S E R I E S W A C A R S U I A S Y E Series Cruises S 4 Wednesday 14 July - Saturday 17 July 2021 3 CRUISE DATE: Yasawa CHECK IN: 9.30am to 10.30am at Blue Lagoon Cruises counter at Port Denarau Island DEPART PORT DENARAU: Wednesday at 11.00am RETURN TO PORT DENARAU: Saturday at 5.00pm

Wednesday Sawa-I-Lau Dive sites Island We depart Port Denarau at 11am, headed for Mouva Reef. Matacawa After lunch onboard, you will have the opportunity to Levu Island snorkel with reef sharks here (around 2.30pm). After that (Blue Lagoon) exhilarating experience, you can enjoy high tea as we steam towards Sunrise Beach for afternoon beach time. Tonight, we overnight at Sunrise Beach (or Yalobi Island depending on the Island weather) and will dine on a Thali (Indian) themed meal. Drawaqa Thursday Island Enjoy a morning swim and breakfast at Sunrise Beach and Waya then take in the view as we steam towards Nanuya Lailai. Island Dive After lunch, head to shore to our own private beach. Tonight, sites Yalobi Bay Sunrise KEY enjoy a Lovo dinner and meke performance from the local Beach villagers. Anchorage Mouva Reef Friday 3 Night Cruise Sacred Activity Anchorage Over breakfast we steam towards Sawa-I-Lau where you will Islands be able to experience the beauty of these caves by swimming in them with our guides. This afternoon we steam towards Drawaqa Island where we will anchor for the night and will enjoy a BBQ on the sun deck for dinner. Saturday After breakfast, guests will have the opportunity to spend some time on the beach and snorkel this spectacular area. After a slightly later lunch we will steam back to Port Denarau arriving there at 5.00pm. Malamala Beach Club

Port Denarau Nadi Activities, timings and locations are all subject to change. Guests are not permitted to bring any beverages on board.