Cicely Tyson: More Than an Actor NINER MEDIA COVER IMAGE PAGE 11 Mini Waffle Madness Nic Jensen @UNCCMEDIA
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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Madison Dobrzenski TABLE OF CONTENTS [email protected] PAGE 3 How UNC Charlotte became the only UNC EDITORIAL institution with a spring break Olivia Lawless MANAGING EDITOR Tyler Trudeau COMMUNITY EDITOR NEWS PAGE 4 SGA creates new complaint form for Megan Bird NEWS EDITOR students Hiral Patel OPINION EDITOR Emily Kottak LIFESTYLE EDITOR Anders Hare A&E EDITOR PAGE 5 The debate about spring break Bradley Cole SPORTS EDITOR Max Young COPY EDITOR Niyathi Sulkunte PHOTO EDITOR OPINION María Solano VIDEO EDITOR Nic Jensen LAYOUT EDITOR PAGE 6 Niner Sports Roundup ASSISTANT EDITORS Jessica Ceballos NEWS Milo Cain OPINION Miles Ruder SPORTS SPORTS PAGE 7 Becoming a leader April Carte COPY Elizabeth McGuire VIDEO Brandon Mitchell LAYOUT PAGE 8 Six groundbreaking black TV shows CONTRIBUTING STAFF Bryson Foster, Amir Daniels, Gabe Lapalombella A&E PAGE 10 Cicely Tyson: More than an actor NINER MEDIA COVER IMAGE PAGE 11 Mini waffle madness Nic Jensen @UNCCMEDIA NEWSROOM 705.687.7150 NINERTIMES.COM/STAFF TWITTER @NINER_TIMES PAGE 12 Iced coffee woes LIFESTYLE NINER TIMES CREATIVE DIRECTOR James Bourke @niner_times [email protected] READ + WATCH MORE ONLINE AT MARKETING STAFF Ridge Grant and Luisana Gonzalez UPTOWN AUDIO POLICE BLOTTER 1/28: Alarm Fire/Arrest @uptownaudio Officers responded to to East Deck II in reference to a pull station that had been activated. One subject was transported to Mecklenburg County Intake, and LOCATED ON THE LOWER LEVEL OF THE STUDENT UNION issued a trespass order. Niner Times • Uptown Audio SANSKRIT Sanskrit Literary-Arts Magazine 1/29: Loitering/Arrest LIT ARTS Media Marketing • Technical Officers responded to the lightrail platform in reference to a subject urinat- THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE ing on the platform. One subject was transported to Mecklenburg County Intake for MAGAZINE Kelly Merges NINER MEDIA ADVISER an outstanding warrant and issued a trespass order. @sanskrituncc Laurie Cuddy BUSINESS MANAGER Joshua Wood GRAPHICS & PRODUCTION VIEW FULL BLOTTER AT 2 FEB. 02, 2021 NINERTIMES Photo by Niyathi Sulkunte POLICE.UNCC.EDU/POLICE-LOG NEWS How UNC Charlotte became the only UNC institution with a spring break Spring break will be held from Feb. 8-12 by Megan Bird Photo of Fretwell durin spring, News Editor courtesy of NT files In keeping with the abnormalities of In a Faculty Council meeting on Jan. Gaber, who has made a concert- “mental health days.” Student lead- this past year, UNC Charlotte’s “spring 28, Gaber added that the administra- ed effort to engage with student ers pushed back, noting that UNC break” will occur only 3 weeks into tion wanted to allot time for students leaders since beginning her role as Charlotte students had experienced the spring 2021 semester. Chancellor and faculty to quarantine after spring chancellor in July 2020, met with both a school shooting and a pan- Sharon L. Gaber announced on Jan. break without “multiple pivoting” be- members of SGA in early Decem- demic over the course of two years 11 that the break would be moved tween entirely remote and partially ber to discuss the spring calendar. and needed a week-long break. from late March to Feb. 8-12, making in-person instruction. Thus, spring “Student leaders such as myself “SGA is advocating for the stay UNC Charlotte the only university in break was were extremely of spring break as much as we can the UNC System observing a spring moved to the concerned about (pushing hard!),” Sampson told the break. The decision was made in def- penultimate “We heard overwhelmingly from the prospect of Niner Times in December. “Gaber erence to advice from the Student week of online SGA abou the importance of a semester with and Bailey have done a great job Government Association (SGA) and instruction, al- maintaining a weeklong break no spring break, listening to that concern and have Mecklenburg County health officials. lowing a week for the student body during this especially after been supporting that sentiment.” “We heard overwhelmingly from afterwards to upcoming semester. To honor that the burnout, men- Following spring break, on-campus SGA about the importance of main- quarantine tal fatigue and residents and students and faculty taining a weeklong break for the before in-per- request in the safest possible way, mental health with in-person classes will be required student body during this upcoming son classes. the break will occur from Feb. 8-12 concerns that all to submit a negative COVID-19 test semester,” Gaber wrote in her Jan. 11 “I recognize rather than March 29-April 3 as arose from our in conjunction with the return to some announcement. “To honor that request that it’s not previously listed.” fall schedule, in-person instruction on Feb. 22. Ac- in the safest possible way, the break ideal; I rec- -Chancellor Gaber and we advocat- cording to Provost Joan Lorden, 12% will occur from Feb. 8-12, rather than ognize that ed vigorously to of classes are following the traditional March 29-April 3 as previously listed.” virtually no one keep it,” added face-to-face format, and another 12% UNC Charlotte also scrapped its would call that SGA Pro Tem- are considered hybrid classes, with earlier plans to move classes on- spring break,” pore Dick Beek- online and face-to-face components. line after the late March break. conceded Gaber. man in a post on Reddit. “It’s my “The only thing that will change Instead, the semester would be- The decision was announced nine personal opinion that while having in the future is if we find Feb. 22 gin remotely and return to some days before the beginning of the se- spring break so early in the semes- that cases have gone up,” said in-person instruction on Feb. 22. mester, when many professors had ter is not ideal, a poorly timed break Gaber during the Faculty Coun- “In Mecklenburg County, the posi- already finalized their syllabi. Faculty is far better than no break at all.” cil meeting. “We’ve learned not to tivity rate has continually remained Council President Dr. Joel Avrin did According to Student Body President hold our breaths with this virus.” among the highest in the state and pro- not respond by presstime to questions Tahlieah Sampson, the administra- jections anticipate the peak of the virus about whether faculty were consult- tion also considered removing spring in early February,” Gaber explained. ed about the earlier spring break. break and replacing it with several NINERTIMES.COM FEB. 02, 2021 3 SGA creates new complaint form for students Students can use this form to voice their concerns about the fall 2020 semester by Jessica Ceballos Asst. News Editor As we enter this new semester, spondence with the SGA, with students classroom. Furthermore, we recognize UNC Charlotte’s Student Govern- complaining about professors’ expec- that the inherent power structure ment Association (SGA) has created tations during a time of turbulence. within a classroom may cause some a way for students to confidentially “While we do not have the unilateral students to feel intimidated to address notify the SGA of their individual concerns with their professors directly.” struggles from the fall 2020 semes- “While we do not have This form is distinct from the ter through an academic complaint the unilateral authority to Student Grievance Procedure as form located in Niner Engage. outlined by the University Policy: According to a Reddit post by SGA immediately and directly 411. The academic complaint form Pro Tempore Dick Beekman, the change any situation on is addressed by the SGA and lo- SGA created the form for students our own, we are dedi- cated through Niner Engage while to “bring to the attention of Student cated to using this tool the Student Grievance Procedure Government any serious issues you to engage in meaningful is addressed by the University. face.” The form was created by the To fill out the form, students will Academic Affairs Committee with- conversations with faculty need their name, a UNC Charlotte in the Senate with the support of and administrators in or- email, the class name and section, the Provost. The primary author of der to address significant, the class Class Registration Number the act was Jeremiah Williams, and unfair practices within the (CRN), and the professor’s name to it was passed on Oct. 29, 2020. classroom.” complete the form and submit your The form was created in response to complaint. Information will not be disruptions to the fall semester caused -SGA Pro Tempore Dick shared with faculty unless the student by the COVID-19 pandemic. A common Beekman gives explicit permission to the SGA. complaint was that professors did not observe the break on Sept. 28-29 that was intended to allow students to move authority to immediately and direct- on campus. Students reported on Red- ly change any situation on our own,” dit that they stressed over moving on wrote Beekman, “we are dedicated campus, keeping up with attendance in to using this tool to engage in mean- virtual classes and completing assign- ingful conversations with faculty and ments that were due on those two days. administrators in order to address This stress caused high traffic of corre- significant, unfair practices within the THE NINER TIMES IS LOOKING FOR WRITERS! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! IF YOU’RE INTERESTED, EMAIL [email protected] 4 FEB. 02, 2021 NINERTIMES THE DEBATE ABOUT SPRING BREAK Opinion editors discuss the placement of spring break on the Spring 2021 schedule by Hiral, Opinion Editor (Affirmative) OPINION Milo Cain, Asst. Opinion Editor (Negative) LIFESTYLEOPINION Negative: Affirmative: A late break; No, a normal break and exhaustion. In addition, the place- A lot of us are on the side of wanting start of the COVID-19 outbreak, that is all I ask for.