City Civil and Sessions Court, Gr. Bombay. Office Order No
CITY CIVIL AND SESSIONS COURT, GR. BOMBAY. OFFICE ORDER NO.166 OF 2020 Upon considerin# $%! irec$ions iss&! '( $%! )on*'+! )igh Co&"$, Bombay in S$-n -" Op!"-$in# .roc! &"! /SO.0 -$! 21.11.2020, communic-$! 2id! !2en -$! +!$$!" No. Insp-I415242020, I, S%rinivas B. A#"-6-+, .rincip-+ 7& #!, Ci$( Civil Cour$ -n Sessions 7& #!, G". Bombay, DO )EREBY ORDER T)AT $%! Cit( Civil an Sessions Court, Gr. Bombay, -$ Fort, Mumbai an its '"-nc% -$ Din os%i, Mumbai, s%-++ s$-"$ "!#&+-" 8&nc$ionin# 6i$% !88ec$ 8rom 01.12.2020, in $6o s%if$s 6it% 1009 p"esenc! of $%! 7& icial O88icers an $%! s$-88 in eac% s%if$, '( obs!"2in# $%! *Court* 6orkin# $imin# as 11:00 -.m. $o 1;50 p.m. -n 8rom 2:00 p.m. $o <;50 p.m. =)EREAS, $%! *O88ic!* s%-++ 8unc$ion 8rom 10;50 -.m. $o >:00 p.m., 6%ic% ,!ans $%-$ -++ $%! of8icers ? emp+oyees in Group A $o C an $%! Court Managers s%-++ -$$!n $%! of8ic! on -++ 6orkin# -(s 8rom 01.12.2020 '!$6!!n 10;50 a.m. an >:00 p.,. an $%! !,p+oyees in Group D c- "! s%-++ remain pres!n$ in $%! of8ic! on -++ 6orkin# -(s %-+8 an %our '!8ore -n -8$er $%e -8oresaid of8ice %ours. DO )EREBY FURT)ER ORDER T)AT -++ $%! conc!"n! $o 8ol+ow $%! #&id!+ines in respec$ of 7& icial an A minis$"-$iv! 6ork -n $o - %!"! $o, $%! S-8!$(4.rec-&$ion-"( ,!asures as specified in $%! SO. -$! 21.11.2020 /-$$ac%! %!"!6it%0 -n -++ $%! irec$ions 4 guid!+ines 4 SO.s 4 A 2isories iss&! '( $%! Govern,!n$ of In ia an $%! S$-$! Govern,en$ in respec$ of COVID31@ .rotocol.
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