
NEWS WestcombeFree to 3800 homes, in libraries and shops November 2020 No. 8

“Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.” J.R.R. Tolkein

“AND THE QUEUES GO ON” PLENTY OF ROOM Marilyn Little IN THIS LANE...... Jo Burnand ith the rush now ince the closure of roads in West the east of the Park should be subject to Won to link up SGreenwich to through traffic some consultation. via a network of parts of Westcombe Park are experiencing The Westcombe Society feel that unless cycleways in anticipa- heavier traffic as drivers attempt to access there is a substantial reduction in traffic tion of four million extra Greenwich via Trafalgar Road. Vanbrugh running through the conservation area, evi- journeys every day by Hill and Maze Hill continue to suffer denced by a reduced number of vehicles 2025, work has begun queues of traffic during the morning rush using both Maze and Vanbrugh Hills, the on the first stage of a hour. West Greenwich Traffic Scheme should be cycle route linking Residents have been logging traffic withdrawn in all or part and not considered Greenwich with numbers and journey information and for reinstatement until traffic levels have Woolwich. found that many journeys, whilst ending in returned to pre-Covid levels. The borough The works will test Greenwich, were coming from areas east of Lewisham have removed many of their the feasibility of a cycle- of the borough. Drivers were insistent that Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in response way running from they needed their car to transports goods to increases in congestion locally. Greenwich town centre and tools to to the Angerstein round- do with their Traffic on Maze Hill about near to where jobs. The cyclists have been residents felt killed, two in the space that the of two weeks in 2018 number of and another in 2009. Photo: Jo Burnand vehicles was In a bid to overcome not reducing the problem of integrat- yet) says, "It's a very good idea but needs and some ing a cycle lane with an already narrow further improvement. The turning points days were road, the route shadows the A206 through into the main road I feel are very danger- worse than the Royal Naval College and along the ous because you need to be aware of others. It Old Woolwich Road, joining it at cyclists and traffic coming from both has been Christchurch Way. A two-way cycle lane directions. Another main concern is the noted that with line markings and segregated from emergency services. Traffic was bad as it the volume vehicles with flexible cylinders starts up was, but now cars have nowhere to pull in of traffic along the north side of Trafalgar Road to let the emergency vehicles pass.” using the A2 (A206) and continues through to Denham The route was initially planned as the has an effect Street on its approach to the Angerstein last link in the chain of Cycleway 4 con- on the num- roundabout. necting the ferry at Woolwich with the ber of vehicles taking avoiding action and A petition run by the residents of Maze To free up space for traffic, bus stops, City. The first stage of this route has now cutting through Westcombe Park. When Hill has gathered over 3,000 signatures parking and loading bays are being relo- been completed, incorporating a state-of- the West Greenwich scheme was intro- and was to have been presented to the full cated while what is currently two lane the-art cycleway the length of Jamaica duced the council had expected that most Council Meeting on the 29th October. traffic east and westbound on the approach Road. Funding restrictions, plans to part- drivers would stay on the A2 to complete Unfortunately this has been cancelled due to Blackwall Lane is reduced to one lane pedestrianise Greenwich and perhaps do their journey. This is obviously not the to the current Covid risk level and will be in both directions. Traffic eastbound will away with the Angerstein roundabout alto- case. replaced by a Special Meeting in early be further restricted by having access pro- gether, are among factors determining A site meeting was called by local coun- November which will discuss urgent coun- hibited to Rodmere Street and the A102 when Cycleway 4 will be finished and cillors for residents to meet with Highways cil matters. At the time of writing it is not North slip road. whether other cycle routes feeding into officers and the leader of the council clear what interaction with the public will Local resident Alessandro who uses the this main artery will materialise. Danny Thorpe. be possible at that meeting. lane (although it is not officially opened as

Councillor Thorpe felt that the problem ID We think the broader issue of an overall E was caused by the increased use of cars transport/traffic plan for South East 7=.(',E%",C%-"()',E%'4D+3<$4$,21%5$2-$$,%*+$$,-'./%",C%033(-'./ 838392/$+,92/$+, RIVERSIDE W 66"+)"+)

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L L I L continuing to have an impact on local traf- G L E the communities in this area to work out a W L R L E O C E ILIL C H N L U W IAIA R I S C C M :"::"2'3,"(%!"+'2'4$2'2 3,"(" %!"+'2'4$ H 7/",E$1%23%D$+4'22$C%43<$4$,21%>3+%<$/'.($1 T H W !9!91$941$949 fic. The recent raising of the borough long-term traffic plan that works for all ALA K$S.$D2%591$1%3+%.=.($1%-/$+$%12"2$C%3,%4"DL L K H IG W%:3%$,2+=%>+34%?+">"(E"+%I3"C%',23%7/+'12./9+./%0"= H W ES H TC W%:3%$,2+=%>+34%?+">"(E"+%I3"C%',23%I3C4$+$%82+$$2 Covid risk level will have an impact on IC O areas together rather than pushing the traf- D M B W A E PARK ROAD W%G((3-%2+">".%23%+9,%',%532/%C'+$.2'3,1%3,%"%14"((%D"+2%3> N O E E R R %2/$%3,$N-"=%1$.2'3,%3,%I3C4$+$%82+$$2 G W%:3%+'E/2%29+,%>+34%?+">"(E"+%I3"C%',23%X",5+9E/%&'(( this and no timescales were agreed. We CR fic from one small community onto anoth- R O ?/?/$%I3="($%I3="( O O M W%:3%$,2+=%>+34%033(-'./%I3"C%Y%GZPO%+39,C"5392 Y ’ J5JJ51$+<"23+=1$$+<"23+= A S **++$$,-'./$$,,-''./ H PAR L BRUG K %',23%GZPO%,3+2/%1('D%+3"C H H K!K!91$94L!91$94L N I 6"6"+)"+) A I L W%:3%+'E/2%29+,%>+34%033(-'./%I3"C%',23%G(C$59+E/%82+$$2 L V L feel that any suggestions to alleviate the er. L

D current issue by making modifications to AD << Newsbriefs > >

Charlton Gardens Success down had started and immediately Park, and contributor to the hardship on many families – 40% We learnt, too late for the October began to put all her energy into Westcombe News, Cllr Denise of children are already living in edition, that Charlton Community the job during a very difficult peri- Scott-MacDonald, has just been poverty in the borough. Gardens have been awarded certifi- od. All the residents greatly appre- elected Deputy Leader of the Reminder to parents! cates by London in Bloom in the ciate her hard work and look for- Council. Primary school applications close Our Community category. This ward to a very fruitful future with Travel issues on 15th January 2021. Visit the year judging was done on the basis her at at Tudor Grange. TfL is losing money hand over fist school admissions pages on RG of report, submitted by local Jackie Bogue and the Tudor as the Covid pandemic continues. website for further details and groups, of the activities undertak- Grange Residents The Mayor of London, Sadiq information at en. The Community Orchards were Sad loss Khan, asked the government to royalgreenwich.gov.uk/schoolad- judged as Outstanding and We are sorry to report the death of provide financial assistance. The missions. Charlton Station Garden gained a local artist Cristiana Angelini, a government agreed, with condi- Gold award. Congratulations to all Add your name number of whose works have fea- tions. One of these is that TfL has concerned. Barclays Bank at The Standard is tured in the pages of the been forced to scrap the Zip Card set to close its doors to the public Tudor Grange Appointee Westcombe News. Our condo- which provides free travel for 11 – 15th January 2021. The bank has Congratulations to Denise Marney lences to all her family and friends. 18 year-olds. The Zip Card has issued a leaflet called, ‘Reasons for on being made permanent Manager (See Community page) been used by some 30,000 chil- Closure’ and you can pick one up at Tudor Grange. She joined the dren in Greenwich, and its aboli- Congratulations, Denise! at the branch. WN heard there is a staff in April 2020 just after lock- tion has imposed great financial Former resident of Westcombe petition circulating to keep it open. COMMUNITY

Westcombe News MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO CRISTIANA ANGELINI “YOUR PAPER NEEDS 1937 - 2020 YOU” e are short of deliverers for the PUBLISHER erry Scales, chairman of The awarded first prize in the Laing Collection Westcombe News, in particular we The Westcombe Society Blackheath Art Society, pays the fol- Exhibition for London and the South East. W T need people to regularly deliver to c/o 163 Westcombe Hill, SE3 7DP or lowing tribute to Cristiana Angelini.... “I We must not forget that she achieved all Langton Way and St Johns Park and other [email protected] first met Cristiana when I took a summer this while bringing up three daughters. smaller rounds near Blackheath Standard. Chair: Marilyn Little school in Kent. I was immediately struck More recently, The Millinery Gallery in The commitment is only once a month for Tel: 0208 853 1312 by her determination to tackle the most dif- Islington was her main exhibiting gallery ten months of the year. ficult of subjects. That meeting developed where her paintings held their own against However please don't be put off volun- into a bond where we were practically well-established artists exhibiting EDITOR teering if you live in another part of alongside her. Anne Williams Westcombe Park, we can always do with Parallel to her painting career, Cristiana All editorial correspondence to: extra people to cover when people are was also a visiting lecturer at the Adult [email protected] away or sick and to take on rounds when Education College for Bexley for some 30 people move. years, stimulating many students. As testa- EDITORIAL TEAM Think of all that exercise and fresh air! ment to her Polly Morgan skill as a Kathy Cullen teacher and VOLUNTEERS WANTED Diane Blackwell warmth as FOR HISTORIC GARDEN Jo Burnand a person ALL PRESS n April The Charlton & Blackheath many ex- Amateur Horticultural Society MATERIAL TO BE SENT TO: I students (CABAHS), launched the Charlton House [email protected] stayed in Old Pond Garden volunteer scheme, which Deadline for October copy: inseparable. Painting together in the Kent touch. aims to restore one of their 400-year-old 16th November 2020 valleys or on the Thames shoreline we Personally walled gardens. After just a few sessions were able to give each other practical criti- I was the scheme was locked down so they SUB EDITOR cism. I believe on our tours of Kent she always missed the key Spring planting period. Annie Grey saw something of her native Italy where in amazed at Things started up again on June 30th and her earlier years she studied at the Florence Cristiana's volunteer sessions are held every Tuesday ENVIRONMENT Academy of Art. energy and (2-4pm) and Thursday (11-1pm). Editor: Maggie Gravelle In England she soon became involved in always that Come and join the band of existing All comments and queries to art projects and was a long-term member Italian volunteers and work in the fresh air. All Emily Norton: 0208 853 2756 of and contributor to The Blackheath Art sparkle to liven us up. At her peaceful are welcome, no experience is needed, environment Society. Cristiana exhibited at many presti- passing we say goodbye to a truly renais- just a wish to help in the restoration of a gious galleries including the Royal sance woman. She was my soulmate and I lovely garden. Academy, Whitechapel Gallery and the was so lucky to have shared my life with ADVERTISING https://cabahs.com/old-pond-garden- Mall Galleries. In 1990 Cristiana was her for so many years.” [email protected] project/ -Polly Morgan Deadline for Advertising: MACMILLAN COFFEE AND CAKE FUNDRAISER Caroline Owens 14th November 2020 n September 2019 we were delighted to Legal Department and the view was that sold, and the raffle drawn, we ended our DISTRIBUTION Iraise £1,000 for Macmillan Cancer we could carry on, so that was what we Coffee Morning with a very commendable Emily Norton and volunteers Support at the Westcombe Society Coffee did. £1,000 for Macmillan and an enjoyable Tel: 0208 853 2756 Morning and challenged ourselves to do it The day started well, apart from the break for those who supported us. Thank again in 2020. We booked the Hall at weather; small tables for two were suitably you Mark Johnson-Brown and team at PRINTING Mycenae House for 25th September to spaced, the cakes and sandwiches were dis- Mycenae House for making this event Trojan Press participate once again in The Biggest played and everything on the food stalls possible. Email: [email protected] Coffee Morning in the World, but that was were covered in cellophane; the servers www.trojanpress.com before Covid-19 changed our lives. As all behind the stalls wore face masks or visors other events had to be cancelled because of and gloves and we anxiously waited for The views expressed in the Westcombe lockdown we wondered if the coffee morn- our first customers to arrive. There was not News are not necessarily those of the ing would be able to go ahead. With fin- the usual rush of customers but a steady- Westcombe Society or of the Editor. gers crossed we contacted our loyal volun- stream. The take home cake stall did good We take all reasonable precautions to pro- teer cake and sandwich makers who were trade having started the day with a wide tect the interests of our readers by ensur- willing to help us once again. selection of attractive hand decorated cakes ing as far as possible the bona fides of our We pressed on as Macmillan needs the including one Victoria Sandwich Cake advertisers but cannot accept any respon- funds raised by this event but we knew that made by ten-year-olds Vasi and Amayah, sibility for them. Any complaints should be some would be unhappy for us to do so; of pupils of Invicta School. We placed this addressed to the advertiser. course we would not do so if it was against marvellous cake on the raffle table so that the law. Someone took all the posters down more people had the chance to win it as a To access back numbers (in colour) go to: in the area to make their views known but prize. http://www.westcombesociety.org/west we had sought the opinion of Macmillan’s With most of the ‘coffee with cake’ deal combenews Views expressed are not necessarily those of either Letters the Westcombe Society, or the Westcombe News.

The Poppy Appeal 2020 cult than usual to find a poppy. appeared the Official Monster making many people wary of We s t c o mbe s o c ie t y I hope readers will accept my However I hope readers will Raving Loony Party (Greenwich coming into contact with others, me mbe r s h ip thanks on behalf of the Royal find it helpful to know in Branch) were like a voice crying thus increasing people using their British Legion for the generous advance that I hope to bring in the wilderness in opposing the own private vehicles if they are please send this membership form to: donations they have made while round poppies and metal lapel disastrous scheme, whilst official able, now was certainly not the c hristine Legg, 69 mycenae r oad, I have been collecting at the badges and make a doorstep col- Greenwich Council accounts and time to engage in some ideologi- London, s e 3 7s e Standard in recent years. lection in Westcombe Park “green” zealots have expounded cal experiment, if indeed any This year, because of the coron- between Monday 2nd and the increase in congestion and time was suitable. Name...... avirus, volunteers will not be Sunday 8th November. As I will pollution as some sort of major What also angers Greenwich allowed to collect inside super- not be provided with a card read- success. Loonys is that whilst Greenwich Address...... markets. er donations should be in cash or I’m guessing none of them Council is spending hundreds of Although outdoor collecting by cheque please. actually live in our neck of the thousands of pounds on this ludi- Cheques should be made ...... will be possible in some circum- woods. crous roads scheme, they have stances it has been decided local- payable to “The Poppy Appeal”. Whilst Greenwich Official cut monies to the disabled and Yours faithfully t el...... ly, and with great regret, that the Monster Raving Loony Party are withdrawn Discretionary David Kerr all for reducing traffic volumes Housing Payments (which offset pavements at the Standard and in Kidbrooke Grove SE3 e mail...... Blackheath Village are too nar- and pollution, we are not in the “Bedroom Tax”) from many row to permit social distancing Dear Westcombe News, favour of merely shifting the of the borough’s poorest resi- Please enclose payment as appropriate: and so I will not be making my It was so heartening to read the problem from the wealthiest part dents, which we totally condemn. usual collection inside or outside Westcombe Society’s response to of the borough to the less afflu- Yours for the Manic, not the Family membership £12 [ ] Marks & Spencer during the last Greenwich Council’s disastrous ent parts. Few, Trevor Allman week of the Appeal. Although roads programme (Westcombe With public transport capacity Leader – Official Monster individual membership £8 [ ] there will be collecting boxes in News – October Edition). reduced for the foreseeable Raving Loony Party (Greenwich some shops it may be more diffi- Going by social media, it future and Boris’s “Project Fear” Branch) s enior c itizens/Unwaged £4 [ ] 2 Westcombe News November 2020 LOCAL NEWS


n Greenwich, you would think that the places as far away as Wales, Leicester and lly Porter from the History department Inational and international pandemic isn’t even Scotland. (A great way to spread the Ewon the prestigious Newly Qualified taking place here in our borough. That’s pandemic, one might think …) Teacher (NQT) of the Year award in the because there have been virtually no local However, across the country, there have United Learning 'Best In Everyone' Covid-19 Testing sites in the borough apart been many objections to the government Awards this summer. In her first year of from a drive-through site near the O2 on hiring commercial companies, such as teaching Elly organised a successful mock the peninsula. Serco to (mis)manage coronavirus testing, General Election for students, arranged for Well, the good news is that following rep- often without proper tendering procedures several high-profile speakers, and spear- resentations by the Council, and by local – seen by some as a process of creeping Photo: Brian Aldrich Photography headed the fundraising campaign to buy MP Matt Pennycook, the government has privatisation. The question remains: should reenwich Council celebrated UN Day 240 laptops to facilitate at-home learning these centres be in the hands Gon 21st October with a flag-raising during the pandemic and beyond. of the Council – or our local ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of Courtney Van-Beest (‘Coach Courtney’) NHS? the founding of the United Nations. has been awarded the prestigious title of The Cabinet Member for Pictured: Cllr Denise Hyland, Deputy Teacher of the Year by the Inspire Schools Health, Cllr Miranda Williams Mayor; Cllr Denise Scott-MacDonald and Educational Fund. Courtney is the head criticised the national Serco- Neville Grant - members of Blackheath coach of the John Roan's Basketball Deloitte Test and Trace service and Greenwich United Nations Academy and as a Mentor works with run by Baroness Harding, Association. The Preamble to the UN students to support them to overcome bar- claiming that the service was Charter was read out to mark the occasion. riers and to succeed academically. clearly not fit for purpose Mr Steve Whiteman, acting Director of Public Health for WN CHARITY OF THE YEAR HIT BY COVID -19 finally agreed to another coronavirus test- NHS Greenwich, said that staff were being he Greenwich Winter Night Shelter search and to help people move into more ing centre – at Avery Hill in Eltham. trained on contact tracing; he pointed out T(GWNS) was the Westcombe Society’s permanent accommodation.” Following an agreement with Lewisham that the Town Hall had better records on charity of 2019 ( £1300 raised) and and Greenwich NHS Trust, Greenwich people than the government’s outsourced despite Covid 19 casting its shadow over Council already manages testing in local service. Locally trained staff were well the shelter’s work, Marianne Gass of care homes. placed to locate people who have tested Trustees of GWNight Shelter reports: Up to now, testing facilities have been positive, and to provide advice about self- “We’re working with the Council to find a very limited: apart from the drive-through isolation and identify anyone with whom building that can be made covid secure”. site near the O2, there is only a testing site they have come into contact. Marianne says that “thanks to wonderful in Lewisham, and a walk-through site in Mr Whiteman reports that the situation support and generous donations like that Deptford. There was also – briefly – a had already started to improve. “The diver- from The Westcombe Society we’ve Covid testing centre for students at the sion of resources has ceased, and there has replaced worn out mattresses and pillows, University of Greenwich (but not the gen- been an increase of tests happening in and run a very successful pilot day centre eral public). London boroughs,” he said. which allowed guests a safe warm place It is extraordinary that there have been The new testing centre in Eltham is to be with access to computers, and clothes such sparse local facilities for Greenwich welcomed; but is it enough? Only time will washing and drying facilities. We were St George’s - one of the residents. According to some observers, tell. Cllr Danny Thorpe, leader of the also able to bring in experts to advise on churches that opened up with the opening of the university, the Council, says: "We are delighted that our applying for benefits and helping with job as a night shelter. problem could become more acute – and efforts to get a new testing centre at Avery the need for more testing centres is in any Hill have at last been successful. We are case becoming urgent. now hoping to have another testing centre AND FINALLY...... The new coronavirus testing centre in set up in North Greenwich." Wind power cometh to the Heath. Eltham is good news for those local resi- The Government has extolled the need for wind farms to decarbonise our energy needs in dents who, worried about their symptoms, the future. Lo and behold, on Blackheath appeared a wind surfer squatting on a trolley tried to get a test, and were referred to and being pulled along by a serious kite (no I had not been in the pub). These are more WORK BEGINS ON normally found on beaches I believe. Quite a number of calories would be needed to con- trol the "vehicle" so this must be offset against the "free" power source. DINSDALE’S DANGEROUS WALL Earlier inventors proposed telescopes and helicopters but were ridiculed so we must look ork on the area in front of 49 closely at the possibilities of local wind farms etc. Also wind transport from Blackheath WDinsdale Road has at last begun station car park to Greenwich Park via a dedicated, highly visible path which could also following several years of concern by be used by cyclists and e-scooters (but the latter are not carbon-free). Southeastern trains local residents. Permission was granted would have to have a dedicated trolley carriage like ski racks on Swiss trains. Use in the to fell most of the trees in 2017. The Park might be limited by intruding trees so there would have to be a lockable trolley park retaining wall was deemed unsafe and outside the Park Gate. temporary fencing was erected but no Anonymous further work carried out, although Grant Saw permission was granted in 2018 to Wealth demolish and replace the wall. Now it appears that the land is again being cleared since many of the trees Management have put on new growth. An applica- tion to approve the style of bricks for Limited the new wall has been withdrawn. We await further developments. - Maggie Gravelle INDEPENDENT PERSONAL and A & A LANDSCAPES CORPORATE FINANCIAL Landscape Specialists ADVISERS Investments - Pensions - Estate Planning

Free advice & Qualified estimates horticulturalist 2 Charlton Road. Blackheath Standard London SE3 7EX (T) 020 3417 9760 All aspects of soft & hard landscaping work carried out including email: [email protected] * Maintenance *Site clearance website: www.gswealth.co.uk. * Turfing * Tree surgery * Fencing * Patios * Brickwork HELPING YOU PLAN YOUR FUTURE Tel. 020 8318 2530 Grant Saw Wealth Management Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Westcombe News November 2020 3 FEATURES


uring the 2012 Olympics, when be acknowledged that many non-Zulu FOR LOCAL ARTIST ast month was The Fostering DGreenwich Park hosted a number of inhabitants of the region had suffered LNetwork’s ‘Sons and Daughters equestrian events, local residents in Ulundi severely at the hands of the Zulu Kingdom hen Edythe Peters, from Vanbrugh Month’ and it shone a spotlight on the Road received a letter purporting to come during the ravages of the Difaqane. Some WHill, and long-time member of the important role foster carers’ sons and from Greenwich council, announcing that neighbouring groups took refuge in the Westcombe Society, retired after a career daughters play in a fostering family. Royal Ulundi Road was about to be renamed mountain kingdom of Lesotho, where King as a special needs teacher, she was looking Greenwich foster carers have over 160 Isandlwhana Road. The reason: to avoid Moshoeshoe generously gave a home to children between them, and each is receiv- offending the South African contingent at the refugees. Conversely, the arrival of the ing a thank you card decorated by one of the Olympics. It took some time before it British, and the Boers, was not good news our foster children, Sinead (card pictured became apparent that the letter was a very for the indigenous population either. below). convincing hoax. In view of the Black Lives Matter cam- Cllr Matthew Morrow, Cabinet Member Historians among us will recall that the paign, it will be interesting to see whether for Children and Young People in RG, Battle of Isandlwana in January 1879 was the residents of Greenwich decide that said: “When a child or young person joins the first major engagement between Ulundi Road should change its name; or a fostering arrangement, the whole family British troops and the Zulu Kingdom. It that the many British nationals who died plays a part in providing a safe, stable and was a resounding defeat for the British, during the Zulu War deserve to be com- a welcoming home to them. I’d like to per- and over 1,300 troops, and several hundred memorated, just as the Zulu combatants sonally thank all the sons and daughters of civilians, were killed. The Westcombe are in KwaZulu-Natal. foster carers in Royal Greenwich for play- News marked the Zulu victory with a ing such an important role and making a photograph of the Isandlwhana Monument: positive difference to their fellow residents one can still view the monument in what is PERHAPS YOU KNOW THE STORY who need it through their kindness.” now KwaZulu-Natal. BEHIND YOUR STREET NAME? Is If you feel inspired to share your home The Battle of Ulundi was the last Battle Beaconsfield Road connected to Disraeli? forward to enjoying her retirement. How- and keep a young person safe this winter, of the Zulu War, in which the Zulu Why is Batley Green so named? (I know ever, fate had different ideas; as, soon after please get in touch with us. Or why not Kingdom was defeated, and King the answer to that one!). Who is Humber retiring, Edythe suffered a serious injury join our next online information event on Cetshwayo was sent into exile. Zulu sub- Road named after? And, what is the con- and broke her knee in five places. 12 November? If you are over 18 (and chiefs remained in place, but the unity of nection, if any, between ancient Greece She said: “My thoughts soon turned to mature), have spare room and time to give, the Zulu Kingdom was destroyed. and Mycenae Road? painting at home. I had taken A-level Art then we’d love to hear from you. There is no doubt that the two sides were -Maggie Gravelle and taught painting in the past, so I royalgreenwich.gov.uk/fostering a military threat to each other; and it has to thought why not give it a go. I found I loved it, I love Greenwich and started painting scenes of my historic surround- IGNATIUS SANCHO ings.” “I joined Blackheath Arts Society, and plaque in Greenwich Park commemo- Sanch was a prolific letter writer and used they invited me to exhibit one of my paint- Arates a person who lived well before his correspondence to campaign for aboli- ings at Old Royal Naval College. I the Battle of Ulundi. tion of the slave trade. couldn’t believe it when I sold one of my Ignatius Sancho was born on a slave ship A legacy from John Montagu gave paintings!” sailing from West Africa to the Spanish Ignatius the opportunity to leave service, Edythe had always crafted hand-made West Indies in 1729. At the age of two he although he squandered much of this in Christmas cards for her friends and one of was brought to England and 'given' to three 'good living'. Eventually, he married and them suggested she started painting them sisters who lived in Greenwich and who settled in Westminster where he and his to sell. She was overjoyed when the Old probably treated him as an exotic toy. As a wife had seven children, affectionately Royal Naval College ordered some for teenager he ran away and became a butler known as the 'Sanchonets'. They opened a their shop and also asked her to create in the house of Duke John Montagu, close grocery business in Mayfair, ironically some calendars for Christmas. She has to Greenwich Park. Montagu(e) was a well selling tobacco and sugar, commodities also sold her designs in Greenwich market, MAN & VAN known anti-slavery campaigner and regard- underpinned by slavery and the slave trade. Artfix café in Greenwich and Mycenae Collections Deliveries ed Ignatius as his protégé, seeing to his As a male householder Ignacio was eligi- House. education and lending him books. ble to vote - the first black man known to Edythe has now recovered from her knee & House Clearances Ignatius moved in literary circles and have done so. On his death the shop was injury and miraculously manages to walk was very fond of the theatre. He became a taken over by his son, William, who con- three miles around Greenwich Park every For a polite & prompt service friend of David Garrick and verted it into a bookshop and publishing day, taking pictures as she goes that are please contact: corresponded with Laurence Sterne, the house and published his father's letters in used to create her wonderful designs. She novelist. He also composed music and 1782. adds: “Painting has made me happy!” Edward on knew several painters including His plaque can be found on the site of To view and order Edythe’s creations, 0208 301 5303 or Gainsborough, who painted his portrait, Montague House in the south west cor- visit: www.edytheart.com now in the National Gallery of Canada. ner close to Queen Caroline's bath. - Polly Morgan 07906 169705

STEINER SCHOOL SEEKS INDEPENDENT GOVERNORS t Greenwich Steiner School we feel to A-Levels and IB. Apassionately about empowering chil- We are currently seeking independent dren for life using Steiner principles at the governors to join our board (unremunerat- heart of everything we do. ed) to support us in this exciting period of We opened our independent co-educa- growth. We are especially seek those with tional day school in 1998 and by 2023 our a background and/or experience in Legal/ first cohort of students aged 17 and 18 HR/Finance/Business. years old will graduate with the NZCSE - a If you would like more information, university-recognised qualification, based please contact the school - on continuous assessment and equivalent [email protected]

new book has been published by local historian, Dr AMary Mills, telling the story of Greenwich Peninsula. "Greenwich Peninsula - Greenwich Marsh: History of an Industrial Heartland”. Readers will discover more about the Peninsula's history in the industries of gunpowder, ship-building, cable-making, telecommuni- cations and more. Mary Mills has lived in Greenwich for 50 years and for 14 years was the local Labour councillor for the Peninsula and East Greenwich. She is also the Chair of Greenwich Industrial History Society.

Available through Amazon at a price of £10. ISBN: 979-8669957155

4 Westcombe News November 2020 WHAT’S ON


ocal hero, Glenn Tilbrook, will be The Wilhem Scream will be opening the has played quite a bit virtually and that Ldoing all he can to lift spirits and take show. Leon is part of the rich vibrant they were actually both in his south minds off Covid-19 when he and his band music club scene that is happening in London studio that day setting up cameras Squeeze fill the O2 on 5th December with Greenwich, Deptford, Peckham areas these and deciding how the musicians can use the first socially distanced live music. days; a scene that reminds Glenn of his the different rooms to socially distance We asked Glenn, a long-time fan of the early beginnings with Squeeze. Will Leon whilst they play together. be nervous playing in front of the large It was time for the telephone interview to WN thanks Polly Morgan for putting the audience at the O2? His father didn’t think finish and I just managed to get in a last What’s On page together. If you have any so, saying proudly, “He’s very talented, question: “What was his favourite Squeeze events, happenings or entertainment you’d cares about his music and will put on a song?” Glenn thought about it but couldn’t like publicised, please email: good show.” bring himself to name a single song. “How [email protected]. When asked if he would find the social can I?” he said, “they are all my babies!” Polly and our readers look forward to distancing off putting, Glenn said he’d Thanks Glenn for talking to the WN, we hearing from you. played a couple of shows with Tom wish you the best show ever at the O2 and Kerridge over last summer where the audi- I’m sure lots of our readers will be in the EVERYBODY SING! ence stayed with their cars (not in them) audience cheering you on. ocal musicians Emma Bond and having picnics and drinks, and what he LMartin Batchelar established the non- realised was that what everyone enjoyed Book your tickets here: profit organisation, Nightingale Music CIC transcended social distancing - the sense of https://www.theo2.co.uk/events/detail/sq during lockdown. Following a summer of joy, relief and feelings of communication ueeze-2020 singing fundraisers, held online, they are Westcombe News what song would he be that music brings. kicking off the show with? He replied the So Glenn and Squeeze are very much Martin Batchelor,Emma Bond, set list wasn’t done yet but as the band looking forward to kicking off the O2’s have a huge songbook to choose from, a first show since March. They know every- back catalogue dating 1973-2017 it proba- one wants the show to do well proving that bly does take time! He did say, though, that playing live, adhering to the rules of safety, Squeeze will be playing many of their best can work very successfully. Although it is known songs, along with newer ones, not a financial model that will be sustain- which they hope the audience will find just able long term, he adds. as entertaining. So how does he feel about playing virtu- His son Leon Tilbrook with his group ally? He says his bandmate, Chris Gifford now ready to relaunch free weekly music PLANETARIUM classes for people with disabilities and ICE-RINK RETURNS their carers at the wonderful community REOPENS centre, Mycenae House, Westcombe Park. he only outdoor ice rink in south east Queen’s House, visitors will have the f you are a bit tired of this planet right It is run in collaboration with MH Reach London and popular with all who visit opportunity to skate in the beautiful sur- now, why Out project, to help the more vulnerable in T I it is back this Christmas – no mean feat in roundings - and this year the rink is even not journey to our community, these Covid times! bigger. another one From 4th November, Emma Bond will be New measures have been introduced to and leave leading the musical sessions for free, for make sure that everybody can enjoy the 2020’s prob- service users and their carers, every ice rink safely. There will be hygiene lems behind. Wednesday 2pm-3pm. standards fit for royalty, with enhanced The Emma Bond said: “We are delighted to cleaning regimes and handwashing sani- Greenwich be welcomed back to Mycenae House in tation facilities available. Meanwhile Planetarium these challenging times when people with staggered skate sessions will ensure there has reopened vulnerabilities need the uplifting power of are fewer people on the ice at any one on its site at music more than ever. All singing will be the Observatory. achieved under the strict Covid-19 time. https://www.rmg.co.uk/whats-on/solar-sys- Government guidelines and as stipulated The Queen’s House ice rink is open tem-discovery-virtual-planetarium-show. by the British Association of Choral from 20 November 2020 – 10 January https://www.rmg.co.uk/see-do/exhibitions- Directors, making it a safe activity for all.” 2021 from 11am - 8pm (last skate 7pm) events/one-day-on-mars To find out more, please visit: on off-peak days or 10am - 9pm (last Book your tickets by phone only, as places https://singtogether.org.uk/community skate 8pm) on peak days. Advanced Bringing some Christmas cheer and set are limited: https://www.rmg.co.uk/whats- or email Emma at booking is recommended. visit against the striking backdrop of the on/planetarium-shows [email protected] rmg.co.uk/skate

Trojan Press

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Westcombe News October 2020 5 FEATURES


aving a baby is a unique experience trimester I went to a private clinic. My n expectant full PPE gear and Steff herself had to wear Hfor every new mum. But the current anomaly scan appointments fell in April Amum, who a mask whilst giving birth which must crisis means that this ‘unique’ experience and May when hundreds of people were wants to remain have been suffocating for all! will be challenging, to say the least. We dying in hospital daily.” Due to the restric- anonymous just a Steff managed to get a referral to spoke to three local women welcoming tions, partners/husbands could not go along little while longer, Lewisham Midwives at Manor House motherhood while life is in upheaval to these appointments. “I felt very isolated learned she was Library attending every five days for about around them. and nervous,” Anna remembers. “What if I pregnant shortly three weeks. “They did all the health got bad news? Adam wasn’t there to sup- after her husband’s checks and weigh-ins so we were really ANNA port me, not even just to hold my hand.” quarantine period had been lifted. well looked after.” nna, petite and heavily pregnant with On Monday morning, 28th September, “I’m very happy to be pregnant,” she The week Steff gave Aher second child, was walking slowly Anna called a cab to take her – alone – to told us. “It’s such a wonderful gift and a birth the rules changed up Westcombe Hill en route to Mycenae hospital to be induced. “I was given a lovely piece of news to share (soon) in allowing partners to Gardens with her chatty four-year-old and Covid-19 test on arrival and all staff were such down times.” join, so Charlie was a yappy dog running circles in full PPE gear”. This local mum-to-be didn’t let the virus able to be there from round her. Her due date was a How scary that must put her off falling pregnant. “It’s a shame 8am - 8pm so, “he was few weeks away and Anna have been! Anna had a to allow Covid to control every aspect of there from beginning to end.” was weary of Covid- 19 and long, dramatic birth. “ our lives,“ she said. “At some point we the extra worry and anxiety it I was relieved when, will return to normal or simply find the It is very pleasing to hear this pandemic is was causing her pregnancy. after 28 hours of solo new normal, so life must go on!” not stopping the babies arriving but it does Anna was in her first labour they took me to “But I am having to think about where mean the ever-changing rules of Covid are trimester when, in March, theatre to do a C-sec- the baby will be born and if my husband affecting the experience of motherhood to Boris Johnson added preg- tion. This meant the will be able to be with me at the time, or a great degree. Frida’s entrance was a chal- nant women to the ‘at risk’ doctors judged the attend any of the appointments. It’s hard to lenging one, whilst Albi and his parents category. “I cried when I labour to be ‘active’ tell what 2021 will bring so I try not to had a smoother time. Perhaps the heard the breaking news meaning Adam was overthink it. What matters the most to me quarantine baby will take the middle path? update,” she recalls, realising then and now allowed to support me and see our is being healthy and the baby being And that’s life! WN wishes all mums the there that this second pregnancy would be daughter Frida come into the world.” healthy.” best of everything going forward. harder than her first. After five days in hospital - a place no “I’m excited to meet the baby and start “I was very anxious, knowing I’d been at one wanted to be - Anna went home with our lives together. What’s happening with work and commuting to and from her newborn. “Frida and I received one Covid and all the other insanities of the Blackheath and New Cross during the start home visit from a midwife and all follow- world cannot be helped, we can only do ‘IN WORDS’ of the virus peak. Also, my husband Adam up appointments will now be via phone. I our bit to put it right and that’s how I will was still working and so wasn’t able to have to weigh Frida myself, and if I’m raise my child to be.” IS BACK! self-isolate with me and this intensified the worried about her you can’t just walk into STEFF rena Hill through ‘in-words’, her small anxiety...would he bring the virus home?” a baby clinic.” ur third mother, Steff Haire, choose Icompany aiming to showcase local (but To intensify the experience, Anna devel- “I worry for first-time mums who might OChelsea and Westminster hospital to not only) authors, especially poets, with oped complications that resulted in water be struggling with postnatal depression or have her first baby, Albert (Albi) who live readings at the wonderful West retention which meant several extra trips to simply need some encouragement and arrived on one of the hottest days of the Greenwich Library and sometimes at The hospital. “During the first and second professional support.” year. All the doctors and nurses were in Prince of Greenwich and The Greenwich Tavern pubs. After a long break for obvi- NEWS FROM WOODLANDS FARM Diane Blackwell ous reasons, Irena has overcome her reluc- tance to host events on Zoom and had her ur precious local Woodlands Farm There are also no farm shows this year, native breeds, that they continue as part of first event in October, with two poets read- OTrust survived an attempt by develop- so another source of has income gone. the national gene pool for the future. ing from their homes in the West Country. ers to build on its 89 acres in the mid 90s, BUT… the Trust is still solvent as a result And that future? Says Maggie Jones Exciting! Australia next? Who knows, but and it’s not going to let a virus bring it of prudent cash management. Although from the Woodlands Farm Trust: “We’re in the meantime a November reading is down now. Farm management have to be very careful still locked down now, but one day we’ll scheduled for Remembrance evening, 11th Disappointing Spring/Summer weather they are extremely grateful for the dona- be welcoming you all back. A lot of November at 7.30pm and will feature meant the farm’s hay harvest was a disaster tions they receive. thought and planning is going into South London poets Chrissie Gittins and and Covid means they are closed to the The Farm is very grateful to Royal possibly refocusing our farming activities Wendy French and the musical duo The public, but some staff and volunteers are Borough of Greenwich for their newly- towards more conservation and reviewing Moonpennies. More information on still working – busy hedging, repairing and resurfaced entrance and farmyard, funded and expanding the range of educational www.in-words.co.uk gardening. by a Neighbourhood Community Grant. experiences we offer.” Visitors and schools can’t learn about The Farm’s cattle, sheep, pigs and small For now, the Farm cannot allow the pub- Zoom invitations will be emailed to those farm life and experience Woodlands’ treas- animals are thriving including their herd lic to drive in and out to buy items but interested the day before the FREE event, ure trove of native birds, butterflies, wild- of Manx Laoghtan sheep, one of the [email protected] will so if you’d like to attend please email flowers and ancient woodlands. ancient breeds and it is vital, like all rare take orders online and agree pick-up times. [email protected] in good time.

6 Westcombe News October 2020 Planning applications can be viewed in the library, or at the Woolwich Library on the lower ground floor of the Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington St. They may also be viewed on www. ENVIRONMENT greenwich.gov.uk/planning

AIR POLLUTION -THE INCONVENIENT FACT ENJOYING THE GARDEN IN NOVEMBER Ann Hill n October 3rd the Guardian reported impact, the effect of the tunnel would be at his is a good month to enjoy the •Clear away fallen leaves, especially from Othat air pollution in London had best to redistribute and at worst increase Tvibrant colours of autumn. It is also lawns and ponds 'plunged' with a 94% reduction in the num- pollution levels. It also claimed that there the best month for planting tulips, whether •Cut away soggy foliage from the base of ber of people living in areas with danger- would be an 'induced traffic' effect with an in the ground or in pots. Plant them deep – perennials to prevent pests overwintering ous, and illegal, levels of NO2. This has increase in vehicles, particularly HGVs. 20cm. Their lovely colours will brighten •Leave strong stems with seed heads for been achieved in part by charges that have It concluded that; "We are particularly any space from March onwards. Now is birds penalised drivers of the most polluting concerned at how the tunnel will expose also the time to plant indoor hyacinths, •Leave ornamental grasses untouched until vehicles. The reduction in traffic during some of the most vulnerable communities hippeastrum and paper white Colour me in... the spring lockdown has also had a noticeable effect to more air pollution and will do little to narcissus. Watching them •Remove saucers on air pollution. help them with their everyday transport. grow is enjoyable, and the under pots to pre- However, almost a quarter of roads with- The current crisis has highlighted the bene- flowers and scent are an vent waterlogging. in the north and south circulars still exceed fits of clean air and that those who suffer added delight. Raise onto clay feet the legal limit for NO2, a situation that high levels of air pollution are more vul- The usual advice is to lift if possible may be ameliorated by the proposed exten- nerable to infections and diseases. If we dahlias this month, cut the •To store dahlias, sion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone in stems down to 15cm and clean off the soil October 2021. store in a dry place. I leave and turn upside The London Air Quality Network which mine in the ground as the down for a few days is run by Imperial College, monitors air pebbly soil is very free draining, but this to let moisture drain quality across the capital and has monitor- can be risky and the tubers may rot. •Put food out to encourage garden birds. ing sites in all boroughs. It records and Here are a few jobs to enjoy this time of On wet dreary days we can plan ahead reports daily values of all airbourne pollu- year: and look forward to the re-awakening that tants. The nearest sites to Westcombe Park •Plant bare-root roses, shrubs and trees spring will bring. are Trafalgar Road and John Harrison Way, both of which regularly report very low EXTINCTION REBELLION PLANT TREES, STAGE A levels of pollution, and the Woolwich Flyover which has slightly higher, but still DIE-IN AND TRADE FACTS low levels. Some pollutants, such as NO2, or Clean Air Day, Extinction Rebellion ment to the Paris Agreement. Air quality at Trafalgar Road (Hoskins fluctuate throughout the day, being highest planted 26 silver birch trees at the Why do we care, when London apparent- St.) This graph was taken from the Real F at mid-day. Others, such as particulates are planned locations of the North and South ly needs additional river crossings? 26 peo- Time Air Quality Index website steadier, but still relatively low, although (https://aqicn.org/city/london/) ends of the Silvertown Tunnel to represent ple die each day as a direct consequence of they can reach higher levels near the This is an example of the information the 26 lives lost each day in London due to air pollution in London - which is already Woolwich Flyover. available to the general public. air pollution, while catastrophic global above recommended levels across the bor- Simon Pirani of the Oxford Institute for heating is already irreversible. This acts as oughs of Newham and Greenwich. We Energy Studies investigated the impact of really want to create a fairer society and a beautiful and tragic monument to the need to take an immediate and drastic look the Silvertown Tunnel on behalf of a coali- rectify some of the inequalities within it, satirical folly of building yet another road at how we can reduce air pollution, arising tion of groups campaigning to stop the tun- we need to start acting like we mean it. A to reduce traffic when this has never from increasing traffic in London. The nel The report was published by Transport good place to start would be to scrap this worked in the history of the internal com- Silvertown Tunnel will affect areas in Action Network in June this year. It argued tunnel and to invest in cleaner and healthi- bustion engine, turning our minds and Greenwich and Newham the worst, push- that far from reducing the environmental er solutions instead." -Maggie Greville hearts towards another kind ing entire swathes of of future. Activists addition- residents into a life of GOVERNMENT SEEKS TO UNDERTAKE MAJOR ally staged a die-in to fur- lower quality, plagued ther bring home the human by chronic respiratory PLANNING REFORM By Helen Warner cost of irresponsible devel- disease and possibly here have been two major White growing number of unimplemented ‘hous- opments that ignore grave death, further exacer- TPapers out for consultation with dead- ing consents’ and there are already around environmental concerns. bating economic lines in October. At the start of October 300,000 unbuilt units in London. Our Government, the inequities. was Changes to the Current Planning Mayor of London, and Shoes worn by Jordana one of The Stop the System. This focused on the method for ‘First Homes’ Transport for London have 510,000 people who died as a direct Silvertown Tunnel assessing housing targets in strategic plans. The White Paper contained other proposals pressed ahead with the con- result of ambient air poisoning Coalition has been lob- of concern – notably the enforced delivery struction of the Silvertown accoeding to WHO. bying and local MPs Housing targets – the new Standard that 25% of all ‘affordable homes’ built Tunnel, knowing full well have written to the Method would be ‘First Homes’. From statistics that its economic model is flawed and that Mayor to ask him to The proposal is for a target of 300,000 published by the GLA, 80% of all new the tunnel will breach the UK's commit- reconsider dwellings per annum for England. This homes delivered are affordable by only 8% would be distributed by central govern- of Londoners. Those that fall into the cate- PLANNING APPLICATIONS (See also http//www.westcombesociety.org/) ment to local authority level based upon a gory of First Homes would be affordable formula/algorithm – the new Standard to only the richest 2% of households in There are none that will still be in date by the time the November issue comes out. Method. On analysis, this algorithm skews London, (i.e. those with incomes over allocations to building more homes in £76,000, assuming a 30% discount on mar- areas with high house prices, i.e. London ket value). and the South East, regardless of whether there is the capacity to deliver these num- Infrastructure Levy bers. It would result in c93,500 pa being There are also proposed changes to the the “housing requirement” for London, way Councils would receive funds to nearly double that in the (Intend to develop and improve local infrastructure. Publish) New London Plan (NLP). Clearly, it is not sensible to build addition- It is widely agreed that the White Paper al housing schemes without consideration target would not be achievable in London for the local and wider infrastructure and risks protections for Metropolitan (roads, transport, open space, services, Open Land – the critical green space etc). The proposals would give concessions accessible to Londoners – heritage assets on payments of the Infrastructure Levy to or other amenities or green belt, or would the Local Authority by developers of First result in even more high rise towers. Homes and ‘small site developments’ i.e. Within the last twelve months, an 40 or 50 units. This would reduce the sums Inspectorate Panel examined the NLP available (and worryingly, a further pro- developed over several years by the Mayor posal in the Planning for the Future White and reduced the Mayor’s original London- Paper – also out for consultation - that the wide housing target to 52,000 pa. In the Levy would be paid only after the homes NLP, borough-level targets are the result of were sold). redistribution based on boroughs’ ability to The Westcombe Society supported the accommodate additional housing. The London Forum of Civic and Amenity soci- White Paper target would increase the eties’ detailed response to this consultation number of homes Greenwich would be which they made on behalf of 130 London required to build by more than 50%, from societies and you can view this at 2,824 (NLP) to 4,289 (White Paper) https://www.londonforum.org.uk/reports/L annually. ondon_Forum_response_to_'Changes_to_t It is all very well setting high targets, but he_Current_Planning_System'_consulta- if developers with building consents do not tion.pdf actually develop the site(s), there will be a

Westcombe News October 2020 7 MARKET PLACE

TOM ELLIS BESPOKE CARPENTRY MATHS TUITION ACCOMMODATION/ROOMS MARK CHEESEMAN, LOCAL Alcove bookcases, cabinets, wardrobes and Qualified and experienced secondary teacher CARPENTER AND JOINER WITH FOR HIRE window seats. M. 07510 869947 offers tuition to GCSE level. OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Call Miv Whitaker: 07745 816338; FUNCTION ROOM FOR HIRE All Aspects Of Carpentry and Construction Blackheath area, up to 150 people, Bar, dis- JEWELLERY AND WATCH REPAIRS or email [email protected] Executed Considerately and to a High abled access. Tel 07940 296290 AND VALUATIONS Standard. Both Traditional and from Michele Franklin. British Jewellers LOCAL PRIVATE TUITION Contemporary Design Joinery - Cupboards, ART CLASSES Association accreditation 07809 502714 English & Math's Key stage 1 - GCSE'S Wardrobes, Floating Shelves Etc. Sash DISCOVER YOUR CREATIVITY [email protected] PGCE Qualified & Experienced Tutor. Window Overhaul. If you have Rotten 1-1 & Small groups (Online) painting and drawing at Mycenae House. Window Sills, Door Frames Etc. rather than Be inspired by nature. Mixed media FLORA PICTURE FRAMER Call: 07904 880448 replace them iith the associated upheaval and and FAUNA – watercolour, graphite, All framing services undertaken by qualified, expense, why not have a Timber/Resin Pen+ink and coloured pencil. Tuesdays experienced framer. ITALIAN TUITION Repair? Please Call Mark on 07767 456131 10.00am-2.00pm fortnightly with artist Contact Meg Jones Native Italian teacher offers lessons at all or H: 020 8854 4028. Lesley Hall SBA. Tel: 0208 318 1884 levels.Preparation for GCSE, A-LEVELS Contact: Jacqui 07879424407. or www.megjonesframing.com courses, Grammar, Conversation UPHOLSTERER SPECIALISING IN Tel 07788 743371 TRADITIONAL UPHOLSTERY COUNSELLING LOCAL CARPET / OVEN CLEANER Www.suemayesupholstery.net or Specialist in cleaning Carpets & Ovens, PSYCHOLOGY TUITION BLACKHEATH COUNSELLING phone 07932 040298 SERVICE Upholstery & rugs. M: 07828 503132 Experienced university Psychology Tutor Offers a professional, confidential and caring http://www.carpetcrew.co.uk providing all levels of tuition, ‘A’ Level to WINDOW CLEANING, GUTTER Doctorate standard. Call on 07934 880423 service in a quiet setting. We are trained as CLEANING, ROOF DEMOSS & TREAT- integrative counsellors working with many BLACKHEATH REPAIR & MENT AND JET WASHING. models – including CBT and Depth ALTERATIONS CLINIC SHOW YOUR COMPUTER WHO IS Mike 07791 465052 Psychology. 1 Hour sessions £50 conces- Jackets re-lined, Trousers repaired and THE BOSS www.blackheath-window-cleaner.co.uk sions are available. We offer Dresses re-shaped etc. Are you looking for some extra help working telephone and online counselling. Please Over 25yrs Experience with your computer? Need some help with contact either Brenda – 020 8858 5969 ELECTRICIAN / ALARM ENGINEER your digital photos, online shopping and the e: [email protected] or Linda – 020 07904 880448 No job too small TMIET registered. jargon? To discuss the options, call Paul on 8858 1991 e: [email protected] Call 07879 011792 w: www.bhhs.selondon.co.uk. 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8 Westcombe News October 2020