo dels is much larger than originally thought It is

therefore of considerable interest to search for other physical scenarios where the

lasing pro cess and other similar nonequilibrium pro cesses may b e eective

Chapter Neutrino Lasing

Chapter IX


In the present work we have discussed in detail the eects of neutrinos on pri

mordial nucleosynthesis Neutrinos are imp ortant in several ways for the way in

which nucleosynthesis pro ceeds First of all they contribute to the cosmic energy

density which in turn controls the expansion rate of the Universe Furthermore

the electron neutrinos directly enter the weak conversion rates b etween neu

trons and protons Since neutrinos inuence nucleosynthesis in such a strong

way primordial nucleosynthesis can b e used as an eective prob e of neutrino


Starting out with physics entirely within the standard mo del we have p er

formed a detailed calculation of the eect of neutrinos on nucleosynthesis This

calculation was describ ed in Chapter The p oint is that contrary to the usual

assumption neutrinos have not decoupled completely from the cosmic plasma

when the electrons and p ositrons annihilate Therefore they share to some de

gree the entropy transfer that takes place from the e plasma to the other

sp ecies This heats up the neutrino distribution relative to a totally decoupled

sp ecies and inuences nucleosynthesis The change is minute but nevertheless

imp ortant if one wants to build a very accurate nucleosynthesis co de This typ e

of calculation has b een p erformed b efore but our approach diers by the fact

that we use the full set of Boltzmann equations without any approximations We

have found a somewhat smaller neutrino heating eect than the previous state

oftheart calculation done by Do delson and Turner Since our calculation

was p erformed new results have app eared by Dolgov Hansen and Semikoz

that conrm our results They have used the same approach as us but with

higher numerical precision

Going b eyond the standard mo del we have lo oked at neutrinos that are

massive but with lifetime much longer than the timescale for nucleosynthesis

This was done in Chapter Nucleosynthesis limits on massive neutrinos turn

out to b e complementary to limits obtainable in lab oratories and used together

they exclude a neutrino mass ab ove MeV if the neutrino lifetime is longer

than s Again our approach diers from earlier calculations in that we

use the full Boltzmann equations It do es turns out however that our results

Chapter Conclusions

do not dier widely from those obtained by Fields Kainulainen and Olive

who used the integrated Boltzmann equation but included the correct Fermi

statistics for all neutrino sp ecies

Since any neutrino with mass ab ove the cosmologically safe limit of roughly

eV must b e unstable with lifetime shorter than the Hubble time it is natural

to discuss the p ossibility of neutrinos decaying during nucleosynthesis Neutrino

decays can b e split into a few generic typ es Esp ecially there is a dierence

b etween the case where decay pro ducts interact electromagnetically and the case

where they are invisible There exist very strong limits on the rst typ e of

decay making it extremely unlikely that these decays should play any role during

BBN However this is not the case for the second typ e of decay Such decays

have b een discussed in detail most recently by Do delson Gyuk and Turner

However their approach is to use the integrated Boltzmann equation in

a nonrelativistic approximation For neutrinos decaying suciently late when

they have already b ecome nonrelativistic this is a very go o d approximation

For relativistic or semirelativistic decays this not the case Here one needs to

study the full Boltzmann equation since there can b e signicant deviations from

kinetic and chemical equilibrium This has b een done previously for the very

simple decay by Kawasaki et al In Chapter we presented

the calculation for the case of of which is much more complicated


b ecause the decay pro duct electron neutrinos enter into the conversion pro cess

b etween neutrons and protons as previously mentioned In our calculation we

have found signicant quantitative dierences b etween our calculation and those

p erformed with the nonrelativistic approximation We have also discussed the

p ossibility that a low mass tau neutrino decaying with short lifetime to an

electron neutrino nal state can bring nucleosynthesis predictions into b etter

agreement with observations

Lastly we have lo oked at a neutrino pro cess which is somewhat more exotic

namely that of neutrino lasing The fundamental idea was originally intro duced

by Madsen who studied a p ossible stimulated decay of some neutrino sp ecies

into a neutrino plus scalar particle nal state If this stimulated decay pro ceeds

in equilibrium it gives rise to the p ossibility of forming a Bose condensate of the

decay pro duct b osons This could p otentially b e very interesting for mo dels of

structure formation in the early Universe The reason is that b oth cold and hot

dark matter is apparently needed to t observations of the present day large

scale structure By having the ab ove mentioned stimulated decay some of the

b osons are in a Bose condensate whereas the rest are in a thermal distribution

If this b oson has a small mass it can act as b oth cold and hot dark matter

thereby explaining these mixed dark matter mo dels with only one new particle

The problem is however that only a relatively small fraction of the b osons end

up in the condensate roughly whereas a fraction closer to is needed to

t observational data The scenario was calculated through in more detail using

Boltzmann equation formalism by Starkman Kaiser and Malaney They

found that a true Bose condensate do es not form but that instead there will b e

a p eak of very low momentum b osons in a pseudocondensate The fraction

of particles in this low momentum p eak is roughly the same as that found by

Madsen for the equilibrium decay that is much to o small to b e interesting for

structure formation

We have develop ed a new scenario for the lasing decay using only equilibrium

initial distributions The trouble for the original scenario was that an initial

p opulation inversion is needed b etween the heavy and light neutrino Otherwise

the stimulated decay is never initiated and the nal distribution is thermal

Originally this p opulation inversion was invoked by having the light neutrino

decouple very early prior to the QCD phase transition so that its abundance

would b e diluted by the entropy released in the subsequent phase transition

However if there is a three neutrino mass hierarchy we have shown that it

is p ossible to achieve lasing with just the three known neutrino sp ecies In

this scenario the heaviest neutrino acts as the pumping level in a normal three

level laser whereas the next sp ecies in the hierarchy is the actual lasing level

When the heaviest sp ecies decays while still relativistic it pro duces a p opulation

inversion b etween the rst and second generation so that a lasing mechanism

o ccurs naturally We have presented thorough calculations of this scenario in

Chapter It was found that the amount of cold b osons pro duced is not much

higher than in the original scenario so that the mo del is still not viable as an

explanation of mixed dark matter However it do es show that the range of

mo dels where the lasing phenomenon can o ccur is much larger than originally


In conclusion the present work has presented detailed calculations of some

of the physical mechanisms that can take place during or close to the era of

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis It was found that neutrinos play a very imp ortant

role for the evolution of our Universe and that cosmological observations can

therefore b e used to prob e neutrino physics in regions that terrestrial exp eri

ments cannot reach However there are still signicant problems for example

the observational determinations of the primordial abundances are still quite

uncertain This again means that primordial nucleosynthesis is still not at a

sucient level of precision that one may start discussing constraints on ne

p oints in the input physics This issue will hop efully b e resolved in the coming

few years as the observations of for example QSO absorption systems are im

proved By determining the deuterium abundance accurately one should b e able

to pin down the baryontophoton ratio very precisely so that rm predictions

can b e made for the abundance of the other light elements We should then b e

in a p osition to really start testing the physical comp osition of the Universe at

an age of seconds using Big Bang nucleosynthesis

Finally a few words should p erhaps b e said ab out a p ossible new approach

to determining the fundamental cosmological parameters namely from the mea

suring of small scale anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background This will

b e done within the next few years by two satellites the American MAP and the

Europ ean PLANCK formerly known as COBRASSAMBA missions

According to exp ectations these should b e able to p erform a precision mea

surement of the uctuation amplitude b eyond the rst Dopplerp eak thereby

Chapter Conclusions

enabling an accurate determination of cosmological parameters like H etc

This would yield a value for indep endent of nucleosynthesis arguments so

that the eld of Big Bang nucleosynthesis would enter a new precision era by

means of this external input

Chapter X

Outlo ok

There are a numb er of issues which have not b een addressed at all in the present

work that may b e very interesting for future work The rst is entirely within

the standard mo del and deals with the precision to which one can really predict

the helium abundance theoretically During the past year or two more and

more emphasis has b een put on the need to really understand the theoretical

uncertainties in the nucleosynthesis calculations This p oint is esp ecially con

cerning when one lo oks at He b ecause this is probably the only light element

where we can ever hop e to measure the primordial abundance to sucient ac

curacy There are a numb er of uncertainties in the standard nucleosynthesis

calculations that need to b e addressed This was rst discussed by Dicus et

al some years ago and since then there has b een an increasing numb er

of calculations of these eects Primarily the error in the standard calculation

comes from neglect of nite nucleon masses The neutrino heating eect dis

cussed in Chapter is another example of a missing element However there

are many more such nep oints like medium eects etc The normal calculation

assumes that all pro cesses pro ceed in vacuum which is of course not true Many

things are changed when physical pro cesses o ccur in a dense medium for ex

ample normally massless sp ecies like neutrinos and photons acquire an eective

mass Even though many of these eects are minute they are still interesting

from a theoretical p oint of view and may improve our understanding of physics

in the early Universe

Another imp ortant issue is the p ossibility of neutrino oscillations during

primordial nucleosynthesis This is of course p otentially imp ortant for massive

neutrinos such as a heavy tau neutrino Esp ecially if electron neutrinos are

involved in the oscillations one can obtain quite large eects on nucleosynthesis

Last if we lo ok at neutrino physics more generally it would also b e very

interesting to do studies of neutrinos in the sup ernova environment This eld

is somewhat disjoint from neutrino physics in the early Universe however many

of the techniques applied are similar Also what we can learn from studying

neutrinos in sup ernovae is in many ways complementary to what one can learn

from neutrino physics in the early Universe For this reason this typ e of study is

Chapter Outlo ok

a very interesting future prosp ect In many ways the sup ernova environment is

not nearly as well understo o d as the early Universe Sup ernova physics couples

a lot of complicated phenomena together in an almost intractable way and

pro cesses such as the transp ort of neutrinos in a very dense medium are not

well understo o d from a theoretical p ersp ective Thus a lot of work remains to

b e done in this eld For instance presently the precise mechanism that leads

to the visible sup ernova blast instead of complete collapse to a black hole is not

understo o d but is b elieved to b e connected with the way neutrinos propagate

through the medium surrounding the young neutron star


There are a great numb er of p eople to whom thanks are due First of all I wish

to thank my thesis sup ervisor Jes Madsen for his guidance during the years and

for making me cho ose this eld of work by b eing such an inspiring lecturer

The help and guidance of Georg Raelt has b een invaluable and he also

made p ossible my stay at the Max Planck Institut fur Physik in Munich for six

months during

There are a numb er of p eople at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy

whom I also wish to thank for interesting discussions and go o d company in

general my oce mates Michael Christiansen and Georg B Larsen as well as

my other friends at the institute

DelB of my PhD study has b een nanced by the Theoretical Astrophysics

Center under the Danish National Research Foundation and they have also

agreed to hire me after I have nished my PhD

In the nonphysics community I wish to thank my parents for all their sup

p ort and esp ecially my friend Jesp er who has b een very go o d at keeping me

from doing physics all the time Thanks also to all my other friends

App endix A

Mathematical Formalism

A Dirac Matrices and Their Algebra

The Dirac matrices are dened from the Dirac equation for a free particle

p m A

and they ob ey the commutation relations Cliord algebra

f g g A

From these matrices one can dene the a matrix as

i A

where ob eys the relations



f g A

so that is its own inverse and furthermore it anticommutes with all the other


Several dierent representations are used for the Dirac matrices dep end

ing on convenience in a given calculation The standard choice is the Dirac

representation where











The matrices are the usual Pauli spin matrices dened as





App endix A Mathematical Formalism

Other choices than the Dirac representation are p ossible for example the

chiral representation in which







In this representation is




There are many dierent such representations which may b e chosen for conve

nience in a given situation

Another quantity which is often imp ortant is the commutator b etween Dirac




which has the prop erties

g i A



A Dirac Spinors

For free particles the solutions to the Dirac equation have the form of plane

waves of p ositive and negative energy


x ue A


x v e A

where u and v are Dirac spinors that are themselves solutions to the Dirac


p mu A

p mv A

Explicitly these spinors are given by



A E m up s



E m




E m

E m A v p s


where is a twocomp onent spinor eld s is the helicity which can b e


Therefore the spinor can assume the values



A Creation and Annihilation Op erators

This gives the normalisation


0 0

A p E u pu

ss s



0 0

A p E v pv

ss s




p A v pu



of the Dirac spinors

A Creation and Annihilation Op erators


The fermion creation and annihilation op erators f and f as well as the cor


f and f are dened so as to ob ey the resp onding op erators for antiparticles

anticommutation relations



ff p s f p s g p p A




f p s f p s g p p A f


with all other anticommutators b eing zero The action of the creation and

annihilation op erators on physical states has the following eect

f p sjp si ji A


f ji jp si A

f p sjp si ji A


f ji jp si A

where by ji we mean the vacuum state

App endix A Mathematical Formalism

App endix B

Phasespace Integrals

This app endix shows how to reduce the integral in Eq from to dimen

sions Except for the inclusion of mass terms most of what can b e found in this

app endix was originally develop ed by Yueh Buchler for use in sup ernova


The collision integrals all have the form of Eq The innermost integral

can b e rewritten using the equality

d p

d p p m p B


The integral over d p is now done using the function Hereafter p is xed as

p p p p p p p p p p B

Now the following angles are intro duced

p p

cos B

p p

p p

cos B

p p

p p

B cos

p p

cos cos sin sin cos

Thus we obtain

dp d cos d B d p p

d p p dp d cos d B

The integration over d is carried out using the function We use that

f B m p

App endix B Phasespace Integrals

From the standard theory of functions we use



B d f d






where are the ro ots of f The derivative is evaluated to



p p sin sin sin B


sin is found as cos where

i i

E E p p cos cos Q

B cos


p p sin sin

E E p p cos

p p sin sin

E E p p cos

p p sin sin

and we have intro duced Q m m m m The equation for sin will


have two solutions one in the interval and one in the interval

Since the rhs of Eq B is symmetric in we can multiply by two and

integrate over The limits on the integral d cos come from demanding

that cos But this means that

p p sin sin sin B

Notice that this is the same as demanding that




Finally we end up with



B d f






The derivative can b e written as



a cos b cos c B




B a p

b p p p Q B

c Q Q Q B

cos p p

and we have intro duced the following parameters in order to limit the amount

of space required to write out the formulae


p p cos B

p p B

Notice that Eqs B B and B reduce to those of Yueh Buchler

in the limit of zero masses

Now any one of the p ossible matrix elements only include pro ducts of

momenta All the p ossible pro ducts of these momenta are calculated b elow

p p E E p p cos B

p p E E p p cos B

p p m E E p p cos B

E E p p cos

p p E E p p cos B

E E p p cos Q

p p E E p p cos m Q B

p p E E p p cos m Q B

Because all the ab ove pro ducts are analytically integrable over d cos the in

tegrals over this parameter can now b e carried out by use of the fundamental




p p

ax bx c b ac B


bx c ax

The step function comes from demanding that there b e a real integration inter

val This actually also insures that the ro ots of ax bx c are not outside the

fundamental integration interval of b ecause the step function singles out

the physical situations where d cos can not b e outside this interval Integrat

ing over d is no problem as there is no dep endency on this parameter The

nal integration that can b e done is the one over d cos Any one of the p ossi

ble pro ducts of momenta is analytically integrable over d cos The solution of

b ac gives the integration interval The solutions are

Q B cos p



p p Q p p p p

If there is to b e a real integration interval b oth of these solutions must b e

real The fundamental interval is of course but the real limits are

sup cos and inf cos There can only b e a real integration

min max

interval if b oth and are real numb ers and

App endix B Phasespace Integrals

Note that there are seemingly two places where divergences o ccur in the

collision integral The rst one is for p p cos but in this case there

is no problem b ecause although the integrand b ecomes innite it is integrably

innite The second place is for p To see what happ ens here we have

to go back to the fundamental integral Eq B If p then a p p

but then there can b e no divergence as p no longer app ears in any denominator

Clearly there is still the p ossibility of divergence if m also b ecause of the

E term Fortunately it turns out that b ac if m p so that

the rate b ecomes equal to in this case as it ought to b e Finally the collision

integral can b e written as


p dp p dp

S B C f



f f f f F p p p A

where A is the parameter space allowed that is the space dened by requiring

real and F is the matrix element integrated over d cos and d cos


F p p p j M j d cos d cos B

App endix C

English Resume

The goal of the present work has b een to investigate asp ects of the interface

b etween particle physics and cosmology This eld is one of the most promising

in the whole area of mo dern physics since in many cases the whole Universe can

b e used as a giant particle physics lab oratory We have fo cused on the particles

called neutrinos and their imp ortance in the early Universe Neutrinos are

weakly interacting spin leptons essentially equivalent to electrons except

for the fact that they apparently do not p ossess either mass or electric charge

Three generations of neutrinos are known to exist and corresp onding


to the charged leptons e and Since neutrinos interact so weakly very little

is actually known ab out them They are extremely dicult to detect in the

lab oratory even though they are present in great abundance everywhere b eing

pro duced continuously by for example the Sun For this reason one must often

turn to indirect means of studying neutrinos One such p ossibility is to use the

early Universe as a neutrino lab oratory

There is no a priori reason why neutrinos should b e completely massless

and a large part of this thesis has b een devoted to the study of massive neu

trinos in cosmology It turns out that neutrinos are intimately connected with

the formation of light nuclei when the Universe was ab out second old the

phenomenon usually referred to as Big Bang Nucleosynthesis BBN Studies of

the outcome of BBN can therefore tell us a lot ab out the prop erties of neutrinos

Features that are completely unreachable in terrestrial lab oratories

The rst four chapters of the thesis have b een devoted to an intro duction to

the fundamental concepts needed Chapter is a general intro duction Chap

ter contains a discussion of the evolution equations for the expansion of the

Universe as well as a review of the Boltzmann equation the fundamental trans

p ort equation relating dierent particle sp ecies in the early Universe Chapter

reviews Big Bang Nucleosynthesis b oth the theoretical and the observational

asp ects In the theoretical section the inuence of neutrinos and other particles

on nucleosynthesis is discussed In the observational part we lo ok at how the

dierent light element abundances are observed as well as discuss the problems

connected with these observations In Chapter the physics of neutrinos is

App endix C English Resume

discussed We start out with the denitions of quantum neutrino elds and

discuss the weak interactions of neutrinos emphasising the similarities and dif

ferences of Dirac and Ma jorana neutrinos In the nal section neutrino decays

are discussed primarily the exp erimental constraints that exist on such decays

In the next four chapters we pro ceed with a more sp ecic discussion of neu

trino physics in the early Universe Chapter contains a thorough calculation of

the inuence of massless standard mo del neutrinos on primordial nucleosynthe

sis We nd that the neutrinos distributions are heated slightly relative to the

standard calculations b ecause energy is transferred from electrons and p ositrons

as these b ecome nonrelativistic and annihilate Our calculation has b een more

careful than previous ones taking into account the full quantum statistics of

neutrinos After our results app eared new and numerically more precise results

by Dolgov Hansen and Semikoz have app eared that conrm our results

Chapter go es b eyond the minimal standard mo del in that neutrinos are

allowed to have mass However we still assume that they only p ossess standard

mo del weak interactions and furthermore we assume their lifetime against de

cay to b e suciently long not to have any eect on nucleosynthesis s

Massive neutrinos aect primordial nucleosynthesis quite dramatically mainly

b ecause their nonzero rest mass energy can come to dominate the cosmic en

ergy density at temp eratures b elow the rest mass This again changes the cosmic

expansion rate and generally leads to a strong increase in helium pro duction

We nd that tau neutrinos with mass larger than roughly MeV are ruled

out by combining our nucleosynthesis arguments with the lab oratory mass limit

of MeV for the tau neutrino This is consistent with previous results but

our treatment has included use of the full Boltzmann equation following each

momentum mo de in time instead of the usual approach where one assumes scat

tering equilibrium for the involved neutrinos Our calculations were p erformed

for Ma jorana neutrinos only but the limits can b e exp ected to b e roughly the

same for Dirac neutrinos also ruling out a massive Dirac neutrino if its rest

mass is larger than roughly MeV still assuming a suciently long lifetime

against decay

In Chapter we pro ceed to lo ok at the p ossibility of neutrino decays during

nucleosynthesis This phenomenon has b een discussed many times in the liter

ature but we lo ok at one very interesting range in parameter space that has so

far not b een treated prop erly namely that of a low mass tau neutrino decaying

to an electron neutrino nal state For the last few years there have b een some

indication that the standard picture of BBN may b e lacking something The

problem is that apparently to o much helium is pro duced to b e consistent with

observations A decay of the typ e we discuss can help solve this problem since

it lowers the helium abundance from nucleosynthesis if the mass and lifetime of

the decaying neutrino are b oth suciently low Again we have used the full set

of Boltzmann equations as opp osed to previous treatments For the sp ecic de

cay we lo ok at this is the only way to obtain sensible results b ecause the decay

do es not necessarily install equilibrium in the particle distributions We have

found a large range of allowed neutrino decay lifetimes for masses in the range

MeV As in the previous chapter we only lo oked at Ma jorana neutrinos

b ecause there are several additional complications for Dirac neutrinos

Lastly in Chapter we have lo oked at a dierent asp ect of neutrino physics

in the early Universe Here we study the p ossibility of making dark matter

from neutrino decays Dark matter is the generic term for the mass known

to b e present in the Universe but not identiable as normal baryonic matter

This matter is for example needed to pro duce the present day structure of

the Universe such as galaxies etc It turns out that to b e consistent with

observations most of the dark matter should b e in very heavy particles called

cold dark matter However a small fraction of light particles is needed termed

hot dark matter Some years ago it was suggested by Madsen that this typ e of

scenario could p ossibly b e pro duced by stimulated decay of massive neutrinos

to a nal state containing some scalar particle It turned out however that the

relative fraction of cold and hot dark matter was wrong most of the dark matter

ended up in the form of hot dark matter We have develop ed this scenario to

a new mo del with more than one neutrino decay but it still app ears that to o

much hot dark matter is pro duced

App endix C English Resume


G F Smo ot et al Astrophys J Lett L

See for example R Giovanelli and M P Haynes in Annual Review of

Astronomy and Astrophysics

G Gamow Phys Rev

Much more extensive information can b e found in recent reviews such as

H Reeves Rev Mo d Phys R A Malaney and G J

Mathews Phys Rep M S Smith L H Kawano and R

A Malaney Astrophys J Suppl

S Burles and D Tytler Rep ort no astroph

K A Olive and D Thomas Astropart Phys

RM Barnett et al Particle Data Group Phys Rev D

N Hata et al Phys Rev Lett

J Bernstein Kinetic Theory in the Expanding Universe Cambridge Uni

versity Press

S Weinb erg Gravitation and Cosmology John Wiley and Sons

G G Raelt Stars as Laboratories for Fundamental Physics University

of Chicago Press

B D Fields K Kainulainen and K A Olive Rep ort no hepph


R V Wagoner in Physical Cosmology Les Houches edited by

R Balian J Audouze and D N Schramm Les Houches Summer Scho ol

Pro ceedings Vol p

P Gondolo and G Gelmini Nucl Phys B

K Kainulainen and A D Dolgov Nucl Phys B

G D Starkman N Kaiser and R A Malaney Astrophys J

K A Olive and G Steigman Astrophys J Suppl

Y I Izotov T X Thuan and V A Lip ovetsky Astrophys J Suppl

A Songaila et al Nature London

M Rugers and C J Hogan Astron J

J K Webb et al Nature

D Tytler S Burles and D Kirkman Rep ort no astroph

F Spite and M Spite Astron Astrophys

P Bonifacio and P Molaro Mon Not R Astron So c

see for example J Bahcall talk given at th Texas Symp osium on Rela

tivistic Astrophysics Chicago IL Rep ort no astroph

See for example T K Gaisser Talk given at the th International Con

ference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics Neutrino Helsinki Fin

land Rep ort no hepph

C Athanassop oulos et al Phys Rev Lett

K Grotz and H V Klap dor The Weak Interaction in Nuclear Particle

and Astrophysics Adam Hilger


K Assamagan et al Phys Rev D

D Buskulic et al Phys Lett B

B Kayser F GibratDebu and F Perrier The Physics of Massive Neutri

nos World Scientic Lecture Notes in Physics Vol

D Bailin and A Love Introduction to Gauge Field Theory Adam Hilger

R Plaga Rep ort no hepph S Hannestad Rep ort no

hepph B Kayser Reoprt no hepph A

Ho efer Rep ort no hepph S H Hansen Rep ort no hep


see the pap er by R Plaga in Ref

P Vilain et al CHARM II collab oration Phys Lett B

EW Kolb and MS Turner The Early Universe Addison Wesley

P J E Peebles Principles of Physical Cosmology Princeton University


see for example A L Mellott and D W Sciama Phys Rev Lett

see for example R N Mohapatra and P B Pal Massive Neutrinos in

Physics and Astrophysics World Scientic Lecture Notes in Physics


S Do delson G Gyuk and M S Turner Phys Rev D

S Do delson and MS Turner Phys Rev D

A D Dolgov and M Fukugita Phys Rev D

D A Dicus et al Phys Rev D


M A Herrera and S Hacyan Astrophys J

N C Rana and B Mitra Phys Rev D

S Hannestad and J Madsen Phys Rev D

L Kawano Rep ort no FERMILABPubA unpublished

BD Fields S Do delson and MS Turner Phys Rev D

C J Copi D N Schramm and M S Turner Phys Rev Lett

R Cowsik and J McClelland Phys Rev Lett

A D Dolgov S H Hansen and D V Semikoz Preprint no TAC

Rep ort no hepph

For recent reviews see G Gyuk and M S Turner Nucl Phys B Pro c

Suppl G Gelmini and E Roulet Rep Prog Phys

D A Dicus et al Phys Rev D

E W Kolb and R J Scherrer Phys Rev D

R J Scherrer and M J Turner Ap J

A D Dolgov K Kainulainen and I Z Rothstein Phys Rev D

E W Kolb et al Phys Rev Lett

A D Dolgov and I Z Rothstein Phys Rev Lett

M Kawasaki et al Nucl Phys B

A D Dolgov S Pastor and J W F Valle Rep ort no hepph


S Hannestad and J Madsen Phys Rev Lett

J Bernstein L S Brown and G Feinb erg Phys Rev D

In the published version of Ref the same eect will b e accounted for

with very go o d agreement with our results Kimmo Kainulainen private


N Terasawa and K Sato Phys Lett B

E W Kolb and R J Scherrer Phys Rev D

R J Scherrer and M S Turner Astrophys J R J Scherrer

and M S Turner ibid

J Madsen Phys Rev Lett

M Kawasaki K Kohri and K Sato Rep ort no astroph

S Hannestad and J Madsen Phys Rev D

C J Copi D N Schramm and M S Turner FERMILABPubA

Recent treatments are M Kawasaki G Steigman and HS Kang Nucl

Phys B G Gyuk and M S Turner in Neutrino Pro

ceedings of the th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and As

trophysics Eilat Israel edited by A Dar et al Nucl Phys Pro c Suppl


N Kaiser R A Malaney and G D Starkman Phys Rev Lett

See for example A Klypin J Holtzman J Primack and E Regos Astro

phys J

G B Larsen and J Madsen Phys Rev D


G Gyuk and M S Turner Phys Rev D

Z G Berezhiani et al Phys Lett B

See for example C W Kim and A Pevsner Neutrinos in Physics and

Astrophysics Harwo o d Academic Publishers

W R Yueh and JR Buchler Astrophysics Space Science