2. Not only teach them about the one true God, but Editorial teach them we should love God with all our whole being. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might” (Deuteron- FAMILIES omy 6:5). HE BIBLE teaches us that God is love and we 3. We should obey God’s commands. “These words, know He is, not only because the Bible tells us which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: TT so, but because He has shown His love to us in And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, so many ways. There are things that God loves and and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, there are things that God hates! There are seven things and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest grouped together that God hates: “A proud look, a lying down, and when thou risest up” (Deuteronomy 6:6, 7). tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart 4. Something parents need to remember and also that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift teach their children, God must come first in our life: in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren” worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more (Proverbs 6:17-19). than me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:37). There are many things that God loves; among them 5. Teach your children by example that regular are families. Anyone who knows anything about God, church attendance is an important part of being a Chris- and His Word, knows He loves families. God created tian. the physical family—“Have ye not read, that he which Some Counsel to Parents made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father 1. Make sure that you truly have the values you and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain wish to instill. shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, 2. Constantly relate God’s Word to every aspect of but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, your child’s daily life. let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:4-6). 3. Schedule a regular time of family worship with The reason the young man, and of course the young your children. lady as well, is to leave father and mother, is because I would like to include in this column, 15 rules in God ordained for the man to be the head of the wife, regard to rearing children. I do not know the author, and thus head of the home, so they must establish a but I quote: new home for him to be able to fill his place as God 1. From your children’s earliest infancy you must ordained, and for the new wife to fill her place. God inculcate the necessity of instant obedience. ordained for this new union to last until separated by 2. Unite firmness with gentleness. Let your chil- death. dren always understand that you mean exactly what Thus, God has provided the ideal arrangement for you say. children in which they are to be born from the union 3. Never promise them anything unless you are sure of two who have become one flesh. God has never made that you can give them what you promised. two men “one flesh” nor has He ever made two women 4. If you tell your child to do something, show him “one flesh!” Only a man and a woman can be “one flesh,” how to do it, and see that it is done. and only they can provide the type of home that God 5. Always punish your children for wilfully disobey- ordained. Various studies have shown, as a rule, chil- ing you, but never punish in anger. dren do better when they are in a two parent home— 6. Never let them see that they can vex you or make their parents. The children are to grow and benefit from you lose your self-command. what both father and mother have to offer. 7. If they give way to petulance and temper, wait God ordained that the father and mother provide till they are calm, and then gently reason with them for their children. Paul said, “But if any provide not for on the impropriety of their conduct. his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” 8. Remember that a little (I Timothy 5:8). It is true that Paul here speaks of pro- present punishment, when the On the Cover viding the material things of life, but there are other occasion arises, is much more On the front are vari- things that the parents are to provide, which may be effectual than the threatening ous shots taken during said to be of greater importance than a lot of material of a great one should the fault the Philippine Conven- things. In verse four of this chapter, Paul points out be renewed. tion and the revivals after that family members also provide for their widows. Let 9. Never give your children in December, 2006 and us consider some of these more important things. anything because they cry for January, 2007. It is hard it, and under no condition give to get a full sense of the Teaching Children Christian Values to them, or allow anything that Filipino church and their dedication. But as some- 1. The God of the Bible is the only true God. “Hear, would open the door to loose one has said, “A picture O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord” (Deuteronomy living or thinking, however is worth a thousand 6:4). I have said numbers of times, anything you put harmless it may seem at the words.” For a full report, ahead of God, that is your god! How important it is that moment. turn to page 2. we teach our children about the ONE true and living 10. On no account allow God. them to do at one time what Photos by G. Tyler The load lightens. I know that He has stepped along THE WAY OF TRUTH beside me to help bear it. We walk and talk together. “Here (Registered Trademark) let Me take it from you,” He whispers, but I hesitate and Vol. 65 March, 2007 No. 3 He has to nudge me a second time before I move out of Devoted to the gospel of our loving Savior, the Lord His way. Christ, who gave freely His life-blood, to save us I sigh a deep sigh of relief. “O Lord, I didn’t know it from our many sins, to sanctify our fallen nature and to bring into one body all true believers, by whose stripes we could feel so good to let go.” He chides me a little—“I had are healed. to let you feel the frustration of bearing it alone so I could Published the fifteenth of the month prior to the date watch you skip so lightly after I took it away.” of issue by the Church of God which assembles at 12819 “Lord, I love to feel You so close, but soon the duties Point Salem Road in Hagerstown, Maryland. Publishing office: of the day will call me. Prepare me for this day. Give me 12811 Point Salem Road, Hagerstown, Maryland, U.S.A. strength, courage and wisdom.” “I’ll do that and more,” The Way of Truth is published without any given sub- scription price, and is supported by freewill offerings from He assures me, “I’ll smile down on you from time to time our readers and funds supplied by the local congregation. and remind you of the good talk we had this morning. It is sent out free to anyone who is interested enough to Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and I’ll know that ask for it. We shall continue this policy as long as God sees you remember too.” fit to make it possible. FOREIGN READERS are requested to write us at least once a year if they wish to continue receiv- “Lord, I hate for this moment to end. But, Amen!” ing the paper the following year. Address all correspon- I arise refreshed, assured and ready for the day. I feel dence to The Way of Truth, P. O. Box 88, Hagerstown, Mary- His great arm around me all day long and occasionally I land 21741, U.S.A. Always when writing, give your name look up and smile to say, “Thank you!” _ and address clearly, please. —Alvin A. Craig, Editor Our telephone number is 301-739-2980 IN THIS ISSUE: Our fax number is 301-739-7173 Our e–mail address is [email protected] Philippine Convention Page 2 Visit our website at www.wayoftruth.org A report by G. E. Tyler A Covenant of Salt Page 5 you have forbidden, under the like circumstances, at Full-length sermon by Terry Deville another. 11. Teach them that the only sure and best way to Young People’s Page Page 8 appear good, is to be good. A testimony by a Filipino young person 12. Accustom them to make their little recitals with “He Arose, and Came to perfect truth. 13. Never allow of talebearing. His Father” Page 9 14. Establish yourself in their confidence, that they Radio message by Hope Glidden-Borden come to you voluntarily with their problems and ques- What About This? Page 10 tions, and welcome your advice and counsel on matters that they will ultimately face. Editor speaks of “End Time Predictions” 15. Keep before you one purpose and goal. That is, The Two Resurrections Page 12 to guide their feet in the path that leads to Christ, and Article by Hoyt Matthews the service of the Church. (End of quote.) Remember always, God loves families. _ The Question Box Page 14 Our monthly feature Prayer The Children’s Corner Page 15 By Sis. Ann Davis “God Go With You, My Son” I kneel and heaven opens; God Himself turns a listen- Man’s Wisdom Page 16 ing ear to me. I praise Him and He smiles. He, the almighty Article by Ollen O. Craig God, can be pleased by my meager words of adoration. Poetry Page Page 17 I thank Him for blessings. I can almost hear Him say, “You are so welcome, My Child, I love to do things that Celebrating Springtime make you rejoice.” Isaiah 40:31 Page 18 I open my prayer list. Even with all that I had for which Article by S. O. Alade, Nigeria to thank Him, my list is still so long. In my mind, I can see Him cross His legs and relax to stay for as long as I need What Constitutes a Call Him to listen. to the Ministry? Page 19 At times I feel Him nod and whisper, “Yes, yes, I know. Article by O. Nikolic, Serbia I know how much you care; I know how much it hurts.” The tears run down my face. I think He must be weeping Radio Log Page 20 with me—just as He wept with Mary and Martha as they Listing of stations airing the truth told Him about Lazarus. March, 2007 Page 1 3:30 P.M. Christian Festival, 5:45 P.M. Supper, and 7:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service. Philippine Convention The theme for this year’s convention was, “Living for Jesus.” There were about 34 souls saved during the five days and another 24 in the revivals afterwards. Report The church was edified and blessed. The fellowship was sweet. God was in the midst of His people. Of course, much of the singing and preaching was done in their native Tagalog language. Following is a brief report of December 28, 2006—January 1, 2007 the services. The first service was 6:00 A.M. Thurs- By Bro. Gregory E. Tyler day, the 28th. After prayer, Bro. Rey Fabian brought the devotional message. He is act- RO. OLLEN CRAIG first visited the Philippine ing pastor in Paniqui since Bro. Victor’s ill- Islands in 1989 after having contact with Bro. ness. Sis. Josephine Domrigue was chair- BB Victoriano Luzong. Bro. Luzong contacted us as person for the day. At 10:00 A.M., the Rey Fabian a result of his receiving The Way of Truth paper. He speaker was Bro. Ollen Craig. He spoke on saw the Church of God and established its truth. In the thought, “Time for a Spiritual Checkup.” At 2:00 1989, Bro. Ollen made a trip during which he circled P.M., Bro. Rudy delos Reyes, pastor at the earth, first traveling east breaking new ground in Nipaco, spoke (in Illagano) about “Follow- Kenya, East Africa. Then continuing east, he landed in ing Christ’s Example.” I was asked to be and first met the brethren in the , the evangelist for the meeting so I spoke after which he finished the journey east back home in each night. Sis. Rose Marzan Maryland. Immediately, there was a bond of fellowship was chairperson for the night Rudy services. She and her hus- between the church in the Philippines and the church delos Reyes in the U.S. That bond has grown deeper and richer with band, Bro. Arthur, pastor at each successive visit. At age 82, this year was Bro. Bicutan, . Among the spe- Ollen’s 17th visit to the Philippines. I was blessed to cials Thursday night were Sarah, Sis. Rose’s accompany him. This was my seventh visit. Each time 11 year old daughter, and “The Christian Rose Marzan I’ve found that as I give the Filipinos all I have, I return Mothers,” a group of 10 who sang so beau- home with more than that with which I came. tifully together, “Tell Me His Name Again.” My first Our journey began at 6:00 A.M. Tuesday, December message was entitled, “We Have an Altar,” after which 26, with a flight from Baltimore to Chicago. Then a non- many gathered at the altar, several for salvation. stop flight from Chicago to Hong Kong, which entailed Through the years I have learned certain phrases more than 14 hours in the air. We took a northerly path in the Tagalog language which bring the Filipinos joy. over the arctic circle and then southwardly down the Magundung Gabi means, “Good evening.” Purihan ang east coast of Asia. From Hong Kong, we flew to Manila Panginoon means, “Praise the Lord!” Kain tayo means, arriving at 8:30 P.M., December 27, local time. The “Let’s eat,” etc. During my first message I happened to Philippines are 13 hours ahead of Eastern Standard mention that we need to bring our burdens to the Lord Time. Bro. Jet and Sis. Judith Batalla, along with Bro. and leave them there. Sometimes when we are asked Ed Coraraton, met us there and we traveled another Kumusta ka (How are you?), we answer automatically, 3½ hours north to Paniqui where the convention is “Mabuti” (Good). But, do we do so without life in our annually held. voice because of the burdens we are bearing? It’s much The convention began the next morning. The sched- more effective as a Christian testimony if we are able ule for five days was packed full. Each day began with to answer, “Mabuti!” with the note of victory in our 6:00 A.M. Morning Devotion, Breakfast at 7:00 A.M., voice. The Filipinos picked this up immediately. For the Christian Festival at 8:00 A.M. (This included various rest of our visit when asked, “Kumusta ka?,” their answer activities concerning the Bible.), 10:00 A.M. Preaching was firm and victorious with a beautiful smile, “Mabuti!” Service, 12:00 P.M. Lunch, 2:00 P.M. Preaching Service, Mealtime was interesting with different congrega- tions taking responsibility for preparing and serving three meals each day. It was outside in the yard beside the chapel. Often they would sing as they served, once even playing the guitar to the tune, “Come and Dine.” What an example of working together! Bro. Ollen and I were privileged to stay at Bro. Ed and Sis Myrna Luzong’s house and ate our American style meals there. Friday began with Bro. Philbert Mani- picio from Mindanao bringing the devo- tional message using Romans 12:1, 2. At 10:00 A.M., the speaker was an outstand- ing young lady, Sis. Meldy Santiago who Philbert is building a work for God in Santa Maria, Manipicio Page 2 The Way of Truth . She used Galatians 2:20, “I Am The new year is celebrated in the Philippines with Crucified with Christ.” Ten came to the firecrackers of all kinds. So, all day long it sounded like altar, some for salvation. At 2:00 P.M. chair- bombs and machine guns going off—ra-a-tat-tat! Of person, Sis. Rose Villanueva (Mindanao) course at midnight, it culminated with what sounded led the singing. The preacher like World War III! Meldy was Bro. Arnold Ordonio from At 6:00 A.M., the new year of 2007 began with prayer Santiago Balaoang. His text was I Cor- and devotion. Bro. Antonio Domrigue brought the devo- inthians 1:20. The title was, tional message. After breakfast there was “Foolish.” At 7:00 P.M. I spoke on the a seminar planned for the young people. thought, “Two Open Doors.” Again salva- So, at 8:30 A.M. I was asked to bring some tion work was done, thank God. Arnold thoughts. I lectured on, “The Young Per- Saturday’s early morning Ordonio son’s Ambition.” Sis. Josephine was again devotional message was brought by Bro. chairperson for the day. At 10 A.M. the Evo Rabino from Mindanao. He was one of preacher was Bro. Greg Escullar, pastor in Greg several who was converted while working Negros. Before speaking he Escullar in Saudi Arabia. When he returned to his sang a beautiful song, “Dios Ng ” wife after deserting her for 30 years, he (God of Miracles). His text was II Timo- Evo Rabino found her waiting and she was also con- thy 3:1-5, “The Loss of Good Influence.” verted. Sis. Amor Mongos was chairperson for the day. Many sought God at the conclusion of this At 10:00 A.M., Bro Bernardo Estado from Marinduque message, some for salvation. At 2:00 P.M., sang. He has been a cripple all his life and his man- Antonio Bro. Antonio Domrigue spoke from John gled legs force him to move about by crawl- Domrigue 4:31-35. He inspired us all to a greater ing. Yet, he reflects such a beautiful bright vision entitling his thoughts, “Jesus’ Ministry is the attitude that he is an inspiration to all. Church’s Ministry.” At 7:00 P.M., a group from Illocos The preacher was Bro. Jet Batalla from Norte sang, “Higher Ground.” I spoke in this conclud- Baguio. He spoke from Romans 8:9 on the ing service on the thought, “Don’t Lose Your Vision of thought, “The Spirit of Christ.” Several Jesus.” Four souls claimed salvation. Thank God! responded at the altar. At 2:00 Jet Batalla Many of the saints began their journey home to their P.M. Bro. Bernie Neri, pastor own districts immediately following this service. Con- at Kalilangin, Mindanao was the speaker. vention had come to an end. There were many tears of Using Matthew 16:24 his message was in joy and sadness, of joy for what God had done and what the form of a question, “What Does Living we experienced together, of sadness because we were for Jesus Mean?” At 7:00 P.M. I sang,“It Is parting one from another, not knowing for certain when Bernie Neri Well With My Soul,” in Tagalog. My mes- we would meet again. What love flowed from heart to sage was entitled, “Is It Well With Your Soul?” Thank heart! God seven precious souls were saved. At the conclusion of this service, a drama was presented. The last day of 2006 began with Sun- day school at 8:00 A.M. The lesson was taught by Bro. Arnold Chichioco of Paniqui. At 10:00 A.M., Sis Judith Batalla was chairperson. A large group of young people Arnold sang, “I Will Glorify.” Bro. Chichioco Ollen Craig was the speaker. His message was, “The Word of Life.” Seven souls were Judith saved. Bro. Ed Coraraton, pas- Batalla tor in Davao City, Mindanao Some ministers who attended the Convention spoke in the afternoon service. His mes- sage was from Ephesians 2:1-6, “The Exalted State of Christians.” An inspiring After convention were planned revival services in message (at least what I could understand various places. Bro. Ollen was to preach in Nipaco on of it!). It was preached in Tagalog, but he Tuesday, January 2, and Balaoang on January 3. Mean- Ed rephrased certain points in English. One Coraraton while, I left early Tuesday morning for Baguio City. Bro. of several songs in the 7:00 P.M. service Jet Batalla, his wife Sis. Wilma, Bro. Ed Coraraton, was sung by former prisoners in Saudi Arabia who were Bro.Greg Escullar and others traveled 3½ hours north- converted in the jailhouse. They sang, “Wonderful Grace west to the coolest city in the Philippines. When I say, of Jesus.” Also, about 30 young people from Metro Manila coolest, I mean temperature-wise. It’s up, up in the sang beautifully together. I preached from Matthew mountains. In this populous university city, Bro. Jet 23:23 on the thought, “The Regret of Things Left and others formed a congregation some years ago. Here Undone.” About 20 came to altar at the conclusion, three the Filipino church has been laboring in radio ministry giving their hearts to the Lord. The Filipino people are for a couple of years. They have their own Way of Truth still very tender toward God. Broadcast aired every night between 6:00 P.M. and 7:00 March, 2007 Page 3 P.M. on station DZBS-1368 AM. were found guilty of murder and through the efforts of What a task! They share in the the church were converted some time ago. Others have duties, but it takes great coor- been converted by their example and testimony. I spoke dination to keep it running on “God’s Plan for Your Life,” after which 30 or so inmates smoothly. I was asked to bring came forward for prayer. I was told that 10 of them the live message on radio for were truly saved. Several testified to salvation. Preaching on the Radio Tuesday night. In downtown We then traveled into the metropolis to the area of Baguio, up three flights of Signal, where we have gathered for our last service for stairs to a little recording studio we went. I was moved the last several years. Bro. Frank Palencia is pastor by Sis. Daisy who opened the program and chaired it and, yes, he was also converted in Saudi Arabia. Many through. She has a poised voice and a softly impressive saints gathered in to tell us good-bye. After a feast of demeanor—a perfect radio voice. After two testimonies pina (pineapple), saging (bananas), spaghetti and and a song by Bro. Greg Escullar, I spoke on, “What manok (chicken) was enjoyed, we entered the farewell Makes the Church of God So Special?” We spent the service. I tried to leave the Filipino church with courage night in a local hotel. as I spoke on Matthew 6:25-34, “Serving Christ One Wednesday morning was planned a baptismal for Day at a Time.” Again, there were expressions of joy some new converts in the Baguio area. We traveled and love as we departed for the hotel. I told them, about 20 miles through rugged terrain to a hot springs “Mahal ko kyong lahat” (I love you all). area where we baptized six converts. We then traveled Our flight left Manila at 8:00 A.M. Monday, Janu- a distance to a place beside the South China Sea called, ary 8. We were at the airport at 4:15 A.M. As much as Dagupan. This is near the area where the GI’s hit the we enjoyed the wonderful fellowship and workings of beach in their return invasion, in which they liberated God, it was time to go home. Twenty-five hours later, the Philippines from Japanese occupation in WWII. I Sis. Ellen and Sis. Stutzie met us at BWI airport. Though had visited the Church of God in Dagupan twice before my luggage got lost, I didn’t care. I was home! (It arrived and found it fertile ground. Our service began at 7:00 two days later.) P.M. About 50 or 60 souls crowded in and around the We thank the Lord for His traveling mercies, His small chapel area. I preached on “The Keys of the King- great salvation work and all His blessings. We also dom,” and seven precious souls were saved. Glory to thank the saints for their prayers. And, we thank the God! Immediately after the service we ate together some Filipino Church of God for their wonderful hospitality. Filipino delicacies including pakwan (watermelon), May each new convert stay saved, may the Church con- pancit (noodles), and manok (chicken). We traveled for tinue to grow, and may nothing ever separate us from two hours back to Paniqui to find Bro. Ollen doing well. the love of Christ or each other! _ It was Bro. Ollen’s turn to hit the road with Bro. Jet and GREETINGS TO ALL FROM others Thursday, Friday and THE FILIPINO Saturday, traveling five hours north through higher moun- CHURCH OF GOD tains to Isabela where Sis. Granil is pastor. Bro. Ollen preached Thursday night and five souls claimed salvation. Bro. Jet preached Friday Bro. Ollen Craig night. Meanwhile, I spoke in Balaoang Thursday night on the thought of, “It is Cer- tain.” This being Illagano speaking territory, I greeted the audience with nyimbug nga rabii (Good evening), which brought joy to the local saints. On Friday night I spoke in nearby Gerona on, “Jesus Came to Heal Your Broken Heart.” Saturday, January 6th, Bro. Ollen and his entourage returned from Isabela. At 83 years old, it is amazing what the Lord has enabled Bro. Ollen Craig to do! A farewell service was planned at Paniqui with many con- gregations represented. I was asked to speak. The mes- sage was, “Stewards of the Mysteries of God,” based on I Corinthians 4:1. Another soul sought salvation. Sunday we traveled to Manila for our last day of labor. Services were planned at the Manila prison at 2:00 P.M. Bro Ollen spoke to the youth in one building, while at the very same time, I spoke to the older inmates in another building. The Metro Manila churches have had this prison ministry for some time. It has borne fruit. Bro. Adrian Caburian and Bro. Charlie Caburian Page 4 The Way of Truth A COVENANT OF SALT 2006 Cayman Convention Message by Bro. Terry Deville Bro. Terry Deville WAS THINKING as we gated ourselves to God, and and his wife, were singing the first what’s so good about it is, in Sis. Carol at II song just how blessed we return God obligated Him- Lake Louise, were to have a praying mother. self to us. There is a mighty “STANDING FOR Canada I don’t know if we’ll ever real- THE FAITH— God in Heaven on whom we ize until eternity the impor- can lean and depend on. By tance of a praying mother. I COMMITTED TO His Word, by His promise, ITS PROGRESS” have a praying mother. It’s He’s given us a covenant; a because of those prayers I’m perpetual permanent obliga- on the Lord’s side. I can’t think Theme of the 2006 tion. I believe God will keep of a better side to be on. Cayman Convention His covenant with His people. We’ve had a wonderful It’s called a covenant of salt. convention so far. We are trusting the Lord to see souls Let us turn over to Leviticus saved and the church helped. We thank God for the 2:13, “And every oblation of thy sweet fellowship of the people of God. I know I’ve already meat offering shalt thou season with been helped. I have a determination to do what I can salt; neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant for the kingdom of God. This is a good work. The Lord of thy God to be lacking from thy meat offering: with needs all the devoted soldiers He can get. I trust as I all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt.” So we see in go through this message that the Lord will be able to this, Dear Ones, salt was required with and in all their open up our understanding and to realize the main offerings to God. Job asked this question, “Can that thought in this message today. I want to say I appreci- which is unsavoury be eaten without salt?” In other ate the people of God—the Church of God. I’m not a words, can that which is distasteful, disagreeable, taste- critical person, but I do believe in preaching what God less, unpleasant in smell and taste be acceptable at lays on my heart. I’ll try to do my best in gentleness God’s table? No, it cannot be accepted, and God forbid and love, but at the same time, I like for the Word of we ever even try to offer it. Our God deserves a sacri- God to show me where I am. I like to improve. I’m fice that has been salted with the things of God. The always challenging the saints back home to do likewise. Lord God will not accept anything less. He would not If you get stagnant, it won’t be long before you will lose accept it back then, and He will not accept it today. No your desires. Let me tell you, this to me is too serious wonder the Lord said, “Have salt in yourselves.” If we’re to take lightly. Backsliding should never be an option. going to be the sacrifice, the vessels, the example, and I’ve heard people say they have their mind made up, be what salt is to God, Dear Ones, we must have it in and I appreciate that. We must have our mind made ourselves. Now, their sacrifice and offerings just in them- up to do those things that will keep us strong in the selves and without salt were very much unsavory to Lord. If we do those things, we can count on God to God. It was morally offensive to God. I believe as you direct us. We appreciate every message we’ve heard. look around you can say that it is some of the same The Lord certainly used Bro. Greg yesterday morning. today. Much that is offered to God in the religious world, It was a beautiful message in which we all could see and throughout the world, is morally offensive to God. ourselves. There is room for progress. It’s unsavory; distasteful and unpleasant to God. We will be reading from Numbers 18. We’ll read one AN ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE verse there. We’ll be reading some other scriptures as well. I covet your prayers and attention. Numbers 18:19, God wants something in the sacrifices that are offered “All the heave offerings of the holy things, which the unto Him. If people have sin in their lives, Dear Ones, children of Israel offer unto the LORD, have I given they are offering an unsavory sacrifice. The day God thee, [Moses was speaking to the children of Israel.] takes sin out of our lives, we’re in a position where we and thy sons and thy daughters with thee, by a statute can offer ourselves for sacrifice unto God that’s accept- for ever: it is a covenant of salt for ever before the LORD able, sweet and tasteful. For our service to be accept- unto thee and to thy seed with thee.” able, it has to have salt. Jesus said, “Every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.” This kind of salt we’re talk- A COVENANT OF SALT ing about can only come from God, but it comes as we The covenant of salt God made with His people, allow God to be God over our lives. It comes as we allow ancient Israel, can be applied in the spiritual. Thank God to be active in our lives. Dear Ones, as we surren- God, we still have that covenant of salt. A covenant is, der more and more and let God have His way in all “a solid binding agreement of continual everlasting obli- aspects of our lives, we’ll find our lives filled with the gation to each other.” Dear Ones, I hope you feel this salt of heaven. It will have a sweet and wonderful taste as I do, for we are obligated to God. When we gave our- to God. I don’t know about you, but when I offer myself selves to God in salvation and sanctification, we obli- to God, I want to be acceptable. I don’t want to be unsa- March, 2007 Page 5 vory to God. I want to be pleasant and tasteful to Him. Turn to Colossians 4:6. “Let your speech be alway I want something that’s agreeable to God. Job said, with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how “Can we eat meat that is unsavory or not salted?” As ye ought to answer every man.” The scripture didn’t we allow God to work in all aspects of our life, He brings say some of the time, but it says, alway. A harsh, sharp salt into our life. offensive speech or tongue is not seasoned. When it is QUALITIES OF SALT seasoned with salt, it leaves a good taste in people’s mouth. Are you with me? Dear Ones, when our speech Salt is a wonderful symbol because of all its attrib- is sharp, harsh or offensive, it leaves a bad taste. Are utes and qualities. I will read some quotes I got out of you hearing me? It leaves a bad taste in people’s mouth. an encyclopedia. Salt is essential to our health. Our I believe we can all improve on this. We need to make body cells must have salt in order to work and live. The sure our speech is seasoned with the salt of God. Being more than 13,000 uses is salt, and besides seasoning seasoned with salt will penetrate and melt. It makes foods and preserving foods, it is used to purify petro- the way more inviting. I learned one of my lessons a leum as well. Chlorine products are derived from salt few years ago. A dear sister was having a problem over, and chlorine is used to make paper white and purify over, and over again. Finally, I thought it best that she water. When salt is mixed with snow and ice, it melts be put in her place. I felt just as justified to do it. I can’t it. It forms a solution to the lower freezing point than go into details here, but she was very vexing. She was of water. Salt is also used as an anesthetic to kill germs. scheduled to come over to the house. I was ready to give It is even used as a mouthwash to kill germs. I believe, it to her straight, but it so happened, I picked up a lit- Dear Ones, a lot of people need God’s mouthwash. Did tle book that morning and read a scripture. It was like you hear what I said? Clean up that old filthy talk. For a light coming on. I really thought God would have me all these things no wonder Jesus said, “Salt is good; to put her in her place, but He had another way to do therefore, have salt in yourselves.” Why is salt good? this. The scripture in II Timothy was so plain. II Tim- Because it preserves things like nothing else can do. othy 2:24, “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; This heavenly salt preserves us from decaying. It pre- but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient.” Lis- serves us from corruption and spoiling. Spoiling meat ten to Verses 25 and 26, “In meekness instructing those has an offensive odor. Decaying meat has an offensive that oppose themselves; if God peradventure [or per- odor. Out there in the religious world, Dear Ones, there’s haps] will give them repentance to the acknowledging a lot of offensive odors. If you have the salt of God, He of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out will keep you morally clean. He will preserve you. It is of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him essential to our spiritual health. Our spiritual selves at his will.” So, I got from this that the Lord wanted must have it in order to live and function. me to use the approach of being gentle. As we sat down Salt also penetrates; it seasons. The Bible says, “Be and I began to talk to her in a gentle way, the Holy seasoned with salt.” When it mixes with all aspects of Spirit was able to work it out. It was Terry that wanted our lives, it not only penetrates and preserves things, to do it his way, but I have found that God’s way is but it can kill germs and bacteria that the old devil much higher than Terry’s way. It was done by doing it tries to put on our hearts and minds. It will keep you God’s way. We ministers are human beings like every- pure, and not only does it keep you pure, Dear Ones, one else, and we do our best to deal with problems, but but is able to melt the cold hearts of people. It purifies, we’re on the same side, aren’t we? You must do your and when it’s allowed to work in our lives, we leave a best to support us, and if I do you wrong and get out of good flavor in the world. I tell you, there are a lot of sorts, Dear Ones, I owe you an apology. But if you get hearts that need melting. A lot of attitudes need to be behind my back, run me down and talk about me, don’t melted. As food is unsavory without salt, so is our life. you owe me an apology? We must have salt in ourselves because of all the things LIVING BY THE GOLDEN RULE I’ve mentioned, but most of all that we be acceptable I think we all should live by the Golden Rule, don’t at God’s table. I hope we see ourselves as living sacri- you? “And as ye would that men should do to you, do fices because that’s exactly what we are. Now, I will ye also to them likewise.” I told the saints back home branch off a little bit here. I appreciate young people. that I believe in the Golden Rule. We all do, but we I appreciate the young people from Honduras, George don’t take time to consider it when dealing with a sit- Town and those from all around. Let me tell you some- uation. If we would consider it, we might just get some thing, Young People, there is a time when you have to salt of God. I want to be seasoned with salt, don’t you? realize you have to put away childish things and grow I like to make a difference in my edifying the Church up. “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I under- of God, but not only that, I want to “walk in wisdom stood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became toward them that are without.” That’s the other point a man, I put away childish things.” We appreciate you, of this scripture in Colossians. They tie together with Young People. We love your enthusiasm and desires, the previous verse. Colossians 4:5, “Walk in wisdom but Dear Ones, we want you to grow up to be great sol- toward them that are without, redeeming the time.” diers for God. There are a lot of things out in the world Verse 6, “Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned trying to pull you away, but you need to get where the with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer salt is so you can grow in grace and in the knowledge every man.” O God, give us that wisdom! Let our speech of God. You can then show yourselves a beautiful fla- be seasoned with salt that we can win those that are vor. Young people can live for God. They are a beauti- without. Let me tell you something, perception mat- ful example when they do it. ters. I realize sometimes souls will get a bad percep- Page 6 The Way of Truth tion no matter how good you are, but perception mat- solid Rock, which is Christ. God, give us more salt that ters. Dear Ones, if we don’t give the perception that we we can penetrate, influence, and melt the hearts of peo- really care about them, we really love them, we really, ple! really, really want to see them saved and want what’s Jesus used salt to illustrate these three qualities: best for them, how are we walking in wisdom? We have We are to be a living sacrifice as stated in Leviticus. to give the perception of what is really in our heart. Are We are to make a difference in the flavor of the world you with me on this? “Walk in wisdom toward them we live in, and we are to counteract moral decay and that are without”; “Let your speech be alway with grace, spiritual evilness in our society by the life we live. seasoned with salt,” so that our words can penetrate. REFINED SALT I don’t want my words to repel, but penetrate. Do you know something? I don’t believe you can scold people Jesus said in Mark 9:50, “Salt is good.” But listen, into the kingdom of God. Saints, we can’t scold anyone it is especially good when it has been broken down into into the kingdom of God. We can compel, plead and many, many little tiny white grains. It’s called refin- preach to them, but let’s have the salt of heaven in it. ing. Now the blood makes us white, but Jesus takes I hope I’m not offending anyone. that rock of salt and says in order for us to be more use- In Matthew 5:13 Jesus said, “Ye are the salt of the ful to penetrate, to be more valuable to Him, He has to earth.” What a lofty and high calling we have! The world refine us. We have to be broken down; we have to be may see us as nothing and treat us contemptible, but refined. There are a lot of things in us Jesus sees, so Jesus said that we have a higher calling than what the we have to be refined. I don’t understand why things world sees. It is because of your light you are preserv- are happening. I don’t understand what’s going on. ing things. The old world is just decaying around us, Things don’t seem fair or just, but let’s don’t worry about but the Church of God is still the salt of the earth. We it, Dear Ones, for Jesus is on the scene. He’s doing a may be few in number, but Dear Ones, a little salt can refining work. We started out as a lump of salt, but go a long way. It works silently most of the time and it Jesus has broken us down. The smaller we get, the more can penetrate people’s heart and mind. Also, we are useful we become. preserving a way of life. I don’t know about you, but Saints, the Bible says, “Ask, and ye shall receive.” I’m not going contemporary. I don’t care for contempo- So many times we ask for healing, for problems to be rary worship. I’m sure you know what kind of worship resolved, and for this and that, which is good, but what I’m talking about. Do you know what kind of worship are the greatest things? Isn’t it love, mercy, goodness God wants? Spirit worship. It is the only kind that is and humility? Aren’t they better than some of these acceptable. Most of this other stuff today is morally other things? This is what we need to be rich toward offensive to God. They can have it, but I like the old- God. He wants us to be humble people, and a humble fashioned way of singing and preaching. Let us make person is a small person. You take those little grains of sure we keep on worshiping God in Spirit and in truth. salt and sprinkle them on some food, you talk about a Let’s preserve what we have, Dear Ones. I think about flavor it is! It penetrates into that food. Before, that those that’s gone on before us, of how they preserved food was unsavory, but those little grains of salt flowed it. They went through much to preserve this holy, godly, through that meat and now it is ready to be offered to righteous way. God. Yes, it’s good to ask for this and for that, but the IF THE SALT HAVE LOST ITS SAVOR Bible says to ask for wisdom, grace and understand- Jesus goes on to say, “But if the salt have lost his ing. I ask the Lord many times to give me more love; savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth give me more joy. I long to see more joy in the house of good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden prayer, don’t you? I want to see more joy in the Lord. under foot of men.” In other words, if the salt in you We are in the Lord. Saints, we have a right to rejoice. has lost its saltiness, or preserving power, wherewith It makes and refines us. He then is able to sprinkle us shall it be salted? I’m taking that to mean—since we out and make an unsavory place to become a beautiful are the salt of the world, wherewith shall the world be place for His blessings. God seasons us with His pre- salted? Wherewith shall our families, our loved ones, cious Spirit and salt. The more things we do in the people around us be salted with the salt of God? I can’t Spirit, and the more we fellowship God in the Spirit, emphasize it enough. The times we’re living in is hav- the closer our relationship with Him. We will love Him ing an effect on us, but God is depending on us to keep more. When I get up in the morning, I sometimes look salting this earth. We’ve made a covenant with God; a out the window and try my best to fellowship with God. covenant of salt. If we will allow God to work in our I don’t get up with a good attitude many times, but lives, we will always have salt. If we don’t, Jesus said, Dear Ones, when I start to fellowship with God, things “It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, start changing. Do you know what? I believe when we and to be trodden under foot of men.” do that in the Spirit, and we fellowship God at home A saltless church, or a saltless people, Dear Ones, or wherever it may be, I believe salt comes into our life. is a trodden down people or church. Yes, I can say it Don’t you believe that? I want all the salt I can get from because Jesus said, “It’s good for nothing.” If it has lost God. Saints, when you come to church, come to fellow- its saltiness, preserving, penetrating and healing power, ship God. Come and put your mind on Him. Come and it’s good for nothing. Do you see how important it is to lift your heart up to God. Get close to Him. Sometimes have heavenly salt within us? I don’t want to be a salt- it’s jumping up and praising God, and sometimes it’s less church, do you? We’ve seen the effect of that. I want just being quiet in sweet meditation to God. “It’s by my to be a church that is built upon and stays upon the Spirit,” saith the Lord. We could do it this way or that, March, 2007 Page 7 but it is by His Spirit. This is where the salt is—in the heavenly salt; a covenant of salt. You are the salt of the Spirit of God. world, Dear Ones. “Salt is good: but if the salt have lost “Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltiness, his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in wherewith will ye season it?” In other words, if we lose yourselves, and have peace one with another.” I hope I our saltiness, how can we penetrate, preserve and melt didn’t offend or hurt anyone’s feelings. I hope and trust people’s lives? There are some Christians that are los- we will see God is depending on us. God, as well as our ing their salt. I love you, but I am going to tell you the family, is depending on us to have and keep the salt truth. I see Christians losing their salt, and it is indeed flowing through us so we can melt, penetrate, and bring something to be concerned about. When you lose your them into the family of God. May God bless you. _ saltiness, how can you salt anyone? There are conse- quences to that. What are some of the reasons? I will stick to one reason. Over in Judah, there was a valley Dear Young People, of salt, and it was a proof also how salt could lose its I recently returned from the savoring power. Along one side of this valley of salt, Philippine Islands where I had the there was a small opening about the length of two men. privilege of again laboring with It was caused by the continual taking away of the salt. outstanding young people. They In this opening you could see how the vein of salt lays, are so full of zeal and enthusiasm and you could see that which was exposed to the ele- for the things of God, that it ments—the rain, wind, sun and air. Although it looked splashed over on me again, and I just like salt, it had lost its savor. It had lost its salti- returned to the States renewed and refreshed. Here I am ness, but the inner part, which was connected to the sharing a testimony by one such young lady, Sis. Anna rock retained its savor, flavor, penetrating and preserv- Luisa delos Reyes. She is the daughter of Pastor Rudy ing qualities. delos Reyes of Nipaco. (See page 2.) So, what do I get from this? As we expose ourselves more and more to the things around us, we are losing To our beloved Uncle Ollen and Uncle Greg, salt. I hope this is for all of us. This can be more than Holy greetings in the sweet name of our just the world. It can be people. It can be relationships. Lord Jesus! The Lord has been so good to me. It can be all sorts of things, Dear Ones, that’s pulling I thank God for His salvation. Praise the Lord, the salt out of us. As we become more and more exposed I have no regrets. It is truly a precious privi- to these things and are not careful, we are going to find lege and great achievement by serving Him in ourselves void of the salt of God. There are some places these days of my youth. I am happy serving God. saints don’t need to be going. There are some things It has been His unfailing and undying love that made us meet saints don’t need to be looking at. There are some things as brethren. people don’t need to be doing or having nothing to do Uncle, you’ve been such an encouragement to us. Truly, with. There are some things we need to stay away from. God uses His clean vessels for the furtherance of His gospel. If it is pulling salt away from us, stay away and pray My soul has been blessed by the convention here in the Philip- more. It’s exposure to the elements. pines. Thank God for sharing the Word in a beautiful and under- standing way in all its truth. To God be the glory and praise! CONCLUSION We appreciate all your efforts of love and caring through Christ. Joseph was a man who gave off a good flavor. It was May I encourage my fellow youths to accept the Lord before unfair what was done to him, but he didn’t get over in it is too late. “Living for Jesus” is the greatest life we can ever the corner and pout about it. He didn’t let bitterness live. get in his heart. He didn’t let anything steal his salt. Mahal po namin kayo, Uncle. Till the next time, God will- As matter of fact, he threw himself on the mercy of God. ing, we shall meet either in prayer, or in person and letter. God “Here I am, Lord, a living sacrifice. I am going to make bless, Uncle. Purihin ang Panginoon! (Praise the Lord!) the best of it. I know I’ve been falsely accused. I’ve been In Jesus, abused by my brothers. I’ve been thrown in prison, but Sis. Anna Luisa delos Reyes I am staying close to the Rock.” Because this young man of God kept his experience close to God, he was She is only one of hundreds I met while in the Philip- able to melt the hearts of his brothers. Joseph was able pines, each with a glowing smile. May God bless and keep to save his family. A whole nation was spared because them is my prayer. If any young person reading this would he kept salt in himself. Even though Joseph was exposed like to have a Christian “penpal” in the Philippines, write to an unfriendly and an ungodly environment, he stayed me and I will be glad to put you in touch. Send your own true to God. We talk about living in perilous times, but testimony while you are at it! My address is, The Way of if Joseph could stay true to God, we can do it too. We Truth, Young People’s Editor, P. O. Box 88, Hagerstown, have to quit murmuring and complaining. Just make MD 21741 U.S.A. the adjustments and best of what comes your way, then Following is an outstanding message by the late Sis. God will bring salt. Dear Ones, trust God. Keep salt in Hope from Grand Cayman. She had a deep love for young yourselves. Stay close to the Vein that’s connected to people and directed many of her thoughts toward them. the Rock. We will be exposed, but let us not put our- selves out there where we are overexposed and let things In His Service, rob us of the salt that God has salted us with. God said, “Every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.” We have a BBrroo.. GGrreegg TTyylleerr Page 8 The Way of Truth have clean beds to sleep in, and here am I destitute of someone to love and care for me. I don’t have an occu- “HE AROSE, AND CAME TO HIS FATHER” pation to bring me in money. Here am I. I am going to do something about it.” Young people, middle-age and older persons, wher- Radio Message by the late Sis. Hope Glidden-Borden ever you are today, do something about it. Come to your- selves. Do you know there is such a thing as spiritual insanity? Sin drives a person insane as it were. People do things they could never do if they were a Christian. BELIEVE everyone will agree with me that no Today people are spending their well-earned money for one can bring such joy to the heart of parents as dope, alcohol and for things that really don’t pay. Money I can a faithful child. On the other hand, no one can I that God gave them strength to work and earn, they bring more grief to parents than a wayward son or are wasting it. Someday they will need it. daughter. When the song, “Where Is My Wandering Boy This boy realized something and he made a resolve. Tonight?” was written, it seemed as if it were only the “I know what I’m going to do. I am going home.” Do you boys going astray, but it is so sad today to know that know he could have sat in that pigpen until now instead the girls are going just like the boys. I think of David of going home? He did something about it. He repented. at the death of Absalom. At the time of his death, Absa- He said, “I’ve sinned against my father. I have sinned lom was actually his enemy, but the mourning that against God. I’m going home and ask him to take me David did for his son, even as we read it now from the back.” Such humility! The beautiful part of this story Scriptures, it seems to melt our hearts. “O my son Absa- is, that he arose and went. He returned home. Young lom, O Absalom, my son, my son!” It was such grief to Person, Father’s heart and Mother’s heart are yearn- the heart of that father. ing for your return. They are yearning to see you turn Now, our minds revert to the prodigal son. There is over a new leaf. They are just yearning one verse of scripture there that really to see you turn from the way of sin and is the keynote to the whole story. “And really begin to live. he arose, and came to his father.” He His father had been watching for years thought of doing it, and then put it into for his return. He saw his boy a way off. action. We will just consider for a few There was something there that caused minutes what really led that boy away. If we will take time to read the story, we the father to realize that it was him. His will see the first thing that caused his boy looked so different from when he left, downfall was his self-will. Young People, but it was him. It makes no difference self-will will also cause your downfall. what scars sin has left on your life, the He got tired of his father’s home. He Lord is waiting to forgive. He will wash became selfish. He said, “Father, just give and make you clean as if nothing had me what’s coming to me. I can’t wait until happened. There was a reconciliation you die. Let me have mine now.” His between the father and son. He said, “My father gave it to him. The boy took his son that was dead is alive. My son that journey into a far country. This brought was lost is found. Servants, bring the best separation from home; separation from robe. Let’s wash him and put shoes on his what was good, pure and holy. During this period of feet. We have something here we’ve been saving for separation, there was this sensual living. He wasted this—kill the fatted calf. Let us rejoice.” The father did all his inheritance in riotous living. There was spiri- not say, “I told you that’s what was going to happen. I tual destitution in the life of this boy. It was so terri- told you not to leave home.” No, not a word of rebuke. ble that it led to self-abasement. A boy who had been He was forgiven. There was rejoicing over the return brought up in a respectable home with respectable par- of a lost child. ents, found himself doing such menial labor. He was Today, so many mother’s hearts are broken; so many feeding pigs. Now I am a great supporter of the thought disappointed parents. Boys and girls alike have taken that any work is honorable, but when you think of a the way of sin. They’re getting involved in all sorts of boy who had been brought up in a Jewish home and trouble. But do you know when the trouble strikes, they brought to the point through poverty of feeding swine, remember their father and mother? They come back you can well realize the condition he had come to. He home. Young People, if you leave home, leave with con- was starved physically. He didn’t have food to eat. When ditions that will make it easier for you to return. It’s he had money, he had friends, but when the money was not easy eating humble pie. Don’t get in a rage and say, finished, the friends were finished too. There he was! “I don’t want anymore of this.” Leave home with an Do you know a lot of times it takes an experience like understanding you can always go back. There’s no bet- this to jolt a person to his senses? He realized where ter place on earth than home. This poor boy had to hum- he was and said, “Here am I down in this pigpen feed- ble himself and come back right where he started. ing the pigs, and so hungry I could actually eat the food Sin stops at nothing. Sin is merciless. It drives one that is being thrown to them, but I am above that. I on, and on, and on. It brings under such self-abasement can’t steal it, and just not going to stoop to it in spite that one has to have a lot of courage to even try to regain of my severe hunger. I am going home. I am thinking self-respect. There would be rejoicing in heaven if you of my father’s house. There’s food on the table. They decide to come home. You’ve wasted so many years; March, 2007 Page 9 years that cannot be recalled. Every year you say that ment. Dear Ones, I have tested, tried and proved that this year you’re going to serve God and still you don’t. the best life to live is a life lived for Christ. Do as the Perhaps at the beginning of this year, you might have prodigal son today. Just don’t realize your condition, said you were going to serve God. Well, it is time to but arise and come while He calls for you. May God begin. Soon this year will be gone where the last one bless you. _ is—history; no longer here. It is now we need to come to God. There is forgiveness, mercy and plenteous grace with my heavenly Father. It makes no difference what the past has been. It makes no difference what you’ve END TIME done since you left home. It makes no difference what WHAT PREDICTIONS you’ve gotten involved in. It makes no difference what ABOUT your police record says, there is a loving, heavenly T SEEMS that certain Father waiting to welcome you home. “Lord, I’m Com- THIS? religious groups have ing Home.” I’ve wasted many precious years, Now I’m By the Editor II grown because of their coming home; I now repent with bitter tears, Lord, I’m supposed insight into future coming home. “A broken and a contrite heart, O God, events. People want to know what is thou wilt not despise.” He will come to you if you will in the future, and they are drawn to those “prophets” just do as the prodigal son—realize your condition. If who lead them to believe they know. Ellen G. White is you don’t realize your condition, you will never see about quoted as saying back in the 1800’s at Battle Creek, having a remedy. If you don’t realize you are sick spir- Michigan that there were some people in her audience itually, you will never seek the help of God or the church. that would be living when Jesus returned. That was You’ll just sit there and die without the knowledge of more than 100 years ago, and not one of those persons what’s happening. May God help you to realize your are alive today. sinful condition. You need a Savior. You need to come Another group said Jesus would return in 1914; oth- home. Come home to the arms of our Savior who prom- ers have set other dates that have come and gone. One ises forgiveness. of those was the author of the book “88 Reasons Why In Romans 8 we read, “There is therefore now no the Rapture Would Take Place in ’88.” Of course it did condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who not happen; his prediction was based on a false under- walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” In this standing of the Scriptures! The Bible does not teach freedom, in this forgiveness, in this reconciliation, we there will be a seven-year rapture. One man in South have peace. We have access to God; we have joy. We are Carolina calls himself “The Last Day Prophet of God,” able to glory in trial. We have patience, hope and love. and often says, “Jesus Christ is coming in your life- It is a wonderful life. It is the only life that’s worth liv- time.” I have wondered how many people have died who ing and is controlled by God. The Christian’s life is not heard him say that? He has made many predictions dependent on how much money we have in the bank. that have not come to pass. I will give only two exam- It doesn’t depend on how many jobs you are able to ples from his broadcast of March 28, 1988: “As we begin hold. No, it is dependent on the peace that comes from this month, which I believe between April and May, knowing we have been reconciled to God. The past is we’re going to see a great economic upheaval in the forgiven. We are on our way to heaven, walking hand United States of America. So dramatic that it may cause in hand with Jesus. It is glory just to walk with Him. Mr. Reagan to step down and Mr. Bush to take his place, It is glory to have Him when the trials and tests come and then we will have our next president whether we our way. It is worth all it cost to be holy. Young People, like it or not.” From his broadcast of March 30,1988: what has sin ever done for you? What profits can you “The demise of the United States is soon to take place. show you have derived from serving a life of sin? You I urge you to understand that before this year is over would quickly know there is nothing but vain regrets, you will not know this nation as you know it today. disappointments and remorse. Sin promises a wasted There is going to be a great political shake up and an economic collapse of our economy and a limited nuclear life, a sick body, and in too many instances, a sick mind. war is going to shake this whole world.” (End of quote.) You have hardly the will to live. W. S. Goodnight, a minister in the Church of God Psalm 16:11 says, “Thou wilt show me the path of Reformation for a number of years, and a friend of my life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand father, is credited with bringing out the teaching of the there are pleasures for evermore.” “Seven church ages,” and he taught that the last of the It pays to serve Jesus—I speak from my heart; seven was from 1930 to 1980. By 1980 all saints were He’ll always be with us if we do our part; to be out of Babylon and “in the camp of the saints,” There’s naught in this wide world can pleasure afford, also that by 1980 the day of mercy would be closed and There’s peace and contentment in serving the Lord. there would be no more salvation work done; “The door Will you give Him a chance in your life today? The of mercy will be closed at the end of the seventh seal devil is forcing and compelling you to do things you and the 100 years of preliminary judgment. After this would not have dreamed of doing. The devils compels time there will be no more rejoicing in Heaven for NONE you to do things that you do not want anyone to know ARE BEING SAVED.” (End of quote.) about, but bear in mind, in these moments of sin, God Goodnight also implied that Jesus Christ would sees all. He knows all about you and it’s up to you to come about three and one-half years after 1980. No, he come to Him. Find forgiveness, peace, joy and content- did not make a positive statement to that end, but Page 10 The Way of Truth implied it. Here is what he did say: “We are giving you Returning to Mr. Armstrong’s prophecies, and these these time symbols and their place in fulfillment and are from the magazine: you can consider it for a personal study. No man knows January, 1962, “Coming catastrophic drought, dis- the day or hour of His coming, but we can know about ease epidemics, coupled with this economic trend, will when to look for Him for we have His signs given us as bring the most disastrous economic depression of all we have already explained in previous chapters of this history on the United States by somewhere around book” (Quoted from The Revelation With Gospel and 1972.” January, 1963: “Then—possibly not more than Prophecy). seven years from now—America suddenly will wake up I believe there are still saved people in “Babylon” to the gigantic THREAT that shall be rising, or even and I do not believe the day of mercy has been closed! by then have arisen in Europe. It will come as a disil- I still believe sinners can be saved if they will repent lusionary shock to realize this United States of Europe and meet God’s conditions for salvation. We are still we have encouraged and help build, has suddenly become seeing souls saved; otherwise, why preach evangelistic the overpowering frankenstein threatening to destroy messages to the lost? us. To suddenly wake up from our pleasant dreams— But the one who seems to have set times the most to be stunned with the realization our ‘loving’ allies are was the late Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the actually our real enemies, is going to be a frustrating Worldwide Church of God and Editor of The Plain Truth blow. magazine. I have written a number of articles published “Somewhere along about seven to ten years from in The Way of Truth magazine pointing out the errors now the REVOLUTION IN THE WEATHER will become of some of his teachings. He thought he would live to a national and international calamity. Drought, epi- see the coming of Jesus Christ to set up His kingdom, demics of disease, will reap mounting harvest of death across North America—and in Britain. but he died in 1986. “Economic depression will strike. And, the time will I will quote a number of his predictions, some sup- be ripe for the new United Europe to strike! Invasion posedly leading up to the coming of Christ. Some of and captivity will follow—unless America falls on her them will be from material I downloaded from the inter- knees and seeks the help of her God ...” net [from “The Watchers” under the heading “Painful After this United States of Europe invades the British Truth,” some from “The Watchman Expositor,” and some Isles and the United States, Mr. Armstrong wrote: “But from his magazine.] then the communist hordes will sweep over and destroy “In 1934: ‘Christ will return in 1936.’In 1940: ‘Christ the new Babylonish Europe. Its capital will have been will come after 3.5 years of tribulation in October 43.’ moved to Palestine. Its armies on the Middle East bat- 1934/35: ‘Mussolini will be world dictator.’ 1939 PT: tlefront in Palestine will fight against Jesus Christ, ‘Hitler will give his power to Mussolini.’ 1939-40 PT: then descending with the clouds of heaven in all supreme Mussolini will conquer Egypt and Palestine.’ [January supernatural POWER and GLORY of almighty God! 1939] “Undoubtedly, then, the ‘Beasr’ who will capture The ‘Beast’—the coming dictator of the United Europe— half the city of Jerusalem, fighting at Armageddon and with him the religious leader—will be destroyed against Christ at his second coming, is MUSSOLINI, by the brightness of Christ’s coming.” with ten European dictators, and their armies! It is For a number of years Mr. Armstrong, and others coming in this generation!’ May/June 1941: ‘Hitler now of his group, pointed to 1972-1975 for these things to emerges as the ‘BEAST’of Revelation.’September/Octo- begin to happen—in fact he published a book entitled ber 1941: ‘Hitler MUST BE THE VICTOR in his pres- “1975 In Prophecy.” ent Russian invasion!’ In the May, 1965 issue of The Plain Truth, Mr. Ray- I will return to more of Mr. Armstrong’s “prophe- mond McNair wrote: cies” later, but first, he had declared in effect, that “The greatest proof that the ‘times of the Gentiles’ events happening in Africa, especially Egypt, and the have not yet ended is the simple fact that the Gentile Middle East, “would lead to the great battle described Arabs are still in possession of the old city of Jerusalem. in Revelation the nineteenth chapter, and the second They will remain in control of the city until the second coming of Christ!” (From an article by Garner Ted Arm- coming of Christ, at which time He will deliver Jeru- strong, November, 1962.) This, of course did not hap- salem, the Jews and all Israel from Gentile domina- pen! How did Garner Ted explain his father’s false tion.” “prophecy”? “The tide of battle turned. It became obvi- Now remember, Mr. Armstrong said the new United ous that Germany was going to LOSE that war! ... What States of Europe would have its capital in Palestine, then happened? ... my father remained true to the along with the “religious leader”—meaning the pope, inspired WORD of God! He began to realize there had for he taught the Vatican would be moved to Jerusalem, to come yet ANOTHER revival of this very same sys- but Mr. McNair says the Arabs will control Jerusalem tem that is described in Daniel’s second, seventh and until Jesus comes. eleventh chapters, and thoroughly labeled and described Please note Mr. McNair’s article was printed in May, in Revelation 13 and 17.” (End of quote.) In another 1965, and two years later the six-day war took place article by Herbert, he says the reason Germany lost the and the Jews took control of the Old City. What was war was so he and his followers could give the world a Mr. Armstrong’s reply to this event? “This is one of the finally warning of what was coming. There is nothing major fulfillments of Biblical prophecy!” That is not all in Daniel or Revelation about the second World War, or he said in his “Personal.” In that June, 1967 issue, he a third World War. went on to say: “There will be a Jewish temple built in March, 2007 Page 11 Jerusalem with animal sacrifices once again being offered, probably within about four and one-half years.” None of this “stuff” that I have quoted here came to THE TWO pass, so in the February, 1972 issue, in Mr. Armstrong’s “Personal” we read: “I feel at present that the whole RESURRECTIONS question of chronology is in confusion, and no one can be positively SURE of dates. “As of the present I, and a majority of our histori- By Bro. Hoyt R. Matthews ans in Ambassador College, and researchers in the School of Theology, feel that it is utterly unsafe to try to SET DATES in regard to future prophesied events, especially the return of the living Christ in supreme HE WORD OF God does teach two resurrections, power and glory to rule all nations of the earth.” but one is physical and the other spiritual. The Starting in the 30’s, continuing in the 40’s, and then TT word resurrection is defined as, “a rising from in the 70’s proclaiming that Jesus was coming in that the dead, or coming back to life; the state of having period of time, Mr. Armstrong finally concludes it is risen from the dead.” Physical death takes place when “utterly unsafe to try to SET DATES” in regard to the there is a separation of soul and body. Spiritual death coming of Christ. That is a lesson some more “prophets” would necessitate the separation of the soul from God. need to learn! Even some of the split off groups from We read in Revelation 20:6, “Blessed and holy is he his former work. One leader of one of the groups wrote: that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the sec- “Mr. Armstrong’s writings are the foundation of all that ond death hath no power.” This verse has no reference we believe. We teach his message to our people quite at all to physical death and resurrection. In verse five diligently.” A work not built on the Rock, Christ Jesus, we read, “But the rest of the dead lived not again until is a work built on sinking sand, and it will fall. What the thousand years were finished. This is the first res- we all need to do is to make sure we obey the teachings urrection.” of Christ and are ready to meet Him in peace when we The second death would be the eternal separation leave this world. _ from God. The first death then would mean that the soul is separated from God while the body is still alive, and spiritual life is still possible. OUT OF BOX 88 Reading from the gospel of John, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall Dear Uncle Alvin, not come into condemnation; but is passed from death Greetings in the precious name of Jesus. I’m unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is com- so thankful for your letter which I received and ing, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of TheWay of Truthmagazines (January- June 2006) the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. Marvel as well. I’m so glad and very, very happy and so not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that excited to read them. Upon receiving, I hurriedly are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come opened and saw them one by one. How much forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection more when I began reading them! of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrec- tion of damnation” (John 5:24, 25; 28, 29). Notice the Thank God, I was so blessed and felt the close- last two verses tell us, “the hour is coming, in the which ness to Him. Even though I’m too busy with our ALL that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and work, and my eyes are tired in sewing, I give my shall come forth.” It does not say that all of the right- time in reading the articles. eous shall come forth, and a thousand and seven years —A. F., Kingdom of Tonga later the wicked shall come forth; it says “ALL.” “And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, Dear Christians, that of all that he hath given me I should lose nothing, I have been reading your magazine for some but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is time and enjoy it very much. I am sending you the will of him that hath sent me, that every one which a donation to let you know I enjoy reading The seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have ever- Way of Truth. lasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day” —V. W., Mississippi (John 6:39, 40). “Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again at the last day” (John 11:24). All Dear Saints, three of these verses speak of a literal, physical resur- Thanks for the time and effort to send out rection on the last day. How many days are there after the last day? How many resurrections will there be these messages. May God bless your efforts to after the last day? get the truth out. The Apostle Paul was endeavoring to comfort those May God also bless your time and effort spent Thessalonian brethren who were concerned about just in prayer for lost souls. when those who had gone on to be with Lord would be —H. D., Tennessee resurrected. “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye Page 12 The Way of Truth sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if were opened: and another book was opened, which is we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those also which sleep [die] in Jesus will God bring with him. things which were written in the books, according to For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that their works” (Revelation 20:11, 12). “But the heavens we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the and the earth, which are now, by the same word are Lord shall not prevent [precede] them which are asleep kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judg- [dead]. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven ment and perdition of ungodly men. ... But the day of with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord also and the works that are therein shall be burned up” in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Where- (II Peter 3:7, 10). fore comfort one another with these words” (I Thessa- What we have learned from the scriptures are—the lonians 4:13-18). first resurrection takes place when we are saved; the In II Thessalonians, Paul deals with this same second resurrection will take place at “the last day” thought but is placing “them that know not God” in the when all that are in the graves shall come forth, be same, one and only, literal resurrection of the right- changed, and will be “judged according to their works.” eous. “And to you who are troubled rest with us, when According to Revelation 20:12, the judgment shall take the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his place after the earth has “fled away.” mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on “And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. He that of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him and from the glory of his power; When he shall come be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is them that believe (because our testimony among you with me, to give every man according as his works shall was believed) in that day” (II Thessalonians 1:7-10). be” (Revelation 22:10-12). “... Even so, come, Lord Jesus” In I Corinthians 15:51, 52, Paul speaks of the last (Revelation 22:20). _ trump in connection with raising of the dead in Christ. “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, CHURCH OF GOD but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twin- SUNDAY SCHOOL LITERATURE kling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and For many years, The Way of Truth publishing work we shall be changed.” Are we to believe that another has provided Church of God Sunday school literature trumpet shall sound after the last trumpet? for many congregations. If you would like a sample of “When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and Bible-based literature and a price list, please request it. all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the We have a five-year series of les- throne of his glory: And before Him shall be gathered sons. Each quarter we print Adult and all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, Young People’s Quarterlies, Inter- as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And mediate Quarterlies, Junior Quarter- lies, Primary Children’s leaflets with he shall set the sheep on the right hand, but the goats corresponding Teacher Quarterlies, on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his and Nursery-Beginner Children’s right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the leaflets with corresponding Teacher kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the Quarterlies. world. ... Then shall he say unto them on the left hand, The 2nd quarter of 2007 begins Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, pre- April 8 and is entitled, “A Partial His- pared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:31-34, tory of the Church.” Lessons include: 41). Notice Jesus’ pronouncement to the cursed imme- L#1—Israel, Old Testament People of God diately followed His pronouncement to the blessed with no intervening one thousand years. L#2—Spiritual Israel Jesus’ second coming with the ensuing resurrection L#3—The Divine Church and judgment will not be in secret. “Behold, he cometh L#4—The Divine Executive of the Church with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also L#5—The One Faith which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall L#6—The Early Church in Action wail because of him. Even so, Amen” (Revelation 1:7). L#7—The Falling Away “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with L#8—The Dark Ages a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the L#9—The Age of Sect-Making trump of God: ...” (I Thessalonians 4:16). L#10—The Evening Light The judgment will not take place here on the earth. L#11—False Shepherds, Old Testament “And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on L#12—False Shepherds, New Testament it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away; L#13—God’s Ministers and there was no place found for them. And I saw the Order now and begin using this Bible-based literature! dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books March, 2007 Page 13 or “by our head,” or “by Jerusalem,” that we tell the whole truth. Some for conscience sake affirm rather The than to swear, but in reality there is no difference. The words yes, yes and no, no, as used in the above text help to convince us that the swearing spoken of here Question does not have reference to taking an oath in court. But when we are asked for the truth we say, “Yes, it is this Box or that; or no, it is not.” We do not try to strengthen the veracity of it by saying, “By my head this is so, or, By Answered by the Editor my head that is so.” (H. C. W., 4/6/1899). QUESTION: Explain the following scriptures—Acts 9:7; 22:9.—W. H. Questions taken out of “Gospel Trumpet”—1899 ANSWER: It would seem by reading these two verses that there is a contradiction, but there is no contradic- UESTION: 1. What do you think about holiness tion in the Word of God when it is properly rendered. papers which advertise all kinds patent medi- In the 9th chapter and 7th verse they simply heard the QQ cines, railroads, and pleasure resorts, etc? voice, that is the sound, but did not discern what was 2. Can a true Christian favor and attend said; and when Paul in referring to this in the 22nd Christmas trees, festivals and exhibitions without spir- chapter and the 9th verse said, “But they heard not the itual injury and without incurring the displeasure of voice of him that spake to me,” he did not intend to con- God?—G. I. B. vey the idea that they heard no sound, but that the voice was not distinct to them so they could hear what ANSWER: 1. I do not believe they are true holiness was said. (H. C. W., 4/6/1899). papers. God’s papers can be published without the acqui- sition of means by the advertisement of any kind of QUESTION: Please harmonize Ecclesiastes 1:4 and worldliness. II Peter 3:10—R. C. W. 2. No. Such worldliness tends only to the destruc- ANSWER: Ecclesiastes 1:4 signifies that the earth tion of the spiritual life of the soul, and Christians can will continue to exist though generation after genera- not indulge in them without incurring the displeasure tion shall pass away, and does not have reference to of the Lord. And I would advise you, Dear Brother, to eternity, but only to the full time for which it is intended. forsake all those worldly carousels, for they are not the In many places in the Old Testament “forever” is used churches of God. The Bible commands to, “come out for the duration of the time it is intended to cover, and from them and be ye separate” (II Corinthians 6:17). not for eternity. For instance, see Leviticus 25:30-46; Again it says, “Come out of her my people” (Revelation Deuteronomy 15:17; and many other places might be 18:4). (W. G. S., 1/26/1899). referred to. Now II Peter 3:10 signifies the dissolution QUESTION: Can a saint reach the point where God of the earth, that it will be truly destroyed by fire which can keep him from making a mistake, or can God keep corresponds with other scriptures. See Psalm 102:25, a person perfect in this life? 26; Isaiah 24:19, 20 and 51:6. (H. C. W., 4/6/1899). ANSWER: Jesus said in Matthew 5:48, “Be ye there- QUESTION: If baptism does not save, please explain fore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is I Peter 3:21; also, John 3:5.—R. S. perfect.” In another place, the Word says that as He is, so are we in this present world, and again, if we say ANSWER: I Peter 3:21 reads as follows: “The like we abide in Him, we should walk even as He walked. figure whereunto baptism doth also now save us (not By this is meant concerning the committing of sin, that the putting away of the filth , but the answer we must be absolutely without sin in this life; as the of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection Word says, he that committeth sin is of the devil, and of Jesus Christ.” Peter here is showing that Noah and he that is born of God doth not commit sin. See I John his family were saved by obeying strictly the commands 3:8, 9. Yes, God can keep a person perfect in this life. of the Lord. He plainly states that baptism does not put This has no reference to the making of mistakes and away “filth of the flesh” (sin), but is a fulfilling of a com- our inabilities as to judgment, incompetency, etc. We mand of God. The ark spoken of in the preceding verse may make mistakes and there is no sin whatever about is a type of Christ, and as the people got into the ark it. When the Word of God speaks of Christians’ perfec- before the waters fell, so we must be in Christ the spir- tion, it has reference to a life free from sin, and does itual ark, saved from sin, before we are baptized, which not refer to mistakes and such like. (E. E. B., 2/9/1899). is the answer of a good conscience. And, we are saved by obeying God’s commands. QUESTION Explain Matthew 5:34-36; James 5:12. John 3:5 reads, “Except a man be born of water and —A. P. of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” ANSWER We do not understand this to convey the There are but two agents used in spiritual birth; named, idea that we are not to take an oath before a court as water and Spirit. Water is used here in a metaphorical the term oath is used today. When we swear before the sense because it signifies a cleansing element. Read court, we make a solemn affirmation to tell the whole Romans 1:16; James 1:18; I Peter 1:22, 23; I Corinthi- truth and nothing but the truth. We do not say “by God,” ans 4:15. You will see the Word of God is an agent used Page 14 The Way of Truth in spiritual birth, and by reading Ephesians 5:25-27, best to make it watertight so that it will stay afloat. I you will see the word is called water, and as there are teased Mother some. I told her if she did not soon get but two agents used in spiritual birth, we really deter- finished, the baby would outgrow this one, and she mined that this is what Christ had reference to. How- would have to start all over again. ever, we cannot reject this command to be baptized, and At last it was done. We had a tearful good-bye. We remain justified. We are saved by obedience. (J. E. C., each took turns hugging and kissing him. I asked mother, 4/6/1899). _ “Do you think we will ever see the baby again?” “Hush, child,” she said, “I have always felt this baby was spe- cial, and I feel that God gave me this plan for his pro- THE CHILDREN’’S CORNER tection. God will be watching over him. Whether or not I will ever see him again, I do not know, but I have put my trust in our God to take care of him. I do not know “GOD GO WITH YOU, MY SON” what lies ahead of him in his life, but remember, if you A Bible Story by Sis. Wanda Craig trust and put your faith in God, He will always take care of your life. So, He will take care of this small baby. ELLO, my name is Miriam. I am standing here I am confident of that.” along the Nile River close to the water’s edge, Mother nursed the baby. She put him to sleep and HH hidden from view, watching to see where tucked him in securely. We each gave him one last kiss. Pharaoh’s daughter comes to bathe. Why am I here? I Mother then fastened the covering on and we began will tell you a secret, but first you must promise me our journey to the water’s edge. The ark was dark inside, you will not tell anyone what I am going to tell you. and she felt sure he would stay asleep with the gentle Promise? motion of the water rocking the ark. “Come Child, let Mother has a new baby, a little boy. Pharaoh has us put him in amongst the bulrushes.” Mother’s last just made a decree that all Hebrew male babies at birth words to the baby before she turned to go back home must be thrown into the river and drowned. I also have were, “God bless you, and protect you, my son.” She a little brother three years old named Aaron. No, I do then turned to me saying, “Remember to stay here out not think the decree will affect him. The king has said of sight and do as I told you when you see Pharaoh’s only the newborn male babies. Mother says this baby daughter come to bathe.” is a goodly baby. She has kept him hidden for three “Watch closely now, Miriam; stay alert and do not months. Many times I see Mother’s lips moving as she let your mind wander.” So here I stand, hidden from nurses him. I guess she was praying to her God, so I view. Listen, do you hear the laughter of Pharaoh’s knew better than to disturb her. She told me that she daughter and her maidens as they come along the path? had been asking God for guidance as to what to do with My heart just pounds. It is so loud, I thought surely the baby. He is getting so big and he cries so loudly. She they must hear it. is afraid he will be discovered and killed. While Pharaoh’s daughter bathes herself, the two Tonight before we laid down on our bed, Mother told maidens leave her and walk along the river bank. One me the Lord God had given her a plan. It is a bold, dan- of them sees the ark floating there, “Mistress, Mistress,” gerous plan, but she has assured herself that since the she calls out, “there is a basket ark floating on the river.” Lord God had given her the plan, then He will see that “Bring it here,” she answers back. The maidens waded it works. out into the river. Grasping the ark, they pull it to the Mother’s whole demeanor has changed. She sings bank and then carry it to their mistress. “Open it,” she now and she is so happy as she works. She said that a said. Much to their surprise there was a beautiful lit- great burden has been lifted from her heart. Tomorrow tle baby in it, and being disturbed, it awakened and I am to go to the river’s edge and cut all the bulrush I started to cry. The mistress had compassion on it and can carry and bring it home to her. Do you know what said, “Is this not one of the Hebrew babies?” bulrush is? Let me tell you. They are really called About this time I appeared as it were out of no papyrus. They are tall, slender reed like plants. They where, asking the mistress if she wanted me to go and grow abundantly along the banks of the Nile River. call a nurse of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby They can be woven into baskets when they are green. for her. Of course I went as fast as I could for my own They would be perfect for the basket ark that Mother mother. Mother heard me before she saw me. “Mother, expects to weave for the baby. I had to go several times Mother, come quickly, the mistress wants a nurse for because it took a lot of them. The tops of the bulrush the baby,” I called out. Together we hurried back to the were too thin, and Mother did not think she should use mistress who said, “I will give thee wages, if you will them. The baby is getting so big and she was afraid nurse this baby for me.” they would not be strong enough to support the baby. So mother took her own baby back to their home It was slow work. It took us two weeks to do. We thanking God all the way for such an unexpected, won- had to weave it as close and tight as possible. We filled derful answer to their prayer. Never had she expected in the cracks of the weaving with slime, and it had to an answer like this. dry. We carried the pitch a good distance. Several coats Many, many times as she nursed the baby, she were put on, inside and outside, and each coat had to thanked God over and over again for this answer to dry thoroughly. their prayers. Never had she expected God to answer Mother was very particular with her work. She said her prayer this way. Her heart just swelled with love if God was doing His best, then I too, must do my very and praise to her God for this answer. “God is so good March, 2007 Page 15 to me, and please, Dear Lord God, make this baby a who was given an unusual amount of wisdom and knowl- blessing wherever he goes and whatever he does with edge of the things of this world. He was a self-sufficient his life.” This was her constant prayer. man, well on his way to a place of greatness, as men When the little boy reached the proper age, Mother count greatness, but we read in the ninth chapter of took him to Pharaoh’s court where he became Pharaoh’s Acts, something happened to this man to cause him to daughter’s son, and she named him Moses. Here, he change his mind about what true knowledge and wis- had all the advantages of the king’s palace; the best of dom were. Here we see how God convicted him of his everything—food, clothing and knowledge until he was own way, and revealed to him a much better way. forty years of age. We find in his writings (I Corinthians 2:4, 5), “And Mother had done her best with daily prayers for my speech and my preaching was not with enticing God’s help of instilling all the knowledge and love for words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the God’s truth, laws and customs, that would be a help to Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand Moses as he grew up in the king’s palace. Moses proved in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” Here to be a true steadfast warrior for His God. _ was a man who had learned so much, and had the abil- ity to use enticing words of man’s wisdom, but he knew the thing needed was more than just great swelling words, more than someone getting up and trying to MAN’S WISDOM impress others with man’s wisdom. For in that day, as well as this, the need of the human family was to stand in the wisdom and power of God. By Bro. Ollen Craig There is really nothing wrong with learning and research to discover many of the secrets of earth if it be with proper motives in mind. But where men are SUPPOSE there has never been a time on this making their big mistake is that the more they learn, earth that more of man’s wisdom is being revealed the more they leave God out of everything. Read I Cor- II than there is today. When I speak of man’s wis- inthians 1:17-31. It would seem to me that as men dis- dom, I refer to his knowledge of the material things of cover the many wonderful things of this earth, they this world. It is my personal opinion that man is not would stand back in awe and amazement at what they very wise in many of the things he is doing, but he has have found, and be quick to acknowledge that the heav- through much study and research, gained a lot of under- ens and the earth did not just happen to appear once standing. It is evident all around us, for look at our upon a time, all working in such perfect order. Men accomplishments—we have gone to the moon and back, know that even now to get a machine to work, there we have split the atom, we have built great ships that has to be a source of power. A car, for example, does not sail our seas and giant skyscrapers that withstand the just happen to run. Neither did the earth just happen winds and storm. The list seems to be endless, and all to appear. Back of it all is the almighty God, and all of these things are a testimony of the wisdom and knowl- man’s wisdom and reasoning will never make it any edge of man. I, personally, marvel at these things, and other way. The Word of God teaches us that God cre- do appreciate the wonderful advantages many of these ated the heavens and the earth. That’s good enough for things have brought to the human family. me; I believe it to be true. Does anyone have a better But, I wonder if most of the people of the world are answer? not forgetting where this wisdom comes from. Oh, yes, But, we find that man’s wisdom or his reasoning some would say, “I went to school to learn it” or “I worked does not stop with material things. For as we look into hard to get what I have” or “I studied years to gain this the teachings of the religious world today, we must knowledge.” True, we can learn from study, but where reach the conclusion that man has substituted his own did wisdom originate? Where did knowledge begin? Is ideas for the Word of God. There are many religions man the creator of all these things? Did man put the which deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and coal in the earth? Did he hang the stars in their places? that He was sent to be our Savior. But to me, even worse Can he determine the color of his hair, the color of his than that, many do not acknowledge Christ as Savior eyes, the height of his body, or whether he is going to in our so-called Christian religions, and deny His power be a boy or girl? Can we throw a ball in the air, tell it to save and keep us from all sin. Men want to live on to stay there, and cause it to obey? in their own sin, so they concoct a teaching or doctrine Dear Friends, there is ONE who gives to man wis- that says it is impossible to live without sin in this dom and understanding, who is full of power and knowl- world. They will search for scripture which they believe edge, and man in his earthly wisdom is so foolish and uphold their ideas and teach it for truth. Again, we see vain in his puffed up opinion of himself if he fails to the wisdom and learning of men. It would seem that recognize the true source of all wisdom, knowledge and some men today think they know more of what God power. I speak, of course, of none other than the great means in His Word than God Himself knows. almighty God, Creator and Owner of all the worlds, The Bible clearly teaches that there is a hell for the known and unknown, that exist anywhere. ungodly of this world who refuse to repent and turn There was a man who lived over 1900 years ago— from their sin, but man would tell us God is so full of Saul of Tarsus—who was a very learned man. It is said love He would not send anyone to hell. Dear Ones, that of him that after his teacher taught him all he knew, is man’s wisdom. God’s wisdom teaches us to accept the Saul turned and taught the teacher. Here was a man Word of God as final and not try to make it mean some- Page 16 The Way of Truth thing it doesn’t. It seems to me that if man was really so wise in his own ways, we would have a much differ- For Poetry Lovers ent world in which to live. But, look at the awful mess the world is in today. Sin and evil are the order of the THE SONGBIRDS day. When has there been such disregard for law, for By Gracie B. Allen, VA moral values, for human life, for the marriage vows, and for the Word of God? The spirit of the day says, “Do God gave a song in the night, your own thing, be your own guide, map out your own To sing at break of day; path, follow your own desires, do as your own wisdom To tune the heart and lift us up, dictates, and then you will be happy.” But, are people So we can sweetly pray. really happy? Here in our own country, there has never been a A song He gave to every bird, time when people had more things and more worldly So they can sweetly sing; wisdom than now, but I have never heard of a time I love to open up the door when there was so much unrest, discontent and unhap- And hear them in the spring. piness as there is today. They tell us that suicide among our young people is reaching an alarming rate world- The robin sings a merry chirp, wide. They say a thousand people are committing sui- The sparrow sings a tweet; cide every day, while 10,000 make an attempt at sui- The mockingbird just mocks them all, cide. The divorce rate has reached an all-time high, and The chickadee just peeps. illegitimate births are soaring, in spite of all the worldly wisdom that is being taught our young people, bring- The whippoorwill sings a love call ing precious children into this world with no place to To those who are in love; receive proper care from their father and mother. Yet Sweet music floating in the air, we want to point to our beautiful schools, colleges and With calling of the dove. universities where people are learning so much. But, what good is learning if we do not learn to live right? We’re blessed with such a splendid choir, What have we gained in all this knowledge if we lose Just hear the echo ringing; our soul? What is our knowledge if we have not learned From all the birds that God has made, to do unto others as we would have them to do unto us? Enjoy the lovely singing. We have failed completely in our learning if we have failed to see the wisdom of serving God by adhering to BLOOM WHERE HE PLACES YOU His Word. But, man’s wisdom would make light of the person who considers his ways and takes heed to the As you are planted in Life’s Garden, Word of God. So be it, but the wisest man that ever By the Gardener Divine; lived said long ago, “Let us hear the conclusion of the Be content with your location, whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: Do your very best to shine. for this is the whole duty of man.” Anyone who fails to learn this has failed to learn the most important thing Gladly blossom for the Master, in this world. It would be far better to be unlearned in Fill your place and fill it well; the things of this world and know God than to have all Brighten weary souls about you wisdom that the world offers, and not have the knowl- With your life His love to tell. edge of God and His great forgiving love. Have you been wise? Have you turned your life over Envy not the lot of others, to God so He can guide you through this world? I hope Though they be so much adored; that if you have not, you will very soon, so that you too Just remember who’s your Master will some day join that holy band around the throne of And keep blooming for your Lord. God who were truly wise and served God in this world. God bless you all is my prayer. _ Though your lot be in obscurity, —Reprinted from April, 1979 issue And some others out in view; Do not let the fact discourage— VISIT OUR WEBSITE! Blossom on with rosy hue. Just remember that the Gardener Log in and browse our web- Knows just why He placed you thus; site and let us know what you These are favorable conditions think. The current issue of The For your proper growth and trust. Way of Truth is available. Impor- tant information will be found This is why your color’s needed, there. Also, singing and messages So be faithful, O, be true! may be downloaded. You’ll just And keep shining for the Master— have to take a look and see! Blooming where He places you. www.wayoftruth.org —Selected

March, 2007 Page 17 Isaiah to use the attributes of eagles in Isaiah 40:31 to ISAIAHISAIAH 40:3140:31 impart some didactic lessons to the people of God. LESSONS BELIEVERS CAN LEARN FROM By S. O. Alade, Nigeria THE EAGLES’ CHARACTERISTICS “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew (a) Endurance—Hebrews 10:36 stresses the need their strength; they shall mount up with wings for endurance in order to obtain the promises of God. as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and Believers in almighty God have to learn to wait patiently they shall walk, and not faint.” for the best time, which is God’s time. We can take for an example the apostles of Jesus Christ, who endured “They shall mount up with wings as eagles.” and tarried in Jerusalem as directed in Luke 24:49, for HAT LESSONS can believers in Jesus Christ the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Eventually, the Spirit learn from the eagles’ characteristics? of God descended at the appointed time of God. See Acts WW The prophet Isaiah in this scripture made 2:1-4. “The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, use of a powerful simile in comparing the revitalized to the soul that seeketh him (Lamentations 3:25). and renewed strength of a believer who waits on the (b) Put God first in the scheme of things of your Lord with that of an eagle. activities—The eagle will not make an effort to gain THE EAGLE altitude until the mid-day sunshine. This means that it has programmed its activities in line with the time The eagle is among the largest and most powerful God had decreed. In order to succeed in life, we must birds in the entire world. Among its characteristics and acknowledge God in all our ways. “Trust in the LORD attributes are: with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own under- (a) bold and calm standing. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall (b) very strong direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5, 6). (c) possesses sense of accuracy (c) Serving God without looking back or devel- (d) efficient and effective oping a backsliding spirit—Whatever the situation, (e) tender believers must continuously hold on to God. No matter (f) courageous the weather conditions, the eagle stays put in its envi- (h) a very fierce hunter ronment. They are not easily discouraged, hence the (i) an indefatigable attacker with a perfect flying people of God, at all times, should serve God even when methodology there is adverse temptation. “Then saith Jesus unto (j) possesses a brilliant eyesight that can be used to him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt survey a five-mile area with great accuracy worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou (k) determined without attempt to bow to pressure serve” (Matthew 4:10). “For ye have need of patience, and not discouraged at all that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive (l) contented and seldom migrates whatever condi- the promise” (Hebrews 10:36). tions of weather (d) Believing that all power belongs to Jeho- (m) always happy and dwells alone against the oth- vah God—He endows all believers with power to remain ers calm and as a conqueror. Be bold, strong and coura- (n) very patient geous to fight the devil who daily moves to and fro seek- ing whom to devour. Believers should not fear at all, DAY-TO-DAY ACTIVITIES OF EAGLES but put on the whole armor of God. “Put on the whole In the early morning in a desert, when other birds armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against available are trying to gain altitude, the eagle tarries the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11). Believers should patiently until noon when sunshine would have remain faithful to Jehovah God, not fear any agents of increased the temperature to raise the heat current. the devil, worship God diligently, endure and be patient. By the time the ground temperature is raised to make “For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the heat current rise, at such time as if it is waiting for the will of God, ye might receive the promise” (Hebrews its turn, or as if it is on a queue, the bird then leaps 10:36). Believers must learn to wait patiently. During into the air. At this time, there will be enough wind to any cool desert morning other birds will be making provide the needed lifting power to enable the eagle to untiring effort to gain altitude, whereas eagles exer- go up higher and to stay longer than any other bird. It cise patience until mid-morning, by which the sun in now uses the force of the storm to its own advantage, the desert would have heated the temperature ade- thereby tapping the power that could have destroyed quately that will make the heat current rise. It is at it to increase its speed. Eventually, all other birds will this appropriate time the eagle will leap into the air be tired after exhausting their energies as a result of without any difficulties. their constant flapping and effort to stay in the air, Jehovah God wants His people to patiently wait whereas, the eagle will be maneuvering and gliding upon His appointed time. He time is always best. “But about without making the unnecessary effort to land. they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; Its calmness now becomes a help rather than a hin- they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall drance. run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not II Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is given by inspi- faint.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To every thing there is a ration of God.” In other words, Jehovah God inspired season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Page 18 The Way of Truth Conclusively, as a believer of the divine Master, well be an indication that He is calling you; if He has Jesus Christ, living in a rush is an aberration. It is burdened you with a particular aspect of the great need, much more of a hindrance than a blessing. See Psalm it may be an indication that He wants you to help meet 46:10; 23:2, 3; Isaiah 30:15; Mark 6:31; Matthew 11:28- it. 30. In quietness, confidence and boldness, wait upon The Gifts of the Holy Spirit the Lord. He shall renew your strength. _ Our Lord does not call anyone into the ministry without giving them certain gifts that will equip them to fulfill the task. The awareness of possessing the spir- itual gifts needed for the ministry, along with the desire WHAT CONSTITUTES A to exercise those gifts in the life and practice of the con- text of the church, would be a second element in sens- CALL TO THE ing the call from God. This must be a sober realization of spiritual gifts and not just an enthusiastic exalta- MINISTRY? tion of natural gifts. God also uses our natural gifts, like good health, intellectual and rhetorical abilities, By Obrad Nikolic, Serbia as He has already endowed us with them and expects us to be good stewards of them. To those He calls to LL CHRISTIANS have received a call from God spiritual leadership however, God always gives specific to salvation and to service. This call to service spiritual gifts that will help in building up the king- AA is worked out in the context of their time, money, dom of God. energy and life. Yet, not all of Christ’s followers are called to the specific ministry of preaching, teaching Authority of the Church and administration in the church. The call to the min- Since all gospel ministry is church ministry, the istry is a separate call, distinctive in authority, func- Church cannot and should not be avoided in the process tion and gifts. of determining the existence of God’s call. If a person While the call of God to Christian ministry is always is called to be a missionary, for example, the call must subject to God’s sovereign will, there are some common be recognized and supported by the church. If a person elements to God’s call that can be easily identified and is called to be an elder or a deacon, the church again recognized. God’s call to Christian ministry is never is there to appoint them and the church will do it only something that originates in the person called. The call if the church recognizes the possession of the divine call of God is always something that the one being called in the candidate, as seen by the evidence of the mani- must respond to, never something that can be initiated festation and the exercise of the necessary gifts. by us. Hence, a call is not our decision, desire or some The Confirmation of the Call kind of mystical feeling. It is, rather, a response to the Besides the church that is first to confirm (or deny) expression to God’s clear and divine will. This applies the call to the ministry, there are always other factors to all leadership situations in the life of the church, be that also serve this purpose. For example, this might it the office of elder, deacon, pastor, teacher, evangel- be a clear act of God’s arranging of circumstances, remov- ist, or any other leadership role. A true godly leader, or ing of obstacles, acceptance for service, finding of a sup- minister, is a Christian who has become aware of God’s port, or indication of a particular form and place of serv- call and has responded to that call. ice. See Acts 16:7. It is certain the true call will stand A call to the ministry usually consists of four parts. every test and be all the stronger for it. Though God deals with every individual uniquely, each In the end, the presence of a special peace to one’s of the following elements is present in every call to the inner being after a prayer for God’s confirmation of the ministry. call, or after making a decision before Him to accept The Burden for God’s Work the call, may be a final confirmation that is deep, inward, God’s work is the salvation of souls. This involves and sure, of God having given a witness or a testimony proclamation of the gospel—evangelism which adds to of the Holy Spirit to confirm the giving of His call to the church, and nourishment of the church. This includes, the ministry. _ but is not limited to preaching, teaching, administer- Notes: Graham Chessman, Mission Today (Qua ing the ordinances, exercising church discipline, plan- Iboe Fellowship, Belfast, 1989) p.113 ning for evangelism, and organizing works of charity. When God calls someone to the ministry, He lays a great burden on his heart for His work. One who is 2006 BOUND VOLUMES called will start to feel very strongly about the destiny NOW READY! of the lost in the world, the state of their local church’s lack of spirituality, discipline, or missionary activity. Each year we bind together the twelve issues Or, they will develop a passion for continuing existing of The Way of Truth to form an annual bound vol- ministry and helping to further its progress and devel- ume. The 2006 copy is now ready. The price is opment. The one experiencing God’s call on his life will sense the divine call to take on an aspect of the church’s $4.00 each. Presently, the copies we have avail- service, and joyfully do whatever is needed for the ben- able are from the years 1992, 1993 and 1996 efit of God’s kingdom. The need itself is not the call, through 2005. Order yours today! but if the Lord has burdened you with the need, it may March, 2007 Page 19 WHAT IS A FRIEND? RADIO LOG Suffering comes to all of us, and no one can suffer for The Way of Truth Broadcast us. Even so, we can be supported in those difficult times by the prayers and understanding of loved ones and friends. Alvin A. Craig, Radio Minister It’s when we are too proud to admit our need to others that All programs aired on Sundays unless otherwise noted we are in the greatest danger. The Sequoia trees of California tower as much as 300 Arkansas, No. Little Rock, KMTL 760, 10:30 A.M. feet above the ground. Strangely, these giants have unusu- 10,000 Watts—Heard in part of AR, MO, TN, MS and LA ally shallow root systems that reach out in all directions to Kentucky, Lancaster, WKYY 1280, 7:00 A.M. Sat. capture the greatest amount of surface moisture. Seldom 1,000 Watts—Heard in part of KY will you see a redwood standing alone because high winds Kentucky, Prestonsburg, WDOC 1310, 7:30 A.M. would quickly uproot it. That’s why they grow in clusters. 5,000 Watts—Heard in part of KY, WV and VA Their intertwining roots provide support for one another Illinois, Carmi, WROY 1460, 9:00 A.M. against the storms. 1,000 Watts—Heard in part of IL and IN Support is what Jesus wanted from Peter, James and John in Gethsemane as He faced Calvary. On the cross as Louisiana, Ball, KWDF 840, 9:00 A.M. the world’s sin-bearer, He would experience His Father’s 10,000 Watts—Heard in part of TX, AR, MS and LA wrath and abandonment. That was the awful cup He prayed Maryland, Denton, WKDI 840, 2:00 P.M. Sat. would be taken from Him. In that dark hour, He looked to Heard in part of MD, DE, NJ and VA His disciples for prayerful alertness and compassion. But oh, how they disappointed Him! Somehow the sight of His North Carolina, Mooresville, WHIP 1350, 7:00 A.M. Sat. sleeping disciples must have made the isolation of Geth- 1,000 Watts—Heard in part of NC semane that much more painful. Oklahoma, Marlow, KFXI-FM 92.1, 7:00 A.M. If Jesus looked to human support in His crisis hour, 100,000 Watts—Heard in part of OK and TX how much more do Christians need one another when they Pennsylvania, Altoona, WFBG 1290, 9:00 A.M. suffer! Let’s be willing to ask someone to pray for us and 5,000 Watts—Heard in part of PA and MD with us. And let’s be alert for opportunities to lend our sup- Pennsylvania, Martinsburg, WJSM 1110, 11:03 A.M. port to others who are suffering.—Bible Illustrator 1,000 Watts—Heard in part of PA Pennsylvania, Martinsburg, WJSM-FM 92.7, A LETTER FROM A FRIEND 11:03 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. 1460 Watts—Heard in part of PA I had to write to tell you how much I love you and care for you. Yesterday, I saw you walking and laughing with Virginia, Blacksburg, WKNV 890, 8:00 A.M. your friends; I hoped that soon you’d want Me to walk along 10,000 Watts—Heard in part of VA, WV and NC with you, too. So, I painted you a sunset to close your day Virginia, Norfolk, WYRM 1110, 11:30 A.M. and whispered a cool breeze to refresh you. I waited—you 50,000 Watts—Heard in part of VA and NC never called—I just kept on loving you. Virginia, Smithfield, WKGM 940, 6:30 A.M. As I watched you fall asleep last night, I wanted to touch 10,000 Watts—Heard in part of VA and NC you. I spilled moonlight on to your face—trickling down your cheeks as so many tears have. You didn’t even think of West Virginia, Summersville, WCWV 92.9, 8:30 A.M. Me; I wanted so much to comfort you. 50,000 Watts—Heard in part of VA and WV The next day I exploded a brilliant sunrise into glorious INTERNATIONAL morning for you. But you woke up late and rushed off to work—you didn’t even notice. My sky became cloudy and JAMAICA, MELLO, FM96 Sunday, 7:00 A.M. My tears were the rain. PHILIPPINES, Baguio City, DZBS, 1368 AM I love you, oh, if you’d only listen. I really love you. I try Thursday & Saturday, 6:00 P.M. to say it in the quiet of the green meadow and in the blue sky. The wind whispers My love throughout the treetops SHORTWAVE and spills it into the vibrant colors of all the flowers. I shout WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee it to you in the thunder of the great waterfalls and com- 5.070 on SW band pose love songs for birds to sing for you. I warm you with the clothing of My sunshine and perfume the air with Sunday, 7:30 A.M. Eastern Time—12:30 G.M.T. nature’s sweet scent. My love for you is deeper than any Check out www.wwcr.com at the right time ocean and greater than any need in your heart. If you’d only realize how I care. (WWCR 3) My Father sends His love. I want you to meet Him—He and listen in! cares, too. Fathers are just that way. So, please; call on Me soon. No matter how long it takes, I’ll wait—because WINB, Red Lion, Pennsylvania I love you. 9.320 on SW band Your Friend, Friday, 9:30 P.M. Eastern Time Jesus —Bible Illustrator Saturday, 9:30 P.M. Eastern Time Page 20 The Way of Truth THE BIBLE STANDARD BROADCAST Literature Available Church of God (Universal) James Arch, Pastor Radio Cayman 1:30 P.M. Sun. Grand Cayman Cut out this order blank: Qty. Each Total Messages From Revelation . . . . X $4.00 . . . . . *Listen to The Bible Standard Broadcast from By Alvin A. Craig; 312 pages anywhere in the world via the internet. Go to Messages From Daniel . . . . X $3.00 . . . . . www.radiocayman.gov.ky and then click on By Alvin A. Craig; 128 pages Listen live 89.9. (Since it airs live you have to log on at the appropriate time.) Look Into Sermon on the Mount . . . . X $2.00 . . . . . By Gregory E. Tyler; 136 pages Look Into the Parables of Jesus . . . . X $2.00 . . . . . Listen to The Way of Truth Broadcast at any By Gregory E. Tyler; 104 pages time on the world-wide web at The Sabbath and the Lord’s Day . . . . X $2.00 . . . . . www.wayoftruth.org By H. M. 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Matthews; 40 pages First, may I tell you that I am one of your ardent Sunday School Literature Sample . . . X FREE . . . . listeners via your inspiring and soul-lifting program With price list aired on WINB shortwave. You may not be able to actually comprehend what a mighty work the Lord The Battle of Armageddon & is using you to do via the broadcast. It really helps the Truth About the “Rapture” . . . X FREE . . . . us in our ministry here. By Alvin A. Craig; 32 pages I must not fail to commend you for your exposi- Where We Stand . . . X FREE . . . . tory teachings and the manner you expose the Bible teachings. May God continue to uphold and By Alvin A. Craig; 80 pages strengthen you. Bound Volumes of The Way of Truth —Sis. Mercy Ebele, Nigeria (Circle the years) . . . . X $4.00 . . . . . 1996, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Subtotal: ...... 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THE CHURCH OF GOD COMING MEETINGS STANDS FOR An eternal God Psalm 90:2 A divine Christ John 1:1, 14 An infallibly inspired Bible II Timothy 3:16 HONDURAS CONVENTION II Peter 1:21 Coxen Hole, Roatan Salvation from sin Matthew 1:21 I John 3:8, 9 April 10-15, 2007, Lord willing The new birth John 3:1-7 Entire Sanctification Ephesians 5:25, 26 Sis. Lurella Gordon, Host Pastor I Thessalonians 5:23 A holy life Titus 2:11, 12  Hebrews 12:10-14 Unity of God’s people John 17:21 INTERNATIONAL CHURCH OF GOD I Corinthians 12:13 Divine Healing James 5:14, 15 CONVENTION The ordinances Matthew 28:19, 20 Eternal life Matthew 25:46 HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND U.S.A. Mark 10:29, 30 July 3-8, 2007, Lord willing John 3:15; 6:54; 10:28 Eternal punishment Mark 9:43-46 Bro. Alvin A. Craig, Host Pastor Revelation 20:15  A road through the mountains Revival Services near Baguio City, Philippines Church of God, Deville, Louisiana March 25-28, 2007, Lord willing Bro. Gregory E. Tyler, Evangelist Bro. Terry Deville, Pastor  Church of God, Jonesville, Louisiana March 29-April 1, 2007, Lord willing Bro. Gregory E. Tyler, Evangelist Photo by Bro. M. H. Trisler, Jr., Pastor G. E. Tyler